Labor backed currency

Lets talk based on numbers and let's meme this shit into existence. We already know Trump is going to crash the economy by destroying the Fed and making Gold backed currency, but that is only the start of the whole deal.

Strap on cause you on my ride now.

This little essay will go around how we could make a labor backed currency depending on the amount of energy spent by the person. It will be a generalized concept that could be implemented based on the scientific data we have gathered in relation to the daily need of calories (Measured in Joules) of a certain population.
The aim of this case is directed to a system that can be implemented by each nation and government in order to best suit the population they serve. Feel free to add and correct facts and or mistakes, or just shill it to death, your choice.

For starters we need to conceptualize an idea that lefties will have to accept based on their rhetoric. They love their science guy and stuff said by NASA. So lets focus on what they have said about the daily intake and need of Energy of the average 19-50 y/o person. The data based on WebMD breaks it down to sedentary to active types of behavior. In order to make this Thread short enough I will only write based on the moderately active person:

Based upon the data gathered from a temperature of 15°, a calorie is about 4.1855 Joules. Converting the Calories to Joules we get the following number:

We could make an estimate because „muh feminsm“ wants to be taken equally to men, that the average of consumption is about 10 000 Joules per day, making it easier for calculating having a 10- based number just like the metric system. Burgers, if you don't like it, go fuck yourself.

Other urls found in this thread:‎

So, now that we have an average of consumption we can assume that a person working on a moderately demanding job. How can we now make a currency based on this data?
If this system is implemented by many nations, all currencies will have the same value, thus making commerce easier between nations because no devalued system. Also, each nation can and hopefully will have their own currency, with Americans using Dollars, Germans using Marks and niggers using sticks. We all happy.

What comes to my mind is making the currency in whole numbers. 1000 Joules = 1 Currency, but for sake of completeness let's say 1000 Joules = 1 Dollar.
By using those numbers the monthly “minimum wage” will go around the 300 Dollars. 30 days makes it 30x10 = 300.
Making it a whole number and easier to compute. Of course, depending on the work, energy spent, people will earn fairly.

Our next problem would be, how are the salaries going to be computed? How much will a Banker in relation to a Street cleaner earn? This system will fuck letfist heads because their indoor in front of a computer work will earn them only the 300 at the most, while our some one working in construction and working his ass off will earn more. Which by my world-view is perfect. Can't expect food to fall in your mouth if you do not move.

Also the market would change, not based upon the opinion of how much gold something costs, but how much Human energy was given to be created plus a bit more for profits. As technology develops and human effort is less needed to manufacture something, the price will go down, making it accessible for everyone, and if everyone has it, many people will lost interest. Could lead to a society where people value the effort in creation more than the product itself. But just LARPing here.


Take easy numbers of calories to create a labor based currency, where 1000 Joules = 1 Dollar and the daily need of a person would go around the 10 Dollars and the monthly minimum around 300. Of course, moving, working more would mean more Greens to spend. Spending it in thins that also are valued around the Human effort rather than Goldstein opinion on how much gold something worth is.


Forgot to break links
mods if you there, make yourselves useful


How the fuck would this work for a field like medicine for example? A hospital run by people who do minimal physical movement and requires expensive equipment, drugs and highly educated workers earns a minimal amount of money. What happens? They charge massive amounts from patients or the government subsidizes it? You need to explain more for this not to be fucking retarded.

He had to be trolling right? He couldn't have honestly re-created the same LTV the marxists did in a form modified so slightly as to be meaningless and held it up as some kind of economic panacea?

If this is a real natsoc my respect for their economic education has just dropped immensely.

OP, if you're serious look up the economic calculation problem, labour theory of value, and the refutations thereof.

If you're not serious, bad troll, needs to be more convincing.

I realize you're a self-flagellating 15 year old, but this pretentious shit was unnecessary.

What's wrong with having a fiat credit decide the price of food (and therefore a large amount of the cost of living)?

