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A number of protesters are going to not only be jailed but deported. The memes keep coming true.
he's right, if you burn the american flag in EU you go to jail, so why are your own citizens allowed to show such disrespect to their own country
Now wait for all the ass pained progressives to buy them up en masse and upload themselves burning the flag to social media. Who ever sells flags is about to get a tidy profit.
What about the boy scouts, who do it out of respect (if the flag touches the ground)?
I actually disagree with this.
It's extremely disrespectful but it shouldn't be illegal.
It should be legal to do it, but it at least out to trigger an angry mob willing to pay the price in order to regulate the situation a bit.
they're already starting to whine about muh 1st amendment
Seconded. Just because I agree that burning the flag is sub-human, I would not make it illegal.
What I would make illegal is that it be taken down from any Federal/State/Government building.
But burning symbols/books etc - it's freedom of expression even if that expression is mentally retarded.
I don't know how it works in the US, but the proper way to do it if the flag is damaged, too old or otherwise desecrated, it is to be given to the military to it can be properly disposed by folding it and then incinerating it.
They'll be fine. It's when it's done to disrespect the flag that it's wrong.
Have you even listened to the Star Spangled Banner?
I'm not American, so no I haven't
This is EXACTLY why I voted for Trump. We need an un-apologetic shitlord in the White House who doesn't give a fuck about hurt feelings.
He leads and makes his enemies follow.
If this doesnt happen, we need to make it happen. We might need to start the initial spark. Anyone up for a new psyop? #BurnTheFlag sounds nice. Lets help our god emperor.
lolbergs are cancer.
"unlimited freedom is good for society! brb shooting heroin and shoving ten dragon dildos up my ass"
because freedom of speech is the first amendment in the fucking Constitution.
you have the right to express your dissatisfaction with the gov. that is your right as a citizen
ironically it's the liberals(I know, same thing) whining about it cause they want to be as anti-american as possible but still have you arrested for saying nigger in public but starting fires is ok
Burning a flag as a matter of legitimate disposal is an act of patriotism.
you can't be arrested for saying nigger in public
nice strawman though.
I said they want you to be
nice reading comprehension
This. That said, I think he will really get the governors to enact some strict laws making it hard for protesters to pull shit. The places with a democratic governor or with governors that fight him on the issue will be flooded with Soros' people and thus bring about all kinds of shit on those populations, making people there come more in line with Trump's thinking.
you can find anyone that want people arrested for anything if you look hard enough .
nice sweeping generalization
>Persons intending to renounce U.S. citizenship should be aware that, unless they already possess a foreign nationality, they may be rendered stateless and, thus, lack the protection of any government. They may also have difficulty traveling as they may not be entitled to a passport from any country. Statelessness can present severe hardships: the ability to own or rent property, work, marry, receive medical or other benefits, and attend school can be affected. Former U.S. citizens would be required to obtain a visa to travel to the United States or show that they are eligible for admission pursuant to the terms of the Visa Waiver Program. If unable to qualify for a visa, the person could be permanently barred from entering the United States.
jews wrote the constitution now ?
just report people who burn flags as terrorist
100% agree with The God Emperor.
If you hate America so much gtfo.
Fuck ya, so glad we got him
Holla Forums is anti 1 amendment
not shocked at all
They might as well been since it didn't do shit to protect us from leftist subversion
Just because you brought it and its your private property doesn't give you the right to defile the national flag, its like a furry buying a dog and sexual mutilating and saying its legal because its his private property.
Flag burning is not speech. Flag burning is not rational discourse. Some of these commies are literally defalcating on the flag like angry chimps.
It's chimping. A "right to chimp out" does not exist. The only thing close to a "right to chimp out" is when Democrats are handwaving the law as they tend to do, in example, that mayor who said protestors should have "a space to be violent".
Flag burning IS protected under the 1st amendment, this was already proven in a supreme court decision.
EvenAntoni Scalia said it was legal.
http:// edition. cnn. com/videos/tv/2016/02/13/scalia-burning-flag-piers-intv.cnn
Who cares? A winner has to envision the world as it should be.
Loss of citizenship for burning a flag? Are you kidding me? During the Middle Ages, getting outlawed (equivalent to losing your citizenship) was the punishment used in northern Europe for murder.
This is retarded.
it's an intentionally inflammatory tweet to bait outrage, haven't you people learned anything about Trump over the past year and a half?
Donald Trump is controlled opposition.
You gon get kidded a lot in these 8 years, mon.
its a form of expression dumb ass, like flipping the middle finger. that is free speech.
The problem is that 1st amendment is treated selectively as it is already and "hate speech" is shut down while leftist expressions of hatred for the nation and civilization are enabled.
You cannot use 1st Amendment and burn the flag that is a visual representation of everything that the amendment and the constitution stand for.
It's fucking fantastic actually you faggot, nobody gives a shit about muh Supreme court rulings.
I sincerely hope you're joking. One is burning some nylon fabric the other is animal abuse.
Check this out. Top Bants.
If the flag must be burnt it, the canton (corner) with the stars on it is cut away form the field (part with the stripes) and these two parts are burnt separately. I believe this is the protocol for when US bases are deserted in an emergency.
This guy gets it: he's inviting those who hate him to burn the symbol of the nation thinking they're going to piss off President Donald Trump, he wants them to brand themselves as anti-american. If you don't see how burning to flag to attack president Trump can backfire you should get out of here. #NotMyPresident + #BurnTheFlag = Donald Trump becomes more popular even before his first day in office.
Holy shit top bantz
This reminds me of pic related.
Agreed 100%. I don't believe in Orwellian hate speech laws and think they're a farce. But nowhere does the law prevent you from speaking it in the US. As you said in your post "shut down" and "enabled" but you didn't say "jailed, deported" or "stripped of citizenship"
Protected or not. It's still not speech. It's still not rational discourse.
I agree that anyone who hates the country that much should probably be banished from it since all those "celebrities" proved they're not actually going to leave. They'll keep bashing & subverting desperately trying to force the U.S. into becoming their "communist utopia" delusion. They don't want to make America great they want to make America a 3rd world commie shit hole. Kick them out & the nation will become a much better place.
Big difference between a hand gesture & burning flags.
So burning nylon is symbolically fucking a dog in the ass.
Excellent. Now when leftists start whining he can call them out using this.
no there isn't
I'm not a leftist you imbeciles. This is stupid. Not even Lèse-majesté laws during medieval Europe were this harsh.
It's beyonf "fabricate some buzz". It's plain stupid.
Public fire burning is generally illegal without a permit. Especially in a high risk area like commiefornia
Please stop.
That last line was not supposed to be greentexted
Which kingdom/country?
No, and that tweet is a bait
You can protest say fuck off and die to people that is freedom of speech not freedom of act.
Burning the flag is saying fuck you to the freedom of speech and more.
Cuckbertarians are having a hissy fit with this.
That's the trolling part. He's not technically POTUS yet (not even the president-elect, as the vote is on 12/19) so he can't get in trouble for saying shit like this and he knows goddamn well that flag-burning is protected by the first amendment and that no legislative entity would ever support him. He's just rustling jimmies.
So much for that. Pay attention to past tense folks.
I think you missed the point there faggot.
prove me wrong, you can't.
NO its saying fuck you to the government THAT'S FREEDOM OF SPEECH TO THE CORE
Fuck off. The most important thing about this is making libshits irrational and regularly raising and bringing up the prospects of revoking citizenships and denying citizenship rights to people that don't deserve them. It normalizes the prospect, gers moderates and semi-redpilled people ponder the consequendes more and thus makes them less afraid of it. This needs to be a front, at least one that forces the kikes to make some trade-offs on other issues, if not actually get it done.
If we can make violent felons inelligible to vote, it changes the entire game. For one, the dems lose more than half their non-white voter base, because guess what, the people who's livelihood depends on a liberal political climate (in other words, criminals) are the ones with the highest voter participation. It burns down the welfare plantation. Because it burns down the welfare plantation, career dems can't afford to be tge pro-crime party any more, so you drive a wedge between dem career politicians who need votes to get tgeir shekels and can't get them by pwotecting minowwities any more on one side, and the kike medua who don't care and just want western countries to burn on the other.
You americans have too much freedom. Too much freedom leads to degeneration and white genocide. It's time to stop! if you like Hitler, you should like Trump!
If I own it, I can burn it.
That's freedom.
>germany telling migrants not to burn a flag
oh the ironing
Btw, if you don't like America, go live elsewhere. There are a lot of people who would kill for a greencard.
one question if some one paints a painting of the flag on fire should they be jailed too ?
what other art should be not be allowed ?
I don't agree. I agree with Trump on a lot of things, but this isn't one of them. It's just a piece of cloth and doesn't hold any inherent attribute beside whatever you assign to it.
Based Hanz
>Protected or not. It's still not speech. It's still not rational discourse.
It doesn't need to be 'rational discourse' to be protected by the 1st Amendment. For example the expression of emotions is protected, no matter how retarded and juvenile you act while you're expressing them.
Fuck off. What's this garbage about
What the fuck are you going to do, direct your multi billion dollar media empire to shill for punishment for flag burning? Or your online twitter army? Grow the fuck up and stop shitting up Holla Forums with your nonsense.
Porn. Race mixing.
The post reminded me of this.
video games that have the flag on fire should be banned too
Books, songs and movies and other things that promotes multiculturalism and anti-white shit.
I agree. The Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution are just pieces of paper also. They don't mean anything. :^)
Burning a flag isn't speech, it is an act of aggression towards a country.
if we find this photo on your computer you will be thrown in jail for life
I can't even burn piles of sticks on my property if it hasn't rained enough. No, setting fire isn't freedom of speech.
Really makes you think.
It takes approximately 2 second to look up 2005 flag protection acts for libshits to dispel basic deception. This only works on idiots and IT luddites.
What was the point again? Scare protestors who are coddled by police who happen obligated to answer questions and follow the law to the letter?
Remind me: what was the point again?
Did you just compare two of our most important documents to a piece of cloth that's replicated millions of time over?
The God Emperor of Mankind is a fucking genius.
Let's be real here: nobody truly and fully believes in the first amendment.
Not you, not the fucking president, not most of congress, not most people.
Everybody loves to say "freedom of speech!" but few actually feel that way in practice.
