'''The far right Opinion ‘Alt-right’ online poison nearly turned me into a racist''' By: Anonymous
It started with Sam Harris, moved on to Milo Yiannopoulos and almost led to full-scale Islamophobia. If it can happen to a lifelong liberal, it could happen to anyone
I am a happily married, young white man. I grew up in a happy, Conservative household. I’ve spent my entire life – save the last four months – as a progressive liberal. All of my friends are very liberal or left-leaning centrists. I have always voted Liberal Democrat or Green. I voted remain in the referendum. The thought of racism in any form has always been abhorrent to me. When leave won, I was devastated.
I was curious as to the motives of leave voters. Surely they were not all racist, bigoted or hateful? I watched some debates on YouTube. Obvious points of concern about terrorism were brought up. A leaver cited Sam Harris as a source. I looked him up: this “intellectual, free-thinker” was very critical of Islam. Naturally my liberal kneejerk reaction was to be shocked, but I listened to his concerns and some of his debates.
This, I think, is where YouTube’s “suggested videos” can lead you down a rabbit hole. Moving on from Harris, I unlocked the Pandora’s box of “It’s not racist to criticise Islam!” content. Eventually I was introduced, by YouTube algorithms, to Milo Yiannopoulos and various “anti-SJW” videos (SJW, or social justice warrior, is a pejorative directed at progressives). They were shocking at first, but always presented as innocuous criticism from people claiming to be liberals themselves, or centrists, sometimes “just a regular conservative” – but never, ever identifying as the dreaded “alt-right”.
For three months I watched this stuff grow steadily more fearful of Islam. “Not Muslims,” they would usually say, “individual Muslims are fine.” But Islam was presented as a “threat to western civilisation”. Fear-mongering content was presented in a compelling way by charismatic people who would distance themselves from the very movement of which they were a part.
At the same time, the anti-SJW stuff also moved on to anti-feminism, men’s rights activists – all that stuff. I followed a lot of these people on Twitter, but never shared any of it. I just passively consumed it, because, deep down, I knew I was ashamed of what I was doing. I’d started to roll my eyes when my friends talked about liberal, progressive things. What was wrong with them? Did they not understand what being a real liberal was? All my friends were just SJWs. They didn’t know that free speech was under threat and that politically correct culture and censorship were the true problem.
On one occasion I even, I am ashamed to admit, very diplomatically expressed negative sentiments on Islam to my wife. Nothing “overtly racist”, just some of the “innocuous” type of things the YouTubers had presented: “Islam isn’t compatible with western civilisation.”
She was taken aback: “Isn’t that a bit … rightwing?”
I justified it: “Well, I’m more a left-leaning centrist. PC culture has gone too far, we should be able to discuss these things without shutting down the conversation by calling people racist, or bigots.”
The indoctrination was complete.
About a week before the US election, I heard one of these YouTubers use the phrase “red-pilled” – a term from the film The Matrix – in reference to people being awakened to the truth about the world and SJWs. Suddenly I thought: “This is exactly like a cult. What am I doing? I’m turning into an arsehole.”
I unsubscribed and unfollowed from everything, and told myself outright: “You’re becoming a racist. What you’re doing is turning you into a terrible, hateful person.” Until that moment I hadn’t even realised that “alt-right” was what I was becoming; I just thought I was a more open-minded person for tolerating these views.
It would take every swearword under the sun to describe how I now feel about tolerating such content and gradually accepting it as truth. I’ve spent every day since feeling shameful for being so blind and so easily coerced.
US election day rolled around, and I was filled with dread. Trump’s win felt like EU referendum morning all over again – magnified by a hundred. Although I never shared any of this rubbish with anybody, I feel partly responsible. It’s clear this terrible ideology has now gone mainstream.
It hit me like a ton of bricks. Online radicalisation of young white men. It’s here, it’s serious, and I was lucky to be able to snap out of it when I did. And if it can get somebody like me to swallow it – a lifelong liberal – I can’t imagine the damage it is doing overall.
It seemed so subtle – at no point did I think my casual and growing Islamophobia was genuine racism. The good news for me is that my journey toward the alt-right was mercifully brief: I never wanted to harm or abuse anybody verbally, it was all very low level – a creeping fear and bigotry that I won’t let infest me again. But I suspect you could, if you don’t catch it quickly, be guided into a much more overt and sinister hatred.
I haven’t yet told my wife that this happened, and I honestly don’t know how to. I need to apologise for what I said and tell her that I certainly don’t believe it. It is going to be a tough conversation and I’m not looking forward to it. I didn’t think this could happen to me. But it did and it will haunt me for a long time to come.
The term 'progressive' has almost literally come to mean 'less straight white people'. What a cuck.
Luke Taylor
Dont fight back and any perceived threats easily backed up by credible statistics are simply results of being indoctrinated.
Dominic Cooper
Carson Ross
Christian Russell
just another hit piece. damage control mode. but even if true, so what if a whiny bitch can't handle the truth?
Nathaniel Roberts
You can tell this person wasn't actually part of the so called "alt-right" because he thought the primary issue is with Islam rather than the fucking kikes.
Justin Long
Sebastian Diaz
He is cucked to death isn't he?
Oy vey the goyim are awaking
The leftists are so far behind the meme arms race that they can't even understand what is going on.
Ian King
"Occasionally he stumbled over the truth, but hastily picked himself up and hurried on as if nothing had happened."
I give it six months before he's here and shitposting GTKRWN with the rest of us.
Luke Reed
We are reaching thought-crimes level never seen before! You were so radical and far-right, man. I'm happy he got saved from inconvenient wrong-think.
Seriously though, it reads like a parody. It has to be one of us who wrote that, right?
Brandon Scott
Elijah Gray
He's full of shit, possibly even a state agent. It's just a piece designed to inoculate anybody at risk of rightwing "radicalisation". He tries too hard to pose as an "everyman" persona that a liberal-minded normie newly in contact with alt-right thought would find relatable. It's obvious just from the way he writes. Aside from all that he weirdly sounds like a woman. Certainly too effeminate for alt-right thought to have taken root anyway.
Adrian Bennett
Lmao he puked up the redpill before digesting it. This is incredibly pathetic
Aiden Sanchez
The Risks Of Normalizing The So-Called Alt-Right
Holocaust historian Deborah Lipstadt discusses Holocaust deniers, and the similarities she sees in media coverage of the so-called alt-right movement, which has been associated with white nationalism.
To get a different perspective on how to talk about the so-called alt-right, we reached out to Deborah Lipstadt. She's a historian at Emory University in Atlanta and a scholar who's spent much of her life discrediting Holocaust deniers. Lipstadt is best known for her fight against holocaust denier David Irving, who sued Lipstadt in the 1990s in a now famous international case that's even been made into a movie.
At the time, Lipstadt worried that defending her work so publicly would give David Irving and other Holocaust deniers a strong platform for their views. Lipstadt won her case. But years later, she's noticing troubling similarities between Holocaust deniers and the so-called alt-right, which many associate with white nationalism.
DEBORAH LIPSTADT: I observed something that actually has a lot of contemporary relevance in connection to alt-right and the groups around and individuals around alt-right. Holocaust deniers have been around for a long time. We saw them in the '50s. We saw them in the '60s, in the early '70s.
But generally they were neo-Nazis. They were people who when they gathered wore Nazi-like uniforms, gave the sieg heil salute. The switch came in the mid '70s when deniers got rid of the outer accouterments of neo-Nazis and instead presented themselves as what they called revisionists, people who want to revise mistakes in history.
Their arguments were exactly the same. But now if you happened to have stumbled into one of the meetings, you would have thought you were in a meeting of some scruffy academics, you know? Or if you picked up one of their journals, you would have thought it was an academic journal when in fact they were just doing the same Holocaust denial, anti-Semitic stuff that was being done earlier.
SINGH: And is this the stuff you're seeing in the current political climate in the…
SINGH: …United States?
LIPSTADT: …Exactly. That's why - I know Richard Spencer. I mean, I don't know him personally, but he's David Irving. He sounds - when you meet him, he's wearing - he looks very good. David Irving wears well-tailored suit. He sounds good.
