Qt Nazi thread
The captcha for this post was "Qt Jinx"
Qt Nazi thread
The captcha for this post was "Qt Jinx"
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Go back to cuckchan and take your attention whores with you, faggot.
You're the faggot here, friend
It's like the site outage was a reset. A reset to shit. What the fuck is going on?
Kill yourself anytime fam
If you goal isn't to have legions of Nazi hoes at our disposal then wtf are you doing
My goal is keeping cuckchan off of Holla Forums. Back you go, cancer.
No thanks.
I'm convinced that most of these types of girls are just models or photoshops.
Every Nazi girl I see in documentaries or online (like Sinead) are fucking ugly meth-head looking cunts.
I refuse to believe that 9/10 or 10/10 qt3.14 Aryan Nazi girls actually exist.
They're a fucking myth.
I'm so lonely I'd settle for a 6/10 as long as she's white and redpilled :(
who do you think makes those documentaries, user?
also, saging this cuckchan thread
They are here to breed and be homemakers, their political beliefs do not matter.
I know that. I also said online, mang.
Untermensch everywhere.
The pol books thread gets bumplocked but this shit is still up?
all my this
Also… inked like fucking prisoners.
Degenerate attention whores.
Stop acting like trailer trash Holla Forums.
this alone is a reason to
kike mods will anchor this
Fuck off with your faggoty new D&C tactic, Holla Forums is already aware of it, you bucket of taint paste.
Productive thread.
As they should
why not post this shit somewhere it wont get deleted in a day?
Women in any political movement are mostly ugly. There are evolutionary reasons why females prefer being part of the main stream of politics. hi
is this ironic shitposting or are you just an autistic virgin?
pic #2 is a degenerate coalburner whore. pic #4 is obviously a whore too. gtfo loser
Fuck that Jew who said that the sinless shall throw the first stone, let's stone whores immediately.
Girl in the second pic is a Jew. It's sad that you fuckers can't tell.
Make some oc pointing out those 6point stars, backward swastikas and disgusting fucking gauged ears.
those other "white" girls with tattoos are disgusting also
how can you tell?
I dont see a hook nose or any Jewy looking facial feature.
I do consider her disgusting though because of:
though I don't see anything thats obviously Jewish about her phenotype
I bet you fall asleep every night muttering "muh pol books thread" …. "fucking hotwheels"
also, disgusting tatooed sluts ITT
I could tell right away, I didn't get why she's dressed like that
a46 is degenerate and should be gassed
MGTOW leave. This is clear D&C tactics
Most girls I see with Trump hats are >= 8/10. You can be a race realist and not act/dress in a way that gets you ostracized.
Sage for excessive degeneracy.
These girls will never fall for you OP
QT Nazi girls will go with Nazi Chads anyways
Get your lube ready.
I hesitate to share with Holla Forums but I love Holla Forums and not Jew
I don't know why, but I really like defined noses. Bretty attractive facial feature.
do you know what you've just done
Not yet
Roman noses are defined and not at all weasealy.
The puffy eyes, for starters.
no, exposing it for attention is whoring and fawning over that behavior is degenerate
go back to 4chan
Women aren't national socialist because they cannot into politics. They are LARPing for attention.
Fuck Yeah
mgtow much?
Pick one.
I never said don't marry and have children. I pointed out degenerate behavior and your pea brain needs to conflate it with things you don't like to justify your opposition. Validating women for these antics is one of the causes of this cucked/blue-pilled culture.
Notice how guys rarely take pictures like this? It's because guys are true in their ideals and not superficial filth like all of these women, who act and make decisions based on how they perceive it'll appeal to others who they desire to appeal to. These women are mostly the same tier of mentally depraved filth that fuck niggers (otherwise known as wiggers, who do the same by blasting rap music, use dark-as-fuck spray tan, twerking etc.). They're fuck toys. They're not feminine, and they're certainly not mother material. They're just sluts trying to get their vaginas filled by doing whatever it takes to appeal to the type of men they like. No loyalty. No devotion. Just a desire for social acceptance. Pathetic. Disgusting. Trash. I'd take a naturally Left-of-center woman with no political leanings or interest in politics who's feminine and sweet over a "Nazi" girl or far-Right bimbo any day. Women can't be allies. They'll never be allies. Men are allies. Men provide and protect. Women merely exist beneath us. These women are white trash. The only worthwhile women are those with no political leanings who embrace their femininity.
Saging because this is a dumb thread and the OP has posted some degenerate images and everyone here is a twat.
But just for morale purposes I have a female friend who is Nat-Soc at my school and we found eachother by chance. What are the chances haha. Unlike most of the photos posted here she doesn't whore around with swastika tattoo's taking shirtless photos of herself.
This was just joking around between us on Snapchat btw. Not literal larping. But still literal Nat-Soc.
She doesn't even look white…
Don't let the black hair dye fool you. She has Dutch heritage apparently.
that was in the context of Pharisees being hypocrites, idiot.