The attacker was featured in "Humans of Ohio"
fucking hilarious
I can't wait to learn how all of this is going to be Trump's fault.
The attacker was featured in "Humans of Ohio"
fucking hilarious
I can't wait to learn how all of this is going to be Trump's fault.
Other urls found in this thread:
The moderate muslim strikes again
Yeah that's pretty funny op
further evidence we can't trust any Muslim
Every fucking time.
The poor, disenfranchised youth! If only our country's Islamophobic ways didn't force him to pray in the corner, then he wouldn't have been pushed towards having to shoot people up at his school! WE NEED TO BE LESS ISLAMOPHOBIC, PEOPLE, HOW ELSE CAN WE STOP THE MADNESS?
Wtf is with that Somalian hair line?
fucking kek
Are we really that surprised?
has Obama blamed this on citizens yet?
… and they wonder why we want a national registry.
a registry wouldn't do shit without enforcement. hell, most illegals, gang members and domestic terrorists are already on multiple lists.
well, he's not wrong :^)
You need to be beaten within an inch of your life.
considering the media portrayed him as a peaceful individual who doesn't want to murder infidels he wasn't exactly lying
Our islamophobia caused this. We didn't give a muslim a place to pray so he attacked us. We must give them all places to pray so they do not attack us anymore!
Fuck off you degenerate faggot. The Jews changed the laws so we can't have sex with women at their prime child bearing years.
WTF did I miss?
Mudslime went on a rampage on The Ohio State Campus. Plowing his car into people before getting out with a knife and slashing people. Based OSU police show up within the minute and shoot and kill mudslime.
Here I am waiting for a link
Get the fuck out of here you degenerate.
Any deaths?
That's generous.
I like how they have to emphasize the "human" part. Not even they believe their own horseshit propaganda
Kek's revenge for Ohio treachery in the Primary season. No deaths because they made up for it in the General.
A National Registry would be more than just an FBI list. Imagine it like a sex offender registry. Know how you can use Google Maps to find sex offenders in your area? Now, imagine being able to find Muslims in your neighborhood.
Knowing exactly who to run out of town would be a very helpful tool.
Fuck off pedophile
Why were there other people handcuffed too? And is this the guy who got ventilated?
npr is trying to spin this as "nothing to see here, move along" and it would be nice to know all the facts.
Seriously? ffs there's always one. Go look at the news, faggot.
Fuck you, Holla Forums has always been against the 18+ law because it's what caused society to degenerate.
You're the one who needs help here.
I simply admire the beauty
I believe pedophiles don't have sex "with women at their prime child bearing years"
I'm sure there is another word for the correct ages, but I don't know it.
No deaths as i know
9 injured
1 in critical condition
My face when "Humans of" is a liberal shit show of shit skins, kikes, and social justice warriors.
That really tugs at my heart strings. It makes me realize we're all just people, you know? I bet those evil white supremacists, Trump supporters, and gamergaters scared this poor child until he finally snapped. He's the real victim here. Shaking my damn head to be honest family
Stop derailing the thread faggots this thread is about a shitskin stabbing
lol didn't notice that
Somalia still exists in your image.
No, these degenerate faggots are trying to change Holla Forums from promoting having sex with little girls.
If you would stop replying to them, they'd have no mouthpiece for their trolling. All you have to do is report and hide. If you reply, you're part of the problem.
You faggots sure got started fast. Must be extremely sweaty today.
would you actually risk us having to combat mutant kikes?
Reported for Intl. Sage for OT.
Die pedofuck
That would actually be pretty rad.
Go ahead and report me you faggot. You guys are the ones breaking the rules.
What's the deal with those "2 to 3 other suspects in custody?" It was claimed to be an active shooter situation for hours. Some reports were saying they pulled the fire alarms that caused the people to go outside who were ran over and attacked. Eventually they said those other "shooters" were "cleared of all charges." Tinfoilers, help me out.
How is his hairline that fucked up at 18?
Maximum kek.
In b4 alex jones false flags.
Like their shitskin bretheren to the north they are cockroaches so there are some that are bound to survive
Nuke it from orbit just to be sure, but directly this time
This is amazing. The muslim himself denying that he's a bad person and then suddenly commits the crime that he himself said he wouldn't. This is truly quite something.
I mean it's almost as if he's not the same man. As if suddenly his sense of morality was incompatible with modern society or as if he had no self awareness.
I'm trying to wrap my head around this issue but I can't comprehend why he would do this. It goes against all logic.
He's a born fuck-up. Didn't even kill any infidels, and he's probably imagining at this very moment as tears pour down his face how hard Allah is laughing at him.
quit fucking replying to the pedo. jesus christ….
no it doesn't. he was lying and that's all there is too it. do not take the words of any shitskin at face value, period.
wtf false flag psyop holograms flat crystal earth confirmed
A naked body is not sexual by default, it is the jews that have perverted your mind into thinking this way.
This, the naked or natural forms of both male and female are hallmarks of beauty and perfections of the divine, nothing overtly sexual about them.
user, this is current year. Alex Jones is a loyal patriot, and proud supporter of the God Emperor. Get your shit together, shadilay good user. Your shit, together, Praise Kek.
No problem with AJ, but false flag this is not.
The second backing Trump stops being good for business he's going to turn on him. There's a reason he and PJW left their old anti-Trump videos up…
Just put Jones in Homeland Security, with full authority over the fema camps. All problems solved.
i believe alex is genuine in his support of trump. pjw, on the other hand….
Whenever there are multiple culprits but the police can't catch some of them, or the police can't prove it, they claim the other culprits never existed. Ostensibly they do this to prevent a public panic, but really they are just covering up their own incompetence.
When is that headline from? Today?
It's called Taqiya, user. Look it up.
There's more than enough money to be made from shitting all over liberals. What these retards have shown us so far is a complete unwillingness and/or inability to learn from their mistakes.
dubs confirm, but it's important to remember that Watson is from the UK and Europeans in general seemed to not really "get" Trump even if they're going along with it now
This must be satire
This isn't the first time either, a couple of attacks ago another snackbar was featured in a documentary about being a wonderful asset to society by being muslim.
Conclusion: If someone is featured in an interview or documentary saying they are totally harmless, they'll probably go on a killing spree.
Only if he apologizes to David Duke first.
This is not the first time this has happened, correct? Wasn't there another attack where the terrorist was upheld as proof that multiculturalism works?
So he can round up all the Nazi agents of the Germanic Death Cult?
He was comparing Trump to Hitler as late as October last year, and apparently giving himself plausible deniability by saying he still wasn't completely sure about Trump on election night. Jonestein is never genuine and holds no loyalty to anyone other than the shekels and his jewish masters.
