"Buckeye Alert: Active Shooter on campus. Run Hide Fight. Watts Hall. 19th and College."
fox news: 1-3 victims so far
"Buckeye Alert: Active Shooter on campus. Run Hide Fight. Watts Hall. 19th and College."
fox news: 1-3 victims so far
Other urls found in this thread:
livestream link:
Run, Hyde, fight!
Fox10 live stream
Leaked photo of the perp. His name is Sam Hyde, leader of the notorious alt-right and a known white supremacist with ties to the Ku Klux Klan.
Source ABC News.
In other news, guns are still banned on school properties. I'm sure shooters going to schools is completely irrelevant to that. I'm sure some deranged shooter who wants to kill others didn't chose a school because of this fact or because it would take at least 10-20 minutes for police to show up or anyone with a gun to challenge them.
But if we just banned guns then he couldn't have gotten it in the first place :^)
I'm still waiting on confirmation on if it was an unhinged Michigan fan
I had class at 10:20 EST in that fucking building.
Roll for akbar, praise kek
Butthurt Michigan fan?
lol who cares!? dey wun duh big gayme last saturday!
Stay mad, Bitchicuck
"Car tried to run a lot of people over then got out and started shooting.
Akbar confirmed
dat superiority tho
Why can't I quit you?
ooga booba
Straight out of ISIS's monthly magazine, Inspire.
Subscribe now (for a year or more) and receive 20% more 70-foot-tall translucent virgins in the afterlife. Terms and conditions apply.
I woke up, was about to leave and walk to my engineering class right past 19th and college when shit went down. Glad I didn't get Akbared but gotta feel for the bucks that did.
Asking for a lawsuit, assuming they forbid carrying guns on campus.
"I tried to fight the gunman with my bare hands because the uni told me to, and I got shot!"
How wasist, how could they shoot an innocent black man like that!
we do that to celebrate ;^)
'short lightskinned black male'
Read that on periscope
Absolutely unconfirmed
A professor was attacked with a machete too? Sounds like a snackbar to me!
police scanner
Columbus Police Dispatch - Citywide - Live Audio Feed Web Player
Fox News: 7 transported 1 critical condition
pic related, suspect is Trayvarius Smith, a WHITE MALE and you're racist if you suggest otherwise
Looking for male black light complexion
we're looking for a uh…dark male short hair….no…uh…further….
So is it a 'black' male, or a black male.
yakub up in hurr
but don't forget nation of islam is based because they hate kikes as much as they hate whites ;^)
Please let the shooter is a pizzagate victim all triggered from the (((fake news))).
So when do they change their name to the Bullseyes?
It's actually out of the manual for how to act during an active shooter incident.
Run, if you cant run then Hide. If you get cornered/shooter finds your hiding spot then Fight.
t. Had to go to Active Shooter training with kike media company where i used to work because everyone hates them. The old man and his guys who held the whole thing and were ex secret service/ex marines
Scanner says they are still looking for a black male with a light complexion and short hair. Multiple shooters?
reposted from cuckchan, just another angle of the downed man
So, what race is that?
seems so
Pretty low energy shooting.
Someone probably saw some other nigger knuckling down the sidewalk and assumed it was a team.
Wew lads, what a week. Feels good to be a buckeye
so non–white shooter confirmed?
they travel in packs though.
Are you implying that's an unsafe assumption?
Best to be cautious of course.
I'm putting my money on mudslime
wew pack it up lads, its over.
uhh excuse me nigger
So, how is this Trump's fault?
how would moving again solve the problem faggot?
His racism drove these peaceful youfs to lash out in the only way they know since they don't have positive life opportunities thanks to systemic racism.
Police have someone cornered in a parking garage at gun point!
So are there 0 confirmed kills at this point, besides one of the shooters?
Going for the jackpot:
Just injuries so far, excluding a shooter.
Probably drug dealers dindu'ing each other.
Yesterday morning, YouTube and social media were relentlessly spammed with a new ISIS video half an hour long, going into specific instructional detail on how best to slay the nonbelievers, hyping up the mudslimes and urging them to act ASAP.
Columbus Ohio (where OSU is located) is a hot spot for rapefugees. There are tons of mosques there, it probably ranks 3rd for having their negholes pozzed by Ahmed, right after Minneapolis/St Paul and Dearborn.
This was done by muslims, and the only thing left to ponder is whether MSM will admit to it once it's been proven.
That door looks like it opens into the hall.
That or foreign exchange triggered by different cultures something akin to the pulse shit.
Good theory.
We must wait and see if the media will bury and forget this story, or actually run it.
Also update: apparently men were seen being taken out of the garage in handcuffs live on CNN minutes ago.
u wot m8 y doe
pl aint got no activity
1/10 barricade
hoping they would blow him up like that one guy who shot those police officers a few months back.
They look like cucks, it's no surprise.
low energy
I think youre right
low energy
They already covered up the Somalian mudslime who stabbed people in a cafe in downtown Columbus last year, as well as the BLM guy who an heroed on the steps of the capital building.
Hopefully this is a big enough event that they'll actually report on the motives.
Its a 1/10 barricade but a solid 7/10 boobytrap
white guy with asian girl on the board.
fucking kikes.
Good intel here, notice photos
It seems you're correct.
leave it to a dindu to not even come close to obtaining the high score
Lol vibrant youth on the periscope stream are already shilling that this is a false flag.
This seems Nice inspired. (The city in France)
That's what their main goal is. They'll ask for more regulation which doesn't deter mass shooters.
MSNBC just reported something like this, something about a "car plowing into a group"
They'll find plenty of comrades on Holla Forums. I'm surprised there hasn't been a
post yet.
Racyst drumpf supporters out killing my fam just tryn'n to go to college and shieet bet dey gonna blame my coloured fam
Unconfirmed: The name Ali Muhammad keeps coming up.
Absolutely unconfirmed.
2 suspects hiding in trailer?
It might be. Consider how Ohio was one of the blue wall that crumbled in the election, and it did so overwhelmingly (by 15-20% IIRC). They know they have work to do there.
And they broadcast their engineering marvel's location onto social media. This is probably the third time I've seen college kids do this.
All we really know right now is that one of the shooters is a former Navy Seal with over 300 confirmed kills & a big guy for you.
The second shooter has stated he once grabbed Michelle Obama by something he called the "benis" and a member of some organization called "RWDS."
More as it develops…
Coulter's Law in action.
The longer it takes for them to report the identity of the shooter, the more likely it is for them to be non-white.
If it is indeed a Muslim, he is only doing it because of evil white people being racist.
If it is just a white guy, it is proof that whites are evil racists.
Skin color?
I believe they said his full name was "Ali Muhammad Allahtwink…
If Trump had just conceded like a gentleman, Hillary and Obama could have taken away all the guns by now.
