So, as far as I know we're all in agreement that lesser races are inferior to our own on a genetic level, right? Well, that raises an interesting question, in my opinion. What do you all think of the concept of using genetic engineering to uplift lesser races to our level of thinking as the technology progresses? Would it be the right thing to do or should we focus solely on improving our own race? I mean, if we can change the DNA of other races so they all function on our level, wouldn't it end a lot of needless strife and tension and allow us to treat one another more reasonably? Feel free to prove me wrong if this is a bad idea, or just discuss the effect genetic engineering will have on society when it is introduced (and I do believe it will happen.)
Regarding racial superiority and the advent of genetic engineering
Oh, I forgot to mention the fact that genetic engineering may well begin to take off during our lifetimes, as evidenced by the success of the CRISPR gene editing technology. Hence why I believe its something we might want to discuss.
Holla Forums will not like it. At all.
It's something that HAS to happen though, as we've removed darwin from the equation as a species we have to police our genetics ourselves lest it become so clogged up with shit we're all potatofaces worthy of being cast in that idiociracy movie. The thing is Holla Forums would want it for whites only when in reality it will be applied across the board. They'd want everyone else made MORE inferior to them.
Though honestly it really really needs to happen. We're already seeing the signs of it, I mean jesus christ people are glorifying genetic disability and overall it's gone downhill . Get a grip on it now or lose it forever.
Its probably going to be available only for the elites, once it has been tested on some goys first of course.
This poster is correct. Holla Forums will hate it because it will lead to true equality in terms of IQ and ability, and equality is the only thing Holla Forums hates almost as much as Jews.
So many shills today. Equality has never existed and genetic engineering will only further the divide. Those without technology will be left far behind and those with technology will rapidly outpace others in genetic potential.
The memeplex and the geneplex are one. You cannot simply elevate ones genes and expect equality to follow. The memeplex will choose the genes. The memeplex has its own continuity and coherence.
Why? So they can conquer you later? Do you look at nigger and see a helpless animal? A dog cares more about you than a nigger ever will. Why bother helping a nigger, instead of a dog? There are many animals, which happen to be much better candidates for genetic testing than subhumans. Subhumans earned the sub prefix for a reason.
So you want talking dogs who live as long as humans?
Well that's the thing. All the flaws you described are the flaws of the current, inferior negro. With genetic engineering, we could wipe them away and give them the same mind as a white man, removing the very traits that cause them to be subhuman. For all intents and purposes, it would be an evolution of the subspecies.
You don't?
Annnnnd there's the derail I was lurking to see. I knew this was going to yiff territory eventually. I just didn't expect it so fast!
Loosely organized thoughts on the subject.
1. There will always be differences, between individuals and thereby between groups, unless we fuck with our genes to the point were we are all identical clones (a horror scenario).
2. Alternatively, you could make everyone so similar to each other that we effectively are one race. At this point, even Holla Forums wouldn't be able to object since there would be no way to tell who is who (I'd presume innate skin color would be replaced by highly adaptable/tannable skin). Effectively, this option would eradicate all races and replace all of humanity with one race.
3. Realistically, however, neither of the above options is desirable. You want to maintain gene diversity of your species. If nothing else, this raises survivability and resistance to pandemics. You just want to also cull or fix the weakness.
4. Modern medicine was an attempt to fix the weak and sickly without realizing that it was only treating the symptoms. Genetic intervention is one way to address this. The only other option I see would be to adapt a strict eugenics policy.
5. Eugenics would be the "natural" option, and I have a feeling large parts of Holla Forums would prefer it. The upside of direct genetic intervention is fine-grained control, faster yields, not accidentally losing desirable traits because they happened to come mixed with undesirable traits. Downside is risk of mis- or abuse.
6. Most of Holla Forums doesn't mind that there ARE other races. Only that they are flooding our homeland, we are forced to submit our needs to their wants, and are generally guilted into aiding in our own genocide. That shit needs to stop.