Top fucking kek. Google the Euro and report back to me that 1 Euro buys you the same amount of goods in France, Germany, Poland, Hungary, Slovenia.

pro-tip, it doesn't

Who said that all food items will be pegged to have 1 joule = 1/1000th of your dollar?

Your currency is starting to sound like a massive childish price fixing scheme which won't ever work.

The idea of pegging all food by amount of joules will cause the demand for expensive foods to go through the roof. How will you supply all those people wanting to buy steaks because of your price fixing scheme? Steaks are much more expensive per kg than beans.

Could people leave your totalitarian state and go live somewhere where the government doesn't have a say in their wages or how much they get to eat on a daily basis?

you haven't even taken into account the need for micronutrients, or that different people have different metabolisms, or that some people prefer different diets, etc

All of this is the LARPing of an idealistic child.

Go to school.


Assuming that God Emperor won't get JFK when he dismantles the feds, niggers, etc.

We have so many proponents, elite kikes, niggers on gibs that want to live a life of luxury while sitting on their asses. Lazy libshits and every degenerate NEET bux parasite out there.

I'm convinced that Burgers are so absorbed in consumerism and materialism, I expect dozens of assasssination attempts and country wide chimpout due to the fact people can't face or survive hard times in the current year.

I pray that Kek will hear my prayers and will keep God Emperor safe.

sage for depressing offtopic.

OP here.
Abandon Thread, checking on your opinions on how much info this thread is lacking, sounds only worthy of Holla Forums.
Gonna do some more research in
>economic calculation problem, labour theory of value, and the refutations thereof
and keep on learning

also taking your points into account.

Godspeed anons.

mods feel free to delete this shit

You fucking Kike. Are you trying to sneak Calorie Cards in on us?

It reminds me of Larouche‎

I didn't read it yet, but have read about his movement. Larouche argues that real progress is not GDP growth or market stock growth. It is when the energy spent to sustain our living standards is reduced. We should use math and physics for this. (Hence the relationship with Larouche)
Therefore, to bring in this progress, we have to invest in these fundamental industries that will reduce energy costs.
That does not imply war or societal change.
Keeping energy math in mind, we could have unlimited growth, brace ourselves for star travels or other hi-tech systems.
The problem is that today's private speculative system is doomed to bringing permanent war. Financiers in need of growth, banks in need of loans, even resort to financing moral subversion so the society creates new business opportunities. Or they simply wage wars.

Labor isn't fungible ya dingus.

Kikes will gas themselves the second we switch back to a gold backed currency. They bought their own garbage that gold isn't money and sold it all for jew confetti. Trump will make that garbage worthless.

The fuck is up with all this reddit spacing lately?

funny, I read some old pamphlets of the 1900s who complained about "jewish gold"
not that both of you are stupid, of course
but in the event of a dollar crash, it would all come down to real PROPERTY: who owns what to the eyes of the state. And frankly, I don't think that jews are helpless in the U.S. in this regard. They own the courts, and the legal system fundamentally protects property since 1215.

After checking some interesting links on the economic calculation problem the biggest refutations were, at least from the sources I found, that the technology for calculations at that time were limited, those times being the early 1900's.

Maybe I am lacking more sources, but currently our methodical and computational possibilities are much more advanced and that without taking into account the Quantum Computer.

Of course the different means of production, processes and currencies make the whole deal a lot more complicated, but something I forgot to add is that the jews already made almost the whole work for this t happen. Almost all global market relies upon the central banks, which are working under a currency system. The biggest step is changing that system to end the debt problem. Instead of creating values out of nothing, it relies on the spending of energy which the Human being can accomplish.

With what added, we have to use our technological advances. We can't keep our scientific knowledge about the immense, if not infinite, amount of energy that exists in our universe. Based upon that "currency" there will be no debt, because you can always make more energy, while you can only have so much gold. (there exists a finite amount of gold in the earth, if you want more you have to search other planets or create that shit yourself, tell me which seems more plausible?)

Didn't thought about that, but no, people can get fat, I don't care, as long as they are productive.

