Video with two foreigners in China bitching about how Chinese won't accept them. This is how it should be done.
You will NEVER be Chinese!
Other urls found in this thread:
Chinese women love white males though.
Only the trash.
Everyone wants to mate with whites
Absolutely. For example, I love Japanese animes and stuff, but I am perfectly fine with the fact many of them will look down on me. I also look down on foreigners, it's only fair.
Quads of truth
They bitch even more toward the end of the video. They eventually come to the conclusion that they've wasted their life.
Good point. You really won't be able to date the cream of the crop in China. The most beautiful and intelligent of their women travel to western universities to settle down with a white men.
If you live in a city with a large university I can tell you how, in less than ten days, you can find yourself betrothed to a gorgeous Chinese college girl who will dote on you, and give herself to you as a no-limit fucktoy.
But I won't because racemixing is degenerate and an affront to God.
And thank god for that.
Who in their right mind would want to be Chinese? Soulless dog-eating rats.
Nigger, the abrahamic religions are the most EGALITARIAN of them all with the only exceptions being Judaism and Mormonism. Judaism is an exception due to the matrilineal rule of indoctrination, and Mormonism because it used to be full 1488, with some sects refusing to cuck to niggers.
Are they Aussies?
You're already a raging homosexual
Oh no.
What a tragedy.
serpentza is south african, hes got some good tales about growing up white and poor there, poor lad
Top kekerino m80
I fucking got these vids for some reason and watched a lot of the guy who's married to the chink with the baby, he's the biggest fucking cuck he HATES China after realising what pieces of shit they all are and is stuck with an ugly chink wife and child and can't escape his inlaws.
So he drives around making videos to numb the pain pretending he isn't in a living nightmare of his own cuck making.
He made a video about how Nationalistic China has become and people shout shit at him and grunt at his race mixing whore wife.
Link to the video. I want to see it.
Not really. China has a serious demographics problem due to the 1 child policy + intentional abortion of girls. There simply aren't enough women to go around for millions of Chinese men, so even an average Chinese woman can pretty much have her pick of the litter. If they pick a white guy, it's because they WANT a white guy.
White male/asian female couples are pretty much inevitable in the coastal US. Average non-race realist white guys on the coasts get a choice to either cuck themselves hard for insane liberal white whores, or get their pick of pretty much any asian girl they want. Meanwhile asian girls think asian guys are demanding pussies and many are literally told from birth to go for a white guy.
White man/asian female is the least objectionable racemixing imho. You get Elliot Rodgers that will never breed, and hafu girls that instinctually seek out the white cock. This repeats for a few generations until you have what are basically white kids with Finngol eyes and 1 or 2 oppression points handy in case SJWs are still calling people WHITE MALES in 50 years. It's not the best case scenario, but it's far from the worst that could happen to the dudes far too deep in the libshit to consider taking the redpill and moving innawoods.
Thank god. I like being a human.
Are you telling me you don't want to be a disgusting gook?
I agree with Holla Forums on most things, but I can never get behind not race mixing with Asian women, especially Japanese. They are basically white anyway, Hitler himself deemed them honorary Aryans.
Are they trying to hide themselves? Defeated with his license plate on display front and center.
How about you hop in a fucking oven, you interracial fetishist. You're a disgusting race-traitor.
except they aren't, you race-traitor
splatter your brains on the fucking wall.
Whatever man. That just means less competition for cute Asian girls, your loss.
Oh so you're a shill. Good to know. Now fuck off.
I like how that book has been gutted.
Just make sure it is only Japanese all the other subhumans get triggered by it.
Despite being racemixers, their channel actually has a lot of red-pills on how disgusting and uncreative chinks are.
This. They're worthless traitors who deserve the rope, but at least they provide some first hand evidence of Chinese shitiness.
sure buddy whatever you say.
Hardcover folder.
Is it? I rebind old book and that looks as if its been gutted. I'll keep note of that.
