Why Scott Adams is a cuck

Sure, he helped us install Trump, but ultimately he is a cuck. His recent blogpost criticized Pizzagate as false and a product of cognitive bias. Unless he's planning to use the persuasion tactic of pretending to disbelieve something then slowly presenting his reasons for coming around to believe it, undoing in his readers the resistance to believing it themselves in the process, then he's still pretty naive despite his assertions of his own gnosis. Here are some other problematic comments he has made.

First of all, there are many varieties of thinking. It was the liberals who placed Reason and Rationality on a high pedestal. It was the apotheosis of Reason and the disprivileging of all thinking and cultural practices that liberals excluded from the category of Reason that has led civilization to its current state of nihilism and decadence. Reason is blindly asserted to be free from emotion, intuition, bias, and 'superstition'. People who act on emotion and 'superstition' and tradition are held by liberals to be brainwashed, or crazy, or dangerous. The reality is quite the opposite.

We are each of us individuals. We are heavily influenced by society and its institutions, but we are fundamentally individuals. Our nature is to base our judgments and expectations on our own personal experiences. This is what makes us persons and gives us character, spirit. Existing while resisting the influence of your personal experiences is a hollow existence, a living death, an absence of that which unique in humans: care. But this is precisely the mentality liberals want everyone to have.

If your entire life you have known that eating peanuts causes you an allergic reaction, then when you go to take a bite of something and notice it has a peanut in it you will immediately stop yourself and get away from that peanut. This is fast thinking. You did not stop and use your inner voice to think or utter "That is peanut. I am allergic to peanuts. I better get away from that peanut," you just got away from it. But you weren't at all wrong for having not worked out the 'reason' word for word in your head, this is still thinking no matter what Scott Adams says, it is simply fast thinking. You simply knew what to do; you have memories of experiencing allergies, your senses recognized the peanut, and you knew, you already made a plan for yourself, to avoid peanuts as quickly as possible to keep yourself safe.

Liberals, however, would say you're racist against peanuts. They'd say you were irrational. They'd say, lets look at this objectively and rationally, only a very small percentage of people have peanut allergies and peanuts are only in a very small percentage of food stuff, and it is more likely that you'll be killed by lightning than a peanut so really there's nothing to be worried about.
This is obviously bullshit. But this is the 'thinking' that every dehumanized liberal puppet will employ. The education system and media have instilled in these zombies a very self-destructive value: one that directs them to negate their personal experiences when determining their behavior. When planning action, the liberal zombie doesn't look inward, instead he looks outward, to the liberal authorities and experts. They tell him the statistics, the quantities by which he shall make his judgments and chart his course. The liberal zombie and all his acquaintances may be hopelessly unemployed for years, but the liberal authorities will inform him that unemployment is very low and the economy is dong great and that he ought to vote to reelect liberal leaders even though they've done nothing to help out this zombie, the zombie must negate his personal experience to see the bigger picture, it isn't all about him. This is the mentality of the cuck who despite catching his wife in an affair still believes whatever bullshit excuses and apologies she vomits, stays with her and endures betrayal after betrayal until he comes to desire the betrayal and desires to participate in the betrayal itself, to watch as the bull fucks his wife, to even arrange the affair himself.

Other urls found in this thread:



Total control of the population is possible in this way. Require all judgments and decisions be based on 'objective data' compiled and framed by the inner party of liberal elites who have no qualms manipulating and fabricating data to induce in the population a desired response. Hence this election seasons polls. If you were an educated liberal, then you accepted the data produced by the liberal elite, you believed that Hillary was certain to win the election. But Trump loyalists who never lost faith that he would win 'irrationally' discounted the polls; they looked at the actual conditions surrounding them, the opportunities available to them, the despair and disappointment in the faces of everyone they knew; they FELT that something had changed, that the country would vote to place a Republican in the oval office to break the destructive stagnation of Democratic rule. And they were right, but the liberals will insist that they were right for the wrong reasons, as liberals themselves have a vested interest in maintaining the rule of reason, their reasons. This is why they feel justified in asserting that even though Trump won, he shouldn't have, because everyone who voted for him was brainwashed by 'fake news' or whatever, just not by the lugenpress' own fake news.

