Sarcuck is now Holla Forums related. Why is the skeptic community so based, bros?

Sarcuck is now Holla Forums related. Why is the skeptic community so based, bros?

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Moderates are the biggest cucks of all.


Lacie got into his head or it was his plan all along.
I would still let Lacie fuck me if she would ask nicely

So that's it? What, we're some kind of Skeptic Community?

Don't you get it? the whole vidcon thing was a stunt from MTV to buy the skeptics
They're all going full corporate media whore mode

Since when is Cuck of Akkad /ourguy/?

wad de fug is dis druppery?

At last, after all this time. The Skeptic Community begins…

Of courshe!

Somebody better stream 'The Sarcuck of Mossad Show™' when it releases. Funny as fuck.

since never.

I still love Barbara, Roaming millenial and AbitofBrittUs
It is still real to me dammit ;_;

Kill yourself

She's just right wing, not a skeptosphere faggot.

Why are the jews so smart, so when they lose they actually win?

I'm pretty proud of him. White Nationalism is a maymay-merino anyway.

Good luck with your show!

His twitter timeline has been the most good goy shit for the past week. Makes you think.

Why the fuck would MTV hire Sargon?
Have they finally realised SJW isn't cool with the kids?

Neither will Sargon be. Then again, watching him humiliate himself in front of his Jewish masters every day of the week should be mildly amusing for at least three episodes.

MTV is completely centered around following fads. Hell, heavy metal used to be played on it.

I see no proofs juden are actuall muh best IQ. Moleymeme and that clean your room guy keep promoting this amongst the "right", but if you look in to the jewish owned media, hollywood, banks, israel, google, facebook… it does not seem like something run by smart people.

Correlation Between IQ and Highway Safety Record Puts Israel's Average IQ at 73.

Correlation Between IQ and Alcohol Consumption Puts Israel's Average IQ at 68.

Correlation Between IQ and Teachers' Salaries Puts Israel's Average IQ at 72.

Correlation Between IQ and PISA Puts Israel's Average IQ at 89.

Correlation Between IQ and TIMSS Puts the IQ of Israel's Top Ten Percent at 89.

Jewish Americans Earn 42% Less than African Americans, Putting their Average IQ Lower than 85.

Salaries of Jewish Pilots Puts Their IQ One Standard Deviation Higher than Kenyan Pilots (A Country With an IQ of 72).

Salaries of Jewish Doctors Puts Their IQ Lower than Kenyan Doctors, at 72.

Netherlands Women are Considerably Taller Than Israeli Men.

IQ Too Low To Manage Farms in Birobidjan Or Get Along With Their 12 Year Old Palestinian Neighbors.

You think she is not pretty? (honnest question)


I know you're reading this you bald bitch. You sicken me!

Then why do they supposedly rule the world? If all these organizations are being run by morons why are they so powerful, and why have so many whites been swooned by them? The only thing more embarrassing for the white race is being conquered by the world's brightest, it by a bunch of idiots.


*but by a bunch of idiots

I know you fap to her every night.

I hope he's being sarcastic, this autism should stay on Holla Forums.

he doesn't understand that we are refugees from Holla Forums

I'm more of a Judeo B. Peterson kinda guy.

Gets me every time.

No. Stop being a weak willed pussy.

I will not comment on this.

I just want to culturally appropriate a bowl of guacamole with a nice dose of my semen and rub it on her bald spic head tbh

You betafag. You don't "let" Laci fuck you. She needs to be dominated. It's the only way to cure her.

You can't play the game if you're not told the rules. That's how jews work.

you guys are mean.

I have decided to give her 50$ per months on patreon.
Hate will not win, the future is female.

Jeff Holiday "I.Q don't real yo"
uh ok pal you sure know what you're talking about

Literally who? Sorry I don't go to reddit or Holla Forums or whatever.

excuse me but sargon is not a dumb nazi like those guys, he's a based skeptic alt-centrist who constantly btfos both sjws and right wing sjws at the same time

This poster is either the best troll or the cringiest faggot i've ever seen.

t. right wing sjw

You are trying too hard to fit in.

Holy shit that Coach Redpill guy was right.

