I have a problem. I'm fucking a yidlet sorry for race mixing but she's got amazing moneybags and she has a Holocaust fetish. Specifically, she wants to dress up as an Auschwitz sheriff and have me "punish" her while dressed as a SS guard. She's already made an outfit and everything (including a gold star and striped pajamas) and is really excited.
What I need help with is, where do I find an authentic-looking SS uniform?
Also what would you say to a Jew if you were a camp guard and you really wanted to punish them?
Sorry for sliding but I figured this would be as good a place as any to ask.
I'm taking away your pool privileges for a week my süß Judefrau.
Jacob Murphy
The only thing you can do is promise her it'll be anudda shoah x10, ovens, maybe a little zyklon b ;). Then when she shows up have TGSNT ready to go. It's best to either redpill her or stop being a fucking good goy.
Cameron Wood
Jokes aside, I'm thinking about something more degrading.
I thought people on Holla Forums liked to debase yids?
Bentley Martinez
Debase, yes. Fuck, no.
Bentley Richardson
fuck her in the shower, then on the oven
Juan Nelson
Get the fuck out of here
Anthony Foster
Checked and also
Lincoln Butler
Choke her to death and then make it look like autoerotic asphyxiation. Remember, all yids into the oven.
Parker Anderson
No more movie tickets for you until you clean up the guard, Esther.
Wyatt Phillips
pics or gtfo
Liam Bailey
Reminder that all children born to Kikesses are considered Kikes themselves according to Kike law.
Jack Brooks
Underrated post.
Sage for blogposting.
Carter Thompson
*guard tower
If Jews weren't working against us they'd be alright people.
Lucas Gutierrez
Get out your 25 cm of wood/masturbation machine/air pump.
Dylan Rivera
To be perfectly honest she'd be considered redpilled if she wasn't a Jew.
She hates nogs and really likes Jew jokes. Like, she laughs like crazy when I make jokes about Jews being greedy or say something in a stereotypically Jewish voice. And any time I joke about stuff like that, she always says "it's true, you know."
Like I said, she's got great tits, and she has just the right level of autism to where she's fun to be around.
Also, she's far more interested in being traditionally feminine than any white woman. She loves cooking for me.
Joseph Lewis
Hunter Cruz
Have you ever met a kike? To my eternal shame, I also dated one for a couple years. Took two years of Russian just so I could communicate with her grandparents in a rudimentary fashion. It ended exactly like any Holla Forumsack could have guessed it would - with me getting Jewed. Let that be a lesson to you OP.
Bentley Lee
You're going in the oven with her.
Daniel Anderson
die in a fire
Hunter Davis
But I'm a blond haired blue eyed Aryan with 100% European genetics.
Hudson Bennett
(check'd) This is so obviously a slide thread so sage, but you got dubs and it's pretty funny so here's what you need to do. 1. Make her do some Sylvia Plath roleplay and get her in the oven. 2. bash her head in and turn the heat up to 6 gorillion 3. kill yourself for being a filthy degenerate
Ted "Oven Man" Hughes is fucking based btw, got her wife to kill herself and got a literal ovendodger to kill herself by gassing herself in the oven. theguardian.com/books/2006/oct/19/biography.tedhughes also went on a date with a kike once, but she turned out to be a feminist communist
Jose Morris
At least sage your shitty thread when you comment, numbnuts.
Luis Harris
Landon Howard
Most of their bad behaviour might be caused from religious and cultural isolation but ethnic assimilation. I still believe some Jews could be redeemed ala Shylock.
Ayden Lewis
Blake Jackson
Daniel Moore
OP pay attention to this
You're gonna get jewed at some point and you know what they say: With jews you lose.
Julian White
You're also a race mixing traitor.
Charles Myers
Story time?
Owen Nguyen
But I haven't had kids yet.
Honestly I just like her because she's really nice, is actually feminine, and has massive tits.
Aaron Miller
Pics or gtfo
Ayden Morgan
In retrospect, I was as dumb as a sack of hammers. But I was all set to change colleges and move in with her, but she, like, 5 days before we were set to do it, got cold feet. I was so fucked in the head that I ended up skipping one of my finals in Uni (against all odds I was eventually allowed to take it with an automatic 10% dock) and drove from Orlando, FL to San Diego, CA in less than 48 hours. I also never took my scheduled flight or attempted to get a refund for my plane ticket - if I wasn't on a watchlist before that happened, I certainly was on one afterwards. I listened to the Live album "Throwing Copper" on repeat for the entire trip across country. I finally pulled off the highway and took a short nap when I hallucinated the street lights were burning my skin when I drove under them. Thank Kek I can look back on it now and laugh my ass off, but holy hell, I was a wreck.
Joseph Wood
Nathan Robinson
I'm not posting her pics on the Internet h8 machine, but she actually looks a bit like that chick who blew her arm off at that pipeline protest, just with less Jewish eyes, bigger tits, and without a fat gut.
Samuel Hill
That means nothing.
She's a Jew. She is not of your people, and cannot grant you anything but cummies - which makes your employing a depraved Jewess for cummies all the more degenerate. In point of fact, however, she's using you - she's getting you to play into her disgusting kike depravity, and you're willingly doing it, because
You're a disgusting individual, little better than a sodomite, and I would gladly feed you to hungry rats - and thus, let you die as you lived.
The saddest part? If you're fucking a Jewess, that means you couldn't find a decent White woman, which most assuredly DO exist in large quantity. You might as well be fucking a Korean or a Poo-in-Loo or a goat.
You're a traitor, you willingly carouse with the enemy for the sake of cummies and muh-dick. Disgusting tbh fam, truly disgusting.
Robert Bennett
OP is scum
Noah Bailey
How Jew is she? If she's a second degree mischling from an Ashkenazi grandparent, that's actually 85% White, just below Anglin's standard of 88% (Ashkenazi Jews start off are 40% White).
Many people who call themselves Jews today do so not because of any noticeable racial semitism but due to the very real benefits.
If she's more Jew than that, you wouldn't be doing her, right? Because you do want White children, and don't want to waste time on women who can't give you that, right?
But if you're too genetically defective, then go ahead.
Anthony Morris
Despite what you say, I have had white girlfriends in the past. I'll probably have more in the future. But it just so happens that the most appealing woman I saw at the time I was single was a Jew.
If anything, that says something about the overall quality of white women. And I don't know what sector of whiteopia you live in, but where I am every woman is a degenerate whore – especially white women. It just so happens that the least degenerate woman I saw was Jewish.
Again, that should say something about the precipitous decline in the quality of white women.