Have you fallen for the environmentalism meme?
Go fuck yourself
Global warming is a hoax, but preserving our environment is a very real concern.
Kikes try to subvert and profit off everything, what's your point?
Sage for low effort D&C slide thread.
hello comrade mao
You are just a nigger, like third world shitskins destroying this beautiful planet for their own selfish gains
This. There's no reason to throw trash everywhere. If you want to hold onto your resources and recycle them yourself, learn how. Metals in particular are almost infinitely reusable.
You'd be one of those shills I've heard about, eh?
I'm sure he would approve of hamstringing the economy over it, too, right?
Nice try on the quads, though.
I have a bin full of old electronic shit like DVR's my dad was just going to throw away. I've thought about scrounging them for components, but I haven't had the time. Any idea what I could repurpose them for or should I just sell em for scrap?
Not really an artist, but I may end up doing something like pic related
China was a third world hellscape when Mao was in power with his muh environment bullshit. Now that China has embraced industrialization, it's at least survivable, if not still a shithole.
The third world shitskins don't have anywhere near the industrial capacity Europe and America have you fucking retard, if you want to move to a place where industry doesn't tear up the environment, I'm sure there's a place for you in sub-saharan Africa.
meant to quote too my bad
Pretty sure jews aren't behind keeping the environment clean. If anything jews would trash our planet for quick shekels. nice try, we are now in a post modern world where you can hate jews and niggers while still wanting to have clean lakes and rivers.
I think the true european man lives in harmony with nature and doesn't destroy it like the anti-natural jew is predisposed to do. Take a look at the smog in Beijing and ask yourself if that's how you want to live.
OP what are your thoughts on urban farming? It's environmentally friendly and lowers your costs of consumption.
Beijing's smog has more to do with absolutely obscenely bad Chinese city planning than anything else, but I'd rather live there than appreciate nature and live like a native american.
good stewardship of the planet is separate from the whole "environmentalism" thing. the latter is a means of control held over everyone by the powers that be. creating taxes and regulations and health laws all because of a spectre they hold over us.
Then you're still urbanite garbage. Uncuck yourself pronto.
Private property is the way to do it. Environmentalism is just a way to take away private property rights and spread (((Communism))). It's very telling when they brainwash kids in those public schools with those state centric environmentalism.
Yeah, sounds awesome, actually. Individualist self-sufficiency means there aren't profiteering jews in the middle.
this user gets it. good stewardship is separate from "environmentalism"
You'll be hanged too user, that's the same line of reasoning that makes tribal niggers so detestable.
We have IDs here faggot, get the fuck out and stay out.
You are too much of a good goy to hang anybody,
Most electronics are difficult to break down without using hazardous chemicals. That's why they get shipped to third world shitholes for salvaging. If you can somehow separate metals from plastics/insulation/silicon, though, you can melt them down to reuse the metal or sell it. Individually it won't be worth much, though. You can also melt down aluminum/tin cans and other scrap with relative ease. Check which recycle number (if any) plastic junk has, because that can be melted down and molded, too.
Not OP, but it's a good idea if you can do it. Some rooftops can't support the weight of the dirt and water required, though, so be careful.
You need the environment not to be shit so you don't die of heavy metal poisoning and black lung, user.
The jews have made you think that the only way to be environmental is to do gay shit like carbon taxes.
When did you newfags get here? Get some camping equipment and some friends and go see what you are missing faggot.
Plenty of room for civilisation out in space.
He killed all the sparrows thus allowing swarms of locusts to invade and fuck shit up.
This is a fucking total slide thread. Real environmental anything and animal rights came straight out of Fascist-as-fuck Norway in the 1930s, followed by a rapid adoption by NS Germany. Eat a dick, OP.
Can't wait for Winter-chan to freeze this planet and btfo every green party redditor that thinks the planet is going to end next weak because of muh CO2
This guy knows. Here is a real NSDAP poster showing the fuhrer's commitment to nature. Notice the circle.
If you think you need the environment to live healthy, go drink lakewater and get parasites and dysentery, faggot.
You're fucking delusional if you think electricity isn't actually important to humanity.
Again, there's something seriously backwards about you if you find it preferable to live like a nigger in the wild than in a shelter with electricity like a civilized white man ought to.
Yes yes, you need electricity to power super important things and definitely not because you play overmeme to excess. Kill yourself faggot.
The environment has always been important to white people. We're the only race that gives a fuck about it. Shitskins must be culled to give the earth a chance.
well meme'd
Of course he knew about frog gods, he was very smart.
Wow don't be such a bigot user cryptosporidium has every right to live inside you.
You should probably kill yourself instead
Seems like I nailed it on the head.
I'm not saying that you should go Amish, you disingenuous kike. I'm saying that it's worth the effort to keep your environment clean.
Clean water doesn't magically appear from your taps, it needs to be filtered and processed; the dirtier it is, the more intensive the process required to clean it. Air doesn't magically become clean when it enters your basement dwelling, it goes through those filters your mother needs to change every two months. Are you this dense? Humans do not live in total separation from nature, your fucking home is IN the environment around it.
Sadly, this seems to be almost true. I know that the Japanese seem to care as well, so that's something.
They really don't, though. They just do it because it's cheaper than dealing with it properly, even considering the fines IF they're caught and IF the (((EPA))) actually does what they're supposed to.