They don't and no one claimed that. There's only the claim that they own influential institutions and corporations that have the goal of globally expanding their services and ideals everywhere.

The kekistan stuff is great but not how he thinks.

Remember when a kekistan guy tried to have people dox a woman at a Trump rally after she pepper sprayed him? Then people found his image called him an autistic faggot and praised the woman. All before cringe like kekistan faggots shouting at kids on a playground. Their "movement" is so fucking dead, and because he's an attention whore, Sargon is permanently tied to it.

I would be better off on /cow/ but why do people care about Sargoy? What was his job before parasitically ascending from gamergate? He has, afaik no qualifications. It's also great seeing the skeptic tm community shit itself.
Thunderf00t hates them because he's leftist, HO and possibly TLDR hate them over candid, Dr Layman is objective and will inevitably piss them off because of that, hell some already hate TLDR for discussions on race and IQ no fucks given he just goes by data.
This was before YouTube censorship which is powered by AI, which would make people hate candid shills even more, and they will all cannibalise as e drama generates views which they lose as the anti sjw market oversaturates.

What breakdowns do you want to see? Because God knows these people can't keep things private.
I mean don't some do this instead of work?

Because they were handed the banks, the banks control money, and money controls corrupt politicians. Now they just use nepotism to remain in power. If they were smart Israel wouldn't be fucked, they have low birth rates only maintained by lowest iq Jews and now have Jews falling for liberal propaganda, leading to Jews stabbing Jews at gay pride parades in Israel.
They didn't meme responsibily.

reminder that he supports socialism

So, this is Chanology 3.0.

You know that meme will never take off, right?

yeah look, i think you politically illiterate nazi sjws still have a lot to learn


Roaming Millenial is definitly in the skeptic community, she also made a #notallmuslims video and then started calling everybody in her comments islamophobes for not wanting muslims to flood thier countries.

Barbara made a video of her fucking some beta nigger and put it on youtube so she could gather the 3 comments of people who cared calling her a coalburner so she could claim to be harrased and she needs more patreon bux now, she now brings this up as a defelection every time somebody disagrees with her or her nigger boyfriend.

AbitofBrittUs seems to be actually right wing. At the very least she spends all her time on twitter making fun of fat people and whores.

Because they're deperate.jpg for views and engagement with audiences.
Same reason CNN bought out Casey Neistat for ~20 million dollaridoos: So he'll spread fake news under the guise of vlogging and totes real viral videos.

Moderates are just leftists in disguise, this is always the case. They know people immediately dismiss anything they sprout because they are so full of shit so they try to pretend to be the "enlightened" middle, only that they always attack the right, but never the left.

sorry, i'm not going to waste my time trying to educate an you ignorant white nationalist NORMIES, i'm a based kekistani citizen and i have some sjws (both on the left and on the right) to trigger on twitter

The "kekistan" meme is the first meme to become dank the second it was invented.

No, that was "Arrow to the knee". Reddit managed to run it into the ground within the span of an hour.

It's not that I don't believe you but I can't find the video. Mind posting it?


pure cancer

You posted this on Holla Forums too.
Here's the fixed version again if you missed it, baka!

i cringy to see all this skeptics community talk about Holla Forums in their videos and say
the sheer amount of videos on youtube that are blatant chan content ripoff its excruciating. and they are always pajhets

Your meme is not catching on…

dammit even Roaming ;_;
Btw Barbara didn't sleep with the nigger who is gay I think.

She interviewed a pro imam reformator from Australia who will not achieve anything. See guys not all Muslims.
She is still cute though ;_;

Don't worry, we took cuckchan back. It's full reich right now.

Reported for ban evasion.

shut the fuck up, nigger

There's also the term "normie" or "autistic".
It's like watching "fake geek girls" talking about how they're suck geeks because they've watched the trailer for the next episode of Game of Thrones on their latest iPhone.
The kekistan shit is the chan equivalent of the fake geek girls.

he even brags about it (2:05)

Shit, I meant "such" geeks

The man is a walking tumor.

holy shit…
I hate the kekistan meme because it destroyed the concept of meme magic.

