A rebel leader in Alepppo: 'It's over... A lot of innocent people are going to die.'

Thousands flee besieged Aleppo as Assad forces advance

Rebels lose a third of their territory as Syria’s second city verges on collapse



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It is well known that Al Qaida snipers have targeted anyone trying to leave via the humanitarian corridors. It is sad that these people (order of magnitude fewer than the media claims) have been taken hostage.
Additionally, the jihadists have had many offers to take the green buses to Idlib. There are no tears shed for them.


Green buses or yellow trucks. Al Qaida is leaving the old city one way or another (prefer yellow trucks, personally).

With Assad victorious, US interests in the region seem pretty fucked right?

Russia-Iran-Syria axis seems pretty solid and will probably continue to be oppositional to the US even with Trump. Kurds seem like the only friendly option left to America but that only pushes turkey further away

What's Aleppo?

their top personel is in lybia & other northern african states already.

since months.

dont celebrate this pyrrhic victory.

It won't be trouble if we just leave it to Russia.
Fuck Israel and the whole general area.

Where is Muhaynisi?

Yeah, if the USA just doesn't give a shit about what Russia is doing and keeps working on EM Drive, Fusion Generator, and Martian conquest the Russians will eventually come around and want to space race with us for old times sake.


Yup. If Syria stays intact, the whole Greater Israel plan is ruined, and Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Iran will be united as one force against Israel. It'll be the best possible outcome for white Europe and America.

Pretty much. It's us being antagonistic to Russia at this point.

Having Aleppo secured is a massive moral swing, not to mention how much it boosts Assad's legitimacy.


but theyre in northern africa now and will soon start to take over there again.

a battle might be won, but the WAR is definitely not over.

we must smoke them out completely. somthing that will never happens before trump isnt in power.

I just love when russkies get to thinking they can rule the world

Smoke ((them)) out I hope you mean.

In what MENA countries can we expect more civil wars to develop in the coming years?

Can't Mossad the Assad!

this should be the following step.

whole northern (probably even central) africa, imho.

syria is lost for them. iraq as well.

Am I correct in believing that the continuing goal is to flood Europe with as many refugees as possible?

If it hurts Jews we should do it.
That SHOULD be our official policy.
For now, we should be grateful for what we have, and start looking towards the end of Trump's second term and see if we can help guide an actual Hitler in.

For now, we can only hope, and meme.


already done. europe is lost.
the only remaining question is: HOW they will take over there. i guess theyll do it the sweet, demographic way, preferably. new founded muslim parties will finish the rest.

One thing I think is wrong in that 2nd picture is that the Neocons didn't even want to attack Afghanistan after 9/11, the main target was Iraq. Colin Powell who, correct me if I am wrong, was not a globalist sellout at the time argued that Afghanistan actually had Al Queda in that country and it made much more sense to go there instead of Iraq which had no ties to 9/11.

This is blackpill horseshit. More than half of Europe is almost completely unscathed by the migrant tide, and doesn't show any signs of wanting to change that. Just start the clean up, if you run into trouble no doubt many will come to help just for removing kebab.

t. burger

i wish trump could simply finish them in a surpirse attack or something.
problem is, that the top lvl vermin doesnt even live down there.
theyre spread all over the capitals of the western world and offshore islands.
i guess we a special task force or something to finally solve this problem.

i hope youre right.
im german and therefore pretty onesided.
the only thing i am seeing atm is that the flood does not end at all. meanwhile authorities are building 'refugee' shelters even in the smallest towns and villages right now. for 100-200 people EACH. this is unprecedentedsince WWII.
but youre right. the people are awakening
i pray to god that this jill stein crap wont work and trump will be inaugurated.
we need the positive effect of this over here.
and maybe, we will need a lot more than that sooner than anyone might think.

? Who said anything about Russkies ruling the world? I'm sure if they tried there would be a point at which the USA would step in, but Trump may change the dynamics of the world substantially. The perfect plan would be to make physical conquest obsolete through economics and space exploration.

Assad lost control before. Why does anyone think the FSA and ISIS being put down would lead to permanent stability?


t. John Kerry

inb4 Putin invites him to that holocaust ice skating show to discuss


The Bild.de Editor is sperging out.

Yeah, the accepted theory in neocohen circles was that Saddam, the Baathist, had been harboring and funding Bin Laden.

The neocons had been getting paid by saudies to fuck with iraqi. Bush senior and jr were all about destroying the country

Who is this guy, and why is he sperging out of Assad retaking his own city?

