Why not send all women to Etiquette school,and then send them to live with the Amish?
Also should whites start a family & have more than 3 children be given basic housing fo free,or interest free loans?
Why not send all women to Etiquette school,and then send them to live with the Amish?
Also should whites start a family & have more than 3 children be given basic housing fo free,or interest free loans?
Other urls found in this thread:
At this point, it's probably the only way to save the dwindling birthrate. Whites are far too stressed in today's day and age.
Whites should get everything for free.
Just copy what the national socialists had huge success with.
The faggot RamzPaul explained it somewhere, but I can't find the webm yet.
Here is a modern politically correct approach by a regional AfD politician:
Because Amish girls are fucking degenerate. That lifestyle causes them to leave in their late teens, go fucking full degenerate, and then return as if they never sucked 50 nigger dicks. Much like 30yo white women these days.
You are gonna need sources for that claim.
It's called rumspringa. Look it up. Amish teens leave the community, go full degenerate, then return and pretend they're good, wholesome people again.
Please user, tell me why you hate the amish.
Maybe a Hitler youth ran by farmers.
then again…
I want to plant something into the minds of women. Let them experience traditional life,then drop them back into their old life. They'll crave having that traditional female role once they've experienced it.
this tbh
give them a taste of what its like to be subservient to alphas
You've spoken like a true über-cuck.
Women having to deal with things on their own is why they don't have as much of a caring nature anymore.
Implementation of rumspringa varies. Don't go off Cold Case or other TV reruns.
I'm talking about how being a stay home mother would blow most of their prospect careers out of the water.
They would go crazy once they're back in their minimum wage job. Most women are on anti-depressants.
Sometimes I fantasize about going and joining the Amish. If only there were an Amish-type community that encouraged gun ownership and proficiency, and modest internet use outside the home for research and such.
the only way to make loyal wives is grooming, you know it to be true.
You want a white ethnostate.
Also, I'd be happy if there was one small place somewhere that was a white ethnostate. We need to pool our resources and make something nice grow.
that dream has been tried many times on Holla Forums and the truth is, none of us know the first thing about it, and may of us have no funds to spare. What we are good at is information gathering, mass confusion, and memetic warfare.
remember the rules of war. a good tactic is one your troops enjoy. Stay in your realm of expertise, and force the enemy not to fight in theirs. They have the "real" world. We have the internet.
That's why the Hutterites are better. If you leave…..you're gone.
kill all women tbh
no you fucking retard nothing has been tried, only fantasized.
Gas women, save bullets
Don't worry user. We'll fix it.
Wasn't expecting Mononoke music.
The simplest thing to do is to expect and enforce a standard on women - when they see that men are attracted to homely types that are obedient and want to have children, the narrative will change.
Women are inherently motivated by the idea of attraction and what will net them most male attention. In the ages past, being a good housekeeper/farmer and a willing wife were the most attractive things and those were then instilled by mothers on their daughters to give them a chance at a good life. Nowadays, with women being raised by TV and mindless consumption, loose sexuality is the order of the day, but it can be changed with a mass change in trends.
Do not be deceived however, this puts a standard on you as a man as well, as the expectation is that you won't break rank and won't be undoing the common effort by being a loose man yourself - you must maintain the standard yourself if you want to reap the rewards - traditional women for traditional men.
And when the traditional man appears to be a motivated, youthful and prosperous male, as opposed to the basement virgin or a skinhead, women will start changing their tune.
Shame about the face
You're almost right, but:
1) Sexual attraction is biological, and won't "just go away" in favor of a moral standard
2) Most men will still feel attracted by sexual behavior, and slut shaming is not popular anymore
I believe the advent of ever-more-realistic sexbots will make women have the epiphany of "wait, I can be more than a flesh substitute for that sexbot… I can be a whole woman!"
It would be an act of love.
They are already, how many million orthodox jews dont work? They have families of 8 and live on welfare, both on the US and Israel, while the head of the family "studies" 8 hours a day.
Then you have the rabbis who can support another family of 8 by going a couple hours to check that all the food is kosher in whatever restaurant they dwell.
No because that promotes niggerism, the slag at the bottom of the barrel would jump on that faster than you could blink, the goal is to promote quality.
No. Fuck you.