Yes, but where before people were on the side of anti Scientology anons, now shits polarised and violent.

Kekistanis are amorphous blobs whose enemies are SJWs. There's no threat of violence there.

Antifa attack anything not sjw. Kekfags are seen as trump supporters, Trump is seen as the devil.

Kekistanis who are semi-Holla Forums will go to rallies where antifa operates, but for the most part, they just go to conventions and stupid shit like that.

That's fine, again it's not anonymous and undermines itself.
The people will just make alt lite a joke to everyone, further polarising society. Which is a very good thing, neutral fence sitters mean upholding the status quo.
Kekistan has no future, neither does Sargon.

Pretty sure it's totally fucked there.
Not that it matters, society is fucked, the worse things get the more extreme solutions are required. Before it could just be reducing spending in a few areas, now you need to cut a whole lot more. That's just one example. Either everything collapsed due to ignoring problems, making the slate clean. Or more radical propositions manifest to prevent the collapse. Trump was nothing more than accelerationism, as was Brexit, I'm happy with the results.

Leftists are retards. They call Trump and other man children snowflakes. They think snowflake means thin skinned, instead of a mockery of the idea of being unique or special.

Before it was just deporting people, now we've upgraded to the need for concentration camps.


The centrists, skeptics, civnats, alt-lite… all of them are a desperate attempt to stop the alt-right from rising. Notice how every taboo is permitted to them, except: JQ, white ID pol.

Trump is a thin-skinned man-child who thinks he's the center of the world, how is he not a snowflake?
So glad he's killing the right, though.

child born in 2001 detected

Go back to kikebook, shitskin.


this people dont understand when to drop a joke, i bet he still shares rage comics and minions pics in whatsapp chatrooms

you mean the left, kek?


it's more that jews operate in a nepotistic tribalist manner that always benefits their in-group, while whites through christianity/communism operate in a universalist, altruistic manner, which often doesn't necessarily benefit their in-group.
the real core of it is whites susceptibility to these kind of utopian idealogies in tandem with the outcome of WW2 which destroyed any voices amongst them that could raise an alternative.

enjoy being an isolated individual in your jewish consumer farm retard


And why exactly is this a fatal weakness? Whites created modern civilization and jews are a parasite/world dominator meme for nutters to wank over. Obviously hyper focus on the in-group doesn't let you grow as a civilization or they would've had at least one empire by now.

they have a financial/cultural empire. they don't operate in terms of armies or borders.
it's a different evolutionary strategy. whites act as the jew's current host society, they're parasitic. which they need to be since they haven't had their own homeland for a very long time until recently.
universalist altruism is a weakness if you have a parasitical group like this that will take advantage of your altruism. the jew sells you what he does not buy himself.
basically, white people have been sold the idea that it's virtuous to be altruistic towards an out-group and immoral to be altruistic to the in-group (le evil nazi may-may) - while the latter is exactly how jews operate.
it's a moralistic trick. if it is a flaw of whites that this is possible, then that flaw must be acknowledged and understood, but considering that jews have been expelled from countries 100+ times I think we're just living in a temporary historical situation which will resolve itself eventually, one way or the other.

enjoy the government fucking you at every opportunity, statist

Is there anything worse than Sarcucks, armour skeptic, kekistan and all those faggots?

The people who watch them.


you mean that BASED INDIAN, right?

I seriously wonder whether Jim ever regrets allowing people like Sargon to ride his coat tails. It's amazing how much the skeptics feast on his shit despite him constantly telling them they're retards.

why would a sellout care if other sellouts ride on his coattails?

Sargon is an SJW.

what does that even mean?

It already does that though. I don't give a fuck about preserving the liberty of women, fags, and non-Whites. Even if we were to take things to some extreme, absurd parody of what cucks think living under a non-democratically elected ruler inevitably looks like, it would still be better than (((the current year))). Who is that going to scare when we're already living in a dystopia? I think I can shoulder the loss of 'liberties', such as unlimited immigration, and tranny children. Thanks.