So, to the reader: if you saw a person on the street yelling about how whites are the worst race out there and that white need to die you'd probably want him locked up or killed, but what you'd want is against the first amendment.
an act of aggression toward the government
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
PEOPLE CAN ASSEMBLE AND BURN THE FLAG. just because you don't like it doesn't mean they can't do it.
Real talk fellas, I'll tell you what you and the majority of people REALLY think and believe.
Get out.
Where have you been the last one and a half years? The dem party would be nowhere without their precious shitskins and even if and when a shift to the right is completed, the one thing that's in the way of us getting rid of them is a little booklet they can hold up and scream 'you can't remove me, even if I'm killin yo cracka ass becuz muh constitution and muh universal citizenship rights'. The biggest roadblock when discussing this with moderates and civicucks is that they sperg out every time you bring up that there are hordes of violent shitskins that have to go, yet have citizenship. They panic at the thought right now. This needs to change.
Well, if that's the case then why keep with the pretense at all? Fuck it, let's change the entire constitution. While we're at it, we'll erode the foundations this country was built upon.
Holla Forums™
Dumb Fuck
Can you prove him wrong?
all of the founding fathers that signed the document believed in it
No shit, did you think this was lolberg board? You think we don't want degeneracy outlawed when the time comes?
It's not Holla Forums, it's most people.
Mate, it's pretty obvious that the majority don't care about the first amendment. The majority agree with idea of "hate speech" being illegal.
The first amendment is not only not believed but it's not practiced. If I walked around with signs that said "kikes are greedy" or "niggers are stupid" I'd be arrested.
No, he's pretty much right. When dealing with people like these, playing fair is just crippling yourself.
If you support freedom of speech, then you have to support shithead Kangz and bluehairs calling for your head, and make no mistake, they're cool with hanging the first amendment, as long as it effects only you.
Bullshit, they didn't believe all men were created equal either.
The founding fathers tarred and feathers loyalists. There's 0 chance they truly and deeply believed in the first amendment, at best they only felt any other system would be worse.
That's real?
I don't even want ANTIFA to be allowed to hang it upside down when they feel flustered instead of an actual sign of distress. Your feels don't matter.
Degenerate art checkmate, lolbertarian
Explain how you protect your nation from communist subversion like Yuri Bezmenov explains without limiting free speech?
And? What have you done for that flag in your life?
Need a citation here.
I support their right to say it, not what they say. Also, I can march right along with them saying "Niggers are retarded and whores are asking for it" . Nobody's stopping me.
It sound to me like you're lazy/a coward that wants to ban whatever you disagree with instead of constantly fighting it.
Fight the SJW by being an SJW.
Fright the communist (the biggest Big Brother and speech suppression system ever created) by being a commie.
Its just cloth goyim, nothing has value or meaning.
ANTIFA are just soar assed then.
By speaking out, clearly, logically and fearlessly against it at every turn and not allowing any political ideology to seep into schools/colleges.
Moral Superiority. He says that himself.
The same women who applaud this were crying about PUAs being rapists only a few months ago.
Holla Forums first and fore most Nationalistic and burning the most basic simbol of your country's unity is an act of agresion that often incites violence, defiance, revelion and even treason against your nation
The first amendment allows you to say what you want not do as you please
This isn't reddit you nigger. We don't give a shit about being called Fascists
So things that are made out of paper have inherit value vs. things made out of cloth. Really makes you think.
I didn't say that my man, that was somebody else.
You're blatantly ignoring the fact that hate speech laws go against the first amendment, the government doesn't care about the first amendment.
I didn't call you Fascist. I called you a SJW and a commie.
Sorry bout that, derped and replied to the wrong person.
Completely agree with that. What hate speech laws do you currently have in the States?
When one stands on higher ground and asks questions and they have nothing but bile to spew. It is clear there is a subversive hole in one's nation.
This man just keeps getting better. My respect for him continues to grow, and he hasn't even been sworn in yet.
But there's no need to constantly fight it. It's more efficient to just ban it and move on. You can either preserve your people or your morals. You can't preserve both.
He is doing this for a few reasons listed in thread. But it is not to strip Americans of rights, it is to bring forward the notion of making loss of citizenship a normal punishment. "A punishment for what acts?" For the acts being done by the current sjw and marxist and anti-American protesters.
This is a first move towards the end goal of removing citizenship from those who are anti-American.
Not a free speech issue, an American defining issue.
You think that means anything to people who post here? Are you retarded?
This kind of lack of a spine is why they do what they do. They keep using the first amendment to sow falsehoods and incite undeserved anger against white people, while getting you arrested or shoahed for speaking the truth, because they know that the moment their lack of respect for the first amendment is under threat of backfiring, they can always fall back on your unfaltering respect for it protecting them from the consequences. The bets have long been off, the only functional axiom left is 'if it benefits white people, it is good' all these arbitrary morals and principles have proven detrimental.
Pure faggotry.
And of course, Hilary's laugh is the most fake in the entire crowd.
talk about bootlicking
4D chess was easy enough spot, but I was talking about the legal ramification and application here not Trump's incidental mindgames. I kind of wished that this was something bigger and grandiose. The point of it is smaller compared to Emprah's earlier chess sessions.
Hail the Emperor
I'm not even a burger fag but displays of loyal nationalism bring tears to my eyes
That's rhetoric gymnastics at best. If I copied the text of the US constitution on paper and then burned it, it would be the same as burning a piece of coloured Nylon. If I printed the US flag
on a piece of paper, it would be the same as burning a piece of coloured Nylon. If I printed the US flag on a piece of Nylon, it would be literally burning a piece of coloured Nylon.
The context of doing it matters.
If I stole a document from a historical museum of if I stole a flag down from some US army camp and then burned it, that would have an entirely different massage, and just so happens to already be punishable by law. Wonder if you could get shot for stealing a flag like that. Really makes you think.
If the Declaration and the Constitution were replicated just as much as the American flag, so that it was ascertainable by nearly anybody, then yes it's within their right to burn something as innocuous as a piece of paper or a piece of cloth. But until then those two documents, the originals, are worth something much more than a replication could ever mean; they're immeasurable in that they saw the very foundation of the country come to existence.
Let me ask you, why do you care if someone burns something with words on it, or a pattern? Shouldn't your inherent patriotism, your belief matter more than that?
Good. The idea that actions count as speech is fucking retarded. If doing something = saying something, then every single chimp out is justified, because the nigs are just expressing dissatisfaction for the government.
Look guys, this is no time to be bickering about the ethics and free speech implications of banning flag burning.
Does it really matter at this point? At this point in history, where western civilization is being dangled over a demographic cliff, where we are making a last ditch effort to break from 50 years of kike and marxist brainwashing.
Who is really going to be affected by this ban? Just leftist degenerate fucks who ideally we would be shooting in the back of the head and dumping into a giant hole somewhere, not just denying their precious "flag burning" rights.
And dont give me any slippery slope bullshit. The left is already aiming for a totalitarian, socialist future, enforced by irreversible third world demographics, social chaos, and antiwhite violence. Is a flag burning law REALLY the biggest threat to you right now? Youre more concerned about some hypothetical, future right-wing distopia, rather than the leftist one that is unfolding before us.
Im really starting to wonder about some of you guys, if you really have what it takes to save western civilization and the white race. We all love posting fashy memes but when it comes to actually laying down some basic cultural, nationalist laws in action, alot of you just completely lose your nerve and turn into libercucks.
At one point we outlawed race mixing. We outlawed homosexuality. We didnt let women vote. The modern interpretations of what are acceptable personal freedoms are completely divorced from the principles of our founding, and what are conducive to upholding a civilization. We had "exceptions" to the constitution that we understood were within reason and we kept our society and our families intact. And it allowed us to prosper and have a state that was smaller and more reasonably contained.
And then the kikes and leftists come along with egalitarianism and social libertarianism and what has that brought us? More importantly, where is that taking us? All these great individual freedoms and civil rights are costing us our fucking civilization. And you simply arent red pilled until you realize that it is NOT worth it. This is the basic red pill, guys. Get your shit together.
Or you could just execute the traitors and not be in a cycle of eternal struggle while risking the possibility of subversion.
You are so fucking naïve, doing that didn't stop 58 million people voted democratic did it?
You mean rape isn't a form of free speech? Oy vey, they are just acting out their cultural rites.
find me a single self described liberal who doesn't want people arrested for saying nigger. And then go fuck yourself.
Trump still won, bud. Do you think he won because anyone suppressed liberals? It was the other way around, leftists were suppressing things.
And people constantly calling them out, at first fearful for their jobs, or their lives, is what drove them in the ground and why the mass media in the US is only believed by 6% of your country.
So yes, Trump won, with 0 suppression from Republicans, and because of social media and a middle-class that was fucking sick of lies and abuse.
How many autists aren't going to realize he's trolling, and will actually try to start a "muh constitution" debate over this tweet?
I suspect you're somehow mistaking /leftyshit/s shilling ITT for Holla Forumslacks.
The absolute madman.
trumps coalition of libertarians,nat soc's and low enegry conservatives is going to collapse at this rate
hillary beat him to legislating this idea by 11 years
sounds familiar
How many of you worthless (1)'s will it take before you realize there is a longer game to all this? Did none of you grow up during the lively times?
I'm sure Trump loves the concept of fascism, but he can't do anything he wants. The president has limited power.
You realize "The right to protest" doesn't mean "The right to collapse the entire country." Easy peasy.
Nice not-as-bad-as fallacy faggot.
This thread is full of fucking mind-readers and fortune-tellers.
Because they were given to groups that shouldn't have had them.
No, we're not. We have the same core principles. I'm not a Nazi, because I don't believe in socialism - but across the board I agree deeply with nationalism, race reality and the incompatibility of certain cultures.
There seem to be way too many in this particular thread for it to be some spontaneous invasion of shills, though some of them probably are. I think we are hitting a real point of contention here.
Autism speaks.
Absolutely marvelous
I'll bite. Elaborate.
Not an argument, is it? Would you like to elaborate?
The left censors people based on "hate speech". Burning the flag is hate speech, isn't it?
You fell for extremely well-crafted b8 there, friendo.
Why should one give away national interests to the likes of you?
They reap what they sow, don't they?
a god emperor doesn't though
And there it is. I look forward to the media and the left making an ass out of themselves first bashing Trump's tweet and then defending Hillary's actions there.
Prussian Socialism is very different from normal Socialism. I suggest you look it up.
