Damn kids!

Which one of you did this? What's the next step of your master plan? Is this what is for seen to come in the great awakening?

Other urls found in this thread:


Idc. We all need to be doing this.
The enemy will call us names no matter what.
So let us be the very worst version of what they claim.

Oy Vey!

this. bump for good video

That response was great from the AV. Also I love how they are spreading the posters message even farther. Thanks for the free publicity.

High quality irl shitpost is high quality.
Look at that production value!

Thought crimes on the nightly news, current year is 1984

Only the Chosen people have a right to exist you filthy rotten goyim!

Which pixel am I supposed to watch?
Good looking posters tho…

The one that has double '0' dubs.

this is now a good poster thread
post good posters.

Heh, my Uni. very nice, now I know Holla Forumsacks are in my midst

It's amazing how upset this makes them. The entire video talks about how the posters instill fear and spread hatred, but the actual content of the posters is only defensive, not offensive. Another interesting thing is that they took down the posters, but then displayed them on the news, thereby giving them more exposure than they would have even if they were left up and not covered in the news

That felt rather forced, almost as if someone had told her through her earpiece to use that phrase.


Have some higher-res posters.

Although, now that I look more closely at their twitter, they call themselves "alt-right". That's disappointing.

And how is this in any way controversial?

Because Black Lives Matter posters are totally not spewing controversy as opposed to this…

The lies of the Lügenpresse must be exposed, their bias and degeneracy must be shown to all to expose this hypocrasy…

They're Nazis! Basically all little Hitlers! Oy Vey Im having flashbacks through my grandpa's eyes of the gas chambers at Auschwitz! They had posters exactly like those covering all the walls as my grandpa was gassed 600 times before being sent to another camp where he was finally rescued from those evil goyim! Those visions are just so terrible, they inflame my fibro mialgia and systic fibrosis! I can hardly digest a good plate of Matzo and Gafilta fish as I wash it down with a large glass of manischewitz!

thx user

They are getting desperate. There is nothing hateful about these posters. You'd think people were putting Wyatt comics up everywhere from how they are reacting.

Played like a famn fiddle. Now, instead of 50 shitlibs, their message will be seen by hundreds of thousands of Fox-viewers.

Never heard about the group though. Tread with caution.


The group is A-OK. You may proceed. To contact if possible.

Beautiful isn't it.

lol this fucking kike "dr"

"We have a right to exist"
Oy vey! Very disturbing images! Instilling fear!

How much would putting these posters side-by-side trigger them? Maybe after changing the skull/facial structures on the left one first.

"very worst"?

the posters said "we have a right to exist"

how is that even a bad thing? watch this multi culti lesbian stooge pretend she's offended. watch this holocaust survivor who is too young to have experienced it tell you how having a right to exist is fear mongering and evil hatred.

fucking hell

So.. they first interview a lesbo/tranny hybrid, followed by some jewish dude whose hook nose you can see past the pixel blur. Then good ol' house of the Green Shield. It's local news, why does it have to be so blatant? A black girl was thrown in for balance and she's just confused.

this is a real winner right here

when will federal student loans be fulled from this non-science

Because that's how the systems works, man.

Reminder that gender is a term created by a child mutilator and child molester in a human experiment that resulted in the deaths of 2 innocent people.





"A leader of the group Orlando Queer Academics"


Neat. That's what propaganda should look like. NatSoc af.

When will humanity be rid of this onerous impediment to scientific and technological progress?

None of her qualifications are useful in real life, it's just a serie of PHDs in muh vagina and MDs in muh womanly womanhood.

"Pedagogy is the discipline that deals with the theory and practice of education; it thus concerns the study of how best to teach." So they're distilling how to best teach kids how to be queer.
One lesbo with a cucked haircut will do what broadway never could.

She doesn't even teach immorality treason and fagottry, UCF (government funded public school) pays her to pump out faggotry research.




Solid advice.


Not the black one. They are used to absent males.

How can I go about getting those large movie style posters printed up without ending up on another watch list, or having some rat Jew at a print shop in my town selling me out to the Luggenpress?

I think making a bunch of the same sort, and having a couple "White Pride is not Black Hate" and "CELEBRATE PRIDE IN WHO YOU ARE" up top with "UNLESS YOUR WHITE" below it with the white man getting shouted down by hags, jews, spics and niggers.

I'd also like a few others but mostly I'm curious on how to print/produce them without being too overt until after a response.

you are* as dumb as the niggers you hate


I'm on mobile foggy, it autocorrected the fucking e out over and over and it's 5 am. I cannot possibly care enough now. Stop riding my dick like the whore mother you are and respond, you chonky headed gopher licker.

Ever thought about buying a cheap printer/s and some paper at all?

checked and loled at the insults. Not bad.

Outstanding work anons.

The Fire Rises…

Fuck you too. It was about larger images than standard paper stock, going more to medium scale posters, most cheap printers are set for things like printing essays and standard size documents for meetings and events, or folded items like pamphlets or programs.

I might just be having the perspective off but the images and posters the OP shows seems more in line with large, chest sized posters instead of head sized images. I know I could go with printing out four separate images and sticking them together, but I think something more professional would always look better than something like that.

