The Alt-Right, The Other Alt-Right, And The Rise Of The Alt-Left

Ok first a fair warning, a lot of rage material in here but it is also a good read and used as a warning, they are still way off about the "alt-right" but much closer then before. They still think Milo is relevant and that most of us don't really care about politics but they understand our methods. More importantly they discuss the emerging Alt-Left which is likely, imo, to be more of a threat then the SJW, as they will try to copy what we did.

In this case, it’s the fact that there are two Alt-Rights—and that distinguishing between them is critical to defeating them.
The first Alt-Right, routinely lampooned by South Park, comprises, plain and simple, various breeds of under-educated bigots: a multi-faceted gaggle that hates blacks, Jews, feminists, liberals, globalization, and Hispanic and Muslim immigration, to name just a few of the bogeymen ethno-nationalists have been ginning up fear and loathing about online and off for decades.
The second Alt-Right is incensed by all the same groups, but targets them primarily “for the lulz.”

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Forgot sources

"Alt right" was never our movement you fucking idiot

It started as a label to try and pinpoint us by the jewish owned media.

Then, when they saw that nobody is filling the vacant seat the jews from kikebart jumped on opportunity to earn some cash from street cred.

They diffused the blatant anti semitic and racist shit pinpointed on us (explicitly the chans) which is kinda good but also they diverted the "movement".

Its a kikes game, the "alt right" was never meant for the goy. We work better in the shadows.

I still have no idea what this means. What we did at our core is be pro-white and anti-globalist. The left tried memeing just as hard as we did and likely had a much larger crowdsource to pull from, yet still fell completely flat.

how will the "alt-left" change the current zeitgeist at all? these people just don't get it.

Careful guys the Alt-Left has South Park fags as their leaders.

Begun, the meme wars have.

This doesn't exist, nobody has yet been able to point out its constituents to me since the term started being used. "Alt" doesn't refer to a specific doctrine of political philosophy, it's a word meant to indicate an alternative position to that of the mainstream Republican party in lieu of an actual nationalist American political party outside the GOP.

Are you implying that Richard Spencer has always been controlled opposition? Because Richard Spencer started the Alt Right a few years ago, before Holla Forums existed.


You can't meme an Alt-Left because the Left has already infiltrated all sub-genres and fringe cultures (including fringe and the esoteric homosexuals like TRS and Milo and Donovan)

There is no where from them to Alt to.

Was trolling leftypol the other day. They're spooked as fuck by offensive words. alt-left can't and won't ever exist in other way than the current SJWs.

I think they will try laying everything in layers of Irony and stop taking their movement so seriously even though they do take it seriously, the other reason we won is because we are funny.

Finally something we can agree on (((Seth)))

This is just embarrassing…but they are getting close to what Kek is

He is right the following is important.

Except the bit about
This is pretty interesting.

The strength of propaganda is truth.
Thats what makes it strike true and ring inside you uncomfortably.
Most leftist propaganda is anti-nature and anti-truth.


You mean SJWs who drop the safe spaces and equality act are honest about wanting to control everyone under communist totalitarian rule and collectivism?

The """alt-left""" is an attempt by ass-devastated leftists to seem super serious and angry. "No more Mr. Nice guy!" they pout as they continue to do the exact same xenophilic bullshit and fall to their knees in worship of the very authorities they claim to despise.

The thing is, there can't be an "alt left" because the left is already at the absolute fucking peak of its extremism, to the point where even moderate lefties have hardcore communist beliefs. Being "alternative" implies being somewhat rebellious and underground, and the left can't exactly rebel against itself in its current state. The leftist establishment already goes out of its way to try and appease the extremists in their ranks, but the right wing establishment doesn't.

Richard spencer?
That dumb faggot?

He allowed 2 kikes and a pornstar on his "conference", had a spergy dumb talk and what happened?

Listen, alt right would be nothing without us. Even Spencer knows that and admitted that they need to use memes to start propagate their ideas further. So clearly, he is following us, not the other way around.

He is like that little butch kraut kiddo in candy shop.

You seriously put a trigger warning at the beginning of your little manifesto? WTF man.

They are starting to correct their mistakes, THIS is what the alt-left wants to become.


There is no rise of the alt-left, Holla Forums, stop bringing up this forced meme. You've had a go in the noughties and you fucked up. Either join our hordes or move to the side.

The problem the left is going to have is that their reliance on shitskins adversely affects their ability to continue appealing to whites. So long as we show that niggers are out for niggers only, mudshits are out for mudshits only, beaners are out for beaners only, how are they going to win over young white males who no longer enjoy the benefits of a majority white society?

>For instance, white politicians can—thankfully—be shamed into pushing for body cameras for all police officers

That part pissed me off. I don't disagree that police should have body cameras but the fact that then have no qualms about using shame just irks me.

Ohhhhh looks who wants the white man's help again.

I can tell you, from personal experience, that leftists think white males are an irrelevant anomaly that can be ignored without much threat to their goals. Every leftist I know either celebrates the "inevitable extinction" of white people, or is entirely accepting of it as a casualty on the path to True Diversity™. They are under the impression that white people will continue to just bend over and take it until they are wiped out through either demographic displacement or actual race war.

They truly do not give a soggy shit about "appealing to whites", in the same way a homeowner doesn't give a shit about "appealing to mice". They see us as a pest to be exterminated.

