In the battle over fresh water in Asia, China is the main aggressor, says street shitter

A Water War in Asia?


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Isn't this great? A fight between chinks and street shitters over who's better and speediest at polluting and shitting up the water.

These people are truly repulsive

Get the popcorn

Just because my country is flooded with shitskin subhumans doesn't mean it's asian.



Fucking subhuman filth. Even after we defeat the ZOG, we'll still have to deal with the chink-street shitter problem.

Interesting…….an old kike I know who went to MIT (and still has connections there) told me a year or two ago that future wars will be fought over water, not oil.

How come ching chongs and poo in the loos don't have the self awareness to invest in water filtration? Start with shit water, filter, end with clean, what a concept.




They're both street shitters actually. Mainland Chinks are notorious for shitting up the streets in Hong Kong.

Reading this I can only conclude that the US won't have to do anything about China. They're turning into the Jews of Asia. That entire continent is going to check them hard.

I'd hate to say it, but I think there needs to be another world war where india goes under.

This. Even more so, it will be funny to see the poos who pretend to be white on here fight with the chinks who think they're the same as whites on here. Defense forces incoming.

Berlin - Pollutants fill the streets, makes skins dirty.

That's pretty fucking obvious with over population not being kept in check, my man. Remember the thread by the 50 yo user and how ecology has been swamped by socialists that consider it hate speech to speak of muh poor third world because iz raysinz.

"Gee, maybe using our drinking water as our toilet wasn't the best idea after all!"

I'd rather see Pakistan go under.

Actually, if the entire middle east was gone tomorrow, 90% of the world's problems would be solved.

I have heard that for 30 years now.
It is pretty much BS though when you think about it.
Consider this any ship in the USN can produce all the potable water it needs sitting in any port or the oceans the world over.
We already have all the technology we need to make clean water, but we are not smart enough to use it wisely.
My grandparents lived on a farm with out any freshwater well and used a cistern and rain water for their entire lives.
My grandma lived to be 95 and was frugal with her water her entire life.
Of course they were white though.

India isn't a part of the middle east.

I know, but it's part of that part which is the part that ruins every other part.

Actually, India is the true middle east.




All Jews do that. They are projecting from the situation in the Middle East.

I don't think India ever did anything to ruin the west. Things were the other way around though.

"And the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea; and it became as the blood of a dead man: and every living soul died in the sea."

Take them in

Some Indonesian guy posted complaining about chinks freely shitting all over his town

The "Fascism" gal has a jew nose and Cardassian ears.


Fuck China dump: activate





they're a buffer zone for the middle east and asia


Aren't chinks like soulless robots? They will crush the pajeets.

Would you or anyone have that map showing fecal matter in ppm in the ocean?

It's more like the two retarded kids in class get into a fight. It will be nothing short of hilarious.

Holy fuck those four pictures are pants on the head retarded. That's the dumbest shit I have read in the whole week.


IKR? China thinks it's powerful but will get a massive beatdown sooner or later. Watching them and the pajeets remove each other will be a party that won't get tiring.

People who live in overpopulated deserts can't use a cistern.

This means California, north Africa, parts of India, and the Middle East. Basically there's no need for concern because California is rich enough to produce water for human consumption and the other places are filled with subhumans.

Actually, that's showing the tsunami

Until the nukes start flying, then we're all fucked

Unless they targeted them at us, not really.

I still can't believe thats how things work in countries with an extremely large amount of drinking water, we fucking flush with drinking water and goverment is worried about gender politics and protecting greyhound dogs from abuse while people starve on the street while produce tons of food for export, you can barely afford to rent your own place buying is literally for millionaires and we keep loosing fresh water reservoirs…

When the world quarrels, the Americans win. Time2Sell these guys some guns.

So tell me, reddit, what are we supposed to flush with?

There's only so much water you can pull from the water table if your country only gets so much water per annum. In fact, excessive draining of the water table as a source on a large scale can have significantly negative effects too.

In the case of India, with most of its water coming from its rivers, there would need to be excessive new piping required from the sea for desalination for the absurd number of Indians for it to be useful (India is huge). You'd also be piping it several hundred/thousands of feet upwards, which again increases the costs of water.

It all either requires significant investment, is highly inefficient, economically unviable or would not be a problem if there was a reasonable trade deal over water rights.

Landlocked countries don't even have desalination as an option, they literally rely on what water lands on their country if a foreign country diverts off their major water supply, this might not be enough, and said foreign country, by removing natural resources would most likely declare war to get them if it was a vital neccesity.

It's the equivalent of a guy buying all the land around a city, erecting a big wall and starving the city for ransom. Harsh reality to some, but for others it's seen as a risk of conflict, thus bargains are sought.

Being in the UK, water rights are not really a huge problem for anyone who isn't a London cuck, so I don't care. But still, the issue has many differing facets that can't be glossed over by "create more resources.

I do apologise about the running sentences, writing is hard in a tiny box when you're busy doing something else.

Fresh water is resource that replenishes itself for many countries. It's as infinite resource as sunlight, and we wouldn't store that. The problem is, while for the most part infinite in long terms, there is finite production per year.

