once again the FBI does nothing
This dumb whore from tagthesponsor sells her ass for 15k to some sandnigger, and then agrees to have sex with his little brother for 10k. Some pretty hilarious comments occur from her madame, begging the guy to take the story down. Also, he posted a video of her farting which is choice. Pretty hilarious, but the real question remains, why the fuck isn't the police doing anything about this shit? I mean this has to be illegal somehow, just because she's whoring in a backwards country shouldn't mean she gets away with this. Any lawfags around to clarify what should be done?
source: tagthesponsor.com
slut's instagram: instagram.com
Dumb slut agrees to fuck 12 year old in Dubai
Other urls found in this thread:
the farting video
There are laws against sex tourism, which this sounds like it would fall under. But hey, she's a woman and the kid is male, so the FBI won't care. Female pedos always get off more easily than males because feelings.
Stop being a kike about female pedophiles.
Sick of this shitty forced kikepark meme.
mine too
That sent my sides into orbit when I read that.
really tho whats wrong with her asshole? and her tits are disgusting.
the farting video>>8385076
she's a whore, you get one guess
I should be disgusted but this shit was hilarious.
How the fuck did I miss the video???
I was laughing too hard from reading about it that I by passed it completely.
holy shit
Mohammed gonna get the stink eye
That's a win for her. 10k for some hypothetical 12-year-old to crawl on top of her and probably cum before she can even guide him in? Easy money for a whore.
I think you mean pink eye.
She clearly didn't want that shit to be public, though.
It's never just sex with these whores who head over to the middle-east.
They get shat and pissed on, fucked by dogs, and gang-banged by filthy muslims. The whole point is that some Saudi prince gets to degrade and abuse a white/American woman.
listen to
"My fetishes" =/= Missionary style sex and cuddling followed by an episode of Big Brother After Dark, user. These whores are used like meat and toilets by the sand niggers.
They deserve to be exposed as much as the dune coons deserve to be glassed.
And all for the paltry sum of 15k, what the fuck boston?
Who honestly gives a fuck about female pedophiles?
If anything, I'm a bit envious of the boy. Wish I was fucking girls that looked like her when I was 12.
You don't have a fart fetish after that video???
I would be disgusted, but this is just too fucking funny.
I had to lel
what's with the tagthesponsor site? never heard of it
Did I say she did?
I'm well aware. I was thinking about it from HER viewpoint. The little shit probably wouldn't be as inventive as the older brother. She probably was thinking it would be an easy 10k.
See above.
Not arguing that…although I'd say the glassing should take priority over the retarded bitches. At least they've already had some punishment inflicted on them for their idiotic choices.
There isn't one aspect of these muslim shitskins that isn't completely degenerate. They are irredeemably just ugly, filthy fucking animals.
her asshole looks like that from taking dicks
Are usually obese womyn with sadistic tendencies.
Objectively, I don't see anything wrong with the double standard. It admits that males have more agency and need less protection.
And you don't really care about the double standard in this arena either. You don't actually believe that when a young boy fucks an older woman that it's as bad as when it's an older man and a little girl.
What you're actually unhappy about is the state is forcing you to accept the presence of women in male professions and institutions, and to pay alimony in the form of taxes for a marriage you never consented to. You're unhappy that the perfectly rational sexual double standard is prohibited when it comes to relationships between adults.
No, I'm specifically unhappy with the double standard. If women want to be equals, they should be treated as such. Being lenient on a woman just feeds into their princess complex. This is also why women are more oft the perpetrators of domestic abuse - because they can get away with it.
What a shocker!
How about no?
There are laws (federal) created explicitly to target pedophiles who go to other countries to pedos. That's what you want but no DA would actually care
Pretty obvious right away isn't it? They scam instagram whores into selling themselves into mock depraved situations just to show how low they could go.
Notice instagram whores always tag their sponsors in their images? I wonder what rate instagram.com
Top kek
I'm confused, where in the screencaps does it say the newphew is 12? Also it says in Monaco, not Dubai. OP, I feel this is somewhat clickbaity in title.
Shit, I hope he signed it too.
Poor kid either way, if he exists. Creepy uncle setting him up with prostitutes to.. well. It's all wrong.
