Japanese politics

Why does Holla Forums hail Shinzo Abe even though he wants the TPP back, has socialist economics, wants to import foreigners for work, and might have Japan take refugees. Is Japan really that bad where he's considered right-wing, are there no other contenders with a chance.

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Nips are incredibly xenophobic and nationalistic.

So were white people.

1. Holla Forums doesn't really give a shit about Abe tbh
2. Yeah he's the only one. There is no good alternative to cuckservatives in Japan right now. Thankfully the left is so incompetent that they have no chance to overpower the cuckservatives

Weren't the left literally murdered by samurai into non-existence in Japan?

Well, I want to be closer to my waifu. I'll bless them by not being a: chink, gook, sandnigger, negro.

Japan's immigration isn't like ours in the west. It's required that you know the language and be literate, whereas here you can come, work, and not even speak English. Japan's "immigration problem" is mostly other Asians.

Also a good question is does Japan import other Asians and educated white professionals or niggers, Muslims, and spics?

think japan's looking to import flip nurses


Not like they receive a lot of people at all but most of the ones that go there are the people nearest to them which is other Asians. The second biggest demographic would be westerners and there are virtually no niggers, Arabs, and Mexicans although you'll find anything in Tokyo I'm sure.

As someone working on emigrating to Japan and that has done some research, all they want from you is competence, youth, and a bachelor's degree…if you are willing to teach english.

Primarily other Asians, specifically Chinese, who are Japan's equivalent of Mexicans, because they come in and act as scab labor. From what I've been told by Japanese friends, foreigners aren't accepted if they don't assimilate. The only leniency they get is in writing and some grammar, but you still have to be competent in reading and writing.

This is what I've heard from people I know who immigrated to Japan, then moved back to the States.

Only tenuously related, but can anyone site some documents or examples for why the Japanese hate the gooks and chinks so much? Not that they shouldn't of course; I'm just curious to see how that ball started rolling.

From what I've been told, a combination of immigration problems, racial pride a good thing, and a long history of wars with Korea and being treated like shit by China.

I thought their manga was better then western comics?

Author of Baki had done shit like this before with other world figure. I do remember in the older chapter when bush was around he depicted as bumbling fool that had the cunning of a rat, Obama as a weak man that had a fascination with strong man, and this doesn't surprise me coming from the guy.

As for the art, well, I leave that up to you.

The author of that manga is an unabashed Japanese nationalist. The running gag here is that over-muscled Japanese martial-arts freak barges in, scares the shit out of them, and reminds each new president (Bush, Obama, and now Trump) that they're his bitch.

That is the most pathetic thing I have heard all day.
So is this ironic, or wish fulfillment on his part?

This isn't American cape comics; there doesn't have to be some ulterior moral lesson or social message or ironic winking or other meaningless deconstructive bullshit. It's just a plain old "Japan, fuck yeah!" gag, in a manga which is already full of over-the-top ridiculous shit for the hell of it.

Japan society is about to commit demographic seppuku due the total lack of bred.
I want to emigre to Japan, muhdicking cute nips and post it's pictures on 2ch with the Subject "how can ielou boi even compete?"

You're the type of degenerate trash I want to leave in the dust.

Nip cuckservatives are different than American ones, theirs actually give a lot of concessions to the ultra-nationalist part of the party for fear of getting pushed out completely.

From what I understand, flips aren't that bad as foreign workers. Unlike chinks and gooks, most flips actually fucking go back to flipland when their time is up.


Japanese humor is loud and absurdist, the author isn't serious, everything they do over there is different like genres. In America you have action, drama, mystery, horror, in Japan it's genres focused on story & character or specifics i.e. magical girl, slice of life. Within the genres come the demographics like shonen aimed at young boys, shows like Dragon Ball.

I'm also in the process of emigrating, didn't need to pass any kind of language or literacy test although I have every intention to become fluent, all they wanted from me was proof of ten years professional experience in the field in which I will be working.
From a life plan perspective, I haven't decided long term what I will actually do there, I'm tossing up between settling down with a european girl and starting a family, maintaining cordial relations and "integrating" to the extent that I respect local culture whilst maintaining my own, or the same with a Japanese girl, and integrating much more closely, seeing if a best of both worlds approach is really possible. Or lastly just taking it as a time limited expedition to accrue capital to settle down in some other nation when one appears, has a chance at remaining stable, and fits my standards.
I think I'll need to actually have long experience with the local people, culture and life to know which one is the right decision long term.