This is a retarded idea and you can tell as such cause youve spent a few paragraphs on it and end up asking more questions than answering.

And you post answering none, makes you no better. At least I am trying to improve and create a dialog to find some answers and solutions.

Saying "Jewish gold" is like saying "Jewish Plutonium".

A. it isn't an argument
B. Jews didn't invent either
C. Jews didn't pioneer the use of either as currency
D. Jews don't even own much of it
E. Even if they did, they can only spend it once, unlike printable currency, which they can devalue as long as the cattle keep taking it.

No, that's not the nature of the problem at all. It's not that the optimal distribution of goods cannot adequately be calculated with the computational power at the disposal of the civilisation at the time, it is that the *variables* are not available for a calculation in a centralised economy. No central planner, no matter how powerful computationally, has access to the sum total of all the distributed knowledge of the participants in a given economy, thus making it impossible to calculate a competitive optimal solution than one arrived at by a true free market.

What is talking about is more like a kardashev scale measurement of the advancement of a given civilisation. You can have an economy encompassing more energy, and if it's centrally planned because of the ECP it can *still* result in a net efficiency loss to a free market economy containing the same resources, labour and capital (or in the parlance you are discussing it here "energy").

The only people who have tried to refute the ECP recently are the zeitgeist crew who try and handwave it away because magical computers, exactly the kind of misunderstanding you would expect from a design focused individual instead of a math focused individual.

The free market economy has never been exceeded for a good reason, if you want to improve the world, reducing the drag on the economy in the form of political authority would be a good start. If you absolutely cannot stomach the idea of a free market, you need a system which incorporates the sum total of all knowledge from all market participants just to get to the starting conditions for a free market, and that would necessitate something along the lines of a global, inescapable surveillance system on a level which has never before been dreamt of.

I doubt there is actually an increase in reddit spacing. I think we are just noticing it more because of the the whole meme of it. I bet if you went through the archives from 2 years ago, there would be just as much.

How would that work?

If you accuse me of "reddit-spacing" can you at the very least explain what the fuck it is?

This has to be one of the worst shill memes out there.

Enjoy your (yous) you pathetic wastes of space.

reddit spacing is where

you put an extra linebreak

between every sentence

like this.

You've confused calories and Calories. Dietary Calories are equivalent to 1000 calories.


But user, that means that a nigger on a farm that doesn't use any sort of machines gets a fuckton of money despite providing almost fucking no food, while a white man on a farm that uses machine gets less money despite providing way more food.

I was demonstrating the spacing to him, you autist. The actual words aren't important.

The use of paragraphs, it offends people.

Or maybe reddit spacing is:

"The use of paragraphs.

It offends people."

I am not sure which is which.

It's easier to explain that Dietary Calories are actually KiloCalories, where Kilo stands for 1000, like in Kilometers or Kilograms, contextualize it, otherwise it feels an arbitrary attribution

I am not trying to change the way the market functions, I was only stating a possibility where the currency that is worked with can be improved. Maybe I am missing something here and "currency" is not the word, but the net value we are receiving and giving from our sweat should not be based in something that cannot be created by man. Our whole existence and technology relies on the ability for man to control his surroundings, yet we let ourselves be controlled by a stone.
I would say the market in the first world is pretty good, people have access to almost every piece of crap they want, but they only focus on that, the things they can obtain, not the things they can achieve, and you start achieving by creating, giving energy to the system you are currently living in.

As long as the infinity of human intellect and human possibilities is measured in a finite amount of material existing on our earth, we will always have a trade system. Or am I just delusional on my way of thinking?

Implying a working nigger is worse than a lazy nigger.

You are right, made a little mistake there. Forgot to examine the Einheit

…always have a flawed trade system*

So an engineer or doctor will make less than a factory or farm laborer?
Come on, user. I'm blue-collar as hell myself and even I realize this will end terribly.

Example couldn't be worse I know, but there is more to it behind the cotton picking niggers earning more than a doctor.