Embed very related.
must suck to be a jew. written by kevin stankiewicz, brought to light by ben shapiro
Not even close. Somali's are always robbing and stabbing people. They always fuck up and get killed and don't kill anyone though.
Pedos will hang first you fucking filth
Writing a paper, does anyone have that quote about how it's no better for a goat (or was it gazelle?) to starve later than to be eaten by a lion?
I better not be the only motherfucker using this opportunity to drop redpills like a sick cunt all over plebbit and twatter.
Get your asses in gear, now is the time to press our advantage.
Do we need to do this shit again?
That's the nog who made "Hidden Colors" right?
The Bell Curve at work. Thankfully all primary sources of terrorism are in that sub-100 range.
Egypt still exists.
Libya still exists.
Algeria still exists.
Morocco still exists.
Turkey still exists.
Sudan still exi…….
2D isn't 3D. Overall, stop derailing like an autist.
And they only doubled down in the wake of the election results. It's fucking disgusting. Before that only a couple of the featured people talked about political stuff. Now pretty much everyone do it.
This nigger's twitter feed is pure butthurt
Someone needs to tell these aspiring celebrity taboons that "you can become famous and then make a killing" should not be taken literally.
The constitution needs a swift amendment
I'm so damned happy lads. mudslimes being mudslimes again. Sorry for the victims of course but the normies need to have this in their face week after week for it to sink in.
I think ephebophile is close.
Whats with all the pedos lately? We being raided again? trick question right?
They're always here. They think they are welcome here. Honestly they should be permabanned on sight.
so does Holla Forums, you retard
The ventilated ackbar is also a dindu. Will Talcum X and his simian sycophants come out to rile the melanin-infused zombie horde to start riots tonight? Popcorn dot tiff.
I think we've established that the top pedos already work for Big Brother. If anything, they're probably following us as we investigate #pizzagate to figure out what they missed.
>2016. Mudshits being mudshits. NWO being pedos. Feds being cucks. What the fuck is left for 2017?
yep. europeans don't get americans at all.
it's like clockwork
there was a massive pedo thread a day or two ago, it's capped so they're going to shill somewhere else till their autism calms down.
ephebophile is mid to late teens. know your enemy m8
We compare him to actual hitler. Tey compare him to hollywood hitler.
You should mock CNN for giving a platform for that shit, and implicitly mock your family for listening to CNN. Emphasis on that implicitly, because otherwise they won't actually listen.
This faggot keeps pushing the "slaves built America" "muh free labor". Does he even realize just how fucking expensive slaves were? There was never any "free labor" involved.
Do you find anons image to be sexual in nature? Maybe you are the ones that needs help.
Apparently he was concerned about "attacks on Muslims". This is likely a reference to the alleged spike in hate crimes post Trump victory. As we all know most if not all of these incidents have been hoaxes. The media has blood on its hands.
I fucking knew it. Told someone that they were not giving out the name because the person wasn't white and now it exceeds just being a non-white attacker.
Only more fuel for Trump when he implements his policies.
I gave you a car and a knife and you still managed to somehow fuck it up. t. Allah
I mean it's not like the MSM has been blasting the zombies with "muh afraid" and "muh anxious" fee-fees crybullies. he probably thinks he was anxious and afraid.
Why would you cap such bullshit. There is nothing pedo about liking women who are at their prime age for giving child birth.
As long as the "pizza" threads keep getting stickied, they will be here defending their … hobby.
It's a little weird, user. Not so much kids being naked (we all ran around in mud puddles in our undies) but why would someone do a drawing of a kid being naked?
Have those threads even found anything new in the past week, or are they just regurgitating what they already have to create the illusion of progress? As far as I could tell the last time I looked into it, it all looks very suspicious but could also be a mountain of confirmation bias.
Trust me I've tried. they forget after a day or stop caring altogether.
yeah, that thread.
pedo shills are remarkably stupid.
It'll be going on forever, long after its usefulness has ended. It's just how it goes. 30 years later people are still screaming at each other about PC v Mac. Gamergate will never die. PizzaPong is just the new kid on the block.
Because it is an interesting perspective.
Yeah, I get the impression it will become a fixture of our culture, like JFK theories. Something that will never be settled to the satisfaction of many.
21 days ago on the (((Washinton Post)))
there's no such thing as ephebophile. a female after her first period, is fuckable.
Hope you're not calling me a pedo, I was just trying to help that other user.
pedos deserve execution
Lets talk about that obvious quadroon in the first picture. :^)
Dubs for truth, also nice pics. I would totally repopulate the white race with those.
Underrated post
Why would someone not create such a drawing? Does a more classical work appear less sexual?
Girls who give bitch at the age of 12 tend to break their hips, you sick fuck.
I would murder you if you even thought of saying this about my daughter.
anime shit is created by pedos because real pedo pictures are not allowed anywhere. end of story.
The fucking nigger kike faggot
The pure niggery of this nigger
Those kids might be naked, but they aren't portrayed in a "cutesy" way, so yeah I would say they're less sexual. The psuedo-anime girl those anons are complaining about is drawn to be very "cutesy", as in she is drawn to be found enticing rather than simply attractive.
Not necessarily true. Those are really petite girls.
Reminder to filter all pedo-apologists by ID.
Don't worry. It's dead now.
her classmate of her age would already experiment with her before you would even imagine. any parent should thank the gods if a guy from Holla Forums would get with the daughter.
nice jpeg artifacts
Liberals are still flogging it as their boogieman, and probably will for the foreseeable future. It really traumatized them.
When I think that someone might have been drawing a naked child not an approximation… yeah it's creepy.
Cherubs are probably the only borderline normal imagery of a naked child simply due to cultural background; angels just aren't sexual being.
My sister goes to OSU, and I am fucking pissed that shit like this happened. I don't like it when this happens anywhere. If my sister was to be killed and the media narrative was to essentially belittle her death by making this asshole look like a saint, I'd flip my fucking shit. She has a bright future ahead of her, and morons like Abdul here getting a free pass because of the color of their skin or their religion and being able to kill people like my sister because of it is beyond comprehension.
The country has become morally compromised because of the direction of the media's narrative.
Off yourself
No. She is impregnatable. And the decision as to whether or not it is moral to do so rests entirely upon the situation. I.E. Survival situations.
Don't try to use biology to justify the fact that you want to fuck children. Kill Yourself.
This meme has got to stop. You degenerate faggots are really getting on my nerves.
Kill yourself degenerate childfucker
Impressive. Very nice.
Thread successfully derailed.
KEK confirms your sister will live a happy and fulfilling life
No one is saying before menstruation, jesus you dumb gay fucker.
Minus Sudan, those were all white territory at one point.
