Me basically over the last 6 months

Me basically over the last 6 months


and then, I thought, "hey, I haven't been browsing imageboards for a while, I could check out Holla Forums also, someone said that there is good discussion"

and now, after SIX MONTHS

I did TRY to change my habits for years, with all kinds of methods, but nothing seemed to work out. After the biggest Trump-hype I really got the feeling that I can be a part of something big and achieve something big.

Leftist "help" was pity and victimizing towards me, when I should have felt guilty for how I was living. It is obvious that people should know that degenaracy is disgusting and it does not make them victims, but hedonist cancer metastases of our society.

The (((so-called))) "Alt-Right" pretty much saved my life, gave it a purpose and made me complete. Leftists and jews are obviously trying to do the opposite.

Thank you Holla Forums.

>actual reddit spacing

that said, good on you for getting your shit together

Yeah I copypasted it from another thread where I wrote it, don't know why it did that

how were you a "hardcore" criminal while simultaneously being a bitch? dont respond degenerate faggot.

Nice blog.


I will respond. Do you think that people who live that way are fine with themselves? All of them are controlled with some sort of fears and greed etc. I was not a mafia boss. But I was making 5-10k a month with crime, and my lifestyle was disgusting. I hated myself for what I was, and I could not respect myself, of course my behaviour started to come up behind me. It really is pretty much the same with all people in there, even the psychopaths of organized crime who sold me my drugs for resale.

Good work. Now save your race by becoming a great father.


Already told earlier that it turned out that way after I copypasted it from another thread where I wrote it.

I don't know why you're thanking us, we aren't the alt right.

Didn the drugs rot your brain?


Seems like you have a JEWWOOD perception of reality user, watch this video, this are hardcore criminals but see how they talk about this subject, the insecurity and fear on their voices. Doesn`t matter how violent, this are broken people.

just another worthless druggie who thankfully saw the light. Good for you OP

But really, I chuckled at "hardcore", OP their is no point trying to sound tough on the internet, it makes you look like a dumbass, no one gives two shits here.

I used to be in the drug scene too, what I think really made me change was realizing I wasn't happy, the empty euphoria drugs gave me made me ponder: is this all there is?

Crazy you could do that in 6 months though, see you on the other side.

I meant what (((they))) call the alt-right

You sound disgusting. Hope you die for the white race in the race war. Someone as pozzed as you shouldn't be part of what comes after.

By hardcore I meant that I was really deep in that shit, involved with organized crime etc.

That's great OP, keep it up. As the story of the prodigal son emphasizes, it is more joyous to have a lost and wayward son return than for that same son to have never left. Congrats.

I wonder how many other "worthless druggies" might be rescued through 8/pol/ exposure therapy.

Fuck off jew.

You cannot undo the damage you did. There is no redemption for you. The best you can hope for is being able to accept that, and still work towards a brighter future. That will be the true test of your ego.

I was similar to you OP in the sense that I was a broken man. No, I didn't take drugs nor hang out with the cultural enrichment but I was done for as a person (several blows of fate in a short matter of time did that to me). Completely broken. Demoralized. Depressed. Destroyed.

Then the rapefugee crisis started and slowly but surely it made me angry. A little spark at first, then more, and more, and more. Along the way I found Holla Forums and I somehow started to transform this anger in energy (as crazy as it may sound it was kind of like described in the Sith Code).

This new found energy (and a little help from family and friends) then enabled me to pick myself up again and here I am today.

Well genetically I am highborn, my great great great grandfather was a German nobleman and I am 6'1 feet tall, blonde hair and greenblue eyes.

But yeah I would be proud if I died in a race war or nationalist war fighting for something as great as that. I would just like to pass my genes to a worthy woman before that happens, and really wouldn't want to die before, because I would raise my children as proud white Europeans.

My current goal is to get my engineering studies finished, I have a IQ of 126 and I did well in school before.