If all you want to do is change the currency, perhaps you should examine the properties of an ideal currency using examples throughout history and finding what has typically worked best? Certainly constructing one based upon a principle which has been falsified as hard as the labour theory of value is a bad way to go about this, as you're discovering now with all the objections that are being raised.

Human intellect is not infinite, we are not in a post scarcity economy at this time, and our economy is not limited to the material existing on our earth. We already have space companies, next step is all the materials in our orbit and lunar sphere, then nearby planets, then entire solar system, ad et al.

We are likely to always have a trade system, and from all my investigations and study I have never found one superior to pure free markets with a currency immune to tampering. That is, the currency doesn't matter to an economy anymore than a map matters to an orienteer, it just needs to accurately represent the territory underlying the abstraction in question. In the case of a map, that is the terrain, in the case of a currency, that is wealth itself.

This is bollocks.

Anyone pushing this notion is as bad as a dirty commie. Let the market decide for itself in supply/demand fashion and enforce control over it so fuckers do not artificially meddle around with it. Don't let the government push crazy bullshit like "too big to fail" policies, forced green energy which costs magnitudes higher than dirty ones and corruption of labor unions. Give the message that this will not be tolerated. Make it a criminal offense passible of death penalty.

Gold is not going to put a stop to corruption.
A gold-backed currency is better, not panacea.

I understand the ECP problem. But what if a country refuses to be submerged by a demographically-dominant merchant culture? In this case, a free market is suicidal. That alone explains the popularity of communism in Eurasia. Viets, Chinese, Russians. They didn't want to be a society of hookers like in Thailand, selling babies for adoption like South Korea, or being culturally re-engineered like Western Europe. For that's the price of being the free hen with the free fox.
Now that the Chinese are one billion, they like free market and the US less so.

Trump is controlled opposition.

He will turn out to be a puppet just like Obama was.

God-tier: Individual man-hour credit currency swap system monderated by algorithms

God-Emporer-of-Mankind Tier: Labor back currency or Diversified Commodity basket backed currency

Good tier: Oil backed currency (US has huge amount of reserves)

Meh Tier: Gold backed currency

Shit Tier: Poo backed currency or Fiat Jew Controlled Currency

can't help reading the end of the first one as (((algorithms)))

Labor backed currency only makes sense if it's actually linked to the country's capability of production. Not work per se. The amount of work needed by an individual person gathered from a statistical average still means little and is too inaccurate to be adopted as a trade common denominator.
The general national work capacity and how much the nation is able to produce, on the other hand, is a lot more objetive. The currency would be aligned to GDP, the country's own economy, and would fluctuate accordingly to the work being done, the infrastructure construction/maintanance and innovation that is happening.
This way all the work being done by every citizen adds up to the common denominator, as one factor out of many, instead of being itself the currency backer. It's a lot better model imo. As a matter of fact, I don't think labor backed currency is even a realistic model, especially because of the inherent problem that exists when you need to realize the currency's value in it's actual commodity - how would you execute the value, especially when you assumed someone else's debt, just to realize that the money you have to pay originated from a failed financial leverage (fictitious money, money that was borrowed on a bet on future profits that could eventually not come to be)?
In a labor backed currency model, you wouldn't be able to execute anyone's individual work for that matter, unless the government somehow was able to force some people for whatever reason to do that for you, but in a "own economy" backed currency, you'd be able to realize the value in many other forms.

Isn't this what that new startup called is trying to do? Creating a labor-hour based cryptocurrency?

Then don't use something which the demographically-dominant merchant culture controls as your currency. That doesn't mean you can be denied the fruits of a free market. "The Jews" do not hold a monopoly on the idea and all implementations thereof, and we're in a golden age of currency implementation right now. Any nation could create its own cryptocurrencies and handle initial distribution on any basis they chose and as long as it had the core properties of an ideal currency, you would be able to run a free market with it.

Here is essential information on a national socialist/labor backed economy. This should explain how it works and why it is effective. I should also remind everyone that Nazi Germany is a proof of concept for a labor backed currency/economy. The Nazis had the best economy in all of europe during the 30's and 40's.

