The Bolivar is currently experiencing an inflation rate of 2.5% PER HOUR. This means that in the course of 40 hours, the money's value is cut in half. The rate is also accelerating.

Other urls found in this thread:

not real socialism

Stupid fucking Mexicomies

Oh those socialists, at it again.


And you know what comes next!

Too bad Venezuela is full of shitskins, because otherwise they could have their own Hitler rise from this.

always 1 murder away from paradise

Communism is action.

Maybe they'll go back to their roots and start eating each other next

Why won't these spics revolt? They've eaten all the stray dogs and cats and are resorting to cannibalism now. But they still do nothing about it.

Is this what's going to happen to us? If spics won't revolt after being forced to dead bodies, will whites every fucking stand up for themselves? That's what depresses me the most about Venezuela.

forced to eat

And what did they manage to accomplish? What artifacts will remain from socialist Venezuela?

venezuela is zimbabwe now


That means the Fed will be audited and shut down? Sounds awesome!

I didnt post that image, sperglord

You answered your own question, they're spics. They have an average IQ at about 15-20 points lower than Whites.

Ah fuck. Meant it for

Should I buy some when it hits rock bottom in case they receive some kind of foreign economic stimulus and it recovers?

Buy the equivalent to one dollar in bolivares

I'm personally going to buy some large denomination physical notes for memorabilia's sake. Zimbabwean notes now fetch a few bucks on online marketplaces.

Currently about 3700 on the black market. Note that the max denomination right now is 100.

venezuala has a currency?

Gun control and bullet control. So yeah, you have a very short way of seeing this. The same scenario played in Nicaragua when the commies took over, mass starvation happened, protest happen, they got crush, revolution became an option and weapons, training and man were giving by neighboring Honduras with the help of CIA and bloody war happened. No, shit will happen it take time and trust me a bloody revolution is brewing.

We haven't heard from our Venezuelan bro, I hope he's okay.

I'm interested in all the spooky shit going down as we speak. Can't let any anti-West Chavezs reappear.

This. It's being organized just as quickly as the bolivar is inflating.

Yes, and a lot of it as a matter of fact.


Do it for memorabilia. Just starch reminder of what promises of equality can get you.

How did they even manage to fuck up this badly

If no one will check that ID, then I will take it upon myself.

They saw their economy collapsing and said "I know what will fix it! Double the minimum wage!"

Nice ID quads.

Simple, anyone from the school of marxism has poor grasp of logistics and money management.'

Also, really dub checking ID, holy fuck.

The entire economy relied on the nationalized oil production under Chavez. Saudi Arabia's war on the US's oil independence with shale and fracking wells, and now with Iran since it's sanctions have been lifted.

have caused oil prices to fall*

This has also had the cascading effect of no electricity. They've just been buying it from neighboring countries with their oil money. No electricity means no production.

Why they didn't just build oil power plants I have no idea.

Chavez's leadership ended at nationalization tl;dr being

*as long as oil is $100+ a barrel

her family must be pretty loaded and well-connected. Common folk usually aren't allowed to leave the worker's paradise because they'd never come back.

Also I don't know the specifics, but he made a bunch of full retard financial decisions in his military, like buying F-16s for a few hundred million rather than like building some dams or a school of economics.

Well that would require to be in good terms with a nation that has the technology that would allow to refine their tar oil into actual fuel. So, russia is out the picture, the saudis don't like competition, and the US wasn't too excited to see chavez in power.


Yes, because we're white and not spics. We revolted well before it got to that point actually, and elected Trump. Watch as Europe follows suit.

Only after you've given up all your power to the corrupt capitalist state will right-wing capitalists realize they need to work with you. Although, by the time that happens, it will be too late.

Yeah, yeah, Trump won and Shillary won't start WW3 to the dismay of some fan of the highly proclaim and controversial WW2. I do remember talks of, if Hillary win(stole) the election there going to be a second american revolution because of gun grabbing and some other shit. Now I am hearing about red revolution coming to the US lead by White college hipsters with their pet monkey, care to clarify this?

Liberals and gays are buying guns apparently, but these guys dont know the very first thing about revolution. I was actually looking forward to seeing the rise and fall of a new Weather Underground. But there are just too few true blue bolsheviks. With a wimper, not a bang.