Nigger, pls.
Care to explain exactly where this retarded idea of yours came from btw?
Maybe, maybe not. They've done many, many raids before. At this point when their last hopes are fading Stein riding off with their money lel they may be merely venting their severe butthurt.
It's quite something how people don't seem to follow the whole thread in their apoplectic fits..
The irony of that will be amusing. All of a sudden you're going to see the leftists protesting against the laws they them selves created.
Any Americuck/nigger/kike/beaner living on US soil burning the US flag should be jailed.
I don't give a fuck about the 1st Amendment. They shouldn't be protected by 1st Amendment if they, through burning the US flag, express their refusal of the very country that gives them that freedom of speech.
quora. com/Is-it-illegal-to-burn-money-in-the-US
>Is it illegal to burn money in the US?
>Yes, it is. The U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing, which makes all U.S. paper currency, states that “whoever mutilates, cuts, disfigures, perforates, unites or cements together, or does any other thing to any bank bill, draft, note, or other evidence of debt issued by any national banking association, Federal Reserve Bank, or Federal Reserve System, with intent to render such item(s) unfit to be reissued, shall be fined not more than $100 or imprisoned not more than six months, or both,"
>so it's clearly illegal. Burning money can be seen as a sign of protest, or even an indication that one may have a mental illness, and one would then be referred to a mental health counselor of some sort.
So you're telling me that burning the flag is protected under the first amendment, but burning money is illegal and can result in a six month jail sentence? Why the fuck can't we use the law against money-burning as a basis for a law against flag-burning? On what grounds is one unconstitutional and the other one not?
Accidental .. because I am on the phone. Talking about frogs with a normalfag.
Should be interesting. I do think Trump will move to neuter and fuck over these protesters while using this issue for his means in one way or the other. We're in for a ride because I'm betting he has a very long game planned out for these protesters.
One is a recognised political expression, the other is destruction of government property.
You would have to argue that all flags are government property to reach equivalency here.
Because US dollars are private property of the [spoiler]Federal Reserve[spoiler], borrowed on your behalf. It's a debt that you have to give back.
Sure is lolberg itt. Only true cucks would attack a law that will only target our enemies and make them look like traitors when they resist.
Okay. This is explains it. Thanks
Also, lrn2spoiler.
then see>>8393663
>Yes. I'm going to sign a law that bans sanctuary cities. Also I've already issued an order cutting funding to sanctuary cities. #txlege
Wow this is a pretty good thread.
Flag burning is free speech is something that has evolved.
It is not free speech but is rather freedom of expression which is totally different.
I kind of view it in the same vein where all the jew pornographers howled that what they were doing was art not disscusting filth.
This is a tough one to think about Holla Forums.
I don't think I can firmly embrace one side or the other I am kind of on the fence.
What would happen if a Trump supporter would be an Israelian flag?
do you mean?
What would happen if a Trump supporter would burn an Israeli flag?
You already know the answer howls to the moon and back.
Holy shit, he even stated the one year in jail. Not a week, not a month, but the same duration HRC's bill proposed.
This is confirmed lugenpresse bait.
On further thinking user that is an excellent idea to start doing.
Assemble and burn the jew flag see what the media says about it.
Rinse and repeat.
Wave old glory nice and high while you desecrate the enemies banner.
Is Trump deliberately making them backpedal so they look like total idiots? This is genius.
That's because you're thinking ideologically instead of tribally. The Left doesn't care about ideology, they just care about hurting whitey. Therefore our only rational defense is to respond in kind. For us to protect the Left with the Constitution while they would never do the same for us ensures our demise.
Libertarians for the most part are too autistic to recognize this dynamic.
If you can't process the sequence of cause and effect, you can't into logic. You are beyond saving at that point.
You missed. Aim anew.
Dune dubs of truth.
It would be extremely painful.
Seems the plan. Propose everything they have propositioned in the past.
Nice disinformation moishe
I swear this "hate speech" meme popped up recently and now everyone highschooler on the internet is parroting it. I've even seen people saying the Constitution "doesn't protect hate speech".
We don't have hate speech. The term was invented by some socialist commie government in Canada I think.
I kind of feel like rockwell lately.
I want to hoist the friendship cross high next to the stars and stripes, and burn israeli and ussr flags
Go and do it, faggot. Go public, shine a light on the Jew, and see how quickly some hook nosed book humping lawyer gets all over your ass with 6 billion shoah charges. The state might not be able to sue you, but some rich kike can and will do so.
What fucking planet do you live on?
Scream "NIGGERS MUST HANG" in LA and see how long you last before the cops show up.
finally someone with some sense
None of those topics are even being discussed on .pl.
You look like a spam bot, and I'm pretty sure you are.
Do you need a lecture in the entirety of the 20th century?
The man is sometimes hard to follow with all this multi-dimensional chess playing.
Holla Forums is pro winning, low energy cuck.
It happens every single day lol. You guys obviously don't live in cities… crazy schizos are out calling people niggers daily.
You are correct but let me follow this logic from my own personal history and recent events.
Both my grandfathers farmers would regularly shoot dogs and cats.
In todays society I guess they would be doing a little hard time for their actions.
My cousin also a farmer enacted a cat population reduction program on his property just this last summer.
Now should I go and turn him in? Because what he did was the height of cruelty to animals.
Or should I rather take the pragmatic approach and think that cats breed like mad and why spend $500 to neuter them when a 3cent .22 round works just as well.
Your grandparents sound like niggers tbh fam
Shooting an animal so it gets a quick death might be somewhat cold hearted, but not cruel, especially since strays have all kinds of diseases and parasites. The best way would of course be spaying every cat.
Now if you poison or drown them, you're a nigger.
Ok faggot you let dogs chase your sheep and kill them out of the good ness of your heart, because they are just God's creatures and need to eat or have some fun.
this goy knows
I will put you in charge of catching the mother fuckers and and paying the bill to spay like 40 of them.
Farmers shoot cats all the time you dumb nigger, they are pure predators, they have destroyed bird populations.
The ones that are rat killers mainly get to stay.
I guess hate speech laws are 100% constitutional though, right?
Quick! Post more pics of degenerate celebrities rolling their eyes! That'll show us the error of our ways!
Enjoy your malformed children or something.
If those same farmers hadn't been so fucking retarded to let unspayed cats roam in the first place, this mess wouldn't even have existed.
Trump knows what he's doing.
He almost always says the right thing for the moment. He is expressing the anger of the silent majority at these "protestors". He picked a good fracture point, where most of the country will align with him and the whole left will oppose him noisily.
In the mind of a shill anything is possible.
I say let em burn em.
Thinning of the herd.
Don't put out the flags don't put out the burning protestors.
"Trump Flags™ are quality flags. You're going to get tired of flags."
Trump lied about one thing for sure: I'm still not tired of winning.
Bill Hicks said it right.
A bunch of them on reddit are saying buy confederate flags to burn. That'll show'em.
They really seem to be flipping out over the loss of citizenship bit.
The goodness or badness of it is irrelevant in this context. Our little friend was claiming that Trump loves the concept of fascism. It's a groundless claim.
>liberals are arrested for attempted flag burning because they weren't able to actually set it on fire
Too bad due to their own efforts, most places don't sell Confederate flags anymore. They'll have to buy them from white supremacists.
Where do all these idiots get the "Trump wanted to lose and he's not ready for the job" narrative from, anyway? They all seem to be spouting the same line from the media. I've even heard it from members of my own family.
For you
South Park decided to run with it and they didnt think he would win and have had to rewrite the season.
Its jolly poor show from them really, sure have Garrison be Trump and all but they didnt even try to ruin Hillary too…makes you wonder
Do you have autism?
Why are you quoting 30 people instead of just making a post?
I have no idea, but I too have heard it repeated by people I know. I dont know what leads them to this conclusion, I asked one of them and he said it was the way he acted when he won the election. I said, "what the fuck does that mean?" "You know, not wanting to do it."
I think its part projection, part wish and a dump truck of delusion. I told him why would a man with billions use his time to get constantly harangued by the media, death threats and adding more work to his plate at his age?
He said "He didn't realize what he was getting into until he won. It was supposed to be for publicity." Its all the media lies they ingest, create a false narrative based on a false reality.
Hmmm its Americanism, the patriotic kind but hes supposedly ignoring the constitution
Thats kind of sucks but heh
They think him running was a publicity stunt and that he never thought he'd win. They're still stuck in mid 2015 with the "Trumps a clown and he's not serious about running"
That's how you're supposed to dispose of a damaged flag.
mustangs are nigger-tier autos.
This. I am fully on board flag burning ban. Watch them squirm. Hail victory.
Gregory Lee "Joey" Johnson is an American revolutionary Communist activist whose burning of the flag of the United States in a political demonstration during the 1984 Republican National Convention in Dallas, Texas, in violation of a Texas law prohibiting flag desecration, led to his role as defendant in the landmark United States Supreme Court case Texas v. Johnson
That's why SCOTUS decides for us. It's been ruled flag burning is A okay.
This guy fucking gets it.
Another thought: Make them ULTRA FLAMMABLE.
So the first amendment is now absolute again? Hey we can yell fire in a crowded theater again everyone!
The .22 round method is fine with me.
Cheaper too
Its easy to be pretentious when you don't have to prove you're right you faggot
It's funny how leftists care about free speech when they're about to face repercussions from it, yet they don't care when they sue businesses for religious and remove the funding of 8ch and Breibart due to "hate speech".
They only want the freedom to fuck people over at any opportunity. We gave them plenty of chances, yet they still use it as an opportunity to reduce the freedom of the US populace. They assume that their actions are justified because we used to be submissive to them out of fairness, but we will be singing a different tune to them now. Fuck them.
I am getting a little mad because Trump may propose more Clinton approved laws! Who knows what past stance Clinton took that Trump might take now!? Marriage being between a man and a woman!? THIS IS MADNESS!
It's like poetry, isn't it?
Oh shit
i wouldnt ban flag burning as fuhrer but the leftist asshurt will be hilarious because of this
id order covert cia death squads to find and murder the flag burners
I always wonder how history will look back on shit like this.
That was a reference to monarchy and nobility, not equality as in everyone-is-equal-or-you're-a-racist-mmmkay?
So what happens to a person if their citizenship is revoked? Where do they go? Why would another country accept them?
theyll be put to work on government projects and given adequate food and shelter as compensation. otherwise they go to madagascar with the jews.