Children are the best argument against it. Don't you want your boys to be big and strong and proud of their heritage? Don't you want your kids to look like you? Don't you want them to fit in with the white kids at school and not have indentity crisises over their race?
lrn2read sperg. I'm not condoning Holla Forums racemixing, I'm saying it isn't the end of the world if the poor bluepilled saps in liberal coastal shitholes marry asian girls instead of getting literally cucked by feminist whores.
Holy shit they are so pozzed, they absolutely avoid recognizing race.
This even apply to guys who are robots in there home countries.
Go back to 4chan you race-mixing promoting cuck. The 14 words are a real concern here. Your mutt children will not be accepted or feel at home with either race. At best the Japanese are an alley but still an inferior culture and people. Race-mixing is simply degenerate for both us and them.
I'll be honest anons. I've had a thing for Asian chicks ever since. It's been a source of mental anguish for some time. How does one reconcile one's belief in national socialism with overwhelming urge to fuck Asian chicks? I've fucked Chinese, Japs, and Koreans now. All were better fucks (and better gf's) than any white girl I've been with.
Anyway, point of this story is that ex and I used to be in China for business fairly regularly. Locals would stop dead and stare at us in the street, bitch at my ex (who can't speak Chinese), and give me shit. One dude asked her (in English) why she was with a white man when so many Chinese dudes couldn't find wives. Ex made small-dick gesture and told him to fuck off. Little dude then tried to slap my ex so I had to fuck him up quite bad.
On plus side, Chinese recognize White's are a civilized race and give us due respect. This does not apply to niggers or mudslimes. They also have high IQ's.
What do anons? How can something that feels so right be so wrong?
Whites are objectively the smallest demographic on the planet. Every white dude mixing means one white woman without a male, leaving her more prone to racemixing.
"East Aryans" is a cancerous meme. No racemixing is good, we can't be making compromises now.
Try not being a fucking degenerate who cannot get past 'muh dick' nigger thoughts.
You're quite sheltered tbh
If performing a duty to your people is threatened when tempted with fucking an asian girl in the ass you are not a national socialist.
Here's another one of their videos:
They complain about expectations of chinese women vs White, and once again what they complain about the Chinese are right.
Not at all user. It's just that I'm normally the one who suggests it, and it usually involves a lot of gifts and other forms of bribery.
Here's another video one of them said a Chinese man slapped his wife right in front of him and he was the one that ended up being fined.
The other one said he was beaten by a mob in a nationalistic frenzy after calling a Chinese trash.
I understand where the Chinese are coming from people like this go into their country then complain endlessly and expect them to change to suit the foreigners.
But is it threatened if I only fuck the asian girl? No genetic mixing has occurred…
Utterly false
no. that's how it should be done. grab them by the pussy, one different gook each day.
Don't let anybody here deter you from having your fun. Totally agree with you, Asian women make much better girlfriends. Fuck the living shit out of them. Not our fault white girls have been pozzed into undesirability.
Yeah cucking your race for easy sub-white pussy is so alpha. Fuck off if you aren't willing to become a man, it's obvious you aren't from around here.
You're still cucking your race by not procreating. You're are fucking LARPer if you aren't red-pilled on this shit, lurk moar.
Beta male cucks who will settle for sub-white degenerate garbage instead of putting in some effort to find a decent woman. Consider suicide or less kosher influence.
The issue becomes whether it is better to have half white children or none at all in more cases than ever in a lot of areas of coastal USA.
Ok user. Tell me where to find these alpha women you speak of? Most of our women have been thoroughly brianwashed by kike ideology (Chinks are fully red-pilled on kikes). All I see are fat-assed hateful fucks with bad skin and an aversion to men. These alpha white females don't even want to have kids, or if they do, they don't want Daddy around. They want (((careers))).
My ex had a career and wanted at least as many kids as her parents (5).
Meet me half-way user. Tell me where to find these white Goddesses so I can help to save my race from certain doom.
There have always been people who died without siring any children in their lives and they will continue to exist as you can't do anything about it, you can't just force people to breed.
The real problem is not that some people are not procreating, but that significantly more people are not procreating than what was the case centuries ago.