Don't worry, she will go back. They're all going back.

the question is whether she and her family will be getting executed by the new regime I hope so. Anyone complicit with this kikery has to burn

that bottom left pic is fake

So is there anyway a normal person can take advantage of this collapse? Anything like certain goods or services that normally would be too expensive to have becoming viable for the average person?

Should I invest in helicopters?

Anyone with the brains to build a power plant had the brains to escape.

No outside investors will build one because they know it will just be nationalized the second it is done.

And the skilled people who built and managed all the existing infrastructure and production got replaced by clueless party members.


Everything having to do with the black market, especially at the moment.

Surely they could hire outside contractors for $200k a year, right?

Old memes never die… they just lie in trays in government offices waiting for reactivation.

Son, that quads ID.

Sure. But how do I, as somebody who doesn't normally operate on the blackmarket, profit off the situation? I was thinking of legal means.

I know smuggling food and TP into that shithole is a gold mine, but I don't want to be eaten alive.

200,000 what a year? Would you go work for their monopoly money? And put up with all the danger and shitty conditions?

And how do you import materials when no one outside will accept your money?

Whats left of the whole auto "industry" turns out just 10 cars a day. GM, Ford, Fiat, etc all used to build cars there for over 65 years. All gone now. How do you manufacture heavy machinery and turbine parts when you cant even make a shitty Ford Escort ripoff anymore?

Their economy was fine (for a shithole central American country) before the price of oil collapsed.

You don't get rich selling TP to people who have no fucking money.

Its like what happened to all those internet companies like Google and FB who where talking about bringing the Internet to the "vast untapped market" in Africa. Ya lots of people but they make like $15 a month.

first you use my TP, then I use your clean anus.

I wasn't going to "sell" it. I would be more interested in trading it. The question is, what could they have that I don't? I was thinking of emeralds or gem stones or weapons.

The last part is a joke ATF. pls no bully

probably could get those, but you have to go fast, Sonic.
the best you can get for TP is child prostitution.

Son, that quads ID.>>8391788
Nice ID + dubs.

Crap, I keep clicking on the wrong thing. Meant for:

Also: Just use a bidet. You can get cheap manual ones. Basically all they do is squirt (clean) water on you. It's way cheaper than toilet paper.


And yet you have lots of whites praising communism.

It won't recover. They would either create a new currency or resort to dollars/euro.


t. Soros

This, plus they tried to fuck Russia over with low oil prices. Venezuela is the collateral damage.

So what happens when a country completely fails and collapses? I am hoping that millions of retard socialist and commie fucks that supported them leave and/or starve. Maybe what is reborn will be a nicer place without those idiots.

back in the day you would see the nearby nations take over
nowadays all we see is a system change

well they were pretty loaded until this morning, then their wealth was cut in half.

so coke is going to become really cheap?

probably not by much, there are too many middle men that will scoop up the price drop. There will probably be more coke available though.
My best guess.

toppest of keks

A week or two of televised unrest in the streets, a bit of hand wringing from foreign powers, new puppet installed, new worthless fiat currency issued, the Goy begin to be sucked dry again thinking its all different this time.

same same.

There's a frog outside your window in full disdain of your newness

Smuggling is usually for products small, easy to hide and valuable; drugs, precious metals, jewellery. You would be better off importing TP legally and asking for black market payment in precious metal and jewellery and then leaving the country with your metal. the hard part is staying alive dealing with the black market and not getting robbed.

Its quads
quads in 6 digits of hex rather than dubs in 7 digits of decimal, much more rare. 1/4000 vs 1/10

OP here, the Bolivar has lost $57 against the USD since I went to bed last night, or a total of 1.5%.
Also, if anyone can speak spic, this is one of the few websites covering it in detail:

I'm not going to defend this shithole, because this can't be defended but this is simply not true.

the cannibalism you heard about is problem about the prisoners who were forced to eat two other inmates, this was done by the pran(chief thug if you want) and he's prett ymuch an exception and not a rule as he was fucking palced in prison for eating people about 20 years ago, they call him the comegente(personeater). There's plenty enough to talk about all the shit going on venezuela without needing to resort to make shit up

Notice how even today oil prices are still higher than in the 1990s, before the socialists took over.