Japanese humor is literally repeating the same joke over and over again for centuries.

You can just call it 'slapstick'. It's pretty much all slapstick.

Each country that had been pozzed by globalism and marxism has their own fucked up shit. In the case of Japan it's the fact than most of them are laboral slaves. Also the jews are pushing the multiculutralism meme, but at least Japan seems to be inmune to it for now.

That's what I figured. Humorously, I've also heard that the original reason the yayoi people left china is because they refused to eat doggos.

Why does Holla Forums hail japs at all?

They hate you.

Jesus you are just as bad as the pakis. Go ahead and do business with a Japanese company if you want to experience their culture, even take a long-term vacation there, but don't move there. They want you in their country just as much as we want hordes of Arabs in ours.

The character's like the final boss of the series, every effort has been taken to make him seem as threatening as possible including having major world leaders be scared shitless of him.

Baki's great, despite the weird art. Give it a try sometime.

My culture and home has been so corrupted and cucked that it actually disgusts me to contribute to it in any way, I see its fall as not just inevitable, but already complete, and I will not be party to propping up the dead shell of it on life support. If it has a new awakening, that's a different story and why I specifically said I'd consider settling down in a western country if a suitable one actually arises in future, but right now, they're all bought, paid for and completely subverted, and I will not support that. The only parts of my culture I am interested in, I carry with me and find in my social circle, which is distributed all over the world.
Further, my primary motivation *is* economic, the job I have been offered there pays extremely well and it is in a field that I believe holds the best hope for fixing the state of the world today, LARPing has nothing to do with it.
And lastly on racemixing, I am unconvinced so far that with good genetics on both sides of the aisle the result must necessarily be a failure from a genetic perspective. That leaves it to a cultural question, which is something that I am confident my time in their land will provide the necessary window for judgement. I will adapt to the situation with which I am faced, be that taking a Japanese partner or another European, settling long term or moving on, only time will tell, from my life experiences there so far and extensive research, I am willing to give it a chance and expand my knowledge of the situation further.

Do you only grant respect and credit for those that will sufficiently prostrate themselves to you? I respect their culture, history and philosophy, and credit them for their achievements. I do not care if they do not do the same for mine, but it will factor into my weighing of the aforementioned options with regards to my long term prospects.

Abenomics = Keinesianism
Enjoy stagflation, nihon

The sincerely hate you, dumbfuck weeb and they ride on the coat tails of the white man all the way along.

I am happier to support people I respect that hate me, than I am to support people I do not that love me.

Do you even know about the Korean influence in Japanese media? From past and recent events we know the agenda that Korea is trying to push and what organizations truly control them. To say that Japan is the last "uncucked" country is simply not true. Also people like you are one of the main reasons that Europe is failing. If what you say about Europe already being dead is true, then why is there a resurgence of nationalistic political parties and the vote for Brexit? You are simply a defeatist who is abandoning your country at a time when it needs somewhat informed people like you the most.

So you want to contaminate Japan with your own values? As>>8394316 pointed out they hate people like you. You only serve to pollute their culture if you try to spread your values there.

I highly doubt that Japan is the only country that has an opening for your type of job. Admit that you are only moving there because of a romantic view of Japan. Don't worry, the Japanese have a similar romantic view of Europe, look at Paris syndrome. All you are doing by moving to Japan is putting a Japanese person out of a job, one who TRULY knows about their culture and is able to continue it through the generations. Like I said, you moving there will only serve to destroy their culture, something that according to you is a terrible thing.

I'm not even going to argue with you on this. You are so caught up in the fantasy about finding a pure Japanese wife that you ignore the facts on race-mixing and its effects on yourself as well as your children. If you truly valued your own culture then you would respect the Japanese race as well.