Clearly a shitskin
this, we already know it's a snackbar. Kek, guy on faux jews phoenix "this is kind of story we hope we never have to being you…" who the fuck is he kidding? This is how they pay their bills, 80% of their viewers are from either here or cuckchan.
also, how does he not get even anything close to a high score? If you're going to do it, at least do it big. We can hope they got some affletes
let me guess, reports of 2 or 3 shooters, 2 hours later, only one shooter
wtf lucky
Hard to tell but it does look like mudslime tone, might just be because dey ded.
could be a snackbar.
Look how black his head is. You can almost see the fuzzy hair too.
Fucking luckerdogs, Otterbein would probably shut down for months if this happened here. Half the leftist cunts would probably kill themselves in hysteria too.
I wonder how Trump will react. This is the first significant happening since the election; it'll be interesting to see how he handles it.
twitter image
Interesting intel, anymore?
looks to me like he's wearing a ski mask when I enlarge picture, though can't be 100% sure. when are the Jews going to make zoom lenses on cell phones standards semi-standard so we get better pictures of these things?
Terrible tragedy today on Ohio State. Many lives affected by one terrible individual. Our police are so tough. Very brave.
Yes, here is video of two men being led away in handcuffs
v.cdn.vin e.co/r/videos/54440D31451415057316188966912_5799a221fc8.41.0.C05F204E-5B2F-4591-9FF6-78283E50AD5B.mp4?versionId=UCXI73paBWZE29aifio69Di.puBmLkj5
Machete? Nog confirmed.
now from this angle he looks a lot lighter.
Why can't this nigger zoom in?
Pic related
He looks pretty light here. Especially the hair.
Most likely a victim, not the suspect. Wearing dress shoes, button up dress shirt from the looks of it. Doubt the shooter would wear hard to run in shoes, and business casual.
Hasnt been one of these in a while. They feel comfy at this point, nice to see you again user.
MIDF/NIDF work fast. You lightened up that dindu/snackbar in no time!
Really does look white here though, very strange.
Looks not White to me.
they're only half correct. it wasn't a false flag but it sure as shit wasn't organic either. Google and the CIA are complicit in this.
Something bothers the fuck out of me about when swat team faggots try to look like special operations soldiers. No, you're not an elite soldier. you're a fat ass on the donut squad.
always good to use any chance to get a nigger off the street. You can bet he's guilty of something, even if not the snackbar.
Go D&C somewhere else schlomo
Actually SWAT team members are meant to be fit and shit or have some sort of special training. You're thinking beat cop shit.
Lee Rigby repeat.
They ran him over, shot him then tried to behead him.
Report the bottom line:
How do these people get into college being this incompetent?
These are definitely not the same person, so the light-looking one may not be the shooter at all
Shelter in place lifted.
Prediction: nigger shot a bunch of whiteys because of "muh racism"
Every tac team in the country has gotten enough fed money and hand me downs to run around larping as CAG. Funnily enough, they usually look retarded to anyone who's been on a two way range based on what and how they wear their gear.
"started when red SUV ran into crowd" per Fox
Do they actually think that will stop anything bigger than a .22?
Don't answer that. A rhetorical question.
They aren't exactly SEAL Team Six
Truly a mysterious get.
Praise Kek!
They are laying on the same dark to light transition patch of dirt/sidewalk
Exactly. When it's not an actual false flag, they have allowed the culture to rot to the point where sick puppies emerge organically, or one of our imported conquerers enters jihad mode.
If they pry up the tiles in the bathroom and tape em to the books it could potentially stop a .45.
They tried that "shelter in place" shit one a friend and I once when a judge got stabbed and a deputy shot. We said fuck that and went directly to the liquor store.
Yeah, I get that but to call them donut squad fatasses is pretty dumb, to me at least.
So now that the election is done I suppose such events can now restart taking place. MSM needs ratings and it's good for the anti-gun kikes.
Imagine the shooter walking in on some libcuck with books sticking out of his pants waist crying and muttering to himself while trying to pry up piss stained tiles.
Video of the dead body being covered up:
t.c o/8jW9xutZDT
where are the countless twitter and kikebook messages saying WHITE MALES!!!!!
thats happening, right?
The quality is probably pretty hit-or-miss
But yeah, they're going to be a step above Paul Blart
Lovely image innit?
Damn that's funny
Definitely a mudslime
If he was white they'd just say he was white
mudslime and an unfortunate janitor
If someone could archive this or webm it, I don't know how, sorry
I am going to take a break too bbl
Hilarious but libshits can't into physical labour and wouldn't even be able to do something as simple as that. Think about it. When they'd hear the word flatbar they'd think it was some sort of apartment based nightclub.
Doesn't matter, they will whitewash/lighten the images shown on news, then blame it on something akin to "workplace violence".
Luckily we have Trump to bypass the media and tell the truth.
Nothing worse than an asshole who is queer for cops. They are, esp. those who are interested enough to join swat, thugs who would gladly have followed an order to bust in your door and take your guns if Clinton had won.
Which doesn't mean we need to act like niggers and cheer on killing them (at least not now), but never be under the illusion a cop is your friend, dumb fuck. They are the storm troopers of ZOG.
When Trump keeps his promises and I see them actively helping to clean out shitskins, then maybe I'll have a different opinion. Until then, I'll take Dr. Pierce's advices on cops over yours, esp those who join SWAT and esp ATF/FBI. "Criminals with badges."
KFC must have ran out of chicken, then he radicalized the other two, and blamed the university for the shortage.
You forgot the shooter's picture…
Oh my, how diverse. My Monday has been enriched.
I want to take a shit on his corpse. Yes I'm a poo.
the very fact that not one MSM is covering this on the electronic synagogue tells you it's a shitskin of one Thur or another.
"Fed official: OSU attacker mainly used knife and car"
Anyone else think the dune coon looks like a Romulan?
Maybe you're right. Two sandniggers chimped out and the janitor was caught up in the middle.
He's probably in on it, but the thought of a janitor having a really bad day wind up being caught up and arrested during a mass shooting sounds like something out of a comedy movie.
Yes and Alaimo is based. Especially when he plays the nigger hating cop.
If it was a white guy, wouldn't we know by now?
Is it protocol to start around an unconscious person and stare?
Oy vey… How can they spin this to shit on whitey?
Sort of lacking its "oomph" than the likes of Pulse, even so, at least they can't spin this as "evil trumpist with gun shoots innocent blacks" like they did with Dylan Roof.
Speaking of which, Dylan has been found competent to stand trial. I wonder if these minorities will be given a free pass because they're black…
Janitor will have to clean up his own blood…
at least it's not the usual nigger
God damn they're desperate for something to go their way.
faux phœnix just asked "is this terrorism?" Which means: "yes, it is terrorism." Pretty shitty performance desu if the numbers are correct. No idea why anyone would go to a school like Ohio State with a big niggerball team and that looks like an industrial park.
