The delusion continues. Apparently now they don't care if all federal funding gets pulled to save muh immigwants.
"Cities Vow To Fight Trump on Immigration, Even lf They Lose Millions"
Other urls found in this thread:
It's just virtue signalling for the overwhelmingly cucked populations of these cities. Then when Trump cracks down the city officials can say they did all they could.
I give them a week before they start murdering each other.
Literal 3rd world shitholes incoming.
Half the city will die in a week of starvation.
Actions speak louder than words, so we'll see if they actually don't care.
They will became redpilled the hard way.
This is the fulcrum of potential class-A happenings. It's going to get real comfy in a couple months.
How many years has the number been at 11 million?
We should Alex Jonestown this shit up and meme the conspiracy theories to life. Cut off the major cities and start mass imprisonment of the liberal garbage in the FEMA camps we once thought were reserved for us.
I live in a sanctuary city but only until July
Will we be ghouls by then?
It will soon be 6 gorillion
What happened to humanity? I know we were never perfect but we were never this cucking hellbent on destroying ourselves. We usually as a whole tried to build and improve. Now we just want chaos and lawlessness. What. The fuck. Happened?
This type of childish behavior defines these morons. When you're dealing with kids they make all sorts of threats that only harm themselves while you're not harmed at all, e.g. "If you don't give me X for supper I just won't eat." Unsurprisingly, women also use this same type of "logic" with various hunger strikes and threats of self-harm.
What they never seem to grasp, and what constantly amazes me, is that they think they can somehow beat you in a battle of wills while they are suffering and you are not.
So noble.
Look fuck head, you cant just pick and choose what laws you want to follow or not. Whats next? Dont feel like paying taxes or hey why not turn a blind eye to murder.
This isn't even close to being true. In Southern California alone there is over 5.5 million illegals, that includes street shitters, chinks and spics.
So much money and time wasted. Stupid ESL programs and dumbing down the curriculum for these 85IQ mestizos so they can grow up to clean hotel rooms. Meanwhile the poor white kids are bored in class having to put up with this shit because some bureaucrats couldn't stop the invasion because of feels.
its gonna be really funny when federal agents just walk into the cities and do it anyways, and they also get no money. Because state and local police have no jurisdiction of federal officers. Thats why the DEA busts down pot shops in cali all the time even though its legal in the state.
Trump better pull out the federal funding from these cities.
It's like NOW suddenly liberals believe in nullification because it suits their interests
No, there's no doubting it really. The third-worlders they brought in will cost money, and make a third-world environment wherever they live.
With third-worlders you lose. There is no other outcome.
Almost all western (and I’d wager all of the American cities making this threat) have destroyed their ability to naturally create cohesion and prosperity amongst their populace.
The “diversity” renders any chance of creating peaceful and prosperous conditions impossible, it takes a hell of a lot of money and brute force to stop chaos breaking out. If the money is cut off then all hell will break lose incredibly quickly. Those who are economically mobile will bolt away near instantaneously and what remains will fight.
They can try this if they want, those in charge of these actions will also be amongst the first to leave when it all goes wrong.
Not what but rather who.
The darkness of skin tone determines the level of poverty, anywhere on the planet.
This seems obvious now, but what I wonder is why nobody seemed to realize this way back in 1965. My guess is there were leftists of the day, motivated by the hippie stuff going on at the time. People didn't feel safe objecting to changing the immigration law.
I wager, like, a week before they swallow that pill
To add to your post: a lot of those places harbouring illegals are paying massive amounts in welfare to keep them there. If the money runs dry those illegals will riot and loot to take what they were promised. The cucks living with them will die first and the rest of the country will see just how necessary deporting those subhuman welfare sponges is.
They already are 3rd world shitholes and they don't care. What needs to happen is Trump needs to send in the military and needs to have city officials rounded up and arrested.
Sactly. The SJW mentality is self-sabotage at its finest. They promote beta thinking so the foreign alphas can march right in. When the major cities fall, the civil war will begin. I have faith that the countryside people are armed to the teeth, and will thwart the cucked hordes.
It’s a pretty lengthy subject matter but the causation of the destruction of homogenous societies in that period tends to be by my understanding a blend of:
Jewish intellectuals working under the premise that they are less likely to be exiled (as is consistent in their entire history) in a racially ambiguous setting.