As discussed above also, it's clear I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed. I'm a couple bulbs short of a Night Game. Few pages shy of a novella. I am dangerously close to spoon feeding but having at least a push in the right direction for how to create and distribute en masse quality, viewable from a distance propaganda and recruitment posters would be information I'd like to have access to or knowledge about.


Not to derail but, in options when setting to print, you can tell it what size paper it has in it or possibly on the printers set up web page. The printer dont care how long some paper is, it just has to know.
Then get a decent laydown style one or add something to that paper holder to allow for longer paper if its an upright angle model.
Self sage for off topic.


It is disturbing. The Jews and their pet darkskins are genuinely, legitimately disturbed at the knowledge that they're not going to erase us from the planet.

I love how these journalist do the work of spread our propaganda unintentionally saving us work.

Top kek


C'mon now, they're not even trying anymore.

Be wary of this as well. Dispose of the machine the posters were printed on, if the need arises. Or switch it out with a printer that doesn't do this bullshit.

Relevant sites, copied from the yt description:



TL;DW on (almost every?) color laser printer there a secret code is printed on everything you print, pinpointing the date and the machine its printed on.

I made thing

bretty gud m8.
Put up both and witness the hypocrisy first hand.

You are gonna need some styling and a fuckload of patience, but there is a way.

Make some cool black and white poster, more colors are possible but also generate a fuckload more work.

For each color, you need one or more 'molds'. If the image on color A have holes, you will need plenty of molds for that. If the image have no holes, you might need only one mold, but depending on the image shape, the mold might get wobbly, so having more than one one might help, even when not strictly needed, especially if you want the molds to last many paintings.

As a bonus, there is no way to trace back at you, unless there is some sort of chemical fingerprint on every single paint bottle, but that's tin foil tier.

I am lazy and don't want to explain the whole process in details, it can be inferred from the post + images

This is some high quality shit.

That 'doctor' was a SHE!?

I like this, it's a good method for going from standard printer paper, to scalling up. Very DIY doable. I don't think I would have thought of that on my own. Thank you for putting the effort you did put in to create the small guide and to type out a bit of an explanation.

I appreciate your effort!

This must be done.
I suggest putting the black one up every day for a week or two before posting the white one, just to establish the hypocrisy.

Look who I found today!

hateful trips of hate


Really good shit. My one query is in regards to what the eagle is carrying. That is an over fascist image, and I get that Holla Forums likes fascism, and I get the >muh pr arguments; but this is something that can be criticised.

Watching the Fox piece will make normalfags think "how the fuck is saying "we have a right to exist" spreading hate? How the hell is it instilling fear in others, why is it considered disturbing?!"

Such reactions should be common among all all whites except the most heavily brainwashed. The problem is that the smart leftist can go "it is sponsored by fascists, see this image here? These people are just trying to use propaganda to get people on their side by portraying themselves as victims; when in reality they are fascists, and as we all know fascists want to put minorities in ovens and gas chambers; they are a genocidal hate group."

^ That will happen. That is of course total bullshit and is imprinting false NatSoc practices onto Fascists; but it will work on normal people. Many do not differentiate between fascists and nazis, and most interpret nazism to be 'genociding all 'minorities'' and nothing else.

That is my one point of criticism. I get that you are trying to create an organisation, so perhaps that's fine. There is nothing wrong in trying to bring Fascism to the US; I think the days of democracy over there are soon to be over (if they aren't already). I just feel I have to make the point that there is an effective avenue of attack for the knowledgeable leftist (though I seriously doubt many of them have any idea about what fascist imagery is like).

just for the sake of clarification that word has more than one meanings in the context of their narrative push

This was excellent work, kudos to the AV guys.

Always, always focus on the positive messages. The AV guys got this part right. The captions on those posters are bold and proud but not hateful, and they resonate far more because they are our desired goal.

Is the professor a tranny?

It definitely looks like something of the sort.

is this group just alphabets? I go to UCF and thought I was alone.

Spitting on some hillary chalk on the pavement was all i could do.

just the though of white identity scares these people to death

Jesus H fucking Christ. It's like a pol fanfic.

Keep putting up posters like this. Maybe shitty reporting like this will redpill some people.

Your concern trolling is weak.

When your opposition all look sick, weak, and genetically flawed, you know you're working for the right side….

I stand corrected, and my ignorance of yanks is proven. Go forth and create your glorious fascist nation brother, and be sure to expand upon the meaning of the fasces and its common-place position to any would-be naysayer.

Hail victory!

These posters should be glued on with wheat paste to make it extremely difficult to remove them. Latex gloves are convenient when dealing with the sticky stuff anyway.

quality craftsmanship

"News": just follow the same template over and over…
Kek when they run to the "Holocaust" shrine…
Over a couple of posters…


They're obviously stating that jews are not white.


nice ID … checked

Is there a jewtube link?

jesus can they make it any more obvious

Don't forget modern printers leave invisible ink dots on each sheet to track it back to the printer it came from.

You can google it to find out where on the sheets.

Remember also to be careful about how where you print and how you make copies!

