Well it looks like civilization is a shitload older than we originally thought. How old could Kek possibly be? Why are massive new discoveries in Egyptology coming out now?
How fucking old are the pyramids exactly?
Well it looks like civilization is a shitload older than we originally thought. How old could Kek possibly be? Why are massive new discoveries in Egyptology coming out now?
How fucking old are the pyramids exactly?
Other urls found in this thread:
Do you even Atlantis?
kek is the alpha and omega
the beginning and the end
he is from before time
kek is the last atlantean
I wonder if we can get government funding from Trump for Egyptology expeditions looking into Kek's history.
How does a city go lost? I'm calling bullshit on this story.
Shit gets lost in Egypt all the time.
It's called sand.
I like where this is going
Millennia of time and environmental changes (hint: loss of rainfall)? You fucking moron.
can we crowd fund this?
Couldn't we just get a government grant under a Trump administration?
Newfag by any chance?
Hadn't Abydos already been "discovered"? This just sounds like they found some more buildings to add on to what's already been excavated, though the article makes it sound like the whole thing is "new".
Would there even be temples for Kek? Isn't he supposed to be a really obscure deity that preceded everything else?
Yeah I think the part about it being 7000 fucking years old is the headline here.
Yup. Old news being dredged to slide.
What fucking ever, they find one old remains of a building in the land of dindu and suddenly it becomes a "lost city." This news post is sliding at best.
Nigger Egyptian civilization being 7000 years old at the very least is big ass news.
These aren't any old buildings.
These are buildings of a religious center from the time of the Ogdoad's height of power.
t. kike
Graham Hancock vindicated!?!
Trips confirm
Also Jews or anything resembling them didn't even exist this far back in history.
So hes from the Beforetimes? The chappie what carries Mr. Death round in 'is pocket?
Is travel to Egypt safe right now? What about the muslims?
Muslim brotherhood has been deposed and a pro-Trump, secular, Military general rules the country.
I'm not expecting much of this but if they find the lost temple of a certain frog God I won't know how to react. It will be the last straw dividing my perceived reality to that of a meme magick controlled universe.
Has the military fully secured the country, or is it still dangerous for westerners? I don't trust muslims to be lawful, but I would like to visit Egypt.
I honestly don't know, google it faggot.
I wuz emperorz so I don't need much more to feel proud of my heritage
Honestly, I'd be surprised if there was anyone left on Holla Forums these days that wasn't at least a distant offshoot of one of the old ruling bloodlines.
Aryans explored, conquered and civilized the entire ancient world. They originated from a now lost nation. Well, "lost" depends on who you are, of course. Certain Jews know where we're from, but so does Kek. May Kek reveal all things to us for the love of knowledge.
This "We wuz Kings and shit" needs to stop. It's bad enough niggers do it, it's fucking gross when we do it.
Nice trips, but fuck off kike.
I wuz philosopha kang and shit nigga.
But we axully wuz kangs dog
Atlantis thread vol 2?
what is /improve/ for?
because its the same old red pills prbly
what is /natsoc/ for?
what is /art/ for?
what is /lit/ for?
All you're doing is trying to D&C by making the userbase distrust and dislike the moderation. That may work on halfchan but its not going to work here, shill.
do eeeeeeeet
Is that what I'm supposed to be seeing here?
The sphinx was built over 13,000 years ago. The pyramids were began (not finished) at the same time.
Reminder that a global white civilization existed which fell at the end of the last ice age.
You’ll want to watch this.
where they blond and blue eyes or just white skinned?
Both. You can’t have one set of genetics without the other.
The video (and the rest of that documentary), and also this video:
This is just embarrassing.
its like youre not even trying any more
Bump and reported for not even trying.
so where did brown haired white people come from
here's your (you)
Hyperborean/Atlantis/Pre-historic civilization thread?
Yeah, dawgs. We wuz kangs an' shiet, my cracka!
Bump and reported.
Could you kvetch any harder?
Nice job spouting memes you can barely comprehend.
That alone is the proof that you are a really stupid shill
you know the answer to that
Those irregular blocks are more than meets the eye.
Reminder that Piri Reis produced a chart of Antarctica withouth ice in 1512, based on older maps while the Spanish put only the tip in America.
And many others for that matter.
Sure m8
So they were mongrels. Even worse.
thats how the artitst imagined egyptians to look like
that is a facial reconstruction from a skull, the eyes, hair, etc are guesses. the shape of the skull is what matters for us
King Tut had red hair
Even darkies can have white features.
Of course.
Aren't american Niggers 20-30% white on average due to slave rape?
Sure thing, bro.
Obligatory watching.
Try again. We’ve proven ancient Egyptians are genetically white, fuckface.
Reminder that advanced civilizations existed since at least 12,000 years ago, possibly as far back as 25,000bc.
Yeah, yeah. Which is why is totally a thing, m i rite? "We wuz" is even worse when whites do it.
Ramses II was a redhead.
you lose.
Top kek. I can smell the desperation.
Why do you dumb fucks have to turn every decent thread into "nigger" bullshit?
where the fuck do you get your info
the pyramids are around 4000 yrs old and were built around 500yrs before the sphinx
Lurk moar fagget.
Praise Kek! We must get thee before the mudslimes shit up the place and defile it!
Great argument
Kek and the Ogdoad are the Egyptian "old gods" that were more popularly worshiped before they memed a bunch of new ones. Since this is an older city, maybe it's likely they'll find a temple to Kek.
Where the fuck do you get YOUR info? Mainstream egyptologists? Fuck off with your LONG-disproven bullshit.
lemme guess, you think its "cringey"?
No, they're part kike, hence the greed an lust for gold. Remember, only 1% of he south owned slaves, and most of the slave ships were owned by jews. Who the hell do you think was fucking the dirty negros?
no really. you lose.
Great argument
The U.S.A. is all niggers then. The Egyptians even once had a Hebrew as a ruler, as it is written in Exodus.
Got your back. We have always been empire builders.
Tell your handlers to fire you.
Yep. The Jews don't believe it happened, and that's how you know it's real. Or do you seriously believe the Jews ever tell the truth? I hope you're not 'that' stupid.
Actually the USA is a good comparison to ancient Egypt. Both cultures were ruled by blacks as their empires began to crumble.
I suppose you would argue that because the USA had one black leader then all of it's leaders and population must have been black too, amiright? |:^)
lol, who could rationally believe the kike history of egypt? They were kicked out of egypt for the same reasons they were kicked out of everywhere else. kikery.
Worry not though. Our gods remember.
What the fuck are you talking about? I was just asking why threads like this always have to slide into overplayed nigger shit.
Kek confirmed for Tok'Ra…
Trump is his host?
i hope you aren't neglecting the fact that pharoahs were selected in succession? A pharoah's son becomes the next ruler upon his father's death, and so forth. If no sons, then the next immediate male family member is chosen. The lineage of pharaohs does not change UNTIL later in Egyptian history. Meaning the original Egyptians and their pharaohs were European.
How mad are you right now?
muh egyptian
refuses to call niggers by their name
ID: .8387571 - CUCK SHILL
american niggers have all some of white dna you retard
they were fucked by slave owners and had haldflings. later the halflings intermixed with the remaining niggers and thats why they all have white characteristics and lighter skin color than african niggers
From the long long ago.
Lol, that's literally what I said, because someone made the claim you can prove the entire race of a nation solely based on their rulers. You can't honestly be this retarded.
I'm sure that means the holocaust happened then.
You are just being a faggot and bring shame to smug anime girls. After looking through your 10 posts you have brought absolutely nothing of value to this conversation.
Show me where they actually admit this, unlike Exodus. Because the Jews believe it happened it so hard, that they're now pushing "genetically inherited trauma" to keep the lie going.
You life brings nothing of value to anyone.
there are easily half a dozen links on google of jews saying the holocaust never happened.
I know.
"How can you defeat an enemy that looks into the barrel of your gun and sees Paradise?"
History is the same as today:
Wow. A few. That probably don't even see themselves as Jewish, and certainly aren't seen as Jewish by other Jews because they deny the Holocaust. Is this the best you can do?
It's a viscous cycle.
Trudeau please stop posting
I want a zat gun
Is the best you can do for an argument is kikes don't believe it happened so it did?
Yes. Jews really are that shallow and predictable. How new r u to not know this?
I want the normies, normalfags, and cucks to leave already!
I don't see any niggers posting their we wuz shit.
Aryans (white skin, Caucasian features, blonde and red hair along with green and blue eyes) were the original humans. Dominated the planet until a comet obliterated the North American glaciers. The land raised by region depressed by other glaciers in the northern hemisphere plunged back down below sea level in a matter of hours. What were once entire coastal regions were wiped out immediately in a massive flood. Hence the global flood narratives the world over. About 50% of the world's population would have drowned. The survivors would watch in horror, or manage to barely escape alive. Most of those populations living inland would have been like the goths to the Romans. Not as advanced, but perhaps not so distantly related. The survivors would civilize them the best they were able and eventually the Aryan DNA would mingle with the native DNA. But since it was mostly with Royalty and ruling classes, the phenotype would be preserved. It would be obliterated in the far east by the Yayoi culture and never survived in Africa due to sun concentration and disease.
Jews were a Arabian derived band of primitives who were enslaved by the fleeing Aryans as they moved toward places such as Mesopotamia. They know who we are, they hate us 10,000 years later and want to make sure this heritage is lost and they keep whites as a world minority and their trophy.
Gas yourself, lying kike.
I gonna need proof before I accept this my man
Honestly goy it reads like some shitty fanfic
Your microsoft paint pictures are not proof. Stop spamming every thread.
We already know our story. We don't need to.go.wewuz and pretend we were something we weren't, nigger
go back to 4chan
These are my favorite threads. Severely underrated. Ancient history is not as we are told, and it should do us good to reveal the truth about where we all come from.
We wuz are actually niggers. It is funny when people do it for Europeans because it triggers you subhumans
Read The Fingerprints of the Gods, ancient cultures have noted a White God that visits them bearing advanced technology (boats, etc). All features of this White visitor is Aryan/Caucasian.
Just wait until they uncover a huge Kek statue
And the Lord of the Rings isn't fiction, but the blood memory of when whites were aliens and literal gods, isn't it? It's time to stop posting, Varg. You have a daughter to raise, or did you forget again? She has been without you for long enough.
We have mountains of evidence kikel.
After reading FotG, I actually get really mad now when people spew this utter nonsense of a theory. Most modern day historians and scholars accept it as the "prevailing theory", but on extremely shaky grounds and without much faith.
The truth is, we actually have very little idea how they really built it, and with such incredible mathematic precision as well so as to proclaim the value of Pi in it's ancient stones. That being one of many of its mysteries.
Who is the Jew again?
Fuck you talking about OP? Gobekli Tepi is way older than that.
Because Egypt is broke. This always happens when Egypt needs more tourism $ - new shafts (that people knew about for years already), new tombs, etc.
Egyptian documented history goes way back before 3000 BC. Mudslimes call it all mythology because no mudslimes were there then.
Egyptian pharoah's had ginger hair, I shit you not. The family of Ramsees were Berber's. Gaels (Irish/Milesians erroneously referred to as 'Celts') have closer genetic links to the pharoahs than mudslimes do.
kikes are martians according to this video that's why they are so degenerate
This faggot saging the thread is an Anti-Kekite - A Jew who fears the Frog.
It's not the children who will be raped, it's Yaldabaoth's Covenant. The Jews will get gassed entirely.
This video has been proven bullshit countless times.
Stupid goy, do you not know that it is currently Cheshvan, year 5777?! That article you posted there must be untrue, the Earth is less than 6000 years old…have you not been to a Creationist museum?
Stop posting disinfo then faggot.
So much this.
Fuck you anti-atlantis/flood faggots. Every 5 years we find a new civilization and normiea freak out.
The site of Atlantis proper is today known as the Eye of Africa, located just to the south of the Atlas Mountains. The islands of Atlantis were ruled over by the sons of Atlas and their descendants until its fall.
It was destroyed by a massive tsunami circa 9600 BC, when a comet impacted on the North American ice sheet. Egyptian culture was an offshoot of Atlantean culture.
The great monuments of Egypt are time capsules. They are not only encoded with the relevant dates, but are also encoded with sacred knowledge, i.e. mathematics. They are the most formidable structures on Earth, designed to withstand the ravages of the milennia, and to hand down their knowledge to future generations, even in the event of a global catastrophe.
I like this theory, regardless of how far fetched it might sound.
The course of the Nile has changed several times across the millenia. Entire capitals were moved when this occurred, with previous sites abandoned and either cannibalized or lost to the desert winds.
In modern times, we've been able to identify the ancient dry river beds where the Nile previously flowed, using satellite imagery. Archaelogists have used other historical records to pin point those abandoned cities (which are recorded in Egyptian history but were simply lost).
This isn't isolated to Egypt. Similar work has been carried out at Angkor Wat, revealing the ruins of the largest city in the world in its heyday.
Atlantis wasn’t any given group of islands, but the Younger Dryas event DID happen, the 400 foot sea level rise DID flood 200 miles inland all around the world, and ~75% of existing human structures at the time would have been flooded.
Remember that even today, ¾ of the world population still lives within 200 miles of the ocean.
There's nothing particularly far fetched about it, but I understand the skepticism.
There's a huge body of evidence for the comet impact in North America circa 9600 BC. That flooding of the North American continent occurred at this time isn't in doubt - this is why we have the Great Lakes. This is also around the time that all of the large mammals in the Americas became extinct, and the Clovis culture disappeared.
The meaurements of the Eye of Africa broadly correlate with the dimensions given by Plato. The site lies beyond the Pillars of Heracles and is, coincidentally(?) right next to the Atlas Mountains, named after the mythical(?) founder of Atlantis.
The landmass would have looked quite different in those days, in view of subsequent sea level changes.
The Berbers are likely the closest descendents of the Atlanteans. This is probably why the Pharonic bloodlines were of Berber descent too (not withstanding the few Nubians who occasionally came to the throne).
There's a wealth of other evidence if you do some research.
Why isn't this more widely known? Sacred knowledge = secret knowledge. Evidence of prehistoric civilizations was systematically destroyed over the millenia, and their legacy was privatized by mystery schools and secret societies.