I guess we're just going to have to live with pedo/not-pedo discussion derailing every single thread from now on.
Tits show up before periods, retard
Fine, I'll check my own damn digits.
Nice post digits and that 33:33
Shut the fuck up faggots we got a leftist salt thread here and you two can't stow it for 5 fucking seconds.
Double double digits.
Most girls who give birth at that age with break their hips and/or die in labour.
Stop derailing.
Although this may seem counterintuitive at a first glance, being with a young girl is the optimal reproductive strategy.
you understand that the majority of females that are now 12,13,14 already tasted 12,13,14 white cock or in germany/sweden the occasional 18+ "teenager" rapefugee cock?
if you are over 18 and fuck her before she is 14, then you are a pedophile. after 14, it's free for all.
talked with medic, 19 is best age for her to get pregnant. that's when the healthiest baby can be born.
They must have thought that Sudan was something they could use for rolling down the street, smoking endo, sipping on gin and juice.
One fucking image, one fucking image completely derailed this god damned thread.
No fuck you, this shit should be in a different thread if any at all.
Good post and impressive quints
What is this thread about again? Fuck off with pedo d&c. Nobody representing pedophile interest is a native here, and should be banned.
All these fucking degenerate newfaggots from leddit. Trumps win may be good for whites but it has completely fucked up our boards.
visited by naughty KeK
God damn it don't stoke the derail again faggot.
You pussy-addled degenerate, it's not about fucking as soon as they can bear children. The AoC should be somewhere between 16 and 20.
Drop it.
Wew. All these gets for the pro-trad pedo values. Just compare the gets for anti-pedo posters like this butthurt femanon and it's clear to see what KEK prefers.
Swing from a tree you fucking pedoKIKE
Your daughter is hot as fuck.
Raping children is not traditional it is jewish and produces mass murdering psychos
Nice VPN hopping, it's only the 5th time you've done it. Fuck off pedo. Reported.
because he's really 42
ID from that part of the world might as well be printed in crayon, or camel dung
Raping children is disgusting and damaging to children. please kys
Disgusting faggot
Trump has completely supplanted that role. It's OVER. Unless you're one of those faggots who fangirls over Brianna Wu's latest tweets on that cringe thread on Holla Forums, no one will probably ever mention it again.
Great digits must be checked.
Omar Mateen was in a documentary…while working as a security guard kek
will niggers chimp over this?
he's somalian so they should really care
on the other hand, the weather is nice and cool
I agree, 16 is fine.
But you have to understand that before she turns 16 and you can fuck her legally if you are 17, she will:
- suck the cock of her 14 yo friend, behind the school when she is 13.
- she will have anal after prom with her 16 yo boyfriend when she is 14
- she will get fucked in the pussy while doing drugs by 24 yo ahmed that does not care about the law, when she is 15
When a honest white guy with long term intentions will get access to her pussy when she is 16, it will be already too late, she will be damaged goods.
Meanwhile, see what the elites do with all the pizzagate stuff, and think twice about (((laws))) in a (((degenerate society))). We are living in a new society, rules are meant to be broken by the wise and the brave and be followed only be the fools. This is survival of the fittest.
The prime argument of pedos is that we should fuck females in their reproductive prime, therefore we should fuck girls as soon as they enter puberty.
Problem is, this is retarded, and you should start fucking women who have more or less finished the major parts of puberty, which means girls of around 16 years old, which is already the legal age in many Euro countries.
If you start fucking 12 year olds because they started their period, then while they can become pregnant, giving birth that young is a strain on the baby. There's likely to be a much higher chance of retardation, same as if you fuck older women who are over 30. Also, if her hips aren't filled out, then she might need to have a caesarian, which was not a safe option in the past, showing that pedo = more traditional must be a myth. People were fucking teenage girls when their hips had filled out, their tits had grown, and they had finished their growth spurt, that is 16-18 year olds. Pedo is not traditional, except in mud countries, where it does cause the problems I'm talking about with high infant mortality and lots of retarded kids among the Muslim kid fucker population. Euros wait.
Now pedos are sneaky so they say "Oh I won't fuck her, I just want to marry her so that we can get to know each other first", but we don't believe you, because if you were just doing it for that reason, you would be attracted to fully grown girls/women, and would have those pics on your computer instead. We know it's a ruse, and we don't trust you. We outnumber you and you are never getting your way, ever.
If you try to fuck kids, then we're going to hang you. This is final.
Who needs families anyway, every little girl should just become a whore by age 8, not like they need to learn anything from and respect their fathers, amirite?
In other words, 13 year old girls AREN'T in their reproductive prime.
Get a load of this degenerate larper. Go jerk off to men you queermo.
(ee41d1) (10)
Wow. Nice derail faggot, why don't you try VPN hopping for a change…
I noticed you can't prove me wrong. Besides, I'd rather jack off to females who actually have secondary sexual characteristics.
Meanwhile, you jerk it to flat chested girls with no hips. Are you projecting?
You're assuming problems solved by National Socialism would continue to exist in a a National Socialist state
I was waiting for a link too. I did a little googling, found it. It's real…
I agree, by the way, which is why I'm going to kill a fuckton of you pedos on rope day. You break the rules, I break the rules.
This is what happens when you let BLM run amok.
Criminals and thugs should be put down like dogs.
Why is the pedo/antipedo discussion going on in almost every thread?
Nigger, you are on a japanese cartoon imageboard. The pedos are here from the start, you're the one raiding.
Btw >>>/loli/
This is a relative term. The reproductive prime for a woman in the modern first world is significantly different than at any time in human history.
Degenerate pedos try to act like fucking children is a matter of survival. IT IS NOT. Granted there are hypothetical scenarios in which a lowering of the age of consumation COULD be productive (as it has in the past) we are not in one of those times.
But the pedo is trying to justify their degeneracy, not actually make an argument.
Endeth thyself
the mods aren't here or something
that's what i heard in anotehr thread
I am talking about the current situation. In a National Socialist society you would be genetically paired with a group of females beginning at kindergarten.
Polygamy is degenerate and sinful
That's the dumbest fucking idea I've read on this board.
Dysnomia kicked them off of Holla Forums so they stormed Holla Forums again, been spreading out for the past two weeks. Most have settled in Holla Forums or /furry/, but a few are sticking around here.
This user's correct. The original sin of many anons is bedoposting tbh.
Me thinks it's shilling and pedos coming out of the woodwork at the same time.
Remember, we are on chans.
kek, please tell me you have source on that.
You should go back to your normie sites, if you don't like lolis.
Oh you sad, sad little man.
