Trump Wins Michigan by 11k.
Steinburg BTFO!
Trump Wins Michigan by 11k
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The kike can't call for a recount until Michigan officially reported. It makes rigging harder.
All it says is Trump has 306 electoral votes now.
Never been more proud to be a Michigander… if this is true. Not clickin that shit, nigga.
Time to find a one ton truck load of containers with uncounted Hillary ballots.
close, blah, blah, blah. It fucking flipped red unexpectedly. That is the take home. Fuck qualifiers.
Archived for you fags.
I agree with archives, but if you don't recognize 270towin then you are a fucking newfag and should lurk moar.
Fuck both of you. Fuck links, fuck archives. Just copy and paste the article, dummies. Like we did in the old days. It's that simple. First we couldn't copy and paste articles. Only links were allowed because we "needed" to support those websites. Now it's the complete fucking opposite. The mob is fickle.
ya know, I'd actually be on your side.. if you had of bothered to BREAK THE LINK
She's not even that hot though?
==Holla Forums== DESTROYED AGAIN
Even if I had yellow fever I still wouldn't ricemix with it.
How many times so far just this month? I'm certain the only thing that keeps them from mass suicide is the extremely thick delusion level you need to believe in stupid shit like communism to begin with
^ this.
Anyways I thought Michigan, besides being called for Trump officially was "too close to call with margin of error" so they are doing the recount anyways like shits.
No. A vote only gets called automatically if it is within 2000 votes.
Mich. Comp. Laws 168.880(a)(1). Additional exceptions are noted in the Bureau of Elections “Election Recounts” manual (see page 5): The margin is set at 2,000 votes or less, regardless of the number of votes cast in the election, and when that margin applies, neither candidates nor voters would be required to file a petition as set forth below to initiate a recount.
The media was just being a bunch of sour kikes over the result and refused to call Michigan even though everyone said Trump won. The only reason they are calling it now is because they HAVE to because these are official state results. Anyway a recount now would involve paying $125 for every prescient they wanted recounted. $25 if Hillary wanted a recount but well she wouldn't make money doing that so yeah.
Not to say that Holla Forums isn't but they need to be watched more carefully these days. Take for instance, their numbers have stayed at double what they had before the final months of the election. Meanwhile our numbers are a bit lower than pre-election. While a drop was expected after the election was over - lack of CTRposters - something isn't quite right. I've taken a look at them lately and have seen there's been a change, and it's overall quite amusing. Their board has devolved into a /r9k/-esque blog style board. And ironically there is a thread by an ex-/r9k/ mod:
So while Holla Forums is becoming more random they're also attempting to become more aggressive such as in the last two weeks where they were urging other posters to shut down and shit on threads on other boards that were vaguely "right-wing." We ourselves had a thread about that but if they continue to grow in numbers for whatever reason, they will have more manpower to shit up threads and contain anything Holla Forums-related to Holla Forums even if it was just passive off-topic derails by users of other respective boards.
That might be true but none of that erases the fact Holla Forums is composed solely of idiotic and incompetent retards that can't even shill without getting caught immediately. They aren't a threat, they are a containment board and punching bag
I hope you're right. However, despite the fact that their top pages are 3/15 actual discussions and the others are typical shitposts and bait threads, some political newfags may take that at face value and assume their board as an alternative is in its category from other boards that are usually ~400 active users and therefore see them as having some kind of value. I don't necessarily see this threat in the long run as at best their current state can be seen a de facto popularity due to shitposting but the current trend is still quite peculiar. On the flipside, they have almost as many shitposting threads as Holla Forums which is actually quite terrible if you want to be taken seriously which apparently they don't.
That's good news but based on what the kikes are pulling with Wisconsin removing 5k votes before the recount even begins. I still won't be relaxed until the EC casts their vote, being their whole ballgame is "abnormal" swings to Trump. Since Michigan was expected to be blue, I'm sure it's still in their crosshairs. It's 100% paper but Stein still called for a recount.
Why didn't we agitate for a recount and pocket the donations from gullible millennial and lefties?
Because we're better people then they are and we're not kikes.
The recount hasn't been completed yet.
God really. Can't they just accept the God Emperor.
There has been no official recount called in Michigan yet. (((Stein))) has until Wednesday if there is no call there is no recount this system is in place to prevent recounts from holding up the EC. So if Wednesday comes and goes we can breat a sigh of relief in Michigan.
2 days to go
That gives some relief, based on how quickly they pulled the Wisconsin recount out of their ass but PA and MI haven't been pursued yet…
Wisc rejects hand recount
Retarded and unreasonable demand, kikes go to sue.
Penn missed recount
Soros and Stein failed to hit deadline and didn't do their research.
Still no word on Michigan yet but I think that nails it.
also.. remember.. PA is worth 20. MI is worth 16. They could steal both of them from Trump and all it would do is knock him down to 270.. i.e. still winning.
Michigan? someone needs to thank micheal moore for his speech again to piss him off =) , also tag moviebob on twitter with it cause moviebob kind of looks like micheal moore
Are you tired yet?
She missed the deadline for PA idiot
Wisconsin recount is already confirmed unless it's overturned by a judge they have to follow through by law. What they don't have to do is bend over for Steins demand for a hand recount and potentially miss the deadline to cast their EC vote.
PA recount is dead (though stein is trying to sue into forcing one there too)
All according to plan. I imagine that the funds that can't be used for their intended purpose will have to be diverted to a "charity".
The donators won't even be mad at Stein. They'll just see this as more rigging and make out like it's the greatest electoral theft in history.
Holla Forums will unironically support capitalists once anti-capitalism is hijacked by anti-semites.
STOP BREAKING THE FUCKING LINKS! I don't care if you're a paranoid nut case I don't want to bridge it. FUck off!
Shhh… if we do nothing to discourage liberals, they'll toss millions more into the recount scam.
I love my home and it's natural beauty. I hope all you Anons each know the joy of loving your home because it's a sincerely wholesome feeling. Illegals don't love their real homes, they wouldn't abandon them if they did. I speak not only of mexicans but also people like that brit who tried grabbing a cops gun in Vegas.
That greedy kike just pulled a bernie on those dumb shits.
Remember, no refunds.