This is concentrated cancer.

Slide Tread

Say Joffrey, those peasants are really raising the rabble now, aren't they?
Well Atticus I know the solution
Do tell good chum.
Well, we just declare to them that they are uneducated and stupid, and therefore we should choose for them, it always works with the negroes after all
Hahaha, what a splendid idea Joffrey, say, should we raise tuition on our "schools" again?

Class warfare when? Liberal scum at the top need to die right along side the jews. OOSHTBHFAM, bullets. It's what I want for Christmas.

Well what ever our movement is that label has been thrust upon us for good or ill, I'd rather we were seen as just the Right or as Nationalists but we aren't.

Seems like they are basically saying they will get rid of idpol and stop hating on the white man but still 'fight for equality' seems like a pipe dream to me but if they do it we could have a much stronger left.

Doesn't exist yet, but they are forming that much is obvious.

The left and normies don't know that, if there is one thing the left excels at its playing the victim and underdog while actually being in the authoritative position.

There are different truths and how you present the truth and what you leave out is important.

I hope you are correct.

shit I guess I did, it makes it hard to read and take seriously but I think it should be read, it lays out their game plan and its the most comprehensive I've seen.


Point our how things were before and how the influx of shitskins is directly correlated to their decrease in living standards. Show them how it affects them.

This. So sickening.

You're vastly overthinking this. There are but two groups; those that care about truth and demonstrable fact, and those that don't. That is all. That is all there has ever been. The truth will always win out over lies, user. We are currently standing on the precipice of an age where truth smashes the lies into dust. That is all that needs to be held in consciousness and we will be victorious. The kikes have exploited their tactics threadbare. It cannot go on that way anymore. We are now in the era of righteous vengeance. Persevere and taste victory. It will not be an easy one.

cmon m8 knock that shit off

In Harry Potter terms we're pure blooded Slytherins and the left is all Hufflepuffs. The traitorous right are Gryffindors. Also the Jews are Goblins in this scenario.

Voldemort did nothing wrong


This pedantic shit is painful to read. I can't tell if leftists write like this because they are autistic or because their readers want to feel smart. Probably both.

The left is trying to learn I guess, or at least to steal our style. They can match us with only 2% of the organic support because everything is rigged in their favor.
Link related is the left's attempt at being relevant on Plebbit in order to get ((Martin Schulz)) into the Chancellorship of Germany.


I predict that these types of things, bought and paid for by them, will become a nuisance as we go forward. Using shills and manipulation and connections and lies they can make themselves look vibrant and enticing to normies.

It's called White Nationalism. It has always been called white nationalism. It's the same thing that Hitler, Rockwell, and Pierce espoused. Using twitter and making stupid frog memes doesn't mean it's some new philosophy.

These dinguses call themselves Alt-Right then they whine when RamZPaul, Cernovich and Milo Faggolopolous "hijack" their movement. Well, if you'd accurately labelled yourself from the start, then you wouldn't have this problem, now, would you?

Maybe TRS will finally take itself seriously in 2017 and stop using all of these stupid in-jokes.

They're using the new coke strategy. It will be the same shit, just a bit more whiny.

Why did you waste everyone's time posting this?

This I mean just read his article. A bunch of air about nothing. He says the alt-let will be "meta-modernism" What? Like doing politcs for irony? They have lost their marbles and have lost all contact with reality.

Poorly defined.

Critical theorist.


Poorly defined critical-theory deconstruction.


It was all just a joke haha xD! White allies are welcome! xDD

so boiling down all that academic speak…

he is basically saying the left needs to actually argue in good faith, listening and making compromises to advance their goals instead of being superior little shits and shutting down dissenting conversations with accusations of racism, sexism blah blah blah.


the Irony is that he implies that this will somehow sway more people to the left when we know that in open discussion we win hands down. This is the reason they have tried so hard to shut us up and it is the reason we are winning.

so I say bring on the 'alt left', come debate us and prepare for a wild fucking ride.

So it's going to fail miserably either in a bunker surrounded by white women being gang raped or in a shitty four bedroom house surrounded by complete irrelevance?

If it's not race realist, ethnonationalist, speaks to the JQ, and pro-white, then it's not really right-wing.


Kill yourself.

So incorrect, they're the same groups, the people doing it for the lulz are also genuinely racist, but the left cannot accept that educated, intelligent, witty people could possibly really reject their bullshit anti-white or raceblind bullshit. It's like the left cannot conceive of the fact that people seriously believe in things but also joke about those things and make sport of pushing hyperbolic but essentially genuine memes at easily triggered opponents.



This is why we need purism spiraling. We're radical white supremacists, not "ethno national race realists" or whatever faggot shit the aut-right is calling themselves

Also, there is no Alt-Left, every part of the left is supported by the mainstream and in support of the status quo. I mean, the South Park creators who have their works distributed by multi-trillion dollar corporate media conglomerates are "alt"? In what sense are they alternative? None whatsoever.


Are you gernan? I have read a few of the comments there and I can assure you, this is the most pathetic and cringeworthy stuff I've ever seen in my whole life. I have no words for this.


I didn't imply that at all you, fucking kike, they kept alive the cause and refined it as others have as the times progressed. Now I'm certain you're a fucking heeb with how adamant you are in shitting on the veterans.