That said, don't imagine that these prehistoric civilizations were more advanced than our own. Technologically, they likely lagged far behind in most respects. There are no signs of any complex mathematics encoded within the Egyptian monuments that we ourselves haven't 'rediscovered' hundreds if not thousands of years ago. All of the physical dimensions that are encoded (circumference of the Earth etc.) could have been derived from astronomical observation alone (although the Egyptians were certainly a seafaring nation at the time of their construction). ETfaggots will be butthurt, but the shafts pointing to distant stars are just temporal coordinates - they're pointing to astrological dates.
The pyramids are impressive, but they ain't fucking magical. They're just a practical method of passing down knowledge. Gobekli Tepi is designed on the same principles. So is Australian Aboriginal artwork, which is usually found in sacred sites, and so are those sites themselves (like Uluru/Ayers Rock). Principle is to use robust monuments to convey basic knowledge.
Gobekli Tepi is a literal time capsule. Whoever built it covered the entire site every few (hundred) years or so and started again.
What a bunch of ridiculous nonsense.
Believers in le frog kang's lucky numbers are the worst kind of cancer.
Video related. This is what you sound like.
The only historical account we have of Atlantis (Plato's) states that it was a group of islands. Where can I find the source that tells you it wasn't?
Bear in mind, Atlantis =/= Atlantis the City
Atlantis also controlled territory in modern day Spain and elsewhere in the mediteranean - trade city outposts, along Pheonician lines. It was essentially a seafaring trade empire, like the later British Empire.
Start at 13:30 to see just what I'm talking about.
water erosion on the sphinx points to it being much, much older than the pyramids
The structure of the Great Pyramid you see today was completed circa 2500 BCE. This is not in doubt. The smaller pyramids were later constructions.
However, the subteranean chamber beneath the Great Pyramid is much, much older (no, not some 'secret' chamber - you can look it up).
The Sphinx is several thousand years older than advertised. The evidence of water erosion is clear. The mudslime explanations are ludicrous.
In any case, the point is not WHEN they were built but the dates they commerate (they are astronomically aligned). These dates correspond to the 'mythical' first time, or time of the Gods, recorded in Egyptian historical documents - they have Kings lists that list every pharoah all the way back to this time.
Again, the point of these monuments was to encode sacred knowledge in structures that could withstand a year 0 event i.e. a reset of human civilization. The date they point to is the date of the last cataclysm, which wiped out Atlantis.
Egyptians are pretty clear about most of this shit in their own historical record. We just write it off as bullshit, even as more and more evidence comes to light.
post yfw so much meme magic being fed into Kek is actually resurrect an ages long civilization of primordial meme mages
don't forget 10,000 year old Yonaguni (
Egyptians would ussually remove entire parts of their history for several reasons. Such as pharaohs being non-perfect or slave revolts.
Egyptians were part of a race that doesn't exist anymore.
Roman records descript them as "the red people"
Massive new discoveries from egypt come in waves that relate to how easy/safe it is for archeologists to work there.
Existing sites are usually kept open by the shittier egyptian governments as they bring in revenue. But they're not inclined to allow the searches for new sites.
Better governments however don't care about what else the archeologists might find so they let them do their thing leading to new finds.
Better governments also maintain law and order better making it safer and easier for archeologists to bring in specialist equipment to help them search.
FFS. Gonna have to clear this shit up again.
Ok user. Kikes =/= 'Jews' (or Judahites)
Judahites = Hyksos
Yes, they were kicked out of Egypt for what we would now call 'kikery', though kikes didn't yet exist. Their main transgression was trying to supplant the Egyptian pantheon with the One God, Aten.
The author of the Aten religion, (Thut)moses, and his brother, Akhenaten (Pharoah of Lower Egypt), were exiled, and the rule of Lower Egypt briefly fell to their uncle, Aye, before he too was dealt with.
These Hyksos/Judahites conquered the Canaanites and came to dominate the land known as Judea. There were largely wiped out by the Romans in AD70.
The "Kikes" are just that: Kikes. They are a Turkic people. Turks = Kikes = Turks.
They adopted Talmudism (Satanism) in the 9th century.
They were conquered by the Kievan Russ in the 10th century.
They were largely confined to an open air prison in their former homeland, which became known as the Pale of Settlement.
The elite were able to escape to Eastern Europe and Scandinavia. There, they formed mafia organizations and began to subvert and infiltrate the European establishment.
They now rule us.
In short, totally different people. Same Satanic religion.
This was done by removing every written document mentioning the event and making talking about it illegal.
Expanding on this point. An entire city being swallowed by the Nile (which was believed to be a gift from the gods) would make Egypt look non-divine, which in their eyes would seem like a perfect reason to errase the entire thing from the anals of history.
No, that trauma is from the metzitzah b'peh. That's why they are neurotic and broken.
It has been proven that infant circumcision causes very serious trauma. Of course the jews will spin that to blame someone else so they can keep mutilating baby dicks.
They found an old Nintendo game
Read up faggot. I already said, no fucking aliens. There's nothing magical about the pyramids. They're a decent effort at fulfilling their purpose, built by a modest civilization. The math encoded in their structures isn't particularly amazing. It's Pythagoras level shit. I mean impressive, yeah, but hardly stargate shit.
Civilization is much, much older than most think, but this is likely as technologically advanced as we have ever got (by a long, long way).
Our species is at least 200,000 years old. That means human beings who were biologically identical to you and I were walking around 200 millenia ago. But we only figured out how to write a few thousand years ago? Occam's Razor my dude. The premise is ludicrous. We already know our species was almost wiped out at least once (why we're all so inbred). There's nothing sci-fi about this…
Nice trifecta, faggot. Is three a magical number too?
These are both horse shit. Yonaguni looks like most of the surrounding dry land. It's a perfectly natural geological formation.
City in Cuba is ancient aliens cancer. GTFO with that shit.
Dwarka is the real deal if you're interested in underwater cities.
This city is recorded in Egyptian history. They just couldn't find it because that channel of the Nile dried up millenia ago and there were no maps left from that time, just vague descriptions of the location. They were able to identify the channels later with satellite imagery.
Lord Kek will see you slain
Gobekli Tepe vindicated Atlantis since Schmidt started excavating it in 1996.
This is literally how long it takes for normies to catch up. Honestly I don't think they ever really do.
m-muh i fuckin love science tho!
Still tumblr-tier. Fix a few frames and maybe you'll have something there.
You should at least have something if you're not going to have an argument.
Is this irony? Do you seriously believe that human beings have evolved in the past 200 years?
Be honest: You don't know how evolution works, do you?
Praise Kek
200,000 even…
This nigger is serious.
Sweet Jesus.
It's hilarious that the shills insist on trying to make a comparison of actual archaeological evidence that supports European ancestry for ancient Civilizations to Niggers on facebook staying #woke.
They never give a counterpoint, it's just them trying to re-meme WE WUZ when evidence supports we probably really were.
Also whites have truly been great Kings and Emperors in history, so trying to turn WE WUZ on whites is about as effective as 'cumskin' memetically.
He was Berber. The DNA studies are public. Red hair is relatively common in Berbers, even if it looks weird as fuck. I've looked this dude in the face a few times too.
Funnily enough, the people with, by far, the highest prevalence of red hair are the Scots, i.e. the Scots Irish. They also have genetic links to the Berbers, though it isn't clearly understood why they are linked and how they came to be seperated.
The Scots were a powerful group who dominated Ulster and the West of Scotland. Their own annals claim that they were ruled by an Egyptian Princess prior to their settlement of Ireland, and her Greek husband.
They called themselves Milesians, and settled in Iberia. They then crossed the water to Hibernia. (Incidentally, an Irishman could obtain a Spanish passport up until the 19th century based on this connection.)
There were Judahite Pharoahs, but Ramsees wasn't one of them. Those Pharoahs were known as the Hyksos, and were foreign to Egypt. They introduced monotheism and were eventually kicked out by the rival Pharoahs in Upper Egypt, after which they conquered Canaan.
The government of Egypt are also massive dicks about it, telling researchers where the can and can't look, etc.
What if they were whites who were just constantly sunburned?
today's berbers are not the same as thousands-of years-ago berbers.
Human beings probably aren't even 100,000 Years old as a species.
Additionally, yes, we evolved in the last 200 years, as we evolve generation-by-generation thanks to the way evolution works: That is, passing on genetic material based on what is successful and not.
Law and order? That's racist user.
Yep. You don't understand evolution, or what that paper actually says (and qualifies).
Not an argument.
Enlighten with your deep insights or go peddle it to /x/, sheeny.
What point are you trying to make? Modern Berbers, modern Scots/Irish, and Ramsees are all genetically related, regardless of whatever ancient Berbers you're referring to.
You didn't make an argument either you fuckwit. You just posted a link to a paper you don't fucking understand. You ridiculous faggot.
"Red people" Actually relates to the practice of spreading iron rust mixed with animal fat on ones body for rituals. The Minoans had a similar practice. It's generally associated with sun worship.
I understand what it said.
Are you sure you do?
If you mean that modern Berbers have mixed with mudslimes, then I agree. That doesn't mean that they still don't carry traces of their genetic lineage though. The Scots (and Ramses) have the same traces.
Same shit will probably happen to Europe in time too user. Most will look like mudslimes, but their will be traces of master race genetic material.
Just want to throw this in the thread:
I went to Bali not too long ago and attended a big festival about a pair of giant princesses coming to marry the prince there. They have a parade there where they celebrate this too with really shitty costumes. I can't find any pictures though and never take any myself. The princesses themselves had very light skin (Balinese are very brown) and blue eyes. One of them had blonde hair and maybe the other one too. Can't remember. Swastikas everywhere on their statues too.
The important thing is that these legends date back to around the same time of the ones in Peru where their blonde haired God kings ruled over them and suddenly vanished.
How cool would it have been to travel the world and bring civilisation to primitive societies and be remembered forever as mystical Gods?
My dude, you still haven't made an argument. That's why you're posting those links verbatim, because you aren't confident enough to make a clear statement on your own terms.
Arabs have never created shit. LOL at niggers and arabs thinking they were ever kangz. All the great empires came from caucasians whose birthplace was the caucasus region. Europeans vs Persians.
That's a pretty hot opinion there, Tsoukalos.
Because there isn't one. There is a racial character to all known civilization and it correlates with "Aryan" features. It's a rabbit whole 10x deeper than pizza gate once you start actually getting into it.
Across all ancient civilization you uniformly find a direct correlation with European/Aryan phenotype and the rise and fall of the civilization. Whether it be in direct physical anthropology, or in mythos/text.
The only frontier remaining is ancient civilization in the Americas. Their mythos speaks of the tall bearded virachochas who brought them civilization, numerous native peoples carry swastikas and other Indo-European symbols as part of their traditon. All that's lacking are actual physical remains (that I know of).
Though I do think the lovelock cave skulls are quite distinctly caucasoid, and correlate with the mountain cities in the American southwest (This is not only my opinion, the hopi and other tribes in the area admit their race didn't build the cities, they say the red-haired giants did, they call them Anasazi.)
I'm trying not to go off on a tangent here but there's simply so much to dig up. The rise of chinese civilization directly correlates with the influx of Indo-Europeans into the Tarim basin… The Indus valley civilization was once Aryan, Persia was Aryan (not even up for debate, they still speak Indo-European tongues)…etc.
It's a rabbit hole that just carries on and on. The important thing now is breaking through the cataclysm period, because clearly there was one.
The first time was something a long way back, but also something immanent at every moment. Egyptians did not view history as an accurate account of events, but as a chance to align their world with the divine order, so official and ceremonial histories were pretty inaccurate for the sake of fitting them with the myth. On the other hand, they were probably the most adept at record keeping, so we also have some actual data.
The "White race" consists of two lineages…
The Indo-European and the Indo-Aryan… I.e the tribes who migrated from central Asia into Europe, and the tribes who migrated from central Asia into the middle East/South-Asia.
The Indo-Aryan branch is all but dead, with the exception of small tribes with some recessive genetic remnants barely hanging on in some regions (yazidis for instance). The Indo-European branch is dead if Jews win.
Isn't this common knowledge? The celtic tribes came up from Iberia (galicia? where "gaelic" comes from?) and kept settling in various places on the coast on their way moving north (brittany in france, channel islands, cornwall).
I agree with you in principle, but my argument is that the Egyptians point to a time when civilization more closely resembled the divine order - in other words the high-point of civilization from their point of view. I don't believe their Gods were real, as such - more archetypes that may or may not have been based on semi-mythical characters.
I wonder how much of CI is true and how much is actually bullshit. Too much literature for me to sort through.
Though is true, the gauls are actually Galatians, this is mainstream consensus.
Yes that's what I meant.
It won't come to that. This civilization will fall too and after it there won't be any more "white guilt" or concepts like racism, and Europeans will become free again. A lot of mixing will occur but a lot of people will die as well, particularly in the cities, so most of these mixed people will probably disappear. And there will always remain whites in more remote areas.
If this civilization survived for more several centuries then yes, maybe whites wouldn't survive.
*not exclusively in more remote areas.
Maybe if you were unfortunately fed bullshit in school and believed it that might come to you as a surprise.
Ancient Egypt may have been truly glorious but the lesson to be learned is that in spite of any possible climate change, ayy lmaos or extinction event these civilizations are most likely lost in time due to Aryan miscegenation as Arthur de Gobineau and others correctly pontificated well over a hundred years ago.
Where in central asia? steppes? I know all those places used to be white… persia, northern india, afghanistan. Unfortunately it seems whites build up massive civilizations that collapse under their own weight due to excess and low birth rates, then the shitskins move in and destroy the genetics forever. persians raped by arabs, north indians raped by dravids and slimes, etc
You mean these ones are gauls right?
Sadly only shills will reply to this comment. You are not alone in your beliefs mein friendo.
Fuck the common historical narrative, it's all kiked to shit and everyone on this board knows it. The same reason they deny ancient aryan theories about Egypt and whites in ancient China. Modern egyptians today aren't related to the ancients in the slightest, the same can be said for nearly every ancient civilization on Earth, save for probably northern India and Central Americas/Natives, even then the Natives themselves probably were only the slave labor.
Civilization and mankind go back since before the Ice Age, by at least a few thousand years. There is no way in hell we started building cities and shit right after the glaciers melted, over night. Logically speaking that doesn't make any damn sense.
You're retarded. We are always evolving, but biologically we would only be slightly different by a few traits compared to humans 200k years ago. Meaning we're the fucking same species, same brain development, same capacity. Probably a little physically stronger and hairier, thats about it.
Fuck off shill kike.
u wot m80? 100k years isn't enough time for us to evolve from literal primates to going to space.
I thought the kike word came from immigration officers in ellis island who used it to refer to jewish immigrants?