Why does this have to be in Japan? You can achieve this in any other European or "white" country. Once again you have proved to be a weeb LARPer who only believes what anime tells you about Japan. In case you didn't know, anime is a form of escapism from the reality of Japanese life.

As I said before, if you truly respected the Japanese people and their culture you wouldn't move there you dumb fuck.

It's obvious you are autistic based on your writing style, and obvious you're a failure with women based on wanting to move to Japan. Have fun creating a monster.

No shit he supports the TPP. The TPP is GOOD for a lot of the pacific island countries signing it, and BAD for the US.

There's nothing wrong with a nation trying to serve its own self interest, in fact, the US is doing well to try it by -not- signing TPP.

Imperial propaganda and similar disdain for the continentals as the British.
Plus I you go to an average Chinese city, you'll see why the perfectionist bushido Japan hates them.
The Chinese are also the kikes of Asia with Koreans becoming literal kikes soon.

I almost feel sorry for mixed kids. Their parents' degenerate fetishes created mongrel children with no sense of identity one way or the other, and often leads to suicidal depression.

Nowhere on the planet is perfect, there are only less bad options. Japan is presently at the intersection of least bad and has invited me, this makes it an obvious choice.
I am very familiar with many nations in Europe, and various other historically western places, having already tried to give them a chance. They failed, and miserably. Perhaps Japan will fail miserably too, but I am willing to give it the same chance.
I do not have any intention of trying to convert Japanese people to my values and culture, merely to preserve it myself. I still treasure western values like objectivity and reason, our art and science, even if the greater present west has abandoned them.
My field is so specialised that it is one of the rare incidences where it actually *is* unlikely that they would be able to find anyone locally to fill the role, and it is not just being filled internationally due to a lower wage. I am certainly not depressing the market for people of my skillset.
I do not have a "romantic" view of Japan, I view it as a place like any other, with advantages and disadvantages, that on present calculation I see a mutually beneficial opportunity to engage. Beyond that, time will tell.
Despite your hostility, I am genuinely interested to hear any facts that you can provide with regards to racemixing between upper side of the bell curve outliers from two races which have historically performed well by any measure I care about, that being primarily intellect and associated characteristics.
I have already made my own investigations into the topic, however information has been quite lacking as concerns on this front are largely not considered to be part of acceptable mainstream medical enquiry, so by all means if you can enlighten me, I will take it into account, and you may advance your agenda by doing so.
I also have no intention of destroying their culture, if I do partner with a Japanese woman I would expect her to be an actual Japanese woman, not a European woman in a Japanese woman suit.
I don't watch anime. When I say I have respect for their philosophy, culture and achievements, I mean from the perspective of an evaluation of their history, traditions and modern economic and scientific progress, not their modern popular culture, which frankly I don't feel like I understand very well. I do not see the appeal in anime.

For the record, that is my primary concern. I will be keenly watching how halfbreeds fit into society there, and if the answer is definitely poorly, that will be the end of my consideration of the idea.

As we all know…

I know halfbreed girls who seem to have turned out either okay, or a degenerate. Probably due to their degenerate father

Maybe if they live in Nipland, it'd be okay for halfbreed boys, but I've heard it's hell for them in the US.

I've sowed my wild oats well enough that I'm done with degeneracy.
I'm less concerned with the western side of the fence, because as I know from personal experience, for someone like me there is already nowhere that will feel like home. I have learned to accept that and move past it, but on the other side of the equation I understand that for normal people, belonging can be very important, which is why I want at least one half of the equation to have it as a possibility.

Hapa-user here. That video pretty much sums up how it is. A lot of us try to ignore it, pretend to be white when it suits us or asian when it suits us, but in the end we don't fit in with anybody and will never have a real sense of cohesion in any group. White people usually assume I'm asian/other minority but still feel comfortable enough to shit talk asians as much as they want. Asian people will just straight up reject me/us. I've known many hapa girls becoming degenerate but otherwise get by easy. Hapa boys usually get into drugs and usually have bouts of severe depression. There's tons of us on every military base in America.

