Russian Holocaust ice-skating routine slammed as 'unbelievably tasteless'

(CNN)A Holocaust-themed ice skating routine on a Russian reality television show, involving the wife of a high-level aide to President Vladimir Putin, has sparked outrage around the world.

The act was based on the award-winning 1997 Italian film, "Life is Beautiful," which tells the story of a Jewish father who tries to hide his son from the horrors of the Holocaust through humor and games.
In the routine, set to Israeli singer Noa's "Beautiful That Way" from the film's soundtrack, former Olympic ice skater Tatiana Navka and her dance partner Andrei Burkovsky dance in the striped pajamas and yellow six-pointed stars which Jewish victims of Nazi concentration camps were forced to wear.

At the end, Burkovsky is heard being shot as Navka stands alone, looking grieved.
The dance was part of a celebrity ice-skating show on Russian television, named "Ice Age," similar to the United States program "Dancing with the Stars" or the UK's "Dancing on Ice."
Navka married President Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov in a large ceremony in August 2015.

International backlash
Director of International Affairs at Australia's (((Our Greatest Ally))) and Jewish Affairs Council, Jeremy Jones, told CNN the act had been "unbelievably tasteless."
"The lack of thought that would have to go into making that decision is almost mindblowing … Long after they're forgotten as ice skaters they'll be remember as people who sunk to such depths to get some celebrity," he said.
Jones said he hoped the backlash to the routine would serve to remind the world of the horrors of the Holocaust.
The "Ice Age" act also attracted harsh criticism on social media, with hundreds tweeting their shock and horror at the Holocaust-themed act.
US comedian Sarah Silverman tweeted, "Oh those whacky Holocaust victims (OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD)."

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shit I rushed it a bit

Archive isnt working atm

Got it archived

Based Putin BTFO-s the echobergs yet again.

Its almost as if the gopniks are kikes eh? Who would have thought…
I hope they get glassed.

PPRRRresenting, "The Holocaust…. On Ice!"

Makes me wonder if they ever did ice skating on the pool during winter.

I wish fuckwits would stop trying to be offended on the behalf of other people.

Daily reminder that ridiculing the holohoax, instead of denying it, is what hurts the kikes the most. It also let's you circumvent those pesky anti-denial laws yuropoors have

Hitler dubs confirm, mocking the holocaust is the final solution.

But all those Jews making money off the Holocaust is perfectly fine? Fuck off.

What is Ice Age chan trying to tell us?



she should be gassed for hate speech

I thought (((they))) like free coverage about their shoah?



How can they make money of it if it's free?

Selling the ads?

8/10 was pretty good but would've been a 10/10 if they did a triple axel straight into an oven at the end

buying ash trays from the Auschwitz gift shop?

this could be straight out of south park haha

wew lad


Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, BEETLEJUICE!

Holy kek

Those jews are on thin ice

Fuck this made my day

They should have had a skater in an SS uniform chase them around. That would be more fun.


Jews, creators of pajamas since 1940

My sides have been holocausted.


Greatest current year of all time

It would have been proof we are in best timeline, right now I just think we are in quite good timeline

They really do "ecccchhhh" and "vekch" at anything having to do with the Holocaust that isn't "approved" by them.

This the creator of Housewitz got holocausted himself.

I wonder what effect humorizing the "holocaust" on a mass scale would have?

When you ice-skate the holocaust, you win.

That would be neat. Please Kek, let it come true.

We can make it come true. We have already humorized Hitler to a certain extend.

kek wills it

I was having trouble finding evidence for the holocaust other than hearsay and "because I said so". Could anyone help me out in this regard?

it's probably even easy to get liberals to get on that train. after all they love breaking taboos

Sincerely don't see why they're so butthurt about this. Kikes whore out the holocaust for shekels all the fucking time, pic related. It only becomes not ok when it's done on skates?

or is it because they're not making any shekels off of this performance


Oh I assure you goy it was the crime of the century®! Nothing is worse than the Holocaust™!

(((sparked outrage around the world)))

15 million oy veys,

if you use numerology it actually becomes 6 million because 1 + 5 = 6

did you know there are also 6 million masons around the world?

Isn't that a crazy coincidence too :^)

For fucks sake if you want Holocaust denial to go mainstream, do it with better spelling.

Oi vey moishe, things getting hot under the collar there?

I've never noticed the spelling errors until now


Also what the fuck is the difference between this and schindlers list? Explain this shit, you can do holocaust movies, books, plays, but ice skating makes it offensive? Why, because jews are too clumsy to skate?

They should end the performance with lots of smoke from a smoke machine and the ice skaters pretending to die from the fake 'gas'.

What a great shoah that would be!

OK instead of skating on ice, they should skate on a giant bar of jew soap. you know the kind of soap that never actually existed.