This is the thing that spoke after the AfD guy. And they say stereotypes aren't accurate
I agree, 16 is fine.
But you have to understand that before she turns 16 and you can fuck her legally if you are 17, she will:
- suck the cock of her 14 yo friend, behind the school when she is 13.
- she will have anal after prom with her 16 yo boyfriend when she is 14
- she will get fucked in the pussy while doing drugs by 24 yo ahmed that does not care about the law, when she is 15
When a honest white guy with long term intentions will get access to her pussy when she is 16, it will be already too late, she will be damaged goods.
Meanwhile, see what the elites do with all the pizzagate stuff, and think twice about (((laws))) in a (((degenerate society))). We are living in a new society, rules are meant to be broken by the wise and the brave and be followed only be the fools. This is survival of the fittest.
You filthy fucking degenerate…
you think you can force them to some etiquette school? this is the only way
I live somewhere rural where the AoC is 17(and anyone who's 15-25 can just do whatever) and it's nothing like that outside of the cities.
Hell I went to middle school in the city and girls were talking about sucking cock and giving pavement apes blowjobs.
It's about a degenerate society vs. a traditional one, low AoC only works when the community(read: her father and by extension all those he has influence over) is involved in the child's love life and would fucking lynch a nigger if he got touchy.
"middle school" age in my country is twelve btw, not a burger.
16 is legal in most European and even American States.
GTFO here you fucking Christ Cuck, women and men being treated like eternal man children is what has turned universities into day cares for grown adults. This is why SJW and their retarded safe spaces are a thing, all thanks to cuckolds such as yourself. Go fuck yourself with a rake faggot.
It should be 14 or 13 you retard. I hope you don't call yourself "redpilled".
I don't support a lower age of consent in the current conditions, I support playing on the same field as your rivals.
Yes, communists are fans of child rape, you're right
What's that Schlomo? Scared of something? I don't recall mentioning Our Lord.
Kill yourself. Children are pure and should be protected. If you fuck children you are responsible for hundreds of dead whites
Either you're controlled opposition trying to make Christcucks look worse than usual, or that place needs to be nuked from orbit now.
You are out of touch. What children? 14 yo girls are not children, they saw more cocks than your whole fucking family going back to Jesus Christ.
Have you ever heard of something called puberty?
I am familiar with these sorts of things. In my experience, however, only the most degenerate women, typically catholics, sleep around to such an excessive amount.
I have a similar experience. I grew up in a small town just outside of the second biggest city in my home state, and even in the small town just outside of the city it was customary to find a long term partner (In high school, mind) and sleeping around was largely ostracized. Nobody where I grew up respected that shit. Everyone hated it, and if you did it you lost all of your friends. Partially because everyone knew everyone else, partially because it was a small town, and partially because it was a heavily Christian county due to a nearby seminary being one of the most well-known seminaries in the county.
You're thinking Catholics.
He lives in the magical land of Christcucks where puberty isn't a thing AT ALL! Not just that but all children stop being or looking like children and grow big titties and 12 inch dicks at the magical age of 18!
I'll give you guys some ancedotes as to why, at minimum, arranged marriages from 8 years old on up should exist (note, arranged marriage merely means their partner is set, not that they are married yet, nor that they have consumated their marriage yet).
In the end, the only way to stop degeneracy in the modern age is to cut it before it starts which is sadly very young.
Note, this does not mean I advocate 20 year olds marrying 8 year olds, but merely arranged marriaged since such a young age. You guys can argue as to when the marriage is consumated.
I know chaim, but don't bother making your sacrifice to Moloch, he can't save you from God
Yes they are
You sick little pervert, you hang on the day of the rope
Puberty doesn't make an adult, maturity does
You seem scared of something rabbi…
That's what you get for letting soccer moms and jews dictate laws.
get out subversive kike
I bet that when you grew up that was a white city too, and there was no Obama yet or open borders or relocated niggers giving dope for blowjobs, or beaners papis, or muslim child fuckers.. yet.
I guess me jacking off at the age of seven to Herbal Essence commercials was all in my head right? Just because you're a low T faggot who started puberty at the age of 18 doesn't mean everyone has the same growth hormone issues.
I agree.
They aren't rivals they're enemies. And if you were remotely serious about this you'd look into shit and see that sandniggers are engaging in legitimate childfucking around the globe.
