If you dislike this show, you have no taste and should go back to Reddit
If you dislike this show, you have no taste and should go back to Reddit
Sure. Your so smart op.
Now THIS is a quality thread.
Shame it goes on /cuckquean/.
I know this is low energy bait but come on user.
Reminder that better shows died for this cuckquean fetish piece.
Dear cuckchanner, you seem lost.
SvtFoE threads go in >>>/cuckquean/
Go ask for CUTE AND PERFECT and shoulders of Star in there.
you know its weird, there used to be actual threads about this and it wasnt just shitposted into oblivion, what happened that suddenly changed that?
Star's shoulders.
I understood… why her shoulders??
fuck off
Gee OP, you sure showed me. How about you head on back to /cuckquean/? Seriously, this show was always average to mediocre and was filled with fickle characters. What made it fun was the lewd humor and lewd OCs we used to get, which are lowering in quality as of late.
Discussion of this show is absolutely worthless unless an episode just aired. There is no depth to this.
Now start the cucking.
Dunno. I was in 4/co/ during the April Fools outage, and apart from spamming "cute and perfect" in the Star threads they demanded shoops of star wearing off-the-shoulder dresses
Exactly, even today there's a sneak peek of Season 3. But, the reason 8/co/ is superior to cuck/co/ is because in here there are no fans of SvtFoE.
The show is wank. Go fuck yourself OP.
You should consider watching Steven Universe. Best cartoon show ever. Full of fun characters and great writing.
Hey Holla Forums
This isn't OK.
only watch the show for the hentai tbh.
Why does this make me want to watch the show now?
reddit pls go
I don't care if it was because of the outage or not.
never seen the show is she really being cucked?
That's the whole point of this show.
where can i torrent this shit
This show is for cuckolds, trap lovers, pedos, and autistics .
She's being cucked by fans and creators alike.
The fuck are you talking about?
Holla Forums getting hacked on April Fools and being down for like a week.
You just hate it because it's a deconstruction of a "magical princess beats up bad guys" archetype.
So basically if you go to cuck/co/ during the outage is a faux pas, right?
Craig McCracken's PPG, W.I.T.C.H. and even Winx Club are better at "deconstructing the 'magical princess beats up bad guys'" than Star "Don't talk to me or my Husband's daughter again" Butterfly
Winx Club is not better than anything, but I agree with the rest
calm your tits
Yeah that whole redwood thing really shed a light on why the moderation was so fucked everywhere. The General and /q/ faggots that almost everyone else hated turned out to have been working their way into the administration for years.
It started out as a typical "manic pixie dream girl becomes best friends with a straight-laced guy" type show and then as expected, one of them begins to develop feelings for the other one. But unlike most shows it's the girl who develops the feelings first and instead of going out of her way to try and win her guy over, Star kind of just makes it easier for other girls to jump on Marco's dick. And even though it's obvious that Star wants him (it was even revealed in song, prior to the season 2 finale), Marco seems to be pretty comfortable with her just being in the friend zone. So yeah.
Though I wouldn't be surprised if they have Marco reveal he has feelings for her in season 3.
according to people present at the season 3 presentation, Jackie is not part of the main cast (at least in the intro sequence), so your assumptions are maybe right.
reddit thread
She a cuckquean, deal with it
More like a cuckchan thread. There's no people here asking for szechuan sauce
You know I end up feeling that the actual cucks are the people interested in the show for cuckqueening.
Because its not a sexual show. Star Paired up marco for stupid Teenage Drama bullshit. This is the level of stuff you see in things like Strait to DVD Futarama Bullshit. But because your so desperate for your fetish, you will call a fart a mustard gas attack and mostly masturbate to fanart.
You discovered that water's wet. Congratulations!
No, I hate it because it's shit.
star being a cuckqueen is the only thing making this shit interesting
While I get PPG what makes W.I.T.C.H. and Winx Club better? Genuinely curious.
halfchan is for faggots
you should go there and stay there
man people sure are mad about quadcuck i don't really get it but whatever im sure you chuckle fucks go there regular anyway. theres no bonus points for brand loyalty you know whether its octocuck or quadcuck or any of the other failures that exist on the internet being totally against them is pointless and sad.