If you are still in high school and reading this, work your ass off and get good at a sport so you can go to Williams, Amherst, Bowdoin, Bates, Colby, Milldebury.
-All White
-No/very little political bullshit
-still almost all white
-few Jews
If you are going to spend 4 years in college, that's how to do it. And if you do well, you can walk into just about any graduate program you want.
Oh for fuck's sake
that's the best bit.
There are over 9000 different police departments in the USA. They all have different standards and policies. It would be inaccurate to make general statements like they are all just overweight LARPers. "swat" could be anything from small town Barney Fifes to an actual world class tacteam that operates daily (NYPD,LAPD) and gets real counter terror training.
they always are, because it hardly ever actually fits their narrative. If it ends up being a nigger they'll just memory hole it and ramp up reporting on the fact that Roof will be defending himself
Columbus Dispatch says same.
>hol' up, you tellin' me dat dese Saudistan muthafuckas shoot me in tha ass an I gotsta clean it up?
Honda civic fits with Arab. They never buy domestic cars
you fucking expect this from niggers, but the number of "our" females who are race traitors is enough to make you want to go Breivik. Do that not "get" that if they go to Istanbul, Paris, Belgium, wherever and end up in a hostage situation, the color of their skin is their uniform color?
It's been over an hour and they didn't say he's white, and there's no "lone wolf" narrative. These guys aren't white.
I'm just impressed now. To be able to shoot people with a knife and a car takes incredible skill!
PDs with the resources like jew york and la have gone beyond general tac teams for anti terror and mass shooters. Look up the herc teams in NY. Swat are door kickers for warrants.
These don't seem like attackers to me, wouldn't let themselves be arrested so casually
gunshots were from a "quick thinking police officer who may have saved many lives" per CNN
this. you are gonna flare up some autism here by reminding them that cops arent on their side. Im white as fuck, look normal and talk calmy and follow their orders yet I still get treated like im Americas most wanted most interactions with them. Most cops only protect and serve themselves, hate the general public and especially 2nd ammendment supporters. Yes, there are really good guys (some like us) that are cops and god bless them but they are very few.
oh ok, there it is. I was waiting on all the niggers and commies to start screeching that the shooter is white.
how many fucking ohioans are on this board!?
I myself am one.
… I go to Sinclair… i havent gone to my classes in two weeks due to trump winning.
Least 99 percent of my points can be earned by doing my online homework and tests!
If they just had multicultural safe space for their tradition of beheading infidels, we would never have a problem of assault cars.
Who thinks the motherfuckers were snackbarring and the students don't want to say anything, in case they get called "racist"?
"Guns save lives" - CNN
B-B-But he shot at people with ferocious speed, and then used to arms to shoot knives into people!?
WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT NOW MAKE? BAN all firearms and DEPORT all white maaaaaaaaales.
nice digits!
Also read some posts that students claimed there was a fire drill and many people were outside. Seems coordinated.
Columbus user here. Honda anything is only an indication of terrible drivers here, muh safe car plus blindspots out the ass. out in Marysville we have a honda plant which employs quite a lot of people, as such, we have hondas all over the place. Mainly from folks who want to support local factories.
More than you might think mr double dubs.
So that's the trick that was pulled, they made the entire image lighter, the dirt he is laying on looks like slightly darker pavement
I think these days they go out of their way to stop White guys for nothing just to fulfill some sort of "quota" to show they are not "racial profiling." Have friends from school who became cops, grew up with White trash and I was one of few to get out, but these days cops are not "on your side." For them, any traffic ticket or arrest is one step closer to a promotion. Fuck em.
You could have at least gone to Wright State. They're at least a real university.
This is way too planned for a nog with a machete then. Only problem is that if CNNs narrative that gunshots were only from officers then the suspects in the pictures weren't involved, or there were more than two in the attack. Mastermind mudslime with multiple dindus?
So, this is Fake News then?
"A witness reports that attackers pulled a fire alarm so that the building would be evacuated. As students exited outside, a vehicle drove into the crowd, wounding multiple people. Two assailants then exited the vehicle to attack on foot- one carrying a gun and one carrying a knife. " Taken from faggit
Maybe an akbar with an illegal weapon. Cant push the ebul white men with guns narrative its its a weapon a normal person would have trouble getting
OSU student here. This helicopter is getting annoying as fuck to listen to.
Definite uptick in this kind of attack recently.
Race/religion of attacker not released. Ann Coulter's law is in effect.
It's hard to get comfy when its fucking props keep rattling my room every few minutes. I wish ti would stop.
White silence is violence!
Hmmm. Maybe spic or westernized inflitrator ackbar. Usually snackbars cant STFU when attacking
Would she have found it more comforting if he was screaming allah ackbar as loud as possible?
Concealed carry in Kansas: coming to schools near you this summer.
"Ohio State student" read our intern who writes this in the basement.
We should pass some legislation that would stop vehicular homicide. I am thinking we pass laws where cars can only travel on predefined pathways. We can call them "roads". This regulation will surely prevent another tragedy like this one, as everyone will follow the law.
It's a college full of cucks, I wouldn't be surprised if cuck students were denying hearing allah ackbar to not cause any more "islamophobia".
double dubs of truth. Perhaps not the religion of piss?
also, I'm really glad I ended up getting my conceal carry a few months back, looks like my formerly quite city is going to be getting interesting here shortly.
We can take that one step further, and pass laws where electronics in the cars keep them on these "roads". This regulation will surely prevent a tragedy like this one.
wtf I love Ohio now
And how can we get them to stop at intersections. SOMETHING MUST BE DONE. THINK OF THE CHILDREN.
That is the gayest looking carriage I've ever seen.
Was ANYBODY besides the terrorist shot at all?
I'm very late on this shoddy OC for the Turkish coup but have Turkish Hyde, comes in Uyghur flavor.
Like most colleges we have plenty of cucks, but don't forget Ohio is a notoriously split state that went red this year, so there are plenty of people around who actually dislike Akbars.
Looks like Heimbach tbh
I hope the attacker was an illegal alien. Is Ohio Sate a "sanctuary" campus? What about gun free zone?
Campuses are still heavily biased left.
I know it's not all cucks, but CNN will gravitate toward the cucks. CNN would probably interview someone who claimed to hear them going "allah ackbar", ignore the interview, and then find someone who "heard nothing" and then turn that into headlines. I have absolutely zero trust in them to report anything reliably and without bias.
Can confirm, Columbus whites, especially those over the age of 25, are getting sick of shitskins. I work with a lot of white people ages 25-55 and most of them were trump supporters and I've even heard talk about how muslims are shit coming from the normalfags. The left side of Columbus is all imported or niggered.
They're still clearing buildings.
OSU student here. All colleges are pretty shit, but reminder that Ohio State is relatively un-cucked.
Let's hope it filters down to the campus soon. Out of everyone I know, the only other ardent Trump supporter that I know is my Chinese roommate of all people.
its cheap and i intend to transfer over since the two have a deal to transfer credits.
wont know until they start telling us the nature of the injuries to people sent to the hospital.