Adhering to western 18/21 AoC is pure kikery.
Communists are the ones pushing the 18/21 AoC laws because they benefit from creating a permanently infantilized populace.
Teenagers aren't kids, although 14 is a bit young.
Yep, I don't know where this "christcucks pushish 18 AoC" meme came from because my country is low as shit and has hardcore christian morality.
That shit only doesn't work in a degenerate society, for instanc when I went to Amsterdam to try mushrooms there were regularly 15-16 year old skanks asking me to buy them cubensis truffles, I told them to fuck right off and even went off on a tangent about jewish bankers pushing drugs while I was under the influence btw don't take cubensis.
The laws should adhere to the society, we have closed borders and adhere to strict "christcuck" morals so the fathers involve themselves with their child's life and don't just let them go around blowing Jamal in the back of your local mosque.
I am not sure if, for USA the higher AoC is pushed by feminists or by cuckservatives reacting to the degenerate society, can one of you delicious hamburger merchants please shed some light on this?
had to laugh at my accidental banepost
If you got a mixed society, and you push AoC, you will kill the fuck out of the white birthrate cucking poor white beta guys while Ahmed and Tyrone will ignore the laws and fuck the shit out of every little whore.
But the whores would not be whores if the society didn't enable skanks, kikes push rap music and racemixing from the very top and enable it in a very overt way.
Make acting like a whore and racemixing unacceptable and you've fixed 90% of your problem.
Don't think i said that
Good goy! I'm sure it's (((pure coincidence))) you pedoshit anti-Christians are total fucking degenerates
The only parties pushing for lower AoC laws are far-left
Why do pedophiles think pure and innocent little girls are just waiting for their pathetic fat asses to come and fuck them?
I say this because it's always christcucks from my community who spout this shit.
14 wouldn't be that young if our children were actually held accountable for their actions.
Started by the feminists, not even joking either, then adopted by the Christcuck renmants of the abolition plus sufferage movements. Somewhere down the line, specifically during the sexual revolution in the 60's, feminists started fighting with each other about AoC. Now AoC is one of the many fracture points of the left.
Real Christians and Catholics I've seen don't mind their kids marrying as young as 14. However these folk are rare due to how degenerate our modern societies. I am an atheist though, so maybe it's me not being active in religious events the reason that I get exposed to the Christ Cucks the most.
I believe the initial change in the AoC was by feminists, as for their reasons you can guess. Maybe to destroy cultivating families young by arranged marriage or to actually avoid an issue. Considering you were forced to marry someone you impregnated back then however, I don't see how there was an issue.
The ones who maintain it at present are two groups: The foolish who believe the present youth are children. In body they are not, in actions they are not, in mind, maybe. However note, in the modern day from child to old man, in the mind, they are all equally as retarded.
The other group pressing it, for a good reason, would be those who realize what
said. I.e., suppose we lower it now. Great, now all those rapefugees and alike are technically doing something legal (more legal than how that one boy under 13 who was raped in the pool didn't have his assailant tried because he couldn't say no).
In effect, the AoC should be maintained as is. What should exist is a bypass, i.e. if you are married then the AoC does not apply. Then you can use the idea I stated in
without having to worry about what the degenerates do "more legal".
There is hope.
Your retarded line of logic negating the fact that sexuality emerges naturally, and does not MAGICALLY appear at the age of 18.
Go fuck yourself with a rake.
Degeneracy comes in all forms.
You are naive.
Those aren't Christians, they're sick kid fuckers
He is either a virgin or over 50. Or fucking trolling.
It is pushed by feminists. Simple motive: take out competition.
Sinful urges should be repressed
It's about being mature enough to make that decision.
Also, sex outside of marriage should be illegal
Virginity is holy
So you are half trolling/half larping. Fuck off.
Are you a Muslim in Sweden by any chance?
Pick one
Sorry i think kid fucking is wrong, maybe you should go back to reddit if you don't want your perverted fetish challenged. Everytime someone under 18 is fucked dozens of whites get shot, and i think that's wrong.
Double dubs and the same number. Kek confirmed.
Once you go trad you never go bad.
Quite literally actually, young prostitutes were stealing too much clientele from the older ones. It was never a move against degeneracy what so ever. It was always a ploy to gain control of the worth of sex.
