Jill Stein doesn't care about the recount, she is trying to stall the electors

The deadline for completing a recount is thirty-five days after the election, which is December 13th this year. The electors actually vote six days later, on the 19th. If they don't send the electoral college votes on that day, then Congress isn't required to accept the electoral votes from that state.


Other urls found in this thread:


Clinton supporter here. I hope she gets in. Globalism is inevitable as technology advances - this is the objective truth.


Not even trying, kill yourself


Cringe. You can do better than that, Cletus.

At least try to pretend you're CTR or /leftpol/ or someone genuinely subversive. Trolling is an art.


This is probably the least effort I've seen in a long time. You make CTR appear competent. Sad!

make shilling great again!

Not gonna happen. Firstly she can't recount Pennsylvania. Without Pennsylvania, Trump still has the required number of electoral voters

Secondly, there are Clinton Electoral Voters who have come out publicly and said they won't be voting for Clinton

Thirdly, in the event that a recount does occur and does prevent those three states from casting their Electoral Vote, and a President can't be determined as a result, the vote gets kicked to Congress, where the Republicans have the majority

TL;DR It's yet another liberal pipe dream

I thought you guys got laid off.

Nah, they didn't get laid off. They just aren't being paid.

She's a Democrat hit man who's trying kill 3rd parties.

That's some pretty funny spacing there, friendo.


And now we know why Trump kept these people on. Even more, the open position for RNC chair can now be filled with someone who is very pro-Trump (like Corey).

broken keyboard. I'm waiting on a mechanical keyboard.

Another scenario is they're testing the bounds of what's possible even knowing and not expecting to win, priming things for a next time.

They're getting (((job experience))) Too bad it can't pay for food.

She doesn't give a shit about anything except keeping a name for herself so she can run again in 2020.

remember when they thought they'd be able to intimidate 37 electors to vote clinton instead of trump?

we'll always have some spaghetti spillers who can't contain their muhdickposting

Source on the Clinton electors? I need a good laugh.

I suppose that's a matter of perspective, the real travesty here is that they're still finding food somewhere.


Really this.

I honestly do not see any way that any of this actually happens. If after conceding the election, meeting with Obama for 90 minutes, choosing his cabinet, getting security briefings, meeting with world leaders, and planning his first 100 days, Hillary Clinton becomes president on some kind of technicality, we would be crossing a point of no return politically.

Kind of a good thing really, being strung along on hope to the very end will either make them utterly broken and demoralized for Trump to work his magic or leave them fuming and making even dumber decisions than normal leaving them ready to be rounded up by Trump's magic.

The only people who are working there are kikes, the children of donors, and as the reddit slack chat shows, foreigners. The children of donors at least have (((daddy's money))) to pay for food.


its busywork to keep them from getting aids at a gay bar. Unfortunately they'll probably get it from david brock on lunch break

If Clinton gets the WH the Never Trump Faction is dead meat. It would radicalize the Republican Party.


Here's one. There were others, I think



Yet another example of that time honored tradition of leftist projection


user, you gotta at least try

Trump supporter here. I hope she gets into a coma too. Fascism is inevitable as technology advances - this is the objective truth.

Oh that's real cute Stefanie, talk down to people you believe to be your intellectual inferiors. Talk about cringe…
Hillary would be so disappointed in you, you aren't spreading her message of inclusive safe-spaces for all Americans.
Seriously, check your privilege Stefanie, you elitist bigot.

Praise Kek, das Volk shall rise again. Fuck the Jews.

very low energy
Gas chambers are inevitable if you keep this up

She just wanted shekels from bernouts and hillbots

Technology has no bearing on globalism versus nationalism.

I laughed a lot at that post for some reason. Good job.

burn the kikes
and israel
oh wait

You are an idiot

If not all electors vote then 270 isn't the amount of votes you need to win.

You need to win the majority of votes cast

I fucking hate threads when the OP is a

You must be a leaf

First, it won't happen. But, if it did happen it would crash the dollar and therefore the global economy.

The value of the USD is based on the stability of our government. If the world woke up one day and saw that we couldn't even run an election and we were totally confused and in chaos it would crash the dollar.