Someone posts an anime reaction image, someone gets triggered and calls them a pedo, then actual pedos come out and feel the need to defend them selves for some reason. Happens every time.
lolis =/= pedophilia
Anime lolis that is.
🐸 kek🐸
🌟🌟🌟🌟 🌟
5 star post
I meant, that's how school groups would be arranged. A lot of people end up marrying people they knew since childhood/school. Nazis had the whole eugenics program, that's how it would end up eventually in modern times. Doing the genetic tests at birth would determine in which group you will be assigned with whom to reduce diseases and all kinds of things and have the healthiest baby in case you will end up marrying a girl you met there.
Friendly reminder that pedophiles get gassed first
I don't care if it's real or not, if you want to fuck a child you're a pedo
No one wants to fuck girls under 14. Let's end this shit.
Go back to plebbit, m8. This site isn't for you.
Agh, fuck both of you. I'm tired of this consensus cracking bullshit. Offtopic. End of discussion. Stop posting about it.
rectum-wrecked Holla Forums tantrums
that does make sense
but very low-energy raids.
these libshits are a big fat mess
they're a mistake. sad!
lolis is escapism and autism.
see my reply for the proper strategy
Degenerate, stop posting that
DON'T post another
Why the fuck are pedos invading threads lately?
you get the idea
Good lord, I wish the media would point dangerous muslims towards disgusting pedos instead of college students.
registry is a bullshit excuse, like 9/11 related stuff, do expand (((state power))). they will just expand the law to also include dangerous anti-semites etc.
the only thing that will actually help is keeping out bad actors (like jews and muslims)
Your plan is designed for people who can't attract quality mates on their own.
Not sure who you're trying to convince kike. No one is falling for it. Pedos will hang also.
Yes. Pedophile degeneracy ought be banned
I'm a muslim from Ohio and actually met this guy before…
Kill yourself
You faggots.
1st. can you loli cucks point out that you don't want to fuck children so everyone calms down with the pedo shit?
2nd. moving the discussion here
I didnt even call for banning you degenerate but now you mention it…
6/10 copypasta
Dude, read it to the end.
really nigger?
Since for some reason this shooting thread became a pedo thread:
Here is a proposal I hope none would find issue with:
You and your spouse are friends with another married pair. You both raise your children appart from each other until the girl is 8 and the boy is 12 (i.e. 4 years apart). They are then introduced. Both pairs of parents try and cultivate a the relationship between the pair which starts as a simple attraction. Eventually the girl is 12 and the boy is 16. Then an arranged marriage is established, i.e. the two are to be wed. Wait 2-4 more years of developing the relationship more (primarily so that the boy is capable of earning an income for his family). Then the marriage occurs. The girl is about 15 and the boy roughly 20. At this point they can consumate their marriage without worries and can produce many children. Note that the two pairs of parents still exist and can help them get started.
Note, this scenario I propose needs the prerequisites laid within them. I.e., two pairs of parents whose marriages are strong already. Two pairs of parents who raise good children who will have proper values and self restraint.
It's just assravaged faggots doing it to derail discussion of their pet muslim nigger's rampage.
discussion moved here
Pedo's were here since at least the first exodus, until Jim got the site and kicked them out. There was a torposter on Holla Forums who constantly shilled for child marriage and the abolition of the age of consent. After Jim's pedocaust the nuking of >>>/hebe/ they fucked off to Librechan. Librechan is now kill and some of them came back and raid 8ch, particularly Holla Forums.
That's enough infinitechan for today. You niggers need Jesus or something.
Looks like this is the unedited version of the image.
I know that, but he should have used something like
well fuck me I only read something about an active shooter around Ohio and thought it was this guy lol
Those dubs speak the truth. While minor in the grand scheme of events, Gamergate was still the first significant and highly visible defeat for this generation of dumb libshits. It essentially took their butthurt virginity, so even long after its death they will never, ever forget it.
On top of that, Israel is still there.
It's seriously hard to fuck up nuking this part of the world, but this pic does it.
Makes it more believable until the end, and isn't that the point?
I never followed gamergate in the first place, and I don't think anybody on the gamer side who followed it still follows it. However I've seen many liberals insulting Trump by comparing him to gamergate.
My Great Grandpa wed my Great Grandmother when she was 14. They needed parental consent for the marriage. They had their first child when she was 18.
Semites in all their colors will always be a conundrum for me.
kekd and checked
Why does your edit make him look like he's a character from GTA san andreas
Other than the fact that he thinks everything is a "nazi conspiracy" and his boss is a kike.
Bubba was my very best friend, even I know you don't find something like that around the corner.
grilled infidels, boiled infidels, popcorn infidels,
mother of kek …
wtf mane
Digital Gold Stars for DotR
kek. I was actually torn between which one to meme.
I didn't go fast enough..
Those trips are going bretty fast though
slow satan u dun goofed
He looks like Kanye West
Too tired chasing Abdul in hell?
DOMESTIC? What the fuck, man? I assure you we are all deep cover Russian agents, indoctrinated in the art of Allahu Ackbar Сука Блятьto America since childbirth!
Hell, it's like you're not of the super secrit club of pudgy middle aged men in on the Counter Ultra Nationalist Terror task force, or C.U.N.T., for convenience.
This is a very different Abdul, not the UDC Field agent Desert hopping shitskin nor is it the Syrian refugee rat from the Rescuers Down Under. species is shitskin rat and nationality is arap, but of something separate and different. This Abdul the shitskin Rat has become Foreverial Tiedup Abdul and he was fully delitized with his organs and inside and literally his whole body changed into a permanent living bologna version with permanent living bologna organs and insides and a permanent bologna, ham and cream cheese tongue. nose is a permanent pastrami nose and has two permanent ham lips and two permanent bologna and ham ears. Fully wrapped like a mummy, tiedup this way to remain and always jumping around with a permanent smile on his face and a wide open permanent bologna mouth speaking constantly ready to lick anyone or anything with his permanent Bologna, ham and cream cheese tongue. The furry art bondage borgified version of Abdul the shitskin rat. there are other arab Abdul the Shitskin Rat characters i have done besides this and the UDC field agent. This is defanitely not the UDC field agent Abdul as this doesnt exist at all in that series that I do, this is in the genre of fully permanent living deli and full permanent rubbery rope bondage. This also is defanitely not the Abdul from the rescuers Down Under as this doesnt happen to him either, just a different character whom becomes Foreverial Tiedup Abdul
His fucking timeline
Shit,forgot the most important pic
You will be hung.
moved here
Nothing but fallacies. Pretending that AoC exists in a vacuum away from the rest of society and social norms is kike-tier. Fuck off.
Kek I bet leftists will bury this fast, but I won't let them.