Venezuelan economy was fine then, but they can't even feed themselves these days, while enjoying higher oil prices.

You will make a fortune in toilet paper.

Nah he won't, hes white so I showed him how to apply for Refugee status

And another $242 the past few hours, or 6.5%. Compared to yesterday morning, $506 or 14.5%.

Venezuela has announced regulation of social media. Might explain Venezuela user's absence.

Hey have the issued hyper-inflation bank notes yet? I want some if so.

They have refused to issue any denominations larger than 100 Bolivars. The official exchange rate is still 10:1 to the USD. They're pretty much completely denying any problem.

Sounds about right.

How do you plan to get your hands on the banknotes? If it’s going to be used as toilet roll then I figure I may as well buy a few currency bricks, waste not want not. Wish I had managed to get my hands on more Zimbabwean notes before the value took off.

I knew a bunch of venezuelans from the west side of the country. As a spaghetti user, it really got me hard that they were all blonde and spoke english, spanish, and spaghetti. Most of them were rich too. Apparently a lot of italians went there during ww2. I honestly wouldn't mind a wife from that region, qt as fuck.

it wasn't 'fine' but it was a heck lot better than it currently is. also, during a strike around 2003(give or take one year) chavez fired around 20 thousands of pdvsa(the oil company) workers,. I think at the time pdvsa had less than 50 thousand workers, now it has around 140 thousands and has a tinier oil production than it had at the time. They fired skilled people and placed shit people in their positions, not only there are at least 3 times more workers but the oil production fell

you buy when there's blood on the streets and sell when there are trumpets. if there's hope the situation might change you are to buy land, homes, establishments to sell later when the economy rebounds. You are delusional if you think people will trade gem stones for toilet paper, at large most people have toilet paper, they aren't pre-colonia native american levels of naive, and most people don't fucking have gem stones, this isn't el dorado, most people who have ores are exploiting it illegally with the sole intention of selling it, they aren't retards

today during uni some group tried to smuggle a truck to loot to uni for an hour, but police stopped them.

please stop using $, either use bsf or vef. Also, at least in 4chan the absence of venezuelan user was because moot decided to ban the whole ip range from the most used isp from the country, the one the government nationalized(fun fact, it used to be partially owned by verizon). Regarding government blocking chans, that's highly unlikely, and as far as I know all their bans are dns deep, and you shouldn't want to use their shitty dns servers to begin with, to access sites like dolartoday and infodio you just need to change your dns

the highest denomination bill isn't enough to buy a single egg. I heard that starting next week the ATMs will be carrying the new notes. the 2bsf bill and I think every coin beside the 1bsf one(and maybe that too) will be phased out, I am actually holding to them because they are more valuable and going to the bank to get that meager shit on my bank account

Thanks for the insight.
What do you think will be the result of all this?

knowing them the new bills won't replace current bills but will just be tacked on the current supply, so more liquidity and even more inflation. maduro's slogan while he was running was "eficiencia o nada" this might be why they don't do anything good

oh yeah, might as well talk about merida's cable car that was recently reopened to the public, it was closed in 2008 for "18 months" for maintainance, it went through 5 tourism ministers and finally opened 8 years later, costing 500 million dollars, vietnam made a 4.5km cable car from 0 and it costed them slightly under 20 million dollars

What would happen if trump were to fly in gold in military jets?

this is how fucking stupid lolbergtardians are

You would watch rats fighting for food

Costa Rica reporting in, right next door to Nicaragua. The Commie dictator Daniel Ortega from the 80s is about to return to power again.

So far they've been denying entry to the nigger refugees trying to walk to America for welfare and White women, but who knows how long that'll last once their economy goes tits up. Those faggots had better not let their Commie bullshit spill over here.

We don't even have a fucking army.

People from countries like that who are wealthy enough to send their kids to American schools are also wealthy enough to properly protect their assets and well connected enough to know something bad was going to happen before the average peasant. I wouldn't worry about it.

But it won't be fun for her rich bitch ass when she lands back into the country in her Adidas sneakers and Marc Jacobs purse, that's for sure.