Nevada-tan did okay
FUCK YOU. ohio state is a sanctuary campus. If it wasn't for white male PIGS like you, innocent dreamers like this wouldn't be arrested. After Trump got elected he just didn't feel safe on campus. This never would have happened if Trump wasn't PERSECUTING his family. I hope you get killed in an attack like this. He's right to stand up to the WHITE MALE patriarchy.
Akihabara guy did a decent job as well. He actually chose a target-rich environment.
like I said, its imported, I'd say most of campus isn't from columbus. You need to get off campus sometime, talk to some of the old folks who remember the old GM plant that was here. While they aren't full redpill, they often understand niggers are shit, and even many of the blacks I know absolutely hate spics, somalians, and muds.
Hell, if you really want to meet the more redpilled side of the city, head over to any of the gun ranges around town and chat people up. I know when I went to LEPD on Bethal road to pick up my Vepr 12 it was nothing but trump supporters and Blue Lives Matter folks.
Someone needs to try a flamethrower in a cramped, crowded indoor place like a nightclub
dummies, what ACTUALLY needs to be outlawed is open-able windows
sandniggers shouldn't even have 2 horsepower
is this another ohio thing? my dad set one on fire when he was a kid. i didnt know it was something that happened regularly
outlaw dying.
We have found the answer. $1,000,000 fine for dying.
The motive for the attack was hatred of God Emperor Trump. The "shooter", who did not use guns in the attack (hi Lugenpresse!), was motivated by the election of Donald Trump.
I'm not even military and I can tell that over half of those wannabe tacticool fucks have never used their gear for a training course, much less an engagement. Remember those photos of NY SWAT with their EOTechs mounted backwards?
Thanks Ohio for becoming the tipping point massacre that Trump needed!
Obama just made an official statement
I don't know why this hasn't been attempted yet.
You'd think at least a "lone wolf" snackbar would think of something like that.
Those horses are most likely outputting a bit more than one horsepower. One horsepower is the power a horse expends when turning a mill at a steady pace, these are running.
2 horses? what do you need 1/2 a horse for?
You played yourself fam.
I'm getting excited
Personally I'm just wondering why they never attack the most target rich environments. Like a bus around lunchtime as it passes through campus. A knife attack or crude bomb there would be devastating.
So, what's the media going to blame the hot new shooting on this time?
Yeah its almost like they are fucking idiots or something who kill people for a desert sky man to get pussy in the afterlife
not to mention the football game on the weekend with 100k+ people in the middle of the day
I wonder how he'll implicitly blame civilians again.
I've always wondered why they never hit public transportation. It's almost as if most of this "muh derrizm" shit is a setup.
Wasn't that the plot of The Rock?
Heard you was talkin' shit.
gonna be fun as fuck
Coulter's law doing its job again.
fucking checked. college kids are basically women. no spatial awareness.
I was gonna consider a false flag but the shooter isn't white, so it doesn't fit the pattern. Still considering it though.
they'd never actually attack a high security target like that.
Major city SWAT teams usually try to recruit ex spec ops guys/rangers/etc.
He may have been trained in the ways of the ninja. I have feared this would come to pass.
OSU student here. What do? I was in my dorm the whole time, but the location is just a block away.
Are you implying there are collages that don't have gun free zones?
His point is that some BLM nig is shilling that it's a false flags because nogs dindu nuffin, they could never go on a shooting or rampage, every instance of them doing this is a false flag by the white male patriarchy to keep down the black man.
Pretty late to do something now, lol. I guess watch TV
Those warnings aren't to keep you safe from the shooter, it's to keep you safe from them so they can turn the school into a deathmatch map.
If you love doing something, you should get paid for it.
Tell me you're one of the LARPers with Pepe sticky notes on your window.
Enjoy the day off courtesy of dindus and dunecoons like the rest of us.
Nah, I haven't put anything on my window.
I only had one class today.
Interesting. Perhaps attacker(s) called in a false alarm to get them out in the open.
Extra special
Go take pictures of the crisis actors.
Learn to read, user.
I'm waiting for a sandnigger to shut it down at Wake Tech
If it happened Thursday my lab would have been canceled.
Will do.
Labs are fun though.
Sucks to be you, then.
are you in any of the campus political organizations? If you're that one dude that baneposted in a YAL meeting, we've met
Isn't Ohio Uni where tones of SJW shit came from!?
Also has metal rifle 2cm away from hi-voltage antenna mount
The shotgun guy would hit the car, too.
No upstanding white man watches tv
Press conference starting
As in a light brown, like a caramel kind of color. Not every nigger is as dark as night, user
I'm not in YAL
But I banepost on the campus Yak
Contact infowars and hook them up with info and redpills, the mainstream media has been calling them "fake news" lately.
Sounds like it was one suspect with a knife and no gun
Shitskin on scanner confirmed. "plate comes back to a Ali Muhammad 02 Honda"
butcher knife
This but contact Breitbart. Faggots take them more seriously than waterfilterwars. Just send shit to as many outlets who are likely to publish it as you can.
Why would you attack your bread and circus?
The only reason sports has thrived as much as they have (even though they're as real as pro wrestling in terms of integrity of the game, once you pass the teen years corruption runs deep no matter the sport) is because its a total safe zone away from the outside world. You don't have to worry about terrorists or any other life problems, just the game. You consume as much as you can for the day then go home to see the terror on the news only to turn back to sports to relax away from it all. Its a drug addiction that keeps people going through their less then happy lives.
These kind of attacks have nothing to do with total damage, its about the fear it puts in people. All week people are going to be on edge because of the shooting and it'll dominate air waves. When its only a handful of shooters with minimal damage you can ignore it after a while but with huge attacks you actually have to do something on grand scale compared to just chipping at a civil rights under peoples noses. You bomb a stadium full of people at a popular sporting event it becomes a lot more complicated, someone needs to be punished outside a few chuckle fucks and people will start to feel unsafe at sporting events. That would cut down on profits big time, plus all the cost of repairing said stadium, having to put more money into security across the country. Have a school shoot up all you need to do is mop up the blood, fill the bullet holes up with plaster and you're ready to open the next day.
Of course that would imply that these are planned events, which seems ridiculous and impossible to do. But after the last month of happenings, would it surprise you in the slightest? At the very least you never let a good crisis go to waste. If the media whores this out obsessively keep close eye on other things going on in the world, if they drop it quickly it was probably a random event. As to how they do it if you can believe in demonic child sacrifice at secret pizza parties you can believe in mind control.
Oy Vey this is all Trump's fault! Look at what he's done!
we love our police, don't we folks?
No, the point is to set up an over-the-phone interview. Infowars is more likely to let that happen that breitbart.
The entire point is to btfo of the mainstream media by getting news up faster than them.
start the vid at 6:06
And guns.