Not even chinese want to be chinese
Didn't watch the video but I'm not surprised. White people past a certain critical age have been so pozzed that they cannot see their own race or even fathom that others see race. So many times I've gotten people to understand why illegal immigration is bad, why muslims are dangerous, etc, but when you go for the kill shot that "if we don't do something there will be no white people in the future" they flap about like fish out of water "I don't see race, I never felt white, who cares as long as they're good people." Shit boggles my mind but apparently even being a foreigner in China isn't enough to break their conditioning.
Why did you break up?
It's a mix of innate genetic attraction (larger man and smaller woman will always be a turn on for both parties), (possibly Jewish) programming to promote white male/asian female couples (though honestly I haven't seen much of this, it seems to trigger the kikes for some reason, it especially triggers asian men, and SJWs in general get triggered by asians succeeding because it breaks their narrative about oppressed minorities), and a lack of programming necessary to make women of all races stick with their own (women left to their own devices are genetically programmed to spread their legs for the invaders).
Not to mention that the default for white kids (boys AND girls) that rightfully shunned the pozzed, fake, and niggerfied "white" culture the Jews have pushed through Hollywood and the music industry, has been to fall in love with Japanese and other asian cultures instead, to the point that they relate more to and think more like an asian than they do a white person, or at least what the popular perception of what a white person is. I don't know if we're ever going to completely break that. Kikewood has completely stripped white culture of any semblance of class or pride. There is little left to build off of that is not from the increasingly distant past (which is destined to be a niche interest), or somehow riffing on the asian culture that was riffing on our culture for the past century. See how much cyberpunk and "future fash" is derived from an entangling of asian cultures becoming westernized, then western scifi writers being inspired by the "futuristic" Japanese, then Japanese being inspired by those westerners, then 20 years later some nerd rediscovering it, and so on.
2 kinds of people that will say not to commit sexual warfare:
Traditionalists that want to promote goodly (or godly for /christian/) behavior in men (respectable)
And bitter virgin NEETsocs
None is better than half white. If you want to create mongrels go to a non white country, renounce your citizenship and mix to your heart's content.
The thing about asian girls is that only the top ones really look good. A Japanese model looks good, but the average is shit.
Good. I don't want to be Chinese. And if I did wanna be Chinese, I'd at least wanna be one of the semi-civilized kind of Chinese, like a Hong Konger or Taiwanese, and not a dirty street shitting red commie mainland Chinese.
Fuck whoever you want as long as she isn't marriage material, and marry a quality white girl. It's not the same for men as it is for women. There's a reason a man who's popular with women is more attractive to them, while a woman who is popular with men is neutral or disliked.
rape is the way to destroy chinese iq, not upon their choice
the thing is that you can fuck only the cuties if you want. they're all at your feet. gooks love white cock.
No waist and probably flat ass, tits are the only thing good about her. 4/10 would not bang
fucking degenerate
I can't figure out your circumstances, take some fucking initiative and do it yourself. I live in shitposting land and have already found one. Try churches or religious groups even if you aren't religious.
So with birht rates of sub-humans and current immigration policies in most white nations how can you possibly argue that not having white children not better?
You may need to settle for a less than perfect woman and red-pill here as much as you can so that in the future your son's may have the women they deserve and your daughters will be raised accordingly.
Go back to wherever you came from. The woman you post aren't even attractive. You have low self-esteem.
All racemixing is equally objectionable because it has the same destructive result, you fucking faggot. Maybe you weren't intending to condone it, but it certainly sounded like you were.
There is no such thing as a "Chinese American". If you are not a white European, you are incapable of being an American.
is what it should be
it's a pussy, a mouth and some tits, that's what asian meat is, why all the fuss? gooks are for fucking, not breeding. cum inside, humiliate them if you want fun, and then move on.
Because multiple sexual partners is bad for future marriage, child raising and general mental health. 'Hook up' culture and racing mixing is kike propaganda. Lurk moar or leave.
Any kind of white masculinity is insulting to kikes so they wouldn't push the big gaijin dick angle.
That being said, it is obvious that asian men are also stigmatised in hollywood. If they have an asian man in a film then he's either comic relief or gay.