People are evolving even today:
-mixed peoples (even british and french levels of "mixed") have teeth that don't fit their heads in nearly all cases, native populations anywhere in the world lack this failing (no need for braces) because it is an easy way to die with primitive healthcare systems
-the deviations in skin color are more recent than 200,000 years
-you can go from retarded inbred to genius in about 4-6 generations, or the other way too
People adapt fucking easily, all it takes is a bit of selection pressure and/or a shitload of offspring, people tend to associate with people like themselves (even over the pettiest of things like political leanings and belief structures) yielding a strong amplification of any differences underlying those things. Fuck man, up until about 100 years ago most people didn't even get over 5'5" tall.
Evolution is always happening (how the fuck do you think Darwin was able to spot finches changing in a relatively short visit to a fucking island?) That's in part why differences matter (fuck your personal quality of life, if the mudslimes are allowed to breed en mass amongst us anything remaining of our genes will be infected by their savagery within a few generations.)
Gaels are not Celts. They're "Milesians" - by their own accounts, Greeks whose ancestors came from Miletus (home of Thales, Anaximander, and Anaximenes, and root of the word "military"). The last wave arrived in Ireland in around 400 BC, after a long stopover in Iberia, though earlier settlers had been arriving for Millenia.
The Celts were Germanic.
Linguistics, since you mention language, is a good indicator. Gaelic has no linguistic relationship to other Celtic derived languages. It's more closely related to the Basque languages. There are many other cultural and artistic differences between the two cultures.
The Gaels have come to be known as Celts due to historical misattribution, and the name has stuck.
The association also has a lot to do with well documented Norman subversion campaigns that focussed on discrediting Gaelic oral and written tradition in order to undermine the culture. There were actual manuals written for carrying this out and copies still exist today.
Irish oral tradition was very similar to Greek Homeric oral tradition - just read the Iliad and then read some of the Irish poems concerning the battles between the Tuatha' and the Fir Bolg and you'll see the similarities.
Incidentally, Greeks had been settling Iberia for long periods. Espana < Pan (the God).
No I mean the Gauls actually originally came from Thrace.
Most European/Germanic tribes are actually recent migrants from central Asia. The White race did not begin in Europe.
It's part of the reason why Basques are so unique, because they're actually not Indo-European and predate Indo-European migrations into Europe. (Still White though imo)
As for where in central Asia, I don't know and I don't think anyone actually knows. I think the most common theory is simply from around the Black Sea region (Kurgan hypothesis).
Pretty sure this is the mainstream one.
… Or you could just go full Thulean and believe we're actually ayys from Alpha Tauri.
Evolution can be rapid. And are you saying whites are only different from niggers in trivial ways?
Ok. You made me laugh a little there.
Nice work.
All this stuff that happened literally 1000 years ago is extremely interesting and fascinating, but I fail to see how this has anything to do with this electronic psychosomatic medium of an ancient Egyptian deity.
By "Indo-Aryan" I'm talking about the branch which did not migrate into Europe and instead founded ancient Persia, Indus Valley civilization, Tarim Basin…etc.
Theres a reason why India is poo in the loo today when 3,000 years ago it was one of the highest civilizations on earth.
You're correct, but those 'Jews' were Khazars, i.e. Turks. They come from what is modern day Ukraine - a territory previously known as the Pale of Settlement, and before that as that Khazar Khaganate - via Eastern Europe.
Then where the fuck do Basques come from? I often here the basques cited as predecessors even to the influx of Indo-European/Germanic tribes.
Ah okay, you get a pass then.
Since you're clearly a Christian Identity guy, or you're at least signalling as such, could you direct me to some good resources for the CI perspective? (Besides Christogenea)
Yes, in small terms. But changing a species entirely, not so much.
No, we are differen't species and niggers are less evolved than aryans. The only reason we can reproduce is because we have some common ancestor back when we all had hair covering our entire boddies and when our population dwindled down to only about 1000 people worldwide.
Modern humans are older than 100k years, though probably not by much. Modern humans meaning we could bread with them and have normal looking children. Civilization isn't 100k years old, but at least 40k years or so. 30k years for structural buildings.
The ice age was only about 10k years ago. And if ancient sprawling super cities with advanced stonework can appear over night, there were definitely more advanced than thought humans pre-ice age that had superior knowledge.
they're going to niggerize this somehow.
archaeologists are all anti-white kikes
That's an unknown. I've read a few theories. The fact that there may be linguistic connections doesn't necessarily indicate a common heritage though - it could simply be long-term comingling within the Iberian landmass.
There are many other curious links between the area around where Miletus once stood, and the Gaels. Many Greeks link the Scots to the Macedonians as a matter of fact, though I've never read a clear explanation. There are cultural similarities though, such as bagpipes, kilts, art and so on.
Considering the reported times of their exodus from Greece, there was some major shit going down. You have the sacking of Troy coinciding with one of the earliest ones, and the Peleponesian Wars for the last one (when Athens was going around telling every other city to join it against Sparta or die). Both could have led to major evacuations and resettlement.
We meme'd this into reality.
Stronger every day.
In Sanskrit, the Rigveda states that the primordial goddess of water is named Danu, take the Danube pill instead.
Its the historical truth when "we do it", and we aren't going "we wuz kangz" it's the actual historical fact that ancient Middle Eastern and North African civilizations were Aryan. Do you think our race just popped out of nowhere into existence in Europe, much later than other races? No, they migrated over time from East Asia into the Middle East, and then to Europe as their territories became overrun with shitskins.
Also Solutreans were the first people in America.
I'm not giving the CI perspective here (though I could). I'm referring to actual 'Celtic' folklore, which you should be able to find free online. It's good stuff (Tolkien got a lot of his inspiration from this stuff). Or just search for Milesians/Skota etc.
There is a Christian/Orthodox perspective, bearing in mind that Ireland/Scotland were converted long before many other parts of Western Europe were (and were late to reform to Roman Catholicism - see Celtic Christianity/Orthodoxy), but that's way off-topic. There are Orthodox publishers who publish books about the Church in Scotland and Ireland (long before the schism), and Celtic Christianity was much closer to Orthodox tradition than it ever was to Roman tradition.
In Greece, you can trace the Christian tradition to pre-Christian times, if you look into the history of the concept of logos. A lot of this shit is lost though.
Again, OT, but the kikes have all but destroyed the Greeks as punishment for Byzantine support for the Russ when the latter conquered Khazaria and their general hatred of Orthodoxy.
Gobleki Tepe is 12000 years old.
top lel, it has been proven very well by historians that there were NEVER any Jews in ancient Egypt, that it's a gigantic lie made up by them
As modern day Kek worshippers, I believe we have claim to any Kek temples and artifacts discovered.
Daily reminder that the kangz of kievan rus/novgorod were swedish viking settlers, look at Sweden today.
Either you're name is Herschel Derschowitz or you've fallen for another kike meme.
There were Jews in Egypt. They were called the Hyksos then. They introduced monotheism - worship of Aten - and were run out of town.
Thut(moses) - brother of Akhenaten (Aaron)
Kikes don't want you to know that the ancient Judahites were the Hyksos, any more than they want you to know that the Judahites were wiped out in AD70 and kikes come from Khazaria.
You think he's not watching over this country? How else can you explain it? He tested us, but we came through. We did what we had to do. Rotherham. Cologne . I was there, I saw it all. Immigrants, Muslims, homosexuals, terrorists. Disease-ridden degenerates. They had to go. Strength through unity. Unity through faith. I'm a Kek-fearing American and I'm goddamn proud of it!
You pull the trigger, stupid.
Jews fear the frog.
Yeah we should totally trust a book written 2000 years ago about people who lived much earlier than that, instead of trusting all the writings from ancient Egypt which never mention Jews
This is true, I believe this is also in Vedic scripture. Are you aware of a Druidic/Vedic philosophical connection through a belief in Monism?
Kek doesn't follow the rules and theories like your traditional semitic gods. He doesn't watch over anything. He comes and goes throughout human history through the flow of memes. The more we meme the more Kek's willpower can shape our world. This is why we must meme responsibly. He only latches onto strong memes and repeating digits, which is why normies, Killary and Holla Forums can't into memes.
This guys a fucking degenerate m8.
Well there's your problem. He is basing his entire research on a guy who "thinks" he study archeology.
So we can only mostly guess as to what happened.
One pharaoh is white = all pharaohs in Egypt being white.
What did this guy do any ways?
So all he did was rise to power try to fix some things his father did and then died because of his (((superior))) genes
Daily reminder that the Hindu word for caste, "Varna" literally translates to "Color".
If Egyptians were white, it would make sense because we enslaved the kikes until Moses.
It would make sense why they hated us the most.
Fucking faggot, see:
Indeed, Varangian cousins of the Normans/Angles etc. The Normans were subverted by kikes later on (Cohens to be precise) before going on to conquer Normandy and England. They've had their revenge on Sweden for sure, but England/Scotland/Ireland have had it worse.
With the Normans came the British Empire, masterplan of the Stewart (Cohen) dynasty. (Cohen - Kagan - Khagan - Khan). Fuck faggots who think this shit was a good thing. It lies at the heart of our fucking problems today. It was the first Globalist project and laid the foundations for future racemixing and eventual white genocide. It remains kike central, where King Kike himself has his head office.
Increasingly nervous jew tries to lie that the egyptians werent white for the 9001th time this thread
Yeah but the evidence he and Carlson are gathering is pretty damning.
Also, he made Zahi Hawass, the worlds supposed supreme egyptologist, have a fucking feminist tier mental breakdown with one powerpoint slide.
Hancock also confronted hawass with gobleki tepe and Hawass just pretends he doesn't know what it is and storms away like a child.
Anyone who shoves away this idea by saying dude weed lmao, or calling degenerate is a faggot.
Yes, they are dudeweed lmaos, but that doesn't discredit their research on this field.
That's not what he was saying dipshit.
Pic related is a berber
That's all the kikes end up having in all these threads, either "DUDE WEED LMAO" or "WE WUZ".
I'm not talking about the Bible user. The Egyptians have written fuckloads about the Hyksos. The Hyksos led to Egypt splitting in two again, with them ruling Lower (northern) Egypt and the indigenous Egyptians ruling Upper (southern) Egypt. Look up the Hyksos. Also, look up the Kings lists from those periods - you'll notice there are two Pharoahs listed concurrently for as long as that situation lasted.
The reason the Egyptians didn't write about Jews was because they weren't calling themselves Jews. They were pretending to be Egyptian and were introducing their brand of monotheism by stealth.
Akhenaten introduced worship of the One God, the Aten. His brother was Thutmoses, head Priest of the Aten religion. They were forced out of Egypt, along with their followers, at exactly the same time as the 'Jews' were claiming they were slaves who escaped from Pharoah. This overthrow of Akhenaten is well documented by the Egyptians.
Cite source kike.
Egyptians arent berbers nor are the berbers white or aryan.
Egypt is aryan.
Somewhat, but I'm no expert on Vedic scripture, and oblivious to Druidic tradition, but I've read what I can on this.
These themes run through most ancient religious traditions, before they later became corrupted. There's a really common thread running through Taoism and Orthodoxy too.
Confident white Christian did no such thing.
He pointed out that modern Egyptians, i.e. mudslimes, are not related to ancient Egyptians.
He pointed out that modern Berbers are equally contaminated by mudslimes, but retain traces of their genetic heritage (prevalence of red hair).
because shitty microsoft paint pictures is "proof" now?
Pretty sure the Pharaohs we're you know Egyptian.
Unless sand niggers are considered white now
Just felt like shitting in your shit argument.
Since you cant prove shit I felt like goving you more real scientific evidence you filthy lying yid.
We've moved on to conical shapes, your muh pyramids are just too cliché
You didn't read my post>>8389833
I'm not disputing that king tut was white. Just that ALL of ancient Egyptian's were.
That's why I posted those pictures huni is definitely not white Djedefre's lips look niggrerish to me.
You need scientific evidene! DNA! Geography and histroy.
You wouldnt know a pyramid from a minorah!
Oh wait, you definatly know a minorah.
I gess you needed (((COHENVINCING)))
Very civic of you.
I guess one step closer to finding the lost city of the ancients kek
I'm not disputing that m8 just that they founded ancient Egypt
Also why in the second pic is that niggas neck darker than his face?
I read that as vivec.
Trips are wasted on heathens.
I should be more civil in dosproving lying hebrews– er wait– "hyksos".
Just because they LOOK white doesn't mean they are goy.
At least someone here recognizes the distinct nature of the now practically extinct Masaii people.
Maasai are actually a pretty good mix of traditional tribal religion and christianity. They've been the target of very successful christian missionary focus for decades and compared to most others in East Africa they've been quite receptive. You'd be hard pressed to find a nicer ethnic group in Africa. Maybe Ethiopians.
It's the Somalis and the Sudans that are all dirty Muslims.
ah sorry, I was asking if they are almost extinct BECAUSE of the
Your fucking with me aren't you?
How could Akhenaten be a Jew/Hyksos when his son, Tutenkhamun is R1b(Celtic) and his daughter and Tut's sister/wife was Ankhesenamun (Queen Scota)?
Its also worth noting that Scota was exiled from Egypt shortly after Tut died and she got re-married to Pharaoh Ay (Prince Gaythelos/Goídel Glas) which may point to an assassination and the priest class getting rid of the Akhenaten Dynasty.
I think it's very interesting how every civilization depicts its gods differently. Pre-muddy Arabs, specifically the Nabataeans, traditionally depicted their gods as cubes, obelisks and blocks prior to Hellenization. The Egyptians depicted them as animals, then animal headed people, then just people. The Norse always depicted them as humans, but certainly did so in a very peculiar style, quite similar to the Canaanites, Phoenicians and other Ancient Levant peoples. The Greek depictions were also human, but definitely evolved from crude statuettes like the Minoan snake goddess to the brilliant bronze and marble statues we know today. The Iberians had very interesting sculptures, but we're not all too sure what their religion was like.
sigh everytime these arguements come up people are always arguing either or, they're either black or their white. Its not that simple. Egypt was called the Two Lands for a reason, they were two separate peoples Lower Egypt where the majority were lighter skinned almost resembling Lybians and Sumerians, and Upper Egypt where they were more closer to Nubian/Kushite. Overtime when Egypt was unified the two lands came together, it was of course not without hostility. But its important to remember that the Egyptians were fairly xenophobic, the only culture they really got along with was the Sumerians… (GEE I WONDER WHY!) They despised the Kushites because they were African. But you couldn't label Egyptians in either camp really. As one user put it, they were basically a race of mongrels, so they were mixed, with really not a majority of either hence why Egyptian art depicts them as unique when compared to Africans, Sumerians, Minoans ect. Lets also remember that the Kushites eventually conquered Egypt so this whole "dynastic race" bullshit immediately goes out the window because there was a period where the black Kushites were in power.