Sometimes we need some stupid shit to make things right.
Canada will accept them because Trudeau is a pussy
Sounds like some shitty superstitious cult shit
You have no idea how much I wish you were wrong.
It probably has masonic/zionist origins like most american stuff.
Do you guys really want this?
Nobody burns flags except for retarded muzzies. What difference would burning the flag make?
I think it also stands in line with freedom of expression, if you hate what the US stands for, you're allowed the expression to burn the flag. If the flag burning isn't really hurting someone, much like bible burning or quran burning than I wouldn't really see it as something that would require the measures that Trump talks about in his tweet.
The best thing the USA gets from this is being able to deport some butthurt liberals and muzzies. But I don't really like the implications such a bill has in what possibly the government can bann in the future.
Feels bad, guys.
This is what jews actually believe
I can respect natsoc what it tried to achieve economically but fascism is just awful. Only a total moron would willingly give up their liberty.
Nice foundations brah.
and it's 11 years old too, same age as the grab-em-by-the-pussy tape that Clinton's team released on October 7th
all those who didn't understand what Trump did should go back to 4chan and Holla Forums
I've been saying this since I was a fucking kid. Everyone who desecrates the flag, should have no protections that it grants. No aid, no license, no federally funded school, no protection by the police, no running water, no fucking anything.
Said retarded muzzies wouldn't be citizens. And can be physically removed.
Fuck off.
The crackdown on free speech is coming either way. All that matters is that when it does, we're in the driver's seat. Remember what Tim Wise was tweeting before the election when he thought he would've won? They wanted to round us all up, make it de-facto illegal to be far-right.
CREATED equal. This is a line thats been thoroughly abused. What this means is that all men hould be treated equally by the law and the government, and that the station of their birth should hold no baring on their judgements. As in, do not judge a person by where he's from or who his father is, but instead tread him to the fruits of his own person.
Also, this one line is why affirmative action is completely fucking unconstitutional!
I'd have to oppose this one on principle. Politicians like to think of the flag as some sort of sacred shield. Burning it is a message that there are people who won't put up with their shit
Go bak to leftypol you fucking kike. If you burn the flag, you insult everything it stands for and everyone who fucking died for it. You should die next, and if I see you burn one in proximity to me, I'll cut out your eyes.
My friends and family wear that flag in their fucking graves.
Freedom of expression is for faggots. We live in times that demand drastic measures. These fucking leftists want you DEAD and your children RAPED and BRAINWASHED and they think it's FUCKING FUNNY.
Just admit it Jefferson was a SJW fagkikebitch
the crackdown on free speech doesn't need to happen at all, all it takes is enough people saying enough is enough to stop it. Trumps SCOTUS picks will ensure that no asinine "hate speech" laws will be passed.
I have no interest in stifling peoples right to speak their mind even if I hate their guts, i'm not a fucking hypocrite.
When people burn the flag, they're not shitting on politicians. What that flag represents to the people burning it is white America.
You give up your liberty every day cuck.
Or maybe the language has been abused to ean things it never meant to.
Should it be illegal to burn the commie chinese flag? literally 10s of millions of people died for it and they are a country a fraction of the age of the US
I fucking hate you lolberg pieces of shit almost as much as I hate leftists.
Since when is setting hit on fire "speech"? Also, free speeh was never meant to be like this. We were founded with clauses for fihting words. You can speak your mind, but when it turns to insults, you're getting your face smashed or stabbedin the gut. Of course, the kikes couldn't handle honor and dignity, so they try to fuck that up.
Arson is free speech/expression.
Lighting fires in public is a way to get your message across.
Anything that causes willful and knowing destruction of property in a public place not suited for such should be punishable. Lighting a flag up in the middle of a crowd of people or in a fire prone area has the potential to cause lots of damage and harm.
Tell me why you think "all men are created equal" is a truth to be held as being "self-evident."
t. rightwing sjw :^^)
Yeah nigger, because the extreme left we are battling for our very existence as a race will definitely be defeated by moderate lolberg retards like you.
1. Deflation.
2. A banknote is not your property to burn.
meant to quote
quit being a fucking retard and use your head for a second. If you strip the rights of your opposition what stops the ruling government from turning over and fucking you in the ass? Who will you go to if the government can just silence its opposition?
Your government supports you now but how long do you think that'll last? Quit being a moron and do some long term thinking.
Do you pay taxes? Did you go to public school? Do you own a house? Do you rent an apartment? Do you drive on government sponsored roads and follow government regulated road laws while doing so?
The point is it's obvious your liberties are infringed in some way no matter what. So we've established that there is a baseline oppression you will take (and it's a lot… every modern government is 10x invasive today than 200 years ago).
Why not increase this oppression pragmatically? Why shouldn't we force people to work, or pay taxes, or close our borders? If these things aid our race and ensure the future of our people and nation, they are good things.
US currency (not money) is PRIVATELY OWNED. The strips of cloth in your pocket are PRIVATE PROPERTY. Of course it’s illegal to burn them.
It' bullshit. Flag burning is covered under 1st amendment.
burn yankee rag
It’s freedom of speech to burn a flag, sure. But you’d have to buy the flag yourself, otherwise it’s destruction of private property, theft, and arson. Make a law that says US flags can only be made in the US and BOOM, they’re instantly funding the perpetuation of what they hate.
My point is free speech is not teleological (it has no goal and is not valuable in and of itself). Everyone agrees with this, you shouldn't be able to say LITERALLY anything you want with no repercussions (for example, I don't think anyone thinks it should be legal to plan a terror attack under the auspices of free speech).
Since everyone agrees free speech can't be unlimited, one can very easily take a pragmatic approach to limiting it. One thing I think that should obviously be banned in a healthy nation is desecration of that nations symbols: such things only lead to moral denigration.
looks like some modifications were made to that article today:*
previously the last modification was September 1 and then today November 29 many people jumped on the article and it became a small battlefield
"Hillary had nothing to do with it"
"Incorrectly listed Senator Hillary Clinton as a sponsor"
Keep an eye on it
You are the reason the Right is impotent
No, YOU quit being a fucking retard.
The only reason you're worried about such things is because leftism has turned America into a fucking big government oligarchy. See the fucking forest for the trees, lolberg?
We killed a lot of those people. We should burn it with nukes, like MacArthur wanted to. World woulde been a better place. Also the red guard is responsible for trying to destroy all traces of aryan history in china. fuck the commies, kill every last one of them. (my family fought the chinks as they sent human waves into korea to try and stop macarthur. Gramps said it was a fucking slaughter, like killing two mounds of ants, because they didn't fiht like humans, just worthess gook bad chink bugs.)
Of course, this is bait, because you're a commie too. Reported.
I would make it #BurnTrumpsFlag instead. make them think this is a personal attack on him.
kek. It is when you think about it.
You know China was part of the Allies, right? And that WW3 didn't happen in the cold war?
Grade 2 level reading comprehension
Pay attention You're not the one who's supposed to take the bait
Hillary's pathetic ploy
A [Tampa Bay] Times Editorial
Published December 12, 2005
" Sen. Hillary Clinton's decision to co-sponsor a bill to make it a crime to burn the American flag amounts to political pandering of the worst kind. She was against outlawing flag-burning before she was for it.
The New York Democrat says she opposes a constitutional amendment to ban flag-burning but has signed on to a bill that would ostensibly accomplish the same thing by federal statute. Her position is unprincipled. Clinton may think this is a middle-ground position with broad political appeal, but most people will see it for what it is. "
I'm talking about the korean war dude… China sent insurgents to fight us in korea.
I pay taxes because its necessary for our country to exist, if no one payed taxes then we'd turn into a 3rd world shithole. I won't pay any more taxes then i'm obliged to, which is why I don't support tax hikes on frivolous shit. Universal healthcare and welfare are examples of frivolous shit.
We need roads to function as a country, which is why the road system is a public right no different from a park. The same goes for public schooling.
Who said I wouldn't fucking retaliate? If a ruling body tried to deny me my basic rights as an american i'd be up in arms, its the reason we have guns. Why do you keep making shit up?
Yes, that's why we have a 2nd amendment. We have it so we can protect and uphold the REST of the constitution. If you just pick and choose which citizens are allowed to speak you're just feeding into the big government oligarchy. I guess its okay since you aren't the one getting fucked in that shithole government?
Senator Clinton, in Pander Mode
New York Times editorial
DEC. 7, 2005
" Hillary Clinton is co-sponsoring a bill to criminalize the burning of the American flag. Her supporters would characterize this as an attempt to find a middle way between those who believe that flag-burning is constitutionally protected free speech and those who want to ban it, even if it takes a constitutional amendment. Unfortunately, it looks to us more like a simple attempt to have it both ways.
Senator Clinton says she opposes a constitutional amendment to outlaw flag-burning. In 1989, the Supreme Court ruled that flag-burning was protected by the First Amendment. But her bill, which is sponsored by Senator Robert Bennett, Republican of Utah, is clearly intended to put the issue back before the current, more conservative, Supreme Court in hopes of getting a turnaround. "
lolbergs need to be gassed first tbh
Know what's more effective than a rebellion? Using the state to violently oppress the opposition. The left understands this. You should too.
go do some research on american history and you'll understand why what you said is completely retarded.
Top kek. The depths these leftists will stoop to.
He is the left, that's why he's desperately trying to talk you out of it now that we finally have a tiny bit of power. Make no mistake about it, anybody who will not use the full force of the society, state, and economy to defend culture, nation, and race is a leftist. No exceptions.
It's a reference to monarchy and nobility you anachronistic dumbass
Trump issues his weekly tweet bait, and now everyone is looking at flag desecration laws from around the world.
This is the perfect bait for the commie fuckers. Most all commie countries will send you to re education camps for burning a flag.
Do more than surface research on American history and you'll realize that it was the ending of "benign neglect" that caused us to rebel in the first place. :^)
Oh wait
t. lolberger
It's still a blast to screw with them, laddi. They actually believe hierarchy is bad, xd
You lolbergs and your fucking constitution.
Nigger this is a NatSoc board. Where do you think the God-Emperor meme came from? Do you think that shit is ironic? Do you think that it's all just a joke and nobody actually wants fascism?
