German Gvt False Flag vs. "neo-Nazis?"

Usually not big for any sort of "conspiracy" (mostly thanks to Alex Jones and labeling fucking EVERYTHING a conspiracy), but this one just seems to make no fucking sense to me and way too convenient as a way to smear.

Will link to article, but you had these 3 members of a group called NSU, allegedly responsible for killing 10 invvaders- names were Beate Zschäpe, Uwe Boehnhardt and Uwe Mundlos. IDK, could be true. But NOW here comes the twist.

These people who were removing kebab and ended up getting killed (2 of the 3, the woman survived) while trying to rob a bank to finance their continued removal. But, guess what? Now that the guy is dead, they have pinned on him a notorious child rape murder. So…his convictions were strong enough that he have his life for removing kebab, but they just happened to test his DNA against this girl with amazing, glacier-blue eyes?

Shy do I get the feeling that the girl was actually killed by a shitskin, but wow what a great PR move to tell the German public a prolific kebab remover was a pedo rapist and murderer?

Do we have any germany speakers here who can help with this because I just don't buy it, it's way too convenient and doesn't fit with his profile. HE cared enough about his country and people to risk his life time after time and ultimately died doing this, oh but also guy he was a child rapist and murder? Bullshit.

"Germany's 'Nazi bride' Beate Zschäpe has told judges she wants to testify about the brutal death of a nine-year-old girl thought to have been murdered by one of her lovers.

Two of the greatest crime dramas in German history converged in spectacular fashion recently when the DNA of neo-Nazi mass murderer Uwe Bönhardt was found on the corpse of the country's most famous missing girl.

Forensic tests on genetic material at the grave of nine-year-old Peggy Knobloch - often referred to as the Maddie McCann of Germany - has been confirmed as coming from gangster Bönhardt."

Other urls found in this thread:

Def false flag, but even of it isn't we should meme it as one.

(apologize, have to get keyboard repaired or get one I can plug in via USB, the keys I type end up all over the fucking place).

Do we have anyone who speaks German and has followed this case closely and can comment? This absolutely reeks to me of the German gvt. trying to smear the murder and rape of a young German girl with beautiful eyes on "neo nazis" rather than whatever kebab did it. So, these guys believed in NSism enough they were willing to give their lives for those principles, but along the way were ready to just grab and rape and murder a 9 year old German girl?

I'd bet 99.9% they had a pretty young girl with incredible glacier eyes murdered by a wog, but since the guy is dead, why not pin it on him and make it look even more like "muh ebil nazi" and hurt the Afd? Next, they will find Afd campaign material when they search the people's house again.

I'm not bullshitting or meming. The German government and Merkel have become so desperate and so anxious to hide the crimes of their pets…I get easily see Merkel justifying this as "for the greater good" to pin this on someone who never did it to hurt the Afd. And she's a perfect poster girl for such a thing, she had eyes so ocean blue she leaves an impression.

It gets even better. Someone was already convicted of the girl's murder. But, since a a
German tabloid realized these "neo Nazis may have been somewhere close to the area, they threw out that conviction to frame le neo-nazis:

"A mentally backward man named Ulvi Kulac was found guilty of Peggy's murder and sentenced to life imprisonment in the city of Hof in 2004.

His conviction was declared unsound nine years later and he was freed in 2014.

The discovery of 34-year-old Bönhardt's DNA on the remains of Peggy created a media firestorm. "


This did genuinely make me kek:

"In the ruins of their hideout police also found a board game they invented called Pogromoly - an amalgam of pogrom and Monopoly - in which the winner was the player who herded the biggest number of Jews into gas chambers."



Bumpity. Recall reading a bunch about this case, and these people were nationalists, not child murderers and rapists. We need a German speaker to really get into this for us, smells like horse dung from a kilometer away.

Is Uwe a common German name? Had never heard it before.

damn, that girl is fucking hot

Uwe Boll?

Reminds me of that case where an Israeli Mossad guy supposedly infiltrated a bunch of Neo-Nazis via meeting the son of a former SS guy. The neo nazi group in this story all sat around a TV watching a Hitler speech. Then it cut to child porn and they all pulled their dicks out and started fapping. I can't remember the exact source.

Probably thinking of B-movie director Uwe Boll.

