NT: political cartoon
NT: political cartoon
I'm still trying to figure out which of the following is the truth:
I'm hoping for the second option, but I'm scared it's #1 or #3.
Hey, what have my two favourite loonies, LaTuff and A. Wyatt Mann, had to say about Carrot Memelord?
You should rename that to "Living in California"
This guy deserves to die in an AIDS fire.
The only entertaining thing about these comics is watching how they start out smug, condescending and confrontational and slowly turn depressed and mournful as Trump grows closer and closer to victory.
This is the guy behind Kelly
What a fucking hypocrite
Why do people like this straight-up acknowledge that they're not using fascism right but try to act like they're still reasonable? They have to make a fake internment camp scenario to make it even somewhat "funny" (I'm using that word the same way they're using fascism in that comic, essentially).
The last comic is especially biased: Trump's approval ratings are up and yet the opposite is implied to be true, and that anyone who opposes their lie is themselves blind to the truth. Up is down, black is white, in this case literally:
Notice it wasn't a skinhead that did this. I hope this cartoonist gets an aneurysm from all the cognitive dissonance he's displaying.
These are some really FUCKING UGLY art styles.
At least that first comic is alright. It acknowledges radicals within the BLM movement and calls for a nonviolent means of action.
Gotta love how not even the most brainwashed libshits can defend Hillary on that matter.
You could get away with saying the Inquisition was bad, as that was strictly Catholic. Crushing the injuns in the America's had very little to do with Catholics, and Spain and France often allied with the natives.
Don't even need to go into this one. Most people on Holla Forums know about it.
But I thought he was supposed to keep the Mexican cartels out of US?
Some of these are just fucking crazy like you'd find them scrawled on the padded walls in the asylum
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.
Well, of course. Leftism is a mental illness.
I'd say well trolled but you are doing our game
They are all so shitty and so misguided i finally understand why you idiots still can't figure it out why you lost
keep yelling that racist sexist crap. I'm going for 8 years
Trump is playing hyperdimensional chess by pretending to be a (((trojan))) horse because (((they))) threatened his family but it's really all part of the plan. Isn't it obvious?
Those Israel ones are pretty good.
Why are you assuming that the posters share the beliefs of the cartoons?
No. No it isn't. It won't be obvious until the final act is played out.
That really comes off as a Catch 22. Nothing can please this guy apparently.
The third one is funny because most of the areas that voted Trump were areas that went entirely to Obama 4 and 8 years prior.
I know. I was larping as a Holla Forumslack.
It's also funny because the people going apoplectic over Trump supported Clinton and Obama, despite all the warmongering and deep state shit that they pulled. But you point this out to them and they brush it off or rationalize it, or act like you're speaking Martian.
How I wish that political cartoons just didn't consist in "no, you are the dumb one" and at least tried to saw both points of view without recurring to strawmans
The first pic describes perfectly the election: It wasn't Hillary vs. Trump it was about Trump and only him, in that exact moment he won.
I hear ya.
It's nice to see a sane pic in this thread. Same with 1st pic.
So they keep settling in Arab-majority nations that were never supposed to be theirs, and they decide to bitch because the Arabs in these areas are still having babies?
It's holy land given to us by g_d, goyo
Besides being a commie sandhuenigger, Op's cartoonist is a cuckold fetishist.
Wait so Bors is anti Bernie and pro Hillery? I would have figured him as a Bernout.
Why would the jews threaten their own family?
Same reason they threaten their own synagogues.
Why? They're all gutter-trash.
Still waiting.
Trump was pro-Israel all throughout his campaign dude
Because he is a Nationalist albeit a Civic-Nationalist. Overall I think he does want to make America Great Again™ but I don't think he really read the job description of "Head of the Executive Branch and Executive Officer of the United States Military" before accepting it. I think he will do a lot of great things by the time his 4 years are up but he'll also make stumbles along the way. I feel loke he'll be an above-average president at best. You'd be a fucking fool to think he isn't pro-Israel though
kek, breddy gud
that first week was amazing
Better than being a human sacrifice and relying on shitty Central American agriculture that starved hordes to death.
that 4th one was breddy good
Are LaTuff and Mann still alive?
HOLY FUCKING SHIT. These people can't actually believe that can they? I mean they can't be that disconnected from reality can they?
The real truth is that politics are matters much more complicated than what a bunch of anonymous posters on a Laotian Flipbook Appreciation Website can tell, and it bloody well should be that way or the world wouldn't move an inch with its problems.
But Trump himself seems to have a pretty straightforward connection to Israel, only he got something big in return for their support to move on with his plans and he's appealing to civic and ethnic nationalists in America on different wavelengths to create a new economic American Empire, mostly for his own gain but obviously trickling down to companies and people that aren't really associated with Globalists. Basically he's playing with the Nationalist Zionists instead of the Globalists, and winning because either they predicted this outcome in advance and relocated or they didn't and got buttfucked by Clinton's loss.
Also the only good political cartoonist is Zyklon Ben, not because they're right but because they're a riot and a half to scour for hidden gems, like Hillary's shoe. Proooobably WWII era ones are also entertaining in that they use photorealism for Franconiggers, Nips and Jews.
That is some serious lol material you've got there.