If you have too much per capita you might as well use it rather than just let it run out to sea unused.

You can builds so many dam lakes to hold it in case of drought, but those woukd eventually fill and you'd STILL have the same input/output problem with a bunch of water sitting unused.


meant to reply to

The Chinese have won the last few border wars they've had with the Indians (usually over headwaters areas in the Himalayas). It typically goes: India talks a good fight, proceeds to get their shit rammed home by the PLA, India cries uncle and China gets what they wanted. India then turns round and beats up on their retarded kid brother country Pakistan for a bit to assuage national butthurt and convince the Hindu nationalists that Bhārat Gaṇarājya is, despite all evidence to the contrary, a major military power.

Toilet water

if only you knew how bad it was in Hong Kong with these fuckers

there have been cases where when people tried to stop them, they've been yelled and cursed at, and in one case even beaten up

hell, if you went to uni with these fuckers in your dorm, your shared toilet is probably nasty as fuck on a daily basis

I wish there was some way to help people differentiate us from the mainland chinks

Especially since the pajeets have made a policy of starving their military of needed funds to keep them from overthrowing the cancerous leftist government.

I'm so glad I walked out on my Chinese restaurant I was working part time at for 5 years.

As a White American working for a Chinese husband and wife, I can assure you

Nice people though. Very bossy however.

But the Chinese have lagged on the meme battles? The poomuds started their offensive against the Chinese a few years ago in 4chan.

Every war they've fought, the Chinese have kicked the ever loving shit out of the pajeets
The only people the pajeets can fight and beat are the pakis, who are basically the same people except poorer and there are less of them

imagine an armed conflict between these subhuman hellholes

Also muslims. Even the kikes curbstomped them at the seven days war.

Kinda sad.
The Tibetans would have been better of as Indian sattelite.

Why is the guy in the Fascism picture married to a Jewess? I don't get it

Those two billion aren't us, dingus.

Pajeet should arm Buddhist monks so that they can make Tibet an independent country. It's actually full of resources and they could cash in from tourism too. Afghanistan broke the USSR, and Tibet is an even less forgiving place, so it could even work.

It's two billion of not us.

Hell we should meme Paki-Pajeet nuclear war.

Tibet is the source of all rivers in Eastern Asia, that's why China is so desperate to control it. Its geopolitical significance is obvious even for retards.


Since we're on the topic of China, I'd like some help. I vividly remember some years ago, there was a Youtube channel that did news on China's most recent activities. It was a satirical news show though, the guy was always mocking China's policies and activities. Does anyone know what I'm talking about?

i think its called china uncensored

Obama allowed our water to be sold to China by fucks like T. Boone Pickens and others as fast as they can pump it.

RELATIVELY good show, but it sometimes tries to supply some pozz pills about multiculturalism and feminism.

Actually, Indians only lost in 1962. They badly defeated the Chinese in the 1967 border war.

Indian losses - 88 killed and 163 wounded
Chinese losses - 340 killed and 450 wounded

Indians are racially superior to Chinks. This is evidenced by the generally non-aggressive nature of Indians and performance in western countries compared to Chinese immigrants. The Indian-American IQ is also 112.
Historically Chinese always took their knowledge from India.



Control your animal urges you degenerate.

Found the problem with your argument Pajeet-san. A highly skilled minority of people who escaped their shit hole of a country is NOT representative of their country. It's like saying that because whites produce the most amount of geniuses and inventions that means all white people are 120+ IQ geniuses.


Most people in the big cities use toilets.
It's a destroyed country. Give it time.

This cream of the crop theory is bullshit. The people who are rich in India are the ones who sent their kids to study and then to the west. How did certain Indians get rich? By being liked by the British.

Lucknow is a major city in India and average IQ in non-flourosis region in Lucknow was found to be 110 (sample size 429)

Ahmedabad is another city where the IQ was found to be 104 (sample size 190)

Meanwhile the average IQ in Shandong province of China is 76-81

36 different studies showing low IQ of Chinese people (sources given). These facts are deliberately buried by the Chinese.
China's only ahead of India because of coloniztion.

This is what we call cognitive dissonance pajeet san. Still though, it's a shame your compatriot's potential is being fucked with. I'm sure in due time you poo in the looers will dig yourselves out of this hole. If you don't you're fucked just like China.

PS. do something about your feminists, they're getting about as bad as western feminists.

Feminism is only there to some extent in big cities which make up only 110 million people. 1.2 billion people are still highly patriarchal.

In my village (and most others) women are still not permitted to leave the house except when necessary. They have to be veiled and male family members can discipline women of the same/younger generation in the house.

We recognize female nature and are quite misogynistic. Bring back your patriarchy and we'll gladly kill feminism. We don't want women in public places and much prefer the old boys club

I had no idea about any of this. Thanks user, the hilarity of chinese incompetence is brand new to me.


I have never met an intelligent pajeet who is fresh off the boat in recent yeras. Guys fresh off the boat from a decade ago, absolutely, but that well has been run dry and you get guys who are almost as stupid as your average Saudi Arabian.

That said, I had no idea China was as bad as anons in this thread have been pointing out; war between these guys is looking more and more like retard thunderdome!