It works and it works well.

Just as each nation should to control their own internet/information flow (assuming they won't go full good goy censorship) they also could manage their own currency the way said. From there the Nations can say how much supply/demand is currently needed in the country.
Could be a good initial thought on the solution. The only question would be, how and who is in charge of those systems? Because not everyone is going to have access to the keys and information within the servers.

One human's intellect is not infinite, but we are aiming for the starts and conquering the universe aren't we? I prefer the thought that Human intellect as a species has no boundaries while keeping that train of thoughts, otherwise we only will go so far. We got evolution in our side user, we just gotta embrace it.
Maybe we are not in a post scarcity economy but we are not going anywhere either. At least not the normal anons, it is all saved for those with the means and control, that is one of my biggest concerns at the moment. What happens to normal anons and their families in the next generations?

That is true tho, currency is only a tool to help us trade and exchange goods/wealth a lot easier. But is really Gold the best option?

Could you throw me some direction on which Authors or Books are good to start examining those >properties of an ideal currency?

Based, thanks user.

What about a perishable currency?

I do not think gold is the best option at all. Largely because of the history of control and the present manipulation thereof, the leverage on the largest gold exchange hit 542 to 1 at the beginning of this year and I haven't been keeping a solid track since then because that really tells you all you need to know. An otherwise good currency that has been subject to a long history of massive manipulation is not a strong base for a trustworthy economy.
Better than what we currently have, which is a collapsing fiat currency backed up on the geopolitical realities of global energy distribution and the military power necessary to regulate the above, subject to a massive failure eight years ago and desperately jury rigged ever since with massive quantitative easing.
My view is that as the origin of the ECP, the Austrian school had the right idea when it came to currency, but their observations were a product of their time, and modern advances like cryptocurrencies need to be evaluated from the same first principles that they used to draw their original conclusions.
This is a decent place to start http s:// but most articles on currency and economics from the mises institute you will likely find educational.

It works better than a globally manipulated currency in a major depression when you have the entire rest of the world subject to said manipulations and you're the only one with the balls to throw them off, that doesn't mean it compares well to a free market economy with a proper currency. It is still subject to the ECP, They not only had the advantage of having shrugged off the manipulated mainstream economy of the global banking cartel, but they had the price signals from the rest of the world that was still subject to that cartel that they could use for their planning.

This is some real retarded French Revolution "let's make everything rational!" bullshit meme you're on about OP. But okay, you say you're willing to actually learn, then I'll recommend some books that can help you to begin understanding why money has emerged, the role that it plays in our society, and why you can't go fucking with shit like this without going full Soviet.

Economics in One Lesson by Henry Hazlitt

The Ethics of Money Production by Jorg Guido Hulsmann

You might even want to look at how Aristotle discussed money as a starting point for more serious thought about the role that money plays in our society.

Other anons made good points, I would introduce another one, which is that the value of money is derived from subjective desire. The only thing that makes a dollar worth a dollar is that people behave as though it's worth a dollar. If people didn't behave like a dollar were worth a dollar, then it wouldn't be a dollar. The value of money does not derive from any objective inputs such as time, labor, energy, or even things like how "deserving" the person is, the value of money only comes from subjective appreciation of the currency. Money is an organic social construct, and an incredibly important one too. Not understanding the function and value of money makes you economically illiterate (and frankly, most people are downright economically illiterate).

Congratulations, good summary of the subjective theory of value, which unlike the labour theory of value, is good, largely correct, and not garbage.

This is utterly retarded. The bodies physical energy expenditure in no way correlates with productive work across different fields.

By your system a mexican hauling lumber at a construction site would make shitloads while the engineer who designed the building and makes sure its constructed properly would make pennies.

No-one gives a shit about the energy you used. Stop being a lazy fag, stop fretting over not getting exactly what you "deserve"

Gonna take my time to study well those sources. Thanks anons.

Hi jude