Another cuck comment:

Suppose we made this argument about war. Suppose we said everyone should just leave war decisions to the men because, "My reasoning is that men have an extra level of appreciation for the topic, more skin in the game, and they are generally better informed on this topic than women." This comment would trigger the hair dye right off so many liberals.
Again, this is the argument and mentality of the cuck who learns his wife is cheating on him but decides to accept it because his wife has agency and he doesn't want to patriarchically impose his own male sexual norms and judgments on his promiscuous wife. The problem of her infidelity is entirely a prejudice of his own mind, thinks the cuck.

Lets look closely at Adams' argument. He is implying that he thinks abortion is icky, suggesting that he values the life of children, but out of fear of being labeled a misogynist by liberal authorities he abdicates any interest in realizing those values, leaving the choice up to women. And this is very sad because while women bear the 'pain and suffering' of birthing the children, men bear the absolute horrors of war to defend those children. Everyone has skin in the game when it comes to life, and no one has exclusive rights to make life and death decisions supported by the type of genitalia they have.

Many liberals spend most their lives struggling against themselves. They've had experiences that have turned their opinions against one thing or another, but then they are convinced by liberal authorities that they must negate these opinions and purge their own experiences from having any influence over their selves, thereby negating their selves leaving an empty vessel for liberal authorities to direct what has abdicated its own self-direction. Understanding this means being red-pilled.

From my readings of Adams during the election, he seems quite nihilistic in his support of Trump. 1. His biggest criticism of Hillary was that she would tax his estate. 2. He respects Trump only insofar as he believes him a peer or superior in persuasion and manipulation. 3. He denounces Twitter and Hillbullies because they either interfered with or resisted his own attempts at persuasion and manipulation. With this in mind, we can consider Adams an ally, but he is not one of us. He is not red-pilled, he's just an above-average liberal zombie who doesn't understand the power of pathos and the will, the spirit that drives us all but is unquantifiable as it is a multiplicity of infinities.

He was zero help whatsoever. All he did is leech onto the Trump bandwagon to sell books and for his own self aggrandizement. Nothing wrong with that, but don't confuse that with help.

Nice blogpost.

everyone I disagree with is a cuck, the blogpost

he's just some writer with less than 100% perfect opinions

Pizzagate does have a lot of confirmation bias going on to be honest. Last time I bothered to check in they said chipotle's symbol was pedo. I mean come the fuck on. It can't really be helped when you have anons doing the research and not institutions with things like subpoena powers.

I agree with the first little bit but you turned this into a tangent. I hope something horrible happens to you.

TRS gtfo

I can't tell if you're being sarcastic.

I'm not

This is a slide thread.

You're as big of a faggot as op.

And why's that?

Bro you know Chitpotle's owner is a total pedo faggot right? Just look at him.

Because Chipotle's symbol does have a pedo symbol embedded in it, retard.

Scott Adams was never one of us to begin with. Fuck off back to TRS.

This is the kind of water-muddying stuff that I dislike. You have absolutely no evidence other than a spiral and a punchable face, hardly incriminating. As it shows, the confirmation bias is strong and why I really dislike the goose chase that pizzagate seems to be on currently.

Yep, he's a cuck.


"Homo estas"? Wow these fags.

I never suggested he was.


It is a bit if a jump to think everything with a spiral in it is pedo symbolism. It is a common design that people naturally make.

You know he actually was a cuck right? Look at his wiki. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scott_Adams

Adams married Shelly Miles in 2006. She has two children named Savannah and Justin Miles. In a February 2014 blog posting he revealed that he is no longer married.[22]


He just doesn't want to get suicided.
Sage for no tl;dr

So he gets to pay child support on someone else's children, and that's wonderful for him.

Better him than me.

He's right. It's retarded. It's also pathetic the mods ban people for not going along with that tin foil. Take some constructive criticism for christ's sake.

Kill yourself

He's advocated for slavery reparations, thinks Kanye has a chance in 2020 and is banging a non-white. He's not one of us.