I agree on Ben Garrison. It seems like he's the only one to make his works so detailed. It's like looking at an older political cartoon you don't see like those these days. Every cartoon is so minimalistic.
Ben Garrison would be the best if he knew about subtlety, but I feel kinda dumb looking at a picture where fucking everything is explicitly tagged.
Bors accidentally gets to the truth sometimes, like in the fifth strip.
The 4th comic about BLM is interesting.
It depicts two guys arguing about the burning house, but the bystander is busy talking shit to the guy who is defending his own house from the flames of his neighbor. The bystander argues that the hose man has some kind of duty to try and put out the other fire, and that giving preferential attention to his own problems is somehow wrong.
This is funny because the bystander is trying to push responsibility onto the hose man instead of getting his own hose while admitting that putting out the fire is a lost cause. (owner is dead and picture shows fire in 100% of the structure) Even though hose man stands to lose everything by not hosing his own house, the bystander with no stake in either house is insisting that he stop protecting his own house and start wasting time by hosing a house that is already destroyed.
To me, this captures the politics of BLM pretty well.
The media's defense for BLM is absolutely disgusting. I wonder how I could a write story analogizing the current political climate and make it seem believable. It will end up being seen as a strawman.
Wait a minute, there are multiple levels of bullshit here.
So women are being intentionally raped to give birth?
So are we no complaining that women that look to be 6+ months pregnant can't abort the baby that late?
What the fuck comic!?
That's a really good point.
Everything about these bothers me because they are so insultingly disingenuous.
I recall someone defending BLM by saying that the "Too" on the end was implicit. Not making explicit from the get-go was a massive fuckup on their end, although it means they're more easily able to be open about not giving a fuck about white people, or really non-black people in general.
Notice how BLM apparently has an implicit too while ALM apparently has an implicit only Whites.
Yeah half the arresting officers were black, but it was all about race.
Jews backstab one another pretty often actually.
Not defending the kike emperor's ties, but claiming (((the tribe))) is a harmonious organization is like saying colon cancer and AIDS are the exact same disease.
Sure, they both are doing their best to kill the host, but they have entirely different methods of achieving this goal, and they don't necessarily go hand in hand.
The only universal truth about jews is they should all be avoided and snuffed out whenever possible.
But if it was subtle you'd not know if it was parody or straightforward. It gets the point across and it makes you laugh, like a political cartoon should do, instead of the "Me Smart, Polite and Reasonable, you Bad, Dumb and Southern" routine other cartoonists do.
Most political cartoonist can't draw to be honest
This. There's no singular cabal, but multiple clans of them all cooperating and backstabbing each other to claim dibs on the goy plate. Though it is true that they will openly fund each other by using their hidden symbols, like the Pizza triangle thing, the average Jew is almost as worthless to the cabals as a goy, only less expendable, sort of an elite unit to send against bad goiym. Orthodox Jews themselves absolutely hate (or posture themselves like that) International Jewry because it's making them their cannon fodder, but they hate goiym as well.
We should make a level of tiers to find who is the shittiest artist.
These are so low energy I can't even get mad at them
Some of these caused me physical pain. You could taste the unchained, unmitigated douchebaggery.
Social Justice is a hell of a drug apparently.
The last one it's truly special. It's basically the same cover of the real Time just that now Trump is drawn as a demon. That's a new kind of lazyness
They did the same thing with Putin's cover.
1st one
2nd one
3rd one
4th one
replace "Birther Issue" with "every issue" and the artist would know why you can't Stump the Trump.
The 4th one is so excessively wordy, yet simplistic to the point of idiocy that I can't believe it's not a Kelly comic.
The 5th one is just lazy.
I'm feeling physically weak after reading all of these. I need to lie down.
1st one
2nd one
3rd one
4th one
Tiny trump would be cute tbh
I wish I had a tiny person to live with and take care of
You could get a QT midget wife and provide for her.
Damn it OP, I just looked at all these artists, you gotta be shitting me, most of them have Jewish surnames, peddle the same shit, have the same political opinions, circlejerk each other, and are snarky assholes who "star conversations" but will continue to call you a bigot who voted for Voldemort while living in coastal cities with patreon welfare that goes 10K to 30K a month.
Never gets old.
You know what amazes me about all these comics revolving around attacking Trump/his voter base? They said all this shit, hyped it up as a huge "us vs them" thing, generally acted incredibly ignorant, if not outright lying to people's faces… And then they wonder why they fucking lost… AND THEN doubled down on it.
Put woman in charge, that will make all the conflicts in the world to magically dissapear. Speaking of that, someone has that image that shows that men actually work together better than the women?
You know for a Trump cartoon this is actually pretty funny.
Checking artist twitter make me think that she as well might be secretly in love with Trump because almost all her actual drawing are about him.
It must be a good time to be a cartoonist, you could just put a photo on a shit in the street with a text that reads "this is Trump" a there will be people that would suck your dick.
I am lord shitpost
Why the fuck do people have "political cartoons" that's just a picture with a line of text? The fuck is this shit? There's some others in here, too. Are cartoonists so goddamn lazy nowadays? Who am I kidding, of course they are.
Kick her out of the fucking wedding, she sounds like she's the type of person that's gonna get drunk and start crying about her 4 ex-husbands anyway.