Blinding greed mixed with economic booms justifying the importation of immigrant labour, today’s immigrant labour force is tomorrows “X community”.
Marxist “theory” establishing early forms of wrong thought preventing honest discussion about the consequences of such actions.
Not the military. Locals who are fed up with their traitorous politicians, let them do the job.
Most rural folk are armed. The future is going to be fun.
I mostly agree but would point out that life (to the standard that SJW types enjoy) in cities tends to come at a premium. Using the example of London (as I am familiar with it) rent (again, for a SJW who unlike the non-native groups who they champion does not live in over crowded squalid conditions, 5 to a bedroom) is very high, few could dream of property ownership (a market now in the hands of wealthy foreign players from all over the world) so are ultimately not invested in the city.
I’d wager that those who have become pawns and advocated for the oncoming chaos would simply leave. As soon things turned from a virtue signal opportunity (i.e. the placards and chants stop and the murders start) they would just run away. Few would actually die, most would be sat at their parents dining table in the suburbs/ countryside by sun down.
At which point the placards and chants start up again and the SJW parasite sets about destroying their new habitat too.
Leftism is a mental illness.
Let then do it. And if (((ISIS))) pulls off another attack in one of those cities, the motherfuckers can clean it up and everything else wit their own fucking money. These fucking cuckolds are going to try to test Trump, seems a bit similar to what the ATCs did to Regan (though granted wasn't even born yet).
These wastes-of-life aren't used to having their bluffs called. Do it once and you'll see how they get into line quickly, just as they did with Reagan. The real number of illegals is ~ 23-27 million based on all estimates I've seen. We just can't fucking afford it.
Mexicans really do complete with the Jews for having the greatest amount of brass, i.e. "call the gringos racists and they will back off." I've known wealthy Mexicans in my life. Have been to their houses, where they hire negro maids and gardeners from the Caribbean so they don't even need to look at the local mestizos.
If you want an idea of what the Mexican upper class looks like (the top 5%-8% or so), see the movie "Y Tu Mama También." THT is what wealthy Mexicans look like. Surprise, lust like in every other Central/South American nation, the Whiter you are, the wealthier and higher your social status. Almost as if European genes indicate superior intelligence…but no, our marxist academia assures us that cannot be true.
(below are just a few examples..the border jumper, wet back trolls? Trump is 100% correct when he says "Mexico are not sending their best." They send their mestizo/Indian low IQ trash, and laugh at the grinds that all they need to say is "racism" and it will shut them up.
There are no white "locals" in inner cities other than old timers who didn't leave in time. The entire security apparatus needs to be mobilized against traitorous officials, that includes police forces, the military, federal agents, etc.
If we have any readers here who are about to apply to uni, med school, or law school, if your surname or your mother's maiden name sounds even remotely spic, CHECK THE SPIC BOX. IT's a bit harder to bull off for med school (where interviews are required), but for LS? IT's like adding 12 points to your LSAT.
And schools aren't going to check that closely, that just want the statistic to be able to claim more "diversity." My mother had an Italian maiden name that I could EASLY have claimed as Spic. What a fucking mistake I made believing I should "be honest." I'd have gotten into harvard and yale law rather than just georgetown and nyu level schools.
One thing I learned from long term relationships: Honesty is the WORST policy.
underrated point
The same reason why northern liberals are anti-racist: lack of first-hand experience.
You know, in a way this acrually a good thing as some of you have already pointed out. Cucks within the city will realise how wrong they are the hard way. The red pill will burn pretty bad when they wake up in a thirdworld shithole.
so, let them. They'll learn the truth or get murdered/raped by niggers and spicks.
Escape from San Francisco will become a reality
So? The cities in question will sink into poverty and ruin but they would have done so even with billions of dollars pumped into them. Denying them the cash hastens the decline, sure, but it also allows the money to be spent on something other than economical and social black holes.
Wouldn't it be a crime to be an accessory to illegal immigration? How long could these people be locked up for if Der Trumperor decided to make the justice department do its job for one?
They are going to be crushed by the weight of their own delusions.
Mental illness
Top Kek, I'd give them 6 months tops before they bend the knee.
This. The moronic citizens of these cities probably don't realize what a cut in fed money really means and what it will effect. The mayors do, but as long as they put out good PR, they can point the finger elsewhere when the cities start failing.