SINGH: And we should note for our listeners Mr. Spencer heads up the National Policy Institute that has been widely viewed also as a proponent of white nationalism.
LIPSTADT: I would say white supremacism. I think white nationalism is just like Holocaust deniers calling themselves, you know, revisionists. To properly understand the danger, we should call them by what they really are, white supremacists.
And, you know, the National Policy Institute sounds very benign, sounds even positive. You look at some of the papers they put out, some of the points they take, you look at their spokespeople who manage sometimes to make it to television and you realize that what they're doing is really changing the outer garb. But what they're saying is the exact same thing as it was before.
Jayden Hall
SINGH: Professor Lipstadt, how do you view the media's responsibility in engaging with the so-called alt-right and other groups associated with white nationalism and white supremacy as you've mentioned?
LIPSTADT: Yeah, I think the media has a very big responsibility. I don't think the media alone, but the media is at the apex. And I think it's incumbent upon the media to understand who these people are and the kind of arguments they're making and not to treat them as a benign point of view.
You see, one of the things I discovered when I was working on Holocaust deniers was that what they wanted was to enter the conversation about the Holocaust as a point of view so that some say there were gas chambers, some say there weren't. Some say there was a plan to kill the Jews, others say there wasn't. They were taking lies, parading them as opinions in order to encroach on the facts.
SINGH: However, overall, you believe that the need to cover these groups in the news outweighs the risk of normalizing their beliefs or adding momentum to their cause. Is that right?
LIPSTADT: Yes. And I'll tell you where it changed. It changed when one of the people most responsible for bringing them into even the periphery of the mainstream - you know, it depends how you want to call Breitbart News, Steve Bannon, was appointed chief strategist to President-elect Trump. That means the person who facilitated this entering the mainstream in getting all this attention now is steps from the Oval Office. That's a game changer.
SINGH: What should people, in your opinion, look for in terms of a process of normalizing something that was unusual to bring up in mainstream conversation in the past?
LIPSTADT: One of the things that has elevated my level of concern over the past few months is watching people from alt-right suddenly appearing on the news not as examples - you know, here is a meeting that they had where they talked about people of color in a very derogatory fashion or talked about Jews in a derogatory fashion - but suddenly becoming commentators. That's mainstreaming. When their ideas are allowed to seep into the mainstream through the media, through becoming pundits, writing op-eds and having them published, then we're really in trouble.
SINGH: But there is something to be said for free speech. They would argue that they're entitled to that.
LIPSTADT: Absolutely, they're entitled to free speech. I'm not calling for their silencing because I believe in free speech. I don't want politicians deciding what we can and cannot say. But free speech and giving someone a platform are two separate things. Free speech means the government can't tell you what to say. Free speech doesn't mean the media is obligated to put you on and give you access. The airwaves are limited, and the media controls that and has to do it responsibly.
SINGH: Deborah Lipstadt is a professor of modern Jewish history and Holocaust studies at Emory University in Atlanta. She joined us from there. Professor Lipstadt, thank you so much for speaking with us.
And this is exactly what it looks like when someone almost takes the redpill then aborts it and doubles back on the Kool aid. A simpering, timid, cowardly, wretch of a man who cannot bear existence without constant validation and being told what a good dog they are
Hilarious part is this faggot only got to Milo before the programming came back and kicked him in the head. It's as right wing or at right as a fucking bagel. I feel disgust more than anything, to see people bring themselves so low. We are born blessed by God with consciousness and thought and this low life has forsaken it because it's inconvenient to his masters desires. A slave, even worse when it's a slave who revels in its shackles. I would not call him a reprobate, if he grew a fucking spine and along with a pair and learns he doesn't need the fucking approval of every degenerate around him in order to feel worthy of living then he could actually become a Human being then
Hunter Allen
This is one of those things that never happened stories.
Nobody goes back.
Grayson Hughes
you can't. it takes a a lot more effort to disprove a lie than to create it. but one the lie has been proven a lie trust in the liar is shattered and everythig he perpetuates will be questioned and met with disbelief
Jonathan Wood
What an intellectual coward.
Joshua Hernandez
The fucking irony
Thomas Moore
100% a ruse article trying to audience people the left know it's losing to us. One big strawman argument disguised as a 'cautionary tale' story. Pretty much to the T following a formula. I'm sure you could find similiar stories for things like 'how my catholic friend almost converted me to christianity (from judiasm)' or 'how marijuana nearly turned me into a homosexual'. Hypnosis techniques only work on the weak minded (reddit), but our memetic truth magic is unstoppable I don't care how strong or gay you are
Adam Gomez
I was expecting 'my wife's son" and other classics. It's either satire so good that it's indistinguishable from actual shit the liberals spew, or a government psy-op to warn people about "the dangers of alt-right propaganda".
Christopher Smith
Sounds about right. I'd say it takes about 6 months to go from bluepilled faggot to 1488 if you're here on a daily basis.
Matthew Gray
Gamergate was my babby's first red pill. After browsing with this board the entire election I can't ever go back.
Wyatt Howard
This doesn't have the ring of truth. It's like some faggot newspaper journalist tried to put herself in the shoes of a normal white guy in order to shill her agenda.
Logan Wilson
Yep. If true, it's over. There are few ciphers that truly go back to sleep.
Mason Long
My first redpill was hearing that Iran denies the holohoax years ago. Then this election cycle kicked in and I slowly found my way here. I can never go back.
Jaxson Harris
We are a cult though. We are a a dark kabal of national socialist occultist shitposting frog worshipping meme wizards
Less than 6. I came here in january and was redpilled in 2-3 months. Granted, I did browse cuckchan Holla Forums and the_donald before that.
Nicholas Moore
Think again.
Jayden Thompson
No we're not. We actually use scientific facts.
They literally use "head in the sand" as a method.
Isaiah Roberts
No, Holla Forums is definitively NOT a cult.
A cult makes you change your real life, your friends, family, all can be cut off by the cult. If you choose not to associate with people that is YOU, Holla Forums can't make you do these things because Holla Forums doesn't give a shit who you are.
Secondly; we are CONSTANTLY bombarded with challenges to our views. Not a cult.
Henry Baker
Nah dude.
A cult is "Listen and Believe". Nobody here blindly believes anything. Everything id dissected and bantzed to death. The only things that survive here is truth, with the exception of religious posting including Kek. Alas we are falling into superstition but I don't mind so much as long as Kek is with us and its fun.
Ian Harris
I am guessing he's spent his life surrounding himself with like-minded people. When he realized that continuing to look into these things would endanger his social relationships he decided to plug his ears and loudly virtue signal that he was reconverted - like a flamboyant homo fresh out of gay-camp.
Leo Mitchell
Trips of truth. He's pulling a Jillstiene and playing both sides. He can say he was always a right wing trump supporter if trump becomes the dominant force or say that he was always against the (((alt-right))) if things go sideways. This is nothing more than scared normalfags wanting to take sides but too afraid of society collectively biting them in the ass.
Asher Rogers
This reads as someone's attempt to discredit us, yeah. Pretty flimsy from our perspective but it might work on normies.
Connor Cooper
Yes we are, in the classical sense of a cultus or hidden discipline, but not in the modern law enforcement sense of a fringe religious movement led by a charismatic leader.
Levi Butler
Yeah, we're a cult.
Elijah Campbell
Josiah Cox
Jesus fucking Christ. This is not a man, this is a fucking insect. A drone. How little self-respect do you need to have for yourself to be so blatantly afraid of offending some mystical god of leftism inside your own fucking head - being ashamed for mere THOUGHTS. Stirner was fucking right. The modern man claims to be free and enlightened, but he is still a superstitious man beholden to imaginary gods who he is scared of offending. At least the major religions codified and rationalised their gods philosophically and created cohesive ethical belief systems - the elusive religious superstition of the atheist is worse, because he tries to please a god he doesn't rationally believe is there, but pleases it because his feelings (which he refuses to question) tell him to.
Jack Morales
Here's your (you)
Charles Bailey
Julian Barnes
I'd say we are a cult of truth. No matter how uncomfortable it is, Holla Forums always aims for the truth and the dubs. Truth is almost a sacred thing on this board, which is why our memes are so succesful.