I so wish this was true.
Honestly, the entire election was worth seeing America, and the entire world flex it's buttcheeks, in the face of "literally hitler", even if he ends up being a no-show.
There are tons of tumblr blogs written by women who call themselves feminists but are secretly aroused by patriarchy, misogyny, Trump, etc.
I-is he suggesting that fast food is a genocidal plot against poor people?
Modern comics in a nutshell
Holy shit these are the worst. How many different ways can you arrange fallacies and wishful thinking…
Stop being a faggot.
What the fuck is plan b?
Ted cruz wasnt so bad.
No speaky Putin
Any politician that disagrees with them even on one thing automatically counts as evil and irredeemable in their eyes.
First one:
Fifth one:
Plan B is a pill women can take after having unprotected sex or sex where the protection fails. It prevents a fertilized egg from attaching to the uterine wall. Christians hate it because they think it's an abortion pill.
I want to know what those tentacles say.
Quit shitting up the thread, weeb.
Since when does Simpsons do non-liberal and anti-SJW humor? Its like the whole world has gone topsy turvy.
Due to the cultural shift it has become safe to do so now.
Most the world hates leftist shit like that. It's just people like you conflate that with "being liberal" and you're mixing two groups that should hate each other.
That'd be accurate if this wasn't an American show. In America leftism and liberalism have been conflated by a couple of decades of illiterate retards in the media oversimplifying the political spectrum.
Seems like quite the opposite and the media is still supporting them 100% as evidently seen with shit like Star Wars swearing off pandering to "entitled man nerds" and that no censorship an offense is good as long as its censorship for the sake of avoiding sexism and offense against the majorities (Islam excluded).
It might be time to help undo that shit. The "Us VS. Them!" shit in america has gone on too long. We really need to get more political ideologies in this shit system instead of just tossing people on a spectrum.
Ideologies haven't mattered in American politics since the conception of the Republican party at least, maybe even since the conception of the Democratic party, although the Whigs were still relevant when that happened and they were at least a little ideologically informed. Ever since them political parties have all been about checklist agendas and staging elections based around a couple of randomly chosen "Key" issues. Just look at how many values the Democrats and Republicans have swapped out since their inception, Republicans started out as a front for federalism, and now they're fronted by small government fundamentalists and the Democrats are pretending to base their policies around some pseudo-socialist bullshit. The media has definitely helped increase the balkanization of the two groups over the past few decades but in the end it's just an inevitable symptom of being dominated by two completely arbitrary parties. The only thing consistently differentiating them is that they disagree with each other on "key" issues.
No. Again, you're conflating retarded extremist leftism as liberalism.
The mainstream media is ran by a minoirty of retards who believe in this shit. The majority of people in the US are about pretty much middle americans who want the best for them and their kids. Why else do you think a shitton of obama voters also voted trump?
It's this kind of absolutism that's making politics cancerous.
So we can all agree that modern media is shit then and a cause of division and conflict?
here's some more scans since this thread is still alive, although it got dumped with a bunch of current year shit.
Got any old Teddy Roosevelt cartoons?
first pic is the only one I found that's new to me. the other is one you've likely seen already, so have a bonus.
Why people say this? It's because of the "fox news=bad" mentality and since Trump is bad too he must watch fox news? Hell, If I remember even they were against him.
They were against him during the primaries but I'm pretty sure they've been dickriding him since then. I doubt he feels the same about them though.
TL;DR plz.
Its the dictionary definition of a straw-man. Seriously, someone needs to put this in a textbook for future generations; they need to see this shining example of total incompetence.
Fox is the controlled opposition news station, meaning that their main audience is normalfag Republicans. They can't afford to be as anti-Trump as CNN or they'd turn away most of their viewers. This doesn't mean they don't do whatever they can to bash him when they get the opportunity, but in the mind of liberals, anyone who's not explicitly anti-Trump is pro-Trump.
Hmm, I might have to give this show a chance.
Nigga, you owe everything you have to white millitia men who had the right to bear arms.
Oh boy, I can just imagine a libtard saying "but what's wrong with being a British colony". We have such retards in my country, saying that we would be all drinking Bavarian beer and driving Mersedeses if we had lost WWII, though I'll be damned if I knew any British thing that is suitable for eating, drinking or driving.
Speaking of which, why the hell are people so into IPAs lately?
what is wrong with being a British colony, you dirty colonial?
Face it England, you're a shit dad. Just look at how Australia turned out.
Shut up, limey, my country never was your colony.
As much as I hate it for its writing, it does indeed have a few memorable moments.
Children probably shouldn't be watching that.
England, why do you obsess over us? It's over, its been over for almost 250 years since we broke up and you still won't bringing it up. We thought that maybe you were making some progress, what with you breaking off your toxic relationship with the EU, but you just can't get over us. You need to take some time away, go on a long vacation, see other countries, maybe you can have some more colonies in the future, but it cant be with us again.
What's with the Iran dick sucking? Aren't they a backwards as fuck Islamic nation?