I see you reddit. Kill yourself you fucking faggot

Hi Scott, nice false premise and subsequent effort post
I didn't read the rest

And his new turkroach gf is an Instagram Dubai porta potty single mother. Triple cucked.

While I agree with your general thesis that Adams is a cuck, he's probably right about Pizzagate.

That doesn't mean we should stop of course. Baseless libel against the DNC and jews is a good thing for us. But be honest with yourself…

Adams predicted Trump right but everything else wrong. He predicted a rubio rigging which didn't happen, (((Mark Cuban))) as Trump's VP ignoring the history of animosity towards the two then never brought it up again when Jewban endorsed HIllary and campaigned for her, and thought that "Octopussy" was the end of Trump's campaign when it was really an overused uncreative one liner that doesn't even match up to visual cues because people caracterized as octopus are skinny and long-limbed while Trump is fat.

Regarding Pizzapedoes Adams disregards Historical trends such as the British Pedophile conspiracy and the Catholic Pedophile conspiracy believing that crimes comitted in an English country and a Christian community could never happen in our English and Christian country.

He ignores that the same mainstream media who fought against trump is now working to shove pizzagate under their fake news campaign becausehe is afraid.

Adams likes his cushy millionaire life and doesn't want anything that will lead to massive trials and executions which may trigger a civil or race war in America.

At the end of the day Scott Adams doesn't realize that it doesn't matter if pizzagate it is true or not. What matters is that this helps Trump casting an already corrupt establishment in a filthier hue. In the end Adams failed to realize that by implying pizzagate to be false, he has attacked Holla Forums, providing more ammunition for our ennemies, and in doing and so gives us the moral authority to pirate his books and if Adams makes the mistake of continuing to gast doubt Pizzagate, leaving 1 star reviews on amazon and other review sites.


This is where it gets retarded for me. I don't support Trump as a meme. Similarly, I'm not going to argue for things that could just as likely be bullshit as they could be true. This is the kind of shit that will convince people you should never be listened to again.

If you want to go after pedos, there are certainly plenty of leads you could follow in Hollywood and elsewhere without having to manufacture them through conspiracy theories in which consuming one of the most popular foods in the United States or using swirly lines in a logo is the best evidence you have.

He was zero help, and OP… he's a cuck because he's literally a cuck (he raised his wife's kids). AWOO AWOO AWOO

It's funny when some people downplay out role in this election, as we don't need their approval to continue to succeed. But it's even funnier to see people take credit for things they don't even remotely comprehend.

Clearly Adams was over his head on 90%+ of this election. He's got some good incites, but he exists in his own state of cognitive dissonance, made all the stronger by his knowledge that he's usually so good at picking up on it's presence.

There is only one man who stands equal or greater in contribution to Trump's victory than Holla Forums, and that's Trump himself. Everybody else was just riding his and/or our coat tails, whether they realized it or not.

Scott Adams does have the skill to affect things like his MUH POT issues, but he isn't initiated on the level we are. Most individuals here probably couldn't have the impact he could, but together we are a force that can topple globalists. Especially with a powerful ally like Trump as our weapon.

This site is extremely obscure. Even if you add in 4cuck Holla Forums, we had pretty much nothing to do with it. It was mostly the rust belt getting fucked over and the people tiring of the media and pop culture telling them what to think. Holla Forums had nothing to do with that.

We've all seen the frogs on TV. Without doubt we helped make Trump a high energy cultural phenomenon, terrifying and paralyzing the left at the same time.

read his previous article and stop sucking cock

Or option B, Adams knows enough to keep his mouth shut and walk the party line.

Something I've always considered, although I'd have to look for my copy of "The Game" again… but I somehow made a connection in my mind where one of the characters may have been a version/caricature of Scott Adams.

Given some of the encounters Strauss had with celebs, would it be a stretch to think that at least some of the PUA/persuasion social network has a level of complicity or participation in all of this? They'd certainly be useful people to have in the fold, and I've frequently had my own theories about Anti-PUA training done in schools and by nonprofits.