How long until normies get sick of this shit?
Every pro-white anything is automatically labeled "Nazi" etc. and then the "(((experts)))" at some Jew shrine (SPLC, university "Phd", etc.) are consulted for their "professional anal ysis."

I highly approve of this. Get these yids screaming "everything White is ebil gnazi!"

These flyers are incredibly tame.
It blows my mind how much these kikes kvetch about something that's not offensive in any way.

company mangers (men and lesbians) pay top dollar to hire young 20-30 year old females

Yep. If you agree to wear the word used by your enemy to label you you're an idiot.

They won't as long as the yids don't pour too much salt on the wound. This is why the right thing to do is prompt a response until nobody cares anymore.

Oy vey dis is absolutely anti semedic, dont cha know goy both sides of my family were gassed by aryan monstas.

Starman, if you are reading this…

Rei is way better than Asuka.





A group of people claiming they have the right to exist?!?!?
A group of people refusing to feel guilty for who they are?!?!?!?
A group of people defending themselves?!?!?!?

The hate!!! The unreasonable racism!!! The fear they must be instilling in others!!!

And to top it all off, they actually LOVE America!!!!

I-I feel faint!!!
O-oy…oy vay….

I kek'd

These people need to be slaughtered.

Who is Starman?

Fuck off with your PR faggotry, concern troll. We will use whatever symbols we please.

The leader of American Vanguard.

Oy vey!
These pictures are terrifying and hateful goy. Delete them now

The hypocrisy is strong in this video. If BLM did this, they'd say that it would be empowering and would encourage and praise those who put them up and use it to try and prove how progressive they are. But considering they're not even trying to hide said hypocrisy, it's only a matter of time before most people start catching wind of how biased (((they))) really are and start calling them out on National TV more and more. Looking forward to seeing the reactions when they are called out on it and people agree on it (just like when trump called out Clinton on how she should be in jail)

The American Vanguard?

Why does it matter if they can trace it back to you or not?

To my knowledge, putting up flyers, especially ones as benign as these ones, can't be considered a crime. I mean that's the most hilarious part about these posters, they're benign as fuck, they're not violent, and not saying shit like "FUCK NIGGERS" or "KILL ALL NON-WHITES"

I mean shit, I've seen BLM posters and Afrocentric/LaRaza posters more inflammatory than this.


Can you make it so the baby doesn't have a beard.

Create posters for BLM with similar messages. Complain about hateful posters to campus authorities. Document reactions and try get it on local news.

Of course they had the shekelgrubber from a holocaust museum despite it having nothing to do with jews and a chiding nigress along with a mostly indifferent virtue signaler.

Props to Fox for at least not using the words "bizarre", "angry", or "disturbing" directly.

Holy fuck! I was born and raised in the US and never knew about the fascist symbol in congress.

It really depends, in Canada you would definitely get punished if caught. Even with how non-offensive and simplistic they are. Its impassible to disconnect white pride from violent hate crimes. Completely ridiculous of course but we're not exactly fighting against rational beings.

At the least university would likely suspend/expel you for promoting hate speech, even if it isn't.


I've been planning on doing some wild posters for the last 2-3 months.

Currently there are several campuses where it would be most effective. I have two campuses to choose from (and ironically, they're located in the only blue counties in my state) and that's 2 hours south of me, and about 3-4 hours north of me, in terms of driving.

The campuses that are close by (around 15-25 minute drives) are party schools, where most if not all of the people involved are SUPER normies, and wouldn't really get triggered due to the amount of booze in their system.

I don't go to any of these campuses, but I am a professional with a career. I'm trying to look up local law, but it's iffy, though you're allowed to put posters up on designated boards. My only concern is how to move quickly without getting caught, I have gear already, backpack, scarf, hoodie to cover my face and a bunch of latex gloves.

The only issue is getting in and out quickly, The plan was either parking half a mile away in an area I know for a fact doesn't have cameras, and either walking, or biking to the location and putting up posters, and then getting out as soon as possible in the dark of the night.

My only concern with the bike though is my car has a bike rack, and maneuvering on a bike, will make me easy to spot on campus.cameras.

Edited for more content.



Hillel is the Jewish fraternity if you were unaware.

We need a bingo for this.

what did he mean by this?

lol faggot


Gonna need to see some screen caps or proof. I've had some quite shitty posts even talking to some of the boards most notorious shit posters and never had so much as a warn, so for you to tell me you get PB& for complaining about some threads getting bumplocked is kinda unbelievable.

Self-improvement thread/RP threads are inherently Holla Forums but if there is something important going on….

Lookit that cartoon chazzwazzer!

Oy vey, this is the most hateful image I've ever seen. It does not belong in the public. Passengers are getting shoah'd from it.

Goodnight Moon is a children's bedtime story. It's a little bunny going to bed and telling everything good night. It reads like his hashtag spam there, so that is probably where he was going with his joke there.

At least one exists.

why is one racist and the other isn't?