I think for a kid it is extremely difficult to grow up in a household where you don't really look like either of your parents. You feel like an outsider in your own house, even if you don't come from a broken home. That fucks with you in ways that only us mongrels and adopted kids can know. I can't overstate just how shitty it is for a kid to grow up not being able to grow up/live with people that look like them. Please avoid it if you can.

If you looked at the guy's other videos you'd see he's one of those asian (or half-asian) SJWs who hates white men.

Every white man who marries asian has yellow fever and every white woman who marries asian man is a pure goddess who can do no wrong and yellow fever female weeaboos don't exist.

Then he complains about how all white men are racist how conservationism is evil, how marriage is evil, all whites are guilty of white privilege, etc.

Find a non-insane expat gf. I still consider it disrespectful ideologically to live in their land, but I wouldn't feel as guilty. I would feel more respectable and representable, an 'ambassador' of my culture with a white woman, verses a leech who failed with his own women in the case of having an asian wife. The cultural exchange of two proud peoples who are seen as seperate yet equal, is what cultural enrichment should mean.

So you mean hapas?


When you say Asian people will just straight up reject you, what exactly does that mean? Could you give an anecdotal example? Are both of your parents otherwise healthy / intelligent / wealthy / not self hating people? How is their individual fit with their respective cultures?
I appreciate your input and will certainly keep it in mind, thank you.

That's the other plan, which until this discussion I was equally open to, but in light of am leaning more towards.


What is your plan? Are you going to reproduce?

I see that some hapa men first try to identify with our cause and browse Holla Forums, but then end up doing a 180 and start hating white men and the west because they know they'll never quite fit in within our goals of a white ethnostate. It's good you haven't turned in this way.

A lot of hapa men end up moving to asia to retry life there. Of course you could always try finding a white woman, which apparently is a source of anguish for many hapas. If you're truly dedicated, you could have surrogate kids with white donor eggs. Asian genes look bred out by the 2nd generation.

I can certainly provide some anecdotes.

My mom never taught me Korean, so at that level I'm not able to really communicate with her or her side of the family on a deep level. My Korean relatives still talk to me as if I was a child, only because they don't have a firm grasp on English despite being in America for 30+ years. Not speaking the language means you miss out on a lot at social gatherings and might as well just be a potted plant. This translate to making friends and trying to get into social groups. Asian social cliques are very tight knit, so there's no way to really get in there as an outsider, especially a hapa who can't even speak the language. They treat me like any other whitey. If your kid does end up learning the language of his mother though there's a good chance he'll resent the white side of his family. He'll have a secret language and will be able to mingle in these groups but will still be considered the outsider. He'll secretly long for the racial homogeny that can be found in asian groups but are harder to find in european cliques, and in that way he will hate whiteys as the agents preventing his full cohesion.

My father is retired Air Force. Anti social alcoholic and currently unemployed. He doesn't talk to anyone, totally isolated from his family and refuses to talk to his brother and sister who have white families.
My mother is fairly healthy and social. She feels obligated to stick with my father despite his abusive tendancies. We all just want him to get his shit together but he's a big mess.

Yeah. I plan on having a family. At this point I understand that I'll never be able to provide my kid with a real sense of racial identity, but it's not like it's a death sentance. I respect european culture pretty deeply, but in the end I'm outside of that world. I want white people to be proud of themselves again and want to see a revival of their pride, but I do this as an outsider. I don't plan on going out of my way for donor eggs and stuff, which is expensive as hell. I'm pretty young, only 21, so i haven't really thought that far to be honest.

look up regression to the mean basically your children aren't just a hybrid of you and your superwaifu but actually a mean of the greater population on each side of the family. the effect is exacerbated with each generation

Just have kids with an Asian, and then hope your kids have kids with Asians as well and the problem will be fixed.

It sounds like you don't really want to be able to belong in Korean culture? I know you point out that your mother never taught you the language, but you could do this if you wanted to?
You seem to be more interested in finding belonging on the western side, but as you rightly observe, there is simply nothing really to be had there with the modern west the way that it is.
Sorry to hear about your father, I can relate somewhat, my father shared some of the same vices, it motivated me very strongly to never be like him in any way.


I am aware of regression to the mean, but from a two high quality pools, shouldn't that actually mean the result would be *better*? It may regress somewhat, but the mean is higher, so even granting that you're still going to get a better result statistically?