Ayden Russell
Ryder King
Obvious fake. The author used the term FEAR instead of HATE. The entire story is a lie. None of us are "phobic", we're hateful and proud. Fucking sjws believing their own bullhit.
Prise Kek, wipe out the mudslimes.
Robert Wright
Logan Hernandez
I prefer "training camp."
Christopher Martin
I don't give a fuck about Holla Forums. I'd have half a mind to believe that they memed him like this to prevent Holla Forums from touching him because he's "leftycuck shit", if I thought Holla Forums were at all competent enough or smart enough to pull something like that off.
Stirner really needs some reappraisal here on Holla Forums. People don't understand just how devastating he can be to the entire modern mindset, especially indoctrinated lefties.
No, he's obviously not religious. And I'm not using religion as a derogatory term. I have too much respect for Catholic philosophy for that. What I mean is he has an unhealthy expression of religious, superstitious sentiment. Look at the way he thinks. He feels like he has to repent for having "wrong" thoughts. He thinks that he's offended some kind of "higher cause" by reading and thinking things he's not allowed to, and thinking that this made him an asshole. It's LESS rational than religion, because he doesn't even know that he's thinking superstitiously. This is what Stirner means by "spooks", people's minds are haunted by external ideas that they try to appease as if they are alive.
Xavier Watson
progressivism is not liberalism. the liberal party was hijacked post ww2 almost immediately . that's when the regressive left took the party reigns. one would hear people define themselves as conservative democrats or liberal conservatives back in the day.
Carson Rogers
This. I'd also add that I, personally, don't give one fuck about prosthelitizing. I spread red pills wide and far and don't back down from any cuck that wants to debate me, but honestly their utter buttfrustration at being unable to counter my arguments is more satisfying to me than any hearts and minds I might be winning over
Nathan Price
Why don't we just call memes spookies now? :^)
Alexander Jones
Logan Clark
Moral of the Story: Liberalism relies completely on mental blocks to shield oneself from reality, as has been known for decades.
Isaac Hill
lol, what a cuck
Hunter Robinson
They aren't equivalent concepts or functions. Memes are information, spooks are emotional parasites.
Leo Morales
I've been a lot of things in my life, and I've done some things I wish I hadn't. In a lot of ways, I'm a total loser. I should read more, exercise more, work out more, and try to improve my social skills.
Despite all that, I can happily say that I've never felt the kind of fear and self-loathing that consumes this creature. The lack of courage, of pride, of any willingness to follow the truth, wherever it may lead, and the desire to remain "good" and socially acceptable, is utterly sickening. It's because of creatures like this that I am so thankful for the term "nu-male." This isn't a man, or even a boy, but simply a nu-male.
Dylan Walker
I believe kek has spoken. This guy is a lying cuck
Adrian Bennett
Jace Wright
So spooks are just low energy "corrupted" memes. Why does this warrant a fucking thread?
William Torres
Ryder Green
William Flores
Hunter Ramirez
Spooks aren't the topic of the thread, what are you talking about my man? Anyway, it is true that there is a similarity in meaning, but the terms are distinct. Stirner kind of prefigured the term 'meme' in an impressive way, but there's a vital distinction in the way the words are used. By saying "spook", Stirner is emphasising the properties we give certain ideas, and their influence upon us, their "ghostly" kind of existence. They are things we may treat as real, but are merely ideas we have submitted to. A meme just describes the way a thought spreads itself, a spook describes the internal power play of the individual's will and the ideas he feels compelled to submit to. You can learn about different memes and internalise their meanings without becoming beholden to them and making them "spooks"
Isaac Rodriguez
I wonder what his wife's son thought about his sudden transformation into a racist?
Daniel Cook
they misspelled
Lincoln Edwards
Jace Ramirez
You know what this is? It's a desperate cry out for help. This author is dangerously torn between what he knows is true and the "safe" ideas he wants to believe in. He is calling out for any liberal to reassure him of his "progressive" views.
Connor Scott
So the message is that isolating yourself from reality can prevent you from being "alt-right". Good to know.
The author was never right-wing, he was just an anti-SJW leftist and they are dime-a-dozen now. They joke about trigger warnings too.
It's not "right-wing" to be angered by an ideology that kills innocents like Islam, it's common sense.
Are you really surprised that they are insincere about their motives? That's how liberals became so influential in the first place. They tell numerous lies and people believe them.
"Uhhh I don't want to prevent people from speaking wrongthink but I don't want them to speak wrongthink to anyone."
What's the point of communication then if you can't speak to others? These people are arrogantly dishonest.
Jackson Turner
No, feelings are not memes.
Nathan Davis
I think a more interesting question is;
It was not all that long ago that Holla Forums's greatest virtue was the 'truth'; however the truth became gradually less important (though still important) upon realisation of the (singular) truth about 'white genocide', that our people, our blood and our culture will cease to exist if something drastic does not change the current course of our nations.
So survival became the first virtue, with truth as the second. It makes sense and you cannot blame us; but the 'slippery slope' that has always been so devastating from the 'progressive' side seems to have begun to hit us. Whilst the Trump election was in full swing many of us, me included, stated that any of the flaws of Trump (outside of proof of controlled opposition) were irrelevant because the greatest threat to the US (like the West and whites in general) was demographics, and that so long as Trump was going to build a wall and deport immigrants; nothing else mattered. Perhaps I and the others were wrong though; we took the focus off the truth and would willingly leave it out of anything to do with Ivanka being jewish or anything along those lines that, were it about ANY OTHER candidate, we would have taken a great interest in. Truth took a backseat for our propaganda and for good reason; if Trump had lost it would be the end of White America (not counting a civil war or reconquista). But we did sacrifice one of our virtues, and it has become ever more common since.
The prevalence of kek is just one of the many ways in which Holla Forums has forsaken 'truth', even going so far as to start replacing some of our other virtues. Order is one the principle virtues of the West, something we all admired in the Romans, the Crusaders, the Nazis.. But kek is about 'chaos'. I've seen apologists making the perhaps adequate argument that 'we only want chaos for our enemies'; but I've also seen a hell of a lot of 'for the lulz' types. Even one of the people I quoted stated he was fine with kek as long as it was fun.
Slowly but surely our 'Western Virtues' seem to be being eroded and replaced. I think it is time to question whether we actually are becoming a cult. The West is potentially on its way to salvation, and our ideas have been a great part of that. This year has seen the BREXIT, Trump being made president and nationalism rise all over Europe (and even Canada is making a stand against bullshit PC laws). We need to now make sure that we are taking the world in the right direction. I would ask that we go back to our first virtue of truth; the election is one, we no longer need propaganda. We need to make sure people understand what is actually going on, and give them a vision of the world that we must all strive to build.
Levi Ross
G-gosh honey, I had a thought on my own. I'm so very sorry, it'll never happen again.
The faggot should just kill himself now and spare us the misery of his company.
Aiden Cook
Chaos is necessary to uproot complacency, the number one enabler to degeneracy and decadence. Think of it like some necessary cough medicine for an ill society. Order can come after the virus is purged.
Mason Walker
Iike this part though and how it's completely missing the point 1. When you have such an asphyxiating clutch on the MSM as the left had all this time effectively no-platforming any opinion they deem too dangerous or far-right , then it is censorship 2. ==Newton's 3rd law bitch== For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. All this time they spent censoring any opinion that wasn't exactly the same as theirs and dominating the MSM created an undercurrent and the only thing it needed was a place where they could speak their mind without some cunt yelling SHUT IT DOWN and they found it with the rise of alternative media . Now the glove is on the other hand , the MSM are the ones copying the alternative media and even citing them for'their' stories trying desperately to stay relevant and cling on to any power they once held and if you had studied physics instead of getting a degree in muh oppreshun you may have known it was a long time coming
Brandon Garcia
Of course Holla Forums still values truth. Most of the posters here were well aware of Trump's shortcomings, but they memed him up anyway because the perceived truth of the situation was that he'd be a net positive.
Honestly, I'm not seeing a conflict here. Truth is a virtue. Survival isn't a virtue, it's a value. You are truthful, and you value survival. Where is the conflict that you're seeing?
