how insecure is microsoft?
Has microsoft always been this desperate
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And whats the logic to this part of the shilling?
well, obviously you're browsing the web on battery power, while enjoying a soy latte. what other use case exists for internet use?
It has an icon of a battery above that statement. Are you functionally retarded?
You should have seen what they did to netscape.
You don't know very much about software, do you? Microsoft has a very long history of constantly trying to make their own closed garden version of shit in an effort to force people to use their services over others.
What is "socially engineered malware"?
gtfo my tech windows 10 luser
The kind that doesn't come with Microsoft products
It's not like google doesn't try to push chrome down your throat every chance they get.
When Pajeet sends you an email asking for your password and you give it to him.
Obviously I don't use either though
I remember when Microsoft were sued just because they included Internet Explorer as part of Windows.
Meanwhile Google bundles their browser and other apps like gmaps and gmail with their OS that are practically monopolies on it and will remain that way, controls software distribution and keeps root rights to itself and no one cares. Fucking the public over while they beg you for more must be fun.
maybe it's because nobody realized such retarded laws exist
t. 10 year gentoo user now fuck off with your retarded knee jerk reply you're about to type
what the fuck, you deleted your comment and reposted
the public will fuck themselves over by using the shittiest possible goy friendly software you stupid niggermonkey. stop degrading the open source movement by trying to sue corporations over bullshit
You sure are eager to jump to the aid of billion dollar corporations against those evil "goys". You are worth less than shit and so are your laughable opinions.
The open source movement manages to disgrace itself perfectly fine, it is their very purpose, I recommend you join them.
Microsoft is responding to pic related you fucking idiot
how am I aiding them? I couldn't give less of a shit about how antitrust effects some company like Microsoft (it doesn't). rules are for fools
are you saying i'm a bad person because I don't care about some stupid antitrust law or that I'm poor and therefore magically need to care about such law?
they also do it with sjwfox.
>stop degrading the open source movement by trying to sue corporations over bullshit
Does not compute.
You obviously do care, as evidenced by your chimping out here . You most definitely are poor, which is why you are a fucktard for blindly cheering on the winner in every dispute, just because it makes you feel like you are one of them or perhaps you hope that they will share their loot with you in exchange for your valiant efforts. Protip: You aren't and they never will, they will just laugh all the way to the bank while morons who they ripped off defend them. Because they are smart, unlike you.
I'm surprised Google lets you search for other browsers at all. Was expecting 0 results found
Google is great at subtlety, they simply make you not want to leave.
atleast poosoft isn't trying to hide it
Looks like they really have an EDGE over the competition.
deport this
Windows: The perfect anti-malware. It blocks all forms of malware except for windows 10.
It means MS paid some H1B pajeets to write this on their lunch break.
Didn't Microsoft have to pay a fine for bundling IE with Windows a long time back?
That's just social engineering. And social engineering malware would be software asking for the same.
I think it's more along the lines of someone fooling Pajeet into writing a piece of malware by pretending to be from Microloo.
wtf is going on with bing?
Pajeet quality coding.
I am going to beat you to death with your own femur.
Edge is actually pretty good.
Great! It's what I always wanted.
their email website doesn't even work properly on Firefox anymore
Yes it does. I even have some scripts blocked by Privacy Badger and NoScript.
It used to be when someone sent you a totally-innocent address bar javascript and asked you to run it and you were stupid enough to use it, compromising your entire account and inserting a keylogger into your page. Then they started ruining the javascript (and data) protocols so you can't just insert that shit into your address bar, which I honestly find very annoying as I use both of them, so I have to fuck with my browser to enable that shit (just about every browser blocks this shit now).
Anyway, yes, those things don't work on Edge. Just like how they don't work on most browsers these days. What a selling point.
"Embrace, Extend, Extinguish" is the term. It was an actual Microsoft policy.
They're a bit more subtle than that. IIRC it used to be that if you change your user-agent to Google Chrome, your Google Maps page will load faster.
You're not on Holla Forums, dumbfuck.
Just use Vivaldi
t. Vivaldi user
Probably wrong-think. Thought crimes are a socially engineered mental malware.
A browser that doesn't take you anywhere doesn't consume battery.
I read ya man, this was a friend's, I dont use chrome, but I do use firefox, although ff is also pretty hated here
Get out
microsoft isnt insecure
microsoft loves you
microsoft wants you to use their products
microsoft will tuck you in bed
microsoft is in your ass
Holla Forums is a white board
not shocking tbh
Holy shit you are retarded.
Even the rendering is lagging behind.