JJ's acting like a prat, but his Brexit comic is top in an unintentional way
The image of Nigel tossing petrol on the fire of Brexit was perfect
I wish I knew because it's one of my least favorite styles
I think it's American microbrews, though I have no idea why so many of them are pushing so many out
My god, the left is so fuckign fractured, they're fighting amongst themselves to try and be the most special, the most oppressed. And they wonder why they keep losing.
after the election I noticed the left trying to shed the SJW label by attacking them and insisting they are "Not Real Leftists"
Of course the left still agrees with 99% of SJW bullshit so there's that
So really I think it's a new faction of SJWs trying to be self-aware and failing miserably
It's called damage control. They've already gotten Trump on their side, but it's too late for these kikes, we're going to gas them all.
Or, more likely, you will be tricked into gassing some antisemites and then will celebrate your victory over "Jews", not realizing that half of the people celebrating have big noses and curly sidelocks.
Didn't Jesus surrender himself to the Romans in Gethsemane?
I used to consider myself a leftist. Never a liberal. Between me getting older and the left getting increasingly focused on identity politics and fabricated outrage, I found myself agreeing more with people on the right. It's still only those outside the mainstream of politics, though.
And preached respect to Roman law. Because efficient law enforcement is G-d's weakness in addition to overpowering military technology.
In america, most of the "right" is closer to the middle than most of the left. They've dropped most of their retarded stances on social issues, which is the biggest problem most people had. They still have some stupid economical issues, but they're still 100X better than the retarded socialism the left wants.
I always considered myself a democrat until about 6 or 7 years ago when this shit started going down and even considered myself a republican for a while. Now I just say I'm a libertarian.
I wonder why.
We all need a ranked voting system. Maybe Instant Run-off Voting?
Common Core
YES. I'd like to see the political parties broken up, too, or more of them.
This Chinese is Greek to me. Can we get some translations here?
Is this suppose to make them look bad?
Honestly the comics here about Baltimore are decent explanations of systemic problems that afflict major cities across the US. While it doesn't address the cultural issues that also act as anchors around the black community's neck (glorification of anti-social behavior, crab syndrome, etc), and that is a rather awkward elephant in the room for the left, it's hard to deny that external factors exacerbate these problems.
I remember reading about a city - San Francisco perhaps? My memory is a bit hazy - that required mixed schools. Children were assigned schools by lottery. Suddenly, those in black-majority communities started receiving a lot more funding and average grades shot way up. Obviously the program was shut down some time later, since forcing children to go to schools an hour away instead of down the road didn't sit well with parents (not to mention, "I saved up and worked hard to get a better life in the suburbs, and now your forcing my kids to go to a shit school?!" No way that was gonna fly for long).
Does egalitarianism exist anywhere in the American political spectrum? Is that what leftists are supposed to be? Or are they just another fragment of the shattered radical left-wing?
I know, rite? Such a good, smart goy should understand that Israel is your best ally against commies.
Ivanka Trump is legit friends with Chelsea Clinton.
Can't really atone in the breeding pits for abortion if she's homely.
She is only a six out of ten.
Third one is on point. But it will never be addressed.
This is bretty gud.
I have a feeling these artists don't actually know what Common Core is.
That's never going to happen. I want it too, but Democrats and Republicans work together to fuck over other parties because they know that the system works for the both of them. This is why third parties aren't usually allowed on the ballot or in national debates. They make sure they get as little attention as possible, because they know they can ultimately end up losing to them.
Too bad the majority of Americans are too stupid to see through this. You talk to them about third parties, and their response is always 'you'll let the democrats/republicans win if you waste your vote like that!!' as if being fucked up the ass by a cock is that much different than being fucked up the ass by a strap-on.
What is this counting-up wizardry? How is this easier than just fucking subtracting things? I've taken DisCo and fucking vector calculus and this shit makes no sense to me.
Want to know something that will make you feel worse? There are hundreds of thousands of bluepilled fucks who read all those and felt energized and smug.
There's no way this aired on tv.
That's pretty good.
Do they think kids are just memorizing specific equations without actually understanding addition and substraction? Was that how things actually used to be?
I mean, of course they're memorizing specific equations, but some shit like this isn't really going to help, it just makes things more confusing, especially when you start going into the fact that they're teaching that there's no wrong answers and will mark off students who get the right fucking answer, because reasons.
If they wanted a solution to this it'd be easier to just have a little chart for the kids so they don't blank during tests.
But why would they come up with this? How retarded do they think kids are that "carry the one" isn't explicit enough for them?
Teen Titans Go has been getting away with a lot of shit lately. Even shilling for capitalism and giving arguments for and against the gold standard. And then there's that whole Illuminati episode with "bankers" and "Hollywood shilling the new world order".
That does sound like something that was going on in SF several years ago.
What's crab syndrome?
For all the shit we give it, could it be the key to redpilling the next generation?
It's far from a fuckup. They want to re-live the past in order to feel like they're achieving something that will stay in the history books. The initials "BLM" also stand for "Black Liberation Movement".
If they really wanted to be inclusive, the movement should've been "All lives matter".
Do you ever expect this to be acknowledged? Have you ever talked to black people that grow up in majority-black neighborhoods? They have a chip on their shoulder and refuse to believe anything is their fault. Everything wrong in their life and everything somewhat negative said to them is all about their race. It's all the White Man.
And pointing out these fucking issues make you a racist.