Name and shame site for Instagram sluts who make a living whoring themselves out as Dubai portapotties (yes, that means exactly what you think it does). The girls suddenly come over all demure and moral when their filthy practises are aired in public.
Chateau Heartiste, Roosh, etc. like to use the site as a redpill suppository on female hypergamy.
Male pedophiles are the problem, this shit doesn't matter AT LEAST comparably. I guarantee you the main problem isn't rich, powerful women fucking little boys, it's rich powerful men fucking little girls. The "double standard" is natural.
My point is that they aren't. And don't bullshit me: you don't think they are either.
Which do you prefer?
1) Women aren't punished as harshly by the law for their crimes, but they also don't have as much freedom as men in matters of profession and matrimonial choice
2) Women are truly equal before the law, and must compete with men in all areas of life
If forced to chose we both know which you'd prefer.
See? I can tell you what you're unhappy about.
There is a problem. Those women are having sex out of wedlock.
Wouldn't a man who travelled to a foreign country to molest children get 20 years in jail?
I hate the FBI now.
great, went to the site and first post some slut from my country..
Yeah, see, I don't disagree that that's fucked, I just think there's a whole lot of other sex happening out of wedlock that could be more effectively targeted, and a much more damaging scene in the male pedophile "community" to go after.
Do you know where you are?
Why the fuck this is on Holla Forums.
He's at least 10 years older than that
Because the Jews poisoned the well when it comes to relations between the sexes, and we white males got the shit end of the stick, and Holla Forums is one of the few places we can commiserate about it.
Admittedly, yeah, that was pretty fucking funny. You can hear her asshole whispering "help meee"
What if we did this to lots of instagram skanks and got them to fart on video. Just pretend you are rich.
It's currently both, stormsperg. That's the point.
Kill yourself for your pedophilia. You'd probably be a better person if your mom had fucked you, and I don't even think that sort of thing is particularly okay.
This is an excellent idea. Holla Forums posts poopers participating in perpetual, perplexing pooting, pinning particular pedophiles for putting out.
Arabs really do have the absolute worst taste. Probably like hairy armpits too.
TFW even 12 year olds get more pussy than you.
Get the fuck out.
H-heh yeah wouldn't it be funny to make girls film themselves while they fart? I could do that all day long heheh but it would totally be as a joke and stuff hehe.
I see your point, but you've got to admit, we have to mock these fetishes somehow.
I'd film Megumin farting
Narcissistic women enjoy it. They don't see it as humiliating for themselves. They see it as the men being so desperate they'll worship even their farts.
Sluts are stupid. They don't know they're being trolled and won't understand it if you tell them.
The lesson here is we need to protect our women from themselves. And deport Semites to the bottom of the Mediterranean.
I think what you're describing is sociopathy, and cannot really be helped rather than suppressed and cast out.
anime yes! I bet they'd be real loud rippers too.
Yes I know. We both agree that's the problem.
But in bitterness you were saying here
that you want scenario 2.
But you don't. You want the traditionalist scenario. We all do.
We'll know the tide has really turned when federal-level politicians are campaigning for repeal of the ERA. It would fucking work, too. If they would just stop cucking they'd win more elections. But they're boomers and they're wired to cuck. We need people in your age bracket running for office.
Shit. Go ahead. Run for office. Why the fuck not.
What I am saying is I would film this qt farting like I was some arab shota
Dude. You are dead wrong here.
I'm not advocating for women to have a right to fuck underage boys. I'm saying when they do it's not the moral equivalent of the same crime when sexes are reversed. That in this very narrow milieu the double standard is acceptable.
When a young girl is seduced (or God forbid raped) by an adult man, much more harm is done to the girl, than where the sexes are reversed. We rightly say she was taken advantage of. We understand it severely injures her ability to have healthy relationships in the future. All things being equal, if it's a woman and an underage boy the
Case in point: I was molested by a female babysitter when I was six. It didn't fuck me up. I'm not traumatized by it. I don't feel like a victim, and my relationship with my spouse is great: no therapy required.
My only complaint is the woman wasn't very good and the encounter was boring. But lame sex is what I suppose I should expect from a loser who has to force herself on a little kid.
And I am this blase about it because she was female. We rightly expect that kind of thing to severely fuck up the victim if the perpetrator is male. Because the double standard biological.
damn. i need to stop pulling all nighters. back to work.