I dunno, I just wonder whether or not he likes the jewery he's perpetuated and progressed censorship faster than ever before.

t. buthurt (((Holla Forumsack)))

no u


What did he mean by this?

they're not opposite dummies, they're two sides of the same coin

If they are two sides of a coin aren't they by definition opposite? I have a hard time wrapping my head around goon logic.

I found you on youtube, faggot.

they are opposites of the same breed
i understand that it's difficult to process it for an autistic nazi cuck, but you're basically the same as antifa communists, both collectivist ideologues

You seem upset?

I'm not either, cucknon. But I fail to see how the lolbergtardians are of a different coin, they're the exact same as libruls only with a bit of hate of taxes sprinkled on top.

It doesn't matter if your positions are the complete opposite! Extremism is bad in any form, drumpfcuck!

No wonder Holla Forums has been so shit lately.

Reread what I just said.

t. mr Ben Wa balls

you're not fooling anybody, indefinite sjw!

I'm both.


>mfw civilization goes to shit, Sargon of Mossad ft. middle/high school atheism gets irrelevant and MTV tries to hire Varg



Sooo… now?




i fail to see the problem with this

fuck off sargon

I'm him though. really

Post a proof, then.

then fuck off, i told you

Nice fix user


It was Sarcuck who cucked Goymergate into a MUH PR circlejerk and laughing stock. He is a snake who exists to destroy things from the inside.

and he is an octoroon.

he's a quadroon

Oversimplification though agreed, a snake + literal cuck.

What a maroon

It's a meem you dip

This eceleb shit will never end, will it? These fags never get that 2-3 years from now they will be laughed at by the cucks who followed them and that some new fag will be the top eceleb.

The Amazing Atheist kept going.
I'm just wondering, he's not that old, but far away from retirement. Do any of them plan long term?

Jim seems like a stoic/cynical/nihilist mix. He can't change things so he just laughs. I'm sure if he does feel bad he's just waiting for the inevitable crash and burn. That said he doesn't really watch that stuff. Point is, he is probably indifferent and even if he felt bad, would just laugh later as everything collapses.
I mean have you ever seen him emotional? Closest you got was he seemed angry at daddy of five. So yeah I doubt he cares, probably expects people to be shit and just looks for the silver lining. Which this has, public figures always have public meltdowns.
Internet Insanity has a bright future. Jim just had Styx on, good podcast all though Styx is a civnat and sucks Trumps dick.

Now this man, this man I hate more than any skeptic.
He mangles Carl Jungs work, and is a fence sitter, I bet he glosses over Jungs views on sexuality and gender, which were traditional and aything else was an imbalance with the anima and animus. Not unique though, I see lots of trannies and gays twisting Jung and saying how they are actually women or whatever. It just bothers me, I enjoy reading Jung and then this guy comes along, popularises him and fucks it up. He also has a boring voice and presentation. I just hope people read Jung instead of just Peterson.
Oh and
I don't care, I like them too and plan to read more theology like St Augustine's Confessions. But to recommend spiritual people like Jung who was pretty gnostic and three devout Orthodox Christians who let you know exactly what they believed in, and dance around and refuse to admit you're religious or atleast spiritual, is just cowardly.

Wow, great ideology you got there, gotta love when based Dugin calls for a genocide of Ukrainians, what a guy!

Jim is far too insecure to be considered a stoic. 90% of his content is making fun of others. He literally just repackages threads from /cow/, Holla Forums, and /x/ with no creative flair. I find Jim to be an obnoxious, sweary, snarky, unfunny e-celeb not too far removed from Sargon or TheAmazingAtheist, can't understand how he managed to attract such a large following from here. Also the fact that he thinks paypal and patreon are 'gay as shit' as he so eloquently puts it, yet uses both platforms, what an annoying cunt

Peterson hasn't ruined Jung, most people who know of Jung don't know of Peterson (literally only relevant because he is a smart guy over 25 who said no to leftists on campus once). He popularized Jung for retards, just like 'meme magic' is synchronicity for babybrains. Jung's views don't mesh with 'Skeptic' / Alt-Right stuff anyway, at least not the narrow minded segments

I never said he was /ourguy/, you fucking idiot.

Is that margaret?

How is someone that young even posting here then?

Nato stooges deserve to be genocided tbh.