Is he implying that removing ISIS from Aleppo is bad or that Russia is not directly helping remove ISIS from Aleppo right now?

I am confused.

He's Julian Julian Röpcke's (AKA Jihadi Julian) boss. Supposedly has ties to the Atlantic Council.

The former.


Why the heck aren't these rebels fighting ISIS too?

oy vey

Wew lad.

They are ISIS

Are they killing civilians too?

Nah, not really. FSA soldiers regularly defect to ISIS, and tons of weapons that were supplied to the rebels ended up in the hands of ISIS.


Anyone have a pdf on "The Gift of Jews"?

ISIS command center in Syria.

How long until the UN starts finding gas chambers made by Assad to kill the brave terror-er, freedom fighters?

They've falseflagged multiple times already. You need to get up to date fam.

It's on Libgen


is there actually any proof of a plan for greater israel or is this just retarded THETRUTHMATTERS.NET shit?

Muhaysini is the Spiritual leader of JFS/Al Qaida. He was in East Aleppo in August, but you seem to have information as to their movement.

The same rebels that were trained by the West and PMCs helping them out?

PMCs dont fight for the side that can't win and has no money, dont be retarded

Looks like Assad needs to be toppled to stop this genocide just like Gadaffi was when he was about to take Benghazi

No, but there are people far richer than Syria who have an interest in Assad losing.

I'm honestly tired of this whole Syria thing, both from Kebabs and journalists constantly whining as well as faggots constantly proclaiming that Assad's complete victory is near.
Even if the "rebels" are defeated in Aleppo, they still hold massive amounts of Syrian territory and that's without mentioning either ISIS, al Qaeda aka al Nusra aka Jabhat Fateh al-Sham nor the Kurds.

In this case, i think it doesn't really matter because Russia wants Assad there and same for Iran. We know Qatar,Saudi Arabia,Israel have different opinion on this matter however without the US they are just barking.
Which bring the question on what Trump want to do.

Finally, the Ruskies are gonna drive ISIS all the way back into their lair in Israel. Fucking lying pretend-Islamists that they are, the secret fucking Hebrews.

al Qaeda etc. are the rebels. If he crushes the Aleppo pocket then they're fucked since it will free up a huge amount of SAA manpower/equipment to launch offensives on the other front. Not to mention that Trump will end the aid to them.

ISIS are a paper tiger who are getting crushed by the Iraqi army atm and still can't even take the surrounded and isolated SAA position in DeZ

Assad has a lot of his forces in Aleppo, securing it basically removes a front from the war. And the territory that rebels hold outside of Aleppo is mostly countryside, villages and small towns. Not to mention rebels are exhausted after committing almost all their free forces to Aleppo and unsuccessfully trying to break the siege twice.

ISIS holds quite a bit, but discounting urban centres and countryside, most of their territory is unoccupied desert.

he's just (((raising awareness)))


What's a leppo?

These maps are deceptive. Most of the land is barren and indefensible. It only takes conquering a few villages to make the color of most of these maps change. Assad controls more than 80% of the population of Syria, which is much more important than controlling a checkpoint in the middle of the desert.

Missed opportunity.

I've been hearing the exact same bullshit arguments for the last 5 and a half years. Exact same.
Assuming you're not shills, you're amazingly naive about the war in Syria and even wars in general.

Protip: Rand Corp has written some good stuff about civil wars. Maybe you should read some of it.


Libs can't bantz

Instead of posting stale memes, how about you educate yourself?


This is retarded. This war is an extremely atypical war with the participation of tens of foreign powers, including massive troop deployments by Lebanese Hezbollah, Iranian militias and Air support, Afghani militias, Palestinian militias, Russian air and missile support, Egyptian air support, in addition to the regular and irregular Syrians forces. Aleppo isn't Benghazi.

Nothing untypical about it. Generally, foreign powers intervene heavily into civil wars.


Don't make stuff up, mate. The study confirms that Syria is completely fucked and the war will not end anytime soon (which is evident to anyone with a triple digit IQ but anyway).

It doesn't at all say that "ISIS are a paper tiger" nor any of the other bullshit arguments brought forth here , here or here .

Good, America is cancer.

It was an interesting read however i have some questions/notes, mind you i:
-it's at least one year old
-it fails to explain in detail what the foreign power really want from Syria. Reducing Russia to "opposing western intervention by principle" is fucking ridiculous same as the rebels wanting Assad out because muzzies divisions.
-it lacks China own intervention
-most of the fear comes from the division and fragmentation of Syria and the hypothesis that Assad could in no way require authority in the region.
-it also fails to present the rebels as what they are: foreign mercenaries that doubtful will remain in the region after shit goes too much down, ex. Aleppo goes down.
-also US behind both ISIS or presenting "caution" in arming the rebels
-lack the degeneration between Russia and US relations,which it means the situation in Syria is far more complex and same for the motives.It will probably go on for some time but it will be a definitive solution and not an half-assed one. if Assad wins, you can bet Russia and Syria will do anything to prevent the possibility of Syria going down again
-also the pipeline, which independently from the victor, require time and security for the workers, not ideal in a perpetual war scenario

I assume, the problem in this is that we are seeing Syria with the same lens of Libya,Iraq,etc.Just my opinion

We must never forgot the 6 grillion Ahmeds

Why is Russia allied with Assad, then? Unless they want an excuse to kill more mudslimes, it looks like it's a good anti-Nato strategic position in the region.

Stien missed the deadline. She took the shekels and ran


Stop calling them rebels. They're not rebels.

Rebel is a citizen that fights against his own country, these are foreign terrorists and mercenaries that fight for NATO/Zionist agenda.

I find that ironic coming from insane radicals that behead, torture and maim innocent people whereas the Syrian army is attempting to free these areas from savage barbarians.

But that's really different from "opposing western intervention by principle".If Trump decide to help Assad what would Russia do, change side so they oppose the west?

there are two 'Jihadi Julians' now?

Dog food I believe,Mr. Johnson.

That was a threat, user. Victims of government barrel bombs though

Western media sensationalism that doesn't have any ground in reality.

Look at any of the recent footage on LiveLeak, you see tens of thousands of civilians running towards the SAA. They have been starving under terrorist rule.

Detailed analysis of the recent Aleppo offensive:


Massive amounts of sand.
People that color the whole thing are either:
1) Biased
2) Retarded
3) Both.

Since SAA is winning you can fucking bet they will start to use maps without solid blocks of colors

LOL, no. ISIS has some of the greenest, most fertile areas of Syria.

CaspianReport has a good video on that IIRC.

Because now all the opposition is dead.
Nobody revolted against Augustus for the same reason.

not to mention the SSNP has made significant gains in government during the civil war, turns out having a foreign government try to destroy your country and get your women raped turns you into a bad goy. Plus, I expect Assad to pay back the party for supporting him in the war.

It's also some of the least populated and indefensible land in the country. ISIS isn't a nation, it's an offshoot of Al-Qaeda, and a terrorist cell can't do shit with an open field.


What's wrong with culling the population?

It was already growing unsustainably, the war and conflict is just nature's way of reducing that



I'd be impressed

Thats not the right thread.

Well played, I cant believe some took the bait

It sort of is.

Assad's neo-liberal reforms in the 2000s greatly increased economic inequality, to the point that working class Syrians had to go to neighboring countries to support their families.

As well as the droughts in the countryside forced those to well up in the cities in search for jobs and work, and all those conditions lead up to social tensions and any spark to the fuse will lead to protests and repercussions.

So Arabs in Syria breeding like rats brought them to the social instability they saw at the turn of the decade.

what does that mean user?

One question remains, how does Israel conquer ISIL once the latter is successful in destoyring Ba'athist Syria and Iran? Do the good goys of the US military play into that somehow?

That's fascinating, here I thought the SSNP was outlawed by the Ba'athist regime. I guess Bashar is full of surprises.

how are you this retarded to not understand
"THAS BULLSHIT OY VEY" What the fuck dude, you don't give a fuck about the war in the first place why are you trying to assert your feigned intellect over the whole thing? ISIS's claims IS large swaths of fucking desert.

youre stupid.
the only hope ISIS has left is the influx of fighters that the US is trying to get from iraq to syria.
raqqa is just a prize sitting to be taken, while dierezzor is a nut they cant crack.
most ISIS fighters will transit and merge with the other rebel groups.
and the only thing rebels are rellying on now is turkey and CIA (we will see how long theyll be spilling sphagetti over there after the new president).
the kurds are going to join assad in some places, try to stay independent (with wetsern support) in other places, tough the latter is futile with turkey doing what its doing.

syria is not as down the drain either, with terrorists being wiped out in aleppo, and the southern part of the country people can start to rebuild infrastructure.


Cant tar the Bashaar!

Islam is a Jewish sword.

took me a second to realize

The more they kill the better

Does anybody have a decent control map of Syria right now?

Cheeky bastard.

Depends on who you're talking to. Those who stuck to their guns and condemned at every turn ill devised schemes plotted by people so far removed from the American reality will be vindicated.

The America you see on TV and in the newspapers, maybe. Americans that have passports and travel are in my experience very good, trustworthy people.

I checked this guy's ID, he looks legit.


Hillary Clinton:

Going to war is sexist against women.

It is, I guess. They can't fight back.

Early israli Ambitions were quiet high and like every country they got some extremists who want a greater X.
I dont know about whether those groups have an actual influence though as the constant war in the region should have made the heebs more realistic about what they can and what they cant do.

They are occupying parts of druze lands in south syria now tho, so if they can they like to grab clay.
Also its known theyd like to balkanize their neighboors as this would be a reasonable way to make them less agressive and more stable.

besides the russians
all forces in syria that are not Assad's are in league with isis… or are isis. i'd say even the turkroach forces at this point might as well be isis because they are helping them logistically ans physically

More peaceful refugees for us.

natural gas pipeline into syria my dude. russian wants to secure energy interests. that is the entire reason they are fucking around in the middle east.

Early Israeli ambitions were quietehigh and like every country they have got some extremists who want a greater X.
I don't know about (?)if whether those groups have an actual influence, though, as the constant war in the region should have made the Hebrews more realistic about what they can and what they can't do.
They are occupying parts of Druze lands in south Syria now, though, so if they can they would like to grab clay.
Also it's known they'd like to balkanize their neighbors',' as this would be a reasonable way to make them less aggressive'' and more stable.


Its not my native language so I never proof read for shitposts.


Russia-Iran-Syria are irrelevant to the power of US. Both economically and military they are far superior. USA has enough power to completely obliterate syria in 2-3 days and leave little standing.

says the paper tiger every single time.

bruh imma need u to pump the brakes on this genius train.
bruh it say in the top right corner of every.single.page Perspective. Which is precisely what you need. Rand is not entirely correct about the on ground situation in Syria and that precise kind of intellectual laziness is what allows a country like (((best ally))) to start a few think tanks and ruin a much greater country. Please take think tank papers with a grain of salt, even though very few in power do.

What's really impressive is that they could have caused trouble for Assad in the new democratic elections, but instead decided to put all that on hold and support him 100% until the crisis ended.

Well, to be fair I believe having non Ba'ath political parties participate in elections was a recent concession in 2014 or something.

the US needs its population culled

IS is led by a mossad agent larping as a jihadi

From what I recall Assad has wanted to turn Syria into a multiparty state ever since he got in. But has been faced with the problem of how to do this while still preventing the Sunni from going full Sunni murder rampage on everyone else.

that map is good for territorial claims, but seems to be mostly propaganda with their event labels

funny that american efforts are going towards securing a pipeline half way around the world. I wonder (((who))) could benefit from such a thing?

Just say no to cunts in the military.

Havent the russians stopped boming aleppo since late october?

Jesus, this is a stupid war.

This. It sucks but it's the ultimate truth.

In Germany fighting age Arab and African men already outnumber fighting age Germans.

This conflict could cease in a matter of days. All of these people that you claim are the ruin of your country could return to their own countries and rebuild them, right now.

Why would they? Whites will provide them anything they could possibly want for co pletely free and without having to fire a single shot?

What the fuck did we do? Scare them with economic death? Weather warfare?

Why do you separate the people according to color? Is it not true that Christians of various denominations are being ethnically "cleansed" from their homelands? Is it not true that the Islamic State specifically targets the Yazidis for genocidal rape? Is it not true that the so called holy warriors of the Islamic State, much like the Islamic Revolutionary State of Iraq, fight so fiercely on account of our trespasses? Is this not the very same reasoning that accounts for the Israelis being so ruthless?

Are these things not true?

what are you even arguing here

These are rhetorical questions. I don't expect you or anyone else to answer them.

They had stopped all air operation, bu they restarted as soon as Hillary said she lost.
They have an entire fleet with a carrier with a packs of planes + attack helicopters, they also sent back their strategic bombers.

It's raining bombs and cruise missiles like it's Christmas and you're in mudslime occupied holylands.

But they don't strike inside the city (which is stupid anyway, save for very specific strong-points, rubble and ruins means infantry works without vehicle support, meaning you equalize the fight in favor of the rebellion) but it's a FFA everywhere else.
Also it looks like there are A LOT of "tourists" (like they did for Palmyra).

Ay yo hold up, did Ivan give my Rhodesians to Syrians?

what are you talking about?

i you mean the gun its an RPD.

is it aleppo or a leppo?


They want to defeat Al Qaeda and ISIS and generally be left alone. They don't even want independence, nor do they want Assad to leave.

If Al Qaeda and ISIS are defeated the west and the gulf states will have no remaining allies in Syria.

Wonder what Charles Martel would have thought about that.

New map

Size comparison of Aleppo to other rebel/ISIS held areas

good news, let them all burn

That means very little. It takes one good squad of white men to clean up the entire country.

We are not talking about other white people here, we're talking retard level illiterate subhuman scum levels.

They could be jacked up like Bane and 100 times the population, they still would lose.

How can Assad be alive after so many years of war? How does he get supplies into his army? How do his people survive? Does he import everything? Where are his farms? What does he eat?
How can he sustain himself in this conflict?



Can't Mossad the Assad. Syrian counter-intelligence is just as competent as Israeli death squads… else the Assads wouldn't have ruled for 50 years or so.

Russia does. They run the "Syrian Express", basically a big convoy with as much as 15 LST/LSD in the rotation from the black sea naval bases.

Most of the Syrian people live pretty much the same as before since most of the population left in Syria lives in government controlled areas.

Well it's a middle east country… so yes. But it's just business as usual.

Most of the arable area of Syria is at the frontier of Lebanon or by the sea, territory controlled by the government. 80% I 'd say.

Foie Gras and caviar I guess…
Well since he has the food, the sea access for what they usually imported, an open credit line to the biggest military surplus on the planet and most of the population of the country with him… why wouldn't he?

The question is more "why isn't he bankrupt", my guess is Iran and maybe Russia are making up for the lost oil rigs (it's national property, that's how the pay for stuff like everyone else in middle east) and pretend part of their oil is Syrian. Russia and China state banks are probably backing the currency.

Iran supplies Syria as well, they have been running constant C-130 flights since the beginning of the war

Iran has a fleet of Hercules planes?

The funny thing is, ISIS can't get proper AA to shoot those things down, since that would make life much harder for Israel when they would come in later and grab clays.

Must annoy the Israelis and Saudis to no fucking end.

Further Movement

Dubs confirm, Assad closing in on city center.

A single c-130 carries 20t of gear, a single Ropucha-class carries 500t, a single Alligator-class carries 1500t.

That's actually interesting, because the Russian Navy bought back a shitload of fairly old general cargo ships that were in civilian service in other countries to assemble a supply fleet on the cheap, instead of commissioning them, that way nobody can inspect them.


Well the other cities left are small compared into
It's over.

It's not that difficult really. To avoid Mossad that is.

Mossad has really really gone downhill this century. Their manpower just isn't what it used to be.
Some think it's because the Palestinians have been getting a lot more competent and as a result the Shin Bet has been getting first pick of all the new talent that crops up. Leaving Mossad with the retards, mongs and dregs in a potential manpower pool that is already tiny and poor quality because Jews avoid manual or dangerous labour.

Also saying most of the population is with him is strictly inaccurate.

The situation is more twitchy than that.
The Assyrian population is 100% behind him. And Syrias Assyrian population is a lot higher than people and indeed the Syrians themselves thought it was, as until this war a lot of the Assyrian population identified as Arabs. The war has obviously changed this.
But this is because the Assyrian population has very few Sunni muslims in it. It is primarily Shia, Shia sects, christians and secularists. The people the Syrian government is designed to protect from the Sunni majority.

The Syrian Sunni Arab majority is mostly ambivalent. They're not supporting either side outright. They will provide aid, money, etc to Sunni groups but if the government retakes control they'll not care too much either way. They're not inclined to pick a side too strongly.

This is why the FSA ceased to exist so quickly. The majority of the fighting is now against foreign Sunni militias who enjoy the lukewarm support of the Syrian Sunni Arabs. But not much in the way of commitment.

The kurd militia is fighting ISIS

If I recall old man Assad had truckloads of Syrian Pounds sitting in Moscow for the longest time, god only knows how much is sitting there.

I hope they plan to keep anyone fleeing that city within internment camps. Otherwise what's the point if all the fighters escape? Because I assume the US doesn't want to see all that down payment into rebel fighters get white phosphorized.