>the fuckin

This is really fucking good. Using sentences like "We have the right to exist", and them ripping off those posters, just makes them prove the point that they are against that existence. Always point out the Anti-White behaviour, while pointing out that any other race is allowed to do so on campus. You can beautifully redpill people through pointing out that simple fact. Just ask them simple questions about the reason why they ripped off those posters and debunk them.

Words mean what they want when they want. All Kikes are schizo.

Someone should put an explicity pro black message right next to the pro white message to illustrate to the normies the problem here.

Anyone speak for American Vanguard here? Not gonna get v& if I reach out to you guys am I ?

Just order them online, pageet doesn't care what your poster says.

this needs fire

Go ahead and be the worst, rabbi.

1:45 - the bigger the hoops, the bigger the whore.

when doing this remember that when you print something the printer prints a unique ID and your computers unique ID in sinqular coloured pixels so it can be traced back to you printing it

that is why all the TV murderers always send letters to police with glued paper cutouts of newspapers

The point is that we aren't scared or hiding from anybody.

leader here

You're fine, we haven't done anything illegal so even our gay ass government can't touch you for just talking to us lol

Not bad, not bad at all

It's not even illegal to post this shit all over campus is it?

Also these should be banner flown over a city.

disgusting, absolutely disgusting

please do not remind us all of this fact, such a creature is able to procreate…

It's Dr. Faggotry her genetic code will not be passed on.

Unless it artificially inseminates or something, that would be unfortunate.

More high definition American Vanguard posters.

You think they get it?

With their brainwash and doublestandarts and so on.

Stop being retarded.

Thank goodness Fox can still be depended on for unbiased reporting.

Using a projector would be much easier. Btw they are called stencils not molds.


top kek, keep up the good work

I'm worried about the double standard though, black people with the "muh black people can't do racists." and anything prowhite ostensibly labeled hate speech

Why would you ask him to ruin a masterpiece?

Took me a min to realize that's a woman.


this is all according to ze plan! :^)

The other fun thing about America is the Roman salute is how we used to say the pledge odd allegiance. Jews used the media to pressure folks to change it during wwii

holy kek
please continue to make thing in the future
you are the spice in meme magic

My local target says otherwise.

No, just a dyke. A tranny would have changed her name to "Roger" or something.

This is Ghoul's organization btw.

I've got a feeling they arose naturally. Maybe they are copycats inspired by a similar prank pulled by Holla Forums.

This will surely inspire others to perform this social experiment on their own campuses.

It was a symbol used by the 20th century Italian fascists, but its history as a symbol goes back to the Romans you fucking uneducated moron.

I bet you don't even realize what a "Roman salute" is

Do you have autism?

Can we make some false flag posters, like "White people don't deserve to exist. This message brought to you by Antifa"

Good idea, this may be more effective. That evokes fear in the white normie, which is a more useful reaction than hope I think.

Pollacks? At my University?

Wtf how come nobody told me there's so much fucking fascist imagery in America? I feel patriotic about fascism now.

Hamilton is almost checking dubs

And I'm checking yours.

When do you think?

It's more likely then you think


When are uninversiy students gonna protest this fascist imagery? They should totally march on DC to remove this!


Hey I just printed out one of these fliers and made a reddit post on my local university reddit page claiming I found it on campus and its blowing up all over the news here

These posters are the greatest idea ever. You don't even have to actually post it anywhere to make the news, just print out it out and claim you found it on campus, I guarantee you will at least make local news


Screencap the panic and post it. Spread the lulz.

I go to UCF and saw the posters first hand, and I could only smile when I saw it Holla Forums. It brings a tear to my eye to see people pushing back. I had no clue that it was Vanguard because I didn't read the whole poster at first, but it hit me a day later when friends were talking about how they put them up.

Why the fuck is the news talking about this as "it's meant to instill fear" "it's meant to spread hatred"
Do they really hate and fear us so much that the simple idea that we could continue to exist at all makes them shit their pants and kvetch to the high heavens?

Fucking captcha stole my trips from me.


Anyone have the vid on YT? I'm on my phone because my pc is broken and the phone won't play this mp4.

UCF is full of Holla Forumsacks. i know atleast 6 myself, and were Gym buddies. if all of us banded together we could be a positive force on our campus's around here. LGBT groups have theirs, so why not ours? That said, it would be a terrible idea to form up because of the high chance of subversion by government, media, or SJW infiltration. Much like Garrisons and Militias usually being subverted by alphabet soup agencies.

One day Holla Forums, we will all be able to trade sick bantz over a beer with a fellow Holla Forumsack. The time is coming, the fire rises, and the pendulum is swinging back.

I should tell my old boss at the copy shop. He'd be pissed as hell to finally know why the yellow toner empties faster than the cyan and magenta.

I should, but I won't.

No you should. Some of the first redpills come from the strangest places.



wew rabbi


not surprised at all, all these jobs that are supposedly being created in texas have to go to someone.

We should meme Moon into hate symbol, so special snowflakes will be triggered every night.

Yes they will, why do you back down from your enemy calling you names?

pic related is the official coat of arms of the Swiss canton Saint Gall you faggot

(just fyi)

search for "wide-format printers"

They get expensive quick but a few are in the $250 range

so yeah I made it without a joke baby for trolling propaganda reasons

is all yours


fucking glorious user

great work, kek smiles upon you this day

Printing this out as a single poster would ensure the most butthurt, get a house nigger friendyeah I know shut up to hang out around it and absolutely booty blast any leftist that tries to tare it down.