Give a Jew free pajamas, free housing, guaranteed job, free medical, swimming pool, pet rabbits, lots of Jewish neighbors and what does he do?
Accuses you of mass murder.

top lmao

Australia did it first when we put Bananas in Pajamas.

I couldn't imagine doing that as my career.

requesting shoop with a striped peel

Oy vey, anudda show

not a shoop but found good material for people to work on. Also Bananas in Pyjamas implicated in #PizzaGate?

holy fuck I forgot about this show

The connection to the shoah is so obvious now but how could an under 10-year-old kid understand stuff like that? Holy fuck this show is creepy, a bit similar to the teletubbies.


shitty OC incoming

in my country calling something 'bananas' means it's crazy /stupid. how's that in other countries?

More like unbelievably WEW LADS… amirite?

Are the skaters Jews? Are they offended because a couple goys tried to make shekels off the lolocaust?

You can't make this shit up.


Shooooooananas, Sho Sho Shoananas.

delete this.

I want to give that nigger her own farm and a thousand Detroit niggers to work it

Ov Vey those numbers.

Lol, no thanks.

Stop using newspeak like "holocaust deniers" or "deny the holocaust" use something like "debunkers" or some shit. Its loaded language implying its a fact and you're denying it, by its very nature it implies the truth of the holohoax.
"debunkers" "reviewers" we need a new word.
I don't know help me out here, Holla Forums.


nah its still too loaded and gives too much credence.

We need to out newspeak the kikes

I don't get what's wrong here, other than being based on a work of fiction.

What the fuck? Isn't this movie called a "It's A Wonderful Life" or even "It's A Beautiful Life"?

user you are dumb

I'm guessing you're referring to the fact there is a 1947 American film called "It's A Wonderful Life"? I'm aware of that, but I distinctly remember this film having a different name.

two words for you: mandela effect

Well sign me up, I want a tank.

I am now convinced you fucks have some repeating number generator in cooperation with this website, anytime Mandela Effect is mentioned on this board it is slid to all hell, anybody who posts about it is ignored or ridiculed, (1)s come out of nowhere posting impotent garbage, I don't know what's going on in this world right now but we are experiencing some serious shit.

Nice dubs. And I don't know which 'you folks' you meant, in this case, but I'm just another anonymous poster. I thought that line from the imdb summary was funny.

Also, "It's a Wonderful Life" didn't have anything directly to do with the holocaust, to my knowledge.

What did she mean by that?

"From “The Producers” to “Curb Your Enthusiasm,” it’s such a staple of Jewish humor that Sarah Silverman once said, “The Holocaust isn’t always funny.” "

"Pearlstein: Context is really important. We saw Sarah Silverman’s early days of “Jesus is Magic” in a little black box theatre on Bleecker Street, and we laughed. She did 15-20 minutes of Holocaust jokes, and in that community of people, it was very funny. I had Renee watch YouTube clips of Holocaust jokes, and I blanched while I was filming that. The context of seeing these jokes through the eyes of a 90-year-old survivor was different. "

Lets please do some math here
6 million / 7 (bodies per chamber) = 857142.857
857142.857*2 (hours) = 1714285.71
1714285.71 / 24 (hours per day) = 71428.5712
71428.5712 / 365 (days per year) = 195 (years)
Wew lad, 195 years to cremate all of those bodies, even if it took 7 bodies and 2 hours.
Plus, 6 millon bodies would be at minimum 18 million pounds of ash.

South Park would only ever make Jews look harmless, not foolish

Just realized I was a retard, of course they didn't have only one cremator.
Oy vey, even with 100 it would take 2 years STRAIGHT of time.

Kikes on ices.


These digits!

Russians seriouslh have to drop the muh holocaust narrative

As if germany would've spent precious fuel at the end of the war, to burn trashlike a bunch of kikes. They would've just tossed them off of a cliff into a hole. Very efficient. Nobody wastes fuel to burn trash when they need it for their tanks.

So do I. Every good ice skating leaves one with new ideas. Holohoax-on-Ice here is no exception.

Laugh-The-'Caust-Off should be a fucking thing.

Do (((they))) claim all 6 million were cremated? They also claim there are mass graves somewhere… But they would also have cremated other people aside from jews only. So is the claim actually more or less than 6 gorillion in the oven?

'Skeptics'. Triggers fedorafags too.

Just do the 911 thing on it, and spread of facebook, twitter and other popular websites. Its so easy instead of spreading spreadsheets or graphs on holocaust to spread jokes about them, so people will stop taking matters happened almost a century ago like it happened yesterday to kikes, and that will damage kike's reputation too.

This is the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina's capital city.
Acording to kikepedia 2.890.151 people live there.
So if we had to take the holocaust stories as true we need two Buenos Aires cities to keep the 6million jews, but every concentration camp has the size of half its neighborhoods or less.

And this is the province of Buenos Aires, it has 15million people, so you would need half it size to keep all the jews.

