And I don't mean "autistic" as in the meme sense, but actual, medical autism.
Is Barron Trump autistic-autistic?
Other urls found in this thread:
He's white, which is what "Autistic" means. So, yes.
He's a fucking kid at an even that doesn't interest most kids.
That being said, he's too competent to be autistic.
So you're saying he's surfing Holla Forums right now?!
No. There are other pictures of him with the other Trumps that show him being normal. He only acts "odd" (if you call that odd) when in public and a lot of that is just him not wanting to be there. He honestly would rather sit at home or be out with some friends than standing around in a suit while parading himself for a media and groups of people that have not only taken shots at his father and older siblings but his mother too. It's a wonder he doesn't flick off the media each time he sees them or kick them and other people like Paul Ryan on sight.
No. He's actually a genetically modified Übermensch
if you're intelligent you're somewhere on the spectrum
The kid is just shy you dumb fuck.
if you use
like that
you do not belong here
I behaved exactly like that when I was 10yo surrounded by mostly fake people
I would have fared worse in late-night utterly boring official clownish ceremonies
the kid is smart and white, that would mean medicated autism for kike psychologists, if he wasn't protected by his family
He isn`t autistic, just tired. sage for derail
Neither do you, avatarfag. You literally came 2 weeks ago.
What ever happened to just being shy?
Niggas can't be serious.
What surprises me is that you haven't been banned at this point. Your shitposting can be found in almost every thread, there's no denying it.
Another thing is, you're very new. Avatarfaggotry is tradmark from cuckchan, we've been having an influx of newfags from there, and your posts conveniently started appearing about two weeks ago.
You have to go back.
For you
Kill yourself, disgusting degenerate.
all intelligent people are on the spectrum tbf.
You're confused. Autism comes in two flavors: retard and smart. Both groups share a certain trait: narrow, limited, particular interests. This often borders on or crosses into the territory of obsession. As such, even the retarded ones are going to be surprisingly skilled at or knowledgeable about some field. In the case of the smart ones, even if they're of average general intelligence, they'll excel in their areas of interest.
In other words, assuming the autist in question isn't on the "low-functioning" end of the spectrum, competency + quirky social behavior is a good signal that someone is autistic. The stereotypical negative behaviors that you reference when using "autistic" as a derogatory term alludes to things that are much more often associated with the low-functioning end of the spectrum. That means tantrums, crying, screaming, pointless name calling, etc. That should come as no surprise… Lower intelligence means less capacity for logic, less control over one's emotions. Hence, "chimping out."
tl;dr retards are retards, autism has nothing to do with it, but it can make someone smarter. Hence the push for a, "cure."
Looks that way. OP is a fag.
I'd never considered this before, but you seem to be pretty much correct. The bigger picture seems to be a blend of this and
Here's some numbers from the US National Library of Medicine.
I hope he does, if so he will join us in Holla Forums in like 2-4 years, imagine the possibilities…