Refer to this post to see IQ in Indian cities and also see dozens of reports about low IQ of China which have been hidden/buried by the Chinese.

Indians have historically always been superior to the Chinese. And that guy's right. If you keep humiliating us unnecessarily even after destroying us for 200 years…. we will have to do something about you white devils.

The russians hate you. The chinese hate you. The muslims hate you. The North Koreans hate you. The Africans dislike you. We're your only ally and if you…. ahh nvm…. Just remember that Marco Polo described the place as “the richest and most splendid province in the world”


Chinese Cheat: news at 11.

Whoa, calm down friend. As far as being an ally, burgerland doesn't have those: we have slaves and masters. If you want a friend, go look to Russia.

I'm a slav burger; they don't hate us. Half of the reason we were celebrating a Trump victory both here and in vodka land is because we don't want to go to war with burgers.

I'm with you though; street shitters are better than ant people and I like them fine, but make no mistake the people you guys are sending over here to study in our burger schools are some of the most retarded mouth breathers I have ever seen—and I have met a lot of Saudis.

What are you talking about?

i would say California is also filled with subhumans

Why not ship it to parts of the country that need it? Imagine a giant freshwater lake in Nevada or California? Do some climate modification. I always thought it would be cool to fill Death Valley with salt water again.

Greenland… more population growth than Australia? Picture is pure shit.

Not if all the whites start fleeing there.

You better watch your mouth you pathetic slav or we'll reduce you and your fragile family to ashes. All slavic countries can easily be crushed by India alone. You're a weak and pathetic little bitch.

I'm not going to respond to you again. You don't deserve to talk to me. Fucking low-caste

Russia would stomp india and im even doubtful you could take the ukies or poles

Russia is ruled by a Mongoloid.
How does it matter whether you're doubtful or not? ahaha.
Polish and Ukraine militaries are technologically backward as fuck and puny little forces that would be subdued within a couple of hours at the very maximum.
Within minutes Poland and Ukraine would suffer a nuclear holocaust so sit the fuck down you inferior, slavic nigger.

Do you have any idea how logistically difficult that would be?

China and India are going to end up in a conflict that kills billions. Its unavoidable due to China being a bag of retarded dicks. Thats not the worst of it.

Significant parts of North America is undergoing drought. This includes the Deep South of all places, which has begun a transition to monsoon seasons. Oh and did I mention we have nearly used up the Midwestern Aquifers, which will be depleted in this century? All while being fed propaganda about how we must increase production to feed the world?

North America might not be able to feed itself.

Oh and a few years back, parts of the Amazon ran dry. Yes. Fucking dry.

The only beneficiaries of what is to come are the Polar countries. Russia, Scandy Land, Canada and Alaska. But that comes at a cost. That cost being massive methane release from the permafrost.

Its real, and there is nothing that can stop it any longer.

The highest caste of pajeets are still the worlds untouchables. Better get a new angle sonny.

What are we to do then?

Only for the first 1000 years of Aryans' arrival. After that miscegenation with dravidoniggers got you.

Lol, poo yourself, brownie.

wut? permafrost and methane? tell me more. Will the thawing of the permafrost because of global warming release methane that has been trapped in the earth?


What are you going to do? Form all your street-poo into a ball and roll it down a mountain at them?

Those aren't high castes in your picture you dumb shit. By worlds untouchables you mean highest FDI destination, world's 3rd largest economy and world's 4th most powerful military??

Get out of your fantasy, stupid bigot. But I guess it's better you remain your ignorant little selves… so it's easier to surprise you with our power and kill each and every one of you racist bitches

No I mean till the 18th century. Dravidians are also caucasoid. Educate yourself so that next time you don't make such embarrassing and ignorant comments.

China has also always been ahead of Whites (who are not noble/Arya) since time immemorial.

Lol Europeans used to shit on the streets till the industrial revolution. London was actually the most filthy city in the world…. a fucking cess pit

Yup. Siberia is fucking crazy rich in resources.
We really dont have much time. Bring as much industry back home as we can, evict as many Spics as we can, go as full autarky as we can, and prepare for the collapse of the international global economy. And secure Canada while remaining friends with Russia.

In fantasy verse, we start a European-American Race War that sees all the shitskins driven out of Europe and America and wd go forward with preparing for possible nuclear attack from China out of spite.

Also that elderly, lower caste guy was probably much better looking than this low caste guy (see picture) in his youth

Seriously pys.

well a population of 3 million+ living in a densely populated area
because you know Britain could keep its people fed so the streets werent full of corpses like pajeetworld Kek

Pajeet you people have an average IQ of 85. Phone us when you finally learn to conquer the lavoratory.

Here are pictures of the purest dravidians…. low castes from Tamil Nadu (the southernmost tip of India)… I've seen folks from Cyprus who have more negroid facial features than them. They are very caucasoid as you can see.

The IQ of Serbia is 89. India is far more poor than Serbia thanks to white demons. The IQ of Indians in cities far exceeds that of seribians and is more than all white countries. Europeans were filthy street shitters until the industrial revolution so your point falls flat. In fact, as I pointed out, the UK had the filthiest city in the world.