I dunno Dubsy the Wonder Hound, but I gotta say I hope we can get DVDs of the Holocaust on Ice.
They can tagline it as

There would have been more than one oven. Other problems: a cremation oven can't run 24 hours a day. Even if it were possible you would need to turn it off to remove the 15 lbs of ashes per body, so we're talking around 100 lbs of ash if we use 7 bodies. It would be very difficult to accomplish this.

Also, you would need absolutely massive amounts of fuel.

IIRC there are about 15million kikes worldwide currently

You would need many people on staff 24 hours a day to load the bodies, burn the bodies, remove the ashes, dispose of the ashes (remember: a hundred pounds every 2 hours per oven), clean the ovens, and replace the fuel. You would need huge quantities of fuel to keep these super ovens burning.

and of course we're assuming that our ultra ovens never need maintenance. Of course they will need to be turned off and worked on when problems arise, which they will. You would need lots of materials and labor on hand to make these repairs immediately. Every time you turn that bad boy off, you've got 7 rotting bodies piling up every two hours. This would truly be an industrial operation.

IIRC Hitler fled to Argentina…

It looks like there really is ice water in hell.

In that "holocaust" meme, put jude stars on their pajamas.

Repeat after me: "there are no good niggers."

revisionist implies underhanded rewriting history kike shit. Something more along the line of scrutiny would do better I think.

Hell is a cold place after all. And it gets colder the deeper you go.

Wew childhood ruined, but in a good way.

I suppose its pre-programming before the real shit starts, like getting used to it before you know what the hell it really does or is supposed to mean and later on getting all the other shit seeping on. Which works wonderful on kids and animals alike, old tactic.
Not only that it also works with parents as they usually watch this shit with the kids

Speaking of loosely-related childhood memories…

Dubs of truth. You're absolutely right. Nobody listens to holocaust denial no matter how coherent, but holocaust jokes always get a few stifled chuckles.

Let's face it, nobody but Holla Forums and the jews really cares if the holocaust actually happened. Countless genocides far worse than even their claimed 6 gorillion have happened before and since. The jews only care because it gives them the ultimate in victim status, or as they say "it outdoes the martyrdom of Christ."

To remove their victim status, we need not prove the holocaust incorrect, simply laugh at them so hard we get the entire world in on the joke.

this is an omen

come on 雪ちゃん i believe in you


I love it.

I'm doing both. Both need to happen.

Also reminder that ridicule is literally out of the kike's playbook. Time to give them a taste of their own medicine.


Holy shit a time traveler. How did you get here from the 60s?

Of course, but remember how mad people got at 9/11 conspiracy theorists in the early 2000s, and how easy it is to talk about now? Jokes did that.


Holohoax on Ice and Swasti-cakes.

Bad day for kikes. Kek wishes to awaken the Normie's to the lunacy of Jews and their propaganda of guilt for the joke it is.

I am loving this time line.

don't you mean beetlejews

They're not even making fun of the kikes. It's just some ballet routine about boohoo these poor yids done with ice skating and they're acting like the russians were yucking it up because ice skating is a punch line or something.

Why not turn holocaust denial into holocaust humor? Make it the ultimate "you're-not-supposed-to-laugh-at-it" genre of dark humor.

repeat after me: "I'm an autistic faggot"

I bet they didn't get their Holocaust(tm) shekels.


It should also apply to 6 million, for example
You get the idea. The goal is to make 6 million seem overly dramatic when describing the quantity of something.


Grand idea user make fun of it all day long but never deny it.
Top Kek

Standard Holla Forums reply to this question.


I've got to give Gottfried some credit, he's pretty fucking funny

Treblinka had open fire grills not ovens and that body count number is 4 times as much as the (((official toll))). dont spread obvious kike misinformation because it only discredits the revisionist cause. this one took seconds to double check. any interested newcomer will see the obvious discrepancy and be more inclined to disregard all future holohoax revision claims they hear.
Fuck off kike/good goy/reddit/cuckchan/etc.

kek, posting this since I dont see anyone else posting it

How's this, then?

Should be a gesture in a souls game and you get it from defeating the Lord Of Ash

Open air grills made of train tracks are an even more ridiculous and easily disproven method of getting rid of that many bodies. The amount of time/labor to turn something completely to ash with that setup is frankly worse than the cremation oven stories.

Forgot my embed

Is there any video footage of this?

Just ask them about Holodomor and the Jewish slaughter of Ukrainians. Then call them Holodomor deniers.

what about shooting at the edge of a pit then covered in lime like a jew lasagne?

i was just thinking… in grade school when I used to get gold stars for good performance, that was… antisemitic?


That's supposed to be pozzed but it just lights me up.

/r/ bananas in pajamas in an oven

my grandfather was skinned and turned into a pair of ice skates when he was only 10 years old!

The mass graves were looked into, and all of them (so far) are undisturbed ground.