Praise Kek


Serious question, does capitalism work in small scale? Like if they were distributed $1m dollars in gold coins, could the economy still function at that tiny level?

No. Venezuela is Haiti tier fucked up. Socialist and overpopulated. The population is largely genetic trash to boot.

You're right the coins if made of metal will have more metal value that paper during hyperinflation. Even if made from a non valuable metal (or plastic) coins will have collectors value long term. Long term is about 5-10 years though so that wont help you in the short term. The highest denomination Zimbabwe (2008) dollar note was the 100 trillion dollar note, and now they trade at about 90 USD if in circulated/ very good condition, purely for collectors value.

Some anons (like myself) collect Zimbabwe hyperinflation money to prove to normies that:

1) hyperinflation is real and something that still happens.
2) fiat currency is a scam waiting to fail and take your wealth away.

On this matter, Varg made some videos.
Don't expect an economic analysis, it's an philosophical and ideological one.
(There's already one embed)



Doesn't that mean you can drop like $100, get $35000 VZD and wait like 4 years for it to rebound and make a cool profit?

That's hilarious!

topkek m8, one side of our politics is filled with poor brainwashed socialist and the other one is full of college kiddies that "protest" by taking selfies dabbing on the streets

Fuck no. There have been hundreds if not thousands of fiat currencies in human existence and every single one of them has eventually failed. Fiat currency is always replaced by something else, never healed. These notes are worthless or will be worthless barring collectors value as mentioned by anons.

Just sit back and watch the Venezuelan socialism implode

I take it you don't have any pre Iraq invasion money in your safe.

a big mountain of Vuvuzela, and when the wind blows you can hear a forlorn "BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRPPPPHHHHHH"

it has been months if not years since the coin started being more expensive to make than its nominal value. months ago, before the $/bsf had reached 1000, the material alone costed about 10bsf per coin. In fact, you don't see new coins in circulation since a while ago, and even though they suppsoedly minted like 80 million coins last year I and no one I know in different industries saw them rolling, my take is that they were made by the government, they we bought by the government for its nominal value and then sold somewhere else.

it is VEF, and it is more likely it will eventually morph into something else, if the economy gets better the most stable things you can own are land and real state.

oh yeah, some looters tried yesterday and today to smuggle a truck into uni to, well, loot it, yesterday they were repelled by the police but it seems today they were able to get one in, fortunately it was empty


What's the current status homos?

4285 bsf per dollar

maybe if I was a nigger

looks like OPEP will reduce daily oil barrel production by 1.2 millions starting next year, so oil will see some rise venezuela is getting basically kicked out of MERCOSUR, as the government has continued to refuse adopting the legal framework form the organization, so they'll be losing voting rights

The 1 Bolivar coin , this would have some metal value as it made of Copper, nickel (center) and brass. You can be sure these were melted down for profits.

what is EBT?

That's the oil curse. Most countries that have a lot of oil do not develop the rest of the industry. Why should they, when they can get in the oil business and make easy money? Then whenever a crisis hits it's always the same: they go broke despite sitting on a fortune. Venezuela also has a lot of bullshit welfare they passed when they could pay for it, and no politician will get rid of because the people would crucify anyone who dared. Gas there is almost free (I think they're still the cheapest in the world), so people buy gas there to sell elsewhere for a big profit in illegal cash, which of course helps create more crime. Stores also have price controls, which causes them to have almost no products. They also make it very hard to acquire foreign currency (to not worsen theirs), but that made companies (who are allowed to acquire it) produce less since they use part of their currency quota to play the market instead of buying materials to produce something. Venezuela is the land of unintended consequences.

803333 is a great ID dude. Not only for the sick repeating quats, but without the corruption of letters. You a newfag pretending to be an oldfag?

Right now it's around 5k bolivares per dollar, that's graphic's old (Relatively, around 3~4 days old.) It's projected to keep raising until who knows when, just like in good old Weimar.


Yeah but what can you buy with 3700 bolivars? Is it similar to COP where 1500 will get you a good cup of coffee in the big city?
And keep in mind, this was a month ago when the bolivar was several times stronger than it is now. A cup of coffee probably now runs like 5000, though that's just a guess.