Not masturbating increases the risk of prostate cancer in male 5 times. Enjoy your cancer and mental issues over your literally repressed sexuality. PS. Mastubration != Sex and never will be the same as sex.
Jacking off or mastubating does not make you magically unvirgin. Even as a woman you'd probably have to go out of the way and tear your own hymen.
Yes prostate cancer lad, masturbating once a week is TOTALLY an addiction, totally.
This is some poor form, I'm not even mad anymore.
Are you a low testosterone faggot who didn't start puberty until he was 18? If so it's not everyone's fault you're deficient in growth hormones bro, just your parents. Take it up with them, not the world.
Fucking pedo and your shit-tier copy pasta (>>8389111), can't wait for the DOTR and all you degenerate fucks hang
I picked both
I actually just looked up the laws in my country, it's 15 not 17 and we are right-wing as fuck(although we do have a syndicated crime problem, that's mostly theft and skimming not pedoshit though)
One of the only countries in Europe that closed the borders and kicked the scum out.
Interesting, they likely are true christcucks that don't even acknowledge the hierarchy of angels because the jesuit-commiekike pope called cheribum/sepharim satanic once.
I was speaking from personal taste, I don't really like sleeping with girls that are below 17, and that's actually where my assumption that the AoC was 17 comes from.
We don't really worry about that shit here unless someone is engaging in sickfuck shit like screwing around with prepubescent kids(which lines up with the law, girls get period around 14 here), especially those of us who are over 25 and have long-term girlfriends.
I don't think it's because you're aethiest, I think it's because USA's extremely organized and regulated church institutions are kike'd to all fuck. afaik you don't even have religion in the schools anymore, even when I was younger and lived in a city full of mud and coalburners they still had a religious element to our schooling.
This would work in USA, however some sickfuck could just marry an infant and legally be a sickfuck. There would need to be minimum age to prevent that, so it's kind of a band-aid for not purging all the degenerates.
The only variation of Christianity is mystic Christianity becuse nearly all other forms dismiss the knowledge in Ecclesiastics and Enoch as well as dismissing the hierarchy of angels for no other reason than
jerking off more than once a year is inherently degenerate. Get a fucking girlfriend and stop reddit spacing you faggot.
I bet you finger your butthole too because some jew doctor said it was healthy
What the fuck are you doing?
Stop believing Jewish lies
Enjoy your AIDS over your sexual immorality.
I know
I know
Yeah, i'm sure you don't fap to litttle boys 3 times a day, faggot
You can't, Schlomo. Nice try.
For reference I am Romanian, I just realized I didn't tell that before
I just did!
Free, no. People get lazy with free stuff. But there should be a strong discount. If our countries had leaders who weren't working 24/7 for the jew they'd have done that years ago. Also, you should get to deduct kids from your taxes (with a reasonable limit), so people who contribute more to the economy have more incentive to have kids (who hopefully will contribute in the future).
The US can't do this though since it has too many niggers already, and there's no way a "no niggers" clause would be allowed. Japs could get away with only giving it to japs, no idea why they haven't though.
I was going to refute that "cuckianity is proto-bolshevism" infograph but now I get that you're just a hypocritical degenerate from >>>/monster/ or TRS who just wants to derail.
Kill yourself.
No, it's not
Have no time for that, I study 6 hours a day, go to school full time, do 3 hours of lab work and work out 2 hours a day. Once I have a secure job and graduated I'll consider it. Until then I do not want to soil a woman just because I want to fuck.
Fucking for the sake of fucking, and not with a partner you are fully committed to is the true mark of degeneracy, not jacking off once a week.
Science is suddenly Jewish lies? do you happen to be a flat Earther by any chance?
Hard to get AIDS when you practice abstinence dumbfuck
Then why do you pretend that jacking off is something only degenerates who fuck like rabbits do? Maybe someone's projecting a little too hard.
>hypocritical degenerate from >>>/monster/ or TRS
I've never been on TRS in my life! That's slander!!
*tips fedora*
But you practice sodomy, you admitted it yourself
It is
I'm not projecting, i fight urges to practice evil
Except it is, it's just like sticking your dick in a guys asshole, it's spilling seed for the sake of spilling seed and nothing else.