Horseshit. We need it now more than ever. There's nothing saying that propaganda has to be untrue, only that it serves one side. The best propaganda is true.
Chase Powell
Good post. Fear is definitely taking over Holla Forums but we should be afraid. We're in the metaphorical foxhole and Kek is there. Fuck logic, KEK
Landon Flores
UUUU my good lad
Aiden Brooks
You know what else is was a cult of truth? Christianity.
Robert Green
Christianity is not the right tool for our metapolitical aims. Afterwards, fine. Now? We need a sharper sword.
Ryan Howard
The media has totally abandoned any semblance of acting as anything but a propaganda machine for the Left, to the point they've started just outright making shit up to pass on to their once-gullible consumers.
Charles Moore
Read the last book. It's expected.
Parker White
We'll remove kikes and liberals first using our tools at hand. Then we can set to restoring and restructuring western civiliaztion according to law, order, a revival of religion and culture.
Mason Bennett
I disagree. I want to shove it in their faces till they scream in terror.
Zachary Foster
This. I've noticed that sometimes people will react aggressively to even polite correction, and take it as a political attack rather than trying to attain a higher standard of truth. I don't like this trend, because I think if we begin to put convenience above truth in our own thinking - not just some Machiavellian propaganda stuff, although I wouldn't suggest spreading disinfo even if it's helpful to the cause since it's so easy to fact check these days - if we begin to foster a hatred for inconvenient truth our perception of reality will shift from relevance and become harder to implement in the real world. I've even seen people become defensive when I have pointed out that a quote they posted is fake, as if I'm undermining the white race or right-wing ideology.
When certain memes become prevalent on this board, it can become a mark of wrongthink to question them, like the Ivanka Jewish example. I'm with you in that I can understand the motivation, but we've become too eager to sacrifice our internal values for outside memes.
Nathan Scott
Ever hear the proverb; "better the devil you know"? Now the devil we know is certainly a pile of shit that needs to be opposed, but my point is that we need to have a proper idea of what we are replacing it with.
This lad (checked btw) makes a good point about order coming afterwards, but what I'm asking is: Will it? … The slippery slope is real, and we have already seen part of our userbase become more Holla Forums than Holla Forums. It could be that these Holla Forums-types are just newfags from plebbit or 4cuck; but it also wouldn't surprise me if a fair few 'enlightened ones' were beginning to buy into the 'fun and games' and lose sight of what we are actually fighting for. This war of ours is not about spite or hatred; its about saving the West.
Of course, I was referring to some of the less-than-truthful propaganda we used in regards to Trump (or rather the willing ignorance of certain truths and the actual deletion and banning of any mentioning them). 'Truthful propaganda' is always good, I am just not so sure we should be so willing to 'hide the flaws' as it were.
Michael Flores
I'm reporting your post, because its clearly designed to derail into the standard christian arguments.
You're a bad person, either a shill trying to derail or a christian who can't go two minutes without shilling for your foreign jewish faith, and you should feel bad.
Noah Brooks
Blake Thompson
This kind of thinking is what got us here in the first place. We can't kill the outer jew until we kill the inner jew. The reason Whites are degenerate and all sorts of undesirables have gotten into our society is because it has deteriorated. If we fix it first, we won't have such a problem.
A country has the Jews it deserves. Just as mosquitoes can thrive and settle only in swamps, likewise the former can only thrive in the swamps of our sins. - Codreanu
Cooper Brown
All of these turn coats all of the sudden.
Once redpilled always redpilled. Once a Holla Forumsack always a Holla Forumsack.
Kayden Phillips
Super spooky zombie jesus look out! He's coming to force you to repent!
Wyatt Peterson
fake and gay
Isaac Diaz
Every fears God and Christianity. They don't have the same level of resentment towards figures like Zeus, Buddha, and Gaia.
Jayden Torres
I feel better than you clearly. :^)
Jaxon Anderson
Because the devil is seductive.
They don't want to face the truth of actually disciplining themselves.
Kayden Walker
It is uncomfortable for those who are wrong. Liberals are the modern day sophists only relying on rhetoric to make their arguments. Anons have honed an argumentative style that combines dialectic, rhetoric, and memetics to deliver perpetual asshurt amongst our opposition. There is hardly a point in mining salt at this point. That's all they produce now.
Ian Barnes
Tyler Martin
Zeus, Buddha and Gaia are near irrelevant in the West. You can probably notice antipathy toward Buddhism growing though, since it's a meme religion among a certain kind of Westerner.
William Williams
Brandon Ross
Lying to your enemies doesn't mean you don't value truth. On the contrary, it means you do value truth, and you understand the value of denying it to people who want to fuck you up.
Again, I don't see the problem here. Do you think the only way to value truth is to autistically spew it out whenever prompted?
Christopher Wilson
I am well aware, but we need to come in like outsiders for this action to work. The unity/disunity we create has to be transient, which is why the archmorph of Kek was chosen/appeared/chose us.
Christianity is a safe zone we will push the disengaged masses into. It will be a soft capitulation to our action.
Cooper Baker
Better for somebody to be a western meme Buddhist than a fedora tipping atheist, which is typically the alternative since they already rejected Christianity and doubtlessly have never been exposed to Kek.
Zachary Gomez
James Martin
Lucas Walker
The problem is Holla Forums has gotten into a habit of lying to itself. I mean Holla Forums as an organism, anons feeding info to other anons. Why should we hurt the organism by turning the antibodies against true info, instead of against false info? Perpetuating disinfo to places outside of Holla Forums is a very different beast to intentionally being afraid of skepticism to any kind of statement or claim to truth that is beneficial to Holla Forums.
Jaxon Rogers
When reason fails, college indoctrination will save you.
Leo Barnes
Our propaganda is powerful, because there is undeniably truths to our belief systems. I can't even watch Saving Private Ryan anymore because it breaks my heart watching brethren kill each other for absolutely no reason. I just imagine the fat traitor Churchill and evil kikes brainwashing the western world innocent and young into suicide.
Luke Rodriguez
He can't unsee all those videos and once wifey goes to mummy's or pisses him off enough he'll be back in a show of limp wristed rebellion.
Josiah Taylor
Sounds like he watched a bunch of Milo and Sargon types and didn't make it as far as the actual alt-right.
Nicholas Jackson
(checked) They know they've lost. Perhaps it's an attempt to channel the angry focus off anti-semetism and more towards muslims?
Oliver Miller
100% agree. We have been flooded recently with more basic bitch conservatives. They tend to think that their own sense of morale is more important than anything, so most of their replies to unexpected information is some variation of "shut up."
The oldfag core I don't think is falling for this mentality, though.
Jaxson Powell
I think we need to make an effort to separate our threads into one of two kinds.
The first being a 'Holla Forums insider thread'; where we argue and debate with one-another for the truth and just the truth, and finding out that we are wrong about something, or a negative about 'whites'/xnationality is not something that will be punished by moderators with a ban and ignored by the masses for not 'kissing our own arses'. This would be the majority of threads.
The second being 'Holla Forums activism' threads, where the exact truth or perfect method of action is less important than actually getting our message out to the masses. Obviously the truth should be important here as well, but what I mean is that it doesn't help anyone when you're trying to organise a rally/raid and some 'tard keeps bleeting about the fact that Ivanka is a jew and thus we are all just doing the whim of kikes; which ends up creating an argument thread as opposed to an actual organisation of something that could have beneficial real world effects.
Brody Russell
>Watched Look Who's Back >At the end Hitler says "I will always be with you."
Lucas Hughes
Article screams fake and gay. Check my dubs.
Isaiah Richardson
Translation: "My girlfriend finally fucked me again last weekend when I admitted to her that maybe tromp is a racist. I'll keep this little game up over the holidays because shit was so cash."
Dylan Thomas
Pictured: the writer's current mental situation.
Aaron Bell
For a few months two or so years ago, the two-tier structure of of Holla Forums and 4chan were operating that way. There was a clear IQ stratification between the two chans, as everybody who stayed behind was too unintelligent to see what had become of 4chan. Unfortunately Holla Forums is no longer obscure enough to be limited to old Holla Forumsacks who woke up to the state of 4chan.