Someone born in 2001 would be 16 now.
Time is a scary thing.

hes a good storyteller. not that Holla Forums would know

meant to say; iraq is the new vietnam.

Updated version.

Boy, Christianity surely is the White religion!

Yes, be a good goy and hate your own culture. Cut off your dick while you're at it and catch the bug, it's fun!

that's amazing user

There's a lot of ends to this that need to be mentioned.

First and foremost, MTV trying to court the alt-kike by hiring one of the most cucked, literal cucks, -no really he actually is a literal cuckold- of the alt-kike movements. Sarcuck since Day 1 has been one of the biggest pushovers and beta of every e-celeb that the skeptic, GG, and alt-kike communities has supported. I still remember clearly how he caves towards opposition on his own youtube streams. This guy is the biggest pushover MTV can buy. He will be as much of a yes man as they need him to be so he can make enough money to support his nigger baby.

Second, MTV being (((MTV))) means that the alt-kike community has grown so much that it needs to be controlled. Alt-kike being a watered down version of whatever it was in the beginning is not enough. It has to be remade so that there are at least 3 or more versions of it being perpetuated online, on the (((TV))) and so on. Sarcuck being the betacuck that he is was just the easiest and simplest to compromise.

Overall, this is the most heavy-handed indication of co-opting the breadth of ideology that spans the skeptic community, the remnants of GG, and the alt-kike all at once. Whoever still identifies as part of the alt-right should have realized that it's been co-opted more times than a swedish sex trafficked slave has taken goatfucker dick. It's time to let go or at least point out the faggotry, sometimes literal faggotry that it is represented by. I guess at the end of the day, (((MTV))) is hiring cucks no matter what brand of politics they peddle.

It didn't destroy the concept of meme magic, kekistani whatever co-opted the weak-willed masses that follow e-celebs like sarcuck. Meme magic stayed where it made the most success, on Holla Forums. You don't see Holla Forums rallying behind "kekistan," they keep posting kek and checking digits and have a meme magic thread every month.

This looks more correct. Socialism leads to Communism every single time. They should not ever be on opposite ends regardless of what some delusional anons think.

It was just fun posting.

He's strengthening it to the point that retarded shill goons parade natsoc all over Christian image boards for damage control. I've never seen the kikes as worried as they've been this year. They couldn't even pick a target to attack during the election, so now you see "natsocs" pop up out of nowhere acting like turbotards. It's far too obvious that they're trying to create a strawman to attack.

kys goon kike

Schlomo please. Christ kicked the kikes out of the church and God tried to kill them all when they started worshiping the golden bull, but Moses defended them. The world would have been a better place had Moses let them all go and instead rebuilt with a new group.

The left are destroying themselves and they don't even realize it yet. They tried to turn the tide with the special elections this year, but got blown the fuck out. I'm expecting mass suicides when they get anally devastated during the senatorial election season.

They lead to the same end, communism. You're just as retarded as the commie leftist who think big government is inherently good for them (Back when Obama was president). That's exactly the path to communism.

The only thing America needs to do now is fully enforce the immigration laws and crack down hard on parasitical sanctuary cities. Those leftist cunts need a reality check if they think the rest of their states are going to happy to share their self-imposed burden.

sargon is not alt-right and you're a retard who doesn't know what he's talking about

Which one? There are multiple different infections that (((they))) want the goyim to die from.

Why? Their guy is in office.

shh, don't ruin the drumpfuck narrative with your facts


Who woulda thunk they agree on so much.

Sargon is so based you guys




Jung for retards will lead to misinformation. I'm not Christian but look at Jesus and the Bible for retards.
Despite things like
Maybe it's because I was raised Catholic and now see married lesbian bishops in Sweden, but I assure you. Dumbing things down leads to distortions and worse still people feel confident enough to insist they are true, they don't feel ignorant and feel the need to study they feel they know enough.

nu/pol/ detected

you're stench is overwhelming, please leave

the MTV thing is a joke.

He really is stupid.

Where's the link to the source?

What the fuck happened.

You sure about that?
I wouldn't be surprised to see Sargon get into bed with the 'enemy' to make a quick buck.