The problem with white supremacism is whites hate other whites to much for it to ever catch on.

How is that a bad thing? Does the writer implicitly accepts that he himself believes in dogma?

There's only one explanation for why this could possibly be, we're simply better than shitskins. Its nice of them to acknowledge our domination.

You do realize that us screaming "We're not AltRight" will have as much effect as GaymerGayte screaming "We're not Nazis!"?

I know, it's delicious watching them trip over themselves trying to recapture working class whites. The MSM articles are laughably transparent.
As if these jews weren't shitting all over working class whites for the entire election when they thought they didn't need them. The hypocrisy almost mind-boggling.

You mean liberals? Yeah, but we need both 14/88 and race realists. The more extreme groups remind them what will happen if they don't concede some ground.

Another irrelevant Huffington post article failing once again at DnCing American civic nationalists. Any article with the inclusion of 'post truth' and 'metamodern' ought to find its way into the trash bin.
Spend 200k on our humanities program goy. Wouldn't want to be labeled ignorant now would you?

The enemy has been identified on the chans for nearly a decade, there is no stopping the final moves of anons now.

He is so fucking late to the party, but at least he got this part right.

For every article like this there's three others talking about working class whites are racists holding back the country that deserve to lose their jobs.

White nationalism started with the ancient white Greeks who believed everybody but them were filthy, uncouth barbarians.

I'd rather be prepared all the same.

Who is Ravenclaw?

I don't even have a problem with WN 1.0. Just don't claim it as anything but a failed attempt, and don't shit on every movement and thought that doesn't follow it's (complete failure) playbook step by step.

They got closer to accomplishing anything than you ever will with your little faggot circlejerk.

You mean a handful of lolbergs who do an entertainment podcast with their gay friend?

It's an easy way to differentiate the wise and the educated. Educated fools use a lot of words to say nothing. Wise men say exactly what they mean in a few words.

Contrast Lycurgus' speech with Freud's. Laconic vs. glib. Substance vs. fluff. Heroic vs. coward. White vs. Jew.

To answer your question, though, the author has to feign intelligence because he's talking about the philosophical subtleties of a fucking cartoon. SouthPark is a rehash of The Daily Show with a couple fart jokes.

Many of us are supporters NSDAP

You're missing the point too. Gamergate distanced themsevles from the right to be more mainstream and politically correct. I think we should farther to the right than just alt-right, we need to be ironmarch boots-on-the-ground types.

"Alt-right" is a cucky term for libertarian fence sitters who don't admire the third Reich

That's an obvious lie, you slimy kike, the aut-right isn't the end all be all of "pro-white" movements, and they honestly deserve a lot of the shit they get around these parts for a lot of their bullshit PR nonsense and "purity spiraling" nonsense.

Ramzkike pls go

What the fuck do you even have to show for it besides ripping off memes from Holla Forums ?

Please don't do this . . .

To be fair Ironmarch don't harbor faggots like TRS


Pic related


Exactly, we need to constantly push towards the right as hard as possible, and "muh PR" hurts that. PR is the enemy. We can take over the culture not by winning acceptance from minorites but instead by silencing them

Muh anecdotal evidence

Clearly not, namefag trs cancer


You do know the people who ultimately gave Trump the win were white people over in swing states, many of whom don't really have as big an issue with immigration as say the southwest, right? You do also know the actual reason they went for Trump was because they (the white working class) were being ignored. Believe me, it would be nice to think they all voted for removing shitskins in mind but i'm not going to delude myself like you have evidently, they voted for jobs, that's it.

Again? What do you have to fucking show for it besides stealing our content?

I have plenty more to say, keep at it.

Who wants to bet the "violent alt-right nart-zees" meme was created and spread by a marxist think tank to justify "alt-left" violence. It is striking, however, that even with media manipulation and goading that there haven't been RWDS style violence in the fashion of BLM.
**I mean, those niggers are straight up spoiled brats. Paid for and let loose with no rules and allowed to run amok at the weakest provocation
I suppose self control, harnessing discontent and anger to a productive force, and working to change the aspects of society that you disagree with are just "white people things".**

Even if no large groups of angry white people, that are so talked about yet so absent, took the bait and smashed shit up spraypainting swassticklers everywhere. Leftist idiots would smash shit up and spraypaint crooked ass swassticklers everywhere anyway. It's their plan B if they can't win, they'll agitate.

The altright meme was dropped to lay the foundation for altleft agitation. My opinion. I think the proof is in the pudding. These attention whore "faces" that are trying to defend the noble altright cause and claiming the label are either idiots or enemy agents. Effectively they'd be the same thing. Huddling under the tent and infighting over rules gives the enemy a target and weaknesses to expose. Those nerds can fuss and fight over labels and team names while the big boys get work done. It just seems like an idiot filter. Ideally a master manipulator could just pit the two against each other to cancel out the effect and get work done.
Unfortunately, citizens pay the cost of leftist violence and that is the only language they speak. If Trump lets the police do their job it ought to dry up agitation right quick.

Fucking go die in the stables kike

Alright, I've been hearing about this alt-left for a solid week now, have they done anything? Sounds like smoke and ass to me.

We aren't you fucking faggot and never will be alt of anything, "alt" implies separation from the rest of society.
We are society
And we are Right

they're just flailing around, let them label themselves all they want, we'll just point out their cancer

Care to translate a few for us burgers?