They've created all their own issues and then scream and cry when they have to live with the consequences. It's mainly being raised on this from shitty parents, particularly single mothers with a stick up their ass, that results in this. Blacks that grow up in majority-white areas don't act this way. Actual Africans don't act this way. It's the fucking impoverished idiots that can't take responsibility for themselves.
TL;DR: dey dindu nuffin
You might as well say DmC: Devil May Cry is redpilled just because it shits on banks and the media (specifically FoxNews). The same goes for Skyrim and the Angry Birds movie (ironically or not, Holla Forums is cancer).
It is a vain attempt to fix the Black and White grade gap.
This. They never intended include others.
I know but it would actually fix a lot of the problems in politics. Why is the Green party so fucking retarded?
this tbh
Luckily, I speaky Salo
Got a little artistic with the translation, but the message is still there: Ukrainian nationalists working with Jews (whom they historically despised) together against commies.
okay, that first one is doubly retarded because you always round UP from 5
It's hilarious how Soviet political cartoons are still relevant today. Also it is interesting how Ukrainian magazine got away with "le happy merchant" portrayal of a Jew
Difficult to answer. I should lay my cards on the table right now; I'm an egalitarian at the moment, and strongly consider class issues to be central to many problems in the world today. That's actually my main issue with feminism and these race-focused movements; they have allowed elites to fragment what is potentially a powerful base and instead spend all their time virtue signalling and constructing their echo chambers.
Certain elements of the left garner great benefit from perpetuating the idea that black people are helpless to solve their problems. It gives them a reliable voterbase, which is of absolute importance to the ruling class of a democracy. But the right isn't blameless in all this either - they are both sponsored by corporations that are trying to maximize for profit, and both endorse policies that ultimately allows those corporations to more effectively commercially exploit these people. By directing all blame for the problems of the black community to external sources, they can effectively retard their cultural growth and assimilation into the rest of American society. To get a little tin-foil-y, one can argue that corporate interests have even succeeded in directing the change of that culture to an extent; look at the evolution of hip-hop from its roots as an expression of dissatisfaction with the lot of the urban youth to a glorification of sex, drugs, adultery, and commercialism.
Now, to have a stable family life, to be studious, to aspire for greater things, is all considered "unblack." It's a tragedy. For a more scholarly take on the subject, with comparisons to how other communities have, in fact, managed to successfully overcome similar racial stigmatization as black Americans, I recommend watching "How Much Can Discrimination Explain?"
But more directly related to your point, I have an analogy I've been working on. Some scientists conducted an IQ comparison of two groups of schoolchildren, one in the white suburbs, the other in the black ghetto. The white kids performed better on the test. Immediately, the study is politicized, with one group claiming that this proves black kids are just dumber, and another claiming that IQ tests are biased, that using English when these kids have learned Ebonics is discriminatory, etc. We all know how it goes.
Here's the twist; the scientists look deeper, and find that those black kids are living in project housing. Old houses. Houses built before we banned lead paint.
Lead has a lot of effects on a body; one of the most alarming is that it makes you dumber, more violent, and more impulsive. But by claiming that the study is right OR wrong because of racism, either political faction can stop investigation to the real root cause.
Haven't you heard what they're doing to whites in SA? Actual african niggers are just as bad as American niggers. And there have been cases where niglets raised by white families still go commit crime. Its not just "muh bad parenting" it's just how niggers are dude.
A nigger is a nigger
It is still a modern Simpsons episode with a plot that zigs zags around without any point and transitions from one scene to another unnaturally except it has a little more teeth with its subject matter.
It is still a lot better than South Parks's latest season which was a incredibly unfunny episode that is stretches to an entire season. I really don't like the PC Principal character in South Park. People say that it is making fun of SJWs (and it is) but it is only making fun of them in a superficial way. While the PC Principal is easily offended and has misaligned priorities, his principles are consistent unlike actual SJWs that are hyper hypocritical, unpleasable, and self-contradicting. Simpsons does address why colleges are like this and not just making fun their mannerism.
I try to trigger Holla Forums by making them have to defend commies and Muslims to shit on Jews.
I heard someone saying that the media is too anti-BLM.
Sacrifice your children on the altar of diversity like in Last Cuck Tonight (webm). It reminds me of those dystopian stories that had these lotteries that randomly sacrifice a person for the greater social good.
Still salty a generation on. Delicious.
A pack of murderers salty that they have to act civilized now. And I thought you wouldn't see cartoons like this outside Lebanon.
Wow, that's pretty sinister.
I will say that it is pretty disrespectful to what they stood for and that the IRA shouldn't even exist anymore
Reminder: This faggot won a Pulitzer.
I would've said that American cartoonists went to shit, but I checked American political cartoons from Cold War era, and they're not much better.
Yeah, why don't you, you cunts?
I fucking swear, I've never known anyone to fail at strawmen worse than the sjws.
Huh. I vaguely remember reading that issue years before the redpill. These days, I would immediately flip back to the front to see if I was dealing with a jew or a useful idiot.
They try to make it seem like it's implicit when you talk to them, but fail.