Sebastian Jenkins
Like Hillary, some of us have a public position, and a private position. Hide your power level and if you supported Trump maybe fake them out a bit. My hippie friend from faceberg actually named the jew a few days ago in DMs. Strange times indeed.
Charles Watson
I suspect that this faggot just heard others talking about how they became rigthtists and made his "redemption" story as a rebuttal. Notice that he never countermands the assertions of the real rightwing which has finally returned after its destruction in the last great war.
Remember to the left we aren't just wrong, idealistic, misguided, or delusional, we are pure evil. We hold proscribed knowledge in a truly religious sense, the knowledge of "that which should not be". "Why do you know that?" they ask when you recite statistics of how many faggots have HIV, historical facts about society prior to 1900, or predictive models based on racialist principles. They question not only why you know this but why you would want to learn these things in the first place.
We aren't even heretics to these people we are demons, we hold hidden knowledge and willfully fell from grace. We are the Cthulhu cultists trying to bring their entire world crashing down to herald the return of old ways and old gods which they find terrifying.
The horror, as glimpsed at last, could not make a story - for like the book cited by Poe's Germany authority, 'es lässt sich nicht lesen - it does not permit itself to be read.'
H P Lovecraft, The Horror at Red Hook
Jason Young
Josiah Campbell
This is the worst bit of propaganda I've ever seen, They wrote it for the Liberal audience, there are no arguments in it.
Joseph Gonzalez
Sounds really fake to me…
Yeah sounds like a jew LARPing about what he thinks the "raycis internet goyim" circles are like. Fake af and clearly written by a jew who has "an interest in psychology" because he doesn't have an intuitive understanding of how other people think. It's obvious reading the article he bullshitted the entire thing.
Jaxon Young
Luke Lewis
Stop smoking so much.
Juan Myers
"Will to Truth" is just "Will to Power" being coy.
Sebastian Hughes
Kayden Gonzalez
t. Cypher.
Jayden Howard
10 years ago marijuana freed my mind from degeneracy and opened my mind to National Socialism.
Jackson Davis
Stirner is a spook.
Adam Bell
That's been me working on my female buddy for the past couple of years. Finally showed her TGSNT last night. The look in her eyes was that of abject horror and genuine sadness.
James Davis
Hudson Sanders
Asher Barnes
Stirner's spook shit is great, should be appropriated by Holla Forums
Brody Bell
Western buddhism is atheistic dude.
Lincoln Torres
leftylosers misinterpreted him, race is not a spook, racism is.
Jonathan Murphy
Stirner is actually decent, its hilarious to me that Holla Forums idolizes the man when Stirner was even redpilled on jews. I swear they must not actually read his material.
Lucas Myers
Of course. Holla Forums hates spooks even more than Stirner does.
Owen Jones
I understand that, but being a "spiritual" atheist yoga enthusiast is better than being a fedora tipping skepticism atheist. They are significantly less insufferable and stuck up their own asses.
Wyatt Torres
Something about this line amuses me. It's not the fact that he's lying or being altruistic. It's the implication that progressive writers are being paid to write propaganda and hitpieces that they don't sincerely believe in.
Whoever they're being paid by, it's definitely not by the people themeslves. It's likely through the establishment.
In contrast, many TRS podcasts are self-funded or ran by donors.
Hunter Brooks
Fucking LOL
Been at it for 25 years and realize all ideologies are bullshit, but ones that criminalize fucking FOOD are most bullshit of all.
Charles Morales
Kek is a gag friend, just like Ebola-chan was in 2014. The truth is still there hidden in a thousand statistical analyses, papers, books, and historical records. It is still there however since the truth has largely being exposed nobody is proselytizing it here as much as they were in say 2010 when 4chan hadn't gone racist and right wing yet. Back then there was pushback now there is concensus about the big truths: kikes are fucking with us, the left wants to exterminate whites and replace them with shitskin pets, muds are inherently inferior by any objective measurement of material worth, race is undeniably real and correlates with IQ, faggots are disgusting disease vectors, ect.
The spread of that truth has moved outside of Holla Forums. Holla Forums was the new acholytes learning from a few scattered masters like Kevin MacDonald who had kept these truths alive and offered material support for them. Some went on to be preachers spreading it to reddit and other places. Some became or are becoming figureheads like bishops trying to spread it through media and blogs. Others remained here or continue to do the work of collation and cataloguing, the rigorous work. I for example have spent years since 2011 refining a process to create nerve gas for the Day of the Rope, should the time come. pastebin.com/TGzmYw7E
What you are dealing within Holla Forums are the few new acolytes and the old monks like me. The most passionate of the bunch either because they have the enthusiasm of youth or because they where always concentrated on the truth.
In this environment there isn't much refinement of the truth because everybody believes it already but there is the collection of other opinions, which is what we did to create our racial narratives and truths to start with.
Ryder Flores
Watching Scott What's-His-Face advertise on Holla Forums throughout the elections has persuaded me to update and improve Dilbert. All he needs is an injection of Holla Forums, /a/, and Holla Forums.
Ethan Brooks
Remember when bacon was a meme food for a few years? I think we need to bring that back and roll it in with American patriotism.
It would work well because it would naturally alienate kikes and sand niggers, while being politically unassailable with enough plausible deniability for normalfags to publicly embrace it.
Christian Stewart
Scott Adams should be forced to watch Dilbert 3 on a loop for a week. That should fix him.
Nathan Cruz
Angel Allen
Yeah. The writer came out sounding so ridicolous and self deluding that I think this might wake some people up to their own thought censoring.
Christian Taylor
A crafted hit piece, exactly. Once one learns the truth about Islam, he cannot return to ignorance and denial. To deal with, the officials who have permitted these invasions. That includes those who created the refugee situation. Those are the people and nations this hit piece is attempting to defend.
Charles Cox
Also checked.
Jose Ramirez
I'd be tempted to argue this must be parody except that I've actually seen liberals behave exactly this way. We are way beyond Poe's law now, more like Poe's hypersaturation. Parody is indistinguishable from mainstream opinion.
Matthew Kelly
they are proud of their indoctrination? interesting
Jack Bell
They've conflated it with respectability.
Jayden Diaz
Dilbert without Dilbert.
Just Dogbert fucking with people. Those are the best ones anyway.
David Long
I hope you are right, though I'd still advocate vigilance even if you were. The whole problem with the West was that it was always open to corruption, and that corruption always began with the seemingly benign. I think we are actually winning now, for the first time in centuries. We haven't won though, and complacency could see us morphed into something else.
We are all on guard against the jew, this is true; but what if Trump turned against us? How many so-called Holla Forumsacks would follow their 'God-Emperor' and begin the assault on Western civilisation from a new angle? How many 'kekites' will neglect or abandon potential allies who are Christians? Put simply; how many of us are blithering idiots? … Because from what I'm seeing, its a fair few. There's nothing wrong with some people being stupid, and there's certainly nothing wrong with some shitposting, banter and general fun. And there will always be idiots, there will always be a natural hierarchy; but these people do need to be dealt with in an effective way to make sure they keep what is important in focus. … I almost feel like we should be writing parables and stories to make the more complex philosophical ideas more easily digestible, but really I think I'm getting ahead of myself.
We just need to be on guard against those who are beginning to reject 'objective truth' in favour of 'subjective truth' that is seemingly in favour of 'us'. Truth is most important, and over-estimation of our own or beliefs in the non-existent will be the death of us; just as the over-confidence and self-worship of the Left is currently being the death of the jew.
Grayson Anderson
Parker Lee
I've never understood that either. Maybe they're so emotionally invested in it they end up with a sort of stockholm syndrome?
Parker Jenkins
So they openly announced they would launch a disinfo campaign in order to prevent the 'ebil h'white man from being radicalized' and follow up with an editorial written in the exact manner to which they claimed was the most effective, a sort of former alt-kike thought-piece… They surely are losing their grip on normalfag reality when they think this type of article will convince anyone besides socjus and antifa. Would be a great idea to get an user to write a follow up piece, though written from the POV of a middle-aged cuck watching MSM and being indoctrinated.