Dubs checked. Holla Forums needs to keep it's eye on the ball. We're the amorphous fringe manipulating the Right all the way to the center, but at no point should we trick ourselves into believing that normalfag whites (even the most furious and resentful towards leftists) are in any way prepared to accept a WN society.

The bonds of white/european kinship have always been frail and delicate. You'd be surprised how many people in historical white societies, that Holla Forums admires, were basically passive suckers just like modern normalfags.

a term the antifa commies are trying to create because antifa is now known to be total pozzed talking bollocks cowardly sniveling ass cancer to even the most bog standard normie

This, we need to be normalizing our extremity. The more swazis and NSDAP-tier shit the normies see, the more they accept our presence in society. PR cucking just weakens the presence of extremity. Extremity must be everywhere, always. We need to make ourselves ubiquitous




Jesus fucking Christ, I love my deutschbros, but so many of them are cringeworthy autists. especially the leftists.

No user, don't be a sperg. RFR is how we need to act irl unless you have other repilled friends and even then always keep your true opinions hidden and safe. Unless you know you can absolutely trust your fellow redpilled never give your enemies ammo


Wew. The "alt-left" is going to fail miserably.

MILO Spirit Cooking

Isn't Oberstein supposed to be the autistic one?

So you're saying that when Trump was in the fly over states doing rally after rally, people weren't screaming in hysterical fashion to build the fucking wall? Are you implying that by the end of his campaign people weren't chanting it already by the time they could sense him moving towards it? You're telling me right now that the auditoriums didn't shake with the answer to who was paying for said wall?


I'm a burger. I couldn't understand the comments but the pictures were already pretty cringeworthy. The thing is they are using bots to upvote these posts into the top pages of plebbit. If it's as bad as you say maybe it's not a big deal. I just know that ((Schulz)) would be such a huge disaster that I don't want this to gain any traction.

Sick ass quads confirmed. Hang the traitorous Oberstein. What a coincidence, it's like they were trying to tell us so-

Media forcing this meme. There is no "alt-left." They are the same leftist faggots as always.

“Get involved on the most local level you can and offer generously. Your degree of humbleness and willingness to do menial tasks and uncredited behind-the-scenes work should increase in proportion to your privilege and your safety and your history of involvement in organizing….take that backseat, offer a share of your resources to help organizers and activists travel and stay sheltered, protect and stand with communities you are not from, but do not take up space. Humbleness is what fuels a courageous fight that does not center you as savior.”

Holy shit, these people are basket cases. Its literally "all animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others."


But yeah, the media should keep pushing this. They are seriously implying that the democrats aren't sjw enough and need to double down. It's great that they misunderstand the situation so thoroughly. Very good for us.

I said most people in those swing states didn't see that as a top priority when voting, i never denied Trump had supporters who very much did care for that issue in particular and i don't find it shocking that the people who went to Trump rallies would be there energetic and ready to chant phrases like that, still, most people did not and i stand by that. Trump won states Republicans had not won since the 80s, so to think most white working voters weren't looking to vote Trump primarily out of disgust from being fucked over by NAFTA and the looming TPP but because of immigrants many of them have yet to really experience the full wrath of as opposed to those down south, is just fucking delusional on your part and that other faggot

No, you're just naive, lurk more

"alt-right" e-celebs wore the MAGA gear for one reason.

With link.
This is an important concept to understand because it is frequently employed by enemies posing as friends.

Wow man you really convinced me. Hell I might even go donate to my local Holocaust remembrance society!

I suppose it is fitting that the white ,ales place in the left as merely as a source of gibs.

the alt-right is people who are white nationalists, anyone to the left of this claiming to be alt-right should be treated as a liar

its basically

How about you fellate a shotgun instead?

no one here even knows what the alt right is faggot

It does, but it claims that it can't be criticizing for this because doing so means you are trying to make them more left-wing.

Ironmarch is and has always been mostly non-whites LARPing as Aryans and then using their perch of edgier than thou to criticize actual white people about elements of their tribe and elevate muh right-wing principles above actual ethnic loyalty as this gives a fracture point and a wedge issue to insert outre members into the group.

Ironmarch used to shill their bullshit on /new/ about how fascism was about a 'spiritual race' and how biological races were discredited and how National Socialism wasn't absolutist and accepted mischlinge into their cohort and a "righteous" Jew being more worthy than a degenerate gentile (as if either is wanted and the existence of the latter mandates the presence of the former).

Race-blind Jew-friendly "nationalism" pushed by a bunch of literal nigger-Jews is worse than faggotry and neither is mutually exclusive with the other.

Our role needs to be as mythmakers and pushing the boundaries of metapolitics which are things that can be done anonymously. Artists first, activists second.

Not to say we don't need real-life activism as well, but SJWs and the New Left radicals of the 60s didn't come from pure will in the 1st generation. They were the product of a cultural zeitgeist which we must overturn.

No, the normalfag is not yet ready but we are preparing him.

We need a full spectrum assault, so as to build bridges from normalfag to the 14 words. Unfortunately the Alt-Lite cucks aren't going to do that so we should probably avail ourselves in infiltrating their circles, grabbing some of their audience and basically astroturfing Nazi Sympathizer sympathizer personas in social media to spread a mild message for skittish normalfags playing footsie with the far right but penning apologia for "scandals" which has cucks like Sargon, Cernovich et al running for the hills and furiously disavowing.

