The wonderboy does it again!
look at those dreamy eyes
Trust him! A cute boy like him can't do wrong!
The wonderboy does it again!
look at those dreamy eyes
Trust him! A cute boy like him can't do wrong!
Wait, systemd didn't support FDE? I'm not an expert on encryption on linux so I don't really know but isn't LUKS the only way to do FDE on linux?
Yes. This is why you never use systemd distros.
Well, I guess I know not to trust (((LUKS))) now.
It didn't have to. I'm sure this will be bad and only make LUKS less secure. Seriously fuck this shit. I'm going to BSD.
It does.
This is for the new LUKS2.
wash your eyes
Have you removed the systemdick from your machine yet?
The wiki is actually worth reading now. I guess we're not alone anymore.
Unironically Install Gentoo?
or I guess GuixSD or void or alpine
Slackware is arguably the best choice, second best is imho Parabola followed by Void & Gentoo
Manjaro, which is not featured on the list also has an openrc flavored version.
Sell me. I heard it doesn't even have a package manager and has really old stuff.
Parabola has systemd. I think you can replace it, but by default it's poetteringware
Good choices. I've tried void and I think it's rather comfy. Seems quite stable, as in, I never noticed how much systemd had memory leaks until I tried it. I left a Debian Netinstall VM and a Void VM open at the same time, and just left them there for a while. When I came back, the Void one was using the same RAM as it was when I left, while the Debian was using significantly more. Both were using the same WM and the same Terminal.
Dead. I heard manjaro no longer supports the project and its devs along with the Arch OpenRC devs created Artix.
- Parabola were among the first to offer both systemd and openrc versions. Works like a charm, i prefer eudev / sysvinit, but openrc gets the job done.
- Slack has a number of package managers and some decent repositories, not nearly as up-to-date as rhe meme distros, but who cares? None of the systemd-free distros are geared towards beginners anyway (maybe with the exception of Archbang and Manjaro OpenRC)
Ah, i didn't know.
How about you go into the source and show us where Lennart is supposedly trying to fuck you in the ass?
interesting. It's kinda shitty that systemd is the default, but cool that they give you the option to install openrc afterwards.
That's both good and troubling. How old are we talking about here? Is it as """stable""" as Debian Stable and RHEL/CentOS, or is it at least *buntu levels of up-to-date.
I mostly use rolling distros and debian testing unless it's for a server.
Yeah Artix is the new project for an Arch with OpenRC preinstalled.
Nah I'll keep my collection of zero-days for systemd and sell them to the Russians or the Chinese, thanks.
Tinfoilery to the max. No arguments and no proof. I bet you even prefer no MAC at all to something like SELinux, right?
the entire source code is trying to fuck me in the ass with it's aids infection
Are you somehow mentally challenged?
Literally on their homepage.
Since a considerable amount of Parabola developers and users prefer to use the OpenRC init system instead of Systemd, which is the default, we are proud to announce the first releases of Parabola GNU/Linux-libre OpenRC Edition ISOs!
Wow. You feel a strong sense of butthurt over some mere computer programs. You need medical help my friend.
I want to switch from Arch to GuixSD but unfortunately GuixSD uses linux-libre.
I mean it is unfortunate that my laptop has a wifi device for which no free firmware exists. So my only options are to not use linux-libre or buy new hardware.
this is why Linux isnt mainstream
Feels like i'm really on /g/
WEW implying that it wasn't like that before the /g/ botnet caused migration
No, what is unfortunate is that even if you buy libre hardware that respects your freedom, the BIOS may have a whitelist for only certain devices the manufacturer thinks you should use. For my part I no longer buy laptops that can't be made to respect my freedom.
I like to post on both, uwu
I'm going to install GuixSD this weekend. I don't like how systemd tries to do everything, and the Shepherd init seems much nicer in that regard, and it can run GNOME3
Yep. From Debian stretch. Not a hitch. In fact I've noticed the power applet on Xfce now works properly whereas before it didn't.
Love my computer even more now.
Not him, but I too think there's something fishy going on with systemd.
A huge homogeneous attack surface with unnecessary obscurity and complexity. Even it it's not, it sure does seem to be made to fuck on purpose.
The real explanation is more benign. Red Hat is a support company. Obviously it is in Red Hat's interest to push for complex, integrated, hard-to-debug systems, because when those systems have problems, users can't fix it themselves and need to call Red Hat support. Red Hat knows how to fix these problems because many of the main systemd devs work there.
Look at Redhat's major customer.
Now pay attention to what they demand from their service providers.
Now pay attention to what they do to every piece of software they can modify and mitm.
What did they demand from Intel?
What did they demand from Google?
Did Google and Intel companies with massive amounts of money to fight these demands resist?
If various alphabet agencies use a piece of software, it's backdoored and they posses the patches to seal these backdoors.
The inevitable response to this post is:
Any logical person can come to the conclusion that there is an undeniable pattern of actions when alphabet agencies get involved with software.
Those agencies are involved with Redhat; more accurately, Redhat is involved with those agencies.
It may take 10 years for the backdoors to be uncovered, but they will eventually be discovered.
So I installed Xubuntu 14.04 LTS around a couple years ago.. I let it install all updates, and always pass up on the update to 16.04 BS.
If this laptop ever an hero's and I get a new one, what should I install that has LTS without having to install something yall have convinced me not to?
SystemD for example.
Read the thread.
There are several fixes posted.
Redhat's software is Free Software licensed under the GPLv3.
So I will go with the "inevitable response"
Prove it.
Oh that reminds me, I think the NSA once ordered Papa Johns.