And a pic of a refurbished 16th century building? I can post something much more beautiful than that shit, but I'll pass. Italy's also a weak little bitch now and we can easily reduce it to ashes.


You guys had enlightened white man rule for two centuries and you still shit in streets.
Serbians had turkroach slavery and then nearly a century of communism and you can't even learn how to use a toilet. Just accept the fact that your country is inferior to Pakistan in every way and try to improve your shitty lives going forward.

there were gutters built into the streets sides to flush sewage downhill out of the towns
and Europeans didnt shit in the street they shit in a pot in their home and chucked it out the window into the gutters below
not like pajeets who literally just designate a street to fill with shit EVEN TODAY

Rank Country IQ
23 Pakistan 84
23 Paraguay 84
23 Saudi Arabia 84
23 Solomon Isl. 84
23 Uganda Uganda 84
23 UAE 84
23 Vanuatu 84
23 Venezuela 84
24 Algeria 83
24 Bahrain 83
24 Libya 83
24 Oman 83
24 Papua New Guinea 83
24 Syria 83
24 Tunisia 83
25 Bangladesh 82
25 Dominican Rep. 82
25 India 82

Can someone post "superpower by 2030"? I don't have it filenamed.

Also requesting this.


Im a burger we could kill all of you 10 times over.
yeah but there white I have seen what happens when street shitters and such get into combat they have massively staggered kill ratio battles where you would take 100 thousand casualties and we would take 10. Also if I was an indian I wouldn't be getting into any sort of arguments calling someone a mongoloid

I mean the big one iwth half of Pajeet's statements on said thread.

hes actually right arabs have Caucasoid bone structures to.

Europe has been on top of the world for the last 600 years at the very least

Those crime numbers don't mean shit, they have a huge population, if you turned those absolute numbers into %, that's a pretty low crime rate


I'm convinced that guy and a few others are larping as street shitters in order to give us a few laughs. Makes me wish we had the flags here not really

Nah, i already posted the IQ of Indian cities which far exceeds that of white countries.

By enlightened you mean low IQ? funny…. we had about 35% of world trade and got reduced to about 2%.

In terms of racial purity then the Jats of North India (80 million+) are purer than about all the Pakistanis. The pure people in Pakistan are a small minority of Hindus with blond hair and blue eyes.

haha… wishful thinking!!
Open defecation was indubitably common in the Middle Ages and persisted well into the 19th century. In her memoirs of the fens of East Anglia, Sybil Marshall recalls that privies were not common in her father's(born 1870) childhood. She writes that the only provision was THE GREAT OUTDOORS!!

As recently as 1960 there was no provision in isolated spanish villages…. so people used to defecate in the open. You can read more in the book "Sin and Filth in Medieval Culture: The Devil in the Latrine" and come out of your utter ignorance.

The oldest known flush toilets were actually used in the Indus Valley civilization… while you were still shitting on the streets till 1960, lol

The Indus valley civilization is 9500 years old…. the first city in Europe was 6500 years later than that.

Nope. The British were utterly defeated in 1690 and promised better behavior like little, pwned bitches. (see child's war)

The king who died in the 18th century was the world's richest man and India was the world's largest economy. Even Indian lower-castes were ahead of Europeans throughout most of history!

its dumb and it cant read/write in English properly either
I cant wait until a new strain of cholera mutates from the filth of the River Ganges and culls your population

So this is what delusion looks like.

India didnt exist until the brits said it did


Get your head out of your arse, pajeet. You're not supposed to believe your own propaganda.
Bumping for pic related

I think I know who should get india.

The numbers are scewed due to india being as multiethnic as the usa. Of course, that's why the caste since is there. The more dindu the lower the class.

so how did they wipe their ass back then? papyrus? or did they always shit those perfect no wiper shits?

Enough of you stupid untouchables. The US is the only white country that can match up to India… and even the US will be defeated in Asia… a nuclear war would lead to MAD.

Whites are soon going to become a minority in the US too, because you have liberated man's biggest enemy…. woman…. you think I'm
your enemy? haha. Funny.

Mongoloids have been following Hindusim for over 5000 years as is evidenced by the history of INDOnesia and other parts of south east asia.
Hinduism in the form of Buddhism has also dominated China, Japan, Mongolia etc.

lol can't handle facts?

Yeah it did it has been called Bharatvarsh for thousands of years. Another factual inaccuracy by the ignorant monkey!!

Aren't those the places which saw the world wars and genocide of indigenous peoples?? Didn't your first, late-ass civilization in Ancient Greece practice slavery of other Greeks?? Uncivilized and disgusting.

sponge on the end of a stick
pajeets just use their hands

The london and paris underground smell like shit… you don't even know how to wash your ass

I bet there's still shit on everybody's ass here. I've even smelled shit in pubs and other crowded areas. Disgusting animals.

you know all pajeet nukes are hand me downs from the Reagan administration?
Britain warned the yanks not to sell nukes to the curryniggers and pakis but they didnt listen
better than enslaving people for thousands of years for touching a cow the wrong way

Delicious curry flavoured tears.

If dubs, China will lose the war.