Everything you are whining about is all subhumans doing it.
Corporokikes do it whenever they it's legal. Here's a picture of two countries. See if you can guess which has environmental regs and which doesn't. Then guess which country is rather pleasant and the other necessitates gas masks.
Exactly, fellow Holla Forumsack let us seize the means of production from those greedy corporations so that it can be clean! Well yeah the Japanese aren't subhuman gooks
Go to China and breathe the air without a filter mask (ie gas yourself).
NatSoc Germany was the most industrialized European state leading into the second world war, and it wasn't because they were fucking treehuggers like you claim.
There is a strict line between environmental protectionism because muh feels and environmental protectionism because of potential hazards to humanity. Leveling entire forests for wood and oil are therefore fine, but dumping chemical waste into waterways isn't, because the former is beneficial to humanity and the latter is not.
Yes I'm leftypol because I realize that fiduciary responsibilities necessitates corporations to be beholden to their shareholders and to take cost cutting measures wherever possible, thus forcing corporations to pollute when economics dictates it. The way you fix it is to make dumping pollution uneconomic through enforcement and then you don't have a pozzed up country like China. This whole 'hating environment' thing is a recucklican meme that needs to die. No, I'm not arguing for UN carbon tax meme shit, but that doesn't mean we should treat our environmental stewardship with reckless abandon.
Shit thread with a bunch of faggots implying anyone here doesn't care about the environment. Majority of all pollution is from subhumans that need to be exterminated. So you really aren't going to guilt anyone here.
Who said anything about guilt you low iq cuckold?
Every single post you have made is "If you don't go out a blow up a mining site you hate the environment"
Ah yes of course, mighty fine grasp of nuance you have there.
I wonder who could it be that wishes to exterminate the white man so.
The failure of you faggots is to equate "climate change skepticism" with "climate change denier".
I said nothing about climate change in this thread. I'm talking about air quality and not wanting to live in a world where taking a breath of fresh air is equatable to tonguing a car exhaust. Look up how many XC runners died in the Beijing olympics because of the air quality, it's wild.
Also you keep trying to blame someone other than the subhumans. So you sound like a subhuman AND leftypol
Kikes then subhumans right after they all have a hard-on for the white man.
Levelling entire forests is not okay, Moishe.
We should of killed all the Haitians before they destroyed the island.
Yes goy, don't trust those enviromentalists, polution is not a thing, you are not dying from cancer, feeding your food with vacines won't create inmunity
All those chinese dying for breathing pollution are just a myth goy, side with multinationals, you'll have a good job
Are you retarded? NatSocs were the first to actually go out of their way to protect their environment. They literally set the standard for everything we have today, Cheng.
Also industry =/= fucking up every bit of wildlife in your territory. Not that you'd know though, you disgusting dog eater.
He's a butthurt chink, user. Just sage.
Real natsocs protect their countries natural heritage for the future generations. We need environmentalism, we just need to make sure it isn't the Jews running it, but proud nationalists.
I'm saying that if we didn't have regulations against it then we would have similar pollution levels. It's more of a corporokike thing and not solely because shitskins are terrible environmental stewards, though that is very true. You could think of it as a nationalist position against lolberg 'just let us pollute goys' thinking.
Forestry is actually pretty sustainable, though it is a shame to see old growth forests go away. The real problem with forestry is that subhumans are replacing all their forests with palm trees to harvest the palm oil. Just drove across FL for turkey day and the whole space inbetween the major population areas are neatly planted tree farms for many hundreds of miles.
Real natsocs protect their countries natural heritage for the future generations. We need environmentalism, we just need to make sure it isn't the Jews running it, but proud nationalists.
Don't conflate this with climate change bullshit, environmentalism is a real concern for all NatSocs.
Yeah I know tho everything is always about how bad air pollution is and it always makes me laugh how little leftists understand how coal plants in the US work they have scrubber stacks that remove 95% of SO2 which is the main pollutant they give off. The smoke is actually water vapor. I will admit that chemical runoff from agricultural fields is a problem tho.
Right, but the coal plants had to be fought tooth and nail to get them to put up scrubbers. They didn't do it because they wanted to.
I wish they would of advertised the fact they can sell the byproduct from the scrubber stacks since it is used for commercial building products. Even with the plants that have them it seems like they still throw away like 60% of it.
What do they make with it? Cement?
It was as simple as issuing an edict. They complied, end of story. It's amazing how much leftists don't understand about how ANY sources of energy work honestly, they fearmonger about nuclear energy when nuclear is the most promising source of energy we have, and they fearmonger against coal even when it's the only thing that props up the economy in my state.
Cinderblocks, cinderblocks are made with coal cinders.
I'm on board for nuclear, though we should be a bit mindful of fault lines and retarded kikes like those at Fukushima. Neat about cinderblocks though, didn't know that.
Also drywall,chalk and plaster.
Same with my state now they can't even pay the city works and teachers. They used the natural gas boom to try and kill the coal industry in the US. Think they shut the coal mines down here then like a year later it was either Koch brothers or like Soros who bought them up at like a 1/10 of the cost.
dude trees lmao
Urban centers are the problem, there is no way to fix them. You can do things like this temporarily, on a small scale, but it won't be enough. The only way you can really address the problem for you is to not live in one.