Gavin Edwards
I hope this cuck attends Ohio state university.
David Richardson
Easton Powell
How to protect from Alt Kikes the concise version
1. Ignore and filter every alt kike 2. Do not give a shit about them 3. Occupy your mind with something of actual importance.
I seriously worry for people who think that they're susceptible to indoctrination.
Camden Rogers
This story is a small microcosm of a phenomenon that is happening en masse across the western world as we speak.
2016 keeps getting better and better.
Nathan James
I instantly thought of Rule 34 after I read this. Welp time to kill myself unless Kek wills it otherwise.
Nicholas Carter
Robert Gonzalez
This article strikes me as almost certainly written by a jew
Lincoln Williams
fake & gay if he really went AltRight, he wouldn't be able to switch back
But if we assume that this experience is legit, then there's the question why he switched back. The answer might give us some interesting insight into the shitlib mind and yield practical applications for redpilling and memetic warfare.
My theory: he just didn't went far enough. If he made it to white genocide & soviet subversion then there would have been no coming back. However, this is not only about the sufficient amount of info to fuel reason. The underlying mechanism is that identity seems to be essential for our self.
Being left wing is a huge and important part of the identity of shitlibs. It's most likely the substitute for racial identity. So in this case the shitlib-identity was still too strong, and he hasn't seen enough truth yet to let go of it, as that would have felt like abolishing a part of himself. Letting a fundamental part of yourself go becomes possible when the newly discovered facts disproof the old identity and at the same time offer a new identity. For most people this is a process taking up from several weeks to month.
It's basically the same (not as extreme though) as when religious people encounter facts contradicting their faith: it's not about the logic or facts, it's that it feels like shit to throw away your religious identity.
To conclude: our future research in redpillistics should extend its focus on the role of identity, especially in regards to the development of next gen memetic weapons.
David Evans
gr8 post m8
I agree the article is fake and gay, but you make a good point about leftwing identity. I have known lefties to admit to facts that completely disprove their views and then go right on being a leftist. It was too hard for them to accept that their views were all fundamentally wrong
Hudson Miller
Honestly I'm surprised this story doesn't end with an eagle named "Reason" landing on a bust of Karl Marx and a nationwide ban on the Confederate flag being enacted.
Later tonight, more stories from Shitthatneverhappenedland!
Wyatt Ortiz
spiritualism and facts can coexist
Connor Reed
thank you, there was some effort :)
I really think this subject could be explored further.
Especially the "being left" as a substitute to racial identity. We need to outline what "being left" means and then find the most vulnerable spots in order to target them. This could unleash the most devastating memetic weapons the world has ever seen.
Evan Bailey
He loved Big Brother.
Daniel Collins
You can take a pill that will kill you or a pill that might kill you. Which do you take?
William Brooks
Lel, stupid cuck
Chase Williams
Bentley Hernandez
I've never touched the devils weed, and I never will, but it certainly won't make someone a faggot.
James Bailey
I don't think there's any way we could improve Dilbert more than this.
Eli Edwards
The mods were so scared of my last post that they deleted it. Here's the link again.
This is the Alcoholocaust with Natt Danelaw, wherein he has Evalion and a fellow named 'Mikey' as guests. Therein, it is revealed that Mikey is the foundational core of the opposition to Evalion (whom he started grooming when she was only 12-14), and was motivated by jealousy of her greater success than him in pursuit of becoming a White Nationalist e-celeb, leading him to attempt to destroy her online presence while blackmailing her for money. PEDOPHILIC GROOMING! JEALOUS SHITPOSTING! BETA-MALE KVETCHING! ITS ALL HERE! soundcloud.com/user-105358565/alcoholocaust-evalion-and-mikey
Daily Reminder that those who cry when discussing the misdeeds of the moderators are the moderators themselves.
Final Thoughts: If you aren't prepared to walk away, you will always get a subpar deal. t. God Emperor Trump
So far the mods have permabanned at least two proxies trying to silence me. Its quite amusing.
Nicholas Diaz
Well spooked
Gavin Powell
It is knowing the source of all the evil and choosing to limit your altruism only to the specific group i.e. "our people".
Isaiah Perez
Nicholas Green
Look at these heretics, look at them and laugh.
Aiden Carter
lol no
Adam Young
if you leave the basement and take Holla Forums with you then yes. Half of my tiredness at the end of the day is from arguing with random fuckwits about niggers, borders etc
Wyatt Bailey
This, I didn't believe a word of it. Like an user above said, the writer tries too hard to make themselves seem like an "everyman", and the lack of emotion expressed in the writing makes it seem mechanical and half-assed. People who are actually experiencing identity-crises don't write this way; we of all people know that very well.
Cameron Gonzalez
really I wonder how after the board quality has dropped, well, would it take longer for a person to go full Holla Forums after coming here as a generic liberal normies browsing on a daily basis than it did last year?
I mean what is this board now? Holla Forums+/fringe/ with politics?
Mason Rogers
just like Holla Forums a few years ago was just Holla Forums with video games
Colton Russell
I don't know, why don't you make 30 meta threads kvetching about it?
Lucas Watson
These articles have always never been real. Just laugh and take notes on how they view people get "indoctrinated."
Juan Harris
Good analysis I think.
Aaron Thomas
I can't think of many instances (outside of Holla Forums's unquestioning endorsement of Trump) that reflect what you're talking about, but it's always a danger that a group or organization, if it becomes too "radicalized", will stop thinking critically and resort to ad hominem to discredit ideas. Then again, Holla Forums has worked so often to repeatedly denounce leftist positions that when someone suggests (maybe in all innocence and a genuine desire to learn) we discuss them in order to refine our arguments against, it can seem like shilling.
Christopher Phillips
(muh aryan waifu) I don't know about you, but my frogposting is always strictly tongue in cheek. If there is a God, it is obviously happy to just sit back and watch. Perhaps he likes to watch us suffer endlessly, otherwise why would he make existence eternal struggle?
Levi Gonzalez
We really need to figure that shit out, you and me (except the reading. I wish I could do more, but it eats too much of my time as it is, I need to cut donw a little)
Cameron Gonzalez
He must be 2/3's of the way to full-1488 to say something like that. He just can't admit it, and he's looking for a way out. That's the part that they didn't tell you about the red pill: There is no way out.
The current libertine hyper-individualistic age exemplifies the absence of order and hierarchy. You could call it an Age of Chaos. Thus, it is the Age of Kek. He is the one who will bring forth the dawn and restore order to the world.
Wyatt Torres
True. Also remember this: Every community that pretends to be idiots for entertainment will soon be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly think they're in good company.
Dylan Price
Eli Powell
The only sentence missing is this:
In all seriousness, I have purposely lost contact on purpose with quite a few long time friends this past election. I am standing up for myself, mocking family members and reading more than I have in years. I barely drank this past year, except for Election night and have been seriously preparing for the upcoming race war.
I start a new job at the State Department in January. Gonna deny and fuck up the paperwork of every non white I come across.
Kevin Wilson
You still honestly think that we can revive our old traditions? A revolution is coming. A chaotic one. Even if we revive the carcass of western society, it will collapse unto itself once again. Just like the Roman empire after a century or two, maybe even more alike NS Germany with just a few feeble decades under it's belt. Or completely fall over it's own face like the Crusades? What then? We will give away large portions of our nations to foreign forces once more? To be reduced to goddamn ashes again? The secret to saving the european race doesn't lie in the past. It's in the future. You and I won't know what it is until it is right in our faces.
Aiden Nguyen
Dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed.
Brayden Murphy
What's the tl;dr besides, "I'm a dumbfaggot who can't believe that I almost put my head on my shoulders rather than in my ass"?
Josiah Campbell
fuck off
Blake Kelly
This man's wife fucks sandniggers. 100% undeniable fact.
Owen James
no you fuck off
Dylan Thompson
Ha ha, you read that outdated Holla Forums fake quote too? I am a learn-ed person as well.
Leo Young
Reported for shilling. Alt right is the enemy.