Dean of student life at Ohio State posted this. Essentially it says, "He didn't do anything wrong. He was just afraid and went on a rampage and tried to kill/slaughter innocent students."
Dead raghead #6,000,000
God what a cucked bastard.
They started it already? It's fucking unreal, I can't believe they can actually stomach celebrating a stabbing attack.
Absolute pottery
post a link to that post nigga I can't find it
It has to be possible to get some of these people fucked. I was curious when I was going to see a comment like this actually from a student at OSU. And it ends up being somebody with an official position (of sorts)
do they not know that most people here want to kill them or do the just think it's just a joke?
Why the fuck did I have to scroll through nearly 1/5 of a thread of pedotalk? Get the fuck out.
Did anyone find out why the fire alarms were pulled shortly before the attack? Who the two other men were? ( I think they were found in a parking garage)
So does mine
also checked
It's called tor
Nice try, give archive link so I can contact the college or gtfo.
Go back to reddit/4cuck newfag.
No one knows what gamergate is at all anymore.
Black Lives Matter? He killed any niggers?
The problem with that narrative is that GG never really won anything. If your metric is "we took down Gawker," Kotaku is still a website with even better backing than it had before because the Hogan shit had nothing to do with GG. GG though can be a parable to some about how fucking crooked the media is and how insane some people in GG were for thinking they would ever get a platform through it.
This is what 8 years of Oniggers did to `murica
Take note, this is how MSM and other journokikes are trying to subvert the chans, they think anons will get anything trending that is clickbait worthy so that this poor little assistant director will get an OP-ED on the true bigotry that caused this violent blowback from a young, innocent mudslime.
Archive now or gtfo journokike.
That's one ugly ass coon.
Now there's a Jew I like.
I don't even know why this shocks me anymore, every fucking time some groid gets killed in the middle of some crime spree it's my fault, your fault, and every other white person's fault for being raycis.
pic related is a high energy merchant
It's a psyop unless he posts the archive as proof.
She must of deleted it. I don't have the archive. I'm trying to find it.
Well it wasn't a shooter at least
If I was a fakenews alarmist media I'd raise some "key points" like
It was a good try but the disinfo won't stick this time Chaim.
I wanna check these 9/11 trips but I can't find my 9/11 bateman. Help a nigga out, someone?
The registry is a "look guise just like Hitler"-meme from the MSM when it comes to Trump, though.
They almost always lie about their age because countries are less likely to kick out somebody who's 16 rather than 36.
Just look up swedens fastest 12/14-year-old.
Fresh OC
Share it everywhere
You've got some really hot girls, bro. Can you take this to Holla Forums and upload moar?
Swedish style.
oh wait, maybe it was this one
Brilliant get.
Thanks to your post KEK has given good fortune to your sister she will have a healthy life and a good husband from the same culture.
The guy sharing the links is saying she;s still posting but I can't see anything past Nov.20 on her page.
Also 18 and in third year?
I have a feeling they are keeping the attractive ones all for themselves.
He's Somalian..
Also just a reminder
Those Salamians sure do grow up so fast..
They are repulsive creatures with an avg IQ of 65
Wtf, man. Aside from being the only people to develop a writing system of their own, chicks from the Horn of Africa are hands down the most attractive of the black race.
The door is always open both ways, Somalia is just open for you anytime.
That's a real badge right there…
Get pozzed, homos
Hello Mordecai
that picture was of child you pedo.
Since you're a cuck or newfag who clearly doesn't know
Reaching puberty somewhere between 13-15 is telling your biological clock you are now sexually mature, so why shouldn't sex be allowed if you reached the age where your body is ready and wants you to make children? There is not a single valid argument to counter this simple biological principle.
Every adult interested in someone below puberty has to be castrated though.
By that argument you might as well justify rape, theft, pedos, all forms of degeneracy, torture, and all morally wrong actions simply for the fact that the perpetrators must have had a hard life, so it justifies their terrible and inhumane actions against someone else. So if someone didn't have a hard life, then they should be seen as an evil person. Therefore using their own logic, Hitler really did nothing wrong, he had a hard life. If only he wasn't raised an orphen, denied into an art school, and didn't get wounded in WWI….
I dub this cancerous thought process the Perpetrator Complex.
Though I did use the dank Hitler maymay as a reference to lefty double think, it was only example of using the lefts thought process to justify our own ideals
Quit anthropomorphizing user.
While I agree with you to some extent, not everyone is ready for sex (even with someone their own age) right after or durring puberty. Sometimes the body matures faster than the mind and vice versa, the problem with this dilema is that there isn't a magical number for someone for when they should be allowed sex, and it shouldn't be legally defined that way. Of course prepubescents shouoldn't be having it. Of course 13yos on their periods shouldn't be having it with 30yo+ men. It's a verry slippery slope.
Pun intended
Where he's going, he doesn't need eyes to see.
Also forgot to mention that reinforcing the NO SEX UNTIL 18 meme is unhealthy for post-pubescents who matured earlier than their peers. Resulting in the little-sex millenial generation that I live in. Also feminism and rape accusations are also a problem.
Goddamn it our society is fucked. Literally all of our social problems can be related to degenerate lefties.
From the Jew York Times article:
What is Islam?
Pretty rhetorical, but thanks for the history lesson.
I'm fine with this.
Go back, Carlos, you must.
I hope you realize that it's niggers and spics that are the ones who mature earlier than their peers.
Really though, the only moral approach to sex is to abstain until you're married, whether that's fourteen, eighteen, twenty five, or thirty, it doesn't matter.
O I'm laffin
GG accomplished its goal. It shined a light on the cockroaches in gaming and media who scurried to their masters in terror. The goal of GG was simply to call attention to itself. It did. Mission Accomplished. It set the stage for everything that came after. It put the notion of fear into the heads of smug libshits. Everyone who attacked Gamergate is basically a patreon prosttute at this point. Every media source who stayed neutral is still relevant.
Why are you faggots falling so hard for this age of consent D&C? Go read the stickies for fucks sake.
I'm glad your sister is fine, but at the same time, how bad is OSU when it comes to SJW infestation?
Board is a nightmare lately. There are other kinds of D&C going on too.
It was so nice for about a week or two after Trump won, it was like the shills left or were shocked into silence. Then something changed…
They stopped laughing. They know if they don't double down in the next 4-8 years they are fucked for eternity. It's their last struggle before death.
Has anyone managed to find his Facebook rant yet?
No surprises here.
They're fucked up in the head. They actually believe they're normal. They thing the rest of us are like them.
Cut him some slack. Most Europeans don't know what guns look like.
The Arizona Republic's editorial board trying to call for calm and reason. Off the scale damage control. They know they're in serious trouble.
thanks obama
link —→
At least you're aware of your shit tier status.