Similarly, if the Egyptians weren't white, do we honestly think the Greeks would be so readily accepted? similarly would the Greeks so reddily accept them? Go look at Alexander in India and look at how blatantly racist as fuck the Rajah's were to their invaders- yet no such thing happened when Alexander invaded Egypt, instead the Greeks were seen as natural successors, mainly because the Persians and Kushites had fucked their country up badly. That and historically the Greeks were ancestors of Minoa whom always had a good relationship with Egypt. But the Nubian/Kushites never really had a good relationship with Egypt- they were always seen as antagonists. And that Lower Egypt was Superior to Upper Egypt because of its proximity to Nubia.
Basically you can't really say the Egyptians are black because they despised them. But at the same time, they weren't exactly what you'd call white either as evident by their art.
Basques (Along with the Picts and Black Irish) are the native non-Aryan humans that were in Europe before the IE migrations. Patrilinailly these days most of them will show up as R1a or b, but otherwise they are very much native neolithic europeans (As distinct from Aryans, who are not "native" to Europe, at least relative to them).
The thing about the Basques is that while they may be heavily mixed now with Aryan genes, their language is still very much a stone age isolate. Yes, Spanish has fucked with it, but it's completely non Indo-European and is similar to what European cavemen would have spoken before the IE migrations.
Praise be unto Kek, lord of darkness, bringer of light.
Deliver us from the shadow of kikery and moloch. My you be worshipped among the aryan again as a true God.
Praise be UNTO you my LORD.
I believe it was like third world countries today. White upper caste, brown lower caste, niggers were mostly slaves.
Yeah man
Best breakdown of this idea, good job user.
The Egypt was white meme doesn't mean all of Egypt was white though, those that are claiming that are just trolls or newfags. The meme is simply refuting the WE WUZ KANGS nigger meme. White Egpyt meme means that niggers can't claim they were kangs, because they essentially destroyed the Egyptian Empire once they conqured razed it to the ground. The white people that were in egypt at the time were however depicted as higher status than the rest of the darker skinned rabble. Your explination of Alexander is proof of that and is a verry good observation and interpretation of history.
So this is a story that goes back 3565 years ago, when the Ancient Egyptian pharaoh Reinhard II had ruled in the Eighteenth Dynasty.
The Pharaoh was looking for more territory to claim to extend his empire, and looked towards the Europeans above Egypt, as he already taken lands like Bohemia and Moravia. Before he made a final solution for their people’s economic lives, he protected the land and seemed they were somewhat important to Egypt.
However, the people of these two provinces retaliated and before they knew, most occupants of these areas were executed or sent to the deserts to work on the infamous Pyramids of Solitude.
In these large pyramids (which were designed to represent the nose of the Pharaoh) small shamans underground would read and write entries of sorrow claiming how they missed their King Adolfotep from previous years. However the mummy was exposed to the terrible literature and instead started to catch dust, and soon before long a lesser-known guard named Günsche the Tall supervised the mummy’s cremation, as there was no room for storage during the Second War with the Egyptians against the Hittite armies.
The cremation was a success, and nobody knew what had happened to the body until Günsche confessed to Hittite forces once captured.
The Pharaoh was furious with this, and refused anyone who was of Hittite heritage and blood, and others made rumors claiming he was like the barbarian leader Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili of Siberia because of his cruel punishments.
It also was claimed that the Pharaoh started to get targeted for assassination, as the newly-added areas to his empire revolted more as the war went on.
It resulted in many people turning against the Pharaoh, and finally realizing that crowning someone with a huge nose was a bad idea, since he liked to stick it in everyone’s business.
It even made one of the innocent messengers of the previous king flee north and become a gladiator (which is entirely impossible considering this empire did not exist 1200 years later), but the large-browed man lived his life alone, waiting for the others.
The assistant of the Pharaoh didn’t believe in such lies as the war went on, and decided to see what really happened to King Adolfotep. He searched through the Greek provinces and even went as far as the cold lands in the Nordic territory, but instead got distracted by a strange feathered animal and didn’t come back until he had bred many to bring back to Egypt.
The assistant of the Pharaoh didn’t believe in such lies as the war went on, and decided to see what really happened to King Adolfotep. He searched through the Greek provinces and even went as far as the cold lands in the Nordic territory, but instead got distracted by a strange feathered animal and didn’t come back until he had bred many to bring back to Egypt.
Flood detection fuck you
Adolfotep had also gone a bit insane, exiling most of his close friends and generals of the Royal Egyptian Army by the time the war was on the verge of ending.
A few thousand years later, it seemed that an advanced master in specialized antics had been able to bring back a future ruler of the Egyptians, but that’s a tale for another day…
Praise Kek
Lord of chance
Praise Ammit
Goddess of Justice
Is because i spelled change wring isnt it kek?
Sorry for disappointing you
user, I…
I wasnt saying the opposite you newfag.
I wouldnt say it was multicultural as it was one culture with different races. Yes the jews had a hand in egypt's demise. But the nubians did indeed invade it and kill off whitey.
This is why the sphynx,s face was redone near the building of the pyramids, when the body was much older. Same with some glyphics.
It wasnt entirely white. However whites did rule egyptian society for a time.
I suspect the Kaaba cube in Mecca is a copy of an older Arabic idol cube, and the Muslim hordes erased any connection to the original.
I can't wait to play card games on motorcycles.
Yep user, Egypt was the epitome of multiculturalism at its best. They had a term for this system, it was called Slavery. It worked great.
user, source that image for us?
Uhh. Check em.
Is that good or bad in this case?
Kek damn it.
Fine. I'll be your King of Games.
Take a break, fag.
ISIS destroying historical monuments and sites, new "dindu nuffin" shit is found.. ooincidence?
A prophet among mere men!
Like actually a fucking lost city?
as Old as Sumer?
we've already established the earliest Egyptians were Basque people who migrated from Iberia to North Africa then traveled East
an entire city stretching back in time to the dawn of civilization built by White Egyptians that hasnt been touched by darkies or arabs yet?
literally sounds like a bunch of Vikings washed ashore in South America
although heres something
they've found cocaine and cocoa beans sealed in clay pots in Egyptian tombs in the Valley of the Kings
two plant products only endemic to the Americas found in tombs dated back 4000 years ago in North Africa
I give up. Kek consume me.
Watch niggers spin this and say:
two plant products only endemic to the Americas found in tombs dated back 4000 years ago in North Africa
Gonna need a pic/sauce on that one. That's fairly important information for our shitposting theories.
I'm not a newfag I swear
I read it in a book ages ago but I'll see if can dig it up
Mein Gott, the amount of gets that fill Kek threads, and especially checkposts.
Is there even any doubt that Kek and meme magic are fucking real?
Because back then it proved your status.
lighter skin = spending more time inside
darker skin = you working the land in the sun all day.
It's like when back in the days when fat chicks we'er considered "sexy" because they had enough wealth to sit around and eat.
But again light skin = white
Thats fucking gross but my point still stands.
….this is either CIA-kun, or the voice of Kek himself.
But again light skin DOESN'T = white
well heres something anyway
its extremely fucking odd to consider
most theories that debuke the transatlantic travel dismiss it because they cant see ameri-indian populations crossing the oceans with their level of technology
but 5 swedish/norwegian guys crossed the pacific ocean in a balsa wood catamaran almost 100 years ago to see if Kon-Tiki could have been real
Oh yeah, I wasn't disagreeing with you. The picture just triggered me geg.
No they weren't. The kikes were never in Egypt, Exodus is entirely fictional. Ancient slander against the Egyptians, whom they were doubtlessly jealous of. It was the original Holohoax.
Any good documentaries/books on this theory? Sounds fascinating.
It' cool mann
and now I know why
plus while the plants themselves might not have survived the voyage seeds would have
these seeds could have been cultivated
but since the plant is a drug and produces what the ancients could perceive as a medicinal effect it could have been cultivated, tightly controlled/restricted for use and then all used up
Sylphum was an antibiotic and antipyretic drug used in north africa for ages, similar to willow bark and salycilic acid except the effect was much stronger and the bark as well as the sap and leaves also contained the product
the Greek city state of Cyrene in Libya made a fortune from the cultivation and trade of Sylphum
until the Roman era when the Roman Republic and later the Empire bought so much of it annually to be distributed to their army medics and physicians of Rome that the Cyrenians literally drove the plant to extinction
yeah this
theres no record of kikes in Egypt prior 6th century BC when some of them fled there after Nebuchadnezzar torched Judea
just adding some more trans-atlantic/pacific contact info
the bay of jars is a Roman shipwreck found off the coast of Rio de Janeiro containing a fuck tonne of Roman amphora dated at 2000 years old
Primitive form of sun block, needed because they were white.
Way to fall for lefty anti-rural propaganda. Shit man, if you aren't a wageslave, you decide your hours. Sun is hot? field work in the morning and evening. Fuck, I grew up in the south and was outside plenty, and never had a fucking tan. Not once, it doesn't happen to me.
Ochre also makes your skin turn red and its a primitive form of insect repellant
I wonder how much information or lore regarding this city ended up getting burned up in Alexandria library.
I need to go to Egypt.
There is an ocean current in he pacific that goes from indonesia to easter fucking island, that you can drift on the whole way without a fucking sail. It was even easier when the water levels were lower, thanks to islands dotting the whole way.
Might not of been easy to traverse the atlantic, but the south pacific was a fucking cake walk.
An advanced, far reaching civilization of cokeheads being kings everywhere. Nice.
cross the pacific to India/Indonesia and done
theres been a trade route from Egypt to Harrappa in Northern India since the 40th century BC at least
Praise kek! I have been telling people this shit for over a decade, and now they finally see it.
We did it lads, we meme'd 5D's into reality. ==PRAISE KEK==
oh and another mystery of history
hookworm infections
the parasite is believed to have been introduced to the americas roughly 5000BC via transpacific migrations not using the Beringia landmass as the parasite couldnt survive in the cold climate
The Aztecs (or was it Mayans?) also had a huge library and collection of knowledge, but the Spanish Conquistadors and the Religious friars and zealots who came with destroyed most of that too.
It was all knowledge they had preserved from their ancient legends of Viracocha and Quetzalcoatl in South America and Central America respectively, both depicted as a white skinned man with fair hair and a long beard who came with great knowledge and taught them the knowledges of civilizations.
Fucking Spanish fags
that wasnt the conquistadors, the monks the Spaniards brought with them attempted to meticulously translate the Aztecs complicated pictographical alphabet
the Zapotecs when they massacred the cities inhabitants and burned everything after Cortez's men fucked up when he went away for awhile and Montezuma was killed went awry
dont know why Cortez tried to retake Tenochtitlan but his mistake was levying the non-Aztec natives to make up most of his numbers since those fuckers were dumber, illiterate and even more savage and primitive than the Aztecs
Yeah, sorry. My history is a little scattered. Regardless though, a lot of information was lost during that period and the paltry amount saved and preserved doesn't do justice to all the rest.
Who knows what countless other pieces of knowledge, perhaps originating from the same ancestors and/or civilizations, were lost to time forever because of warfare and the otherwise stupidity of man.
Remember, The Holy Mountain.
Many tens of thousands of years.
Proven by analysis of the erosion.
Video related.
There are hundreds of videos, I chose this one because the man is a good orator.
You guys are going to hate the fuck out of me for this post but
What the fuck went wrong? What's my full potential and how do I reach it?
De-jew your lifestyle.
Single mother upbringing by any chance?
Gotta admit, I feel pretty tired too, a lot of days when I get off work… I did some hiking on Sunday after spending the entire 4 day weekend on my ass, and I felt a little better afterwards. Still lonely, but a little better.
You're not a civilization user. You're one of many, a person, flawed but unique. It is a terrible predicament we're in, but I hope it gets better. Try to stay positive as you do your daily duties.
Yes I am working on the dejewing. Some jews are permanent though, but this is a lesson for my children, I will keep them from those mistakes.
Single mother upbringing yes. Easy tell?
It makes me wonder, maybe I am just project or using selection bias, how far we are from our full potential due to modern degenerate lifestyle. But this also means we have such a high ceiling to try and reach that things can only get much better if we try, have the correct knowledge, and are able to remove those who are holding us back.
will do. If we as a people can find the peak of our health again then our civilization will rise to great heights once more. We need right wing doctor squads immediately.
Read classical literature and lift heavy things. That's all I can suggest to single mother victims.
yeah the writings of the ancients can be a blueprint on how to become an emotionally independent psychologically healthy masculine man for victims of single mother families
The subtle redpill from using the word victim is interesting. I will use that from now on to redpill others. And I will take your advice to strengthen both body and mind via literature and lifting.
saged due to derail, thanks for advice
Yeah, they just ran around conquering eachother and building over their shit while calling it theirs for centuries before they started recording shit. Likely the case here. We may have uncovered the oldest civilization ever found though.
Success breeds more success and more energy for the aryan. Its like a nuclear explosion. We have been turned off though. Our first great expansion across the early world was great but then it slowed down and we retreat and concentrated in europe, then the second great expansion was colonialism but now that has rolled back alm,ost completely into a petrified form.
There will be a third aryan expansion though if Kek wills it, and this time it will be the greatest and most permanent one because THIS TIME we have the history and we know what mistakes we must prevent like keeping nonwhites around for no reason is a MISTAKE.
Shit, the whole tale of ragnarok is about this, and how our ancestors fought to make sure the kikes of their day, with their evil, did not survive. Well, aint no more giants left, white man killed all of thm
no thanks
A meme too far
Pompeii was Roman you dumbshit
and Troy was Luwian the non-Hittite pseudo-Grecian culture that inhabited Western Anatolia and the Dardenelles a full 2700 years before turkroaches came from the east
and Gopleki Tepe is the site of a permanent hilltop settlement that predates agriculture and may have been settled during the previous ice age
true that, they were semites after all
Not anymore faggot. We Trump nao
Scots are closer to ancient Aryans than snowniggers.
the Hyksos werent judahite
they carried with them Ba'al as a god which the Egyptians equated with Set
they were probably a relative of the Phoenicians
This is eye opening (the drama aspects tacked on are pretty shitty, but bearable.)