Thank you user.

No. Stop with this shit. We are PRO-WHITE and that's where it ends. We don't need to point to the niggers and say "b-buh wut about them ;_;"

Fuck off.

It's not about showing them they are racists it's about beating them over the head and shoulders with their own favorite toys. Nigger.



You are shortsighted and foolish if you think that establishing a foothold to make such statements as these is somehow wrong. This is a very good plan to move forward with because it is twofold:

Recruits likeminded individuals naturally
Deflects criticism from the other side and establishes precedent wherein raising ourselves is seen as an acceptable thing separated from racism.

Public opinion determines all policy, we can shift public opinion more by making a double standard glaring and obvious than simply spewing rhetoric which can easily be jewed away.

Yeah, by crying "racist" as if that's going to fucking do anything. Using niggers does nothing but neuter us and turn is into nothing more than a lukewarm civic-"nationalist"/cuckservative movement. We don't need token minorities to shill our ideas, because that does nothing but weaken and dilute them.

Lurk more, faggot.

What exactly did I misinterpret?

So kill yourselves you sniveling, pathetic jews.

The Jew screams in pain as it strikes you.


I'm aiming for butthurt leftist first and foremost with this shit. You aren't going to get much luck pushing white nationalism on any fucking college campus so you might as well make leftists pop a head gasket with some tongue in cheek shit and get the less brainwashed ones to consider even for a second that it's not a bad idea in it's entirety.

You can't force feed redpills to the brainwashed, ya gotta slip em in their drink and then give em a suppository when they least expect it.

i'm honestly not surprised that the shit flinging monkeys that we call the left would get salty about these because it's been evident for quite a while that they hate white people

But by all means, go post the originals all over your city or shut the fuck up about how it should be done unless you are doing it yourself.

You get butthurt by being hard-right white nationalists, not grovelling at the feet of shitskins, you stupid nigger. There is absolutely nothing gained from using non-whites to push our message. In fact, there is a lot to lose.
Fucking gas yourself, you disgusting newfag nigger-lover.
You don't win by adapting your views to those of your enemy, you retard.

I normally don't like most IRL meme attempts.

But the wording of these are EXCELLENT.

They are on msg.

The fucking news media was crying this is RACSISM and omg its hate…mean while all they say is that we have a right to be alive…


We need to get these posters out.

i'm picking up a printer in the morning.

See Nigger.

You don't win by adapting your views to those of your enemy, you retard.

How is shifting their views towards our side adapting ours to theirs?




Shit missed a quote arrow in there.


these fuckers and this media
are faggy fucking kiked out pussy
holes. we have white men WORKING
against their own interests.

Smdh i say SMDHHH!!!!

Not saying this is a bad idea like is but, don't expect any real results from this. The leftist narrative that the normies have eaten up for decades (and still do today) is that blacks are an oppressed minority, and that whites are the oppressors of them, that blacks need to be raised up somehow, but that the white world is perfectly secure and well-off (plus all that good "privilege" they have) The concept of white genocide does not even exist in their minds like it does for us, therefore, no cognitive dissonance will occur when viewing this. They won't be stunned at the blatant hypocrisy; hypocrisy is at the very core of their beliefs: "It's ok when we/(((they)))/under-privileged groups do it though." For 99% of the people who see this before it's torn down, their reaction will be "yeah, but shit's different for whites and blacks in America."

I'm not saying don't do it, but don't get everyone's mouths watering at the incoming liberal salt because it's likely not coming.

At which point you show the use of the fasces troughout American history. Show the Lincoln Memorial, the dual fasces in the US senate, the Mercury dime, the translation of Cincinnati's name, etc.

Show your red, white, and blue Amurricans how it was used in the US for centuries and how only commies disagree with the founding fathers, and you've got yourself a Hell of a counterpunch


nice moving the goal post, faggot

But this isn't what you're doing at all, you stupid nigger. What you're doing is moderating yourself by appealing to their love of nigger-loving diversity. All that achieves is turning us into moderate Trump-supporters who cry about leftists being "dah real racistsz!!".

Color printers. B&W should be okay.

Right? The posters are tame as fuck, while still being assertive. Anons should be printing and spreading these posters in their area if they can, it's essentially a win-win situation.

It red-pills more white people, and if the luegenpresse criticizes it, they show how paranoid and reactionary they are, and how much they despise even calm white pride.

Fuck me, she it even has the JUST haircut.
Have memes gone too far?

This is why these reactions are so valuable to us. Normies will wonder why so many people are getting upset. It clearly illustrates the anti-white bias to the unaware.

Right I just happened to move the goal posts preemptively, changing the rules of the game before you made your move. There is nothing wrong with the original posters and I will be posting some myself, I will also be posting some of these new ones just for the salt harvest. There is literally no reason to not pit niggers and leftists against each other and the wider we can make that divide the faster we can get some quislings from the left doing work for us.