I am so sick of you dumb fucking lolbergs shitting up the board with your magic soil bullshit. Nigger the only way whites will survive as a race is if someone starts putting all the leftists, kikes and shitskins in shallow graves and forces the population to get their shit together and stop being such degenerate fucks.
Your nose is showing
Criminally underrated post.
is this the bizzaro-Holla Forums where everyone spent the last year and a half huffing paint?
When King Nigger was elected in 2008, he was expected to:
and he did none of these things. Worse, he
For the past 8 years we have not heard so much as a peep from leftists who should have felt betrayed from day 1. No it turns out none of them, not one of them actually gives a shit about liberty or the welfare of the average American.
I know Trump is rusing them, but let me make this clear: Leftists Deserve This And More
>They wanted to round us all up, make it de-facto illegal to be far-right.
The "far-right" is a scarecrow you dumbass. If you like to wear that costume you're a useless idiot. Refusing to drink the poisoned kool-aid and refusing to applaud the organized mass immigration program designed to turn white countries into multiethnic prisons where whites are a minority isn't extreme, it isn't "far-right", it's what sane people do. It's those who want to see whites become a minority in western countries who are the insane extremists.
Thanks for changing my words to make your point, Moishe
Nice work.
Wew. We need to watch and see how she reacts to Trump's tweet. She is feminist senator backer of Hillary so if she tries to dispute Trump, we can start some fireworks since it kills feminists to admit they are wrong about anything. If she agrees with Trump, we can set leftists on her and have them fight with each other.
I don't think political dissidents need to be persecuted. It should be obvious to you that leftist bullshit is taking a nosedive into obscurity, and the election of obummer expedited it. Now, I don't think socjus idiocy is going anywhere but I don't think the democratic parties going to stick by it after it completely ruined them in this election. I'm sure you're familiar with the overton window theory.
As it stands now, if you support natsoc then you aren't allowed to do so in public. I think this is wrong. In a proper government everyone should be allowed to express their political opinion regardless of its content.
I'm not a libertarian, I think many of the economic policies they present are completely broken and their lack of a backbone irritates me. I support nationalism and the preservation of the rights my country was founded on.
man this is entertaining.
Gee, I wonder who could be behind this post….
You were always a kike
just like how i'm a racist shitlord?
This is why libertarians are worthless.
Leftwing authoritarians don't even think twice about taking away your right to express "hate speech" and in response you sit here and defend their right to burn the flag.
It's too late for your pathetic pleas for neutrality and fairness. That equal freedom is already gone. There are only two options left: either leftwing authoritarianism expands its domination, or rightwing authoritarianism arises to take over.
Your ideology is weak and cannot stop either, so you might as well spend your time thinking: which authoritarians do you want to rule over you?
You're giving yourself too much credit, Moishe.
Fucking Hell, politics isn't that simple.
First of all, burning an american flag has nothing to do with protesting against government. Government =/= America. Im sure the tardiest of Libtards would even agree to that.
Second of all, you either believe America was a nation built on a proposition, or based on racial identity.
If you believe it is based on a proposition, then what greater way could someone show they are opposed to that proposition than burning an American flag? They should be deported.
If you believe it is based on racial identity, then they are showing willingness to destroy the whiteness of American that she was founded on, and should be deported.
Anyone who disagrees with this believes America stands for nothing. And should therefore also be kicked out.
This post was specifically for you
Also; I'm really glad to live in a Alaska where I actually can walk up and down the street screaming hang all niggers
If they do that in your home, the correct response is to kill them.
If you burn the flag, you should be lynched on the spot.
>all of these faggots who thought they wanted nationalism, but cuck out when they get it.
Shameful display.
Life imitates art?
Go back to your reddit commune.
Pic related.
Because freedom is actually the strongest tool we have. Look at the current state of the US. Right wingers now have control of every major branch of government, will get the supreme court, and all the lefties can do is whine and bitch and make themselves look ridiculous in the process.
If you want to start establishing hate speech laws like European cuck countries, you're not going to like where it goes.
>What gives you the idea trump likes fascism?
Do I want the stupider lefties to accidentally set themselves and their houses on fire while throwing a tantrum? I think you know the answer to that.
Do I care about the burning of a cloth representation of something that cannot be destroyed? No, not really, because I'm not a fucking muz.
If you agree you're a commie.
She's like a big ghastly pile of Play-doh, isn't she?
>he thinks it is pure coincidence that Trump chooses to retweet Il Duce during an election
We'll gas them, for real this time.
Because the founding fathers totally were referring to blue haired faggots burning the country's flag when they wrote the fist amendment about FREE SPEECH.
Kill yourself faggot. Drink a whole bottle of bleach.
Get a load of this cuck!
That's shopped, right?
There's literally no logic here.
"Hurr durr I should pay the state to indocrinate my children, but I shouldn't pay the state to prevent niggers from burning flags"
If you recognize some things the state does is good for society, who not implement other authoritarian measures that are good for society?
Libertarianism relies on some weird philosophical axioms that make no sense. Human rights / natural law is as real as unicorns. They don't exist, see: Alasdair Macintyre.
Double nigger this is a politically incorrect discussion board, not an anal ideological club.
You must admit, to a leftist it is.
Go back to cuck/pol/. 8/pol/ has always been National Socialist.
meant for
that guy, woops
Signed. Definitely gets the point I was trying to make across a lot better.
The trips expose the concern troll.
Go back to 4chan.
Also don#t sperg out on a fucking faceberg meme, that's some low quality bait.
The board fluctuates depending on time of year/day you retard. There is no predisposition here only tendencies.
all the muslims and liberals in the comments complaining about
cant wait till trump sends them all back
Okay, he really is a NEETSoc fascist meme.
Nobody wants a fascist police state outside of the few LARPing NEETSocs, people want an immigration policy that prevents the need for one.
go back to the Daily Stormer and don't forget to give your shekels to Weev
It's too late now cuckboi. You played with fire, and now we're going to burn you in a fucking oven.
The lack of one prior to mass immigration is why the policies that enabled mass immigration could be put in place in the first place. You better hope the 'neet-socs' get their way, because there are some people around here who have something in mind that you would find a lot worse.
By burning the US flag, you say "I hate America". Not the government, but the whole country. I don't see why such a person should retain the citizenship of the country he hates, as he pretty much outed himself as a traitor
Great post
Anyone who burns a flag should be immediately deported. Flag burners should consider that a favor since they hate America so much.
Wish they go and burn their US passports…. That will actually be a denunciation of their citizenship…
What I wonder is, is there a way to meme it? To bait any number of libshits to do that?
Put fliers up around universities for a "Passport Burn-In" or something similar. Put vague issues on it like Fight Racism! and For Equality!. Maybe use rhetoric like "There are 6 Gorillion undocumented Americans without passports. Join us when we burn ours to show solidarity!"
all of you spooked niggers must lurk Holla Forums for two years before killing yourselves
Fascist policies are usually what a politician throws out when they are about to increase immigration, but don't want to lose the support of their anti-immigration base.
For example, George Bush and his anti-privacy, anti-freedom bills passed under the guise of fighting Muslim terrorism, meanwhile he increased Muslim immigration. Nobody wanted the Patriot Act, they wanted Muslim immigration stopped.
Something like making the flag burning illegal is what a politician would do while they call for more immigration and amnesty for illegals. This is what Hillary Clinton did.
Trump can propose burning the US flag, but he hasn't been able to reassure that he will deport 100% of illegals, regardless of whether or not they are "criminal".
LOL, even in our self hating germany society flag burning is prohibited. If you do you get a fine or up to 6 months in jail.
wtf I love jews and hillary now
I'm not a burger, so for burgerland, if it's not something I can do from behind the computer, I can't do that. I can do something like that for where I am though.
Glossing over the fact that this is just a rephrasal of 'taking a significant step is like those evil neocons. You wouldn't want to be like the neocons, right goy?', so for a start, you can fuck off just for that. Besides, what you're talking about is called a surveillance state. That has nothing to do with fascism. Communist regimes take that approach much more aggressively, which IMO is a weakness of national socialism, seeing as it is a waste of potential not to try and keep your population under complete and utter control. The only thing that really matters is who is in control, all pretense of arbitrary morals are only a means to an end. You're stuck in 'fascism is just a word for all things ebil whitey'.
You would need a complete, lock-step surveillance state that remorselessly enforces every law to the t for that, which we don't have right now. We didn't want him for president because we believed we could to that, we did because he was the one candidate that had any promise of intending to try to get anywhere in that direction at all. Also, if you're on about the criminals, why stop with the illegals? Even the civics want criminal citizens deported in the long run.
That's because you don't have the First Amendment. There is no freedom of expression or speech in Germany because it's a third world pozzed shithole.
If I buy a flag, I can do whatever the fuck I want to with it. Fucking Communist.
this is the MO for leftist comedians. make fun of the right all you want when you're winning but the moment the left looks weak then both sides suck.
You also get this.
Those hate speech laws sure are working out well for you.
If you hate America, we can kick you the fuck out. You wanted nationalism, and now you're getting it. Deal with it cuckboi.
one of these days you faggots are going to understand that words on a screen do not constitute as LARP.
No shit? You just now realized National Socialists don't believe in freedom of speech? A bit slow are you?
So many faggots on twitter willing to burn american flags purely for spite for what Trump said and willfully ignoring that Clinton pushed for this from a legal standpoint.
Truly these people hate America, it disgusts me so much. And I'm not even american.
If you can be jailed and fined for not baking a cake you can be jailed and fined for flag burning. Want your freedom of speech back? Give me back my freedom of association.
I'm fairly certain burning anything in the middle of the street is already illegal "free speech" be damned lighting things on fire is not fucking speech if only by 1 obstructing traffic and 2 unauthorized burning on public land
There is no threat against the right to desecrate the flag. Trump knows this and is just playing 4D chess. Even if he didn't, the right is secured by multiple cases of legal precedent upholding it. There's no way it will be changed. Nobody should be worried about it.
However the base has not realized this and is actually calling for these laws to be implemented. That's cause for concern. Operating on feelings is what the left does. Symbolic speech is a proud American tradition going all the way back to effigy destruction as protest against the Crown. It is more un-American to ban flag burning than to burn the flag.
It's also a sign that this is not a great master plan. 4D chess should only mock or divide your enemies, not your supporters as well. Trump's goal right now should be to rally the right together as the left is a flaming dumpster fire. There's no reason to add fuel to it if you risk setting your sleeve on fire.