What I don't understand is how a civilization (that was probably not culturally homogeneous) could be so advanced/organized that they could, using all of their knowledge about mathematics, seafaring, astronomy, architecture and the sense of scale and their placement in the universe, commence a GLOBAL building project that spanned their equator and culminated in the Pyramids of Giza with the sole purpose of warning any future society/civilization of the Earth's cycle in the universe which causes catastrophe (and maybe to keep some sort of legacy).
I just can't fathom this. I'm not sure this ever explained how they knew there is/was catastrophe at the end of each cycle (or did they know only know of the precession cycles and decided they needed a clock?).
I don't know if I'm missing something in my understanding, or this doco just drops the ball in it's conclusion.
I can sort of understand how they could achieve an advanced society without modern technology. With probably centuries of time and no major and quick tech advancements to destabilize them.
^ That is what an NSA post looks like.
Sorry, highlighted the wrong text. Meant to highlight 8388291's text.
I agree with this line of thinking. We just have to make sure we don't lose the internet because it is our Library of Alexandria and if it goes that would be a huge setback.
Anyone know what the deal is with these stones in Lebanon? According to (((Wiki))) the site is of Roman origin but it seems much older in it's foundations where the stones lie.
whats the name of the site?
the city of Jericho has been an inhabited site since 7000BC surprisingly
Natural formation, obviously. Stone tools made it. Primitive idols. Ritual use.
Internet is being burned in slow-mo for more than a decade. So much censorship (some sites I was visiting in early 00's are impossible to find now), disinfo (a sea of garbage) and now even AI guided disinformation.
Kikes don't want you discussing these kinds of things. I'm even convinced that we wuz kangs was a clumsy attempt at a psyop so whites feel ashamed to research their history. You don't want to be a dumb nigger now, don't you goy?
you know how you tell your ancestors werent niggers?
look at your skin
It's called Baalbek
Sitchin claimed it was the remnants of the Annunaki landing/launch site.
Yfw Islam is a Jewish weapons to co tinously assault and destroy Aryan men.
We should create our version of Israel on Egyptian clay where only Kek worshippers are allowed to live and then we genocide the native population.
We'll call it Kekisreal.
isnt it?
it came out of a fucking desert immediately after the first most horrible plague to hit Europe and North Africa and immediately pulled apart most of a weakened Eastern Roman Empire in the ME, North Africa and Spain
na theres a few theorised sites for the Annunaki spacyyylmaos
its probably another prehistoric hilltop settlement
…you want to bring up th flood theory?
Then we are Nephilim.
also remember Muhammad and the bandits he called his followers were protected by the jewish kingdom of Yemen that everybody conveniently forgets these days
if they hadn't offered him shekels and protected him the pagan arabs of Medina would of hanged Muhammad for banditry because he spent a decade attacking merchant caravans traveling the desert
Baal was the ancient Canaanite deity (one of). Canaanites were Aryans which got displaced by kikes who stole their culture.
Hha, you think this is only the third time we played this game.
nope misconception
Canaanite is a term only the kikes used and its used as a term to describe them in all modern literal translations from Egyptian, Assyrian and Hittite
the Egyptian literal translation for instance for people of that region is 'Men of the Land of Upper Retenu'
Hittites referred to a people seperate from the nomadic Aryan Hurrians and Hattians that lived in the region as Jebusites and if you include people like the Ugarites and Amorites that makes them semitic like the Phoenicians and Assyrians
How many times do you think?
I do hope it uncovers more about the Ogdoad and Kek. I feel Kek and the Ogdoad are not really talked about or have too much of a history behind them besides the basics.
I'm more and more convinced that Jews are actually some kind of gatekeepers whose sole purpose is to prevent us to reach type 2/3 civilization. Maybe they are the great wall that's mentioned in such theories.
Daily reminder that the 18th dynasty was a pack of feminists and mutants and that the son of the great heretic is not a credit to the white race.
^Double dubs, checked, praise his name.
I've often pondered the same thing, that the jews are one of the so-callled "great filters" that must be passed before we can become space-faring. If aliens capable of interstellar travel are real, I would love to ask them if they have dealt with their own equivalent of jews in their past.
Dude, ruins of actual civilizations dating back to 10,000 BC and even 12,000 BC have been found. Hell, modern humans have been around for about 200 000 years. We really know fuck all about history.
This solidifies for me the idea that you should archive anything you find useful online and save a copy locally. It might not last forever
Hello there, Holla Forums.
Shadilay brothers
I can't go into this here but time is not set… Not exactly, I mean we can alter the past if it has lost connection to consciousness.
Shit. I can't into explaining but
Say we WANT to find a Kek temple, and there is no evidence but there could be - we can make it so.
Meme magic is even more powerful than we have thought.
Nazi base in Antarctica? Sure.
Kek temple hidden in the sands sure.
Nothing is beyond our reach.
Maybe they are some kind of test that we keep failing. That would explain cyclical rise and fall of civilizations. Don't forget that they thrive on human weaknesses and corruption. And kikes are practically programmed to self-destruct even when they win.
Yes. We are too used to being able to access everything easily. We'll have to build our version of the pyramids before they reset civilization again.
Egyptian connection to Americas confirmed.
Year of the fire monkey keeps on giving
What people deem as real and factual is put into mainstream conciousness by the Jews, or so it seems. We need to run more experiments on bringing things into creation by thought. The only places I can think of that are feasible and lack heavy conscious influence is Antarctica and the depths of the ocean/way out in the ocean. I believe Winterchan can not be put forward due to the constant ramming of global warming by kikes into the conscious. The thing with weather is that every bit of weather influences the weather on other parts of the planet. If we figure out a way to consciously change these untouched parts of the earth we could possibly bring in another era of cold to then lead to natural selection choosing us whites and aid in an ethno state. Maybe meme some type of weather in the Pacific or something.
I'd also like to mention to all anons, look to the future, what types of entertainment do you imagine will be enjoyed? We must infiltrate all of them and sneak messages and themes. Kids shows, music, video games etc. The kikes did it because it works. Remember, when meming things into existence we can not ram them in, we must slowly ease in inch by inch.
Are you really this ignorant of history? Yes, the ancient Egyptians were Egyptian. You do realize modern Egyptians are not? They are Arabs that conquered the region after the birth of Islam in Arabia.
the TL;DR version is
yeah heres the Coptic Christians
they look a bit like modern greeks and suffered the same trials
they are the closest living descendants of the ancient egyptians suffering about 1400 years of being raped and massacred by arabs
Well I always though of it this way.
They had the whole Ice Age to advance to that level. The Quartenary glaciation started 2,8my ago. Modern human(that we know of) existed for 200 000 years.
So if you look at pic related, humanity had lived through one Interglacial age, one Glacial age and the current Interglacial.
Your problem is that you are thinking in the current Western paradigm of continuous progress.
If you look f.e. at Egypt you can see that their civilization lasted circa 3000 year in official egyptologist accounts. Pretty different from our 250 year periods.
And if you assume that Egyptians were the descendants of that civ, you can say that that pre-diluvian civ KNEW how to make stable civs that were specialized in the preservation of order. Sort of "being one with nature" but without the hippy bullshit.
That civ could have evolved in the Glaciation and in those thousands of years learned how to make an extremely effective government system, based around the merger of science and religion with the emphasis on astronomy and architecture. You can see this in the Egyptian civ. Supreme architects, sculptors and astronomers AT THEIR BEGINNING. Everything that came afterwards was not even near the sophistication that was responsible for the pyramids.
IMO they were as advanced as us in thought or even more, but not in our direction of "progress" becouse their way of thinking was completely different. Yeah they didn't have rocket ships or computers becouse they didn't conquer the world and take all those resources to go into space. But they did have time to develop astronomy, arch. and everything else that requires the resources at hand. Stone, wood, plants and maybe some metal.
The Pyramids and the sphinx are in my opinion the markers of the Younger Dryas catastrophe. It was in the age of Leo(sphinx), 10 000 years ago and in late october/early november when the Taurids (from the constellation of bullmoloch, destruction, you know the drill) are active and Orion is in the night sky. The funny thing is that the Day of the Dead IN ALL WORLD CULTURES is always at that date which could be the ancients man of "remember the 6 trillion".
This catastrophe was a big traumatic event for ancient man. And since modern science doesn't fucking care how the majority of humanity and the whole fucking megafauna was wiped out during a meteoric bombardment, I'm skeptical we'll see the end of this mystery anytime soon. First of course we have to gassem all.
If you want to imagine it in an allegorical fantasy setting, read Tolkien's rendition in the form of Numenor.
It's a fantastic read if you look at it from this point of view.
mudshits, please leave
inb4 do you even /k/
Because they could be predicted according to the astronomical calendar - this is why virtually every ancient civilization was obsessed with astronomy.
They were tracking the Taurid meteor shower, which is possibly debris left over from the collision that formed the Earth/moon. We'd been hit before, and had barely survived.
thats probably what the deluge was
there are Sumerian accounts of a massive tidal wave hitting Mesopotamia that destroyed most of the settlements of the middle east
we have a record of it because the wave didnt hit settlements in the hills and on higher ground and by Sumerian dating it would have appeared somewhere between 5000-4000 BC
there was a flood in human history but it wasnt biblical and it wasnt totally worldwide
a meteor could have struck the Mediterranean and caused the floods in Egyptian and Sumerian and Greek myth
Pepi was an ambitious builder, with temples at Tanis, Bubastis, Abydos, Dendara, and Coptos. Little of his monuments remains, and many have been incorporated into later monuments
I'll just leave these here.
What does that second image prove? As far as I can tell, all it shows is a temple that was carved into a previously-eroded slab of rock. Also, the first image could have very well been sand erosion and not water erosion.
both in the ME where I admitted there was a flood
And the entirety of Saudia Arabia was underwater for millions of years, if the sea levels rise that entire region is going underwater like Fiji
its why its a mostly barren saline desert full of fossils and oil ancient dead marine life and dinosaurs
Im not saying regions of the world werent underwater at some stages of the earths existence but the biblical flood wasnt something that covered the entire fucking world at once
Why are shills shilling this thread?
The pic shows two very similar structures at different sites. Filenames related.
There are some fishy things about the erosion at Petra.
read my posts lad
ive been a part of these thread not off-topicing at all
I for one hope some European archaeologists excavate the temple so the arabs/kikes dont melt the gold and silver left in the city for shekels
Interesting. Is it possible that because the site at Petra is in a ravine that it flooded during rare rainfalls?
go home bot ur drunk
How long before some nigger steps in the claim blacks created it?
your image inspired me to make some OC
Despite the refusal of the Secretary General of the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities, Zahi Hawass, to release any DNA results which might indicate the racial ancestry of Pharaoh Tutankhamen, the leaked results reveal that King Tut’s DNA is a 99.6 percent match with Western European Y chromosomes.
The DNA test results were inadvertently revealed on a Discovery Channel TV documentary filmed with Hawass’s permission — but it seems as if the Egyptian failed to spot the giveaway part of the documentary which revealed the test results.
Hawass previously announced that he would not release the racial DNA results of Egyptian mummies — obviously because he feared the consequences of such a revelation.
On the Discovery Channel broadcast, which can be seen on the Discovery Channel website here, or if they pull it, on YouTube here, at approximately 1:53 into the video, the camera pans over a printout of DNA test results from King Tut.
Firstly, here is a brief explanation of the results visible in the video. It is a list of what is called Short Tandem Repeats (STRs).
STRs are repeated DNA sequences which are “short repeat units” whose characteristics make them especially suitable for human identification.
These STR values for 17 markers visible in the video are as follows:
DYS 19 – 14 (? not clear)
DYS 385a – 11
DYS 385b – 14
DYS 389i – 13
DYS 389ii – 30
DYS 390 – 24
DYS 391 – 11
DYS 392 – 13
DYS 393 – 13
DYS 437 – 14 (? not clear)
DYS 438 – 12
DYS 439 – 10
DYS 448 – 19
DYS 456 – 15
DYS 458 – 16
DYS 635 – 23
YGATAH4 – 11
What does this mean? Fortunately, a genius by the name of Whit Athey provides the key to this list. Mr Athey is a retired physicist whose working career was primarily at the Food and Drug Administration where he was chief of one of the medical device labs.
Mr Athey received his doctorate in physics and biochemistry at Tufts University, and undergraduate (engineering) and masters (math) degrees at Auburn University. For several years during the 1980s, he also taught one course each semester in the electrical engineering department of the University of Maryland. Besides his interest in genetic genealogy, he is an amateur astronomer and has his own small observatory near his home in Brookeville, MD.
He also runs a very valuable website called the “Haplogroup Predictor” which allows users to input STR data and generate the haplogroup which marks those STR data.
For those who want to know what a haplogroup is, here is a “simple” definition: a haplogroup is a group of similar haplotypes that share a common ancestor with a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) mutation.
Still none the wiser? Damn these scientists.
Ok, let’s try it this way: a haplotype is a combination of multiple specific locations of a gene or DNA sequence on a chromosome.
Haplogroups are assigned letters of the alphabet, and refinements consist of additional number and letter combinations, for example R1b or R1b1. Y-chromosome and mitochondrial DNA haplogroups have different haplogroup designations. In essence, haplogroups give an inisight into ancestral origins dating back thousands of years.
By entering all the STR data inadvertently shown on the Discovery video, a 99.6 percent fit with the R1b haplogroup is revealed.
The significance is, of course, that R1b is the most common Y-chromosome haplogroup in Europe reaching its highest concentrations in Ireland, Scotland, western England and the European Atlantic seaboard — in other words, European through and through.
Spot the hebrew.
You do know that the flood story is a lot older than Christianity and is a common myth among ancient cultures spanning many thousands of miles.
Fuck off christ cuck.
I'm not a Christcuck, you dumb nigger. How did you interpret that from my comment? If anything, it suggests that christcuckery took the stories of older religions and cultures.
Yep. Been saying this throughout the thread. King Tut was essentially a Gael.
I also noted the genetic links between Ramses, the Berbers, and the Scots Irish.
The Gales are not Celts. They were just assumed to be Celts and the name has stuck ever since, even though expert historians now know that they weren't related to the Germanic Celtic tribes (though they were most likely in contact).
It seems likely that a large part of the supposedly mythical Gaelic historic tradition has its footprint in actual historical events, i.e. the Gaels were indeed "Milesians" with roots in Greece and Egypt, the latter component being descended from ancient Berbers.
This much is looking reasonably certain as more and more evidence comes to bear.