Disinfo shill detected. Hinduism is not Buddhism, and is hardly even a religion. Hinduism is a collection of spiritual practices held together by a strange mesh of state sponsorship and ethnocentrism that is designdd to assimilate anything. Buddhism is an attempt at truth, guided by ancient aryan lore, preserved by a strange mountain people who took in many refugees as islam and kikstianity destroyed the east and europe.

So, are you an RSS shill? Are you?

A foul, meat eating demon. And no, the caste system was never birth-based.

Die, demon, die!!

yes it was you dumb currynigger
pariahs/untouchables were pariahs/untouchables from birth because their parents were pariahs/untouchables
so on and so forth until Britain comes along and preaches a new form of law where men get hanged for throwing women screaming and alive on top of their husbands funeral pyre

The sikhs will lead india to a new future. A natsoc future.


The brittish were the pawns of the sassoons. The only reason the britts were forced out of india was because the soldiers returning from the Azad Hind division from their fight for the reich were able to take the indian navy back and threaten the britts with a war they could not afford. Ghandi was D&C to cover up that armed men, willing to fight, did the dirty work. Can't have strong role models goy, nope, gots ta be nonviolent! Fuck Ghandi. Sieg hiel, Azad hind!

so did everyone have their own sponge? or did they share?

Yes, they used fucking sponges, just like the fucking romans. People still use sponges. Fucking a, those poor sea creatures. Their whole existance… to wipe an asshole. Well, cleaner than paper. Very soft on the anus, and way less risky than a starfish.

public toilets sometimes were bad enough that they shared
if you could afford it most would have their own sponge
u wash sponge, wet it and wipe with it then wash it again after wards

Now imagine if there lived 400 people at your grandparents farm.

where did you wash the sponge? in a bucket? wouldn't the bucket just be full of liquid shit after a while and just make your asshole even dirtier?

Maybe if they didn't dump all their shitwater, garbage and industrial waste into all their water sources, jesus christ.
Asia is fucking huge, they couldn't just make some landfills in unused areas?
But no, they're so shortsighted in their way to make a buck that they'll just dump their crap into any water source just because its faster and cheaper, to the point that literally their rivers run red like it's blood and all marine life does in its wake.

you know Romans had plumbing and running water right?
I imagine a bucket which you would routinely empty and fill with fresh water from a public tap

the red stuff is an algal bloom
once it reaches that stage the waters too toxic for any life except bacteria and bloodworms

so why not just make a small running river that you could squat into and have your asshole washed by sweet cool flowing water?

Dalai Lama has himself said that Buddhism is Hinduism. In the Indian constitution Buddhism and Sikhism are not recognized as religions. Buddha considered the Vedas sacred. The hindu-buddhist division was mainly made by evil westerners.

See Hindu gods being worshipped in Buddhist temples in Japan.

Most Sikhs in India pray at Hindu temples. There is no sikh religion…. it's just the following of a different Guru.

Muslims fuck off. The whites will always take our side over you. You pose a threat to everyone, but we don't pose a threat to anyone. Semites are vastly inferior…. even to the dravidians

because thats an irrigation nightmare and you end up with a stream of liquid shit running through the streets and your town starts smelling like India

or you could just divert the stream from the shithouse into the fucking sewers? c'mon, step it up senpai

Oh go fuck yourself shill. You're spouting the very RSS bullshit the indian government is pushing to destroy the sikh people just like the fucking kikes do o europe! Do you seriously not understand that you are a kike, and need to gas yourself? The RSS recognizes that Hinduism is many hundreds of years old and it can slowly assimilate the Sikhs with time. By establishing links between Vishnu/Raam and the Gurus, they hope that Sikhs will see these Hindu gods as their own. With time, perhaps pictures of Raam and Vishnu will find their way into Gurdwaras. The RSS has commissioned paintings and posters that mix Hinduism and Sikhism and present Sikh figures receiving blessings from Hindu gods.


Remember folks:
1. Shitting where you eat is never a good idea
2. overpopulation is bad
3. moderation is the key to most everything
4. dont be fucking retarded
5. dont have overpopulated neighbors
6. Harmony with nature and balance population with technology IE infrastructure.

Ivy League professor and hydrologist here,

My colleagues, despite their multitude of degrees, are still stuck in this 'cucked' globalist approach to climate and resources, as if they think China and India give two fucks about what one of our politicians tells one of their politicians at some climate conference in Switzerland.

One of my interests is how to control local pollution, because expecting developing nations with entirely different cultures from ours to curb their emissions or adopt any sort of global environmental standard is folly. No number of treaties or accords is going to get China or India to say "y'know, we don't need all this growth, its ok for some of our people to remain poor or starving because we need to follow these rules that America and Europe said are important".

That, combined with the general apathy that those countries have so deeply ingrained in their culture, makes enforcement of any climate initiative impossible, and anyone who thinks otherwise doesn't understand how the world works.

We better start fixing our own infrastructure, building sea walls where necessary, or trying to figure out how to remove carbon from the atmosphere on a massive scale that is economically worthwhile. China and India are destined to choke on their own pollution, and I frankly, don't care. That's why I'm so glad that Trump got elected; he understands this stuff at least to a basic level. He doesn't get the numbers or the models we use, but he understands that there is value in nationalizing all of our resources in anticipation for conflict between Asian nations, African nations, and everyone else that desires additional resources to support their unfettered growth.