That's the hard part right there since the one asking questions is on assignment from the local jew-broadcasting outlet.

Alright, how's this then.

We'll go right after that feeling they have so they will have to rationalize their thinking. Which y'all know is not their strongest abilities.


and you were born knowing everything? Why don't you aim your vitriol at the enemy?

I'll try to explain why this is a waste of time in few words.

The person who has a problem with the white but not the black is already indoctrinated into a system. They are in their camp and you are in yours.

They will never come to your camp.

For this reason appealing to their sense of logic is a waste of time. They are EMOTIONALLY invested. Logic has no part of it.

Your time would be better spent stepping up your efforts to recruit more like minded people.

Double down on your "hate speech." Make no exceptions.

Make no apologies, and take what you've done to whatever the next level is.

You cant convert people. You can only help those that are already on your side realize they need to take action.

The faggots and fence sitters will follow suit as they always do with whatever is popular because they don't want to get hurt or ostracized.

These people are weak and need to be lead.

He ain't wrong faggot, you really should know your history.


Hamilton was a jew. In fact a bastard jew and not even a natural-born citizen. That's why he was never president.

It's also used by "The knights of columbus", a catholic group.

screencaps or it didn't happen

Moonman prowls at night, careful what you wish for

They have reason to be afraid. Because we name names. We do not monkey about in the streets and then cry muh culture. We raise armies.

lemme guess
wait for hitler

Nobody is trying to swing a fucking SJW here, just the fence sitter who deep down is starting to question his own reasoning over things. In other words, you are retarded.

Goddammit, are they stupid at Faux Neufs.
Make a huge A0-Poster with those high energy images and something corresponding from BLM on the same paper.. Let's see how they report on that without redpilling accidentally anyone and the last idiot this time within hearing distance.

>a group that claims to defend the white race!

wew lad good job posterguy

What you say is true, but that narrative is often implicit. If we can get them to say it explicitly then we can challenge it and that will be a step in the right direction.

Please learn to fucking read.

In. In and "vagina".

Unfortunately this won't do anything. They'll respond with "Bcuz whites is racis n blacks is not" which translated from nigspeak by white liberals is "Because blacks were enslaved and oppressed for hundreds of years." After stating that this is irrelevant because blacks haven't been enslaved for 150 years, the best response I've found to the ensuing tears is unapologetically either taking the "it's a cultural problem" approach or the "blacks are inherently violent" approach to explaining the current situation of blacks. Using before and after examples of Africa works well. At this point you can then back the libshit into a corner with statistics which discredits their argument when they call you a racist.

The most important thing here is to frame racist things as being objective and non-racist (because it really is the objective truth). Basically build up their cognitive dissonance as much as possible.

There is very little reasoning with these people. Even if you defeat them with logic, they will shut you out and refuse to confront their cognitive dissonance. Therefore the key is to do this assblasting in a more public setting (online even). Cuckservatives and the like that virtue signal and don't want to be seen as racist will see you destroy the libshit and will slowly come over to your side.

tldr; propaganda like this is largely useless without supporting information because it's too easy for indoctrinated people to explain away.

I think the quality of that video is a little too high. I can still tell that those are people talking. Monstrous, hideously deformed people.

Doesn't matter, we're not trying to convince niggers but let whites question the indoctrination, and this is exactly the kind of stuff that redpilled me on white genocide years ago

Am I on 4chan again? Why don't any of you fucks read?

I read it and you're explaining arguments in a discussion, but these are propaganda posters. They must be short, understandable and plant a seed in the opponents mind, and he'll have to battle with himself in the end. What you're proposing is exactly the shit that doesn't work, because having a discussion with an indoctrinated person is futile, because they won't listen to anyone who tells them something contrary to their views, if you actually think that the"blacks are inherently violent" approach works you have no idea what you're talking about. The point is to plant a seed, not to explain away things that they won't recognize anyway

How do I find friends to do this with that aren't federal agents

Maybe you are from 4chan. We have IDs here. Try actually reading my post, I addressed all of this.

I'm continually amazed at how idiotic some people are, alt-right is not a new term. Hillary's camp did not invent it.

Add pajeets, chinks, and hinderps to that CM list. Such fucking thirst.

shut your ass up you dumb cunt I read your shitt post and it's fucking bullshit
WRONG, it's exactly the other way around. They don't care about information, they can't explain away something that is stuck in their mind, as I said you're talking about a discussion, which seemingly you're absolutely shit in, as seen by your only answer to someone calling your opinions shit is

Hillary didn't invent it, the Kikes did. That's why it's a chump move to apply it to yourself.


If you're gonna meet up with these guys enjoy the like-minded company but keep them at arm's length, they seem to be pretty buddy buddy with the anything "Alt-Right"

They might be good guys but don't let your guard down, could just be another fucking honeypot.

You're from 4chan because you aren't checking post ID's. it's really transparent.

The main take away is:

Your time would be better spent stepping up your efforts to recruit more like minded people.

Fence sitters will always fence sit.

So. Much. Butthurt.

