What's the verdict on the Byzantine Empire and why? Politically not historically
What's the verdict on the Byzantine Empire and why? Politically not historically
I can't help but feel this thread would be better if Siegfried Kircheis was here still.
It was a grand remnant of a greater empire doomed to a slow decline because of its physical position in Europe. All in all its decline is sad an tragic but unavoidable.
You posted that same comment in another thread you faggot.
wew, that the whitest turkroach you could find, Mehmet?
Got what they deserved. They massacred the Latins while they allowed mosques in Constantinople.
Too much infighting to combat outside threats efficiently. Eternal confilct with pope and latins. Turks shitting everywhere.
I think Spengler understood the Byzantines pretty well. The Byzantine empire was roughly to the Magian/Arab culture was the Holy Roman empire and its offshoots were the the Faustian/Western culture. He also said that both the Faustian and Magian cultures were separate cultural entities from the Classical world which reached its final state in the Roman Empire, but that the Roman Imperial Ideal had greatly influenced both Byzantium and the Holy Roman Empire. Spengler's understanding of cultures and civilizations was nuanced and aesthetically pleasing, if nothing else, but Decline of the West is definitely a must read.
I think that Byzantium had a pretty good system with caesaropapism. It recognizes the importance of religion as a yolk to bind a people together while limiting the power of the priesthood to exercise subversion should things go wrong withing the religious institution. At that point, the success or failure depends almost entirely on the training and character of the emperor and the whims of fate.
That being said,
Is right, of course, but the same could be said of Medieval and early Modern Europe as well.
They are responsible for Russia.
Sage for well intended but shit OP.
A trading nation like the Republic of Venice. But with more legitimate ties to the Roman ruling class and traditions. It pretended to be the Roman Empire for 200 years and then they started speaking Greek instead of Latin. Although having no legitimate ties to the Roman Empire the Merovingian Franks were the real "winners" that resembled the old Romans at that time and actually united European peoples not basing their whole culture on money and trade.
I can agree that Byzantium had good system of ruling, but truth is that they were screwed either way. Turks/Arabs from the east, Slavs from the North and occasional trouble wtih latins (4th crusade). Oh and it's worth mentioning that Turks were on "Holy" mission to take Constantinople so conflict with them was inevitable.
Merovingian Franks were the first who managed to ally the Ripuarians and the Salians, who were constantly in conflict.
The Byzantine Empire flourished because it paid huge amounts of gold to not be bothered when Rome was being torn to pieces by raids.
Their location, which secured the ever-profitable Silk Road (you had two choices; go through the Sassanid Empire/ERE and travel through the eastern Italy coast/Dalmatia to sell your goods or risk not paying taxes and be raided by Slavs.
The sheer amount of profit from securing such an important trade route grew its power immensely. With the hole in power left by the fall of the WRE in the 5th century, Constantinople filled it in by proclaiming itself as the "true" Roman Empire.
There are currently several lines of historical thoughts discussing the role of the ERE in the collapse of the WRE. The emperors always married their offspring between each other, but the time of the biggest free-fall in the stability of the West was when the Eastern Roman emperors decided to undermine the West. They didn't had to try really hard, since the Sassanids were much less of a threat to them then the dozens of tribes in the vicinity of the West.
Attila was the biggest threat to the ERE, and was paid the biggest bribe ever paid to one single man in human history to remain in peace with Constantinople. It is very important to know how it all started. The ERE (Eastern Roman Empire) gained all its power from economical/political instability, and signs of it meddling to keep instability true were clear.
TL;DR - Europe's periods of political instability profitted (((merchants))) since more than a thousand years.
they helped the t*rks enter Europe and this bit them in the ass
Indeed, the Merovingians were Roman officers and as high ranked military commanders they emancipated during the decline of Western Rome. Gauls were in majority already romanized and many Gauls or inhabitants of the gallias like a Frankish or Gothic rule more than a Roman, cause it meant lower taxes and more freedom.
mostly shit and was constantly loosing ground had a few bright years though
It was alive and recovering until the crusaders showed up in the worst moment and fucked up everything, obliterating the last remnant of Rome out of petty kikery.
Anything of value in Venice, including the city's emblem, the golden lions of Saint Mark's basilica, has been stolen from Constantinople.
Anathema on the Latins.
lel get rekt homo greekfags
t. european scholars and turkish historians talking about "dem pure aryan wite wimin in byzantium with the blonde hair and blue eyes"
Where do you think you are?
It's a reals shame to watch our race be destroyed by a Semitic virus. A cancer that erased our history, our culture, and replaced it with a slave cult and usury.
It's also a shame when white people claim to be aware of the Jew, yet worship one.
They got crusadingly fucked by the Venetian (((merchants))).
>>>Holla Forums
Go be a divisive cunt somewhere else
Fuck off spergs, Christianity is nut jewish it's universal and the most anti-jewish ideology on earth, that's why the jews hate it so much. Paganism is not european, it's just superstition and backwardness which can still be encountered in african countries and other such places.
Keep being retarded sheep, you'll make the jew very happy with your subservience.
Yes, jews are very happy when people are christians and not degenerates Schlomo.
Ah yes, the easiest way to derail threads on Holla Forums. I wish the people wouldn't respond, but I can't stop retards from doing it.
The Latins were literally jewing native Byzantines though.
Their bad they did not weaponize squatters earlier.
Shiptar posting from multiple stolen laptops spotted.
Any fucking retard who makes jokes like "lol greeks r not white" or "muh latins" is worse than the fucking kike-eist kike and should be perma-banned from this entire board- because regardless as to whether or not these bucktooth sperm-guzzlers are right in regards to how purely aryan the byzantine populace's bloodline was at any given point in time in the empire's lifespan (and truth be told, there is some legitimacy to that argument given how diverse rome was)- by saying "lol u got wrecked christcucks/ortholarpers/greeks" you are not only implying that you would much rather have a fucking muslim caliphate so hostile to western civilization that they implemented sharia law as far west as germany than a rump-state to the original (undoubtedly european) roman empire, but you are also implying that the fucking turkroaches who pollute the land of eastern thrace with their very putrid existence have a more legitimate claim to the land then both pagans, christians, atheists, and even KEK HIMSELF
Turks, IMO, are second only to the jews in terms of enemies of Holla Forums, and while I know this is Holla Forums and anything goes, if any of you motherfuckers make the slightest off-joke about ANY event in turkish history I have more respect for Shills than wannabes like you.
This. Plus they are more physically dangerous and more numerous. Turkroaches and incognito turkroaches like bosnians and albos should be first priority targets, even before the fucking kikes.
Not really. Well, if you are German, I understand your stance.
Of course you'd say that, kike hating to you is just a meme you parrot for the sole purpose of fitting in, isn't that right?
but it's true,some greeks are not white
Deal with it.
Do you even know how much Jews hate Christianity? Their Talmud even says Jesus himself is in hell being boiled in his own excrement. Every Rabbi I've ever asked about Christ has gone absolutely apeshit at the idea of a Messiah being Christ. Judaism is the enemy of Christianity, and the Jewish attitude towards it shows that. Christianity has developed European identity and the idea that you NatSocs can have Christian tradition and values without the Christ is ludicrous. Jews target Europeans because Jews hate Christianity. They've worked against it since before Christ was crucified.
I think Justinian and Theodora would weep to see their city and the Hagia Sophia in their current desecrated state.
Your analysis is correct brother. The Turks were and still are one of the greatest enemies the west has ever faced.
Mustafa please, I was redpilled on Jews since I was 10 or 11.