Is there a good way to animate something if you can't draw without resorting to the shitty cal arts look? I am terrible at drawing and I looked at 3d programs but they also seem complicated a expensive. I hust want to dick around and maybe make something.
Is there a good way to animate something if you can't draw without resorting to the shitty cal arts look...
Learn how to draw.
No effort, no merit.
I'm sorry user, but unless you sit your ass down and put some effort into getting good at something you're not going to get anywhere much at all. 3D animation isn't much easier to learn than drawing, either.
I figure I could use other people's models and rig them myself.
Well if you're going that way then just use Source Filmmaker like everyone else.
And if that's still too much effort for you then there's always 3D Movie Maker!
try Go animate if you want credit with no effort
Animation is the act of making the illusion of movement via a series of images. Anyone can manage this, but whether it's good looking and convincing or not is the real question. Just get the job done and do what you must to convey the motion. Also, learn to draw fag
A good way to start would be not using /a/ pictures to begin a thread on Holla Forums.
Blender is free. Also, drawing is not hard as long as you keep going and don't give up after churning out crap the first eight to ten times.
Hell, even 3D modelling is not that hard. Sure, it looks hard, but once you get the hang of meshes, you start progressing much harder.
*much faster.
Learn to model, rig models, then record results.
Aside from 3D and drawn animation, you can always try stop motion. Starting up using clay or playdoh to make models should be easy enough, but it's laborious too.
But /a/ pics on Holla Forums are easier to draw attention to than calarts potato waifubait pics.
It sounds like you're looking for a program which lets you jerkily animate souless waifuesque mannequins: MMD.
After years and years of practice, lets say 15, the only thing I learned was to copy the shit that was on the books.
I cant comprehend how people can draw something they haven't seen yet.
Start by not making threads on Holla Forums with /a/ pics in the OP.
Even if that's the case you should still be fine. Draw from life, not books. If you've ever seen a picture our painting of an artist's studio (especially painters) there are usually all kinds of weird objects strewn around. That's because they use them as models in their art. There are plenty of serious artists who draw or paint pretty much exclusively from models of one kind or another.
What's with all the /a/ posting lately?
Self-improvement is a meme. If you're not born with at least modicum of talent you're fucked. There are so many people who are amazing with no practice whatsoever. It's all to do with the inherent ability to picture things in your head and being able to reproduce them, don't have them or you never will.
People never draw something they haven't seen.
Constructive anatomy, nigga
0/10, apply yourself