Completely pointless since Trump himself is a master of Game. The god emperor's entire campaign was validation of every Game principle guys like Mystery, Heartiste, and Roosh have been claiming since the beginning. Hell, this shit apparently isn't even knew; 1900's, 1800's, fucking the Romans: they all knew about this but mankind keeps forgetting it in a vicious cycle of feminist brainwashing.

I would like to know more.

Scott Adams is a cuck because he is litterally raising his wife's son.

You fool! You're right where Scott Adams wants you!

I did not need this.


Fuggin checked and keked my friend.

That's a fair point but consider the fact that we helped give him sticking power during the primaries. Which makes sense, because the republican primaries are boring, because the cucks usually running have no spine. We helped make Trump interesting. He provided the lines, the personality, and the platform and we spread his message with memes.

Who cares. He's a persuasion artist. You never know what is opinion is

4chan can't learn

are you fucking retarded?

sage and kill yourself for shit thread.

Cuckery has always had a large element of self-delusion. He's persuaded himself that he likes it!

Probably because it was easier than persuading his ex-wife to bear his offspring.

Why is jap lady crying over her meal?

It smoked her stash.

You can't fool us Dilbert Merchant.
We know how you opperate

Why would a fish eat that chink's opium?

Shame he's just not quite smart enough to realise what a dumb arse he sounds like using low tier NLP.
It's called post-hoc rationalization, not thinking.

he's a cuck but there's no way I'm reading all taht

That's not a fish, silly. It's a reptile.

Out of all the crimes surrounding hillary: (emails, saudis, clinton foundation money laundering, clinton foundation accepting donations from foreign powers to influence american policy, pizzagate, john podesta's satanist spirit cooking, bill clinton's rapes, the bump on her tongue and pneumonia are signs of cannibalism, hillary was replaced with a double, hides catheters in her pantsuits, paid comey to call off the investigation then forgot to pay him that one week before the election, bribed loretta lynch) at most half of this is bullshit but it doesn't matter. When all these crimes pile up it creates the perception of CROOKED and CRIMINAL.

Our enemies the (((media))) and the democrats didn't care if half the allegations against trump are blatantly false so don't be such a self-righteous moralfag as to hold back on something that weakens the enemy's power. Honourable combat only works against an honourable opponent and against they who resort to any means to win moralfaggotry means defeat.

Scott Adams is extremely delusional and contradicts himself all the fucking time. I think he feels inferior and compensates by considering himself as a "master persuader". There are other telling moments like when he posted pictures of himself shirtless and fished for compliments.

That being said, I still read his blog, because he's too autistic to lie and there aren't many people in his generation for whom that is true.


1. I believe in truth. That's what will win over bluepills, not manufactured bullshit.

2. We already won, yet people are still plowing forward in these threads with even loser connections and more absurd assumptions. It's incredibly autistic, and I've honestly lost some respect for Holla Forums's digging prowess in the meantime. This is going to lend credence to people's criticism that were a bunch of LARPers.

3. There's actually real stuff that can be dug into that can actually do damage. Creating bullshit will just get you discredited as a source.

I think you should kill yourself Dilbert.



You mustn't fear the chase user. What's your worry, that normies won't take a bunch of frog-worshipping nazis who deny the Holocaust seriously?

The fact that it's being banned on reddit and twitter indicates that someone doesn't want us poking around.

B-rex a best bird.

None of us know which of these scandals are real and which are lies, the only way to figure them out is to dig and investigate each and every one. I'm not so arrogant as you to label theories as truth or lie because one of them sounds more truthful then the other.

Winning one battle doesn't mean we can rest on our laurels you fat lazy cunt. Marxists are still in control of the media, we still have to drain the swamp, build the wall, and abolish common core. The war is far from over. Everything that we've done has just been an appetizer, the main course has not even begun. How dare you chastize us who are taking time out of our lives to work for the cause while you sit on your fat ass and relieve the glory of past battles which are meaningless if we do not follow through with action today.

Won't we need a deep swamp for the gays and alt-righters when we come to power though?

even cucks have their uses. The left views him as a nasty traitor. We need bogey men for them to attack and waste energy on. Especially ones that have no real use.