Thanks. Looking at the Bolivar is currently valued at 68% of COP, and (Cúcuta is a Venezuelan border town where most of the commerce between the two countries takes place) has it at 83%.

You guys aren't shitheads, so I put it straight: Here is hard to live but is not THAT hard when international media tells, investigate and you will find out. also I will delete this post in 15 or less minutes just in case why? because the shitty mindset of /ve/ that if you not praise Dolartoday you are worse than the Jews

Tell me about presidente bcy, why does he wear his glasses on his forehead?

So how accurate is Dolartoday? Do you expect the situation to stabilize? Are there any ulterior motives to the international media saying its all over?


Accurate as a nigger ass don't get me wrong BCV is shit as well, on the long run like 5 or 10 years maybe, A left country what you expect?

They lower the glasses a tenth of an inch each month, so Venezuelans will have to deal with it.

Right now Venezuela is unable to export anything except oil, all fields of oil are in government control so all the foreign currency that enters the country is in the hand of, you guess it, the government.

It is the government that supplies both, the legal and the black market and thus they fix the exchange rate to whatever they want.

The Venezuelan government control and owns Dolartoday. Of course, Venezuelan sheep will tell you this is not true to what I respond: lurk moar.

Why is the government crashing the economy with no survivors? To accelerate what they call Socialism: to make everyone without exception depend on them for everything, from food to condoms. The government already predicted this and they are pretty sure there won't be an uprising.

Without foreign intervention Venezuela is doomed.

Praise kek.

to boot the current government destroyed what little we produced so we have to import much more now. One of the few things we are sitll exporting beside oil is cacao.

Also, yesterday I reported that nothing was looted, but, in fact, they attempted to loot at both morning and afternoon and in the afternoon they hauled some black beans

government only got a hold on dolartoday recently, they dropped the lawsuit they had against them and for a couple of months the value remained virtually unchanged at ~1000bsf/$ even with a fucking minimum wage rise. I do think the government is manipulating the dollar price but directly by changing offer, they move the most dollars so if they stop selling the cost will obviously rise.

Right now the minimum wage is 90 thousand bsf, from this only around 24k is "hard" money, the rest is our equivalent of food stamps. If you wanted to buy a car tire right now it would be fifty thousand bsf if not more, the economy is fucked.

so here are some facts:
- the bsf/$ rate was forced to be left unchanged for several months even through a minimum wage rise(and a second one this november).
-the recall referendum was shot down, which was the last democratic resource we had to kick out the bus driver early and call for new presidential elections.
-PDVSA didn't pay its investors in full, in fact, from ~540 million dollars it had to pay it owed them 400 million dollars at the end.
-the government is currently starving the dolar market to make it rise in price.
-the RRR(reserve requirement ratio) was lowered in the name of, wait for it, urban agriculture, so instead of fucking working the massive lands they nationalized they are going to invest in urban agriculture, genius, this also increased the amount of bills currently circulating.

I don't know what's the end game the government is seeking by increasing even more the value of black market dollar, specially so close to christmass when people normally congregate and share meals, this is the time in which people would share big meals making all this disaster all the more apparent, maybe I'm trying to find too much reason into this and they just want more money, or they are feeling cocky now that the opec agreed to lower oil production to increase the price of the barrel

Nice ID, but u see currency is a spock lel

currently 4600bsf per dollar. I wonder how far up it will go, and then how far down it will go after reaching the top. I feel compelled to try to sell a couple of phones I currently have in the hopes the price will at least go down with opec's decision of lowering oil barrel production

I had heard minorities were buying up guns, but we don't need to be worried.

If you start seeing more minorities at your local range taking sporting and accuracy more seriously, then we should be worried.

But while they are limp-wristed cucks of many shades of brown that think that a gun is a shooty thing that makes people go away when they sweep their aim, we'll be safe.

for the second consecutive day the dollar dropped in price, yesterday it was 4500 today it is 4400. this might not be because we reached the limit, but because bank transfers and basically everything that had to do with online banking have been fucked so people can't move money properly

Good luck bro.

This is due to US currency manipulations.

That fat fuck "beauty queen" should be blowing Trump. He probably got her the exposure she needed for the visa. Were she still there, doubt she'd have any issues "losing weight" now.

