Why is the rate of SEXUAL ABUSE IN FEMALE PRISONS a whopping FIVE TIMES the rate of male prisons???
I can site multiple sources. Here's just one: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Why is the rate of SEXUAL ABUSE IN FEMALE PRISONS a whopping FIVE TIMES the rate of male prisons???
I can site multiple sources. Here's just one: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
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Because if men get raped in the ass they don't talk about it.
Same reason that lesbians have a 50% occurrence rate for abuse in their relationships.
This sampling is fucked up. They sampled 12 male prisons and one female prison. Over 6000 men sampled, less than 600 women over all. This passes as a valid study in academia? I would get reprimanded and lose money if I did a statistical projection like they did.
A thought: Women are biologically wired to do this in order to trigger a (male) response?
It's possible that women in prison are much more prone to this kind of aggressive behaviour (and mating strategy).
OP, are you trying to claim that niggers rape less than women?
Even you can't be that far gone of an MGTOW, can you?
Women in prison are all trying to be men, most women that go to prison are trying to be, or are black women, and black women are always trying to be black men.
All women with jewish sounding names + one token chinese.
Authors of the study are jewish + 1 chinese so no surprise.
I wouldn't be surprised though if there was more abuse in women prisons.
I'd say women going to prison are probably 50% butch dykes cause women normally just mooch off some beta bucks instead of committing crimes.
There is also more stigma to gay acts while lesbians barely exist in people's minds.
And women always claim to be victims of some form of abuse or other to get more 'feels' points in future parole meetings.
Most women that murder men in cold blood claim afterwards it was self defence and that they just snapped when they thought their male partner was going to kill them.They claim they suffered domestic violence and sexual abuse for years. Even if any of it were true the vast majority of them could have upped and left the house and relationship but most of them are unskilled sluts that would be lucky getting a job flipping burgers so put up with fucking their Beta husband so they can live in nice house with lots of shiney things. In the end the life insurance is too tempting so they or their secret lover kill the husband. Just watch 48Hours Investigates or other such shows. About 60% or more of the shows are about just such evil, cruel greedy lying sluts.
Anyway back to the OP, women in jail are horrible people, they've spent their lives getting away with so much because of gender bias in the justice system that it becomes 2nd nature to them. In the end they push a bit to hard and end up in jail at which point 90% of what comes out their cunt mouths is a fucking down right lie.
I've been telling people this for years and no one ever believes me. The dykes organize "shower times" and any feminine women who don't sign up under the protection of one of the dykes will get jumped.
Shit happens in the men's prison but at least it's not literally expected of you to have gay sex.
Dubs of truth
Only the worst of the worst among women end up in prission
While on the other hand Men can be locked up just for smoking a joint at the wrong time and place
Further more most men are aware of who not to pick fight withs and usually any heriarchy prblems between males can be solved after they all glance eachother and find out who is the most alpha in the room
This is something men learn trhough out their whole life
Women on the other hand, compete with eachother to see who is queen bee (who can get more men to do as she pleases) But as soon as you take men away from the ecuation Woman need to measure agaisnt each other to see wich one is the most alpha of the group and unlike men they often do not have the expirience that allows a group of women to make that decition with minimal violence
hence they are more lickelly to fight each other for dominance while men can simply intimidate each other
Women are taught that attitude conquers ability. With all these strong dykes with their buzz haircut, their sleeves (tattoo-shit), piercings and other "FUCK YOU DAD!"-stuff they do genuinely believe they could take on a buff male fighter, because of her "independence". All talk, and no game.
However, in prison, you have to walk the walk, where their princess-ass gets a rough snuggling and they cry to daddy / reporters / warden or whoever does not shut them out.
Women in prision are like male kids in kindergarden who are just starting to learn how the heriarchy of the law of the jungle works
Women spend their entire lives learning how to control the alpha, not how to be the alpha, that's why women in prision are more violent than to each other than men, men alrready have enough experience to avoid unwinable fights, women don't
TOTALLY WRONG!! Typical blame the man bullshit. The fact is that NOTHING COULD BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH!!!
Men are actually MORE LIKELY to report unwanted sexual contact.
First off, the sample size is large. Secondly, if the sample size was the same as men, how can you say that the rate would have been the same as men and not more than it already was? The FACT is that you can't!! Stop being such a feminst.
Here's some other data of federal institutions from 2010, 2011 and 2012.
Women were consistently far more likely to victimize other inmates.
Finally, we all have to be aware of the fact is that there ARE less female prisoners in total due to SEVERE DISCRIMINATION AGAINST MEN in feminist society.
But the ones that are there, are FAAAAAAAAAAAAR more likely to sexually abuse other inmates!!
I also wanna add that rape in male prisons is mostly in gay and bisexual circles. These people are like women in the head.
I am a straight man and I'm sure we're all straight men here. Can you even think of penetrating another man? No we can't.
Stop spreading the utter BS that the rate is much more for women because men don't report. Have you ever thought that its becauseā¦.
men don't rape other men ??
This is the kind of thing one expects from feminists.
Great post! Thanks for the info
"Men are all potential rapists!"
t. feminazi cunt I unfortunately shared a class with
Women are fuck evil. Their fake myths are disgusting. Women should not be allowed to influence people or society because of how diabolical they are.
Because women are the biggest fucking abusers that's why. Seriously, fuck women.
Yeah but not nearly as much. Men are straight. All women are lesbians.
I hope it was worth it.
kek. That picture was censored by Mark Cuckerberg's website
Leftists always project.
It's almost scary how accurate that "law" is.
Women's liberation is a radical ideology that needs to be eliminated for the good of the world
who cares
Women are naturally more abusive
It's mostly in nigger and spic circles actually. The're are plenty of reports about male prison rape, read them before you make assumptions. It's totally gay but it's more an act of dominance in most cases.
You're doing a disservice to a lot of people when you say it's all faggots fucking in prison. The guy doing the raping is a faggot, not the one getting raped.
Do you think you could avoid rape if you got shipped to nigger hell? These guys attack in packs and whites are a tiny minority in most prisons. I'd much rather have to go through a female prison than that.
Did a few years myself and can confirm: actual rape is nonexistent, just happens in the fag tanks.
Ofcourse they didn't sample equal number of prisons, there aren't that many female prisons to begin with. You think in full equality like a fucking woman.
You think like a retard if you think the ratios are anywhere near the same and that they made any effort to correct for this.
Because nobody is filtering violent women out of the gene pool. Cucks think it's hot and reproduce, creating new violent cucks.
they cant keep getting away with this
This guy gets it. The rest of you tards need to read a book or actually talk to a felon. Prison rape is almost non-existant unless you're a pedo or hang out with the queens.
Because butch dykes are more likely to commit violent crimes than feminine fags.