Should Socialists support Decolonisation?

Should Socialists support Decolonisation?

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What is there left to de-colonialize?

Colonization is *always* exploitative otherwise there would be no point in expanding

If you assume that paying workers less than their productivity = exploitation then yes of course decolonize

But like cultural colonization? college kids getting angry at westerners for laws and christianity? nah I don't give a shit about that

Only if it is replaced by socialism. Assata Shakur has some quote about it that Im too lazy to look up.

lol yeah

The capital and wealth of the African nations ?
Only after getting the big companies out they will have a chance of being communists

From what I've seen of Decolonisation discussion, it was easily summed up as "UKIP for brown people". Probably better to assume a position of general neutrality and collaborate on specific issues.


Tbh Mandela is probably the best example for successful decolonization. Rather than removing settlers who have been there for centuries (and who imo have just as much as a right to be there as the natives) simply end the disenfranchisement of the native population.

*let's ignore all the carnage going on in South Africa right now*

You mean the shit that was going on before too? At least it's not Zimbabwe.

Murder rates say otherwise



Sources on the Wikipedia paragraph:

Violence in South Africa is, in fact, actually increasing now, though. Mostly because of political turmoil, rather than "lol niggers,' as Holla Forums would suggest.

Your data does not contradict the picture.

1948-1989 averages 170
then there's a spike
and since 1994 it averages 24000

The data might not contradict the picture, but it contradicts the narrative that you push. Violence in South Africa happens as a result of political turmoil, not "lol niggers." As we know, the extraordinarily high murder rate in South Africa existed DURING white rule, and began to fall DURING black rule.

20 years long "political turmoil", sure

Between 1989 and 1994 there is 5 years, not 20.

Today the murder rate is 32.0

Europe had basically non stop political upheaval from 1517 to 1648. 20 years is nothing m8.


yes, but we shouldn't support tin pot ditctators,