For a long time if you searched for "openoffice" in IE or Edge or whatever it was at the time, it wouldn't give you even one link to any openoffice websites. All it gave you was links to MS Office, and links to sites with reviews of MS Office.
Last time I checked (some months back) they had stopped doing this.
This can actually be a kind of effective advertising strategy, when you have nothing else going for you. Find some basic, standard thing that everyone does, that's so common that no one even bothers to mention it, then try to use it as a selling point for your product. People who don't know any better might assume that because you're saying you have this feature but no one else is saying they have it, that you're the only one who has it. When you have literally nothing else noteworthy about your product, all you can do is pretend meeting even the same basic standards that all of your competitors do is an accomplishment, and hope your consumers are too stupid to realize everyone else is doing that thing, too.
Any evidence or is this just conjecture?
Nothing serious, just a bad configuration.
lulz, yeah it does work better cause they know exactly what you like and don't like, all you gotta do is use windblows for a couple months and it will whip you right into shape, no need showing you stuff your not interested in cause it know. Just let them make a profile on you to better your life. Soon windblows will also give an option to upload your thinking patterns oh wait they got that all ready cause they took it from you by mapping what you do on a daily basis. Fuck all windblows and windblows niggers, just go fuck your self and stop bending over for microshit and google, but by this time your prolly use to the ass raping and no longer bothers you or you just don't realize how your allowing millionaires to make profit off a stupid idiot like yourself. So ill just say this GO FUCKING KILL YOURSELVES YOU FUCKING ENABLERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!FUCK WINDBLOWS AND FUCK YOU TOO, IF YOU DONT GIVE A SHIT THEN I DONT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT YOU.
I totally missed this post, oh god my fucking side, they fucking fell off.
Nonwhite. Your people were conquered and ruled by mudslimes. You have mudslime and negro DNA.
It's wonderful.
It's actually blue.
less than apple, but also less insecure than the cucks at google/mozilla who'll lick apple's boots
to sell iDiots their flavored condoms branded UI wrappers around the crippled safari browser engine
Edge is a skin of chrome on android, while they could use whatever rendering engine.
Does MS have cutie pie mascots like Kiki or Libbie? I only use software with cute mascots attached, and a penguin and a GNU are kinda cute compared to stupid Window logo or stupid apple.
Extremly anxious ever since meltdown and spectre
One twin basically owns Intel and the other owns the other company AMD.
Named Bogva-Bogevietchimzcski aka the "golden spoken word"
The twins went 50-50 creatively and made a music video. AMD is naive to the backdoors(alphabet soup glow in the dark cianiggers) and claims they are safer
WE ARE ALL FUCKED!!! EVERY processor built in past 25 years is jeopardized by backdoor spying by glowwys or a huge performance drop
Here's the undocumented uncensored video that has been uncovered
Also backstory on their aleged clone
Jim Jarmusch, real name Jean Jemois Bogdanoff, or simply Jim, was the leader of BOGHOUND during the Shadow Bog Incident. He was cloned from a hybrid of Igor and Grichka's DNA when the original twins were 4 years old (in this timeline, of which there are many, keep in mind the original twins actually transcend the time-space continuum and are therefore ageless) as part of the Les Bogfant Terribles project. Jim was led to believe that he had been created in order to express Igor and Grichkas recessive genetic traits, and as such, was "inferior" to the other two who have received dominant genes from a common ancestor. Jim therefore held a strong resentment towards Igor and Grichka but proved nonetheless useful in many black op side projects and has since been unwittingly manipulated by the original twins into doing their bidding.
Possessing an IQ of 180, Jim spoke seven languages fluently, including English, Spanish, French, Malay, Arabic, and Kikongo.
Pic related to clone
Wouldn't the phrase cognitohazard sound cooler though?
Can't help but notice it says "faster, safer" and not "fastest, safest". Don't want to set themselves for a trap.
I would gladly use Edge... if it wasn't gigantic peace of garbage fucked by a horse.
25 years ago there were a lot more different CPUs than by Intel/AMD and ARM. The m68k was still being built and used in Amiga, Atari, and Apple computers, as well as Sega Genesis/CD. There were also Sun/SPARC, SGI/MIPS, Acorn/ARM (older versions aren't buggy), and various others.
Actually, in 1995 Amstrad released the PcW16, a cheap office computer running on an 8-bit Z80 clocked at 16 MHz. It didn't do well at all, since Even Commodore and Atari were basically already dead at that point and the world was demanding Windows and Intel.
Well the world got what it wanted.
You're not on cuckchan, dumbfuck.
Yeah its chromium again, enjoy being used