7. However, genetics engineering - like so much of modern technology - is the fruit of our labor and ingenuity. Is there any reason we should share it? Every other attempt to share our achievements with the other races have ended in disaster for us.
Yeah, no.
Unlike some Holla Forumsacks, I have little problem with That Guy T, Milo, and (((Paul Joseph Watson))). I don't agree with them on many things, but I'm perfectly fine with their existance and wouldn't harm them.
But one thing is gays, blacks and jews, and the other is faggots, niggers and kikes. Totally moonman on the second.
Also, if gene editing becomes a thing expect a lot of asians looking like white people.
No, a pill is not going to make you 6`2 when you're a manlet.
A pill is not going to give you an IQ of 140 when it's currently 100.
A pill will not correct your facial features which currently cause women to be repulsed by you.
The "tech" isn't even here. When it is then we will see if eugenics and parental genes still matter (they will.)
empathy is our races worst weakness. no, its not the "right" thing to do. even if the tech existed, you'd be the biggest cuck of all to strengthen your enemies who have never before proven to be loyal allies. makes sense to you because of your atheist morality where all races were derived from a single cell. aryans were put here to survive not try to bring about a fairy tale utopia of equality. there is no struggle in utopia, nobody wants to play a video game after they beat it. its not fun anymore.
Holla Forums here. I disagree with the good goy. Just as the Zoroastrians raised Jesus to co-opt Judaism in an attempt to return the Jews to basic goodness, I would like to see all peoples made equal to me genetically. This of course comes with the condition they are also equal to me in perspective: they know what I know about the Jew, liberalism and so forth, thus preventing them from adopting false ideologies. Their apparent equality doesn't threaten my superiority. I, being the Aryan descended from Aryans who can boast achievements like inventing civilization. To this standard are all Aryans held.
Why would we want to make our enemies competitive with us? Might as well give then all nukes and our most advanced military tech while you're at it.
It would be easier to just use it on whites and then exterminate everyone else.
What obligation does European civilization have to improve out-groups?
When you go to the gym, do you have an obligation to bring all your friends and acquaintances with you?
Then they would be indistinguishable from whites. What's the point? You could have gotten to the same outcome but much quicker and with the usage of far less resources given a policy of genocide.
It isn't as simple as replacing one or two genes. To do what you first suggest would require replacing hundreds of gene variations. Also remember due to the fact that we have many redundant and duplicate genes that doing a one time strategy that would affect all people in the same positive way is not possible.
Even if what you said were possible and feasible, it wouldn't do much. There is no reason for even a southern european to live in the hot wet environments of asia or the dry dessert heat - contrary to leftist propaganda we are all very well adapted to certain climates. This is why so many people in America settle in regions that mimick their European counterparts.
Improvement is the goal of genetic engineering. An array of tools stemming from CRISPR is rapidly developing right now. If we don't do it, someone else will. More than that, if we don't study this area of science, various bioweapons will be invincible against us as we will be unprepared.
The effects on society are unknown, it depends on what is (((pushed by governments))) and what people will do despite bans and (((regulations))) set forth. We are our genes. Changing even a handful, if not fatal, can have drastic effects on the resultant person.
So would any group of people you made equal to you.
Don't tell me know when we create humans grown from lab created genetic codes that you will tell them they are less than you because they have no direct blood heritage.
A jewish dream. Unless you stopped sexual diversity and mutations somehow, we would still adapt to our environments.
Patented genes will not matter, (((friend))).
First: Transhumanism is cancer
Second: You'd have a lot of Kang niggers that would boost theor genetics but keep their ugly physicallity and try to pollute the white gene pool.
Third: Some kike would try to "cure" racism through genes and create a domesticated and cucked subspecies of human goyim.
Lurk more you faggot. It is not and never has been about innate superiority. If IQ was some sort of right to rule we'd all be sucking China's cock for their 4 point lead. We aren't. Why?