As another user noted, Queen Skota has been suggested to be a sister of Tutankhamun, though purely by trying to corrolate dates. This would certainly have been a time when royal exiles were common, with the fallout from the Aten heresy still having major repurcussions, and continued political intrigue between Upper and Lower Egypt.
So where did the break happen between "proto" Egyptians and ancient Egyptians? Was Giza/Egypt completely flooded for a time 12 thousand years ago?
The area around Giza was surrounded by water courses. The area was planned around that.
We can't even say for certain that the ancient Egyptians who built the monuments were the ancient Egyptians those monuments commerated. It seems likely that a proportion of them were descendents of, or were refugees from an earlier lost civilization (Atlantis?).
Egypt became a melting pot throughout its own recorded history, though this isn't to say that there was much if any race mixing. It endured some major influxes during the latter days of its existence, following the conquests of Alexander and later on the Mamluks. The modern population doesn't tell us very much about the ancient population at all.
Don't put any faith in modern digital reconstructions of ancient Egyptians. Most of the features (brown skin) are assumed, and aren't based on any real evidence at all.
Really a top reason i won't forgive kikes, ever, for the history erasure and misinfo they've spread. All our beautiful ancient history was burned by those socipathic reptilian shitsniffers. Now we have to cobble it back together, and when we try (((academia))) says questioning the narrative isn't halal, goy. What a shitty era we live in. I want to know the real story of humanity and our people, and I hope we can uncover it within my lifetime. Galls me that academics is supposed to be about openmindedness, questioning what we think we know, and intellectual humoring of new theories to analyze them. But in this kiked up world it's supporting the narrative at all costs, hiding and blacklisting anyone with contradictory ideas, and "peer review" and journals with have become a shoelicking contest and shekel farm. We need to tear down the (((universities))) and restore them as rightful truth-seeking institutions, not PC and narrative factories like a Ministry of Truth as it is now. I hope Trump sufficiently gasses the higher education racket and smokes all the kikes and shitlibs out of them so we can continue our quest for truth and knowledge without wading through the raw sewage that is the Narrative.
Reminder that every single thing they taught you is a lie.
It almost certainly is. Same thing (((christians))) tried to do with paganism. Yet we still have quirks where, if you look just right, you can see the old paganism in them and there is nothing that the religion canon had which could have resulted in these traditions. Easter, xmas, etc. Just written-over paganism like a shitty tape over of a new show on an old tape, and parts of the old tape are still visible. Pre islamic arabian religion was hyper-paganist and pretty tolerant of others' beliefs. Some of them even just tacked their neighbor's religions onto their own and simply worshiped both. But the (((ISIS))) is a kike owned operation and is doing what kikes do best, erasing the truth and history and replacing it with semitism. Now you can barely talk about pre-islamic near east without it being anudda shoah. It's nearly at levels of holohoax-questioning in its reception. And as islamics conquer more and more land it becomes more and more forbidden to discuss the ancient history. REMINDER the muslim god was originially a god of war, and one of many gods. islam is a war cult that started worshiping only one god of the near eastern pantheon. then they started erasing evidence of other gods' worship and raping and killing their practitioners in order to rewrite history.
Reminder the abrahamic religions are a three-pack of kikery and lies.
Sounds crazy but if kikes can legally steal land from palestinians based on their religious book, why not us? Thanks for the precedent, noses! A NEW KEKIAN UTOPIA SHALL BE FOUNDED.
This. It's quite fascinating. Happened with some other rivers, too.
Thanks for link. Funny how we had so many sanctions against Cuba and it turns out there are explorable narrative-shattering ruins right off base. Hmm. The entire US east coast also has ancient settlements that are now underwater.
Semi-agree but the other poster has a point that humans continued to evolve during the whole time of that 200k years, and we are still evolving. But civilization is far, far older than (((academia))) dictates it is. It doesn't take an IQ of 110 to throw some rocks in a pile and make structures.
Considered and thanks for link. I think 50k years is credible for a civilization, personally. That's the most recent quarter of our existence.
I'm over 9000% sure I've heard of other legitimate settlements that are at least 12k years old as well. Hell the egyptian empire was started 10k BC (iirc) and it takes a lot of time to get from small settlements to towns to a full empire.
There absolutely are more ancient civilizations than (((academia))) lets us discuss. The question is what race were they, and the emerging evidence is that they are blonde-haired, blue eyed aryans. EVIDENCE, not just wishful thinking. Also the ancient trading routes were much more global and much more ancient than academia purports. By far. We even have ancient maps that show lands supposedly not discovered until far later. For example, cartographers in the 1400s and 1600s were making maps with detailed coastlines of apefrica, asia, and other places europe supposedly hadn't explored yet, even the new world, and when questioned they had just copied old maps that copied older maps and so on. We also know people KNEW the earth was round thousands of years ago. Seriously it makes me so mad, everything the institutions teach is a bold faced lie. We need to GAS these audacious civilization-wrecking kikes.
Even in that case, by logic that proves a prior people of each, a white and a brown and a negro people, who existed separately in isolation prior to the multicultural one, and who for whatever reason all migrated to the same land. We also need to factor in that land changes over time. Rivers change path, mountain ranges grow or shift or wear down, lakes come and go, climate changes, water level rises and falls. A 10,000 year period is enough to cause such change that comparing maps and stories would bring confusion if you don't take the land change into account. And we're talking a 200k year period.
In addition to my above comment, get gassed. Both plate shifts AND catastrophe events exist. If every fucking civilization in the world has a flood myth, it's most likely because A GREAT WORLDWIDE FLOOD HAPPENED. The questions are why, how much, and how fast.
Its likely a hebrew, theyre the only idiots to believe in a flat earth or a global flood.
Also cite just one, just one myth with a huge flood over the earth thats not kiked.
Those images of blue eyed niggers are all fake unless you can provide a video.
Even then this is the age of digital media.
Green screens, photoshop and beyond.
I'm actually not as far as I know. I am related to knights and my surname originates from the crusades, so still technically nobility, but no rulers as far as I can tell.
Close enough.
My dad worked at the crusades
Where's the place to look for more?
I don't know what I could possibly search without getting results like "THE PYRAMIDS A SPACESHIPS DAWG"
And, getting 40 minutes into the Carl Munck thing, I'm not sure I buy it.
everyone gets lost in the desert bro, their civilization had taken the wrong turn, chill
He got dubs therefore his post>>>(you)r post.
My family name is most likely of Napoleonic origin though it's possible it derives from Vlad Tepes' royal guard.
Half of white Europeans are related to charlemagne, so you might still be.
So we literally wuz?
nigga wut
Shit's old, yo.
I'm extremely hesitant to buy into things like this. It makes us seem no different from the niggers.
This. Plus buttraep.
Also kolyva. You should try them. They are delicious.
There are European mummies all over the world. Every ancient civilization got its start with IEs colonizing primitive tribes as is seen in Canaan and India. The "neolithic revolution" is part of a much larger lie.
It's a matter of evidence.
Is it 100% certain?
Hell no, but it's the more plausible theory given the almost complete lack of non-jewish evidence for black egyptians.
Ahhh, the desperate American mongrel, and his longing after a perception of some, any history that would make him feel speshul.
"Kangz wuz hwite!!"
Worse than niggers, at least they have an excuse for their idiocy in their genetics.
Holla Forums's lolcow status is no longer pending, it seems.
Only the profile of one pharaoh, you disingenuous nigger. This says nothing about the society as a whole.
You do realise this isn't a matter of whether they were white or niggers, right? They were typical north-African shitskins as indicated by their own fucking paintings.
How's it going, Mordecai Bergerowitz?
Reported for obvious kike shill. American whites are the whitest on the planet.
I bet you still believe in the holohoax.
His grandfather was killed in it when he was only six.
You don't get it do you?
Enlighten me, moishe.
You're a mutt of the white races.
There is no singular white race, burger.
Okay, then, reported.
Lmao, you mean like the entire continent of Europe, which is full of "mutts" from the thousands of years of migration, border-shifts, wars, and rapes? The false superiority complexes of you euroniggers never fails to astound me. I hope you realise that all European peoples are constituted of a combination of three ancient populations who all mixed in various quantities to produce the ethnicities we have today.
Yes there is. There is a single white race with many subraces/ethnic groups. Just because you have some insatiable need to be a special snowflake doesn't mean Europeans don't belong to a single racial family.
They are relics from the Finno-Korean Hyperwar, so they are pretty old.
I know that niggers ae dumb, but it still hurts.
nice digits, ut it's hard to get ecited about what sounds like racemixing
And depressing to think that whites have ruled the planet for so long but have refused to wipe out the lesser races.
Well aren't you a special snowflake
Your right the black cube is the REAL murder cube
hi alpam
Kek is born from the womb of the willful ignorant.
I'm really getting tired of this.
It's just D&C shills
I often believe that most problems start at birth.
Europe needs to start representing themselves better then. We coined the term eurotrash for a reason.
More proof that Civic Nationalism is about the furthest you can ever get.
Don't you have a containment board to be in?
>mankind drove Mammoths to extinction worldwide! Ignore the fact that their remains are found with broken legs and flashfrozen in ice! And that we hunted them with stone arrows and spears!
Fuck modern (((education)))
Fuck me…..
>>>Holla Forums
I need a new keyboard or less autism.
It's like you don't even know how to survive without modern tech. smdh tbh fam
this is hermeticism 101
graham hancock could have told you that. there was actually (an) iceage civilization(s) but they're under water now
Europeans ruled pretty much the entire known world from the 1830 until WWI.
W-we was kangs?
No it isn't.
Egyptian civilization starts in 3100 BC by the unification of the Two-Lands (Upper and Lower Egypt) under the first Pharaoh.
Protip: if there was two lands and an unification there was civilization before that.
Hello moushie my old friend
I've come to shoah you again
Have you ever looked for it?
OC for the frog god
At my university I was taught that they Jews did not in fact build the pyramids by a Prof. who specialized in German history, especially that of the Weimar Republic and the communism associated with that period, or something. That's from his website. I believe he was at least a bit "redpilled." Even after he told us that they didn't build them, he paused and took more time out of his busy class to reiterate his point and repeat himself so that it could sink in. Diamond in the rough I guess…
To add to more wewuz:
And oh by the way there are pyramids in China near the ancient capital, but the authorities and (((scholars))) insist that there's nothing to see here, goyim.
Kek is the truth
Hold up, hold up. So basicallly, u sayin' we wuz kangz?
Egypt confirmed for Martian colony.
I'd pay a pretty nice bag o shekels if someone could carve me a nephrite jade pepe swastika
You could do it yourself with a dremel tool. Nephrite isn't super expensive.
That’s probably the most likely.
But even still, we’re talking about a civilization that wasn’t even Iron Age that was capable of recording the TWENTY-THREE THOUSAND YEAR WOBBLE OF THE EARTH ON ITS AXIS.
Humans (white) are fucking unstoppable.
That first image is from an alternate reality fantasy expansion of the LOTR world, used for a role playing game. Not to say that their world map isn’t really fucking well done, but nothing south of Umbar is canon, and there’s no evidence of the Numenoreans going elsewhere, anyway.
Didn't all the ancient cultures with large pyramid monuments also have very precise time keeping?
Those are Australoids, not niggers. Mongrelized American nogs love to claim them, including other Australoid types.
Those are Australoids, not niggers. Mongrelized American nogs love to claim them, including other Australoid types.
Of course. To the people back then the "Entire world" would have just been as far as the furthest travelled family member.
Anyone who hasn't read Fingerprints shouldn't post here.Still working my way through Magicians,good shit.
Fingerprints was one of my original red pills that opened my eyes to the reality that everything i've been taught is lies for population control.
I really like their academic work, but the moment the discussion veers from it, it becomes completely intolerable "dude weed lmao why are people so harsh, just be chill bro."
>says the dinka tribe is australoid they're a nilotic people from south sudan
You wanna know how I know you're a shill?
Very strong association between cold climate and aryan success.
Winterchan is all that can save us… will the cold come fast enough though?
You are cancer.
pic 1: this is the slide that made hawass flip out for the anons who were too lazy to watch the video
your first pic: I was pretty sure that the guy with the two knifes was a baboon headed god, not frog-headed.
pic 2: alternate theory: it was a giant water pump. There was originally a retaining wall around the whole perimeter of the pyramid, it was quarried to build modern egypt's roads.
yes those prehistoric men were great at moving 1800 ton stones
I've been doing this for a while, but also, I find alot of good info from
DNA tests vs (((artist's rendering))
fuck forgot to attach pic 2, I'm a faggot
Is there anything I can find off of Cape Cod? I know there's an old sunken pirate ship out there, but anything else?
may the chain never break
Egypt MMXVII: Kek's Vengeance
What will they do when His memes eclipse their dreams?
brought to you by planetearth™
I love you faggots.
Get fucked.
Not anymore there's not
55 GETS out of 531 replies.
Ratio of 10.3% gets
It's a party up in here famalam
I want to believe, but aliens would write their message using binary ANSI/ASCII? Also not even a high resolution ayylmao.
Kek was an egyptian deity after all. Maybe they memed the stones into place?
Praise Kek, glory be his name, for he carries us unto victory, to glory we ascend.
we all remember the Roman shitposting from pompei
how long until we uncover egyptian shitposting?
royal egyptian families were white, their slaves colored.
jews and royalty are also white and want to be the pharaohs, that's why they want to be the only whites on earth and promote race mixing.
in their new world order the leadership is white, everyone else is shitskinned
Only one problem fucko. The very quarries almost certainly used to extract the stone blocks for the pyramid are known to us and there are multiple partially quarried blocks still there. That and the massive obelisk half carved out of solid granite sitting unfinished with round vertical access(?) holes bored out with god knows what fucking implement. There are strange toolmarks, precise consistent compound bevels, and if viewed out of context features which would otherwise lead one to believe many of these monuments and sculptures were created using modern machining techniques and implements. There's some real fuckery afoot in the orthodoxy of modern Egyptology.
I was there, user. That was when God spoke to me. I walked into a crossfire between Lebanese Army and Hezbolah. This place was Sion. This was Baal's temple. Later the Romans built the temple of Jupiter there. All pagan religions are the same.
Sauce? I know that there are some pretty amazing eroded geoglyphs in the East
Does the Bermuda triangle also have to do something with it?
Canaanites are the kikes we know today.
Well it's happened Holla Forums. I now believe in a god, and it's an old god of chaos.
This is the first Pepe I have ever posted, an offering to Kek! If my post is dubbed, then I shall henceforth throw my life to the
well that's that!