6 million jews, i WIN!
fun for th3 whole family :^)

The people who stand up to tyranny are the ones the (((government))) have to vilify the most. In this case I am sure they would have liked to sweep this under the rug but since it was too high profile they had to do the next best thing and character assassinate them as much as possible.

To make it short: The so called NSU "terrorist cell" never existed and is a fabrication. The majority of the murders ascribed to the group can not actually linked to them and where probably a mixture of mafia killings and foreign intel agencies operating in Germany.
Both Mundlos and Bönhardt were killed and their corpses were deposited for the police to be found. Most of the so-called right-wing extremist scene in Germany is entirely controlled intelligence agencies.
All of this is corrobated by leaked police documents that show for example: No brain matter being found after a double suicide with a 12 gauge shotgun and two ejected shells being present.

The Peggy case bears all the hallmarks of a covered up pedo ring, where a mentally challenged man was initially found guilty and later exonerated. However there is evidence the girl was prostituted to local bigshots in the community, flown to Turkey on occasions and lived quite a bit of time beyond her initial disappearance because CP of a girl resembling her but older was found to be circulating and was even published in the press (albeit heavily censored).

go gas yourself you kike peace of shit
Our beautiful white daughters will be freed from your viles soon enough

She is probably in the basement of some Saudi prince right now.

This just males no fucking sense. They had someone in jail for this for 14 years, they have to free him on whatever technicality, so the fucking cops read in the local tabloid that this group may have been in area and what do you know, oi vey, it's a match!

What are the odds that someone who believed strongly enough in National Socialism to get rid of 11 shitskins (precisely to stop crimes like this against young German girls, and are about it enough he was willing to die) also "just happened" to rape and murder a young German girl?

What a chance to try to smear the Afd. Can guarantee you, next it will come out they were Afd supporters.


inb4 the actual maddie case is blamed on american nationalists

This, the only reason the NPD hasn't been banned is it's comprised of about 70% government infiltrators.

They also label them child rapists after the fact, so not even Nazis can side with them.

Great demonetization tactic. Or he was a false flagger and was working for the government and was part of the Pedo gangs.

I thought the Jews managed to kill off/ rape away any girls left with eyes that blue during WW 2. Fucking tragic she never lived to have kids, odds of having eyes that glacier blue are maybe 1 in 8 million,

For that reason alone, even if they were degenerates would NEVER have "raped and murdered" her. The Germans are covering up for shitskin pets here, who obviously did it,

Yes, it was full of shit.
There was a really good show about that. i can subtitle it for you if you want.

The story was complete bullshit. A measurig stick used for crime scene photos was used in both cases. It turned out it was not properly cleaned so it spread DNA from one scene to the other. There were big headlines in the german media in october, "NSU may involved in CP", and because there is no clue since years in the peggy murder case the NSU (especially the dead guys) could have been the perfect scapegoat for uncleared children murder cases. The media immediately silenced after it turned out to be a simple failure of the forensics though they already had wet dreams about to move the NSU into CP-Circles.


It was actually debunked already and our media even told us that it was a (((mistake))) by the police.

Problem is that our normies have been told for months that he the NSU-shills did it. They only reported about 1 day long about it being a mistake. So they probably did the damage they wanted to do.

But nobody believes the media anymore anyway.

The NSU were all shills paid by the VS (the modern Stasi) to commit these things. I've lived my whole life in the german "Neo-Nazi" World and I can tell you that nobody would have ever done something like this because even the dumbest cunts I've met were able to understand that the media-backlash would hurt more than the few killed subhumans would help the cause.

A little bird in a Prison also told me that (((Zschäpke))) is treated like a fucking queen in jail, probably made a deal with the VS to get herself a good time in jail for the murders if she kills off the other two that could start singing to the media or the police about the VS setting her up. Maybe she even was a VS shill from the beginning, who knows. Hell she could even be a fanatic lefty thinking that being in jail for a few years is a small price for forever discrediting le ebul Nadzis. Fucking everything is possible here and all our investigations ended at those witnesses that unfortunately killed themselves. And I highly doubt that the police got any further than we did with finding out what actually went down.

OP you need to do some digging before making up a thread about a fictional criclejerk by kike-media co.