More like you are too cucked, lazy, or are some kind of hardcore sperg incel who secretly hates white women and can't
Yeah, I told you to get a girlfriend not go out and screw the town-bike.
also ebin reddit spacing, I can smell your new through my dedicated service line.
TRS always posts that snek shit so I just assumed, wyatt mann(not the cartoonist) started that shit.
Everything I don't like is a Jewish lie.
Except that the scientific field is largely subverted by jews who push their nonscientific psudoscience as fact.
I bet you bought into the chemical imbalance model for mental illness because "dude skinner is a nazi lmao"
Women with big feet creep me the fuck out.
then fuck off
you afraid of clowns too?
No, just ugly proportions
Whitest counties in the United States:
Tucker County, West Virginia (100% white/non-Latino)
Robertson County, Kentucky (100% white/non-Latino)
Hooker County, Nebraska (100% white/non-Latino)
Hand County, South Dakota (99% white/non-Latino and 1% Latino)
Owsley County, Kentucky (98% white/non-Latino and 2% Latino)
Pic Unrelated.
that's understandable.
Which will magically make me contract aids?
Super cool story bro.
Why would I get in a relationship with a woman who I cannot commit my time to? The only thing I'd be able to do is fuck with her, such a thing is degenerate. A girlfirend is supposed to be someone who shares my world views and someone I can lead with me towards a better life.
It's not some disposable cum-rag.
It's called spacing after a fucking paragraph you idiot, go look at the archives on Foolz, Warosu and 4plebs before you spout your retarded shit, you seriously need to lurk the fuck more.
Or because you know the brain is a chemical thing that works via dendrites, axons, as well as potassium and sodium channels which produce the charges seen in it? This isn't even going deeply into the electrochemistry concepts of the half life of a brain impulse either. Please stop being retarded, mental illnesses are in fact something very much chemically induced.
Even those that are not genetically hereditary can still come about via epigenetic markers.
I need to do something with my 1 hour of spare time while waiting for these protein aggregates to wash out lad.
wow. you will never get a girlfriend. you're stuck in the 50s
[spoiler]Forgot to mention I'm an atheist, so this whole "spilling your seed" shit sounds retarded to me. Much like sacrificing a goat to the Ellohim, or banishing a woman during her period for seven whole days.
Lucky bastard.
That's just the way I was raised, and I will stick to it, women are not cum rags. They're partners that have to be given direction and love so we can both better ourselves. If such a thing is seen as deplorable by all modern females then I'd rather die a virgin, than waste my time.
Whoops I fucked up the spoiler tag.
Anyhow my hour of shitposting is up, I have some rinsing of shit to do. I wish all of you faggots good luck!
The real question is why would you waste your time to get indoctrinated in a fucking kike-controlled university?
Yeah, and why do you think you're going to find that in an environment that teaches women you're a sack of shit? Your logic is non-existent here.
Do you want white children? if yes then stop jerking off and go make some, otherwise stop LARPing as a nationalist when you're actively contributing to the jewry that damages your nation so.
ebin, simply fucking ebin. You're a clear newfag and product of (((american education)))
ebin, he really drank the fucking kool-aid, you should go find some train tracks and play on them, keep sucking down that jewish pseudoscientific kool-aid.
This is the sad thing, you don't understand reality. It's nice what you want, but you won't find it, unless, as I fucking said in
Sex before maturity is damaging in and of itself
Reported for obvious kike shill.
kill yourself.
4 u
this fucking mentality, holy shit. you are already cucked and the white race is doomed.
Dependence =/= immaturity
Go to hell, degenerate
Eh, might be good if we had something like this that taught women to be good wives and mothers again. Of course, modern men are needing something like this, too. Far too much learned helplessness from this generation.
A scout-like camp thing would be good. The Amish themselves are pretty insane if you get to know them, like a cross between ignorant hicks and the worst autismos you ever met. They have entire councils convene to determine how big everyone's hat should be, no joke.
Also, to all the pedos in this thread: If you really gave a shit about western civilization and the survival of the white race, you'd abandon your boners for 12-year-olds and marry a 25-year-old virgin. Pic related. Stop trying to rationalize your degeneracy to Holla Forums.
You will die a virgin. Or worse, you will kill yourself because the woman you thought is what you always dreamed, fucked another guy.
So nobody should fuck adult women either.
if you meme hard enough trump will assign you a girlfriend.