Speaking of, stop fucking using "problematic," faggot.

You're a retard, this does nothing to him, he already has millions of dollars.

Marrying someone with children isn't cuckoldry. Letting another man fuck your wife is cuckoldry.

Get your shit together, user.

For everyone else:

Remind anyone who doubts Pizzagate that the same shit happened in the Catholic Church.

When you go to the origin of the term, raising offspring not your own, it is.


The only difference between (biological) textbook cuckoldry and raising another man's children is whether the male is aware if the children are his or not. I'll let you decide whether its worse knowing you're raising another male's offspring or living in ignorance of that fact.

Why would you want (we) this place to become more kosher for normalfags. When upping the toxicity is what's saved it multiple times.
PR fagging has been chastised endlessly with good reason. Cuckservatives lost playing that game, it doesn't work.

It's not about them being true or false, it's about them being persuasive or not, the Clinton health allegations were persuasive (and probably true), the spirit cooking stuff was persuasive to some sectors (while being a bunch of nothing), but trying to make people think some italian flatbread store with swirly logos are hiding a global pedo ring will make us look like retarded dumbnuts (even if it were true).

Of course Dilbert-guy knows this kind of post will only make people that are into confirmation bias reinforce their hallucination and try to further rationalise (see OP), so he might actually be interested in having people keep digging into it, or might be part of some more complicated plot. If he wanted to persuade people to let this go he'd probably use a different approach.

Or rotherham and the dozens of other roaming paki sex gangs that each lasted for years. Shit talking their religion isn't an opening line for any non autist.
Raising another man's children is definitely among the definitions of cuckoldry. Your experience and it's outcomes could certainly level how insulting you choose to take it though.

When you marry someone with kids, you already know those kids aren't yours. It's not ideal, but you are still going to be having children of your own with this woman. Cucks have NO chance of having children, because they have niggers get their wives pregnant while they masturbate in the closet.

All the pizzagate innuendo I've viewed as incentive to find the proof.

Plaing devil's advocate here but what if it's for the good of the child?
Let's say the mother is a fat lying drunk welfare queen and you got a chance to take a boy from her and make him a non degenerate piece of shit .
Would you do it?
Sage for off topic bullshit

knowing vs not knowing isn't a distinction of cuck/not cuck.

You need to read past the first sentence, user.

horribly written, but this guy is a disgusting narcissit with other hardcore personality disorders who will never have true friends

wtf no

What was your first clue? He's a racemixer.

having children doesn't preclude from being cucked either. plenty of cucks who have had kids that go on to get cucked by their wives.

Does he have any of his own children?

You persuasive litle faggot. We know you are Scott

CTR makes bullshit up about Chipotle as false flag then quotes their own false flag as a reason pizzagate is fake

Thats actually really good guys. Your head strategist must have been replaced recently.

Yeah, it's hilarious how damaged goods she is. From her own website she states how she did "a lot of things I regret" and how she's just trying to heal now. Scott Adams is the biggest case of Beta Bucks I've seen in a while.

Good posts, but pizzagate has been poisoned with disinfo. Anyone questioning anything or upholding any standard of evidence is called a shill.

That doesn't really matter if you hold the position that pizzagate is just the catalyst to finding the smoking gun hard evidence, do that and disinfo is kill. That's what's needed at this point, hunting down proof, not staying in the innuendo bubble of symbols, coded wording, and accusations.

Hunting down fake "proof" is called running in circles, you faggot. Some of you people obviously think this is just some kind of game.

this tbh, but I think you meant "pervasive"


Look, we all enjoyed Scott Adams' weird analyses and all, but the stuff he's provided wasn't a big deal:

He thinks fucking everything is confirmation bias.

He talked constantly about Robert Cialdini's godlike contribution to Hillary's campaign, but was he ever even confirmed working for her?

Not to mention he also hailed Cialdini's new book, which was just released, as "probably the greatest book on persuasion ever" or something, before it was even available

His analysis of Hillary's use of the word "dark" being an unusual, non-political term was good, because that really isn't a political word — but then soon after we got "basket of deplorables" and realized that it probably was just that she had some dumbass writing for her, not a psychological supervillain.