I'd rather use something that's known-good. You want to try your luck with svchost4linux that's your call.
False equivalence my dear CIAnigger. Spyware can't be put on a pizza (I checked, there's no such topping on their website), but it can be in software. Now, maybe the alphabet soup really dindu nuffin but statistically that's very unlikely, if it quacks like a duck...
See: for the accurate rebuttal based on standard systemd defender responses.
You're Cherenkov radiation in the world's largest nuclear reactor.
Even if that was true it would completely unacceptable.
That's all you had to say.
Alright. I'm done.
I'll be moving to Open or Free BSD then or maybe a devuan on a portable machine.
Even Machits are way better than lincucks now. I'll just VM everything else I can't run.
Systemd isn't the only init. Just move to Guix, Slackware, Void, Gentoo, or any other distros that use upstart, runit, Shepherd, or BSD style init.
doesn't even support lvm, no plans to. Dying efforts dating back to 2013.
No dependency resolution, "just install everything on disk lmao".
Actually great.
The best solution is to bedrock some of these systems.
Patterns are everywhere just by coincidence. You'll get a lot of false positives if you look for them.
This particular pattern has another possible explanation - that Red Hat's dominance in the enterprise(tm) world is the reason for both their development of major system components and for acquiring their largest customer.
"Just look at the obvious patterns" is a fun game, but it's too easy. Most patterns aren't meaningful. Some are, but they need additional evidence.
do not use devuan, it is by an SJW (jaromel).
Your so called "obvious patterns" are doing nothing but make mountains out of molehills.
So what?
Why shouldn't I use Devuan? Because it would be social justice if I didn't?
Goy, I...
Goy, I...
There wouldn't be a single linux user left on the board if these posts were real. I think it's just 3 BSD autists spamming these posts over and over.
I tried to move to bsd but none of them are even remotely usable. They have garbage modern hardware support, are slow as fuck and have poor software support. For freebsd and derivatives, the linux compat layer is quite buggy and tends to crash in situations that are not a problem in native linux.
One day you will too. You'll see. Screenshot this post.
This is generally my experience too. I tried running a few different versions of BSD, but they were all pretty shitty.
Well it's been fun GNU+Linux. Too bad you got raped to death so hard by undesirables.
Nope. You have to do it in the initramfs now with a separate /boot.
if you're not using artix linux, void linux, slackware, devuan or some portage-based distro by now, you might as well mail your harddrive to the cia niggers
I looked up his Twitter and his personal home page but couldn't find anything to suggest at a quick glance. In any case, from what I have seen on the dng mailing list he doesn't bring politics into his work, so I don't care.
I'll just leave this here.
This shit is so incredibly retarded. There is exactly 0 reason why the program can't remount rw, do the thing and remount ro as has been suggested, yet he still uses this as an excuse - the fact that one operation that might never be run, or perhaps once every several blue moons, means the efivars should be perma-rw.
why can't he just admit a mistake and fix it?
not important, rms is a commie kike caricature as well, but he's simply right on some things.
if someone hates systemd, they can't be that bad.
Did you know that Windows is perfectly capable of doing the same thing? This is a PEBCAK issue. I do not have any sympathy for people who do rm -rf /.
I don't really want to defend that retard Pottering, but why the fuck would efivars even be exposed as a filesystem to the OS to begin with?
Because Pottering hates sane defaults.
Just because the motherboard manufacturer or whoever writes the UEFI implementation makes a poor decision, that doesn't mean that Pottering should do the same. This is like 10,000 people worldwide having a rare disease and some asshole that owns the patents to the cure for it just doesn't want to make the damn thing because he's lazy. This is what Pottering is doing. That stupid asshole thinks that anyone ever will need to have the OS reboot a home PC to the BIOS from the OS. Just hit F1 or something on boot, or whatever the splash screen says. There is no excuse whatsoever. If this is needed in a an enterprise environment then they literally pay people to configure this stuff.
But no, that little faggot has to ruin desktop Linux.
The point is that you don't except rm -rf / to brick your hardware.
Devuan -> Slackware -> *BSD -> Haiku -> Plan9 -> TempleOS
Why not Calculate?
It's just gentoo except with broken software added on top. There's no reason to use it over gentoo. Russians are even more cucked than 5eyes spywise, but on top of that every single citizen is a pro skiddie who wants to fuck with you. Security-wise, china and russia are the worst possible options worldwide, followed by USA (not the other way around).
Kike pride I'd suppose.
It's not even about not being able to reboot into setup directly. You could just keep the efivarfs ro, remount it rw it right before writing to it and remount it ro again after the write process is complete.
Even Ubuntu software isn't up-to-date enough. I find myself having to replace packages and compile them myself practically every month and the rate accelerates exponentially depending on how much I want my computer to do at any one time.
Being a relative beginner I was considering moving over to Debian I notice libvirt uses libvirtd on my Ubuntu install; is there a systemd-free variant?
I was also considering Gentoo since I'm compiling my own shit 9 times out of ten anyway.
why would you wantt sysv instead of systemd? as a developer systemd makes my work easier
sysv is not the only alternative to systemd
And mine harder.
CloverOS. All the main packages are precompiled for you but it's otherwise gentoo, therefore it's stable, clean, customizable and just werks. Debian is systemd and unstable as all crap despite having centuries-old packages, devuan is even less stable and managed by an SJW spic (but at least it has no systemd). If ubuntu isn't up-to-date enough it makes 0 sense to consider those anyway.
Try openbsd -current, via snapshots. You'll always be up to date and won't need to compile.
This isn't new. I've had FDE on my systemd arch sytem for over a year.