A former friend of mine posted this video on (((facebook))) a while back, where a white little boy was shot on his lawn in the ghetto. The entire video comprised of a bunch of black people from the same area not actually crying over the kid's death, but saying 'SEE, WE'RE HERE, WE CARE, ALL LIVES MATTER DON'T!!!'
I pointed out in the comments that it seems extremely terrible and uncaring to politicize the kid's death, and that All Lives Matter isn't really a real thing– it's just a statement about BLM. It's basically just a twitter hashtag. And if they really cared about the kids' death, they wouldn't be trying to make him a martyr for their stupid unrelated cause.
She got pissed and me and we went back and forth before she blocked me. Never un-blocked me. Pretty sure that was when our friendship had officially begun to deteriorate.
They don't really care about other lives, they just care about their stupid movement. It's all about how BLM looks.
I'll never get tired of this shit
These were made during the American Civil War.
This is genuinely surprising.
A show that mostly focuses on random XD humor, I would've never guessed they'd go full conspiracy mode and mention their plan on banking and shit.
But in true TTG fashion they ignore his new world order plan and just wanna save some animals
8/pol/ is indeed. But what other term could you use for a tv show, game or cartoon that actually has the balls to point out the corruption in lamestream media, political figures and celebrity/idol circles without being restricted by modern leftist agendas? Also DmC can kiss my ass.
They honestly don't even bother with crimefighting anymore or action, so its to be expected sadly. Even the pilot episode had action, but like PPG, its become trash in the action and justice department.
One of life's great mysteries.
Are there any more political moments in TTG?
How horrible are the schools these days? They did this all over the country for decades. It worked out great. Real great.
I feel like I'm going insane. People keep talking about things like they're new, but I know for a fact it all happened before. I'm still in the timeline where Hitler lost, right? Anyway, if you want to read about a depressing counter example to your point read up on the Kansas City education experiment.
A few more. The mother nature episode is basically Beast Boy telling Mother Nature that tree hugging hippiesm sucks and industry and prospering business is good. Another one is Beast Boy trying to replace money with bees while the Titans tell him about the importance of a stable economy (although that episode sucked because the jokes and plot were all lousy, but if you just wanna watch the scene of Robin defending the importance of currency and the improvement of the economic system, then be my guest). There's also an episode with BB trying to encourage everyone to eat veggies instead of only meat, but they end up taking it too far and become vegans and the episode ends with BB telling everyone that there's nothing wrong with eating meat as long as you have a balanced diet. And then there's the one about girls vs boys where they constantly mention that there are only two genders (its not political per se, but they do say it a lot and the whole episode ends on a neutral note about boys vs girls). And then there's the Illuminati episode which is self-explanatory. There's a few more but I can't recall them well.
The show is honestly a mixed bag. A very very mixed bag… Although, I did find it amusing when they made fun of their own crossover with the PPG as being pointless and unnecessary. There's also a lot of humorous sexual innuendo that's done way better but with more subtlety than most shows these days, if you're into that. The show is less leftist per se which I guess is why so many parents let their kids watch it and why CN shills it more than the rest of their shows despite being mediocre as fuck.
Wow. Literally teaching niggermath.
The illuminati was a really old concept. TTG isn't redpilled by writing a plot saying those organizations are plotting something. Banks are powerful. Hollywood is influential. Notice how the episode didn't actually explain how Hollywood is trying to control the world? It could also played off as "people actually believe this shit". Holla Forumstards think that Skyrim is redpilled with its race politics because a fantasy setting heavily entrenched in race politics is "new and edgy", totally groundbreaking and not derivative at all. South Park isn't redpilled for making fun of SJWs. It only criticise it in a surface level. South Park has still yet to actually criticise the movement BLM itself. I had someone tell me Zionism is problem after he told me Islam is a religion of peace, Trump is racist against Muslims, BLM is good, and called me a Nazi. Being redpilled is discovering widely accepted truth is a lie that covers an inconvenience truth. Being bluepilled is believing an obvious, widely-accepted lie. Most fiction is inherently not redpilled because there is a natural disconnect between fantasy and reality especially with the numerous shallow writing bandaids. FO:NV is often criticized for being too black and white while Bethesda adds a last minute greying up in FO3/4. Holla Forumstards have called the quest in Tenpenny tower redpilled going as far trying to justify saying that the karma system is secretly a reputation system and not a magic good evil counter.
This artist needs to find something else to do, because political cartoons are not their calling. There's nothing funny here. Nothing clever. It sounds like someone who thinks they're deep because they took an introductory class to political philosophy in college once, 3 years ago.
If God tore open a gaping portal to hell under Mr. Fish's smug self righteous ass tomorrow, it would be the funniest thing Fish has been involved in.
all of your examples are video games, did you collect this data from Holla Forums?
I used to go on Holla Forums, but stopped when I realized that most people on it argue for the sake of arguing while never accomplishing anything.
Both Holla Forums's are shit at arguing, right/pol/ will immediately brand you a shill and left Holla Forums will spam
At the end of the day, unchecked migration is detrimental to nations, illegal aliens cost the american taxpayer thousands of dollars and should returned to their country off origin, the Jews do control Entertainment and finance, but only out of a marriage of history working in those fields and good old fashioned nepotism, not some vast reptilian conspiracy.
Compared to Fallout three's "My species is healed by radiation, but you need to enter the chamber because youre da chosen one!!!!1111!!!"