Ignoring this kike aside, we have to use this poster to awaken the normies just trying to exist by excerbating liberal butthurt and salty rage. If these commies start openly attacking Joe Beer-in-fridge and attempting to smash his car, fuck up his job, and put him to the existential question, he's going to be open for us to mold him more into full 1488.
This poster is a wedge in a crack not often exploited. Use it!

Nice community organization op. Now we need a white person beaten in a hate crime.

The chans are for lone wolf activism user.

I wish I had a crew to do cool stuff with too

Halfchan has ID's.

Not when you shake the fence.

I really, really hope you're that same autist from a couple weeks back who made an OP that said something to the effect of "delete all memes that feature non-whites from your computer". Didn't have the chance to screencap it unfortunately but fuck me, that was the most hilarious shit I've seen on here since the Exodus. Even now I still get a residual kek or two whenever I'm reminded of it. Kudos.

You're a special kind of naïve if you don't think that hasn't been tried yet. Hundreds and hundreds of white victims of black/spic violence over the past few years and the news just does not care. They refuse to report on it.

I don't want to D&C but to play Devil's Advocate, posters and PR like that news story could be construed as an important part of recruiting like minded people.

Often on places like Holla Forums people want to contribute with things other than shitposting but have no idea if there's other Holla Forumsacks in their area to do this with.

I agree with you. Not really sure if you know how to read.

Since fucking when.
You need to watch some Yuri Bezmenov. The center isn't the center anymore, it's been shifted to the left. Even Moderates are dipped in hardcore leftist propaganda. You might even be and not know it. These people can only be awoke by commisar jamal's big fat boot in their face. Until something bad happens to them, they will never break out of their lock step with this leftist propaganda.

Here's a link.

How am I butthurt exactly? All I was saying was that the poster is useful as it plants a seed in the opponents mind, what the fuck are you on about

this might be the dumbest shit I've ever heard, I just spray and pray and you saw that I was adressing you, so who cares
I bet 5 shekels I've redpilled more libs than you with "blacks are inherently violent" argument (cuz thats rayciisss), the others are okay I have to admit since I used them myself. Still a discussion is not a propaganda poster since you can't discuss with a poster, which is why the logic used in a discussion doesn't fulfill it's purpose in propaganda

If you think only acceleration ism can awaken the white man then did you vote for Hillary? Do you support the HUD program to move Chicago niggers into white neighborhoods because you think it'll "wake up white families?"

Give your white brothers some more credit, they may be inundated with kike propaganda but it doesn't take death-by-nig to make a white guy go "you know the Jews are the ones always telling me to feel bad about being white…and blacks do commit a lot more crimes than whites…"

AV and IE do not mix well at all. It common consensus in the group that IE is a scam, along with NPI.

t. guy who advises AV

I don't even know how to respond to what you're saying. It's like we arent even talking about the same thing.

Those are some strange assumptions. I'm no accelerationist.

Let me make my position perfectly clear to both of you.

There are people out there that are ALREADY on your side. You need to find and organize with those people. Everyone else will simply show up once the ball is rolling. This is how it works.

I wont respond to any more of your strange arguments. You're missing the point of what im saying entirely and arguing something different all together.

What do you mean by "advise"?

Obviously IE and NPI are huge scams, but AV doesn't give me that vibe.

Absolutely wrong, only the absolute hardcore libs, and even then I wouldn't expect them to wake up. Normies with moderate indoctrination can be saved by them questioning their own views. You can win a million arguments and they still won't change, unless they see a contradiction themselves and question it hereby, this way is the best to redpill. Outside force isn't useful because they'll alwas feel like someone else is trying to force them

I run the NFP, which has similar motives and ideas as American Vanguard, however we have different end goals. We share a lot of resources, and I have even made posters for them.


Cool website, I'll be in touch.

This is where you are 100% wrong and therefore it is not a waste of time. Me and I'm sure many other Holla Forumsacks were soft-bluepilled at one point in their life. At one point I truly believed society was progressing somewhere better, that King Nigger was going to be the best president ever and that right wingers were all bible-thumping ignorant hillbillies.

Also incorrect. Being ex-liberal myself, their problem is that they apply deductive logic to politics, which is misapplication for a field in which the truth of the premises may never be known. The best method for changing their mind is to introduce them to the open-ended results of induction or abduction.

your efforts to recruit more like minded people.

Why not both?

It's time, brothers.

Lmao, i realise she's black, but saving your race from extinction is a pretty good use of one's time i'd wager

Sorry, meant to reply to this Kikey Kunt:
He is so asshurt we can heat a city with his impotent rage.

If you ever need anything, feel free to shot me an email (fullmoon#redchan.it)


I made up a quick idea for a poster
don't sperg out the "this is not racism"/"this is not hatred" is for normies

The mental gymnastics of the lugenpresse is astounding!

mfw 'fasces' means a bundle of sticks with an axe. an axe head protruding from a massive faggot.

op are you stuck in 2008 or something?

But that isn't a waste of time, it's simply another method to break the conditioning - to get more whites to your side.

See the forest through the trees you holier than now fake ass uber nationalist faggot.