Settling for a lesser woman is all well and good, but when that same woman is likely to fuck you over in court and rob your children of a two parent household I have trouble saying its a viable choice at all. Single mother kids are fucking awful.
torbro, that place is dead as fuck. But you shouldn't give its link out like that, the cuckchanners will follow us.
it's bad if you are a female. if you are male you must fuck a lot of females before settling down.
I came here to raught at you
This verse is stressing that before Christ all Christians are the same in spirit, not that there are no races or any implication that race-mixing is condoned.
This verse is explaining not to be distracted by speculation of your ancestry or give in to pride regarding it, and myths that cannot be proven and only serve to fuel controversy further and lead you away from the path of faithfulness in God, it is aimed at readers who are already believers.
There are plenty of instances in the Bible where God demands that his people are not to mix with certain other groups, particularly the Canaanites, and I'm sure we're all familiar with the story of Babel which sets the framework for a multinational world in the first place.
Truly disgusting.
I understand the concerns. All I can say is pick the woman carefully. Also I think divorce rates are high because most men are cucks too. A marriage between a red-pilled man who can influence his woman is less likely to fail than a marriage between a man and a woman who are both blue-pilled.
That's where you are wrong, kiddo. But more important than that, not all women (or men) deserve to breed.
Pride comes before the fall, as it already did in every western country, a healthy love of your people is one thing, but our own vanity and security was used against us in various western countries around the world who gave into foreign Marxist influences.
Pride is considered a sin for a reason, it encourages complacency in identity, morality and consolidation.
Was getting caught sucking Christcock part of your plan?
If you want to brag for upvote, this isn't the place to be.
Serious history fag here.
I remember reading about navy sailors (military) being on station abroad for a time (Jap in this case), before returning home to family.
Young kids at home would be like daddy, why didn't you bring our little jap bro with you so we can play with him?
… Kids being told by wife who had found out, to shame dad because he side-kicked. Story is from end of 19th century, if I remember correctly, navy officer. Other morals back then.
Guess such could happen everywhere at any time in history. Breeding is too easy, it just works. Otherwise there wouldn't be 7.5 bill. of us.
Kill yourself.
You know, chop up together the most interesting bits and it would be great propaganda for our women.
Your children will suffer from an outbreeding depression, since the genetic distance between Europeans and Chinese people is too large. They will have all sorts of health problems (both mental and physical). Don't screw your descendants for the sake of a fetish.
If all I cared about was IQ (and I don't), I'd mate with a jewess (pic related) before I'd mate with a chink. Additionally, non-verbal intelligence aside, which really is above average in chinks, they have too many downsides when it comes to cognitive performance (bellow average verbal intelligence, low curiosity, low creativity, low drive for self-actualisation, passivity etc) even without considering the health problems your children will have a greater risk to have.
I don't think she's a jewess fam
you must be kidding me user. Your kids will be staright outa the 6 billion full fledged kikes
Virgin detected' of all the asians you said japs
That screencap is just legendary. Whoever hasn't read it, DO IT NOW.
They later try to list the pluses for White women and all they came up with is "equality," then drew a blank, fumbled around then scrounged up some insignificant points. showing they're really uninterested in White females. jew indoctrination has done its thing.
Anyone who's not a cretin would have the same race mixing hierarchisation. Ashkenazim are genetically 80% european, 20% middle eastern.
They're just using PC buzzwords. What they meant to say, and is true, is that european women have a more developed conception of self-identity and higher drive for independence (higher agency).
Strong mothers birth strong children. Why do you think asian males are such huge doormats? Every trait has its downsides. In the extreme, european women can be selfish whores. But the golden mean in behaviour in a western woman is preferable to the golden mean in behaviour in a chink.
Based Indonesia-user.
Thanks m8s.
Gutter oil is a term used in China and Taiwan to describe illicit cooking oil which has been recycled from waste oil collected from sources such as restaurant fryers, sewer drains, grease traps and slaughterhouse waste. The issue is frequently found in People's Republic of China; however, the issue is not limited to China, Southeast Asia is also a problematic area in this regard.