There's a third option - defending against attacks on civil liberties from all angles, whether right or left. There are still no laws against "hate speech" in America. It's going to stay that way no matter how much liberals cry.
The tools you authorize your government to use against your enemies can be used against you. Keep them limited.
send all the videos of children burning flags in a tantrum to their employers. etc
Teddy Roosevelt genocided Anglo-America with European immigrants.
This made it inevitable that the future of America would just be nazis vs communists.
Benjamin Franklin was a prophet and predicted that non-Anglo immigration would do this.
These people are really this unintelligent, that they are STILL going with the "Trump only ran for publicity lol" even though Trump spent almost a BILLION of his personal money and actually lost many business partners.
Once again his enemies are shocked that the rights self-imposed rules are more nebulous than they anticipated. They only appropriate answer when your enemy seeks your operational guidelines is "I guess you'll fucking find out now won't you?"
The question of your principles and ethical boundaries is moot because as a strategist dealing with hostile actors you have an obligation to bullshit your enemies at all times. "Of course we're going to deport you, of course we're going to go after their families. Yeah I'm not sure what the law on torture is exactly." Shit like that.
Also the fucking bantz are glorious. You protest outside his house and "Perhaps a loss of citizenship!" top kek He does this and I love watching everyone debating what he can actually do because no one knows. It's hilarious and it scares the shit out of our enemies.
You should seriously consider the possibility that Trump is smarter than you.
(Fuggin Checked)
America always wins you fucking shills.
Flashback: Sen. Hillary Clinton Co-Sponsored Bill to Punish Flag Burners
" President-elect Donald Trump isn’t the first person to propose punishment for burning the American flag. Consider the Flag Protection Act of 2005, co-sponsored by then-Sen. Hillary Clinton (D.-N.Y.).
“Any person who shall intentionally threaten or intimidate any person or group of persons by burning, or causing to be burned, a flag of the United States shall be fined not more than $100,000, imprisoned for not more than 1 year, or both,” read the bill, which Clinton co-sponsored the day it was filed by Sen. Robert Bennett (R.-Utah), along with Sen. Barbara Boxer (D.-Calif.), Sen. Thomas Carper (D.-Del.) and Sen. Mark Pryor (D.-Ark.). […]"
IS Trump really smart, or is the media just completely retarded? I can't figure this out.
You really think there's a place on Earth where true free speech exists? Even in 'Murica, its illegal to make speeches that incite violence or to commit crime, among other things. Defamation and Libel, too (but the laws haven't been tough enough on those). Use your fucking head, user. Burning the American Flag should be a clear exception. Go do some research on India soon after it was made independent, and look at what undercover british d&c shills were doing with the flag.
Stop being a retarded cuck and use your head, especially if you think burning the flag shits on the government rather than the nation as a whole, including all its past principles, ideals, and the people who fought to preserve the nation-state. You want to buy a flag and burn it in protest? How's about you buy a gun, or maybe a poster of Obama (not a good example) or something to burn? Not the fucking flag.
deport all flag burners!
That's why Ron Paul isn't ever going to be president.
Not because he's too old?
He had his chance and Americans wanted somebody with a little more kung pow.
The flag is meaningless. We're a nation of ideals, not of symbols. Even if every flag in the country is burned and all of the national buildings demolished, the country still stands strong.
Even if you go to the national archives and burn the Constitution, its ideas stand.
If someone burns your symbols that are deliberately put on display to show your confidence and conviction in your ideals, that motherfucker should be shot on sight. Problem is America's ideals were liberal to begin with. Founding fathers had no idea how much their notions of freedom would be exploited by people who don't give a fuck about their traditions, family, white people, or their country.
and yet, burning the Constitution would land you in federal prison, whereas burning the flag does nothing.
Lurker here, watching fox news right now. Listening to a liberal argue for the right to burn the flag and saying the russians rigged the election. Im fucking pissed right now, and have almost zero interactions with libshits (thank god), so im wondering one thing. Has anyone ever addressed these non points with a lib IRL with some form of "Do you have a single shred of concrete evidence to back any of that up?" Id be interested in hearing from any anons who employed a response similar to that, to an IRL koolaid drinker. I'm interested about their response in the interest of psychiatric curiosity. These cunts seem to have foreign/alien mindsets to me, and I want some insight.
You both missed the point.
What point was there to be missed? Don't just say that and not clarify yourself.
Ok, well … I'll start with
Nobody is talking about going onto your property and burning your property. Obviously that's illegal and will remain illegal. But if I buy a flag and I want to burn it, then I have the right to do that. It's my property.
And as for this:
Yes, burning the Constitution is a federal crime because it is public property and belongs to all of us. If I go burn it, then I am burning not only my property but yours as well. What I said, however, was that if it were burned, then it wouldn't destroy America.
We are not a nation of symbols.
The fact that you have to use that as your comparison isn't very reassuring. I'm a citizen and so I'm obliged to be concerned with more than just my own property. You don't have any rights that the majority doesn't allow you to have, period. If you burn the flag you are claiming to be a threat to everyone else, all those who oppose us are to be destroyed.
Nobody is even making that argument, only that we are a nation, like every other nation, that puts value into our symbols or else they'd be fucking useless.
The United States is not now, nor has it ever been, a "majority rules" nation.
The symbols are fucking useless. You know who makes our flags? Fucking China. So, when you burn a US flag, you're burning a Chinese product. Nothing more.
That's a very naive point of view. If you piss off the mob, you fucking die, rights are bullshit.
Then why have flags? Why bother with symbolism if symbols are fucking useless? Because Americans have the pride and courage to display those symbols that aren't fucking useless, if Americans are forced to watch degenerates shit on our symbols then fuck them, they deserve their rights revoked they're a threat. Do you have no self-respect? Or is that reserved just for your property?
There are more important things than the flag, and while I don't agree with burning it, it shouldn't be illegal.
Then you're complicit in the decline of America and should be beat the fuck up.
Many have died for a cause, including our right to self-govern. You know, that little fracas we like to call "The Revolutionary War". If you are unwilling to die for something, then you will never live for anything.
It helps us identify each other in times of war. To ensure that we're not shooting at our countrymen. But it's not the flag that makes them our countrymen.
Try it. I wish a nigga would. If I'm burning my flag on my property and you set foot on it, then I can shoot you without hesitation and never even be arrested.
LOL it hasn't stopped, some are desperately trying to minimize Hillary Clinton's name from the Wikipedia article:
({{Hillary Clinton series}} seems superfluous, this is not mainly a Clinton-focused article)
What are you gonna do? Call the cops about me exercising my rights? You must be a euro.
ITT: some faggots weeping over the First Amendment when America ceased to be a country 100yrs ago.
Who is "our"? Realistically speaking, the entire notion of rights is extremely naive. You don't have any rights that other people won't let you have, I can't be any more clear than that. Rights are just another word for power, and power isn't something you are entitled to, ever.
That's not the primary purpose of the flag and you know it. It's meant to display pride, and if you don't have pride then get the fuck out.
I can step on your property shoot you without hesitation and then quickly get the fuck out before the cops come retard. Your rights don't mean shit.
on your property maybe, but if you go out into public like the stupid faggot you are and burn a flag it should be illegal
t. not even american
I could shoot your face off you dumb nigger.
I could shoot you without even setting foot on your porch and it wouldn't even matter.
Yeah ok m8.
I really don't care whether or not you conceal your weapons, as long as your skin isn't bullet-proof then I'll get the job done.
And then the bullet gets examined blah blah blah your gun, get arrested, life in prison to save a piece of cloth.
You're pathetic.
Here's a flag.
Better come deport me. It means exactly as much. It's a symbol and we are not a nation of symbols.
Chekd and kekd
burning a flag is not speech, or even text.
and beyond that, you're using the laws of the very country they're showing such disrespect and hatred of to protect the people doing it.
They don't give a shit about any of that unless it serves their goals, they just want their way.
That makes no fucking sense.
Texas v. Johnson, 491 U.S. 397 (1989)
What they don't realize is that if we do shit like ban that, then it will open the path for shit like "hate speech" laws dictating what falls under proper free speech and what doesn't.
this tbh.
Agreed. The act of doing something isn't and shouldn't be considered speach in any form. I don't think the sole act of burning the flag should be illegal, HOWEVER burning the flag in a provocative anti-US statement should be.
fuck first reply was to
I don't give a shit.
An action is not speech in any way shape or form.
If the act of burning a flag is freedom of speech, there's zero fucking reason i couldn't claim nude interpretative dance is free speech too, and you can't arrest me for it or else you're hurka durka durr
There are no such things as rights or freedom, there are things someone decided you're allowed to do, and things someone decided you're not allowed to.
I can't go drop my fucking pants and take a shit in the mall because people as a whole have decided they don't fucking like it, so how free am i really?
If people decide they don't like something, they make it illegal, and that's one more "right" taken away.
It's arbitrary, and spewing shit about freedom and rights will get you fuckall.
Either do something about it or sit down with your thumb up your ass and shut up.
Doesn't matter if you do or not. It is law of the land. Nobody gives a shit about your fee-fees. You're pulling a "your rights end where my feelings begin" and that's fucking retarded.
You CAN claim that, but in order to make it law of the land, you have to be defended in court. You need to learn how the fucking system works.
Fun part is that if you step on my property, you're on camera. You'll go to prison for defending a piece of cloth. Pathetic.
>or prohibiting the free exercise thereof
Flag burning falls under the 1st amendment, deal with it faggots,
The point is that if we ban that, it would bring about the situation we have today regarding "hate speech"
That's what we're saying you retard. It doesn't matter what you think the law is or what your rights are, if you piss people off by burning the symbol of their nation-state they're not going to like you, and they might ignore that whole thing about rights and laws and just straight up kill you. Banking on the notion that the cops will save you or that you're entitled to that freedom means nothing. It boils down to numbers, that's why the Union won in spite of infringing on people's rights.
Bavaclava masks nigger, you have nothing on me.
Be careful what you wish for, degenerate.
Oh look, a libcuck.
Well guess what faggot, laws are determined by the people in office, and the fucker in office today says that's about to change.
NEETSocs somehow hold both of these beliefs at the same time.
You're either an idiot or you're not American
What I have on you is that you are this pathetically defending a piece of cloth that you don't even own.
You don't need to work within the legal system when you're in power, and you're a fucking retard if you actually think that.