How did he get shot with a knife?
Covering up an heros is actually responsible journalism, since reporting on suicides has been shown to increase the number of suicides.
It's pretty simple
Good point about the phone interview
Yea I agree, contact waterfilter and see if you can go live
Disagree about the other point though, as in Breitbart is hated by the MSM
What a nothing statement , of course it was done on purpose he didn't accidentally go on a murder spree
just say no comment, fucking retard
Oh yeah, as opposed to that time where a bunch of guys started stabbing people accidentally.
by using a knifegun obviously
Well, at least she cares.
Like clockwork.
Perp quoted as saying "I accidentally the whole campus."
"oh oops my hand accidentally went into my jacket, pulled out my gun and shot that guy!"
*canned laughter*
I'd watch that show.
Find any people saying this shit that actually attend OSU?
Squall pls go Selphie is welcoming two snackbars into Balamb Garden as we speak.
kek. Absolutely based Admin.
Nice. They have never been told no in their lives….. The utter look of demoralization on their little cuck faces is so delicious fam.
When 10 people got gunned down on Bourbon street the other night, everyone knew it was niggers. I do like the first one, though. It has the implication that White people only do stupid shit like this if they're already mentally deranged, whereas niggers do it because they're niggers.
Can't take him straight to the graveyard.
I'm going to hell for laughing at that.
If the textbook is thick enough, or there are several it could probably stop most pistol calibers. Doesn't stand a chance against rifle or intermediate calibers though.
Kek will simply banish you to the timeline in which Hillary won.
How could you say such a thing. You monster!
Looks like a gun saved the day
Get over to 353 Nationwide Blvd, Columbus, OH 43228. Video record what the cops carry out of his apartment.
add posh british colloquialisms and top hats and you have high comedy.
Been about 4 hours and the race of the shooter is still unknown.
Coulter's Law. True every time.
If a gun can be blamed for a murder, then we have to acknowledge the bravery of the gun that saved the day.
Give that gun a Medal of Freedom, Obama.
Reminder that Ohio rigged the border survey in order to steal Michigan's rightful land. If that isn't Jewish behavior I don't know what is.
Ohiofags will defend this
Dont forget: You're here forever
and dont worry, a lot us think that way now
Don't know if this information is current
There are in the more based states
From the police scanner, it's Ali Mohamed
I'm listing to the rest of the scanner right now. Everyone is described as "dark skin" or "male, Black", "dark complexion"
Any idea the ethnicity of the stabber yet?
That may be info on the property owner but I found another site saying a Luis Rodriguez lived there. A number of middle eastern names on that street through
Where next Holla Forums?
I am Jack's complete lack of surprise.
By the way, anyone else notice that the news always quotes or interviews people of le happy merchant persuasion? (((Lisa Goldstein))) gets her time in the spotlight to speak on behalf of all students during this round. Thanks (((Lisa)))!
Somali Muslim
Get fucked Bitchicuck. You have the worst nogs.
.pl is shit. Threads bumped yesterday are still on the 1st page for Holla Forums. If I wanted a dead board I would just stop posting all together.
fuck off endgoons
2nd bt 4th marines here. swat guys are mostly prior service. most have overseas combat exp. that's who gets on swat.
>whaa why can't I spam and repost >>>/polarchive/ content
88 counties say fuck you, faggot. It was the (((federal government))) that attempted to jewtrick the people of Ohio out of their rightful clay.
Ignore the tor shill.
double nigger!
you tell me to go to pl for a literature thread, yet the literature thread there is two months old, has only 5 posts, and is on page 23.
MSNBC confirms Somali
Hopefully some of you will inform these nice leftists when it inevitably comes out that he wasn't white.
Somali Refugee
Substantial Somali Community in Ohio
2nd Largest
Good job Kasich
Oh would you look at that.
I hate this meme.
There's no such thing as an "assault weapon", it's a term the media invented.
Columbus is Ohio's largest producer of craft takbir.
I'd like to see what a 140 caliber 200yr old musket does to someone
wonder if the attack was inspired by the recent isis cooking video
We should ban assault reporters, if it's not on cnn, it didn't happen and it's fake news. Ban assault cnn reporters.
This deliberate importation of Somali refugee niggers has to be rectified soon. Complete insanity. Trump needs to give them special attention.
Nigger confirmed. When will there be campuswide protests to protest this heroic gud boi's senseless death by polees brudaladee?
I just walked around the statehouse during lunch today and if I ever saw this cuck in person I don't know if I would be able to resist the urge the deck him in his punchable face
Send them back to Sweden.
what a racist
he heavily alluded to it in his Minnesota rally and then outright called it out. he knows
Not much going on at the scene, just some reporters and random students watching what was happening. Vice had a camera crew there, as well as ABC and a few other lugenpress types. Lots of helicopters flying around.
Also CBS confirms Somali 20 year old refugee.
one day I want to see some autist go on a spree killing with several antique pepperboxes just to btfo the media.
What states could you carry legally in a college? iirc University of Arizona doesn't allow you to even carry pepper spray?
the somali is not human
Texas, I think.
Yeah, I saw that one. And I'm still pissed those cucks didn't vote for him.
What does Somalia have that harbors people who are very likely to commit crime?
Virginia, Liberty University, the Gary Faldwell guy that backed trump etc, you can carry there, he promotes it
Wew so its a nigger, muslim, and a refugee. Thank you Kekfor this blessing lf ammunition
Imagine the sjw meltdown when a wannabe ackbar or dindu nuffin gets put down by concealed carry fucking white male student.
Problem there is at least 50% of the country doesn't think that is a real university. Probably more like 80%.
A trifecta of degeneracy.
Is this a set up for a joke? Somalian piracy sound familiar?
Anything known about casualties?
Somalians are arab + african genetically speaking
Nine wounded in some way, nothing else at this point.
Zero besides the perp. Leaderboards unscathed to say the least.
Florida soon i hope now that antigun spic was voted out at the state level.
They have absolutely nothing. Pure unabated niggerdom. No functional government, just a toxic mix of nigger aggression, low IQs (although high by African standards) and savage sand nigger dessert ideology.
What else would you expect from that shithole?
He also didnt use a gun, so they cant spin it that way either.
They can't even kill effectively
All in all, a propaganda coup for us.
To be fair many more people would have died had he had a gun.
capta test
They'll change it to "He wanted to get a gun legally, and if he did it would create even more casualties! ban guns!"
Judging from the pattern of black marksmanship, I disagree.
they might even call it a triumph of gun control laws
They have to go back
Woulda, coulda, shoulda.
They're always hungry and they're islamic, so it's like a permanent ramadan bombathon.
He's currently taking calls
Webm of aftermath:
And people wonder why I never smile.
Cool vid but this is like 4 block from the scene. Happened on 19th and College.
California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, South Carolina and Wyoming.