Fast-acting Ohio State officer praised for killing attacker
Alan Niggerslayer Horujko should get a nice bonus for his quick work.
What the fuck. Next week would be better or what? How about something like: "Our thoughs are with the victims" or something like that?! Oh god, I cannot describe how much I hate muslims and their endless victimization complex.
They're starting to realize the gibs train is pulling into the station soon.
This user speaks the truth.
I would like to see this as well
Is Harujko a white last name? It's one letter away from being japanese
Accidental sage
wasnt the faggot killer sandnigger in some similary leftshit video?
It's Divide and Conquer Shilling 101. Both the pedos and anti-pedos are the same shitposters, they just shitpost back and forth at each without actually believing in either side. Then newfags join in, derailing the thread.
Sounds Eastern European to me but I don't know for sure.
Anyone know what happened with the other two guys who were arrested?
See Holla Forums
Pedos be mad.
Fuck my autsim
FBI should of been keeping an eye on him
I suspect he's 3/4ths white with a Jap paternal grandfather or something.
To all the pedofags shilling or trying to convince:
Would you truly allow pedophilia in countries where gays are given rights? Are you truly willing to risk your children to whatever faggots that are preying on them? Stop with the pedo shit already, it will never happen, and if it were to happen you will have thrown children to be picked up by gays.
Or maybe 1/8th, given how white he looks.
Most people consider cops to be dumb but these officers sure had an eye for fine art.
Harujko, not Harujiko.
I'm getting the strangest sense of deja vu from this image.
Almost, it's Horujko
Sounds Finnish to me.
The tattoos just give it away.
He looks like Eric Harris
They probably just forgot the letter at some point. Things like that happen.
The shotgun blast to the face in one of the ISIS vids.
Those dubs sound Finnish to me tbh lad
Did a quick search and there are some U.S. Census records that indicate it to be a Polish name.
I'm seriously considering changing my name.
Should I do it lads?
Okay, so, only two sources included here, one of them has the transcript of the attacker's rant.
We need that shit - it looks highly damaging and that they haven't linked to it suggests that even more so.
These are the two potentials:
Enough Finnposting for the moment lads, there's work to be done.
Don't do it. If I can live with "Vedran", which translates to "Sunny", as a 5'7 dude with long brown hair, you can do Jackson.
Seriously nigger?
I haven't the slightest clue; It's not something I talk to her about. However, she's in the nursing program, has always lived off campus, and works full time - I'm fairly confident she has zero time for any SJW nonsense.
Jokes aside, Jackson is livable. My first name is not.
it's literally the name of a bird's claw.
Go to bed, Talon
True that, pretty fucking far off even.
Can't post images on this device, nigger.
Thanks for doing it for me, much appreciated.
This is the part of this story that matters now.
Our enemies presented this individual as an example of the poor victimized Mudslime - and if we can get his lil tirade, exposing his hatred and vitriol, it will be YUGE for meme-craft and exposure.
Why isn't this readily available?
Why isn't the media ALL OVER IT?
Why are they only snagging snippets to post in their kvetching articles?
Because its damaging.
Thus we can use it.
We must obtain that transcript… Now how do we do it?
FOIA request maybe? He's dead so there isn't an ongoing investigation to interfere with it… unless they are investigating people connected to him.
thank you
You should kill yourself you disgusting pedofaggot
Kek spoke, she is safe user. Devote the rest of your life to him.
good luck and godspeed, campus is gonna be more poz'd than usually from now on
WTF are you talking about user, Turkey doesn't exist in that pic. Constantinople was obviously taken back and Anatolia is all greek again
Has any of the victims died yet? Pretty weak argument when he doesn't kill anybody and only gets killed himself.
Last report I saw said all injured are expected to survive so Abdul failed completely.
Can someone summarize what happened? There was some kind of shooting? I'm getting tired of asking these questions.
i know the perfect place, it's called
totally the ideal place on earth to be a mudshit 68-IQ somali
the media is trying to blame this on 'trump's culture of fear'
Links faggot
They're not coming out and saying that but it's implicit in some of the coverage. The poor nigger was afraid to pray to his moon god on campus because Trump.
This is a godawful idea for the same reason the sex offender list is, it just leads to witch hunts that can destroy lives far more than any actual crime can.
A public list wouldn't help, an over-enforced no fly list style case would be best.
I don't trust bigger government, but the moment you leave it to people to keep someone out of a town things start falling apart. Just get the alphabet agencies off their ass and get them to do what's supposedly already their job.
Refugee posts kebab screed on Facebook, then goes around stabbing people. Cop shows up, brings gun to a knife fight. Only kebab died, everyone else is expected to recover.
black & islamic
never should have been in our country
a violent psycho
TRUMP would have prevented this
oblackma caused this
the muslims and the jews must unite behind CHRIST
this is the only way to stop the violence in the middle east
but for now
let them fight it out on their home turf
and not in beautiful america
Not good for your community? That is your first though you fucking NIGGER? You don't even say sorry?
Also what, you don't even condemn, just say he killed them at the wrong time? Like what, when you have more muslims in the country right? That is your fucking plan we are waking up white people to it you muslim shitstain. You will pay with your life unless you run back to Somalia as soon as possible.
As if. The nogs still kill each other in Africa no matter what religion. The true solution is to kick the nogs out of everywhere but Africa and cut all aid. Then to do the same to muslims, but to destroy them completely.
the reason there was a big crowd of pedestrians for the faggot to drive his car into, is that someone pulled the fire alarm in watts hall
so, y'know, accomplices
oh hey, you know where you wouldn't have to worry about "anti-muslim fears?" in fucking somalia, where you should be instead of here.
Yeah, but this time send in AC-130's like there were supposed be back in 1993.
Next to invading Iraq, importing these particular savages is one of the most stupendous catastrophes we've managed yet.
Ah, so that's the face it reminds me of.
Koonye's got a $150 million dollars and he's strapped to a bed in a psych ward getting haloperidol injections. Pretty funny shit.
Stay triggered goons.
goons are renowned pedophiles though
perhaps it is you who is the goon?
Why exactly are you caring about Muslim lives being destroyed, when Muslims destroy our lives?
I'm not talking about the terrorists with their knives and pressure cookers. I'm talking about the fact that they exist at all. What you need to understand is that genetic racial differences play a part in which countries succeed and which ones fail, but another factor is cultural differences.