As the literal motherfucking american president, if you want something to happen, you have all the power in the world to make it so, legal or otherwise.
That's what the fuck corruption is, and this time the corruption has swung in our favor.
America's rebellion spelled out the doom of the upward climb of Western Civilization and the White Race. It went stagnant, and at some point which none of us can agree upon, it started to dip and decrease. Pray for Empire.
No, that's not how the President works. The Supreme Court determined in 1989 that burning a flag is protected by the First Amendment. This means that the ONLY way to change it is to amend the Constitution.
The President cannot amend the Constitution. I don't care how much you want to LARP that Trump is some sort of God-King, but he's not. He's the President. The Constitution limits his power. Fucking deal with it.
Explain to me what the fuck is contradictory in that greentext.
The difference between us is I know the value of the symbol, you're too immersed in a materialistic degenerate point of view to know what nationalism looks like. You prioritize freedom over the good of the nation, when in reality there are clear-cut points where one must be compromised for the other in order to ensure growth, stability, vitality, empire, and white fucking supremacy. Your view is essentially liberal and what led to America 2016. You made America fucking suck.
You lazily shooped a flame in front of the flag.
And I suppose you would have sources backing this thought?
Fuck Paine and fuck you. Property rights were a damn good thing, plebians always fuck up governments.
It's desecration! You better call the FBI quick!
You're god damn right I do and I will defend that freedom with my life.
NEETSocs want to punish people for hating America, yet they hate America.
Settle down user, I only like Paine's smug.
Why call the FBI when we can take care of you ourselves? Do you think there's something clever about pissing off large groups of people?
lol and you will die and then the nation will have one less traitor, suits me just fine
and libtards have some freeze-framed version of America that disallows nigger-killing and killing muslims just because they're muslims and killing traitors who burn our flag, what America was is not as important as what it will be.
They chimped out because the prices of tea were higher than they wanted, then they tried to pass it off as some libertine bullshit. In their quest for "freedom" they sparked an avalanche, one that would take many, many years to finally wreak havoc upon Western Civilization. Some will say giving women the vote was when the degeneration began, others say that the Abolishment of Slavery was, and so on and so on.
It doesn't have to be trump, and yes he fucking can.
Open your open your eyes cocksucker, or are you illiterate as well as retarded?
The president can do whatever the fuck he wants by influencing everyone who can do whatever he can't using the power and wealth that he commands.
The president can bring entire goddamn nations to their knees with a word, you don't think he can influence the supreme court, or change the constitution?
All of it, all of these laws no matter how high, holy or fucking special you think they are, is nothing but a set of rules some assholes with enough power decided on at some point, and you can change them if you have enough power to do so.
Don't tell me to settle down damnit, I can do whatever I want, including burning flags and shitting on them, and you can't do anything about it, legally, even though you could ignore the law and kill my ass dead.
t. you
user, it was more than just tea getting taxed and it was taking its toll on the colonists. Don't talk about history you don't understand nigger. As for the rest of your post maybe you should be bitching at the french more than us?
Do whatever you want nigger, but if you ignore the law and my right to live I can legally shoot you dead with no consequence.
The "Patriots" and the French went hand in hand towards destruction, death, and miscegenation.
Actually banning the burning of the flag isn't necessarily something that could be related to the 1st at all but instead be banned as an act of Arson
Here in Australia in half the year you can't burn without a permit, fuck some really hot days you can't mow so I'm pretty sure Trump can get burning the flag outlawed as a fire safety measure
If I yell Nigger is there a chance people might die
While if I start a fire is there a chance people might die
LOL are you from Holla Forums ? The fact that rights and freedoms can be abolished or modified doesn't mean they don't exist within the legal framework of the nation in which you live.
You sound like a jew
Anybody can shoot anybody, law or no law. You're too retarded to see how easily the line can be crossed. No cops, no law will protect you from earnest patriots who have no tolerance for people who do not respect this nation. You respect that flag or you die, but go ahead and keep reminding yourself what the rules are.
He's right. Laws only have validity when enough people chooses to abide by them. What matters is power, not "rights." Without power, any discussion of rights is moot.
Great minds do think alike
or a troll from Holla Forums
You would be correct if the flag was being burned on someone else's property as they can be fined for larceny, however it is protected under the 1st amendment for symbolic speech and expression.
ok? They still are beholden to the law of the U.S which means they forfeit their own rights to life and are subject to the will of the people if they break the law and violate another citizen's rights.
This is just like the argument spics use when they say they love this country so much they broke the law to live here.
Let me say it again, in case you missed it the last time: The law doesn't mean shit if the general population is willing to ignore it in order to put down whom they deem to be threats to their community, such as flag-burners. Collective groups will throw your individual "rights" our the window the moment you expose yourself as the enemy. Your freedoms aren't fucking guaranteed by legislation but by your ability to be apart of a military organization, that and that alone. Power determines everything else, not empty talk of rights.
Yawn. 0/10. Go be a retard elsewhere.
You're the one posting in a thread that you've saged, as if that makes any sense.
only recently. In the 60s and 70s it was legit protest against the actions of the government
>threats to their community, such as flag-burners.
I can certainly think of a hundred worse threats than someone who burns a flag
Power also determines rights and freedoms, it goes both ways. For example the collective power of those who believe they have a right to own guns will likely always be stronger than the power of those who would like to disarm americans.
Flag burning was not protected under the first amendment until 1989. It is not an ancient right of the american people, it is a jewish imposition of us having to sit there while parasites wantonly declare their treasonous intent.
Leftists like the idea of heroically intervening in someone else's oppression. Having this oppression show up on their doorstep is totally outside their worldview and they will predictably react with utter panic when they realize they won't get a free pass for being white.
The founding fathers would have laughed at you and banished you to Canada with the royalists.
What about #FuckYourFascistFlag
Haha, this is fucking genius.
The flagship case for flagburning being constitutionally protected was a commie stealing a flag and burning it. Fuck libertarians, rights are for the american people, not the enemies within.
That's an awfully liberal thing to say, homosexuals aren't threats either right?
You're just repeating what I said, it doesn't matter what order you put power or rights in the sentence, you're saying the same fucking thing.
Exactly, those are the kinds of people who don't like flag-burners, so let that sink in.
Haha, this is fucking genius.
who steals or knowingly converts to his or her use, or to the use of
another, a flag of the United States belonging to the United States,
and who intentionally destroys or damages that flag, shall be fined not
more than $250,000, imprisoned not more than 2 years, or both.
``(e) Damaging a Flag of Another on Federal Land.–Any person who,
within any lands reserved for the use of the United States, or under
the exclusive or concurrent jurisdiction of the United States, steals
or knowingly converts to his or her use, or to the use of another, a
flag of the United States belonging to another person, and who
intentionally destroys or damages that flag, shall be fined not more
than $250,000, imprisoned not more than 2 years, or both.
This is exactly the type of shit I'd expect to hear from some leftist. This country was great at one point and it can be again. Do you hate freedom or something you dumb faggot?
I saw this and I got so hard.
I bet you have said "Muh Freeze Peach!" before unironically.
Never write a law you wouldn't want an ax-wielding maniac to enforce on you.
Because, sooner or later an ax-wielding maniac WILL be enforcing it against you.
Why yes, we are. For now at least.
But just as the leftists thought their power was everlasting and absolute, so too will ours wane eventually.
Remember, Caesar, thou art mortal.
No, I don't want America to be like it was in the '60s, let alone how it is now. It's not important that America has had diversity, it's a fucking ink blot. Fuck your liberal notion of freedom, the founding fathers were not infallible, they had no idea that freedom of religion would be exploited by muslims or that freedom of press would justify peddling disinformation or that freedom of speech would justify communism or flag-burners. Power is what matters, freedom is just another word for power. America will be way better than what it was before, but we have to realize how fickle "rights" really are.
Does he just pick the shittiest people to interview?
Neither do I, where did I say that?
1) How to solve muslim problem: ban all travel & immigration from all middle eastern and north african countries.
2) How to solve MSM problem: no legislation is needed for this(maybe tightening libel laws) but otherwise the MSM is becoming irrelevant, their only real audience is the boomers and their reliability as a news source is soon to be overtaken by the alternative media.
3) How to get rid of commies/flag burners: remove jewish influence, that is the only sure way.
All of these issues can be solved WITHOUT infringing upon our constitutional rights as I have just proposed. Maybe you don't realize it but the government is not your friend, as soon as you give them the power to limit your constitutional rights in any way they will fucking squeeze you until you have no freedom left. If you give them an inch, they'll take a mile.
Or instead we could declare war on Islam as an enemy to the United States and our way of life, as white people. Don't be a pussy
That's like when communists say that if you remove inequality crime will be irrelevant. We could just fucking down them on sight, instead of being massive pussies.
And the people you're inadvertently defending are? Government is just offices to be filled, and hopefully only with the best. I want empire faggot, if our government can't do that then we make one that will.
So will the communists who burn flags and the muslims, citizens or not. You're points are all moot, rights mean nothing, only power.
Are there any democratic flags to burn? I would burn anarchist flags, but I feel that I wouldn't send a clear enough message to the basic bitch libshits.
We should organize mass burnings of leftist paraphernalia (books, pictures, posters) as well.
Burning shit in public is stupid, just kill your enemies and your good.
Honestly, Trump shouldn't ban the burning of the flag. But he also shouldn't discourage "extra-legal" punishment for doing so. Doesn't the left love to talk about "consequences"? I'm sure they'll agree.
He should do both of those things, what the fuck are you talking about?
The cops will send a SWAT team as soon as anybody does that. Standing in front of the marxist fucks with armed men behind you burning their flags is something that could be done though.
Banning the flag burning doesn't really accomplish anything, since leftists tend to be protected by their local government. Besides, all they'll do is find another way to be edgy teens. Encouraging "vigilante" squads is the first step towards RWDS, and one of the major steps needed to bring order back to progressive controlled cities.
And NEETSocs are never getting power in the USA.
Go back to Germany.
The cops are not omniscient, just leave no traces.
The argument applies to both local and federal, and one tends to follow the other anyways. So banning the burning of the flag would remove the protections that are the basis of your counterargument . . .
That's the mentality of a liberal parent, please don't have children, ever.
You keep using that word as if it has some kind of magical power. America was never that far away from Nazi Germany to begin with. Don't worry faggot, it'll be okay.