I basically blame leftist propaganda and jews shit for giving the youth nigger rap etc that makes shit like that look cool.
(((They))) do not want us to be proud and non-degenerate, but the opposite, and it they were able to pull it out on me, also making me hang out with niggers because "racism is suh wrong and poor criminals they must be understood".

I know that I can not undo what I did, but I am going to do everything possible in my power to make the future brighter as you said, but not for myself, but for the genetically european people, my people. My days of selfishness are over. My days of feeling sorry for degenerates are over.
Of course my own life will also feel better when acting virtuosly and giving up on hedonism, but I do not do it for myself.

nice blog post

I don't know why people are knocking you. I suppose there's still remnants of 'chan culture' on our board.

Anyway well done user.
I'm proud of you.
And your forefathers would be too.

What's the situation with your family? Still in contact? Will they take you back in?

It had more of an intention to tell everyone that their job is working and destroying degeneracy, to keep them doing on what they're doing, to let them know that it most certainly does not die in vain. Your shitposting matters.

As one does.

Parents are dead and grandparents also. That of course pretty much made my situation worse. I'm 28 years old now.

This is why you never fear a criminal. A calm, well seasoned man of state will always get the drop. All they have is their rallies. That's when the calvary comes in.

Similar story to yours user. Welcome brother

Yeah, sure. By the way you forgot to say that Hitler inspired you to become a vegan.


the reddit spacing is real. kill yourself

pics or it didn't happen.












Congratulations, you did it just at the right time, beyond 28 and you are just lost forever, the next four years could be the most important of you're life. Good luck.

How much money did you make with drug dealing?

Literally who cares.

keep doing well



good thread

Great story. Read the Bible and believe in Jesus. That is something even bigger.

you don't have to be a hardcore criminal to have a bitch emotionally scar you in the bedroom, a completely separate and private life from your homies.

some of the hardest niggas to have lived did what they did in the name of love ( man and women)

faggots don't kill for each other, only out of jealousy

Don't hate on someone who is joining us and opening their conscious to the truth. I used to be a little degenerate myself, but didn't need Trump to redpill me, mine was more from realizing Obama was a blatant sociopathic fake liar and seeing how many sheep rallied behind him and believed the shit he was saying, despite constantly reading contradictory buried up news constantly about him. Although I am extremely happy to have an iconic figure to rally behind now since the Election. I was feeling udder dread with Clinton edging close to a victory using clear dubious and cheating methods when Trump was always winning and everyone knew it.

Good for you. I just bought two ounces of weed myself, but I didn't steal it at least.

Wrong way to go friend. Love life, treat others with respect. Understand genetics are real and it's not racist to believe in them. If you understand that the majority of people follow the same paths based on genetics/area then you can usually avoid anyone that would ever seek to cause you harm.

Also I would look into gaining a concealed carry permit, or at least a permit to keep it in the dash. These days you never know what's going to happen out there and you don't want to feel like a victim again, be prepared and of course only ever use it as a last resort to save your own or another persons lives.

If I wasn't peddling a little Mary J as a side job/hobby on top of my full time job already I would have invested in protection for myself and my family long ago. They link any sort of firearm or illegal knives with the drugs and you get instantly fucked, no chance at freedom. Not that there's any danger in marijuana, mainly desire protection from random dangers in the world. You can eliminate any threats like I said earlier, by just knowing who is predisposed to commit a crime and avoiding them and never giving them a chance where it could fuck you over, even 1%.

All the clinton bullshit of cheating is nothing but secondary crap. The main reason people voted for trump because trump is like a casino, you can win money sex and a lot of exitement while clinton is the same old establishment cunt that will give the niggers a little more gibs and the imbeciles a little more "social justice".
So in their mind it is either allin or a slow death. And if i had to vote for someone that has the biggest chances of fucking the shit jews in the ass it would be a person like him, not saying that this is going to happen but he as the highest chances.
Because the jews love to divide and conquer by morality and they got the perfect idiots by creating or helping the sjw sphere. Because it is like a moral blackhole, and somehow i love them for that because that is brillant, they stay happy merchants nonetheless.