"A little bird in a Prison also told me that (((Zschäpke))) is treated like a fucking queen in jail" - Thats public since months.

yeah. naw. thats not what I meant. This article is referres to her being a queen in jail by recruiting people there and being the most resepected prisoner there and all this dumb ass criminal undergroundlord bullshit journalists like to make up in order to have something to write.
I'm talking about the guards, the state attorneys, even the judges, fucking everyone who is state-related treating her unusually well. They don't even handcuff her and nothing which is incredibly uncommon for the crimes she stands trial for. Everyone talks smothly to her and is giving her special benefits therte. Also there are no special measures taken to stop her from escaping the custody which compared to her crime is something that just never happend before.

I can't stand Alex Jones either, I hate his style, but he's not the one who labels everything a conspiracy, it's those who hate him who brand him as a guy who thinks everything is a conspiracy.

SAGE because offtopic comment + I don't speak german anyway so I can't really help

Sounds like an HBO movie called "The Infiltrator" where le brave kike goes into West German beonqzi underground and is in a theater where they show le German guys in biker helmets shove a broken bottle up Jewesses twat.

Amazing because the Jews still act EXACTLY as Hitler said– not only is that not true, it's the EXACT OPPOSITE of the truth, with Jews being the ones who do such things:

user, if you know where it is can you copy the article where is says they'd been taking the girl to Turkey? Seems like exactly the sort of girl the fucking turk animals would abuse.

The general population needs to learn to start looking exactly where they are trying not to get them to look.

German here, this was disproven weeks ago you double nigger. The guys working at the site didn't clean their equipment properly which is why the same DNA of the NSU guys was found at the site.

Then start pushing that, you low energy statehood.

Why would I, this is old news. Noone cares about this shit in the slightest anymore

If you don't mind me asking, what percentage of the population do you think would fall into the "neo nazi" category over there in deutschland? Not necessarily the outspoken ones, just people who hold the belief I guess.
Is it growing like it is in the US? Do you anticipate AfD continuing to grow their support as quickly as they have been?

Burger here, I am more concerned with the Fatherland than my own country to be honest, and just trying to get the pulse over there/get a whitepill of some kind.

I feel like unless Moonman is elected in 2024 though we burgers might be fucked anyway. We are all euro mongrels already, but add some spics and nigs we can't remove and things get ugly.

jesus christ, you can't use a fucking dictionary?

congratulations, now you know why alex jones is a thing

I still was very young when the the girl made the news. but I remember all kind of fucked up theories that were called out and correted again and again, so I literally laught when they tried to pin this shit on the NSU.

Its the first time in my life I said "really?!" out loaud.

Does anyone have a showable source on their unfortunate "suicides"?
I know that I read in a trustworthy .pdf that they both officially killed themselves with the same pump-action shotgun, yet 2 (!) shells were found in their trailer.
Might be wrong but if I remember correctly, one was also shot in the back of his head, as if he was executed

pic for grabbing attention

We warned you.
t. Brit/pol

One of the lamest false flags I've ever seen. Just yawn and eye roll in one motion haha…

This group was used a couple of times now, for some shit… but this is new. Neo-Nazis aren't into children. That's a death sentence. I know guys in dozens of countries, that I've visited, even more at global conferences, with Arabs with no less. Third way thing. Anyway what you imagine from Jew media isn't it.

8 years after the kid went missing, someone just thought this completely unreleated, dead guy in another country… just no.

He is a criminal, a mass murder, he can very well be pedo rapist too.
Maybe he just wanted to be a nazi terrorist because the lvl of edginess and maleficence that this have in Deutschland.

btw: here's just another case with a connection to a foreign intelligence service:

If you are in jail for fucking around with a kid, you'd be better off in with niggers than the aryan brotherhood. Nothing about this makes sense, other than a big Jew/Saudi (same thing) seeing a White girl with really striking blue eyes and deciding he wanted a new White slave.

Really depressing, and what's even more depressing is that we'll never get real story and that poor mentally fucked bastard probably got his ass kicked even by staff on a daily basis. And since he's a White guy, he won't get big shekels.

So we lost a girl with literally one in a million deep ocean blue eyes–probably to a Jew or Saudi pedo– and some mentally fucked guy who had nothing to do with it got his ass beat for it for 15 years. The judge, the cops, everyone involved needs to hang.