Back to Germany, you Hunnic NEETSoc immigrant.
My ancestors have been living in America over a hundred years before the republic was founded. We were wrong about a lot of things, but it's not too late to rectify our mistakes. Believe in a white America, and a white Christmas!
YOU go back to Reddit. You're obviously an antifa trying to pull the super-patriot routine. You think we're stupid and haven't seen your kind here before?
Pure lies. You're a 19th century Hunnic German immigrant. A permanent foreigner, hostile to America and its traditions.
The delusions of a Moronic Hun.
Get your commie ass back to leftypol.
That's what it boils down to. America will either become one or the other.
I think they do get it from South Park, but they're ashamed to admit it. Same with other liberal canards. You'd be surprised how much influence Family Guy has on people's perception of history, politics and religion.
Yes, because there are too many pieces of NEETSoc immigrant trash, like yourself.
People like Teddy Roosevelt genocided WASPs via Hunnic, guinea and other continental European immigration, which condemned America to this NEETSoc/Commie garbage.
You got something against ethnic Germans? Too bad for you.
Have you ever committed a murder before, my LARPing friend? It isn't easy to commit one, let alone a massacre.
Sure, but unless your going to deploy FBI agents/US marshalls to pickup that leftist, your going to have to rely on local/state LE to actually pick them up. And local/state LE, as we both know, can be politically compromised.
Why would I want to ban an activity that gets normies to shit on leftists? Leftists are openly committing felonies and getting away with it. We have bigger problems than flag burning.
If Trump actually bans it, it would be good, but the problem is enforcement of such a law.
Yes, very much so, as did Benjamin Franklin.
Wherever Germans go, NEETSoc follows.
And we need to sacrifice a few of your precious "freedoms" so our race can exist. What's even your fucking point? The Constitution is just a piece of parchment.
Niggers WASPS are servants of WANPS, stop talking like you know what's going on.
This is god-awful argument if I ever read one. Any goddamn thing can be "politically" compromised, so what? You just give up out delusional paranoia? What kind of retard thinks up this shit?
So now you admit that it's a problem? kek
Then you have lost. Amalek will have power over you and there is not a damn thing you can do about it.
fuck lincoln
Nah, I'm a pretty firm believer in it. That's why it pisses me off that my speech rights are infringed by dipshits who burn the flag and then hide behind it.
Not yet, Hun.
And if we do lose, food rationing and "guns over butter" awaits you, anyway.
When Islam's influence only extended from the north africa to central asia, there was no problem with our country and Islam. Besides, the government has already tried this with it's "War on Terror", effectively proving that war cannot be waged or won against an abstract concept and the same goes for a religion
So how many commies or jews have you killed so far, or do you just LARP on a malaysian basket weaving imageboard?
We have an empire, and it's an overextending bureaucracy comprised of nation building and absurd military spending spent on other nations' defense.
This nation worked when only people who were real Americans living within our borders were the ones granted freedom. As for your rights, they are all you have. Without out our constitution, and those virtues of freedom and liberty for the American people, we are nothing. We would just be another former British colony, might as well be a fucking leaf if you do not give a shit about what our nation stands for.
When did I say it wasn't? All I said was that I Trump shouldn't ban flag burning, as there is more important shit that should take LE priority, like leftists committing felonies. Punishment for flag burning is best left up to vigilantes, not some government, and encouraging rightist vigilante justice is something Trump should push.
See for a better idea of how I feel about all of this.
You are not one of us, you're just some tourist LARPing as an American.
Yeah, and when serial killers were toddlers they weren't very threatening then, were they?
No dipshit, we created terror in the name of waging war on it, just as with government supplies of crack to inner-city slums, or heroin and the whole Fast and Furious scandal under Obama. You can win a war against drugs, just ask the prez of the Phillipines, and you can win a war against Islam by killing all the fuckers who believe in it. How the fuck do you think Rome became Christian?
Hardly, we need more land and that means more dead non-whites. The implications of doing this would mean an end to many of America's future and present problems. Genocide is only logical.
Then you don't even that you poor dumb son of a bitch. Rights are another name for power, and you only have that when you have the guns, the money and the numbers.
You're literally a foreigner invader.
Your argument is that there are more important things to deal with than traitors to our country. Please reflect on that before posting again. Also we definitely need more vigilantes.
Many of the founding fathers weren't even WASPS, they were WANPS. You don't even know what that is and yet you continue to LARP as an American. Sad!
I guess you won't mind this then :^)
Exactly. Kikes like Soros are openly promoting violence and the destruction of our country and people, yet many of us are obsessing over some pink-haired faggots burning a flag.
We should be using all government resources to deport beaners/build a wall and go after kikes like Soros and libshit corporations like Google. Street-level leftists can be dealt with street-level means, there's no reason to get the gov involved.
no it fucking hasn't. 8/pol/ has always been an almost equal mix of paleocons, natsocs, libertarians, traditionalists
This is still an extremely stupid argument. We can address these things simultaneously and you damn well know it. If you care you wouldn't hesitate to suggest as much.
Yes, I do what Normans are. Most English people with Norman ancestry are still overwhelming Anglo-Saxon in ancestry.
You're trying to create an imaginary distinction here to undermine the Anglo-Saxon nature of this country, because you are not an Anglo-Saxon.
That sounds like something a plebian would say. lol you know nothing of your Norman masters, even still
What are you gonna do about it? A dirty 3rd generation "Hun" immigrant is gonna be leader of the free world. Get over your complex and bend the knee to Trump so we can get to work Making America Great Again.
My core argument is that minor acts of left-wing bullshit like this are best settled outside the law. I also don't think we should expect Trump to cure everything wrong with this country either. Remember, the US government is still majority ZOG. Just because Trump is in charge doesn't mean the bureaucracy will snap to his will immediately. He really should have focused on creating a modern American version of the SA when he was campaigning, so we could have a basic foundation on which to build these vigilante squads out of. Bikers for Trump are alright, but they're not radical enough for this kind of work.
I think we could achieve better results by creating an external rightist version of antifa I would personally prefer paramilitaries, but that would be going too far unfortunately than simply relying on feds/LE to enforce our political will. This is a good opportunity to start and legitimize such vigilante organizations.
Prove the Norman ancestry of the founding fathers.
Sounds like you're calling for civic nationalism.
This is reverse psychology 101
So now you're being a hypocrite because before you said were against vigilantism.
That sounds pretty fucking immature, we go full 14/88 up in this bitch. But that's not here nor there.
You're right, the US government did supply and fund all these terrorists. The problem of Islamic terrorism is a direct byproduct of foreign intervention, which in no reational way served us as a nation.
Nigger, our country is the world's 3rd largest by both landmass and population size. The only part of our population that would need more accommodations would be our ever growing non-white population (which need I remind you is toppling the native white birthrate). How about you stop being such a coward and think about taking back our land that's been invaded by non-whites before thinking of attempting to conquer more?
The power in our country should lie with the people of our nation who should be the ones with the guns and the numbers. I know you have such a hard-on for concentrating all the power and surrendering all your freedom and liberty to one small concentrated group, but that's really what has gotten us into this mess in the first place.
Burn flags? How about we
Where? I've been promoting vigilantism during our whole conversation.
That's fine, but we sadly aren't at the point yet where we can legally kill leftists in broad daylight yet.
Nah its worth it for the left's reaction
This. Remember, there's still the "Shadow Government" in the State Department that has to be dealt with to de-golemize the US.
Islam was going to be our enemy at one point or another, that's just how it goes. You are not fit to deal with such enemies, you don't have the stomach for it.
The fact that you aren't considering both proves how short-sighted you are.
"should be" means everything you just said is meaningless
All your dreams will come true, if you just believe.
Seems like a pretty solid indicator of Norman ancestry to me.
Not at all. It's one ancestor, centuries earlier.
There was always social mobility in England.
The class system is largely fantasy.
1) In England, where we can trace social mobility back to 1066 using surnames, there were never any long persistent ruling and lower classes for the indigenous population: not in medieval England, and not now
This part is specifically related to Norman ancestry.
"In the thirteenth century these surnames were on average three times as frequent at the university as in the general population. However, their representation fell rapidly in the fourteenth century, so that by the late fourteenth century these names were only about 10 percent more common at the university than in the general population. This would seemingly imply that the Domesday elite of 1086 had by 1350, less than 300 years later, descended in status on average to the level of the general population"
There is no distinct Anglo-Norman class. The small amount of Norman admixture had been spread throughout the general population, centuries before America was founded.
Your one sentence assertions do not make convincing points, nor did you provide any actual rebuttals.
I'm pretty sure it's both at this point.
Yeah, they sperg out and call you names, and attack you with ad hominems like they do here, possibly even resorting to physical violence.
10 lashes on the ass with a switch in a public place ought to do the trick. It's not so much about the actual punishment, so much as it's about making them feel shamed. Shame is what adults to do other adults who act like children. Makes them feel like an outcast, therefor they either kill themselves or they conform. If they kill themselves, at least they can't be any further a harm to the state. If they conform, they become a positive force for the state.
That, or get some rotten fruit from a grocery store and pelt the offender with it. A mushy tomato isn't going to injure them. A dried up coconut might though… limit it to soft fruits like tomatos and lettuces I guess. They'll make a mess, but they're not going to break ribs, knock out teeth or bruise.
Perhaps not checking double-dubs should result in a year in prison or loss of citizenship!
This is 0D chess.
I wonder if the people saying he didn't really want to win ever stop and think that they're essentially saying Hillary was so shitty a candidate that she lost by a large margin to someone that wasn't even trying to win. He did a fuckload of rallies for someone not taking it seriously.
zerohedge. com/news/2016-11-30/communist-party-protesters-burn-american-flags-new-york-after-trump-tweet
The Don's magick is working, he's get the extreme left to do the work of associating American flag burning with communism.
If you wont defend yourself against subversion, you will be destroyed.
Trump is making American flag production industry great again, and he's not even in the office yet
This is wrong.
Any crime can be pardoned.
An explicit act against the nation, such as flag desecration or election fraud, should be forfeiture of citizenship – not as a legal punishment for some civil infraction, but as an irrefutable fact as a "finding of the court" (preferrably of the US Supreme Court).
Mere laws are subject to clemency, leniency, and mercy. A finding of the court is an established fact that can't be perverted.
Send the illegals back. Send the traitors to Cuba.