Picture this scene. A white family decides to go to Burger King for a nice meal. They're a typical family. Husband, wife, one or two kids. They go up to order, but they can't. Why? Because ahead of them is a family of Mexicans, fresh off the coffee train they rode in on, bringing their seven kids along. Now the white family has to wait upwards of 20 minutes for all the screaming, shrieking little wetbacks to be served. Then comes the actual eating part. While the white family has a nice, quiet, pleasant meal, and leaves but a few crumbs behind for the cleaning staff, the Mexicans are yelling over each other white the kids scream and throw shit. And when they leave, they leave a scene out of a third world country. It looks just like the miserable country of squalor that they left to begin with.
Every cultural difference matters. Even something as simple as how many kids you have, your driving habits, the way you move aside for oncoming pedestrians on the fucking sidewalk, all of these tiny aspects of life make up the mentality of a nation, and how successful it will be. A nation is like a machine. Will all the parts be moving smoothly, or will the parts be gummed up? Will the citizens be peaceful and helping each other, or will they make each others' lives miserable? That's how Muslims destroy lives. By destroying every reason our nation succeeded where theirs failed.
I don't care if a Muslim is actually a cool dude. I expect him to take the towel off his head, stop practicing his bullshit religion, start eating pork and beef, the women in his family had better not be wearing any linen shit on their heads, and above all, if he claims he want to live in this country, he'd better act like it. Renounce all muslimhood, and start living the way WE live, so our successful way of life is preserved. If the Muslim is not willing to do that, then there's nothing wrong with having them on a registry, so everyone else can make an informed choice about whether or not they want to share the morning walk to the newspaper on the driveway with a chanting man in a turban bowing to the sun while his wife slave stands five feet behind him. So he can be made uncomfortable enough to either change or go the fuck back.
As text:
In the name of Allah, the most merciful and the most gracious.
My brothers and sisters, I am sick and tired of seeing my fellow Muslim Brothers and Sisters being killed and tortured EVERYWHERE. Seeing my fellow Muslims being tortured, raped and killed in Burma led to a boiling point. I can't take it anymore.
America stop interfering with other countries, especially the Muslim Ummah. We are not weak. We are weak, remember that.
If you want us Muslims to stop carrying lone wolf attacks, then make peace with "Dawla in al sham." Make a pact or a treaty with them where you promise to leave them alone, you and your fellow apostate allies.
By Allah, we will not let you sleep unless you give peace to the Muslims. You will not celebrate or enjoy any holiday.
Stop the killing of Muslims in Burma.
Btw, every single Muslim who disapproves of my actions is a sleeper cell, waiting for a signal. I am warning you Oh America!
And, a message to the Muslims, don't listen to celebrity scholars who sold their deen. I am talking about the likes of Yasir Oaphi, Omar Sulieman, Neuman Mufti and the list goes on. Beware of Al Maghreb institute listen instead to our hero Imam Anwar AIAwlaki.
Let me as you this question if the Muhammad peace and blessings upon him and his Sanaba were here today wouldn't the western media call them terrorists?
To conclude by Allah, I am willing to use a billion infidels in retribution
that's funny considering he's neither human nor "of Ohio"
I doubt this mouth-breathing moron had any idea what Taqiya is or an understanding of the Koran besides rote memorization of verses. If there's one thing I've noticed about lone wolf Muslim terrorists in recent years, it's that they're all borderline retarded with the attention span of a gnat. Some trivial thing pushes them over the edge into a blind rage and they rush off to commit a random act of violence without even stopping to think about how they could inflict maximum damage, on either a material or psychological level. If they really wanted to go full jihad, they would wait until Sunday morning and commit their attack at a church (preferably an old Catholic cathedral with beautiful architecture and a large congregation), but no, they do things like this imbecile, who just hopped into his car on campus and plowed into the first group of pedestrians he saw.
Come to think of it, even the 9/11 hijackers were idiots on an individual level. They went to flight school and asked for training but showed no interest in taking off and landing, which made one instructor so nervous that he reported it to the FBI. If they had half a brain, they would pretend to be interested in the whole course, so as not to set off suspicion.
Meanwhile, determined white guys like McVeigh or Breivik managed to commit historic levels of carnage entirely on their own. Even when it comes to terrorism, whites outshine everyone else.
Reminder to check for typos before you go fight on behalf of Allah.
The reality of it is they are weak. At their core Muslims are very behind evolutionary wise, if left to their own devices and they leave our shit alone once we ass rape them a few times under the Trumpenreich they would still squabble amongst themselves because they're such petty beta males constantly having to fuck goats cause their religion says it's okay to cuck your fellow countrymen and laugh with a Harem of 200 women. Because of that shit they will never progress as a race, all of their success as of right now is because of their oil and rich people who suck Israel's cock.
wonderful OC user, checking those trips
under rated
Muslims are complete idiots because of the recursive inbreeding that happens everywhere in sandnigger countries. I'll let Supervert explain.
If you want a scholarly redpill on degeneracy, and what exactly in childhood causes people to seek it out in later life, I'd check out his Perversity Think Tank
goons like real children, not anime characters, that's the difference, they're anti-anime but like real kids
All the better to conquer, user. The Hagia Sophia will ring with Orthodox hymns once again.
so, if he's a spic, or his same race, would we even see him posting on twatter? Really the thing they're doing is spreading hate themselves ironically. Thanks Obama, you started all this.
Agreed, most people against such thing are burgers anyways, and burgers are, on avarage, dumb fucks.
Without counting the amount of newfaggotry in here.
Girls should be assisted by their parents and paired at their prime, which is around 14 (if not less in certain cases), with good men that can care for them or display a brilliant future, not just leave them adrift until their 20's and later ask them when are they going to settle with a man.
Today we are witnessing what happens if you leave women complete freedom of choice, they can't avoid their instinctual desires which are destructive for civilization.
That's exactly the point of that libtard meme (first one was humans of NY), giving a platform for subhumans as part of a vision of civic nationalist paradise, free of race, class or gender prejudice. Everyone has a story etc. Besides also being a piece in the attempt to destroy the last modicum of respect for high culture by reframing brain dead propagandist entertainment as "art."
We have Christian Sudanese Communities here and they always chimp out and do gang shit
It sounds Ukrainian if you emphasize the "o"
I can't not check this
ok, I'm tired and I have anxiety issues. I've never posted here, but I'll share what little I found because I don't have the strength to make a facebook ranting about CNN having "motives unknown" on their frontpage.
1) ABC says that the facebook rant is from Abdul Razak Ali Artan
Officials Investigating Anti-US Facebook Rant Believed Linked to OSU Attacker
2) NBC has a better screenshot of the facebook rant (attached first image) and says that it was Artan's page
3) I tried to look up the image, but I couldn't' find it. Who knows, maybe it's been deleted off facebook.
4) But if you look at the screenshot of the facebook post in the NBC article, you can see some guy "Mohamed Abdulrahman Farah III" saying "who wrote this do you know"
I looked up that guy in Facebook, he's still there, but I can't find the post he made where he said "who wrote this do you know".