Eh, you have a point that The Wall isn't the only issue for Rust Belt voters but you are wrong about not being afflicted with immigration. I was just parsing data with someone earlier today and there is basically no frontier line for immigration. Mestizos are everywhere having been distributed across the country rather inorganically to diversify communities. The government did more than just leave the borders open. Populous rust belt areas where there is work are probably 10-25% mestizo which is true of everywhere in America. That's why people estimate 50m+ mestizos rather than the much smaller official number of ~11m.

the alt-right is people who are white nationalists, anyone to the left of this claiming to be alt-right should be treated as a liar

SJWs are the Alt-Left, you retard.

The left's already blown its entire load, and deep down inside they know it. Labeling was their ultimate, perfected weapon, and now its power has been permanently neutralized. The spell has been broken. That's why they're freaking out so much and making up every goddamn random label they can, in the desperate hope that some shit sticks.
In contrast, the right is just getting started.

Of course it is not the only issue, i never said it was, i mentioned that in the post but i'd say it is THE prevailing issue for those white working class voters who ultimately gave Trump his victory hence why i mentioned NAFTA which was especially devastating to those swing states in particular) and the fear of TPP being the finishing blow.

Anyone that continues to adopt this bullshit label rather than the traditional white nationalist label or civic nationalist label, deserves death.

Agreed, but shit like that takes time, and only if we subvert

No, that's just the Right.

There are people in the Alt-Right that say that WNs aren't wrong about anything in terms of their worldview, histiography, et cetera but that none the less think WN isn't practical politics so should be abandoned tactically so as to engage the political process. I don't know if you would call those people WNs. Seem they are more fellow travelers. Although it's certainly true that the Alt-Right was steeped in race realism and the JQ from Day 1. These libertarians and civic "nationalists" are people who latched onto the movement in 2015 probably because of Milo's misrepresentations.

If i wasn't clear by "it" i meant jobs not the wall

i've always treated altright a normalfag friendly White Nationalism

I know that they unintentionally suffer from special snowflake syndrome, as their (((masters))) have intended it You don't need a gold star and a pat on the back in order to want to save your own race

the only people who I have spoke to who have called themselves alt right are people who believe that the USA should be as white as possible.

The tactic is different, I guess, where alt-right tries to be the friendly version of white nationalism, but i think they are fine to have. it is better that we are further right because it lets those who don't know better see the altright as moderate. remember most of us were not always racially aware and those in between steps are a good thing.

they're pretty kosher user

Their proof for this is a claim by a man who own a "fake" news business. The singular of anecdote is now data.

The alignment of Paladins, and religious fanatics. "Deus Vult" to you too, brothers.

Than why in the fuck do you hold up (((Milo))) and kikebart as some beacon for all white people. If you want to be a special snowflake and use that label go back to (((trs))) cuck


SJWs are the inevitable evolution of the left. Rather than do all their virtue signalling with an air of civility, they instead cry out like autistic retards at every opportunity and people in general just put up with it because it had become the norm.

I'm not even sure how some of these liberals are thinking an alt-left would even work.

The alt right, essentially has just been nationalists who don't care about any virtue signalling bullshit, in addition to a large number of race realists. This is the broader meaning as many have come to use it whether you like it or not

These liberals are missing the mark if they even think they can create an alt-left, which they seem to think would mean basically mimicing the alt-right memes. Like they tried copying echoes, but with YYYY instead, which has no history or meaning behind it so it of course failed.There are the usual comedians/youtubers that tried being edgy with making fun of the right, that kept failing because they'd make things like those Trump airhorn videos, the mock Japanese commercial, or that Tim Heidecker attempt at making fun of 'cuck' in that pathetic song (or least that's what it seemed like he was trying for). The common problem with all these liberals attempting humor, is that it's based on they themselves being offended by something, thinking being proud/patriotic is laughable, or thinking there's something deplorable about noticing race issues. You could even see a bit of what is holding liberals back when it comes to humor just with the PC Principal season on South Park, they tried making the PC person a frat guy instead of a stereotypical SJW which would be a rainbow haired fat woman with constant fish mouth.

As long as liberals are held back by their inability to joke about their sacred cows (black crime, feminism, cultural Marxism and so on), they'll be unable to get anywhere with their humor. The more popular SJW cartoons being stuff like Steven Jewniverse which has next to no humor, action, or story, it is the pinnacle of SJW cartoons in that it depends almost entirely on having things look 'cute'. You notice this is common with all CalArts students.

No, that's the alt-left. Nice try Conservecuck.

Nice """movement""" leftypol. How long until they shill the "alt-left" on mainstream tv as the next way to stop Donald Trump?

You're missing the point that crying about what the media calls you is pointless, especially here of all places. Might as well co-opt the term AltRight and redefine it to full 1488, because there's no escaping us being called AltRight by pretty much every media outlet.

Because S.J.W.ism is a false religion.

No, they are the alt-left.

Kek, they always virtue signal, like the Right-Wing SJWs they are. Holla Forums is full of them. Alt-right spokemen are attention whores like Milo Faggiopolous.


Cool rant bro.