Star vs is a mediocre show always has been and always will be unfortunate much like Steven universe it attracts the mentally ill like the hard drugs the executives that allow these shows to exist snort off prostitutes.its alright if you're bored or high or both but otherwise its almost like punching yourself in the ribs.
didn't the threads implode because of the last 5 episodes of season 2 or something
shit show
In comparison to SvtFoE? Well, they at least have a better understanding of magical girls fighting bad people, than Daron's attempt.
finally, the voice of reason.
I rarely watch the show, but are we supposed to feel bad for this lolrandumb cunt? She shows up and annexes Beaner's house, puts his life in danger on the reg, and acts like a pixie nightmare girl all the fucking time. Jokestore horned headbands are NOT a fashion accessory, bitch.
She should just be happy Beaner's dad hasn't crept into her room in the middle of the night and raped his way through her hymen or cocoon or whatever the hell she's rocking down there.
Did she turn him into a chick and start fucking him?
In one of the episodes of the series the beaner was forced to dress like a princess. Star apparently gets wet when the beaner is wearing the princess dress along with a wig
Who doesn't?
People with taste.
His dad is not a muslim, user.
Elaborate further, please.
I mean you only have yourself to blame I didn't even have to click but I already knew what it was.
I guess? That's what I never understood she's responsible for everything wrong in her life and somehow she's the victim I do think even watch this show but all I want is the alligator man to murder everybody.
Star confirmed for most realistic cartoon character ever made.
Thank you based user
I just discovered the alligator man is voiced by Michael C. Hall. Let's hope it canalizes some of Dexter killing urges.
It's a fancy word for channeling
Albeit Winx Club sucks at character development, they at least understand the concept of a heroine improving herself to overcome a villain and teamwork.
W.I.T.C.H. is better than Winx Club in that respect. Will is as inexperienced as Star, but unlike Star (who has the magical wand that do everything for her), Will is a rookie with no powers and has to overcome her insecurity albeit being brave. At least they show how Will has to improve and even the consequences of attaining almost infinite power.
You don't see that on SvtFoE. There are bad people (bald parrot man, alligator man and edgy grandma) but Star is more concerned with her teenage angst than to improve and be more proficient with the wand.
Even in the season finale, despite Star seems to understand the threat that alligator man poses, she's more concerned with herself and her crush on the beaner.
Alright so I finally decided to watch this yesterday, I'm a few episodes into season two and honestly it's just middling. There's some decent jokes but all the main characters are just uninteresting and annoyingly upbeat. So far Ludo's stuff in season 2 has been the most interesting thing to happen to anyone.
You niggers are posting in a Holla Forums thread.
But he is a happily married catholic, those dont rape qt girls, when they have a milf
not even the maisiefaggots of Holla Forums would dare to like SvtFoE
That last one has to be a joke, right? Jesus Christ.
Some mod apparently took a fucking chainsaw to this thread…
Many of the post just were Holla Forums redpills and one user posing that idea that the beaner's dad is going to rape star. Nothing of value was lost.
So a mod is deleting something he doesn't like? Just another day on Holla Forums.
shit thread
It was great until redditpol got in here.
It's reddipol you fucking redditor
Why are you here? Get back to Holla Forums with the maisieshits you fucking faggot or even better
I have a similar feeling except I want the short birdman to kill everyone. His stories were the only really interesting ones the entire second season.
Didn't alligator man take over him or some shit man whatever I just want someone to brutally murder everyone
sounds like something reddit would say
Aligator man lives inside the part of the wand that birdman took out from Star, and he already possessed birdman's body. Aligator man is trying to recover the finger that Star's mother amputated from him in battle long ago.
Our queen is Jenny you uncultured swine.
Jenny? As in XJ-9 Jenny? You guys sure are quick to grab any cartoon character that gets by their supposed love interest.
*gets cockblocked
Behead those who insult XJ-9 tbh
We actually like our women 3D.