Sauce: archive.is
Lugenpresse will ignore nigger, muslim, somali, refugee
He's an American Citizen and this is home grown domestic terrorism, created from Trump's hostile triggering divisive language.
The white male student would be raked over the coals for carrying on campus, which is a felony. feelsbadman dot gif
We Wuz Alienz n sheeeeeeeit
It's okay lad, the cucks responsible for this are going to be punished severely
What are you talking about? All I see is a brave BLM alt-left soul. :^)
>mfw using this tactic throws off the lefycucks to the point they don't know if they should support the nog or not
Sorry man, that's all I've got. I was hoping some anons living close would give us exclusives.
Fuck the UofA, so many cancerous SJW's and Muslims running around campus. The ROTC building was being scouted by Arab students so there was an alert.
The Arabs literally look at anyone that isn't Arabic like they want to kill them.
I'm a 10 min walk away but can't be fucked to go check it out. Nothing really happening much anymore.
uh wait, what?
It's the ctrl-left user.
This happened the same day wikileaks put out Iran files hmmmm
knife gun
ILfag here. Statewide you can, but every college, even community ones, has local gun ban ordinances.
No wonder the perp died so early.
Everyone knows that Squall is dead.
Well shit, you're right. They caught the bitch and no one died, so it's not that big of a happening. Maybe they're going to ban gunned knifes or knife long-arms? Other than that, this was hyped up.
High-capacity assault gunblade with an underbarrel machetepod with a bullet shroud and tactical fleshlight.
The were hearing the cop empty his magazine into the shitskin.
das racist
Fuck. I'm not American, but I thought the article may be of any help.
God I wish I could be that cop.
only 3 shots fired
Why do japs draw things this retarded? Is it because they're all noguns?
dude say hi to sam for me
"Cop kills black man on college campus."
oy vey you can't say that, the J(apan)IDF is on the way.
After seven games you start running out of ideas.
Also all japs are autistic
Sounds like a Moonman inspired D&D module.
Final Fantasy's artist is just retarded, there's quite a few japs who are complete gun-weebs. But yes, they do suffer from the nofuns.
Come on user, do you even fantasy?
the particular artist responsible for that design is a metrosexual and closet bottom bitch homo.
You really shouldn't use words you don't know the meaning of
We need ban all guns and invite more nigger muslim refugees in USA!
Admittedly I do not. Always seemed like a waste of time tbqh.
7/10, could sneak into Shadow Moses.
Non-white confirmed.
Is that her? Did sammy catch her. The absolute madman.
Can we calculate his high score? It's pretty embarassing from what I can see.
Does nobody play DOOM anymore?
Did he get mad at that?
what song plays in your webm dear user
These faggots are playing the new doom which is a steaming pile of shit so I guess that explains their performance.
not knowing how to foot swear
Trump's gonna make you great again. Also try to find 3rd party agents that help people pro Bono get aid and shit. I think legal aid.gov could be a place to start. If law school has taught me anything it's that 2nd chances are only the beginning, and only fools take the first refusal as serious.
It really is depending on your free time and tastes. That said, is right, the Kingdom hearts artist needs to be euthanized. This may come as a surprise but the main part of the story is that you play as a beta in a military school who gets bullied by an alpha so much you become alpha and drag two flying military schools into a civil war where essentially the ROTC of the world has to fight each other due to a difference in ideologies. It would be like a good old right vs left fight breaking out in every ROTC class across the US.
it's a mix from the start of a justin beiber song and then goes into a tune called Boss Fight by Knife Party, can't find the actual remix though
Especially since revolver swords were an actual thing that was made. extremely impractical but they exist
How considerate of them.
18 yo somali mang
I'll be damned
And relevant to this incident, there are historical instances of Muslims using them. I came across this one in a museum in Constantinople.
I hope all these immigrant niggers realize the U.S. can strip citizenship away from naturalized citizens. Naturalization isn't permanent if you are a fuckup.
In Texas our Gov. Hotwheels signed CC on campus so our students will be able to defend themselves from the deranged dildo carrying liberals.
Its just a weebposter, no idea what group is doing this bullshit now but its just like cumskin posting. Best to just ignore/report them
None shot.
Looks like Trump's blanket Muslim ban is back on the table!
when was it ever off the table?
Who gives a shit? It's just amerilards killing each other.
Alas, Poor Goatfucker
There have been much more people injured today by falling off stairs lel.
You apparently know utterly nothing about guns.
You're just as likely to die from a stab wound with a fighting knife as from being shot.
Of course, your mileage may vary, depending on the caliber of firearm & length of knife…
edgelord detected
wow edgy bro
imagine a nigger blowing away white school kids too, so fucking lmao tbh
Never underestimate the power of a wild Hyde!
Burger detected
Leave Sam Hyde alone!
Generally if you just act like you're not doing anything wrong, don't be a dick, and don't say anything stupid you're good. I've talked my way out of a couple sticky situations.
Its about fucking time someone did it at a school again
Those are the best places to do it
Its not going to stop Ohio.
Remember this happened earlier this year at a deli, same deal, a Somali muslim with a machete.
What a fine candidate he was for U.S. citizenship.
Why do so many shooters suck at getting kills?
Its really not that hard, just double tap and aim for the torso
If you have a knife or machete or something, ram it into their throat or chest
I wanna see a mass killing where a shit ton of people die instead of all these low energy "injuries"
What you want is Not Important.
We have a duty to shelter brown children, goyim :^^^)
Hey retard, you realize that if America falls there is absolutely zero hope for Europe, right? I never understood this mentality of shitting on Americans when they are crucial to our survival.
What matters is our plan
Tell me about the user, why doesn't he have a plan?
Was getting caught part of your plan?
Why not just carry in your backpack anyway? I know a few anons that do this in non-carry universities.
Grounds for an immediate expulsion at most unis if you're caught and somebody makes a fuss about it. Not much chance of usefulness. If you do use it, it's still grounds for expulsion. Expulsion typically retroactively invalidates all your college credits.
Risk v reward. Too much risk for no dice.
Of course!
Watch ((them)) do everything they can to supress this info.
ya tired of winning yet lads?
Was this the fault of white racism?
Not until all knife arms are banned from entering the US.
I blame the alt-left. :^)
Concealed means concealed. If you actually need it, being expelled will be the least of your worries.
Yeah, but too often you think you need it, pull it out, and then you don't need it. Now you've got an EXPEL ME ticket and somebody pissed off at you.
That looks impractical as fuck, tbh fam.
If I rip that mask off, will you die?
Mate, unless you're a retard, I think you know when your life depends on it.
Well, when you're out of bullets, it makes the gun a little more useful than an awkwardly-shaped club.