Austin Baker
I'm a former Marxist-Leninist I'll try and provide some insight to what I thought and felt at the time. Well before that I actually was a Trotsky cuck, I always did feel a racial identity but my mind rationalized my dislike of not whites as them being "rude jocks/rap faggots" it's retarded I know buti couldn't fathom the idea if having a racial identity, this was due to a charismatic Trotskyneedsaicepickintheheadist teacher who convinced me of the wonders of communism and it all went bad when Stalin and Mao did their thing. I had never seriously questioned the liberal social doctrine until I had gone to a pride parade for the first time because some girl I was into wanted to go. For the first time I had never felt so much disgust before, naked old men covered in glitter getting close with little libshit children, dick symbology everywhere , fat ugly dykes making out, men fucking in bathroom stalls. Yes this actually did happen. This display of depravity turned me away from social LIberalism, but I was still a commie and got into Stalinism, i antagonized my other lefty friend and joked about them belonging in a gulag or having a ice pick being logged in their skulls when they'd say some stupid pro gay shit. Say what you will but Stalinism was a good first step to abandoning the left for good, especially abandoning the global prole idea and supporting socialism in one state. It planted the idea of nationalism in my mind and eventually while I got into ember hoxha in albania and how retarded they were and how good They lived under Italian fascist rule. I read Books by Giovanni Gentile and I've been a Fascist ever since.
tldr: Libcucks have a racial identity, they just refuse to acknowledge it and will do retarded mental gymnastics to avoid calling it that. see how liberals always live with other white liberals.
If any of you want insight into the commie mindset ill sender questions as best I can
Robert Gonzalez
Having a look at the mindset of these idiots, as expressed in that propaganda piece, the fact the cuck couldn't even make any criticism of islam without, in his mind, indulging in some sort of "right-wing heresy" shows how horribly brainwashed these people have been.
We are already out, looking to control all memes. We should really seek to subvert ALL forms of tought, language and expression (and also all "ideologies").
This is a path to counter all this brainwash and their efforts at destroying us. We need to subvert even the left-wing ideologies, so that they meme opposition to globalism, the survival of our people and good values.
We can't sit idle or we will always be on the defense, fighting against "changing demographics" and "liberal youth" as a result of institutionalized indoctrination through the educational system.
We won't be able to reach all forms of expression, since they are in control of the institutions and can easily influence the normies by means of the "entertainment industry", but what we can't control we can discredit simply by pointing out it's globalist-controlled nature.
We should keep reaching to blue-pilled normies, even if it means pretending to be a "progressive" to criticize globalist capitalism and the age-old institutions that undermine us, and promote some sort of "roots ideology" so that they have some sort of white identity and reproduce, even if by means of victimization ("those cool vikings from the kike tv show? Thats our ancestors before judeo-christian civilization burned them just like they did with the poor africans and native americans eh").
Lots of possibilities.
Gavin Perez
You both have to go back
Caleb Ramirez
Every time
Nolan Howard
Who the fuck talks like this? Even the megacucks that I know don't say things like that. That's written like some tumblrina's fanfic. It reads like an SJW writing a """""real life""""" story of harassment.
So I was walking down the street and all of a sudden this man wearing a Trump MAGA hat walked up to me and said "You're going to be my kitchen bitch soon, cunt. This is Trumpland now!", and then he kicked me in the shin. … and would you believe that there are people who don't think that this story is true??!!!!!!!!!!1!
Anthony Long
Evan Myers
Once you swallow the red pill it's over. If this is true he'll just stew for a few months, and then come to just "take a peek" at the right side of things, and then it'll be permanent.
Speaking from experience.
Mason Miller
Easton Phillips
Episode 2?
Mason Garcia
Yeah didn't even read.
Lucas Moore
It only took me around a month after I landed here. The truth has a certain ring to it, and is relatively easy to distinguish when you hear it side by side with a lie. I don't think that story had a single word of truth in it.
I realized 10 years or so ago that white people were in trouble, I just didn't realize how bad it was. It wasn't until the past 3 or 4 years that it's become really apparent. I've been on Holla Forums for about a year. I suppose I was well primed when I got here though. I also find it interesting that Iran is the only nation with no problem getting kidney transplants, as they allow the sell of kidneys.
Faggots over at the_donald banned me because I said that critical thinking is all it takes to defeat liberal ideologies.
Mason Gray
Nolan Lewis
Julian Morales
Asher Hernandez
Do we have excessive admiration? Do we have religious practices? That Abdul fuck who stabbed people was praying 6 times a day, that's a cult, but us? We share words online when it pleases us? We're the cult? You can quit at literally any time, no one knows you, we're the cult?
Every time I talk to these fucks at work it's always about plugging their ears, covering their mouth and shutting their eyes, and then quibble about the latest stupid MSM lie. It's as if they do it because of fear or indoctrination, I can stop anytime, it seems they can't.
Zachary Garcia
Jeremiah Baker
So you could say… he's their property?
Leftypol once again BTFO
Joshua Robinson
I'm interested in discussing this further. I'm not a philosphyfag so I don't know Stirner too well, but I know enough that a new interpretation of him being used to dismantle contemporary leftism would chap liberal asses somethin' fierce
Liam Green
Oh god what a fucking woman. He's 'haunted'. Apologize for 'Islam is not compatible with west' comment. Just in his own little world.
'Happily married'. Young. Good upbringing. Go live in a fucking ghetto for a year, any kind and see where that leads you. 'Haunted'.
Jacob King
Leftism is nothing less than a religion. It's control of social and cultural institutions in the West is nearly complete - a feat once only accomplished before by the Catholic Church. Leftism provides a meaning and purpose, even an eschatology in social utopia. Redemption comes through the abolition of racism, after which the glorious eschaton will assert itself naturally and dialectically.
Compare John Rawls with Thomas Aquinas. Both are systematic thinkers who develop philosophy within the confines of their worldview as far as it can go. The function that the academics and journalists perform is equivalent to that of bishops and priests, the former defining the doctrine while the latter promote it among the believers.
You can go even further and compare the behaviors and attitudes of leftists to cult members. Leftists implicitly believe each other, but are always suspicious of outsiders. They think they're better than everyone, that they have the one everlasting ==TRUTH== and this justifies everything they might do in service to this end.
So yes, user, leftism is absolutely a religion in the literal sense. It may not be a religion of revelation, but it does market itself as the spiritual triumph of the intellect.
Benjamin Green
No such thing as Protestants or Roman Catholics until the 16th Century, and St Aquinas was from the 15th Century. The Church then was simply known as Christian, not the "Catholic Church."
Trying to "de-radicalize" with narratives of ex-extremists.
Cameron Johnson
The Church was known as the Catholic Church because it was recognized as a distinct institution going back to the Nicene Council of 325. Catholic, from koine Greek 'katholikos,' meaning universality. Fucking shills are pushing Jack Chick now?
Jeremiah Diaz
Don't watch their videos. That means nothing from TRS, Firestarter, Red Ice (really just different presentations of the same core group of people) or any of their affiliates such as Molyneux, Millennial Woes, Evalion et al. It doesn't matter how hard you try to convince readers that your opponents are "Kikes", "virgins", "man children" etc, so long as one single Holla Forumsack gets the message and notices the connection, or begins to more carefully scrutinize who is feeding him info and why, anti-faux-right postings are a success.
Adam Watson
It was always literally called catholic.
Owen Howard
On the upside you will become extremely smug and if you put the tiniest bit of your autistic effort into anything you will succeed and if you ever show people how to use basic logical thinking they will call you a god.
This. It would seem the smartest of the herd have moved on to greener pastures; as I recall they jumped ship to the darkweb somewhere; it wasn't tor or i2p it was something I had never head of before with the general idea being no one computer was the actual server; et cetera et cetera, tldr; it's already happening you guys just don't know it because you're stuck here with me, and I don't feel like being the guy to handover the keys to the kingdom.
Oliver Rodriguez
Holy swearwords. My gay alt-right journalist came into my room to bring me a tray of redpills. I literally screamed every swearword under the sun and hit the tray of redpills out of his hand. He started mocking me on Twitter while looking disdainfully over the top of his aviator shades.