Not even as an example should that opinion be uttered.
Basically, I am somewhat right but I realize that mocking communists for deifying Lenin and Marx and then associating with people who do the same to Hitler makes me a hypocrite
They never say Hollywood is controlling anything. They say Hollywood is being used to hasten the new world order. The episode's villain even outright says they use Hollywood to hasten the new world order. Which is partially true since Hollywood has always been used to push political agendas, except now its more blatant and straightforward than ever on the matter to the point where they don't even try to hide it, and you have celebrities being treated as though they're experts on worldly events and politics simply because they won't shut up about it on twitter and talk shows. For fuck's sake, people are unironically saying George Takei should be president. Its not about some boogey man order like the illuminati, its about outright telling people that congress and banks are corrupt and that Hollywood is just another export for easy political brainwashing.
Nope, they didnt vote or voted independent as a giant fuck you to hillary, look at the numbers of voting democrats during the two obama thingies.
Maxi should have stick to one group if he wanted to survive in tacoland
Well there is this guy.
Yeah and he was obsessed over that fact(not saying he was wrong). It would help to explain his Syria bullshit if he was getting his info from fox. He's an old guy and its not hard to imagine that he is still consuming a lot of the same garbage he was before the election. It was his every-man attitude that people liked.
But the jews killed jesus, by using the romans.
Isnt le pen worst than Hillary?
He ruined the vest with all those belts.
It's weird to see Beast Boy promoting industry since his voice actor is a huge hippy.
I have participated in discussions with posters like you and they usually go something like this:
Im always losing to the epic trolls XDDDDD
In all four canonical gospels, Pontius Pilate was reluctant to execute Jesus going as far making the public choose between sparing Jesus and a murder by the same name.
"Hastening the new world order" was to meet the Illuminati's goal of world domination. The show doesn't explain how Hollywood is going to hasten the new world order.
Except it doesn't even hints on why or how.
I just post anti-Semitic pro-Muslim comics. Honestly, I'm just not willing to side with Muslims to attack Jews.
Holla Forums leaks to everywhere and videogames are a good source of incredibly shit taste. Also, literally saw that shit in Holla Forums.
Why did you bring up a shit /leftycuck/ meme?
What commies are they even talking about? Talking about corporations being jews makes people commies? Capitalism works best when small businesses are allowed to prosper and employees and consumers aren't being fucked up the ass by a handful of families that own just about everything.
Besides, only people who don't actually know history would hate all Muslims. Extremists are the problem, and while this is a great majority of Muslims in the Middle East, they've only spawned in such great number thanks to the Soviets and America fighting a proxy war in Afghanistan. Young men and boys decided they wanted to fight the godless commies, and extremism was born, and continued to bloom the more the West used Middle Eastern states to their advantage. They're pieces of shit, but it's understandable how they've came to be once you think about how they've been used for oil and other resources and forced to give up land to non-Middle Eastern Jews just because Europe decided they couldn't tolerate them. Dictators were propped up by the West, and eliminated with wars with high death tolls and civilian casualties once the US decided supporting them was no longer in their best interest. The people of the ME have been used for decades now, and it's pretty understandable how extremism would arise from that. Palestinians are an especially heinous example, given that Israel is ironically getting closer and closer to Nazi Germany in their treatment of them.
The only way to really stop all that is to either cut our loses and leave and hope for the best, or treat them like post-WWII Japan and enforce American culture on them. And by 'enforce American culture,' I don't mean 'drop bombs.' And, of course, treat Israel equally rather than treating it like a spoiled kid who gets candy when he throws a hard enough tantrum at the grocery store.
The idea isn't that the conspiracy caused them to control the media, but that they use that control towards a conspiracy. Either way the complaints just seem like they hate jews because jews are currently better at nationalism than their ethnicity.
Where did that come from?
While I don't dislike all Muslims, I think that there is plenty of reasons to hate Muslims besides the terrorism.
see BLM
Terrorism is the least of the worries when it comes to muslims.
Oh, how the mighty have fallen.
More apt metaphor:
Since I'm posting animations.
I don't know if they're the same in Burgerland but here in Europe they're watermelon (green on the outside, red on the inside) globalists. One of their leaders is a known pedo (Daniel Cohn-Bendit).
Took a while for the Libertarian party to realize that you can't use the statue of Liberty as a mascot if you want presence in political cartoons.
And one for the road
These are all pretty good
That show is 100% cringe to say the least.
If only I could post vids and pics together at the same time.
I legit chuckled.
The 5th one is pretty good.
Now some of this are really good, but I kind of dislike the artstyle
Wait, Kelly is actually ironic?
Why do feminists support Islam, again?
Because their father is a white guy and want to hurt him.
Honestly, Islam isn't the problem; Arabs have a really fucked up culture and have for a very long time. Look at Malaysia, for comparison - one of the most populous Muslim countries in the world, and it doesn't have anywhere near the kind of problem with terrorism that Arab countries do. It especially sucks because Islam was actually (from what I've heard) a lot more relaxed and forward-thinking a couple of centuries ago. Then ISIS (or Wahabbism, as it was known at the time) won a war to take over Saudi Arabia and suddenly extremism and puritanical purges were the order of the day.