Reminder that asians are among the most racist creatures on the planet within their own kind. None of the adding up to much but China being a powerhouse of death elescators and dead children bypassed in the streets.

The sooner the rim of fire takes them out and a
The better. They can't even swim, much like niggers.

Nothing I can say will convince you of your own cognitive dissonance. I have pointed out various discrepancies in your own reasoning that you refuse to acknowledge. Like I said, what is stopping you from working with a Japanese company rather than for a Japanese company. Your desire to move to Japan bold is romanticized since you state that is is the only country that is salvageable. This is an incredibly limiting viewpoint and only supported by a idealistic view of the country.

In regards to your race-mixing comments I'll leave that up to you since you do not seem to value your own race and have not gone out of your way to search for facts because, if you had, you wouldn't even wonder why it is an issue.

My biggest problem with your viewpoint is this:

By partnering with an actual Japanese woman you are in fact polluting their culture with your own worldview. Because you were raised in a western environment you will never fully inculcate Japanese values into your own lifestyle. Because of this, your relationship will be inadvertently be a hybrid mix between western and Japanese cultures. This is a direct attack on the cultural homogeneity of Japan, something that you value highly. If you had any respect at all for the Japanese people and their culture then you, as a white European, would only partake in its culture from afar by appreciating it but not tainting it.

Ever single Japanese PM since the 90s has been involved in scandal after scandal, and yet the Japs keep voting for the LDP because "Muh Nationalism".

However, the only other real party are the Democrats, and they're a bunch of cucks.

I do like the Komeito party though. They're like the LDP, only actually more competent and not as corrupt.

Do please reference where I said that it was the only country that was salvageable. I distinctly remember making reference to the possibility that a western country may arise in future that I am willing to settle in. The only observation I made about the state of Japan now is that it is at the intersection of convenient and less disgusting than the alternatives. If you find that to be "romanticising" I can't imagine you do well with your romantic ventures.
I value my own race as I would value any piece of software that has a set of properties that I find valuable, which is effectively what it is, genetics are just a biological form of software. I am fond of my software, I am fond of other kinds of software also, and some not so much. I have no value for the mysticism that people resort to when they abandon objectivity to designate it as something more than that, or "spiritual" in some way.
I am all in favour of better software, and in the event that working with a different kind of software would have a disadvantageous result, I would on policy avoid doing so, even if I had no problem with that software personally, and quite liked it.
I was raised in an environment already so polluted that the values I have learned from my autodidactic classical western education were absolutely nowhere to be found, the values that I was raised with were largely lies, and I have discarded them.
To the extent that what you say about the impossibility of reconciling the two cultures without detriment to both is true, it will negatively influence my evaluation of the possibility.

Why even live?


Japan is 98% Japanese, but just 10 years ago the figure I always heard was 99% Japanese. Furthermore, all Japan-born citizens are considered as "Japanese," like Sweden there is no data collected on ethnicities, only foreign born nationals.

Japan will follow the way of the cuck (kukkushido) if the Western world doesn't make a comeback; for the last 150 years they have based their own system of governance on ours and the (((Liberal Democracy))) forced upon them by the US after WW2 will erode their natural conservatism just as it eroded the West.

Because Holla Forums is infested with weebs who think Japan is the greatest shit ever and can do no wrong.

They are also a dying race with a lack of genetic diversity. They could use a fresh injection of DNA but until the semite and nog problem is sorted we won't have the space or incentive to help bring the nips into a new golden era.

Look at what you wrote here stating that western society is unsalvageable. You also only mention Japan as a "less bad" option here . I consider it romanticizing Japan since it is the only country that you deem "salvageable".

Anyway, all I want you to be aware of is your own cognitive dissonance regarding your decision making process. You state that you are leaving your country due to the cultural decay and destruction of traditional values. The very fact that you, as a foreigner with a different cultural background, wish to live in Japan directly imposes a cultural change on that country that will inevitably change it. If you are a good goy globalist utilitarian (I assume you are due to your software analogy) then go ahead and move to Japan, but don't pretend like you care about culture and national hegemony.