Okay seriously, how often has that actually happened to you? How often are you pulling out your CCW and brandishing it at people in situations where it turns out you don't actually need it? How many times have you done this?
yeah, I have to disagree with you on this one
If there was ever someone shooting up a college and you pulled a pistol out and killed him, literally no one would talk shit about you and if the school even considered expelling you they would catch so much flak that you'd be fine
This is what happens when a somali sambo realizes his IQ is below 80 and that he will always be a failure and wishes he was born white.
That's probably because they do.
This, ive personally shot and killed 8 people during my school years. If I needed to borrow a pen I would get 20 at once.
Is there any confirmation on how people were killed/wounded? CC wouldn't do much against a nigger driving right at you.
Our pal Jared is going HAM on his Twitter over this.
This is what I did when I was there during my last 2 years before I graduated although you would have to use a rented house. Dorms inside or buildings owed by the university outside would check to your home occasionally
tbh I'm a year too young to have a fun but nearly every ccw story I've heard has been with a fella who needed somebody to fuck off and took his gun out to show he could make them fuck off
Well in this situation you've got a guy who's got your face and location, knows you have a gun in a place it's illegal to have a gun, is pissed off at you, and given that it's a campus the campus PD/IT has enough spare time to check camera feeds and figure out who you are
All's I'm saying is the likelihood of using a fun for it's intended self-preservationary purpose on a college campus approaches 0 whereas having it as an option to you gives you a "ruin my life but have a quick way out of this adreanaline-packed moment" button that generally you could do without
inb4 /k/swarm
so they caught a somalian student trying to hack into Ohio State University's computers?
That organization is a nightmare.
But that's wrong. He was Somali. Still,
Echo-americans? Does he mean the jews or is it an actual term you guys use over there?
He means the jews. He went on a redpill rampage on his Twitter last week.
glad to see you guys enjoyed the rant, here's the albums if you need to get caught up (he names them, several times)
That his account is still up is…. odd.
Using it to build a list of who engages those tweets?
How many confirmed dead so far?
All it takes is one assmad cuck who dislikes you to point you out to the campus cops or administration and say: that user makes me uncomfortable in my feels. Next thing you know your shit is getting dumped and searched. Carry a weapon if you must but be prepared to face the consequences if you get caught.
I'm a disgusting twitter faggot extraordinaire and I've never seen that term used… pretty sure he means the Juden
This is why I'm takig online courses.
Well, that and liberal poz.
Kek, I like it.
Using that thing to stab someone will inevitably break your wrist. It's not easy to actually stab someone. I doubt that you could penetrate a chest cavity while holding that thing by the grips.
Have you ever tried to stab someone with accuracy during a fight? Not that I have, but your victim isn't going to sit still while you try to aim.
I bet that happens basically never.
Thank you for the backup lad I got eaten alive up there
i bet false rape accusations never happen too lol
You're an idiot.
This is Holla Forums, faggot. Come on. And you hardly got eaten up.
You're not entirely wrong, but it really comes down to self-control. I'm assuming that "needing someone to fuck off" means a particularly heated argument. If someone can't figure out the difference between an argument and your their being in danger, no matter the adrenaline level, they're too stupid to own a gun in the first place. Yelling is often a precursor to violence, but adrenaline doesn't make your brain interpret yelling as violence.
nod an argumemb
Seriously, random searches by the cops because a cuck doesn't like you? Never happened to me. I've never seen that happen to anybody. I've never heard of it happening to anybody.
You're just pulling wild delusional excuses out of your ass to not exercise your rights.
You admit that you are noguns, but you think that you would be brandishing your CCW around without cause because that's how the (((media))) depicts CCW holders, and you think that depiction is an accurate reflection of reality, and an accurate reflection of how you would behave if you had a CCW.
You're an idiot.
Cannot tell if sarcasm or if actual leftist stumbled into our midst….
A is for Armor
It's just a possibility nigger. It can happen. You never know when you're going to run into a fucktard who wants to make a scene.
no lackin nigga. you sound like a bitch.
Sure, okay. But it's also a possibility you'll get snackbarred because you weren't armed.
That's bait, user.
He's got 130k followers. Banning him would bring more attention to the things he's said. Unwanted attention.
Those faggots.
Fucks sake
they banned milo "black dicks in my ass please" yiannokike with around 300k, ricky vaughn with 100-300k… it's not his followers, they have been banning anyone going against their kikery… that or twitter finally checked it's stocks…
What did you expect? Trump is literally Hitler
Carried concealed illegally for years when I was much younger. Never got caught but understood it was insta-jail and termination of employment if I did. Same kind of shit for you college guys - or worse if you're not allowed to enroll elsewhere.
You're too stupid or controlled by your emotions to safely carry anyways. So keep believing that
Are you trying to validate Alt-Kike? or why in the fuck would they go out of their ways to block some (((trolls)))?
Are they***
so worse than hell?
no faggot I'm saying that twitter suspended several people with comparable amounts of followers for much, much less than the Jared rants (HE NAMED THE FUCKING JEW. AND SOROS.)
so they are obviously keeping him around for some reason
What did they tell him when they took the photo? Look like you are concentrating on swallowing a mouthful of water?
Actual photo of the perpetrator. Typical sandnigger.
Motive confirmed, went snackbar because of a lack of prayer rooms.
holy fuckin kek. Spread this shit.
Hoping it's football related, will help push the agenda of defunding college sports programs/athletic scholarships and Make Colleges Academic Again. All the football players are pedophiles and rapists as it is, proving that the games cause crime (underage drinking, property damage, etc.) is the only real missing piece at the moment.
Milo and Ricky were banned yes. However, you must take into consideration three main factors;
1) They were banned pre-Trump's election while Twitter was convinced that $hillary would win
2) They both were very outspoken trolls
3) They never eloquently and unapologetically explicitly named the Jew
Jared is a former left-wing normie account with a huge following who went on a rant about the kikes in a very well expressed way in a post-Trump win world. The dynamics here are different user.
Top fuckin' kek.
We know that's him?
You think there's more than one Abdul Razak Artan at OSU, user?
yes, that is him concern shill
Sorry, missed his name mentioned before I guess.
Kek, I searched "Ohio 2016 attack" trying to find a confirmation on this attacker's name. Turns out there has already been a machete attack there this year.
I'm not sure how to rhyme Horujko.
all excellent points
errr pic not related…
I was just proud of it and wanted to share, I agree with your analysis of the twitter situation
Is that an Injun name or something?
God he loves being white.
This. I carry everyday and have for years. NO ONE knows I have a gun. I never talk about and I certainly never show it or play with it. You don't want anyone to know you're carrying. I'm very happy to live in a "must issue" state that allows me to protect myself and I responsibly and safely carry my gun 100% of the time.
Holy fuck this is gold.
Alan "mudshit blood must flow" Horujko
Alan Malis must go Horujko
Alan "harambe horror" Harujko
Media's saying the guy in the attack was 18, but this article says he's third year. I'm a third year at uni and I'm almost 21. I doubt a Somali could get three years ahead of average.