Damn, kek doesn't care for you much.
I guess we're not supposed to try, just let it happen?
Makes sense.
off by one is kek's way of saying "FUCK YOU" to greedy cunts demanding dubs
but then we actually wuz kangs
Hieroglyphs are shitposting.
The Pyramid was covered in inscriptions, it was a library, time vault its very dimensions passing down mathematical knowledge of the earth and solar system.
Herodotus, visiting in the fifth century BC, reported that inscriptions of strange characters were to be found on the pyramid's casing stones. In AD 1179 the Arab historian Abd el Latif recorded that these inscriptions were so numerous that they could have filled "more than ten thousand written pages." William of Baldensal, a European visitor of the early fourteenth century, tells how the stones were covered with strange symbols arranged in careful rows. Sadly, in 1356, following an earthquake that leveled Cairo, the Arabs robbed the pyramid of its beautiful casing of stones to rebuild mosques and fortresses in the city. As the stones were cut into smaller pieces and reshaped, all traces of the ancient inscriptions were removed from them. A great library of ageless wisdom was forever lost.
Of course we were fucking kangs. We had a global civilization.
did you even read the roman shitposting?
it was like Holla Forums in 0 AD.
egyptian version when?
>you will never shitpost on Roman imagewalls again
found the retard who thinks (((cecil b. demille))) movies and kike scripture count as Egyptology
Egyptians did have slaves you retard. They just weren't Jews.
and arabs are still ruining native cultures with their stupid rugshacks
Jews were slaves in egypt. They were also hyksos, but the kikes were defiantly held under the heel of the Egyptians.
I'd more likely put my money on some rich as fuck secret society, such as the Templars, stripping the Pyramid over 50 years after the stones were loosened. Bahri Sultan was also a Mameluke sultan which is even more suspicious.
If the earthquake pillaging were true, the Egyptologist would be searching through the mosques and fortresses(which are better cared of and the stones better preserved) and translating them. So far I've never seen such a stone in picture or even a translation.
Not a single fucking one. All books are just repeating one and the same story of being used as building materiel. And it's usually the peasants using to repair damaged Cairo buildings.
My theory: Someone hid the tablets and the knowledge on them. The pyramids were intended to preserve it and the Mystery Cult likes to hog the action for themselves.
I wonder if the people who mentioned strange symbols knew of and were defining the symbols separate of egyptian hieroglyphs
The Mystery School religions of Ancient Egypt and Babylon were transparently ways for initiated people (priests, scholars) to communicate telepathically with an alien intelligence.
You don't build something like the pyramids unless they serve a practical purpose, in their case I'm certain already by 3000 BC the information on how to use them properly was basically lost, but it had something to do with sitting inside a granite box somewhere near the centre while people in other areas of the pyramid would chant or sing. There is some evidence water or mercury flowed through the pyramids and that the entire terrace leading to them was honeycombed with channels for liquid to flow through.
The same shit was uncovered in the Chinese Pyramids where the Terracotta Warriors were buried and is widely accepted by scholars as true.
Liquid Mercury in massive amounts can be used as some catalyst for forming interstellar or inter-dimensional communication.
Egypt is filled with buried stuff that makes no sense. The Serapeum of Saqqara is supposed to be burial caskets for mummified bulls. When they uncovered it there was only one bull mummy discovered (a closed casket was dynamited open, the mummy removed and since lost) the other boxes were empty. There is still evidence there of Roman activity and rebuilding, the site was ancient 2000 years ago. What's more interesting is the carvings added (3300 years ago) onto the boxes were added long after they were made, and some still have empty cartouches waiting to chisel in the name of a prospective buyer. The Egyptian writings scrawled over the mirror smooth surfaces is shoddy worksmanship that comes much later. Meaning the boxes were already there and like that when the Egyptians more than 3000 years ago found them. The couldn't move them, and decide to sell access to the highest bidder.
Obviously machined. Obviously beyond the technology of Ancient people, obviously as old as the pyramids. You won't find anyone talking about this shit. Archaeologists focus on what they can identify, the statues and objects found in the complex, the writing scrawled on top of them. The 70 ton machined boxes of stone are unexplainable, so remain mostly ignored.
Oddly they all possess a resonance which can be heard if you climb inside and hum, the noise is amplified and begins to buzz in your ears. There are various rooms in the Pyramids and other Temples on the region which also possess this weird musical quality.
GTFO redirection/disinfo shill
And your plebbit copypasta is stale and you should gas yourself for being a kike.
Giant empty granite boxes with lids that are too heavy to move were built by the same people who scribbled on the outside like a 5 year old playing with crayons. They then stuffed ceremonial bulls into them, because why not? But there has never been any evidence of the Bulls because looters, and that one bull was recovered over 100 years ago and it's in a museum, really trust us. Oh and they have been renovating the site for the past 60 years, that's why nobody was allowed inside until then.
The Egyptians found some big boxes, couldn't do anything useful with them, decided to turn it into a Temple for their "current year" Bull religion.
t-t-trust me guys, it's legit.
Has anything like this been experimentally tried recently.
Though i doubt people would live to tell the tale given it's mercury.
People believe in crazy cults. Its all they have.
you have to let thy dubs flow user
You're getting sloppy TRS.
And you're in an Atlantis thread. They were advanced, but none of the ayy lmao disinfo shit you're vomiting on the keyboard.
Touching mercury doesn't kill you, people used to handle it all the time in the 50s and 60s when vats of it were still used in various factories, foundries, etc. Prior to the scientific enlightenment it was seen as magical because it's the only metal to exhibit liquid properties at room temperature. If you had a giant vat of it you would float on top like this guy. It's quite dense and you feel significant pressure trying to stick your arm or leg into it.
I am not shilling anything faglord. With the burning of the Great Libraries in China and Egypt a lot of knowledge was lost.
There is an uninterrupted line from the UN today to the Nazis, then Blavatski and the Neo-Pagans of the 19th century, then you can trace them to the enlightened societies of 18th century France, going back further leads to the Borgia Papacy and further back the formation of Switzerland by the Knights Templar in the 1200s. It doesn't take a genius to keep following this line back to the mystery schools of Babylon and Egypt, which were religions based around going into spiritual trances and hearing voices. How is any of this shilling, shilling for what? An accurate portrayal of the parallel history not taught in school, that explains what the present day NWO believes in? God forbid people should get educated on the glaring gaps in our understanding of the past 5000 years. Like why they used EGYPTIAN columns to front the National People's Congress (CPC) building in Beijing.
hint: because it's always been the same thing in control, it just changes faces and wears many masks.
Everything that you said looks right to me. I carve stone for a lovong. If the person who put those "hieroglyphs" on that had done it in the days of egypt, he would be ritually executed for insulting whatever gods he was working for. Remember, the kike always lies. The people of the lands of egypt respectdd work. Labor was your sacrifice to your people and your gods.
Wonder who got the goods though. sons of aether have the MO
Or maybe the inscriptions on the stones were removed or incidentally destroyed; possibly because it impeded their use as building materials or simply because it was haram as shit to have non-muslim and possibly religious symbols (remember, we don't know what the content on the stones actually was) in anything built by sandniggers, especially mosques . You have to remember that we're dealing with Egyptian fucking shits here, and it's also possible that the buildings that the stones were used in were destroyed and/or re-built later; ~700 years is a long time.
Somebody here needs to play double's advocate.
But…all of them?
Even Rome has a lot of old building stones from pagan times embedded in their churches. And they're finding them all the time with recognizable inscriptions.
And here you've got these stones removed at the end of the Middle ages, of whom none are found.
And even the limestone used for it was high quality. Precipitation would be irrelevant from the climatic perspective and the quality would compensate for normal indoor use.
These casing stones were selected to be durable for the preservation of knowledge. I doubt that 700 years of muzzies bowing over them or parading would destroy every last one of them.
And they did things like these in important temples. Luxor f.e. was used for an animal pen and a lot of hieroglyphs were perserved.
Look at the pyramids. If i remember correct they used to have limestone coating. It's gone now.
Not necessarily. But then again, what good are a few worn scraps of inscriptions on stones that have been plundered far and wide for some 700 years - assuming that the writings weren't purged or accidentally destroyed or mutilated by the snackbars? I also wouldn't be surprised if someone actually did find some of them, but they're just not useful.
I certainly can't dismiss that one potential explanation for a lack of these stones is willful obfuscation, but it seems a bit hasty. Do we know how large the stones were? If they were as large as the rest of the stones,, it seems more probable that the writing vanished when they were broken up to provide building materials because the fucking egyptians sure as shit couldn't move them in one piece, much less build anything with them.
That's what we're talking about. Herodotus and some later writers said that the walls of the pyramid were covered with writing, but apparently none has been found after the casings fell off in an earthquake and were supposedly cannibalized to rebuild Cairo.
And im saying it wasn't reused. It eroded.
Sorry, I don't know enough about rocks to have an opinion here.
Then leave it to the experts.
I am; that's why I didn't just spend two minutes googling and talk out of my ass.
maybe kek can bless me with some dubs?
Oh really? I thought you were shitposting so i assumed you were talking out of your ass :^)
There's definitely some spooky shit in China, mostly around the pyramids they're trying to hide, but this seems like confirmation bias if you'll excuse the anti-pizzagate shill meme. Unless there's something I don't know about columns and their esoteric value, the ones outside the CPC in China just look like cheap knockoffs of what you'd find in any Roman inspired Western building.
filter man pls go
The thing that bothers me is that none are preserved. At least to my knowledge. That pyramid has a lot of surface with a shitload of stone. And no one is even investigating it. The wiki article has one paragraph dedicated to it, even though this would be the only writing preserved on the structure that isn't a graffiti
Just playing double's advocate.
But on that note, let me borrow your knowledge. How did the writing in the limestone survive for thousands years (for the sake of simplicity, let's be good goyim and use the (((official))) date of ~2600 BC) and remain clearly legible until at least the 14th century but then over the last 700 or so years vanish completely? Have other Egyptian limestone carvings degraded similarly?
I suppose there's also the possibility that they don't want to piss off the muslim community and/or endanger the carvings - not that I suspect many would be visible even outside of mosques, given how much paint and shit has probably covered them up over the last seven centuries.
Yeah that could also could be true. Someone in this thread said that the government starts to dig only when the tourist flow vanes.
The problem is that this is still a 3rd world shithole and the only way you can go and dig is by getting a permit.
And anything deemed troubling to heritage (read: insults islam/implies islam is not one and only) is rejected.
Graham Hancock tried to do some ground penetrating radar studies in front of the sphinx but got rejected when the authorities found out why they are doing this becouse they proved subterranean chambers underneath it. And they even erected a fence around the Pyramid.
Really sad how the most of the work got done with the british in the 19.century. If only we had projects like the space programe but with archeology of these ancient sites.
Civilization is at least 15 thousand years old just based off what we know about the astronomer cities but it could be even older. I think there are even more cities under the sea personally.
true that.
because wtf is this thing?
as for how old, my guess is ca 20-25.000 years.
Grain storage device.
eec3f9fstein BTFO!
I wonder how many of those antediluvian evidence have the kikes destroyed ever since (((modern oceanology))) started its expeditions.
With respect to the columns let me elaborate. Egypt itself has an interesting history, which is so long that most of the timelines are fidgeted with +/- 500 years every few decades, as they dig more and find more evidence that contradicts present understanding.
Civilization there has been around for so long, and ruled by so many different people, that we have no idea who were the original Egyptians. The Pyramids, the Sphinx, the Saqqara boxes (I claim) and some other sites are far older than currently believed.
The best evidence you have for these transitional periods between Dynasties and rulers is the architecture, most of the small statues and writings were destroyed by the incoming pharaohs, and very little evidence survived of the previous generation. They couldn't or wouldn't destroy the big things, the temples, the columns, the things too big to actually move or take apart.
The fluted columns in China (which the Chinese would claim are their own specific style) are similar to the original and first columns built by the Egyptians. I call these the Egyptians because as far as we know they were some of the earliest, before they were displaced geographically and replaced by others.
(I have added a picture of Abydos to show you the very _first_ Egyptian style of architecture, which itself is different from the columns in China and is more similar to the cubism at Saqqara and the simple geometry of the Pyramids, again the 12 columns motif is represented).
As to the line back in time, this one is about trying to piece together what human consciousness is.
There are surviving tribes in New Zealand today which are fair skinned and light eyed, they have red and blonde hair and blue and green eyes. Their oral tradition tells a story of escape from a massive battle in India/Eurasia, being displaced, sailing to westward around the coast of Africa, to South America, being displaced there, fleeing to Easter Island, then fleeing further west to New Zealand.
In Indian myth, their bible is the Mahabharata, in which there is a massive war between two people with the light skinned people losing and being destroyed. The Maori's themselves don't claim to be the first settles of New Zealand and have myths and legends around fair skinned, blue skinned, and blonde haired people who inhabited the islands before them.
So then the timeline would be rewritten something like this: (cont'd)
pretty solid evidence
Answering the ? - it's some time between 3150 and 1900 BC. This helps explain where the Pyramid builders went. Presumably they spread themselves across the worlds population and if they still exist to the present day it would be as clandestine ruling families tied to banking and international finance; religion and new age cults; businesses in weapons, pharmaceuticals and technology.
They would have had to piece together their own history, but with a higher degree of freedom of travel and access to information, they would have suspected the larger part of it by the end of the Crusades in the 1200s and understood most of it by the mid 1700s.
It began like a virus in Egypt and it spread out across the world for thousands of years. Present day they are geographically centered in Astana, Kazakhstan and Zurich, Switzerland. Two snakes of a long blood lineage which diffused itself north into the Aegean and east into Mesopotamia then later the far east and Eurasia, fleeing whatever pushed them out of Egypt originally.
This original family has been in a state of civil war for the better part of 3000 years. The Akkadian-Assyrian Empire (male death cult of Set, Islam) against the Minoan-Achaean Empire (female fertility cult of Isis, Christianity).
Jews have always acted as their primary intermediaries through the Kaballah bullshit, so naturally the curtain for them has been peeled back a little more, and they understand who really pulls the strings. Some of these things are likely demi-humans and can live for thousands of years, but others may be deformed or misshapen after so much inbreeding they must remain in hiding.
Given that every single one of their empires has fallen to human barbarism throughout history, it seems like they have learned an important lesson about ruling with an invisible hand where possible. This avoids another revolt, especially in this modern era where they could only really run to Antarctica or escape to another planet, which is inconvenient.