He did made some good predictions though, and his change of analysis from landslide victory to still victory but probably not landslide the day before the election was impressive.

There are a few situations where raising another man's child doesn't make you a cuck.

1. Being a godfather and the parents die.
2. Being infertile and adopting a white child.
3. Marrying a widow whose late husband demonstrates she selects quality mates.
4. If it somehow benefits your biological children.

3 and 4 are a stretch.

That's literally the definition.

Cialdini worked for Obama's campaign so him working for HRC made sense, of course he would have only admitted to it if she had won, PR 101.
He, among others, had a review copy, I believe he showed it on some periscope too.

You act like you're above criticism. It's not like he's throwing a fucking wrench into the works, you overly sensitive queer. Sounds like you want to yourself you dopey fuck.

this is so spergy, let me take 20 minutes to tell you why some nice old guy who livestreams is a cuck. he's not even a natsoc! WHAT A CUCK LOL!


Yes, goy, waste your time going after Scott Adams of all fucking people

Scott doesn't even gas kikes… WHAT A CUCK!!!!

This. And he's pretty pathetic when it comes to actual hypnosis.

Soon after Trump declared he was running and Adams started popping up in retweets I watched a couple of his spur of the moment periscopes. OK for a while, occassional comments, then when most people had logged off all the 40 year old horny women started throwing themselves at him. He tried to hypno them, said shit like "I am turning you on right now" "You are very sexually excited right now" all in a montone. Too theatrical and not very good tbh.

I have been involved in the erotic hypnosis world for years so I know he was lame. It looked like he was going to hook up with some woman that night and they went to private. A couple days later checking twitter a mention in his feed looked out of place. I traced it and found tht woman acting like the bunny boiler, freaking out because he kicked her out or something. She was very crazy. He deleted almost everything so I only saw her side, but I guess that mention slipped by. Funny and lame.

But a shitty shitty hypnotist. I know these people and I think he's into it for sex and as a fetish. I don't believe his current girlfriend will last so there should be some good trolling ops later when he's lonely.

sorry for typos, I shouldn't be awake now.


Not sure about pedo, but he does look like he enjoys the taste of upholstery, and that his farts sound like a gentle breeze


Can you explain the censoring campaign? The ominous connections in pic related?



I know that lens and lighting are working wonders, but for fuck's sake, that is one fine baby machine right there

yeah he is very largely bluepilled, aside from his hypnotism/persuasion knowledge
i follow him on periscope but he's been a disappointment, rehashing his bluepilled delusions all the time
it came to the point that i barely check his streams now, and when i do i only last a few minutes before he disappoints me so much i turn his face off
bye bye cuck

as if completely denying the fact that he ever worked with hillary clinton solely because she lost is more important than the value of being able to say you worked for another presidential frontrunner's campaign. PR 101? you just made that up.

yes, he had a review copy. why did the cartoonist from dilbert have a review copy of a book about persuasion? to shill the book. that's my whole point.

and apparently, Cialdini wasn't the only one who advised Obama:

again, why the emphasis by scott on only cialdini? i just thought he was some fanboy of his this whole time but now he's looking like a shill for real.

he's still stuck in his liberal mindset

He's a 429 BLAZE IT FAGGOT. There's little hope for him


I third this

We can make a pit near Washington, drain the current swamp into it, give it a snazzy name, and then toss the rest of the trash in after we finish the meat of the work.

My vote for name is The Nog's Bog in respect for king nigger and BML's contribution to the happenings to come

You don't associate yourself to losers, specially when your brand is already associated to winners (Obama).

ft.com /content/b00f626a-735e-11e6-bf48-b372cdb1043a

Scott is either fanboy or his friend, not like it matters.

Yeah, because that's how people talk.

Note that you changed the subject.

It's not a game, user! You have a be a big strong hero and save those poor children from the big meanie cultists! You'll go down in the history books!

No, the definition is being married to someone, her getting pregnant with another man, and you raising the child anyways as if it was yours. Do you even know where the term comes from?

calm your spergers