4) Some still images of Artan in his car before he got out.
5) Here's a direct link to The Lantern where Artan was interviewed for that Humans Of Ohio thingy
I've got no clue how to download or archive it
6) According to
There's a video of Aryan being super happy at some graduation he was at when he was getting a diploma. Looking up that name of the poster of the facebook rant "Abdi Razaq" I was able to find somebody making a post about that same video (lower quality, like somebody video taping the movie as it plays on a laptop). They were saying congratulations. May 19th. I doubt its significant.
Oh yeah, this one thing I saw on twitter said there were two guys, each had guns…later reports say nothing like that.
Facebook post happened a few minutes before attack. Apparently some fire alarm took place right around the same time, if it was somebody fleeing, ok that makes sense, but I'm wondering if this guy had help or not. Then again, his note says he's a lone wolf.
I think that's it. Good night.
I'm glad they are so open minded about stabbing.
Look at that beautiful grin on his face.
Niggers nig no matter what religion they are. The Lord already decided when Trump became President Elect - They all need to go over the Wall and stay over the Wall.
They tried to resuscitate this?
Whatever nip he's got in him if any is pretty fucking dilute… could also be a Slavic name
Rohingya are invaders from Bangladesh and have been waging war against the native Burmese since 1940 at the latest. And the US government supports them. Christ, niggers are fucking dumb.
I have no wojak and i must feel
Wish me luck anons.
I'll fuck your daughter as soon as she'd 13, gramps.
Your delusions aren't real people.
Get in the oven degenerate
I'll fuck your daughters too, right before Jamal does.
So much Truth in your indignant anger that you have been blessed with multiple repeating digits
Trust in the Truth of your words, trust in the Truth of your anger.
Nurture it, control it and refine your rage to a white hot, focussed beam of burning, holy, destructive energy directed at ALL traitors and enemies until they are ALL dead.
Refine your rage
Become the Hand of God
Wreak His vengeance upon them
Fuck off Habib
But when Holla Forums does it it's not meant as an insult.
There is one who has thought it through.
Double quints.
I dont think Ill ever see this again. Your sister has been blessed user.
This is probably the best usage of paleomemes ITT but no one appreciates it.
the Muslim equivalent of sitting on Santa's lap
Maybe he should have prayed back in Somalia? But things seem to have worked out for the best in the end.
pol is always right
I wonder if he was inspired by this video.
You'll be defending people like him in twenty years, Holla Forums.
I fucking hate cuckservatives.
Sallee Ann Ruibal
Fat feminist hipster editor-in-chief with Twitter profile pic sitting with feet on desk browsing iPhone.
Greatest ally.
Oh btw, the editor in chief is a midget.
It looks like their papers has reached new heights with this event.
Because not everyone is an autistic sperg who denies himself the occasional cookie or slice of pizza.
In b4 (((PIZZA HUT))).
Your body is the only thing you actually own. The fact that you don't treat yourself with respect is not something to be proud of. Enjoy dying an early and avoidable death, I guess.
Occasional unhealthy food isn't going to destroy you if most of the times you eat accordingly. The problem here I think is that those hipster faggots have the face on them that just tells you this ain't occasional feeding.
If you need to report on your Twitter feed you received cookies, you're just an attention whore seeking validation for your unhealthy indulging.
By that logic an occasional cigarette is fine too. Why not fuck a black girl once and a while, hell it can't hurt to do it just once or twice.
Moderation is cancer. If you have to moderate something you're doing, then it isn't good for you. No one needs to warn you not to drink too much water or eat too much fruit because those things are good for you. You should always do what's good for you.
If you're not actively working to be the best you that you can be, then you have no right to judge others for anything they do. A fat fuck eating cheeseburgers and proclaiming that he is part of the master race is a disgrace.
You will not die early from eating like a normal person and actually treating yourself to some pizza or cookies every once in a while. What you will do is make everyone, including your fit friends, laugh at you behind your back because you're the idiot who eats steak for breakfast and celery for dinner and thinks he's any better off for it. I suggest you stop sperging, stop thinking that "if you eat anything fried, you'll die one year sooner", and actually research how to keep fit and live long. All you're doing by spergnig out like this is denying yourself the joys of modern food and social interaction.
Guess what nigger, you have to moderate pretty much everything you are doing. Drink too much water? Death. Eat too much bread? Dead
The fact that in the same post in which you suggest that eating steak in considered healthy eating, you lecture me on how to be healthy is incredible. You are a degenerate, you are no better than a nigger.
You've never met a fit person in your entire life.
Pics of the body where?
Except that yes, if you smoke a cigarette a month, your body will be able to purge the toxins. Same thing with eating fast food or shit food; if you spend the extra calories you ate and maintain a healthy weekly dose of macro/micronutrients, it ain't affecting your overall performance. If 10% of your diet is composed of shit food, hell, you're already in a top-notch shape for a non-athlete.
Look, if you're browsing Holla Forums you're no athlete. If you want to do athlete dieting, it's your own problem. But there are tons of examples of people able to maintain proper bodies with occasional slips (several bodybuilders even maintain a "trash day" a week for dieting so they do not slip completely).
Moderation is not cancer; it is vital to prevent you from completely slipping. Drinking a beer/glass of wine/soda once every week is not going to change the fact that all other 6 days of the week you're keeping yourself up.
If you're fucking black girls but not procreating, it's your own goddamn problem and governments/society shouldn't give two shits about it because it is an exception, not a rule. People are majoritarely tribal; those who racemix are an exception. It's an issue when governments want you to fuck niggers because they're interfering on who you want to do. It's not that much of an issue when it promotes same-race breeding because it is pushing a notion that people already have by default.
Not saging because there are a shit ton of LARP'ers like this fucker who thinks you should cold turkey everything in your life. No. Know your fucking limits. Don't overpush. Strive to be the best, but remember humility.
But then, you're a fucking vegan faggot , what the fuck do you know about shit.
By your own logic, I should abolish eating what my ancestors ate for millenia.
I'll eat all the meat I want, laugh at your face by your lack of animal protein while you defile your own body without essential macronutrients and then eat a huge steak to compensate for your degenerate faggotry corrupting my race.
Thankyou, that's all I needed to know.
Well which is it? I was working for 14 hours on air conditioners. My job gets in the way of keeping up to date on these things, so I come here for the actual facts.
fixed your shit, faggot.
Ben Shapiro, my greatest ally.
Don't post that shit here.
Looking for this? I sent it to her boss
Burgers are fucking hilarious
Is….is he self-aware?
Miracles to happen, user. He might have lived to stab again