I hope the irony of these people and their predecessors being the ones who threw a fit until the southern states were desegregated at the business end of rifles isn't lost on anyone.
Mostly democratic-run cities anyway, getting their funding cut is a great way to blame all of their failed policies on big bad meanie Trump for cutting their funding.
Good plan. The cities lose money, can't fund the welfare programs, making them less attractive to immigrants. Either way, Trump wins.
But user we will just seize the means of production! ;^)
Turd-world people have no problem with living in a shithole. It's what they know. No public services doesn't bother them too much. See South Africa.
I can tell you rural folk have no desire to go into cities for any reason. Those that do, do it out of neccesity for something like a job. Citycucks can eat each other alive and burn it all down. I'm all for creating a defensive siege line around cities and killing any who try to escape until they're burned out hellscapes where pigeons feast on the dead. I've specced out how to weld a mount for my .50bmg on top of the side by side I'm buying for just such an occasion. In most instances people will just defend their communities.
Do cityfags really think they'll be able to infiltrate rural farmland or small towns? I can tell you they are real easy to spot. Hell, most of the places I've lived we'd just have to set up armed roadblocks on the state route that runs through town. If you're unlucky your town might have an intersection of two of them. Have a few guys patrolling the nearby atv/snowmobile trails and logging roads to catch any smart enough to use them. If they're smart/well equipped enough to go over country, not die, and infiltrate the town without being spotted immediately, they're probably a useful addition anyway.
6 million sounds like a good start :^)
I only go into the major city for cheap consumer goods. The other day I picked up a decent $30 Chinese electric chainsaw sharpener marked down from $50 since I'm too goofy and left handed to sharpen by hand.
This was some OC I made.
Values my ass
wow user how am I going to get my cheap labor? Since i am so retarded that I can't paint a house or cut my lawn even tho I live in an apartment?
Where I'm from nobody has a love of the cities or the people from. Same dealio, checkpoints and people stalking the woods.
The funny thing is there is no more production to seize. The wealthy, sheltered SJW faggots in San Fransisco will just have to clean their own houses and water their own lawns. Lord knows they won't hire a citizen to do it at a reasonable wage.
The media/gov has reported 11-12 million since at least 2002.
No equal protection under the law for Whites allowed.
That is probably low ball it is probably at least 20-30million they will never actually admit to how many there really is.
The hipsters will love it when sanitation services stop and there are 15 foot piles of rotting garbage in front of their quarter million dollar lofts.
Oh there's no doubt it's much higher. That 12 million is just what the government has consistently reported for the past 15 or so years.
What trump needs to do is raid the Democrat's HQs ,and MSM to confiscate their HDDs to look for proof of treason.
I actually argue along the lines to most zombies that all this mass migration hurts non-white communities the most same with letting in Muslims with other non-Muslim ME people you are making them suffer the worst of the worst while pretending to be some moral humanitarian person. Since going the inferior subhuman route is too extreme for normalfags
I'll just leave these here. (((Jan Schakowsky's))) town. She is the wife of Robert Creamer.
Mayor seeks to strengthen sanctuary city policy:
Library books about Islam defaced:
Local Democrats vow revenge in 2018:
Trump policies may impact school financing:
That Eric Garcetti guy is the mayor who literally said "don't break too many laws" when the spics and leftists were rioting in Los Angeles.
Tell me they can't do this.
The man in the upper left of the first pic?
Leftism happened
Try 2 million dollar lofts. I can't wait to see their stupid faggot faces when their beloved shitskins start raping on the subway in broad daylight like in the 1980s.
I'm glad I took my Glock with me when I moved to the city, shoutout to LEOSA permit for making libs buttfurious for years.
This cuck.
I mean…sorry for living in a city. There simply isn't work for a lot of people outside them. Our ancestors built cities. Look at Rome, even, if anything it's our damned right to take back and reverse white flight it. Stop trying to D+C us please.
Yeah, I definitely misspoke on the price range.
Every time
Those FEMA camps WERE reserved for us. We narrowly memed our way out of them. Now we must meme our enemy into them.
More like 6 weeks from when the funding stops.
Needs Breivik in the empty back seat
That is where Trump was sitting.
It's actually ((Garcetti)) user.
That will last… not very long
This is too good.