I'm fine with that
Ahmed, you have to go back
Why are you here?
What are the last four words of the fourteen words and why do you not care about creating it?
Either way, the charts don't lie. Later age of first intercourse = better wife material. Pedos are literally manufacturing degenerate women.
I think you confused what i said with "I would like to die a virgin". I'm just not so insecure i need to fuck someone in order to not kill myself.
I want to live in a rural cabin with internet. Maximum comfy
Yes they do because they were created in the context of a degenerate society that enables slutty behavior.
Also: who is a pedo? even if I do fuck 16 year olds I am still within the law of my country, my g/f is older than me for fuck's sake and tbh I am into that.
No, you said you're "fine with it"
Dying a virgin = no white children. Why is this acceptable to you.
I didn't fuck anyone other than my gf and I started dating her when I was 19 which is well above my country's AoC.
No jack, you are the degenerates.
pick one retard unless you want to end like moneyless man
are you a muslim? if so kill yourself roach.
read my post, I asked you a very simple question. The initial segment of your posts indicates you're complacent to mudshits and this post indicates you don't know what IDs are.
>our women
but i thought women were people with feelings and rights, its not "your women", they are their own and can decide on their own who they want to fuck right?
Women are in a perpetual state of infancy, they are like dogs and should not be given influence.
They are my women. now answer the fucking question you terrorist dog.
in the context of a degenerate society, yes.
the solution isn't to police the age women can fuck, but to fix your country and remove the societal notion that sex outside of a committed relationship/marriage is okay.
Yes. And that's a reality. Majority of women start fucking at an early age.
My sister lost her virginity at 32.
She still divorced the guy. Well, he isn't exactly that good with women since he had to racemix to find a wife.
so let me get this straight ok?
can someone hand this user a warm and comfy straight jacket? i think he's stuck on an infinite loop and will shortcircuit soon.
i didn't shift the goalposts or attempt to pretend im 2 different people, im laughing at your retardation because the solution to the women problem is right in front of your face and you refuse to take it because its against some artificial moral implanted into you by the TV when you were a kid.
and how do you do that user? give them more rights? you fucking idiot…
what's her name? madamé BoogaOog from the land of NoodBix?
you;re replying to the wrong guy you fucking retard
you should
they shouldn't
Your charts are shit because they show that if girls become sluts at an early age, it harms their life. Later age of first intercourse = better because the girl has more restraint. A different matter than age of marriage.
In the context of any society. Early mating is r-selected behavior. Europeans have always married later than most other groups.
Maybe the majority does, but not all Hint: IQ and first age of intercourse are correlated, education and first age of intercourse are correlated Nobody said it was going to be easy for us.
So you think a girl can somehow dodge r-type epigenetics from being fucked at age 12 if she has a ring on her finger? I doubt it. Most societies with legal marriage that age are total shitheaps, fam.
Sometimes, and sometimes they're just uglier hence more loyal. Depends on the social code of the area.
hey, even uglies can be powerful.
i mean just look at british royal dynasty.
Apparently this is from a TV show called Living with the Amish.
This qt went from being a basic bitch whose favorite activity was shopping to finding fulfillment in cooking/cleaning and wanting to be a Christian in just a few weeks with the Amish.
Helluva transformation.
Not only are you garbage, you're wrong about virtually everything.
Go die, defeatist fag/shill.
Please kill yourself.
Kill yourself, please.
Nothing has been tried. It was theorized many times, but it was never put into practice due to logistic problems.
Betas cannot attract a female on their own so they don't deserve one.
t. Beta
THIS. Women over 18 are shit.
Nothing is wrong with the pic on the left, she's cute as fuck. Denial of attractiveness is a sandnigger thing.
Was ist Völkische Siedler?
Bonus: No cuckstianity.
Because we lack the power to do so. Who the fuck do you think we are? We don't have the power to enforce anything we talk about here.
She's a sexy depraved cum bucket…
Hm… let's see here.
Biblical passages taken out of context? Check.
Comparative quotes taken from a whole host of communists? Check.
Correlation = Causation blanket statement? Check.
Yup, this is typical D&C shill propaganda.
My respect for you went up by 70% with that revelation. Deutschfag here; my Grandfather was in Army Group South along with the Romanian expeditionary forces. He spoke only praise for them. He was also saved by a Romanian that went on to become his brother in all but blood. They still corresponded until 'great uncle' Constantin died back in '03.