Hitler's defeat had nothing to do with any inherent flaws in NatSoc ideology and everything to do with the combined ight of Judeo-Bolshevism and Anglo-Zionism forcing Third Reich Germany into a three front total war that the Allies barely won.

To be honest, I don't see Ironmarch doing much of anything other than whine about TRS.

We're fucking Holla Forums, we've deliberately sequestered ourselves from the rest of pozzed society and even went so far as to develop a dense esoteric language and symbolism to further obfuscate our intentions and actions from normalfags. I don't think being more "alt" is possible.

Yeah, we do need to subvert. I think we were hoping that some of the alt-lite guys wouldn't cuck so hard but clearly they view us as bigger threats than SJWs, international banking cartels, et cetera so we are going to have to be more subversive which is less than ideal. Takes more time and energy.

Labels really don't matter that much at this point. We don't yet have the clout to take back "right-wing" from faggot neocons and libertarians in the popular subconscious yet but we are getting there. This "New Right" faggotry from infowars and Milo pushing degeneracy as "right-wing" will help.

Label autism at this point is just a variant of flag autism. A fun conversation to have on occasion for when the time comes but we aren't going to be shouting our names from the rooftops while hoisting our flag atop the capital for a while yet.

Yeah, I agree.

I'm sorry but this movement is for whites, not sandniggers LARPing as aryans.

Just noticed that fabulous ID half-satan.

i saw on twitter that reddit just shoah'd the alt-right reddit. maybe that's why we've been flooded with newfags and odd pedo shit

Holy shit, this guy is straight up racist (not that its a bad thing). He admits blacks and browns are shit at school and will suffer if all the whites leave.


Funny, whenever he opens his mouth he can't seem to stfu about how much he loves getting pozzed in the neghole by niggers


Even though I'd rather the lying media not talk about us at all, that's unrealistic. Kikes can't shut up about their opposition any more than they can shut up about their controlled opposition. At least not in the current year, in the past it was easy for them to just not write about something and then nobody would learn anything. I don't know what the media should call us though when we leave the computer. Shitposting is fun, but don't pretend we never leave. See that based Fed protest user and those that showed up to help. I certainly don't want them to name Holla Forums, but maybe I'm just selfish after halfchan got ruined from repeated mainstream media coverage, lack of rules 1&2, moot's shitty administration, and the general cuckening and jewry of the internet. They could be honest and just use the broad, accurate term "national socialists" or broader "white nationalists" (or just "nationalists" since civic nationalist doesn't real). But we all know that "nazis" and "white supremacists" aren't as scary anymore, and that the /fit/ and well-groomed youngfags don't fit the neo-nazi skinhead narrative, so people don't believe it or care when somebody cries "suit-and-tie nazi" at Richard Spencer or anyone else that looks remotely normal. Alt right is catching on, but is associated with Richard Spencer, Milo and other cucks, TRS, Daily Stormer, even Holla Forums despite hating the label, and the list goes on. It's considerably tainted by not having a clear definition, and as such, anyone can claim to be alt right and nobody knows what the fuck that means. At this point, I would ask what the person means when they use the word, and give them a different word to use that means the same thing, in order the phase it out of use. A word with no definition isn't a word, and we don't need it, and certainly cuckold faggots don't need it because they were never our allies to start with.

Unrelated, but it also pisses me off when people steal our memes. TRS can't even fucking banepost correctly. It's cringey as fuck, but at least they're better at it than the average redditor.

kek, for (((someone))) from here you sure seem to want to like talking down to us yet again, you sure you wouldn't happen to be from (((trs)))?

what a crybaby bitch. trs takes itself way too seriously now

This makes them worse user, ledditors when they ever wander in here are so lost they usually leave back the way they came. The Right Shills on the other hand seem to think they can gain more goyim followers by shilling their controlled opposition figure heads here thankfully, very few fullchan oldfags ever fall for it, from what I've observed on irc

oh boy user, that's just the tip of the ice(((berg))) >>>/trs/1462

Oberstein did nothing wrong

Oh boy, more useful Ironmarch whining about TRS, sorry they banned you from their gay forums, that's what you get for posting on forums.

Yes, I will talk down to you, because most of you are retarded worthless faggots these days who care more about retarded feuds with ecelebs and podcasters rather than the whole digging for truth thing and creating good OC we focused on when we were still a halfway decent board.

Sorry, posters here now suck, you're not above criticism, and criticizingfaggots does not make someone from TRS or whatever gay boogeyman you've got a hardon for this week.

Yeah, no one here is guilty of that at all.

The truth is, all the bitching about TRS and the AltKike is a weak crutch so no one here has to do any self-criticisms admit that we have our own share of problems. No, it's all everybody else that's the problem, Holla Forums is as good and pure as ever.

That you mannchild?

you sound like a faggot

t. buttflustered (((the right shill)))

t. buttflustered (((the right shill)))



and people wonder why we resist labeling and naming and instead sow discord and reap confusion.

Hate to break it to ya, faggot, but the reason Holla Forums sucks now isn't the TRS boogeyman, it's because the quality has dropped because the posterbase has become a passel of lazy, complacent who cry "shill" and kvetch about the boogeyman of the week whenever they're faced with any challenge these days. We're starting to be overshadowed by TRS and others, who all they do is steal our content and memes, but they shill them more effectively. You better start getting your shit together, because we're fast turning as shitty as 4cuck Holla Forums.