This begs two questions:
1. Literally who is this?
2. If you don't like cartoon girs then what are you doing here?
Now I really know that you're from reddipol.
I was wrong. You don't belong on Holla Forums
here's where you belong:
>>>Holla Forums
/cuckqueen/ happened
not really while the discussion moved there its not because of it. it more the attitude of Holla Forums has slowly been moving away from talking about anything thats not capeshit. despite this being comics and cartoons there's a militant faction here that for whatever reason doesn't want to allow any real discussion on cartoons or non big 2 comics. you can see it in almost every thread and if its successful it drives the discussion elsewhere. cuckqueen picked up on star vs and a thread discussing it and their interpretation of it and so every goes to talk about it there. in between all their fetish talk is some good talk.
pic unrelated i just will never have a use for it.
Can we actually talk about the show now?
So I like the show because it doesn't runs entirely on DEEP LORE and somehow I believe the grinning potato style actually fits, unlike let's say Gravity Falls.
On the other hand season 1 is simply overrated shit and season 2 is overrated decent stuff.
My worries is that the libtards at Disney blew the moral of the show by turning the monsters into complete BLM instead of while justifiably angry still violent assholes in general.
Then again it doesn't seems like the monsters have a bad relationship between them an mewmans if they use official and legal methods of interaction and but Toffee who just might be an spiteful war vet.
Name one. Seriously, the only Disney XD Cartoon I can think about is Wander Over Yonder and it was going to be cancelled regardless and if you think Gravity Falls is better then lurk moar.
And then you complaint that SJW's ruin media with their fanfiction.
The show went to shit the moment they decided to give them 4 seasons.
No because it's a cartoon and Holla Forums doesn't like it because all cartoons are bad. Even cartoons that are considered universally good are disliked here. You wanna have some potential discussion go to /cuckquean/ were it's not out right hated because Muh current year.
Alright genuine question: Can you ever imagine that people may just dislike this show for genuine reasons? Like I just don't get your thought process.
Its like saying:
Holla Forums doesn't like threads about Star because: a) its shitty CalArts design and b) threads about it have been dominated by porn and waifu shit.
Holla Forums is not anti-cartoon or "capes-only."
Ohh I've never watched this show. Outside of some webms I know nothing about it but the premise. However it's just an observation from my years of being here. It's perfectly fine to dislike something for literally any reason even the most shallow reasons but Holla Forums has this mentality about any (((current year))) cartoon and it's spreading to other ones. It's one thing to dislike a show hide the thread or whatever it's another thing entirely to purposely derail and shit post it til it gets pushed out. This show would have survived the /cuckquean/ stuff and it would have just been absorbed into the threads progression but Holla Forums used it as an excuse to push it off the board now it's a /cuckquean/ thread. I don't think that mind you but there's dozens of comments saying so because they don't want it here.
Whatever protects your safe space guy. Cal-arts is dominating cartoons now not wanting to discuss shows because of the art style is the weakest shit of an excuse. Any thread that has at least one female character in it turns into a waifu thread. There's also thinly veiled husbando threads.
OK then. The characters are obnoxious the humor is very much current year so LOLZ and WAZZAP, and will age as well as Gravity Falls…And Gravity falls has already surprisingly aged allot.
Lore is used to hide how weak the character interaction is, and the lore on display isn't that interesting or makes sense anyway.
Most of the "Fans" of the show just have a very peculiar fetish, and so they cling to anything with the vague idea of it (Despite it not being their fetish).
Yeah I'm familiar enough with why it's disliked we are on Holla Forums after all. Once again that's all fine and if people hid threads they didn't like instead of dedicating a disproportionate amount of time to shitposting it would be fine. But this is Holla Forums where that's the only reason threads get posts.
8/co/ isn't your safe space, we can talk shit about this show as much as we like. If it bothers you so much go back to cuck/co/.
I disagree, the dialogue is current year as fuck, and that runs into some of the jokes, but the jokes themselves are occasionally good and not directly related to catchphrases or references.
Yeah this is true.
Thanks for helping prove my point fucko here incase you missed it
I'm fine where I am and so are you. You welcome to say anything you want literally whenever. I even said as much. But there's a difference between not liking something and actively trying to push it out.
Well since I'm not mindlessly agreeing with them I'm against them. Holla Forums has almost as many boogeymen as Tumblr now
Is this why they're constantly baiting autists like that fapbait guy into derailing threads?
Probably it's pretense to shit up threads. Remember it's okay as long as someone else started it.
>>>Holla Forums
They want to recreate his pre-easter meltdown but it looks like he knows better now.
I wonder where you come from? No one is trying to push Star threads out, it's just that the majority doesn't like it here and prefers to shit on so don't cry when no one wants to discuss your cal-arts garbage.
I've never watched this show see but what we've helps you disregard my opinions. Your welcome to think whatever you want pal unlike the resounding hivemind of Holla Forums I'm more then happy to see someones opinion that doesn't mindlessly conform to my own.
Wow, a fence sitter. Aren't you a special snowflake?
This entire thread is everything wrong with modern 8/co/.
The saddest part is that regardless of the show's quality Star vs. threads were easily some of the comfiest threads in Holla Forums until someone started their /cuckquean/ theory, even that was fun, I was in that thread, didn't though people would sperg so badly about it.
It is isn't it.
Not really but if it helps you disregard my opinions then feel free to do so. I don't come here to change minds just to lurk and shitpost.
I don't understand the cuckquean obsession some have with this show. Star didn't get with the guy she liked, so what?
It was that name/storm/tripfag Kazuklu who turned a joke parody of the "Bella and the bulldogs" copypasta into a serious political disaster of those who don't agree with him are Holla Forums as if we don't remember he faps to Ruby Gloom.
Some people have to make everything about their fetish.
This, the whole cuckqueaning thing it was a fucking joke that someone didn't understood.
To be honest she got cucked really fucking hard
Someone you have a crush on who is also unaware of your feelings for them getting into a relationship isn't getting "cucked really fucking hard".
Not in a literal or figurative sense whatsoever.
Just because Holla Forums is obsessed with calling everything and anything Cuck, and so far has devalued the word, doesn't mean its true.
No I'm pretty sure this is a textbook case of cuckolding. Not in the eyes of the law, but for her is at real as it gets.
Well that doesn't seem to stop stormfags from derailing every thread.
How? Marco never got into a relationship with Star and fucked Jackie right in front of her. Do you know what cuck means?
I'm pretty sure that's technically NTR, but not cucking.
The modus operandi is different but it still results in a huge heartbreak and/or deep feelings of betrayal. If there's a difference it doesn't matter to her.
I've always believed those two are the same but I'm not a fan of either so I may be wrong
Cuck refers to the modus operandi, not the resulting sensation.
Cuck has lost all meaning, and is just another word for loser now.
So all this drama was for nothing?
How is this drama?
Remember, the more you know the better you can shitpost.
The derailing, having to get out of Holla Forums to talk about this, Holla Forums and Holla Forums blaming each other, not having a comfy Star thread in months.
It's not like my life has so little meaning that I need to be an ebin trole on hatechan to feel pacified. Call me boring I guess.
Why can we just do it here again, all you have to do is ignore shitposters?
add also that cuck/co/ loves this series too. It's the haven of starcofags
So you're gonna base what you see or discuss on what other sites do?
Nobody said you have to praise the show or prevents you from shitting on it just to allow a Holla Forums work on Holla Forums, also you definitely haven't been in the Star threads, there always was a healthy amount of productive discussion.
Because it's not allowed I guess? I dunno anymore this thread is a cluster fuck
It's pretty sad that all discussion about Star vs. here is about how the lead is a cuckquean now.
He tried (during the red moon ball) and Star rejected him. Later Star pushed him into Jackie's arms, then she regretted that decision the day Jackie ask Marco to go to the School Dance.
this thread is a 2/10
Now, why did Star parents decided to keep the wand shit secret from the Magic council?