If all others embrace it and we don't, we'll just get forced off the playing field. Lifting the lesser races up would make them far more dangerous as competition. We lost our world empires because of this pathological altruism, and we may still die out because of it.
Yes, we are better at damn near everything than any other race, but helping them would just make them more dangerous to our own progeny.
Go the fuck back to Holla Forums.
What a world
but this is what im saying. why didnt the nigger invent civilization? why didnt the jew invent the first language? why didnt the asian conquer the ancient world - from prehistoric america to egypt we really wuz kangz . why didnt any other peoples invent agriculture, mathematics or architecture? the aryan race is the superior race because of our ability to think in a different way. no other race of people, even if we create one genetically aryan, they will not share this talent of thinking because it doesnt run through their evolution; its not part of their psyche. we will always be superior and shitskins will always need us.
you see? even my numbers are superior.
Who do you think is going to draw up the plans for the new genetically modified ideal human?
Hint: the powers that be, won't create a race of people to challenge them. It goes against every single policy they've enacted this far.
Dysgenics and miscegenation is just going to be accelerated to further the plans of zionist jews.
There is no Eugenics for subhumans, user. That's like taking a coyote and trying to make it into a German Shepard. Meanwhile whites are already German Shepherds and Eugenics for them means becoming talking dogs who can drive taxi cabs.
Actually Gene-ism is the next racism
One thing that immediately occurs to me is the concept of competition and drive for our race to survive. We're being wiped off the face of the earth as it is because of how cucked we've become. Sure, we could retake the globe if we woke up, but what if everyone is our equal? All of a sudden instead of grim but recoverable our situation becomes eminent extinction.
Well something to consider is that they are still currently inferior, after all. In other words, given the proper circumstances, we could experiment with as many as we like until a satisfying result was created.
I was under the belief that the white race is being threatened because it is being attacked by vicious subhumans who cannot think like we do or share our higher values. If we were to force their children to have the same minds as us, wouldn't that make them far more reasonable? They would no longer have the drive to destroy us because they would have the same capacity for nobility, rationality, and honorableness as a white person.
Of course, I should mention that not even I would consider trying to correct the Jews. Their weapons might be worth saving but the force behind them must be eradicated.
There is no guarantee that they wouldn’t possess the desire to continue destroying us. Disregarding any debate about whether or not honour and nobility would even develop given equal intelligence animal species and subspecies (races) have always and will always fight for survival. Nature dictates that a genetic group’s instinct is to ensure its own survival and advantage, even white people in the past have conquered and eliminated cultures to make room for our own (as is proper in nature).
At a base level, we no longer are even comparable in numbers to the 3rd world hordes. The remaining advantage we have to ensure our survival is our intelligence. Giving that up quite simply puts us in a terrible situation, and one which if we look at objectively will likely lead to extinction.
And I still have not seen an argument for why you would waste the time and effort adding somethin we already have to groups that are currently hostile to us. When we can spend our time better finding ways to continue improving ourselves.
I hope this does happen actually.
It genuinely shocks me that in general liberals strongly oppose genetic engineering despite also claiming to campaign for equality.
When will you idiots realize that Holla Forums is what ever it is based on who is awake at that time and who is posting. If gommies are awake and the only people on Holla Forums then it is gommunist and most replies are going to be pro-gommunist. If the majority of posters that are awake are nat socs then the board will be nat soc since most replies are nat soc.
Fucking hell, I do believe they've made a manual regarding user boards and they came to the conclusion that who ever is awake during the time of posting affects the view and behaviour of the board.
Regarding genetics: WN shouldn't oppose this type of technology, what they should oppose is who gets to own it and the way they want to use it. As of today, the ones pushing it are your usual (((globalists))) since they own the money, resources and the means to do this stuff. The problem is that it is in the hands of these private entities and not in a national/statal entity. This technology would be used to eliminate any mental and physical handicaps within the European continent, ergo ensuring European dominance over the World (this would be the ideal).