Ironically, although the country is reported as experiencing food shortages and currency collapse, the photos of the residents show a still stocky, basically overweight population, so it's not a starvation situation, according to the international images we see.

Hey anons, how would I go about buying a stack of Bolivars? I'm under no delusions it will recover, I just want a souvenir.

The real suckers and losers are the venezuelan noggs who will now go through a civil war like syria's or yugoslavia's

Bitch ass rich cucks like moore will simply play dumb and continue to enjoy the benefits of being wealthy and living in a first world country while the noggs down in venezuela resort to cannibalism to feed

The cuck-drones that listen to whatever moore, penn and the guardian has to say wont even remember this, let alone care enough to help those noggs since doing so would be admitting they were wrong

When venezuela finally goes into a complete shitstorms the same liberal cucks that wrote that clickbait about chavez will write new clickbait about how its all murrica's fault and get more money and relevance from the clicks

And the cycle begins anew

you can buy from me, user!
although I don't have many that are already out of circulation(like 2 and 5bsf bills

also, for those too lazy to check, the black market dollar keeps going down, it is 4100 currently. I remain skeptical about an oil recover just from opec reducing oil production because they only make ~43% of the world's oil and fracking is a game changer

also, if anyone is interested I know of someone who is selling a two story house in maturin, monaga's capital, for 130k$

I find it fascinating how you can see the castration of Glass-Steagal in 1998 on all charts, regardless of what is shows.
Deregulating investment banking is a big no-no.

oy vey don't die

You can eat it, drink it, let it dissolve under your tounge, vape it, absorb it into your skin with a patch.

Ha no thanks I want to light it on fire and inhale it till I choke, stinking up my house and clothes and inhaling a bunch of nasty chemicals instead

Does anyone think
the media would flip after claiming EGGMAN is new Leader of alt right Wolf Blitzer epecially


….my sweet prince :(

Thank god social security is going to die

You mean jasmine tea right?

No, I meant to burn the place down since it's his property he can do with it as he chooses… Once all the people are out of the hotel of course…

You're saying that as if it doesn't sound delicious.

There I go again

Das Neet.


No but kingworldnews is shit


aka commie commies


should be burnt along with all the other commies in the world

A lot of Americans would obviously go "I'd revolt" but they don't realize they're population is much larger than Venezuela and are extremely passionate about freedom of expression. It's not so easy for Venezuela though. According to the video, a stable government is either a democracy like the US that depends on compromise from different branches and have a lot of resources to keep it stable, or a full on dictatorship which controls everything and provide security at least until it gradually stagnates like Venezuela here. In between are dictatorships that don't have a lot of total control because of infighting or the size of resources that can easily topple from revolts or democracies that don't satisfy other branches and dwindling resources so they can easily fall to dictatorships that promises at least security in exchange for total control. For the former, if Venezuela citizens are capable of revolting against the government, it's not always assured that the revolution will be led by a benevolent leader concerned for his or her countrymen. That leader could just become the next dictator except worse. However, dictatorships are shown to return to democracy peacefully because the dictators knew they're resources aren't enough to keep stab-ability so they're willing to compromise to prevent a shitstorm and are willing to give back power little by little for compromise. So really, it's a pretty tricky thing in going from a dictatorship to a democracy and vice versa.


Where's the problem?
Where's the problem?
Where's the problem?
Where's the problem?
Where's the problem?
There's the problem.
Yeah fuck them. The problem gets solved by disallowing muslims in your country.

no it isn't real socialism
iirc, its communism, even worse

Mitch Mitchelson can't catch a break


What Ukraine is to the US, Venezuela is to Russia: Keys in geopolitical strategy. Right now, crashing the petrodollar spoilerwith no survivorsspoiler is what EVERYONE wants.

See, the US needs it to crash in a controlled manner; Peak oil is gone and it's not coming back. I'm sure Goldman Sachs has some crypto planned to replace it, who cares, most of us know this is coming and so do they.

Russia/BRICs also wants the petrodollar to crash, though in a way that the US can't control and is thus a hindrance, an inflicted economic wound.

And the end is the same, more or less, but some shit just came to the forefront.