I agree, too many TRSfags and r/The Donald faggots, this includes you by the way.

Mannchild pls

There's no reason to think any such thing. What do they even do that different from the left in general?

The Daily Show, Bill Maher, and about every leftist news site, has made a point of doing the exact same virtue signalling and screeching that we associate with SJWs. There is nothing to differentiate SJWs from the "alt left" which doesn't even have any evidence of being a separate faction.

See, that's the intellectual laziness, just blame it on everybody else, very Semitic impulse there. It's not our fault 4/pol/ went to shit, it was the mods and the redditors, and 8/pol/ going to shit, well that's more redditors and TRS. It's not our fault, goys, we cried shill as loud as we could, but to no avail.

You just gave yourself away faggot, nice job

there is one alt-right, and then there are cucks. That is it.

4/pol/ was garbage well before the whole GaymerGayte mod betrayal bullshit.

It's too late


He's not wrong.

As long as the content is spread far and wide, who cares if it's stolen? We're anons.
Rivalry among these groups is not mutually exclusive with us being in some kind of gay competition.
There will always be those who prefer anonymous format, and those who prefer namefag format so they can be sychophants to various cults of personality.

This faggot uses some form of the term 'dogma' SEVEN times in his fucking shit article. I'd bet he's a fucking mason.

You mean you?

So what exactly are you suggesting? (((trs))) forumns will inevitably collapse just like goymergayte did, we can already see this happening with the lack of open dialog between the homo (((podcasters))) and the forumns, the the (((podcasters))) themselves pandering to whomever is throwing cash at them, moderators with inflated senses of ego and last but not least the naitivity the best thing to do is plug your ears when Holla Forums is calling them out on their bullshit

So what exactly are you suggesting? (((trs))) forumns will inevitably collapse just like goymergayte did, we can already see this happening with the lack of open dialog between the homo (((podcasters))) and the forumns, the the (((podcasters))) themselves pandering to whomever is throwing cash at them, moderators with inflated senses of ego and last but not least the naitivity the best thing to do is plug your ears when Holla Forums is calling them out on their bullshit

By your logic Holla Forums and stormfags represent conservatives everywhere.

lol we memed the president into office and they think they can win by outshitposting us.

Have you seen the GG threads here on Holla Forums? Desperate circlejerking posters trying to keep their dead movement alive and cry shill when someone points out they're aren't relevant anymore.

hahaha this faggot jew is salty that the alt-left won't let jews infiltrate coopt and subvert their movement.


excepr for the fact that (((egalitarian liberalism))) has fully subverted or has almost completely subverted all social institutions in western (((culture))) leading the wilmer republic-teir degeneracy. Also
damn, didn't know the was goon season so soon

Learn to argue, faggot.

please forgive any typos anons, my heater is out and my hands are fucking frozen

please forgive any typos anons, my heater is out and my hands are fucking frozen

This (((dude))) could write for Pitchfork.

You're not the only one that's read RFR faggot


And the kike reveals himself



heretic you have to go back >>>/warp/


Which is ironically hilarious as fuck, seeing as they worship the edgy, literal cuckold, Max Stirner. To be fair though, Stirner's writings are a good look at how people can obsess over certain things up to the point where they let debates/discussions be torn apart by these fracture points.


Anything that isn't fascism is wrong.

This is a new age.

A strong age.

An age of Meme Imperium.







fug, looks like chodemonkey broke the code again, mods please feels free to baleet any extra posts I've made


I have, and I don't want to see Holla Forums fall into the same shit, but we're getting intellectually flabby here.

nice concern trolling faggot

There was already a thread about this

Alt. is just a buzzword for hip. This is the lefts attempt to counteract the fact we made the right funny and popular and the left lame and the butt of jokes. Liberalism has survived since the 60's by being seen as hip counterculture and we made it lame establishment. Young people who are looking to be rebellious flock to us and, if there is one thing the left needs to live is the youth. We take the youth and they will die.

They are dying and they know it.

There won't be an alt-left because there is no alt-right. This is an empty label used by media to group all opposition that is even slightly to the right of the liberal group-think.

Leftists are intellectually devoid of new ideas and their methods of working and thought processes do not lend themselves to a structure like ours. They are morally bankrupt and exhausted in their methods. They can't copy Right, because they are an inherent antithesis of the Right. It's like wanting a fridge to warm you up, it's impossible.

Whatever happens or whatever group gathers, it will be eaten away from inside by their own corrosive attitudes and bile they keep throwing at everything and everyone, forgetting that they are damaging themselves in the process while leaving us unharmed.

there's a big push on the normie 'Conservative' forums to both disparage the racist "alt-right" and to further (((co-opt))) it by elevating (((Milo))) as it's leader.

they're playing the good cop, bad cop with Shapiro and Milo, where either way you end up with a jew.

tons of "anti-racist" virtue signaling by christcucks, and lolbertarians, being initiated by the resident hebes (of course)

it doesn't seem as effective as it once was, probably a 50/50 split, including the shill posters, which is amazing for an historically good goy forum.

I can tell you two things that I watched on the fence

Well, that turned out to be bullshit. I kept multiple age/power leveled accounts and used them accordingly for as long as I could.

Once again, I was wrong about that term and pushing that meme. Start at the furthest point to one side, then let the enemy negotiate back to a point you never expected to get to begin with.