The one big irony here is that China is actually doing more to curb the rate of sea level rise than anyone else with their ambitious damn building. Reservoirs keep water on land, at least until they are filled. This actually has a very significant effect on sea-level rise, believe it or not.

Nobody wants to destroy the parampara started by Guru Nanak. I have many sikh friends and all of them go to temples.

Oh look an article written by either western Sikhs or one of those rare Sikhs in India. Neither the Indian constitution nor the RSS recognizes Sikh as a separate religion. Khalsas were formed to defend Hinduism.

RSS does ghar wapsi (reconversion) of Abrahmic cult followers in Punjab back to Hinduism…. the part of Hinduism you would call "sikhism" …

if only you had freed tibet

What everyone understands is the language of Empire.

Rome, Carthage, Persia, that kind of stuff… the ancient world was a globalized world in that sense as well.

The difference is now we have fossil fuels that fuck everything up and make the environment irrapparably damaged. Back then it's no big deal even if 50,000 corpses lie in the field, nature will clean it up in no time.

Europe got its empire phase with exceptionally environmentally friendly sailing ships. Now shitskins want their empires too, but the progress of environmentally damaging technologies is irreversible.

I get that, and its sad. I've even heard it described in academia as Westerners being "racist" by attempting to deny these Eastern retards their "empire" through our climate and pollution control plans.

I have examined every path and alternative, and have only come to the conclusion that the US, Europe, Russia and Japan need to nationalize their resources and essentially 'barricade' themselves from the rest of the world, and allow the Middle East, Africa and Asia to duke it out.

We need deaths, by the billion, to fix the problems happening in Asia. It's sad, but true, and it will happen sooner or later. I just pray that they won't take the rest of the world with them.

If anything the Sikh would be the kikes - an international ethnocentric minority that focuses on their own tribal interests and considers themselves essentially opposed to any other nation or religion. what does that sound like to you?

Teach me your ways, sensei. I am but a mere sylviculturist dropout struggling for my bachelor at the age of 30.

Sikhs are from various castes and they don't intermarry. Therefore there is no Sikh tribe or ethnicity.

Picture of lower-caste followers of Guru Nanak

The picture was reinforcing your position relative to us. To real people from real countries you are all shit shoveling little pajeets, no amount of strutting will change that. No country full of people that shit on the streets and reserve a wall in every room and elevator for spitting on will ever be taken seriously by the civilised world.

Please enjoy your larping though, us humans find it most amusing.


Take it up with the faggot that made this map. Probably out here somewhere.

In the past 3 centuries thanks to ghostly white demons.
Throughout the vast majority of history your position has been far below us. You were nothings and got everything through robbery and acts of evil.

cool india-related blog post(s) incoming

there were cigarette ash marks on the elements, meaning fucko remembered to buy cigarettes upon moving to australia, but not a fucking lighter. he was lighting his god damn smokes on an electric stove top element and leaving the element on for the next smoke. naturally, we ripped his head off about this and threatened to talk to the real estate if he didn't go out and buy a fucking lighter


I never thought I could grow to genuinely and personally hate something so quickly and so strongly but all it took was one retarded indian to prove me fucking wrong.

And yet we know how to use toilets

Thanks Dugin.

Okay, but you also acknowledge that we owned you for 200 years. It's kind of funny, you're even arguing against us in our language rather than yours. I wonder why English is such a popular language.

People here dont know or underestimate Tamils because they read too much outdated 19th century stuff about ayyrans conquering stoneage abbos or some shit.


Why didn't you just have a word with him instead of tolerating his street shitting behavior for the entire duration of your studies?

Both positions are true, though. There IS a "third race" in India, constituted most prominently in the most backwards castes/classes, broad-faced with unintelligent eyes, dark ruddy in complexion. They exist, but it's wrong to confuse them with Dravidians. Dravidians are basically Aryan Dunmer

This is "lol shitskins are so dumb thats why I use their zero in math" logic man..

True, there are all kinds of races living in india, its an incredible diverse continent, from archaic island negritos to aboriginal kinds that ave such dark hair its almost blueish to the dravidians, asians, nepalese and indoeuropean types.

yea lol
dark means not necessarily bad.

honestly? he just kept surprising us with how incredibly fucking stupid he was. at first we thought he was just another blow-in, but then he just proved himself to have less and less of the knowledge that is required to be able to live on your own. not to mention the obvious notion that neither the other housemates or myself were this retard's babysitters on top of it being the business end of a uni semester, we had more pressing things on our minds than if the retard in room 4 knew how milk worked. had we known we were basically dealing with an invalid we would probably have sat him down and made up some house rules for him to follow, but hindsight is 20/20.

I always thought indians cant be as sheltered as western and east asian hikkis due to them not having neetbux culture.