I feel so shameful right now for being so blind and easily coerced. I didn't mean to do that to my gay alt-right journalist. I never wanted to harm or abuse anybody verbally, it was all very low level – a creeping fear and bigotry that I won’t let infest me again.
At that moment I heard a knock on the door and my wife's son put his head into the room. “You’re becoming a racist. What you’re doing is turning you into a terrible, hateful person," he said.
It hit me like a ton of bricks. Online radicalisation of young white men. Feverishly, I started unsubscribing and deleting stuff from the internet while my gay alt-right journalist glared at me through his aviator shades and my wife's son gazed at me with the saddest of puppy dog eyes.
"Time to put an end to this vile racism and misogyny" I vowed. I immediately went on Twitter and defended a womyn who was attacked by a sexist. "Take that, you cur". My gay alt-right journalist stomped out, furious that his vile plan to radicalize young white men had failed, but my wife's son folded his arms around me and kissed me warmly (get over it bigot, its 2016).
Colton Hill
The word you're after is 'memes', user. And we tend to do that quite well.
/r/ing the Iron Pill strip on Aryan unity.
Isaiah Bailey
There's certainly been a drastic shift in opinion over the past two years. White Americans in general realize something is severely fucked up but they aren't quite there yet. The left is attempting to regroup now and will throw even further kikery at the populace - that's when we're going to see some real movement for the better imo.
John Edwards
Freenet? GNUnet? Those are the only other ones I know of
Isaac Ramirez
what's the name of this artist again?
Benjamin White
trips responding to trips, PBUH.
Joshua Peterson
Nicholas Williams
The oldfag core has weathered so many attempts by the mystery school tools to undermine it that we sometimes toy with them and laugh the entire time.
Most of the new team on this site are trying to shift our thought and appearance in specific ways, nothing that has not been done before to bring us here today. There will soon be an ordered synthesis once we complete the decent to chaos. And it will all be accomplished with mormon works and the removal of kabob.
Ayden Gutierrez
we are the ephemeral fingers of the nation. if we are cut off from the nation, we instinctively seek it. some of us are tricked into thinking we actually belong to ((Yahweh)), but our eyes and hair imply that we belong to the White race.
Tyler Barnes
the little girls of England are just as raped, but at least this guy isn't racist, so he's got that going for him
Evan Reed
Is he married to an East Asian or a Jew? I knew a guy who was almost redpilled but immediately snapped back to progtardianism as soon as his East Asian wife was expecting.
Brandon Wilson
I get where you're coming from, but really there's no joy to be had in being exterminated, even if you do so with your honor intact. We're all smart enough to know that as we grow more powerful we can tone down certain mindsets (such as being jew blind when it regards der trumpenfuhrer), and ratchet up others (like purging every fucking cuck and kike from our government, no more olive branches). In the meantime we need to grow our influence and swell our ranks, along with demoralizing and destroying our opposition, and the best way to do that is through what Holla Forums has become.
Adam Cooper
Then I guess my complaint is that a lot of our memes are too much Holla Forums and too little Holla Forums. The obsession with laughing at the insanity of the enemy, with spiting them at all times, with being smug over our victories and, of course, of a deity that represents chaos; how do any of these memes represent the West? How will any of them inspire in our fellows the virtues that are desirable?
There is nothing on honour, on truth or honesty, on justice, on order, on hard-work or courage, on doing one's duty, on fighting to the death? There's a couple 'volk' ones about strength and unity; but I have not seen them in months. We may not all agree on exactly what our virtues should be; but smugness, spite and laughing at our enemies are certainly not in any way virtues.
These memes of ours may well be poisoning the future that we seem so close to attaining.
Lucas Campbell
dat stanky ass niggress hair, fucking weaves, gross
Logan Powell
The spics sure as fuck will.
Asher Davis
No, but he will be soon.
Hunter Baker
This is the very definition of shutting out the truth because it scares you. This "man" didn't have the balls to read the writing on the wall out loud, even though he acknowledged what it said.
Angel Lee
Zachary Jenkins
coincidentally Jesus, where can I watch TGSNT? Obviously it's blocked from jewtube now and the "official" site is some DVD cashgrab nonsense.
Justin Wilson
As shit as the world is for people like me - I thank Christ almighty that I'm not such a pathetic eunuch as to be fearful of holding opinions that some retarded woman will disagree with simply because they aren't reflective of the globalist's machinations.
This guy deserves to have his civilisation stripped from him. People like us do not. Never lose sense of the profound distinction between independent thinkers with a grain of self respect, and effeminate, indoctrinated pansies who apologise to their wives for not waving the flag for people who oppose all of 'their' values, but happen to be foreign.
Of course, this reads a lot like yet another deliberate attempt by the kikes to push the narrative that Milo is 'extreme', that he represents the 'alt-right' as a bloc, and that Islamophobia is the central tenet of this supposed ideology: as opposed to anti-semitism.
This is basically the kikes (who run the guardian) saying:
Nathaniel Smith
It's deliberate, lads, as I explain here:
The (((mainstream media))) are desperate and know that they can no longer bank on hordes of self flagellating whites to do their bidding, so they wish to direct the emerging backlash away from themselves. To this end, they gnash their teeth and present absurd notions such as Trump/Farage being literally Hitler and Milo being the 'extreme' vanguard of discontent. They know that such people are still controllable and far less damaging to their interests than actual opposition to global kikery. In fact, such people actually still serve jewish interests in multifarious ways: just not to the same extent that the kikes have gotten used to.
Cooper Martin
As a matter of fact he realized he didn't have any counterpoint to anything he was being presented.
As he couldn't answer it in order to remain liberal, he's only option was to shut it down asap.
He proved that he was always completely indoctrinated by the far-left (which's basically the same as today's mainstream left), and this doctrine despaired and reacted on survival instinct.
Austin Gray
To add to this (and maybe I'm labouring the point here), when the kikes say:
what they're actually saying is:
It's damage control and we should be extremely wary of it: particularly of Milo - who is more or less the living embodiment of everything Holla Forums has ever said about the jews: self-serving, parasitic, utterly degenerate and completely perfidious.
Noah Stewart
Islam is a religion, not a race. Is the author just secretly racist the whole time? Is that the twist?
What the fuck am I reading?
Alexander Hernandez
Tbh you're assuming that any of this article is actually legitimate. I'd say that is naive. You can't turn your back on the truth, once you have seen it. Of course following his narrative - he never did discover the truth; merely the normie pretenders whose outpourings are entirely in line with zionist interests.
Benjamin Lewis
Aiden Wright
Its kind of hilarious that a moderate point of view such as "not wanting to paint your opponents as racists and bigots" is considered a extreme right-winged position among these people. Sam Harris gives some great insight on how rotten Islam is, but he is still very much a leftist that supported Hillary at first. He just so happens to be an anti-SJW leftist, and those exist in dimes.
Chase Cooper
But user, she has tendies. You don't have to eat her weave.
Blake Watson
Your Probability Theory professor is proud of you.
Jaxon Cox
The alt right isn't one person, some may listen and believe blindly. Some see it as an ideology and do as they will and agree/disagree.
They are infinitely reckless at this point and it's absolutely glorious.
Evan Edwards
Chase Flores
Satire and reality are so indistinguishable from one another at this point that we will never know for sure. I'm leaning towards it being written by one of us though the "The indoctrination was complete" line seems like double entendre because the author was just before talking about the discomfort and shame he experienced from beginning to accept what we would all consider very moderate right wing positions.
Angel Price
Tyler Brown
Thanks, user. That's what I get for not reading the whole thread.
Isaiah Taylor
Is that second one real? I can't find it with Jewgle.
Ryder Edwards
Austin Wood
Go home >>>/cuteboys/ Paul Joseph Watson.
Jackson Turner
There is not enough physical space in the universe to hold the extend of my sides
Jace Rivera
Funny how he got out only because of the labels, but in the end he basically admitted he is in denial right now.
He'll be back, if he's not shitposting in this thread right now.
Bentley Thomas
It wasn't real user, it was a master ruseman rusing rubes.
Samuel Adams
kek 2subtle4me
Austin Phillips
I don't even need to read it and I know what the so-called 'protection' is: