Our best friends over at TRS have launched a new discord server! why is this relevant? it is a server created after a few faggots got purged from the official discord because they just love oven posting!
TRS cant let go of its degeneracy
so they banned someone for posting porn and you're complaining? wow, truly the smoking gun that will end TRS forever.
What did you expect from a bunch of Milo worshipers? Fags, kikes and fag-lovers will all be shoved into the same oven.
there has not been any bans from the 504um and the offenders still have their shitty podcasts
who is Hazzard, what podcast does he run?
half the people in this thread are trying to rationalize drug use
so people who don't know trolling a forum you don't care about is news?
if you are going to hate them hate them for the right reasons
like being a bunch of degenerate faggots who don't even understand what they stand for
I was in the TRS discord.
Triggered one of them for saying that "women are parasitic in nature".
They all got group triggered after I denied being MGTOW, since they accused me of it.
>mfw I have a fucking girlfriend and get told I am MGTOW
You realize that's the shitposting section right?
fuck off back to >>>Holla Forums
posting gay shit ironically for months stops becoming a fucking joke and becomes really fucking gay.
even more so when you bitch and cry once people tell you to stop and act like a respectable member of the community.
The Oven has been removed from the forum. Explicit porn was not allowed on the forum either, not even touching gay porn.
fuck off >>>Holla Forums
they never liked Milo
Remember to catalog everything on >>>/trs/
Axe in the deep is the rat, calling it now
yeah, after the discord shitstorm except that now there is a discord with TRS members shilled on the 504um to join in another discord where you faggots can oven post. now TRS 8ch users can go and continue to paint you all like the faggots you are.
nice going you fucking idiots
I don't understand what you're trying to convey here.
heres the context you fucking kike rat
i only hope that the TRS admins can get rid of you faggots so it may be halfway respectable.
maybe not with 8ch but with anyone else who may want to join our cause. you degenerate monster girl kikes stand in the way of that.
Kill yourself, Axe.
Screencap more of my posts.
the text was posted in general, the pic was posted in the oven
hence the
how fucking sad is it that you can't let go of your autism.
Screencap me again pls
I guess /furry/ is an accurate representation of Holla Forums then, once we find out your ID on the server we'll be sure to remove you for furfaggotry.
don't you have a street to go shit on Ironmarch?
what else can i find. it seems this whole entire discord was made solely for posting the degenerate shit. lets see what TRS is up to on its spare time.
Be honest how mad are you right now.
Nice, the daily COINTELPRO thread
posted alongside porn
I think the joke flew over your head.
Hey 533d3d can you still see chat, just a test.
Oh, look, another Internet pseudo-drama thread. You have too much free time, faggot.
They undoubtedly understand better than you. Now, rather than being a useless cunt how about you go and make your own super edgy podcast where you denigrate all other podcasters and call them shills and FBI agents, etc.
i think the ideals that TRS stands for flew over your stunted fucking heads
i have just the time i need
Back in 2015 people on this board were more interested in actually producing propaganda videos and other content rather than simply accusing everyone else doing such things of being "degenerates", "controlled opposition" or some other tinfoil hat label.
Can we stop having fucking TRS threads on Holla Forums? It's just internet drama, who gives a fuck?
Sorry about some of our more "special" memebers 8friend.
Whenever some sperg in TRS gets angry they sometimes feel the need to come over here and blog about it.
damn it it expired. repost it
yeah i know but these fucktards are getting in the way of this community doing practical things with labels being thrown at us for their bullshit. we want to get shit done too we had an awesome poster campaign in canada done by some TRS guys but i guess TRS is too gay for 8ch even though we have the same fucking goals only to be held back because a few autists felt way too welcome in our community.
How are you liking your discord permissions right now my dude.
It all started because the retarded administration started banning people because they thought they might be ironmarch. I do agree it's mostly d&c though.
or perhaps like hazzard they got banned because everyone is sick and tired of people acting like degenerates in the movement.
I see nothing wrong with those topics. Stop D&C shilling. You are doing nothing by attacking these guys instead of going after leftists.
still butthurt hazzard?
You can't shake the label unless you marry her.
Not saying you are though. It's just a word that insecure autists throw around whenever they see someone who doesn't unconditionally worship all women like they do. I swear, some of them sound like they think 2d grills are what women are like irl.
yes that is the point i was trying to make. we are not degenerates we are being held back by shitheads like hazzard and his degenerate spice boy club
nice to see you've still got a life there buddy.
more calls to fuck up the forums like a subversive marxist kike
It's schiggy
The only reason someone would make a thread like this is to the D&C Holla Forums from TRS, which is not only totally counterintuitive, but impossible as well due to the massive userbase overlap.
i don't know who that is
no i just want to expose the true TRS faggots
I'm the guy that shoahed your permissions.
ok there natt, go back to being a degenerate alcoholic
The TRS admins etc. continuously purge degenerates from the forum and elsewhere. You are cherrypicking and presenting posts etc. out of context in order to stoke animosity between Holla Forums and TRS, and this itself causes Holla Forums to hate TRS, and TRS to hate Holla Forums for cherrypicking etc.
You are doing this deliberately to subvert the online Right. You are probably a kike as well.
Holla Forums is not your personal army. we have no benefit spending time and energy attacking TRS when we could actually spend time attacking leftists.
chances are you're a shill yourself who sees this as a "fracture point" in the internet far-right
Can I get an invite to the TRS forums? Thanks.
Shrooms can be extremely useful if used properly. To ignored their benefits is silly.
hit me up on discord and I'll judge your tastes in anime and I'll see if I can get you an invite.
post email,firstname,lastname,creditcard# and favorite monstergirl or other ovenable post because the ALT right is gay.
You have to get known in the disqus comments first
The worst thing about TRS is whenever they ban someone from their gay little forum, that person has to come here and rile everyone up with bullshit, spam crap threads, and derail good threads.
Western civilization pretty much got started so people could better make booze. Consuming intoxicants has a long history in Western civilization, well before Jews ever existed as an identifiable group.
No, women are exploitative in nature, but they're only parasitic when they don't offer any benefits in return.