The hijab, honor killing, female circumcision, all that shit is Arab culture. The ban on women driving is especially ridiculous, given that there's obviously no way for that to have been mentioned in the Qur'an.
Then again, the Qur'an does mandate treating women differently than men; they are treated as less reliable witnesses in court, they are not required to undertake military jihad (although with the lack of any Islamic country, no one is required to do this any more imo), they receive less of the share of an inheritance, they are entitled to a dowry from the groom when marrying, they are punished less for some crimes such as theft, they have no obligation to financially support others besides the charity incumbent on all Muslims, etc.
Pics related are what the Middle East looked like shortly before the original extremist groups that formed things like the Mujaheddin popped up to fight the godless communists. They were becoming more westernized, especially in cities. Afghanistan's last king was a good example of this. From what I read he was really pushing for women's rights. The Middle East was on its way to becoming modernized. But around the 70s-80s everything went wrong.
I'd recommend reading Persepolis or A Thousand Splendid Suns. The latter is fiction, but it's based on the stories of actual women in Kabul, and the former is an account from a woman who grew up in Iraq to personally see the change.
This isn't to say that Islam is all good (though most of the complaints also apply to Christianity given the kind of shit that's in the bible), or that Islam was a haven of peace before the Soviets came to fuck everything up. But that stuff was mostly confined to rural, uneducated areas, and things were changing. The extremists changed everything.
I just realized my mistake
Iran. She grew up in Iran.
What makes you think I want to listen to and read all that crap, probably by people who have no background in the subject and are too uneducated about it to know what they're talking about?
The last one is real data while the first 2 is bleeding heart liberal bullcrap.
Yeah, thought so.
His biggest fuck-up was trying to connect your average Muslim extremism with Palestinian extremism. Palestinian extremism may be connected to religion, but it's closer to the IRA in its goals.
The point about Saudi Arabia is moot because the people themselves were influenced by the state of others. There was a 60 minutes about the Egyptian hijacker a while back, and it ran through how he became more radicalized when he saw how most Egyptians lived, and decided for some shitass reason to focus his hatred on American skyscrapers.
Also I don't think I even said 'poverty breeds extremism.' It's just that more psycho religious people tend to live in rural areas. This is true of Christianity, as well. All the Christian nutjobs live in rural America. Same goes for the Middle East. Or did go for the Middle East, before it went to shit.
It's almost as if history is relevant and it's not all just 'HRR MUSLIMS R EBIL' and that the story is more complex than that.
Grass is greener on the other side according to them (the other side used to be the Soviet Union)
No one is saying all Muslims are evil. However Islam is a problem. Secular society is preferable to any theocracy. There is a separation of church and state.
I'm just illustrating how modern political climate tries absolve people of responsibility.
The thing with Islam is that most people don't hate it inherently unless they're super skinheads or moralfags, but it isn't really compatible with the west. Also
Christianity has been pacified in the west
Anyway, the thing I find funny, is that the sides that support/detest islam agree and disgree with most of their policies. Non-Sharia Islam is very strict and I don't understand why leftists love it and some even convert to it. (I specifically remember a Swedish SU fan who converted to it for some reason). It's nice to have a discussion about it without muh islamophobia or specifically condemning it.
Stats say otherwise.
I completely agree.
I didn't bother to listen to whatever thing you had, I just assumed it was 'hurr durr islam ebil' like I see so often. Though I suppose it's mainly a problem in the (((youtube))) community. People who say otherwise reasonable things seem to just like bitching about how evil Islam as a whole is.
The fuck are up with those cartoons, though? Especially the 2nd cartoon. Who the fuck ever calls Wall Street fraud 'isolated incidents'? Everyone knows biker gangs are dangerous; they're fucking gangs. And everyone hates cops now. What the fuck is that cartoon trying to say?
I see the problem more as the "Great Enemy" rhetoric employed by various dictators in the Arab region to distract their ignorant populace from their injustices. The extremism would arise even without Islam to justify it; it just provides a shared cultural language for demagogues and propogandists to take advantage of. Given the amount of willful ignorance I've seen among those people, I honestly believe they would fall for any ideology that gave them an excuse for their violence and narcissism.
Also, none of these Arab countries that are the source of most terrorists are properly theocratic; Saudi Arabia is a monarchy, for example. Iran is the only country in the region that's a formal theocracy
In the same way that North Korea is not formally a dictatorship, user.
Is Islam the new religion to convert to to piss off shite kid's dads? I know in the 90's they converted to Wicca or paganism just because it was edgy and to piss off their dads not because they believed in it. Is it now the same thing with Islam?
Is it worth listening to?
tl;dl He considers rioting a solution because it bring awareness to the issue and complains about the media's negative coverage of BLM.
My favorite part of Cold War is how both sides were blaming hippies on each other
Not going to lie, I like that fourth one.
Those first two are basically "I AM SILLY!"
Reminds me how Russian court had sent picrelated into male prison.
Damn, they were so close.
Next time on things that never happened.
One of the questions in the woman's shadow is "Was it consensual?" Now, pardon me for being ignorant, but wouldn't that absolutely make it not rape if true? The rest of it, sure, doesn't excuse anything, but did no one see that question as different?