That man was the single reason why I even bothered playing that game to completion.
Dude, you are dead wrong here.
This shit?
HIGHLY dubious.
The notion that molestation of young men, whether by other men or women, does not cause the same sort of psychological response, by the numbers, is a falsehood.
That your particular, anecdotal case didn't effect you, assuming your claims are true?
Totally fucking meaningless.
Yeah, no fucking way dude, this goes into the file of 'Things That Never Happened' - no six year old is like "Pssh, this broad is boring me man, she can't even give a BJ properly".
You reek of… something nefarious, or at best, simply a dim-witted statistical exception.
Probably anal warts.
it was a clever troll, probably not going by the first name of the founder of the death cult of islam
You are utterly full of shit.
Look at these filthy kikes in this thread. Get the fuck out.
Kill yourself fiddlekid the kid fiddlers
the world of dubai portapotties is fucking insane and extremely believable
What we have right now is neither of those situations.
Women aren't punished as harshly by law for their crimes but they also DO have as much (or more) freedom as men in matters of profession and matrimonial choice;
Women are favored by the law and in all areas of life where they "compete" with men.
Your false dichotomy is pure kike bullshit and no one's going to fall for it.
we Holla Forums nao
Spotted the lolberg
rape is a violation of the NAP buddy.
lookat this white knight
eh, I guess I got that information from the other pages he has up. Sorry if I derped on some details, but it's not clickbait. see: tagthesponsor.com
Do you want to know how I know that you're a triggered shitskin?
How in the fuck is that white knighting?
Yes, I'd really love to know how you came to that conclusion.
assuming your OPSEC is solid, quietly infiltrate the sex ring. learn who the madam is, learn who her top girls are, and etc. gather incriminating evidence, just like the pics in your thread. in a few months contact madam to make an "arrangement" preventing the evidence from being leaked. tell us how it goes.
Because you're a faggot who posted that video without any god damned reason except seeking to insult us.
I posted it as an example of why we should black-glass the muz first, you donkey-fellating bog-candidate.
That's actually a good one.
Truly fart vids are the only thing left that can actually make me feel disgust. I cant even laugh at it
really nigga?
Get the fuck out fucking pedophile. Children should not be exposed to sex /sex ed until at least 16. Strong family morals are what made all countries great. No more promiscuity or "Sexualität liberation"
It is highly illegal to travel to a different country with the express purpose bangin' a child.
Oh lord
A lot of my friends lost their virginities when they were 12-13, with prostitutes. And yes, they wanted it.
I believe it is a crime in the US to go overseas to have sex with a minor if you are a US citizen.
I would choose number 2. Because I know they can't compete and hence would lose. The problem is we nominally have number 2 while still allowing number 1 for when women do los under number 2.
If number 2 was actually implemented we would get a traditional society by default because women can actually compete under number 2.
*women can't
why even live?
making a sample of it. If anyone beats me to it, please post
What exactly do you want them to do? Arrest and trial a whore? Priorities. These girls are more object then human. They don't matter
Fucking what is likely a teenage boy isn't an issue unless its a teacher/student thing..
You can be charged for crimes you commit outside of the US. The FBI arrest pedos all the time coming back from 3rd world child sex tours. This type of this is an arrest able offense but they know it happens and do nothing because of how cucked the FBI has become
You can tell that's a used pooper
roast beef asshole
They know the road to fucking little girls is getting it legalized for women then piggybacking in off of that. Society cares a lot more about women than they do about men, and thus a woman who has innate sympathy fucking a boy who we are already actively working against with female teacher overload and both direct and indirect estrogen injections is much more sympathetic than a man fucking a girl. Yeah, for now we've still got that shit locked off to them because our sympathy for the boy's age outweighs the gender sympathy. However, if men become more hated and women more sympathetic due to the continuation of unchecked feminism, then you might see the gender sympathy outweigh the age sympathy. Once that happens, it will be legalized probably through our judicial branch, but possibly through the legislative for grown women to have sex with prepubescent boys, and they will give some excuse about how men even at the age of 6 want to have sex. After a few years of that, the same crowd that legalized female pedophilia will be told to start questioning why boys are legally old enough to choose, but girls aren't. Naturally, girls are smarter it's reflected in those totally unbiased test scores, right?, and a girl can easily do something a boy is capable of. This is the path that I predict it taking, but it could go down a few others. As we go further down the path of a matriarchy, a trend in increased sexual degeneracy is becoming ever more clear. Really, it's inevitable that they'd try to take that last step if they're given the chance. By feeding into this degenerate narrative these (((anons))) are leading us further towards a hellish nightmare.