It was established that Moon really cares about the royal image but really?
What do you want to discuss?
I'm not looking forward to the show, because like this thread, it's a mess and failed to its own premise (it is not a show about a magical girl, but about drama about a whimsy and selfish girl who doesn't want to grow and confront the challenges of ruling people)
It's like watching a very bad version of Ms "manic pixie dream girl" Zooey Deschanel, even her quirkiness is forced
There's like three fucking different words for the acronym NTR. What most retarded fucking faggots focus on is Netorare as in, Having your loved one stolen away from you. You want to know the theme in that? Loss
Netori is the act of stealing another person's loved one. Strangely, no one bitch about that one.
Netogassomething or the other is the actual cuckhold one. Pic related.
Look, I'm going to be honest, The reason I never bothered past, what Princess Horsehead episode is because I considered the show boring.
user has passed for your mind that no one here cares about this show and the only ones that bother to reply are the bored shitposters that every board has ?
Lousy storytelling. It was later known into the second season that Moon fought Alligator man and he is kind of a big deal.
Well I started watching this to see why so many peope on Holla Forums hates it only on the third episode but I can already see it. Still gonna try to go through the rest of season one but I can tell.it might be a slog.
It's shit.
I care
Blurry face?
The first episode is when I quit. This hyper active shit is fucking Johnny Test tier.
The cuckquean turn of events is magnificent, I thought for sure like any Disney property it would have super special snowflake annoying cunt MC get everything she wants her way cause lol wacky and mouse's m.o. of escapist fantasy for their female focused viewership to self-insert as.
Self insert this now princess aha
i give thing proper chances before just out right giving up on them. the ones defending it can' just dismiss you if you've watched it all after all and i like being able to hold that against them. up to episode i dunno 6? its hard to tell anymore but while Star is still a bland aggravating mess there is humor to be found in the show. in practice anything that doesn't directly involve star is actually not to bad and when stars a part of a set up the joke isnt as bad as it would have been.
its starting to seem like if i do "enjoy" this show it will be in spite of it. much like how i feel about mike Tyson mysteries the show isn't as god awful as i imagined but its not good.
I remember when I had to watch all of this show in the days where it was pretty unknown in order to explain that shitty first comic. I did it all for you guys.
ahahah, oh god, this is some speck of joy the show is repaying me. This is some strange sense of comfort I'm feeling that the main character gets mega cucked. The universe is circular for me.
Wake up and smell the coffee, here's a little something for you to dawdle about.
How can the show improve from here?
1. Star turns goth and kills herself
2. Star goes Fatal Attraction/Misery
Why do the supposedly teenager girls sound like 50somethings?
fuckin love tom
Do you also like the homestuckcharacter#2?
Yo just checking in the show picked up some after the mewberty episode. Glossaryck In particular was good for a laugh. It seems that whenever star isn't the main focus the show is much better both in terms of quality and comedy. Pixitopia was a good episode for this reason. It focused on Marco and his friends instead of directly featuring Star. The lobster monster episode was also better then the average episode. The blood moon ball episode was pretty good once again mostly because of Tom and Marco the comedic timing has improved a lot from the early episodes where before the jokes were mostly just star being retarded now there's some decent set up the dead horse joke in blood moon ball was actually decently done. Toffee is infinitely better then any billion by virtue of him being an actual villi an.
As of now I'd give it 4/10 or 2/5 it's nowhere near as bad as I thought it's not good but it's also not Steven universe.
Not counting star's retarded brain, what is the weakest and strongest aspect if the show. All this talk has me interested to see just what is up with it, so I want to know what I'm getting into.
Thank krishna for that leaker. Because of that Daron is not going to release any sneak peeks until the proper release, leaving starcucks blue balled until the summer.
Right now in jewtube and tumblr the starcucks are in suicide watch.
Not him but here's what I thought. While Star is the epitome of it, there's this overhyped man I've pixies nightmare bullshit vibe that a lot of the characters have, that and any teenage drama between Star and her mom drags shit down, especially if they try to act like Star's right. The positives are that most of the episodes have some solid jokes in them and when they focus on characters besides Star(even that midget bird guy) it can actually be interesting.
feminists and their shitty drawing style fam.
Star is cucked in all fronts
The weakest aspect of the show is the peope in charge of it. The first half of season one is terrible with a few ok moments but it picks up roughly by the second half. The absolute worst episode from what I've seen is Brittneys birthday it's everything bad about star put on display bouncing off a flat generic popular bitch girl. The only good thing about that episode is Marcos motion sickness it's a joke that starts early and is continued through the episode as a pallet cleanser of sorts. The show early on feels like they wanted to make a show reminiscent of early 90s shows where every episode is a disjointed one off adventure but at the same time including some type of call back to earlier episodes. Mewberty seemed to be the Pont where they switched to being a more consistent show. Star isn't given more time then she needs making her more tolerable and even when the focus is on her they have her bounce between other characters creating ok set ups with mild pay offs. Characters are weak outside of the main cast but seem to be improving.
The best aspect of the show is in the animation itself . Yeah Yeah I'm sure someone's gonna go full autismo for me saying the animations are good but it's true. Star vs wastes a lot of extra animations on mundane and unnecessary things but has a consistent and grounded animations. Yeah the noodle arms and wacky facial expressions are pretty bad but compared to other modern cartoons are much better. Characters are consistent rarely changing dramatically unless the punchline or plot demand cartoon physics. A lot of the small animations are well done enough that they carry some interest and it's got a lot of charm overall and can help even the worst episode be tolerable enough to finish.
These are just my opinions I will say if you're gonna watch it to just expect mediocrity when the show is bad it falls far below mediocre but when it's not the worst it's just right. Some things you might enjoy and that's fine too for instance I enjoy the theme song a lot mostly because it explains the entire shows premise. You certainly don't need an open mind I went in expecting trash but at least to me it's no where near that bad.
That's a lot of text image try to bullet point it
The weakest
The best
One that springs to mind is from britneys birthday when she smacks a dog out of stars hands and as it falls to the floor it helplessly fires lasers.
Expect mediocrity and you might not get too disappointed but I'm sure there's something for you to enjoy.
Explain further.
They're consistent compared to other cartoons currently available. They never stray far from on model unless it's plot relevant or joke related. While some animation is wasted on mundane or unnecessary things for example in the star learns about football episode she grabs a squirrel and where treated to a bunch of useless animations of her flailing around before falling. The fight scenes are alright nothing amazing but the fact we get to see actual violence instead of poorly done POW, BOOM, SMASH that's becoming annoyingly common in cartoons these days. The inbetween animations are either halved or skipped entirely depending on how they budgeted the expenses for that episode but can still convey whatever they need to without leaving potential guess work.
In the end it's up to individual tastes I've been watching it with my Australian friend stopping from time to time to discuss certain things mid episode.compared to adventure time or Steven universe Star Vs has better visual flair and staying power. They episodes themselves are pretty forgettable but I can recall what episode is what from stills, gifs and webms because it's recognizable. Growing up when cartoons where considered good makes me incredibly biased against modern shows that actively lack what those shows had. Stars animations and overall visual style have an undeserved charm to them.
Pic unrelated
I don't even wanna know what this is about.
Fucking halfchan aids.
No wonder this trash got somewhat popular.
How is Marty AIDS? Just curious.
The bitch janitor in question banned me for three days for having the temerity to post shit that's been posted many, many times before without anyone pulling out their hanky and sobbing into it like a chick. I have no idea what triggered that mod, but I can only assume she was on her period. Or his period, I suppose, since I'm told women can have penises and men can menstruate. They couldn't when I was young, but we live in a brave new world of jews running everything into the ground, so who am I to disagree? Oh, right. I'm a man with common fucking sense, so I can disagree with ALL that faggy shit.
Except an education, dildo-licker. Enjoy getting pegged by your woman.
I imagine I'll be banned again for this one. For anyone who gets to read this, please make sure to let the BO know that he accidentally let another SJW saboteur into the fold. Also, banning me will not change the fact that Star is a cunt.