Have you heard of peak nitrogen? You know, fertilizer, the reason we can feed as many shitskins as we do? There's some interesting things happening, things that don't seem to add up.
It's small because we're talking about a sector of the nitrogen industry, not the entire motherfucker, but this is important

Nice spoilers


This folks is why it is perfectly fine to kill all communists.

interior minister is saying usa is funding ongs to smuggle 100bsf bills out of the country, this eren't shred or burnt because they will be paid1$ for every bill after the government falls, so now they are giving 72 to recall every fucking 100bsf bill(about 50% of the bills in circulation). they also closed the border with colombia to make it so smugglers can't bring them in(which would alsoa ffect people who was there legally but are from here). they say the bills are being washed to make fake dollars.


USA is paying ongs to take bills out and pay after the government is voerthrown, but these bills are also being used to make fake dollars so USa is funding an operation that is falsifying dollars…
even tough they are falsifying dollars they close the borders so they aren't brought in even though any dollar they can falsify would be at the tiniest side carry 38x times the worth of our bill so if they were falsifying dollars with them they would have no fucking reason to fucking bring them back in

That's why I stockpile ammo :) Such a thing as scarcity.


So, is it still going up? Martial law in effect yet? Riots? Is it

It's to do with whether government is doing it or not

You are too stupid to understand

No, but this just in:

You gotta turn in all 100 memebolivar bills, nevermind the ones from smaller denominations.

Forgot to archive.

Just curious, is there anyway I can take advantage of this and get myself big, unwieldly stacks of worthless Venezuela shekels so I can do dumb hood rat stuff with my friends with them.

Holla Forums forgot to take down their Hugo Chavez banner, they can't use that excuse. It's the same thing every time: Praise, then collapse, then "not muh real socialism"


there have been generalized looting due to the lack of new bills so people have no cash to pay for shit

Monkey here. Venezuela has closed it's border with us and Maduro has probaly fled to Cuba as people are sacking everything because lol no paper left to print hyperinflated money. The socialist militias are not handling the situation very well and are not controlling shit.

There will be either civil war or a revolution soon.

not for long

Nice ID

Redpill me on how to make money off of this? What to invest in?

color me surprised.

Funny how socialism and communism always fail,
and ends up killing millions.

Chile and Peru are also shitskinned and yet they are being very successful. That's socialism's fault.

And God wiling Brazil will soon also get rid of it's (((leftist))) elite and become a superpower by 2050.

the existence of oil wealth magnifies a shitskins laziness - or rather, enables it.

nigger law #4109: "if i can have free money without working, ill take it."

socialism was the inevitable path for venezuela.

I see you have an excellent anthropological sense, retard. Peru is full of Amerindian manlet natives but despite that is improving every year in every aspect.

Being Amerindian-European or Amerindian isn't the same as being a nigger, you twat.

Well, the mass looting was done by, you guessed it, paramilitary mafias that were pissed because the Goverment made them lose money and they took it on the citizens.

Also, there's talk of the big plan here. The big plan of the Goverment is the plan that Hugo Chavez, the Cubans and the Chinks designed: Completely obliterate the economy and the citizens, Mao-style, in order to establish a Chink Slave Colony, aka a "Special Economic Zone".

The Dems and the Neocons knew this, so they are openly complicit, together with our "opposition" parties (cucks and traitors, but I repeat myself) that signed up in order to have a piece of the pie. This fucker:

Just came in last month to order the oppo to tell the people to stand down so that the Goverment could fuck them again, which they did. Because they want "peace" aka the suckers should shut the fuck up and become chink slaves to get the resources for cheap iPhones.

Which is why the ascendance of the God-Emperor is one of the best things that has happened to this country.


BREAKING NEWS! bus driver-made-president, nicolas maduro, claims that the new bills haven't arrived because…you guessed it: "international sabotage"

It's Weimar not Wiemar you dumb Amerikaner.

The jews are brewing a perfect shitstorm.
WW3, Zika, Ice Age, economic collapse, general degeneracy.

I'm gonna be so fucking glad when Venezuela falls apart and socialists get BTFO once again. looks like the government mortgaged CITGO to the russian in secret. digging a deeper hole for the country. rip me

venezcuck BTFO