So is there any evidence for this? Very little. It primarily depends on a literal interpretation of myths preserved since Ancient times and understanding how disconnected people tend to tell the same type of story (the snake people, the flying lion people, giants, dragons).
It doesn't mean LITERAL snake people, but it does mean they all saw something that looked and interacted with them in some capacity that afterwards, inside their naturally primitive understanding of the world, they concluded, oh that's the snake people, don't trust them, they are shady as fuck. Oh that's the giant flying fire breathing monster thing, better stay away from it or it will burn my village down.
They will find Atlantis, Akad and Shambhala just like they found Troy. More discoveries in South America will push the Mayan and Peru further back in time. There is undoubtedly evidence all across the thick jungles of Southeast Asia of the connector civilization between the Middle East and China.
The German Archaeologists of the 1920s and 30s were experienced Egyptologists first and foremost. They had spent over 200 years collectively cataloging, researching and translating the earliest recorded history of the Egyptian civilization, and then they went exploring in South America and Asia? Why? Because they were logically following a lead, the expansion of the root civilization out of the Nile Delta and into the rest of the world.
THis honestly looks like a forge anvil/template to me.
There is an indent that looks like a sword/dagger
Looks like more templates and a sepparate cut for runoff. The other templates look like they could be large metal bands either used for ships, tools, barrels, or what ever else they were using at the time.
It may have fallen off a ship if it's just sitting in the middle of the ocean, also we have no idea how large it is we need a scale for reference and a picture of the surrounding area.
Graham Hancock.
The Baltic Sea anomaly is a 60-metre (200 ft) diameter circular rock-like formation on the floor of the northern Baltic Sea, at the center of the Bothnian Sea, discovered by Peter Lindberg, Dennis Åsberg and their Swedish "Ocean X" diving team in June 2011.
so the "sword" indenture is some 15-18 meters.
The irony in this post is off the charts.
If you read Viking myths, the race of frost giants got their asses kicked and were banished to the west. I think that they were literally exiled to America.
I'm not very familiar with American Indian mythology yet, but didn't they worship tall, fair skinned gods called the sky people or sky giants?
it is hypothesized
that consciousness as we know it (being self aware) was not a common trait in people back then. This is part of the "secret knowledge" societies sought to protect. Back then, they probably heard voices in their head as commands which they interpreted as god voices. Imagine not understanding your own consciousness or imagination. It is probable that as humans became agricultural, the awareness trait became commonplace due to boringness even (not being occupied, or working repetitively as you know, makes one overly self conscious), there's also the stoned ape theory
this of coruse from some larper from halfchan who linked a book about it, cant recall the books name. have it marked if anyones interested
Egyptians painted themselves as brown people. There are no brown white people. Someone needs to go back to pre-school to learn their colors again.
Okay, die now.
What a magical thread this has been.
The East Africans were the original """caucasians""". They have "white" facial features and dark brown/black skin because whites mutated from them when they left and entered Europe where they lost their melanin and mutated with more prevalence of lighter colored eyes like blue to deal with being able to see in a Nordic environment with a lot of snow.
I don't understand why you morons haven't understood this yet with all the proof that black Africans were the first humans, proven by the Out of Africa theory, which is proven by the oldest human bodies being dug up in black Africa.
Seek help for your insanity and refusal to understand reality.
Show me pics of brown white people. There should still exist some of these """brown white people""" you speak of today right.
People like this are beyond stupid.
Pepe is black.
What color is darkness?
This is literally what Holla Forums does, moron. What a fucking hypocrite.
Holla Forums and all """whites""" will always be the dogs of the Ashkenazi. Your IQs are too low to change fate.
Holla Forums on suicide watch
WTF I hate Drumpf now!
wew almost didnt find it among piles of rubbish in my pages
The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind
julian jaynes
Reported for obvious shill.
Nope, reported.
Nope, reported.
Because we’ve proven that Out Of Africa is false.
Reported for admitting to being a shill.
Hitler NO. I miss JIDF. Helps the newfags shine up their kike-o-scopes.
Only an IP address gets banned. Not me.
Don’t worry; the board mods are paid shills, so all reports are duplicated to the global set.
Reported for ban evasion.
JIDF = Holla Forums
That's why Trump got elected. You are all the Ashkenazis' dogs, the Jew's useful idiots. Always have been, always will be.
Reported for reporting.
Trolling != Shilling
Trolling =/= shilling/bootlicking
clearly we are on to something.
long since I've seen kike panic like this.
I mean it makes sense to me. It is known that there were races of "people" that were like 8ft on average, in very small communities, as well as pigmy humans.
An interesting article for you guys, because I know you'd interested. It would also fall in line with the meteor impacts creating utter chaos and people going underground. Like in Cappadocia. Noah's Ark in short.
>That massive complex particularly impressed Herodotus and he spoke in awe of the structure:
if one group of people are 7-8 feet tall, and the average man at the time (as in our ancestors) is 5 1/2 feet tall, then they would be called giants, and for good reasons.
(environment, nutrition, genetics, etc..)
Well, kike powers like christ insanity burned all the old knowledge and teachers they could. I've heard "we wuz vikangs" and such, too. These kikes are massively butthurt at Whites rediscovering what they burned entire libraries to get rid of.
The Mongolians in North America carrying around swastikas is pretty much the last nail in the coffin for this kike worldview.
Did they call it "hate speech"?
These threads alway seem to get shilled and D&Ced the most, next to probably Pizzagate threads now. They REALLY don't want these ideas into the mainstream, for good reason. If people knew they were being blatantly lied to by the (((institutions))) they would no longer be able to exist.
All of Europe and the US would declare a race war and open season on kikes and their muslum puppets. I don't know how EU fags don't see them as invaders yet at this point. It's all apart of their plan.
but no, Egyptians did like to hate things by removing them from the history books
scratching their names off walls and breaking their statues and monuments for instance
if you were a good pharoah you get to keep your name on your statues
if you were Akhenaten well archaeologists have to piece together evidence you even existed at all
1st pic, I know it's off-topic from bitching about kikery but look at all the hats that he has! I think he wore that white hardhat to his WV rallies.
watch this
explains how the pyramids were built and the irregular blocks that are not destroyed by earthquakes
7 1/2 fucking hours!!
yeah, I'll get right on that.
I need serious amounts of weed and a whole fucking day for this kind of shit
Also rivers move with time and most cities were founded on the banks of the Nile.
"Judaism" only exists around 2nd Century C.E. Sacrificial Cults on mountains and later in Temples at Jerusalem, Elephantine, probably Taursus. All that starts when Cyrus of the emergent Persian Empire transplants a clod of subjects into the region. Conveniently, this is also when the most of what is called "Torah" was inscribed. It looks like Cyrus got rid of some undesirables and put a cult priesthood in charge of managing them. The entire history predating that is observably countered by more compelling evidence
The Canaanites were several different groups, but the Edomites were described as red haired. So likely that there were proto-Celtic people in the area already.
Palestine was never monotheistic, and were forced to adhere to the Temple cults as far as yearly sacrifices and other practices. Any archeological dig in the region will reveal many rival gods competed for worship.
Bampu, shitskins BTFO
we wuz knagsssss
We nephilim now.
nice of you to share an image, but…
care to elaborate???
Anybody seen this yet? Found this by coincidence while searching david seaman videos.
Seaman is a Dreamcast game from 1999 in which you raise a talking fish with a human face that evolves into a talking frog with a human face. The instruction book says Seaman dates back to ancient Egypt as an "omnipotent messenger of the gods."
It seems to be the only Dreamcast game that requires a microphone, as you converse with Seaman throughout the game, he asks personal questions about family, work, school, computers and internet usage, etc. and uses your answers to shape the discussion with you.
Seaman website:
Seaman legend:
Expedition map:
Related AVGN from July 2015 featuring kek, time travel, global conspiracy
Look at the dunes on the land.
Also look at the underwater dunes.
Proof of a massive tsunami in ancient times, essentially, which could have been caused by a meteor or massive underground volcanic euruptions.
Basically proof that there was a yuge catastrophe in that area that would have wiped out any costal human civilization.
Also where those ridges are are like 200ft+ above sea level if I remember.
Egyptians were a race that doesn't exist anymore, much to the chagrin of stormfags, afrocentrists, and sandniggers alike. The biggest hints are in the skulls and in the art. Egyptian skulls are Caucasoid. However, that doesn't necessarily mean "White". Somalis have Caucasoid skulls too, and most of Holla Forums probably considers Somalis to be literal niggers. The biggest clue as to what sort of Caucasoid exactly the Egyptians were lies in the art they made of themselves and others. They Egyptians had art for White people, black people, brown people, and Semitic people. However, the Egyptians didn't use any of those images to depict themselves. The Egyptians depicted themselves as red people.
Here's a question for you. Are there any Caucasoid people alive today that you would describe as having dark red skin? None. You've got white, pink, olive, brown, and dark brown, but no dark red Caucasoids. The Amerindians have dark red skin, but they're distinctly not caucasoid, so there's probably no close relation between them and the ancient Egyptians. The fact of the matter is that Egyptians went extinct after thousands of years of getting raped by niggers, Greeks, Romans, and Arabs and today the modern Copt has barely any, if any at all, Egyptian DNA.
There are two types of melanin. Brown melanin, and red melanin. In a modern White man, brown melanin will appear in response to a gradual threat from sunlight, and red melanin will appear in response to immediate damage from sunlight. They'll also manifest in different hair colors too. The ancient Egyptians probably had both brown and red melanin visible in their skin at all times. So how do we track where Egyptians and related populations went? Follow the red melanin. Which White populations have the most red melanin? Which ones have reddish skin most of the time and a higher frequency of red hair? The answer is obvious: the British Isles. A long time ago, a group of red people probably went to the Isles and interbred with the White people there until they just disappeared into the native population. The reason why modern Britons appear so much like ancient Egyptians in their genotype and their phenotype is therefore because of admixture, not because of direct, undiluted descent.
t. armchair historian attempting to make logical conclusions
Seriously nigger. GTFO.
(((Egyptology))) is a den of vipers, that will actively supress information, so it doesn't anger their Kebab god.
Egyptian for Frogtoad?
That Tut dna being western european has already been debunked. However royal dna is not really representative of the general population - the ancient egyptian dynasties intermarried with neighboring races like the Mitanni, Canaanites/Semites, Hittites, etc.
seriously ive seen that video multiple years ago but that quote
has been deeply ingrained in my mind ever since. Wierd as fuck.
Your life has already been debunked. Your intelliegence has already been debunked. All of your opinions have already been debunked. You have been debunked.
Sauce. Also do you honestly believe what the archeologists say? They reject new ancient sites being discovered simply because it doesn't fit the narrative. History is kiked to shit.
I played this game a few times. It was weird as fuck.
Reported cuck.
You realize most of our civilization didn't originate in modern day Europe, right?
A coincidence?
Read the Bible, its the same. This shit is the basic thesis/antithesis crap, they create a "new fact" cherrypicking from sources then they create something against that fact.
your out-of-context image didn't say any of that, you know.
where is it?
when did this tsunami hit?
these are valid questions.
Not him, but he's referencing the Fenambosy Chevron of Madagascar. The hypothesis is that a large impact at the Burkle crater caused a megatsunami which created that large elevated chevron feature on the southern end of the island.
So you're saying I'm right? Goddamn, tell your superiors to send some people that can actually put a logical paragraph together.
no it's the fucking result of some MKULTRA level psyops
you are fucking full of shit
will read more.
egyptians wasn't niggers, the end, pic related
The Danube pill is hard for faggots to take but they need to understand that even the archeological evidence from the delta corresponds to Trojan settlements and settlers.
That's inflammation, you retard. It's caused by higher concentration of blood in these areas.
Not convinced by this at all. I've spent a lot of time in China, particularly in Beijing.
First, the Forbidden City is crawling with cylindrical pillars - they just happen to have been built with wood. So they upgraded to stone? Big whoop.
The buildings around Tiananmen don't look Roman or Greek at all. For a start, look at the difference between a Roman style portico and the vestibule entrances to the Chinese state buildings. And where is the cornicing?
All you've shown me is that you know jack shit about architectural design.
Cyclindrical pillars in architectural design are universally used for one simple reason: they all started out as tree-trunks…
The stone architecture in Tianenmen is inspired by and designed to compliment the wooden architecture inside the Forbidden City (which Tiananmen adjoins).
Now, if you want to argue that the Forbidden City was inspired by foreign architects/ancient aliens, I'm willing to hear you out, but you're going to have to do a fuck load better than this user.
or (look) Egyptian…
(I lived in Egypt for two years.)
Except blacks pretending that they were kangz are basing it on the fact that Egypt is in Africa, and that's it. If you read through the thread, Holla Forums has a little more solid evidence than that.
Bicameral mind is an interesting theory but has been thoroughly debunked over the years. Your LARPer friend has been watching too mutch Westworld. The point made in Westworld is that the theory can still be used to 'bootstrap' a form of consciousness, but it wouldn't operate the same way 'human' consciousness does, ergo it isn't how our own self-awareness developed.
I'm skeptical, and not a geneticist. This article seems to have the best info on it
Actually this is somewhat in dispute, the only real reason we think it originated in Egypt is because the very arid environment there over the past 3-4 thousand years preserved things that were 5-6 thousand years old.
Humans were spread out everywhere as early as 100,000 BC, lost Pre-Egyptian civilizations are likely. Either lost to jungle, built over by humans, buried by humans for unknown reasons, or underwater.
Linguistically, both Keku and Kekui are odd. Kek should mean "darkness", Keku "darknesses" and Kekui "the two darknesses". Kekuit would create an abstract noun of the dual form: the-two-darknesses-ness.
The tree says "Tree of Lifes" in Hebrew. Odd. Then there are the ten first letters of ther alphabet.
10% of numbers between 00 and 99 are dubs, retard. That's exactly the ratio of gets there should be. All threads tend to 10% gets with more replies.
Did you post this song on another board on this site like a year ago?
what is CI?
can you give a latitude and longitude for that image?
Did you actually read any of the thread other than that one post? It's the Fenambosy Chevron in Madagascar. 25°04'06.1"S 44°11'32.1"E.
5 or 7 thousand BCE us a shitload earlier than you thought? What are you, retarded or a bible literalist? What does civilization even mean here? There's been proper civilization since at least 25,000 BCE.
Modern day (((archeologists))) would like to have a word with you user….
Bump because it triggers you.
Bone up on what the kikes tell you, user. Holy shit.