What a cuck. Is he a crypto?
Trump will litteraly weaponize the dindus against the democraps.
Meant *reelected
Close, but the roads would need to be held for the duration to prevent them from escaping.
Jews, self loathing cucks, women, mentally ill degenerates, bipolar mongrels
All genetic defects that have no instinct of what is right or wrong.
definitely jews
Sealing up cities and waiting 6 months would solve 90% of this countries problems.
Aren't SNAP & EBT government funded too? Wouldn't it bankrupt all the blacks in every city too if they lose their government funding?
Democrats want to keep their voterbase user. All cities are occupied territory owned by Mexicans and governed by Kikes. Look at Detroit, Gary IN, 85% Nigger.
Lel. They're just going to use them as a stepping stone.
But look on the bright side; once the nigs figure out that the reason they're not getting their gibs is because of Mexicans, they're going to riot like crazy (bringing BLM along, of course) and the city is going to have to choose between standing up to the niggers to protect the spics or letting them rampage their way through the city. As a fun little bonus, assuming that Trump gets the ball rolling that within a couple months the real fun will probably start happening during the peak rioting season - Summer.
So basically we win no matter what; grab some popcorn.
Why stop at cutting federal funding? Arrest a few officials who are openly aiding and abetting illegal immigration, they'll get the message sooner or later that we're not having this shit anymore.
I didn't even bother to look into if he was a kike, but sure enough, Holla Forums is always right as rain.
SO, will all federal funding in every way be pulled from the states that allow it to take place in their state? They could start by pulling all the federal aid money for students at school in those states, that would really force the hipster and liberal faggots in college to decide to help themselves or the useful fucks who invaded our nation.
libfags btfo
Yeah, just travelling to southside chicago alone and you could immediately see trashes everywhere or even see one dindu throwing away trash on the sidewalk. You can't see them (trashes) that much on the loop.
Just a quick comment after reading the OP
It's not immoral if you do your job on the first place. You know, following the right procedures and the law. Since they're illegal anyways, the basic rule is that they BROKE the law.
Doesn't the federal have the capability to even take the money away? I believe the federal give grants to these stupid programs. Hence, they have the right to take it away. Besides, and correct me if I'm wrong, Cali might've been a subsidy state – being subsidized by other state to keep functioning.
How is this going to work for them other then liberal cocksucking?
Even the Romans hated Rome, any noble worth his salt would raise his kids on his country estate and only bring them to the city once they've hit puberty to avoid them being tainted by the pederasts, whores and bacchanalias. Leaving aside that Rome stank horribly in its hayday and was an amazing jumbled mess for the usually organized Romans.
They do not seem to realise that the money came from taxpayer's pockets. Where did their brain go? Brains must be so mistreated to the point that they ran away.
What the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.
I've seen cleaner streets in Chink land. No scratch that, on average Chink land is cleaner than that, what the fuck man.
ITT: what is power of the purse
Whatever happens gents, this has the potential to be good shit if Kek wills it.
Democrats going back to the well for Nullification? Because that worked so well last time…
Hell is forever!
Literal Socialist.
If you think noggs wont lynch the progtard mayors who cut them off from foodstamps the very same day you have a lot to learn.
niggers can't into knots
it will be necklaces
Good. One more step to state independence from the Federal Government that Trump wants to deconstruct lol.
Please get my brother out of Jew York before it happens
God damn it I didn't even realize that until now
Boston and the surrounding towns and are becoming an overcrowded never ending multicultural clusterfuck. But I'm sure the Jews who own the property, stores, and factories, and who live far away from this shit, are real happy about our new found growth.
This. Let them know how good they it normally have.
Only one thing to do.
This is good news if Trump decides to go through with his policy and doesn't puss out. Remember, not only will illegals be purged but jews receive an inordinate amount of money for owning section 8 properties. They buy up poor neighborhoods habitually because the government will pay them to house the dregs.
Trips of truth
I wonder what will break first, your body or your mind?
In other news regarding immigration it's looking somewhat better on the deportation front. Once we get a new SC justice things will begin moving along quite nicely.
Supreme Court weighs rules for jailing immigrants under a Trump administration
God Bless you sir
What city is that second webm?
I've heard it's in South Africa, the signs are in english and I've never seen cars like that in the US, so it might be true.
It's Johannesburg.