Do you think you got a rich one who had his parents get a houseservant who made everything for him and the household as long as he could think?

no doubt the fucker was cashed up in some form. his first assumption was that we had a cleaner and his general disregard for the utilities screamed someone who never has had to even think of paying a bill, let alone figuring out if it's too high. even hikkis and NEETs are aware of the most basic aspects of cooking and food storage, this kid just had absolutely no god damn clue at all. we had to tell him to put his food in containers and not just dump what looked like an attempt at a burger patty straight on the fridge shelf between an egg carton and a bag of carrots. kindergarteners have more life skills than that fucker when he got plopped on our doorstep.
it just boggles my fucking mind

Exactly this, but not just 'barricading'. For our own good we must execute a solution, otherwise we all go to hell. If we let them chimp-out on their own expect our descendants to go through a nuclear winter or live in an extremely degraded World for sure, since those idiots are not going to get enlightened and start thinking much about the immediate future anytime soon. The only viable one is massive depopulation of shit-tier countries, hopefully by a 1918's Spanish flu pandemic style which killed in just one year a bigger % of the World's population than WW2. The conditions are already set for it all, so many retards living in filth in such densities is the perfect scenario for this to happen. We have the knowledge to create GMOs, let's use it for what's really needed.


Please let China and India nuke each other. Two big, smelly, overpopulated turd countries who shit up everything and steal the work of others. America has to unexport our jobs and give the finger to india for tech support and call center work and china for manufacturing. Suddenly they has the poor and are killing their own children to eat. PLEASE SAVE THE WORLD FROM BROWN POOP PEOPLE, TRUMP!

Ironically in the pre-islam days, the bedouins who lived in the near eastern deserts managed to create cistern networks to collect and store water. Even in the desert they had plenty to drink, and even sold some to travelers. Their cities had huge well storage of fresh, clean water in a system where it would not evaporate and any new rainfall would fill the tank, not be wasted in the sands. Then islam comes along, muds flood into the near east and start inbreeding and oppressing women (prior to this women were more or less equals, and could run their own businesses and hold land and assets.) Suddenly they all just forget how to into cistern, as well as any other architecture or engineering form, and it's the fucking dark ages again. Why are muslims literally, fundamentally, and eternally fucking retards?

First cousin marriages.

So why not melt the fucking glaciers, build a ton of resevoirs, and warm the planet for that there arable land that's permafrosted currently in canada and russia? Everyone could have lakefront property and we can roast the nigs and spics alive. Most of the northern hemisphere has a long winter and short summer. Global warming would be good for us, if anything, if we could control the water level. Or we could build massive underground cisterns so no sacrifice of land space? Or just ship it to california and drown every liberal there.

Glad at least a few of you browse Holla Forums. I'm graduated now, but when I wore my Trump pin on campus it was like a secret handshake club with the non-cuck profs (mainly business, law, and hard sciences. All the libartz ones were bernouts. Eternal losers.) You had to whisper your agreement or be ostracised by the liberal mobs.

But really the outcome of unrestrained overbreeding, especially by mud races, is eventually a resource war, isn't it? In other words, what we see now with spics and mudshits invading white lands is the beginning of that. And it will get worse until white people either find their nuts and shoot the invaders, or they roll over and die. What timeframe do you think this will evolve in?

Tibet is pretty cool. Shame the Free Tibet movement was hijacked by insufferable hippie precursor sjw shitlibs whose insanity killed its image. Fuck china for genociding some chill as fuck mountain sherpas. China are the jews of asia.


Indians high caste northerners are aryans, everything India achieved was due to your "white demon" blood, retard. The British East India company were 100% kikes, all of India's exploitation was at their hands, not the English's.

Yes, it is still England's fault for letting Cromwell sell them out, but they only suffered from the same deceit and manipulation that India did by the very same party of true demons - demons so evil they'd actually pin the blame on your devastation on the only proud blood your people have.

Let them bomb each other into rubble, it's good for the environment.


Two billion 3rd worlders aka shitskins

Let them burn.

Are there literally poo in loo on Holla Forums or is this some new kind of trolling?

No, they're shitskin hobgoblins.

I'm bumping just for this. India sucks as hard as China.

So we know where to land the moon if overpopulation gets too bad?

ProfessorFag here, the board might have given me a different ID,

I don't know if many people could stomach something like the Spanish flu in the sense that they may not want to be complicit in the deaths of billions of people by knowingly spreading it into a massive population center, however we could use something like the Zika virus to make people permanently infertile.

I'm not an expert on pathology or epidemiology by any means, but I've read about viruses that make people infertile, which doesn't seem like a major stretch scientifically speaking if they were carried by mosquitos or some sort of other delivery system.

It would seem rather simple. Release this virus into an area that is somewhat more isolated than a major city like Beijing or Mumbai to prevent the risk of people carrying it to the US by plane. Some 'American doctor' will identify the virus in that town, inform the CDC and the federal government based on the CDC's recommendation would stop all flights from those countries. The idea here would be to essentially quarantine ourselves at around the timeframe of the virus reaching a major city, but before it gets on a plane. There are some advanced models that we use which use PDEs to model the rate of an illness spreading based on a dozen variables which tend to be pretty accurate. Of course we cant immediately know about the virus because that would look suspicious, and we may not want to be the ones to be blamed for introducing an epidemic to a nuclear power.

As far as the water goes, the geopolitics of water resources tend to be very complicated and I look forward to watching it play out in Asia where you have over 3 billion people competing for a handful of major rivers and tributaries. It won't be pretty, especially since China and India have no idea what it means to be a good herald of a river. They just use the same river for every purpose you can think of, from major shipping lanes to fishing to bathing to shitting and dumping corpses, and of course drinking water :^) I've been offered professional hydrologist positions in Guangzhou for the equivalent of $220k/year American (which is a fortune in China, everything is cheap) but I was not about to take them. Money isn't worth having to live in those shitholes, and I'm not 20 years old anymore, so there is little temptation in seeking an adventure.

By that logic, why even melt the glaciers? Why not just fill a bunch of natural basins with water. Africa is basically a giant bowl, so if you were to fill the middle of Africa with 100 ft of water and create a giant lake, you would lower sea level by like 10 meters which is about what the 3000-year equilibrium value is for this Earth.

As far as intentionally heating the planet and moving further North, that would be unwise for several reasons:

-A lot of our cities are on the coast. Currently sea-level rise averages about 3.3 mm/year without factoring in tectonic subsidence or uplift. With subsidence/uplift factored in, this number will vary for different locales. Building sea walls is expensive and so is moving cities. No one wants to abandon N'awlins or NYC, at least not any time soon.

-Creating an extra-hot equator could have terrifying consequences for weather patterns. All bad weather occurs because of rising air, and really warm+humid air rises. Your situation would essentially entail ocean water near the equator being a constant 85 degrees, which would generate tons of hurricanes. Heat energy has to go somewhere, and its outlet would be hurricanes, which would be able to reach you further and further north with an increasingly warm ocean providing convective energy.

-Building reservoirs has environmental consequences that can vary from mild to severe on a case by case basis. It would be logistically difficult to find all that land and get all of the workers to man the reservoirs. Dams fuck up river ecosystems and prevent sediment flow to the delta which would result in any city at the mouth of the river to erode away unless reinforced. River deltas also provide very fertile farmland, which would be eroded away if this many reservoirs and dams were built.

China builds lots of dams but they don't give a fuck. They have very little foresight and only care about short term economic gain. They will just try to cover up all disasters anyway and historically speaking, their people are and have always been expendable.

I didn't proofread this essay so bear with me if there are grammar mistakes.

Oh anyone from Pakistan to China all along the Indian Ocean and varying seas, they are all fucked. Doomed. Because China is going to be blatantly unreasonable. Its going to be aassive Nuclear War.

Genetically falsified information. 19th century, colonialist nonsense. Even Max Muller acknowledged that the Aryan invasion theory could be bullshit. The out of Africa theory shows that humans came to North India before Europe.

Indians are descended from the ANI (ancestral north Indian) and ASI. The ANI was probably a light brown or brown caucasoid that genetically diverged from CEU (Europeans) tens of thousands of years ago. White Europeans are considered ugly, low-caste, untouchables as per the traditional caste system. We are much further apart than Red Indians and East Asians.
The ANI has historically been far superior to Europeans, and even south Indians have always been better than European demons. ANI range starts from Afghanistan and ends in Burma.

In the mid-18th century the richest province of India was Bengal (Bangladesh and West Bengal) and these people have a very heavy ASI DNA mixture. If ANI is superior, then why was Bangladesh doing better than Afghanistan? Why was India always far superior to Europe?

Yes there is a third Australoid race which makes up about 5% or less of the population. I'd say about 2-3% is pure. The rest is either mixed with mongoloid or some variety of mongoloid (see picture)

As someone who works in Wastewater treatment these pictures truly make me REEEEEE.

You existed on the corpse of a dead civilization.

This would be a fantastic scenario but I think it is unlikely. Pajeetistan and Changdongistan is separated by a large mountain and I cannot see any major offensives going through this shit terrain.
Chinks will likely battle once again against other chinks like during the past 100 years. They cannot invade anywhere. In vietnam/myanmar/laos they would get assraped like the burgers, pajeetland is shit terrain and mongolia is a dessert with nothing to conquer. Russky land is out of question because they would assrape them as well. Remember that chinks did not win a single war during the last 250 years unless it was against other chinks.

and yet you buy russky gear S400, Russky fighter jets for your military pajeet. If you are so fucking geniouses who invented mathematics and numbers, how come you subhumans have no technology of your own inb4 muh colonialism. How come all your engineers and doctors want to migrate to europe and america instead of making your steaming pile of literal shit cuntry great? POO IN THE LOO PAJEET

Yeah, you cling on to that.

The idea that the zipperheads did well against the burgers is kikeywood bullshit. In reality so many zipperheads were killed that the Cong was nearly exterminated during the Tet Offensive and the NVA admitted in the 90s that they only had enough males in the country to continue to war for two years. The burders absolutely destroyed them while fighting with both hands tied behind their backs. Even with very few resources the French were slaughtering them, but they didn't have the numbers to hold on in Indochina on their own.


and yet they had to leave vietnam
like the french before them
so would the chinks as well
I understand your argument that kike media sabotaged the burgers with political faggotry tough

kek, nice fuhrer dubs

Hate to be that guy, but the map is a hoax. It was actually about the tsunami

♥  ♥

Fuhrer approved shitpost.