He may have lied about his age, as we know they do, or it may indeed by a different guy.
Your dubs say this is true.
We better let them pray 5 times a day wherever they are.
Sorry Muslims, we didn't realize we were being Islamophobic. Please forgive us and hurt us no more we beseech you. Feel free to rape a virgin infidel as recompense. We wont say anything about it.
Yes, it was in an Israeli kebap shop in the Somali refugee part of town.
You really think the media would do that? Just go on tv and tell lies?
Alan "Sand niggers gotta go" Horujko
Alan….. um…. that's all i got
I think it's a reference to the echo chambers that the safe space obsessed libs are stuck in.
How do you pronounce Horujko?
It's bretty gud OC friendo.
Anyone else notice the difference in skin tones between the two pics? I mean it could just be software or maybe some other reason for the difference in the pics, but you know the media was hoping for another Dylan "Raise the" Roof, but will settle for the hero being a minority of some sort.
is that pronounced huh-roo-koh with a silent j?
might be Polish
Is that a Finnish name?
Stop shitting up every thread with your new pet D&C tactic nigger nobody cares.
Fuck off
Your alternative honeypot board will never have a userbase, faggot
How is "Horujko" pronounced?
"ˈhɒrjuˈdʒɪkɒ"? en.wikipedia.org
Gay gay go away!
okay, all different.
Alan 'dune coons gotta go' Horujko
it's a compression error, click on the image to expand and it changes back to its normal colouring.
It would be extremely painful.
thanks chief, this is the best one I've seen related to Justin Castreau
sooo we have
Abdul Razak Ali Artan
Ali mohammed from police scanner, and Abdul Razak Artan in the magazine article. It's the same Abdul?? (they are very specific with their names, 3 names if you've raped a goat, 4 names if you've raped a mule, etc)
What's up with the fat nog we saw earlier? And the skinny spic?
Something's fucky with the color profile, windows doesn't recognize it at all, photoshop says it's srgb but jpgview can't display it properly and neither can browsers.
Did they scrup the article? My autism peaked and i went through all of that writers articles and couldn't find him writing about the nigger. All nine saved versions of the article don't mention him.
No https so no need to break the link.
həruːdʒkoʊ is more likely
archive not working properly someone screenshot the entire page spread
This means Trump is going to suspend immigration from Somalia!
I have carried literally every single day I've attended classes over the past three years.
I have carried at a minimum one handgun with a fifteen round magazine plus one in the chamber, as well as a spare magazine for that handgun. Not once have I ever thought I'd need to use it. Yet I'm going to keep carrying it, day in and day out, just as I always do and always will. Eat my ass.
You're a big guy
Thanks fam
because we have a responsibility to every poor brown person in the world to provide them with welfare and places to pray in the USA.
Because the kike wants to breed white people out of existence.
I'm mixed myself but these fucking muds coming over wanting to mix with white women make me want to fucking start shooting some of these subhumans.
new thread where niggas
nigga it's already over
Thank you ever so much!
This is getting spread everywhere.
It's like importing demons straight out of hell.
PA here, we're "shall issue" too, but I'm hoping we can get Constitutional Carry.
>That door opens outward
Sounds Croatian or Serbian, possibly Slovenian.
When did the U.S. become Europe?
NC now, formerly PA. Yes, some good gun laws on the horizon. 2nd amendment as it was meant to be.
Not again with this shit, please.
Alan "kill 'em slow" Horujko
At least I'm trying…
it's only illegal to carry if it's a state school, otherwise it's just against the rules
Would you prefer chairs or no chairs?
Hello moderator scum. Hiya Mikey.
The mods were so scared of my last post that they deleted it.
Here's the link again.
This is the Alcoholocaust with Natt Danelaw, wherein he has Evalion and a fellow named 'Mikey' as guests.
Therein, it is revealed that Mikey is the foundational core of the opposition to Evalion (whom he started grooming when she was only 12-14), and was motivated by jealousy of her greater success than him in pursuit of becoming a White Nationalist e-celeb, leading him to attempt to destroy her online presence while blackmailing her for money.
Daily Reminder that those who cry
when discussing the misdeeds of the moderators
are the moderators themselves.
Final Thoughts: If you aren't prepared to walk away, you will always get a subpar deal.
t. God Emperor Trump
So far the mods have permabanned at least two proxies trying to silence me. Its quite amusing.
For you
is there a reason you're hosting files externally?
Are you suspicious, goy?
Remember, honeypots mean you're a mod shill :^^)
BAN STEERING WHEELS! then the triggering white who did this couldn't have avoided the police blockade
Shilling for .pl isn't helping your cause, nigger.
first we need car owners to have some sort of license to curb the terrible automobile violence rampant in the nation, since only law-abiding citizens can use cars then
Hey, the New York Times just ran a picture of him…
Too brown to be printed in the NYT. I have enhanced the photo with the appropriate filters for the New York Times.
Clearly a white male
Dan Smith
taqiyya taqiyya taqiyya taqiyya taqiyya taqiyya
gonna be able to build an accurate 3D model of the scene with all these different angle shots
I love you, user
Nice work, user.
Kebab remover in his blood
How many shootings in a day are there in America?
Theres your answer dramamongers
I think he had blonde hair too.
Has it been confirmed that guns were even involved?
No guns, he used a machete and a car
Real talk, we should float the first image out on social media and see if MSM picks it up and runs with it.
Alan "Oj Alija Aljo"Horujko?
Fucking mongrels need to get the fuck off my Holla Forums.
I love the 90s
>Abdul Razak Ali Artan
Who could have guessed
Apparently he was a model citizen at the school, and even was interviewed in one of the college papers.
Oh Taqiyya Taqiyya
Run 'em over with a beat up Honda
Fucking goats in Hajji Mecca
He's livin' his life just like a syn/ackbar
Oh, Taqiyya Taqiyya
He got Zim-Zam'd at OSU
To the sounds of a Sig Sauer
Drawn by Brutus the Buckeye
whoops, formatting sucks. Too much of a masterpiece to not try again. Sung to the tune of Maria Maria by Santana.
Oh Taqiyya TaqiyyaRun 'em over with a beat up HondaFucking goats in Hajji MeccaHe's livin' his life just like a syn/ackbarOh, Taqiyya TaqiyyaHe got Zim-Zam'd at OSUTo the sounds of a Sig SauerDrawn by Brutus the Buckeye
Vulnerable Muslim boy radicalized by white Nazi supremacist on the Alt-right hate zone known as 4chan.
I can't wait to mention at work how it was a nigger, a snackbar, and a half & half.
Why is there nothing in the media about these other two guys? Who pulled the fire alarm in the building? Smells like damage control. Media loves to lie and mislead by omission. But who knows.
bahhaha gold
I'll have to send him a 'Thank You' card in Hell
They really make our argument that much more persuasive.
Don't give them ideas. I like the relatively-unregulated status flamethrowers have.