The real question is, wouldn't shit like this get you beheaded in Islam or something? Maybe we can fan some shitstorm in the sandbox over the immorality and unfaithness of their leaders and high castes.
You can tell that's a used pooper
The seal is broken
the amount of scar tissue that's formed around her spincter.
my ex-wife developed a taste for anal while we were married, and i got to see first-hand what multiple-times-per-week anal would do to even the tightest asshole. the butt isn't designed for repeated use in the same way the pussy is. the ex's pussy always looked nearly pristine within an hour after i used it, but her ass showed the wear and tear clearly by the time we were divorced.
From my understanding the main issue is kegels. You have to exercise this muscles occasionally or things start to sag in the pussy or anal areas. To do anal you have to get used to relaxing those muscles that are normally always tightened, so if you did anal sex you just have to get used to tightening back up occasionally and should keep the spring in its step.
I mean the sphincter is always tightened (it's why you don't shit yourself) so it has to be a weird effect on it to have someone purposefully relaxing it for an extended period of time.
thanks for the clarification, I’m once again reminded of the often time forgotten age difference on an image board
Welcome to the future guys, were our women become whores for rich shitskins instead of becoming good mothers.
Fucking kill them all, already.
And don't pay attention to the shitskins trying to shill this into "muh horrible woman selling sex to an underaged boy"-discussion. That's not the major issue, the worst issue is immoral fucking immigrants come to our countries and does this shit, it goes on every fucking day and it's going to get worse.
That's great, really great.
Is the whole Arabic Peninsula anything other than a massive brothel?
The issue is trash from countries like Saudi Arabia making trillions off of us while corrupting our own governments into making us a poor and degenerate society then buying up our women for pennies and pooping on their foreheads.
The ones who have the money pay instagram sluts to fly over and be gangbanged or even pissed or shat on.
The majority of poor ones either go gay or go links related
Sauce: pornmd.com
Iraq's top 10
Syria's Top 10
community site for free 2015
(((BONUS))) Israel Top 10
step sister
where's the scat under israel? arent jews supposed to be way into poop on Holla Forums?
To be fair, tens of thousands of dollars isn't pocket change.
Going somewhere a couple days and sleeping with someone with protection for 15k would be tempting to most people.
There's a hint of sadness, almost a lament on this asshole's expression
I guess Mapplethorpe or other (((Intellectuals))) and (((Artists))) would consider this some form of artistic expression.
Peoples can be charge for being a sex offender just by soliciting in a sexual conversation with a minor even in online chatroom. Have you not seen Chris Hansen?
holy shit you see how used her asshole is?
im fucking dying
This is from months ago. Did she reject your sexual advances back in the day OP?
Stay assblasted
embed very related
Pedo apologists need to look at the left column.
I was fucking molested by a teacher when I was 7 years old. Shut the fuck up, you don't know what you are talking about, Shlomo.
The pedo apologist wants to legalize this filth so he can do it. He doesn't care at all about his victim, only selfish pleasure. This isn't really news, but clearly needs to be stated.
you think a disgusting whore fucking a hajis underage spawn is nice
whats wrong with you, even by pedo standards
You had a point up until then. Good for you on not being damaged for the encounter, but data at large overwhelmingly shows molestation of young boys often results in faggotry. Well, technically it shows gay men are significant more likely to have been molested than straight men in their childhood; this is not limited to adult man on boy pedophilia.
You niggers are gross
all this white knighting and misdirection by feminist apologists
So degenerate but I'm laughing so hard.
Mind = blown.
Was Katawa Shoujo the most patriotic game Japan had ever known?
hello MGTOW brother
That's because most cases of boy molestation is performed by faggots and not women, you fucktard.
From when Dubai is in USA?
that's /mu/
Absolutely degenerate
Gas yourself kike
No, but I do think it's funny. Do you actually care about any of the people involved?