No reason whatsoever to do that.
You're right
stupid cat
Just finished marathoning the show, and ive got a few things to say about the show.
First off, there are a few episodes of notable subpar quality. They pop up from time to time, with some being in either season. That said, I dont think that the show overall is bad. For every bad episode, there was a good one to balance it out, and even the mediocre episodes had some scenes with good content.
This thread has shit on Star pretty hard, not without reason, but I can honestly say that she is not the worst aspect of the show, and that she is a net positive overall. The scenes focusing directly on her are often less funny than the ones where her actions are stimuli for other characters to react to.
I would say that Ponyhead is the weakest character overall. She fits perfectly into that area of person that is whiney and narcissistic enough to bring any situation to a grinding halt. I dont think I ever laughed at any of her jokes.
On the opposite end of the spectrum, I find that the two best characters in the show are Ludo and Marco. I have a soft spot for powerful yet incompetent villains, so i may be a bit biased. Ludo is no Lord Hater, but hes got some charm to his antics all his own, and I think that Mad Ludo in season 2 was great. Ludo in the wild is one of my favorite episodes because it showed Ludo change from Incompetent to Mad and Slightly competent, in a tangible way. Marco's straight man act is decently entertaining to watch when compared to the other crazy or random characters. Hes at the right level to function while still able to have fun. Also he is autistic as hell, which is something I can relate to.
The music score is something I have a hard time pegging down. The opening is trash, but there are some songs that I like. A prime example of not knowing exactly how i feel is the Princess Day song. I liked a lot of the song, honestly, but there were some moments of extreme discord and discontinuity when the song's verses were switching.
All in all, the show is ok. Focuses a bit too much on random bullshit at times, but its a decent enough show. I'll watch the third season when it releases.
I agree with you on Ludo, I kind of wish he hadn't gotten possessed by lizardman. I do think Ponyhead was occasionally funny when she was just straight up being an asshole, but other than that she's everything I disliked about Star cranked up to 11.
Is this the show that has kekoldry?
Did you posted the redpills or the shitty fanfic?
What? Do we watch the same series?
o hai Holla Forums
Ok is a 5-6 out of 10 in my book. It's ok. It's really bad parts are offset by really good parts, it's average episode is mediocre, and it's got enough character to get me to watch the next episode when I've just seen a bad one.
It's decent enough to watch. It's a decent enough show.
You have low expectations, but at least you're honest about it. But a 5-6 rating is not enough for me to keep watching it.
I agree with you that Ludo, Marco (and even Toffee and Hekapoo) are the only characters that can be interesting. I cannot say to same for Star, Janna and Horsehead. They're too fucking annoying and stupid for me.
Just started watching this show a few days ago. If it had started with the quality of jokes in Season 2, I would like it a lot more. Star's cancer, and Princess Pony Head is metastasized cancer, but it gets some good jokes in for being a Disney cartoon.
What it really made me want to see, though, is a reverse Magic Pixie Dream Girl show, where the high-energy, let's-all-have-fun hakuna matata girl gets brought down to earth and taught that, no, you have responsibilities and shit. Life isn't all fun and games and everything just working out. I mean, realistically, a person that actually acted like that stereotype is going to end up a junkie going through Requiem for a Dream.
Great blog post my man!
His post is entirely about his opinions on the show. What the fuck do you think blogposting is?
How do you even watch tv then?
That's why I said explicitly "keep watching them". Only series I think they deserve 7 and above are the series I watch until the end. I dropped Star after the Mewberty episode and since then I only watched the episodes related to memes (hekapoo and the /cuckquean/ episodes).
I don't have high hopes about the series, so I don't bother watching every single episode.
I hate that I know what that's an edit of.
getting this cucked
would probably pity fuck
Then you will enjoy this enhanced edit
Kill Yourself, redditor.
When does the third season air?
Hitler dubs, the new season will be aired later in the summer. No official date has been released
No wonder I couldn't find one then. I thought I was just blind.