With regards to what I wrote in , I specifically said "If it has a new awakening..". One does not make allowances for the possibility of new awakenings on something that is "unsalvageable", these are mutually exclusive designations.
So as I said, all I have said is that all of the western nations I have given a chance to have failed miserably, and I am now prepared to give Japan a chance. Nothing about the final unsalvageable defeat already having passed.
I think the source of your confusion is that I said "I see its fall as not just inevitable, but already complete". This is an observation of the state of society in those places presently, and I think a well supported one. It makes no statement about the necessary continuation of that state for all eternity, which "unsalvageable" would.
I left my country many years ago, and have since roamed the world for quite some time, at the time I had left, I did not even realise why I found my homeland so revolting, that came with time and the experience of a myriad of other cultures coupled with my personal studies on all of the things which came to light.
Japan decides what its culture is, as surely as all of the nations I have since experienced do. They have seen fit to invite me to their land in a mutually beneficial relationship, if this is "cultural decay and destruction of traditional values", it is indistinguishable from "cultural evolution and the adoption of new values", at which point the distinction becomes one of romanticism, rather than objectivity, which as we can both agree from our exchange is to be discarded.
I am not a "good goy globalist utilitarian" because I believe that the present globalists are not committed to an honest pursuit of the truth, merely their own self interest, and happily embrace their own superstitions and idiocy, in fact they largely operate by perversion of the truth and an empire of lies.
The greatest good for the greatest number has an obvious economic incentive implicit in the summary which immediately discounts the value of the idea on simple examination. The "greatest number" is the stinking, teeming horde of ignorant savages. I would see ten honest, intelligent people who pursue the truth with unbridled ferocity as more valuable than ten billion ignorant, idiotic savages who treat the same with hatred and fear.
To put it in what you might refer to as "racial terms", assuming you are a garden variety natsoc as most here are, I see the history of my race as a steady evolution towards pursuit of absolute truth. My people have grappled over the centuries with superstition and ignorance, and at times it has engulfed them, but always eventually they recognised it for what it was and threw it off.
Some forms of superstition and ignorance have appeared more benign than others, but they are all a perversion of a complete and unflinching commitment to pure objectivity.
Some forms have even masqueraded as part of the evolution towards the final goal, making seeing them for what they are and shrugging them off even more difficult and dangerous.
At the end of it all, and on extensive reflection, I have come to the conclusion that if a thing cannot be objectively justified without recourse to sentimentalism and other forms of human weakness or mystical relics of a simple biological process, it must eventually be discarded. I see this as the highest form of "racial consciousness", or what I would refer to as the software being finally complete.
It is my intent to live my life in pursuit of this goal.

In you directly contradict yourself by stating that your country cannot be saved ("I see its fall as not just inevitable, but already complete") but then immediately after propose the possibility that it can be recovered. Which is it?

If you actually believe that it can be recovered why would you not work towards its improvement? Assuming you do believe it can be recovered, why would you then leave your country and let other people fix it? I can only infer from your logic that you really don't care about your own country and culture. If you don't care about your own country and culture, why would you care about the culture and well-being of another country such as Japan? If Japan were to suddenly experience the same conditions that your home country experienced, who is to say that you would not leave Japan as well? You do not care about the longevity and well-being of a culture but rather the temporary effects that it can have; as soon as it goes sour you leave. This is the exact same mindset that those "savages" you criticize have; leaving their country due to change to move to a better one, eventually leaving it in ruin. By moving to Japan you yourself become the "cultural savage" and are treating the Japanese with hatred by imposing yourself and your foreign values on their culture.

Do you not see that by moving to Japan you are only committing yourself to a pursuit of your own self interest as well as your own superstition (using this term to describe your world view and mindset that you describe)?

What is the definition of your race?

If this truly is your purpose then why do you need to move to Japan to achieve this? There is no country that is free from what you denounce as the various forms of human weakness. If every country you have visited has failed you, don't you think that logically Japan will fail you as well? You can bring up as many positive aspects as you want about Japan and I can present an equal amount of negative aspects. There is no perfect country, this is something critical that you need to understand. If you believe that Japan will be the conduit to you transcending to a closer grasp to the truth, then you are simply romanticizing the country.