I'm sorry, but I would absolutely marry the fuck out of that clowness and have a half-dozen children with her.
Also, where the fuck did the idea that clowns are scary come from?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I though a Wife was the one who was supposed to share your views and who can follow you into a better life?
I don't want to be presumptuous, but as someone on this board who actually has a wife, I have to say that you're putting too high a standard on theoretical girlfriends.
Don't worry so much about a girl you have no intention of marrying - strive for the woman who you want to bear your children and grow old with.
Ultimately, it comes down to the culture. For all the hate against the Catholics on this board, they at least retain a higher standard of integrity, particularly in poorer nations. The lack of positive female role-models and a strong male presence in a girl's early life are also a contributing cause. Your American (((culture))) has them idolizing negroids and pursuing material success at all cost. Your spiritual values have atrophied and with it comes the sickness of the Jews.
Only once you have determined to reject this outside influence will your society return to the standard that nature intended. Then one day, when the white race is spread across the stars, they will look back on these times and remember the struggles of their forefathers and stay watchful of the threat from within.
Enjoy your 20, wait no, they're all in college, 30 year old rancid cunt then.
Better to not give birth to them in the first place. Ramp up investment and research in the artificial womb and VR/robot sex. Get rid of these cunts.
Fuck off kike,I will gas you with my bare hands on DOTR.
I believe yew are the Jew.
t. Holla Forums argumentative skill
what the fuck, so she gets kidnapped first time and raped, then thrown in niggerhood out from a car. in the niggerhood she gets help by getting kidnapped again and raped, then after she escapes, a paki taxi and his passanger stop, kidnap her and rape her?
Not an argument since I never said that.Rape and marital sex is two whole different and only a kike who wants to destroy our moral values in order to destroy our society would suggest otherwise.
However, you're still supporting the idea that at 15 yo a women is psychologically ready to have sex their not ready when they are 18 yo.
Degeneracy you see today is due to the jewish ownership of the media which has brainwashed our women into extreme promiscuity.
The thing you don't realize is that you don't need to fuck a 15 yo if purge the kike from the system.
Instead you keep defending the jews and their destruction of our society while lusting for teen pussy.And that's why I think that you are the kike my friend.
Basically the cycle is like this :
Not an argument.
You're an imbecile.
MARITAL SEX =/= whoring around.
So what difference does it make? At what point do women become "ready"? 20? 25? 30? 45?
Degeneracy you see today is due to the jewish ownership of the media which has brainwashed our women into extreme promiscuity.
sex in wedlock =/= promiscuity
But you kind of need to have her ready and hot to birth white children to have a generation that isn't 30% autism
It is you staring at one tree, your face rubbing against the bark, missing the entire forest behind and willfully misunderstanding me because "muh 15 year olds are innocent children who cannot think for themselves and must be protected from all the evils in the world", as if helicopter parenting doesn't damage the youth even further. You defeat your own argument with your own post and you show that you do not actually care for the proliferation of the white races.
spamming .jpgs with cherrypicked information is also not an argument
lol ur heavily r selected
Nice ad hominem faggot.You surely told me son! Now excuse me while I sit in corner in shame because some fucking nigger on the internet told me that I'm an imbecile.
That's a pretty valid argument, too bad I didn't say a thing about it in my post,so you're not really refuting my argument.I said that fucking teen pussy is degenerate and that the jew will never stop fucking with the minds of our women.
Whoring ,if you didn't know, means wanting to have sex with as many people as possible.
lusting =/=whoring.
Again you seem to be defending the jews who perverted our women (which is truly the root of the problem )or at least avoid talking about them,which leads me to believe you are a kike or at the very least a very good goy.
The answer to that question is very simple:
So are you implying that in order for a women to be ready to give birth she has to be fucked from a young age? Because I wonder how did all those virgin women give birth to the greatest leaders in history , before the whole "sex for pleasure" was even a thing, back in the good old days ?
I don't think you realize but the hole doesn't weld itself shut like clean metal in space if you don't put a dick in it.
Also do you realize that having sex purely for "muh dik" is also degenerate,and by doing it ,you contribute in the destruction of our society.