Change that reaction image to

Nice reddit spacing - I think you are actually some forum faggot

Is the brainwashing really that effective or is it just the (((media))) trying to highlight a minority of "offended" people to pretend that's the reaction everyone is having & should have? They bring up the holohoax so I can only assume the interviews were extremely selective if not staged.

Building cognitive dissonance hasn't worked for me. They automatically assume the statistics must have been made up by evil racists unless of course the statistics confirm their twisted liberal worldview. That, or they go on about how it's not because of race, it's obviously because of privilege, oppression, income, slavery, etc. If you counter those points they just get pissy and go back to how they can't believe it because that would be racist. The brain washing is real. As soon as you say anything that isn't kosher their good goy programming takes over.

It's honestly fucking heart breaking to watch.

Their only weapon is our restraint. We are the only good soldiers on Earth, and our capacity to kill with biological and nuclear weapons is beyond human imagination. Remember that. The Jews rule with the sword of Damocles overhead. One real Western leader can cut that thread.

Y'all niggas in the southeast US?

Inductive reasoning is the gold pill. Ever read The Logical Leap? I don't like Peikoff at all, but the author is right that real science and understanding have to be synthesized from observation. It's a great explanation for why modern physics is so pozzed. Muh mathematical models are never wrong so, uh, Dark matter did it? Race denial and string theory are modern epicycles.

Even better simply have the word black be on a little flap of paper taped only on the top edge. When you lift it underneath it says white and on the backside of the flap of paper it says:
WARNING: Removal will make this poster racist!

oh my. white people have a right to exist? Free yourself from white guilt?

Clearly hate speech. >.>

But no one claims that mathematical models are infallible. Oftentimes however we have to tentatively rely on these shaky models to make assumptions and inferences that can be formulated into verifiable assertions that can help reinforce or refute the models. Relying purely on observation results in discovery by pure happenstance. Models need to be put forth and rigorously cultivated on the theoretical side in order to give focus to what needs to be observed more closely in order to make discoveries.
Unfortunately it's much less expensive to develop mathematically rigorous models than to conduct equally rigorous experimental observations.

Midwest, unfortunately. If you ever start doing activism down there, shoot me a message and I can teach you the ropes.

It's okay, we were all newfags at one point.

Take it easy on the newfags. We have enough enemies and they're still learning. As long as they're not spouting D&C (christcucks, is x white?), subversion tactics(muh PR, muh based fags, #notalljews) or other clearly harmful rhetoric, save the hate for our enemies.

Or don't, whatever. I'm not your Fuhrer.

That's why you fill their comment sections, or twitter/facebook related posts with those questions. And if you are a student, act naive and blast them with simple questions personally.

Lets play a game Holla Forums

When you report on white pride what must you include in your segment?
The answer will shock you!

This really fucking rustles my jimfams fimfams

Wasn't Identity Europa confirmed for fed agents?

Actualy, this was very good PR.the media and uni heads are just living in a bubble and dont realize this sort of stuff really gets to people.

How would you say you guys differ? From what I could tell NFP is interested in cultivating state culture and AV is interested in uniting the whites of America in a common cause

The end game. AV wants to end up as a mass movement. We want to end up as a political party.

My man, that was the first wholesome "Murican usage that came to mind (coinfag), but yeah the Fasces is a common pre-degenerate American symbol, and oughta be regarded with reverence and pride.

fuck off ctr, this is effective at exposing anti white hypocrisy



The memes march ever onward.

These fucking right wing shitlords need to stop .

This is good, don't listen to the faggots.


I cant tell if these are shills or just low IQ retards.

So what? Putting the kikes into ovens is exactly what we want to do. We aren't hypocrites, we aren't hiding it.

It's a matter of picking a side between the jews and your own. And many whites are already taking the Right side.

So… fascism is literally faggottery + axes?

Nice. Second and fourth can go anywhere to boot.

Do all of this and you'll turn out fine. Everyone has debt user, it all depends on how you want to handle it.

The talking heads yes, but the average white male or female, they'll jump right on. If the anti-white rhetoric and violence wasn't enough, this will surely bring them over at least to the center-right anti-Affirmative Action cause. Prove me wrong.

jesus christ. I think it's safe to say that everyone who is white is part of the insurgency by default.

That's the best thing about stuff like this. Negative attention is still attention and it will redpill at least a handful of people.


praise kek

They are just doing their darnedest to make this look bad, how adorable. Mean while the top story is a celebration of BLM and their support of WorldStarHipHop

checkidy checked

This was TRS

Do you know what subtlety is?

I think it is more effective to post non-offensive posters such as the ones in this video….that way the media looks like a kvetching sob

Back to your treehouse.

Well, sure, aside from being killed by Aaron Burr in a duel.

It's true tho. Pretty sure Ghoul is heavily involved with AV

Pretty much

I'm not sure how often you all get out but the majority of white America is ranges from fed up to fucking pissed at all this liberal extremism. The portion of the left which keeps pressing these strong views is recruiting for you.

You dont have to worry about recruiting so much, most people are already there. You are just reminding them of how upset they are which is great keep it up

The normies are going to see this and ask them selves "what the fuck".

Praise Kek indeed.