Checking for truth. I can admire some stuff that they do or have done, but that doesnt mean I want to be a part of their group or that they want me to be part of their group, and vice versa.
If only they knew how good they have it.
They estimate 1/3 of all their oil is shit/piss sewer oil, which guarantees they're all ingesting large quantities of shit/piss oil.
In all likelihood, they are covering their asses because they want youtube shekels.
I understand how shit oil is possible, but is piss oil?
Why the fuck did I sage
This. It's not really Asia we fall in love with, it's our perception of (westernized) Asia, and our shared values.
Dont do this. Unless you are over and and plan on leaving or something. You dont wanna have Supreme Gentlemen children in the US. The best case scenerio is you have a hot daughter and she still will still have identity issues.
I have an Asian gf, Im not gonna have kids with her. Ive dated a few asian girls as I used to be stationed in japan. Almost all asian women make great girlfriends, but dont be foed into kids or marriage. Dont race mix. Try to have white kids or not at all.
was waiting for this scap
can confirm!
living in in the middle of a big slav country near local university with less than 10 thousand pupils in a city with about 1-2 million people and man…
fucking asians! buryats, kazakhs, komis, chukchi, japanese, korean, chinese are EVERYWHERE! strolling on the street hunting down single not even white boys.
Meanwhile in reality, Asians are basically an insect hivemind alien to western values even if they mimic them on the surface.
Even if racemixing was not fucking disgraceful, these woman are not to be fucked with, they think you are married after one date, and by and large Chinese woman are not only not whores, they are fucking the worst in bed.
Bruno Ganz als Adolf Hitler (aus dem Film "Der Untergang" von 2004) - Die Logik der Frauen.mp4
Would NOD race mix
They dont have seperate sewers for piss and shit user.
I would you degenerate faggot.
Eternal Keks.
Is this a new meme?
Post some non nude high quality native Chinese women.
No Turks.
Stop ruining threads. >>>/r9k/
you are thinking of roaches user
Do NOT racemix. Racemixing is child abuse.
t. Mischling
Why can't you just accept both sides?
The problem isn't the race-mixing, it's that if you're marrying a yellow girl you're not making white babies
Just focus on the adorable blonde babies you want
This is another thing people don't quite grasp about race-mixing. The hapas often look good, but that is because white men have their pick
Not gonna happen, be realistic
Because both sides won't accept them in return. They'll always be an "other."
Fuck, well it's too late now.
It's happening already, in limited quantities. I think there was a poll a while ago, and many women agreed they would rather be in a polygamous relationship with a "rich handsome guy" (alpha male) than an exclusive relationship with some poorfag beta male.
If there was a deficit of men (like say, after a war) and those remaining got their shit together (race mixing punished by death, along with strict border controls), that is what would happen.
I don't know if I should be flattered by their admiration for us, or disgusted by their own cuckoldry.
I mean, it's one thing if only the girls themselves crave to be bleached, but when their elder family members actively encourage it, it's pretty fucking weird. I thought Asians, especially the elders, had pride in their heritage.
And I'm not gonna lie, I think Asian women are pretty damn hot, but I still want my kids to look like me, and I want to honor my ancestors by continuing my lineage in a manner which they would approve of.
Not even the first time I read this, and I still laughed so hard I got hiccups.
I dont know who the bigger wannabe jew is, the chinese or the koreans
This. Any race mixing is bad for us. Yellow fever faggots belong in the oven with the rest of the degenerates.
I love this video. It's like the entire population of China has been jamming red pills down their throat for a decade and they just keep vomiting them up.
It must be frustrating to the locals when Westerners act like they have a right to be accepted.
Despite of their virtues a future can exist without Asians but not without Whites, and Asians being on average smarter than Whites know it. Even considering the potential for supreme gentleman hapa individuals, Europoid enrichment is in long terms beneficial for Asian societies and in contrast to us they are not demographically threatened by miscegenation.
The little dicked faggots ride pee-wee riceburners. Not even a crotch rocket, which only hardcore dicksuckers ride. Real men ride American made bikes. You fags that ride rice grinders are beyond contempt, and need to be gassed immediately.