Veteran with a wife and two young children has his house burned down by regressives

Exercising Freedom of Speech will get your house burned down

Well, I'm fucking mad.

But he is not black goy, so its ok :^E X

add another soldier to the right wing death squads.

Fuck off with this retarded meme. It implies "progressives" are good for society.

yup. there's no regressive or progressive. they are leftists!

Absolutely fucking disgusting
My house burned down when I was a child and it took my 8 years to get over that shit, and I still fucking hate these stories of people's houses burning down, I feel so bad for the poor fuckers.
Not only is this just more pain and suffering for a desperate poor soldier and his wife, the children are going to be traumatized for the rest of their fucking life
The only person I would ever burn down the house of is a kike. I wouldn't even do this to the most anti-white leftist. I would only do this to jews.
Goddamnit I fucking hate leftists

Stop being easily triggered pussies you cucks.

Don't the burgers have guns? why don't they mow down the uppity iberals?

fuck off TRS

Sage this kike!

Sage for tone police.
We have many names for the enemy.
But really it was probably jews.