And it doesn't matter how healthy your child is if Doctor Shlomo brainwashes him/her with marxist propaganda and injects him/her with vaccines that gives him/her autism.
Yet it is you who refuse to admit who the real enemy is while indulging in your own degeneracy.
You kikes aren't even trying anymore.How much does your boss pay you to post her?
kek they should turn this into a movie, reminds of that movie wild girl
I'm done arguing with you, since you're obviously unable to read the shit you're writing, since you willfully misunderstand everything I post and since you would prefer to wait for the next Hitler until you're ready to take any action.
I'll just go ahead and call you out on baiting, and may God have mercy on your soul if you actually are that retarded.
underrated post
This may interest Holla Forums. A longitudinal study conducted in Rotterdam, Netherlands aimed to find environmental predictors for early sexual intercourse among boys and girls. Sidenote, 45% of all subjects were non-white.
>Girls who used a computer >2 hours/day were significantly more likely to have engaged in early sexual intercourse between T1 and T2 than girls who used a computer
like its something "bad"
>Girls who used a computer >2 hours/day were significantly more likely to have engaged in early sexual intercourse between T1 and T2 than girls who used a computer
It was the feminist Social Purity Movement that was responsible for increasing the age of consent in the US.
Technocratic minimalism.
Have the technology to save lives, travel into space, communicate across the globe, but chop wood, carry water and till the fields.
Study science, and pursue nature.
We need to pick a small fishing town in AK and infiltrate it. The towns are already white as fuck other than the token black guy and a handful of injuns. The ideals pol has are already very much there but what we do is force it to become better. We get a monopoly on fishing boats and processing plants and own the industry as a people. We then use the profits from that industry to build more industry to improve the state, meanwhile respecting the laws of nature and not polluting the land like a plague. Trust me when I say this, Alaska is white paradise. Other than the ghetto known as Anchorage… but once we gain power we purge the scum from Anchorage. We could have half the people work the North Slope to bring funds to build up the town. Spring 2017 is when we start penetrating the state to help turn it into an ethnostate. Another positive side is the population is so low that the scum can easily be outed and the amount of resources available are beyond belief.
Well, nonvirgins aren't marriage material, so…
more like your alimony countdown.
Jesus beat and threw the moneylenders out of the temple and talked of the synagogue of Satan.
The Crusades ensured that Europe never became Islamic.
Urban II told the crusaders to think of their ancestors and let their memory move them to do manly deeds.
Catholicism was created by Europeans.
It keeps a population sexually modest which keeps the impetus and energy high.
Fantasies aside, sexuality and outright displays of it, while still being attractive, are not preventing a movement that is opposed to it because of verifiable effect on morality and stability of families it has.
Slut shaming is perhaps the last vestige of social control of sexuality that still exists and all efforts of feminists and "liberated women" are aimed at discrediting the idea that women who are communal bicycles and walking petri dishes are bad, and that a women can engage in free , guiltless sex with no negative results.
The sexbot argument won't work on majority of women as they won't feel pressured or threatened in their sexual appeal or economic sustenance because government will take care of it for them and sexual liberation movement will enable them to have sex if they need it, but without serious attachments. Morality threats worked because they threatened their standing in society and undermined their economic survival.
Slut-shaming is the last standing element of the old morality and around that anchor a new campaign must be built, which attacks fatherless families, "guiltless" sex, and learned helplessness, which reinforces sexism it supposedly fights. Women are capable of more, but they must be morally bullied into virtue and given a positive alternative, reason and statistics does not work on them as strong.
welcome to britistan
That Hitler guy seems to have some pretty good ideas.
Whites should get subsidized
Inb4 Whites on welfare.
Yes Tech without the expense on nature
What caused it?
Anything to justify to yourself your worshiping of a Jew.
I have literally said none of that.
That's not what it means, you're replying to me as if I am someone else, you're melding my arguments with that of another user to create this absolute brainfuck you've put forward.
Nowehere did I advocate giving them more rights, or any rights at all for that matter.
I simply tried explaining how things are in my area, then asked if you're a mudshit which based on your double-digit IQ seems like a real possibility right now.
Except that's LITERALLY all in your head because you're a fucking mongoloid who can't or won't lrn2ID
or you're legitimately fucked in the head and think that everyone who calls you a faggot is part of some ebin anti-MGTOW conspiracy.