In a way, Holla Forums is now the new 4chan, and average normies come here without fear - and are even posting - not lurking.

The next step and wave of memes won't be here on Holla Forums, maybe not even on Holla Forums - it's time to level up in a darker place.

Reddit spacing on purpose to see who I need to filter

Just use your thesuarus like TRS and flex your civic cuck nationalist muscles then fam. Ain't no one keeping your here
Not even your wife's son

Shits fucked right now due to us winning a fucking election and normies not lurking. You want a quality thread and discourse? Create the content faggot

we meme'd and won the election, shlomo
we're staying the course.

perhaps it's (((you))) who have become intellectually flabby


At this point, the label of intellectual is a badge of dishonor. It has been co-opted and sullied by kikes and cucks.

There is no such thing as alt-left. Even if it isn't mainstream, radical leftist aren't disavowed by politicians, and the media. On the contrary, movement, like the BLM were even promoted by them.

Holla Forums is not alt-right but you have no idea what you're talking about, fucking newfag.


I think everybody's missing the point.

Yes, the alt-left doesn't actually exist. Yes, even if they did, what would they even be the "alt" to? Yes, they don't have meme magic on their side. Yes, it's a stupid rebranding of the same-old under a catchy new name to try and ride the wave of success of the so-called "alt right". So, on its face, it's a two thousand word article about nothing. Muhnerds. Muh D&D. Pop culture references because everybody should inherit their worldview from Talmudvision and Hollyweird.

Here's what I see:
A signal from some Kike in (((media))) to the useful idiots of the Left - the ones out in the streets with their Not My President and the niggers with their we should be able to commit crimes without repercussions bullshit. The message essentially says, "If you do these things, this is how we will portray you." Not just this article, but the several of them that have come out in past weeks. They're giving a free pass to the roving mobs - do these things and we'll say you're disenfranchised Democrats instead of gang of violent thugs attack man, destroy property.

Don't forget that (((the media))) is on their side - always have been, and will continue to be for some time to come.

people on the alt right call out the JQ all the time. they also don't like degeneracy like most people, but they aren't common filth if that is what you want.


I used to view him as someone who i disagree with, but was at least in agreement with me on things that mattered

that changed quickly

Is every single fucking Buzzfeed writer a jew? Jesus Christ.

no actually there is only one alt-right and that's the paper dragon Hillary proped-up as a boogeyman to unite the voters against it and that subsequently later came to life long enough to eat her just like it happened with Jack Thompson with his videogame vilification crusade.
Coincidentaly Hillary also supported Jack Thompson back in the day

are you new or just hopeful?

They are using this as a justification for the protests. Sorts rebranding BLM to the more inclusive term alt left.


They keep trying to meme this "alt left" shit but it's never taking off because the left is a bunch of whiny 55 year old women with bitchy haircuts.

alt-left is a weak meme

The way I've seen it used is to describe people who are left-wing but object to 'identity-politics' or are 'anti-SJW' because SJWs are the real racists/sexists. In other words, they're the liberals of 10-20 years ago.Another angle is that the left needs to start appealing to everyone including the class interests of poor white people if they want to win again It's just rehashed pre Frankfurt School Marxism. Sometimes the really edgy ones will suggest that we need temporary restrictions on immigration.

Spiked and the 'comedian' Johnathan Pie are perfect examples of this in Britain; I wouldn't be surprised if they picked up the alt-left label.

It's almost as if you want people to be accepting of a pozzed nigger loving-homosexual-british-catholic-jew

give me more

Hahahahahahaha, this board is hilarious.

Holla Forums and Holla Forums are both cancer.

You're socialists.
You're both statists.
You're both atheists.
You both believe in the myth of evolution.

You both work for the Antichrist end game.

no, he's correct (((oldfag)))

nigger please.

Isn't 'alt-left' just sjw progressivism? I mean traditional leftism concerns the white working-class taking political control and ending its exploitation. Today's leftism is a hijacking.

How insightful.

The alt-right is Jewish controlled opposition bullshit. Milo is also a furfaggot literal faggot that deserves the noose.

You could say that, but the "establishment right" as it is are usurpers too, neocons and National Review cucks who have taken the label of "true movement conservative" for themselves. The real conservative right is guys like Pat Buchanan.


I would just say that those people have nothing to do with the right. They are moderates masquerading as conservatives.

By virtue of opposing those things, these people sound far more intelligent than the author is attempting to depict them. In fact, his appraisal of these things shows what a blithering jackass he is, and how worthless his opinions are.

thank g*d for rational ,intelligent , non-partisan ,outside of the box thinking individuals like you and me then

Precisely. The alt-left is just the barking-at-the-moon sjw's and (((progressives))) we've been ridiculing this whole time.

You have posted your own article, so let's just start with how you are a cuck, for not daring to admit that it's not ideology or the keks, but a concern with collective White survival that binds us together.

What else can the do?

proofs? this shit sounds hilarious

name games and playing with definitions may be retarded and the kikes only trick. but it's a damn effective trick. Let's get ahead of this with memes.

The more they attack our useful idiots the more they fracture their base. Meanwhile we're unassailable because we're anonymous. It's going to be decades before they find a viable response aside from shutting down the entire internet.

Yes it does, because Holla Forums is pro-White, not White nationalist, since it's a stupid word to use in Europe.