It is quite simple, to illustrate by analogy; If a city has been conquered, and the new ruler imposes a heavy tax in order to promote their culture and values at the expense of the old culture and values, and ruthlessly cracks down on any expression of the old culture and values, and you stay to pay the new tax, you are necessarily offering material support to the destruction of the old culture and promotion of the new. This is effectively what has happened with western civilisation.
To my view, the more likely resurgence of western cultural values is not the aforementioned conquered cities rising up, but those values striking out in completely new directions, which is what I have done with my life, and will always pursue the option available to me that is most in keeping with that goal.
I would care about the culture and well being of any country that happens to coincide with my values, and there is plenty of overlap when it comes to Japan.
If it sours or an option more in line with my goals opens to me, then yes. My goals are more important to me than romantic concepts.
I didn't ruin my homeland, so I cannot be said to have "left it in ruin". It was ruined around me, I just didn't want to contribute to the violation of its corpse.
I do not have any superstition that I am aware of, and if I was made aware of it, I would discard it.
My race is the rough distribution of the genetic haplogroups which constitute my genome.
I don't need to move to Japan to achieve it, I have achieved it for many years already. I simply go where my values lead me, and presently they lead me to Japan.
Yes, there is a decent chance that Japan will fail me as well, that still doesn't change the fact that it is the present sensible option given all the facts.
I have never claimed that Japan is a perfect country, and this seems to be something that you are getting continuously stuck on. Merely that it is the right choice for me right now, given my objectives and the state of reality.

Didn't Japan do this quite successfully with Flips? I heard they had thousands over to work in nursing positions among other jobs and they actually were forced to go back when their work was done?

Let's be honest: Japanese values these days are so ass backwards it's not even funny. Wonder why the work culture is so horrific? Blame Japanese values.

Japan needs to grow up, and if it takes some gaijin to kick them in the balls than so be it. Besides Japanese men are all cucks.

Abe is trying to uncuck japan; we might disagree with a lot of his policies in terms of our country, but he genuinely is trying to avert demographic disaster. Pic related, he's slowly trying to up the propaganda to avert years of pozzing at the hands of (((the usual suspects)))

Nice dubs, but that's a korean language billboard to the left.

This. I love Japan and I think german/nip halfu's are great, but this user pointed out the flaw in other user's thinking.

China probably hates Japan 100x more than Japan hates them. Remember a little thing called "The Rape of Nanking?" The Japs sure as hell try and pretend it never happened

Abe has done more damage economically to Japan than any other PM in Japans history. He is literally the worst PM Japan has ever had. Also don't forget that he's been cracking down on press freedom big time.

It's really tough to understand what nips think politically because they will never tell you their true feelings until you get them blackout drunk or they slip up

It's all about shame. Japs take shame almost religiously, so much so they'll gladly put up with widespread employee abuse in the workplace because they are afraid people will hate them.

Shame culture is literally a leech on Japanese society, and the Japs need to get that through their heads.

but my worldview is fine senpai

It would fuck their food quality so bad

Let's be honest user, your parents were shit, no sane parent would try to maintain links to an extremely racially, plus ethnically different group of people who refuse to assimilate to their partner's race and ethnicity. Let's not even go into the fact that those gooks shouldn't be here in the US if they refuse to assimilate, they should be in Korea since they want to act like Koreans so badly.

Race mixing should be avoided sure, but lets' not pretend it by itself is a death sentence, even you yourself begrudgingly admit this.

And just like the west the majority of the media in Japan is left wing as fuck so who cares.

I'll focus on my main argument since this thread is bumplocked

My argument is that by moving to Japan and expressing the possibility that you would marry a Japanese woman you are in fact contributing to the altering of their culture, something that you explicitly state as a reason for which you are moving away from your home country/any western country as seen here:

It doesn't matter if you believe it is a positive change, you are still changing their culture and promoting a new one as you state here:

You cannot claim that you value culture in general and then move to Japan. Accept the fact that by moving to Japan you impose a cultural change on their country that strays from their native culture. It is your decision on whether this is an ethical act to do, but don't go around pretending that you care about culture if your actions directly modify it. I'm trying to get you to see the cognitive dissonance in your logic and decision making process. Either you care about culture or you don't. If you care about culture, then you wouldn't move to Japan. If you don't, go ahead and move to Japan, but don't base your reasoning off of your "admiration" for its culture, because by moving there you express an implicit hatred for its culture.