Let actions such as this serve as a reminder of how degenerate whores and semites are.
picture related.
on one of the tagthesponsor pages he got a woman to agree to shove hummus up his ass and have him shit it on her face. BUT THE MONEY IS GREAT
if the whore is from america they can still do something. Too bad they're spending all their time and money monitoring a madagascarian t shirt stenciling forum
don't give him attention.
p-paid money to a company to work?
user you're doing it wrong
If she's underage isn't the video technically child pornography?
That ass has been (see song title).
Makes me wonder, do the gays get constipated less often?
fuck, I knew I had seen that somewhere.
This nigga is blackmailing hookers w/ exposure. He puts them up on the web, tries to get traffic and hopefully some harassment going, they pay to have their details removed.
LMAOOOOOOOOO I lost my shit
Women are dogs, they will behave how they are allowed to behave and we have allowed them to act exactly how the kikes want them to act.
You know, I thought I had degenerate taste in pr0n.
Until I saw this.
Some women are just degenerate sluts.
Pic related, some fine upstanding young lady blowing a guy for lines of powder and vodka last night out (in a full bar no less)
merriam webster
Burn the coal.
Pay the toll.
Firearms, Memes, Clothes, Gym, being a general big guy.
What were you doing in a bar where shit like that happens?
Considering I havent done much fucking at all in recent years, feelsbadman.
when your son is mauled by jews (watch passion of the christ by Mel Gibson to understand) you probably want your subjects (us) to withstand a test of loyalty considering (his chosen people) mauled his son to the cross
Did I overwhelm pol with my superior intelect
You guys have been cucked multiple times.
accept your fate.
Toppu Kekku
Someone should reply and point out that all of the media sources for this CIA report are anonymous. Not a single identifiable source is being reported. They have literally ZERO PROOF except for their anonymous sources.
Never EVER stop for a nigger, user.
Call for help at the next safe place, maybe.
But never trust them.
I imagine it is indeed very full of spies. The ideology they have is too Anglo-Celtic centric.
In the right conditions…
I know a flat earther IRL. they just don't understand 90% of the interest in their theory is just meme interest. they'll say LOOK 100,000 PEOPLE ON YOUTUBE SHARED THIS VIDEO!!! not realizing 99,000 of those shares were lmao look at this dumbfuck being a meme
Article is fake, picture is another family and there are no sources for this instance. Also the entire calculation is based on a huge number of assumptions.
If you post this example you'll be open to people disproving the specific case and then assuming that the problem itself doesn't exist.
Still doesn't refutes the core issue that refuges are expensive if you want to treat them with western standards. At the moment a refuge costs the state less than a unemployed person.
But long term this is not legaly viable and was pointed out by Merkels political adversaries at the start of the crisis.
That's why saunas are so popular in Finland?
Useful idiot.
My favorite moment of his was during a board game they played a few months ago.
Is it secretly one of us?
hahaha yeah right Alt Right dweeby college dropout in moms basement
Where was this photo taken? looks like brazil
The Jews?
Bilderbege is a conspiracy and posting gifs doesn't make you less doomed to be forever alone. Nor does electing Trump mean people will touch your penis.
Well fuck you how do they explain erections and getting sticky pants in the morning?
Why is the email hack such a big deal?
Even if you go with the assertions, not evidence, that it was GRU and FSB, its like people think the alphabet agencies wouldn't have hacked Russia and countless other countries.
So why is it such a problem that the kremlin is engaging in the same things that America has no doubt been doing for 20 years?
Any of your relatives die/injured?
Archive: archive.is
Oh so this is Patton. We all know what a fat little manlet you are after all.
Plausible deniability meme
how many men have stuck their cocks in his fat arsed hobbit
That many
I wish I didn't have to have this conversation as much as I do
you cant fix a problem without a diognosis
Really paid my denbts.
You're mistaken.
For the first two or so years of his term, Fox and most conservative news sources called him
With the emphasis that his name sounded like Saddam Hussein, and Osama combined
You're mistaken.
For the first two or so years of his term, Fox and most conservative news sources called him
With the emphasis that his name sounded like Saddam Hussein, and Osama combined
We are strong together Atlantis, Our lord is pleased
Scorpions have no power
I liked Majin Ted better.