Culture is speaking the same language, eating the same foods, having the same mannerisms, and accepting the fact that the land's natives are what's best for the land. In essence for a foreigner to assimilate into ANY country at not a superficial level, but culturally, he has to throw away his old traditions, perspectives on life as well as heritage and adopt his host's sets of beliefs. So yes, this means that an English man moving to Germany, Poland etc. is a cultural invader if he's not willing to throw away his heritage.

Sadly most people are too full of themselves to do this and always emigrate to other countries as cultural invaders. Which is why immigration no matter what the race is dangerous for a nation's ethnic and cultural make up.

PS and no, racially no one can ever assimilate, so don't imply such retarded shit on me, only his grandchildren can, duh.

All along I have agreed with this point, and would remind you that I had predicated my decisions on if they would be damaging to the local culture or not.
If I believe on first hand experience that I can remain true to both the things that I value in Western culture, and Japanese culture, then it is an option. Otherwise, it is not. None of that has anything to do with the core plan of simply accepting a mutually beneficial and well compensated position which happens to coincide with my goals for life, which is the core reason that I am going, not LARPing as you originally assumed and I corrected many times.

To elaborate further on this, I can make a very clear case as to why something that I value in Western culture is incompatible with Islamic culture, for example. Islamic culture completely denies the primacy of empiricism and scientific fact, instead claiming that everything is a result of the desires of their superstitious idol. This is an obvious point of conflict between the two cultures which cannot be resolved without doing injury to either one of them.

So you're planning to go to their land thinking you're their equal? That's not respecting the local culture very much. Not just that but if you don't treat the natives as superior your kid won't stick around with you in Jap-land. He will go "back" to wherever you come from thinking he/she might be missing out on something.

You must assimilate or it will seed destruction into your brood, if you refuse to assimilate into them you will only be wasting time and effort.

But not for Japan, seriously lurk more.

Professionally speaking I have to lead a team that consists of many Japanese people, so if I can't at least see myself as equal to them it's going to be a pretty pointless venture.
I do not believe in "equality" of the kind to which you are referring anyway, fundamentally people are all different. When it comes to relations with other people when I first meet them I treat them as best I can, and then after that I treat them exactly as they have treated me.
If a person proves to be superior to me in some area, I acknowledge that reality and respect their prowess. If the inverse, I do the same, and expect the same.
I will happily assimilate for as long as I am resident there at the superficial level, I will eat their food, speak, read and write their language, and participate in expected social rituals. If I find on examination that their culture is compatible with my personal values, I may assimilate entirely. And the only way I would consider starting a family with a Japanese woman is if I was willing to do that.
Otherwise, I'll just do my time, pursue the mutually beneficial objectives of the role, accrue capital for myself, and move on.

as an aside, im a white female, and i like (some) half korean/japanese half white men.
its all about the right (white) balance.
ill probably end up with a japanese guy tho.
the reason i like asian men is because there's a sense of masculinity/chivalry that seems to be lost by white men. feminism has made them weak cucks lmfao.
japanese guys are shy sure, but in the dating setting, theyre very masculine.

Didn't say you shouldn't be competitive in the work place, I'm talking about your role in society. Then again Japs sometimes like to mix work with common society. Which is why some Japs let their bosses push them around into retarded social situations during after-work areas.

Never have I said we're equal at all, even between ethnicities there's distinct differences that goes beyond accents, language, and food, or culture so to speak.

Okay, then that sounds reasonable, don't do what many idiots do and refuse to assimilate and then steal a woman away from her native grounds. Or worse, they stay in the native woman's country but try to push their culture and norms on the people. It doesn't matter what race or ethnicity you are that's fucking repulsive and fucking annoying.

Sinzo Abe will make waifu real