Sorry for retardation.
Not really given that the mods ban anyone/delete threads that they don't like.
Cuckoldry. Should we also give them weapons of mass destruction? Hell, we could go a step further and donate all space programs to them, including the claim to everything that's in space.
Once they'll use our technology to eradicate us from the Earth, humanity we'll be all one big happy equal family, right?
We already did. It would take a total of 4 minutes for Obongo to launch nukes aimed at everywhere on Earth.
The OP isn't proposing to only allow other races to use genetic engineering though.
I doubt it, what is more likely the result is that everyone becomes Caucasian, due to it seemingly being the most physically attractive race.
King Nigger is kill.
No, but thus far we know how to bring other people to our level. What we don't know is how to further our own race, so it seems to me that they have a lot more to gain then we do.
Niggers won't stop being niggers. They will make themselves (somewhat) attractive niggers, but they won't alter themselves to look like whites.
Asians might make themselves white, but they will still be culturally and mentally Asians.
He can still launch nukes until the very day that he leaves office.
Most Negroids aren't aware of the fact that race isn't skin deep, so if they engineer themselves to the point in which they are exactly like us other than a few physical features (due to black pride or whatever), then I don't see what the problem is, especially since you can just engineer those small features out of their potential offspring.
This is perhaps the only issue, but after a period of time culture will be based solely on a nation's standards, not on their race.
Example: A born Asian is genetically engineered to mimic a Caucasian, and then is adopted and raised under a Caucasian household in America. - The result is that they will basically act exactly like a Caucasian and not their original race.
The problem is that they are still not white, foreign and hostile to us. Also there isn't a single logical reason why we should help them, unless you inject Globalist propaganda into the picture.
Most of them wouldn't be raised in a Caucasian culture. They would be white people raised in an Asian culture.
They only people that should be given access to this technology are the Iranian people, the Latinos and the somewhat white people (Assyrians, Coptic Egypteans, etc.)
It would be a tripartite win for us since it would create an influx of white people with somewhat compatible culture, it would reduce the shitskin population and it would provide us with some potential allies.
This is a blatantly obvious troll thread.
Mental capacity is genetic (I wonder why Ashkenazi Jews are smarter than Sephardic Jews??). If anything, forcing one generation to behave more reasonably would result in an even more violent backlash down the line (regression to the mean). European countries that took several strains of the muz up the asshole decades ago clearly see now that latter generations are actually more likely to radicalize than their (grand)parents. You can either blame dassraycissm, or stop giving a fuck entirely and start caring for your own people, who are proven to at least not be that dysfunctional, bottom line, whatever this or that excuse/reason for poor behavior of group x y z. Results, not pozzed idealism (pathological altruism).
Nature is brutal, not altruistic. Such intense altruism developed in Europe because of harsher weather conditions and low population densities, and was supposed to be activated only for fellow European farmers (cooperation, survival). Evolution is not perfect and takes time to play out fully. Now we're seeing that Jews hijack our instincts and turn them into pathological altruism, so that they can reign supreme. The Jewish hypocrisy in the media is one of the lulziest things ever (intermarriage, borders, etc).
Jews are whatever merchant class happens to speciate into Homo Sapiens Hebraicus at any given point. Ashkenazis are already 50% European genetically. Unless we all change, there's nothing that would prevent the eventual speciation of yet another merchant class, who would figure out that they could scam their fellow countrymen out of their hard-earned shekels. We must become incorruptible; –otherwise happy merchants will always be ready and willing to take care of various parts of our society for us (banks, media, etc). Our willful ignorance (Ruinous Powers) only accelerates this transfer of power / transformation.
The Dark Triad crap is true to the extent that the most psychopathic-aggressive-intelligent race will eradicate the rest (Tyranids, Necrons). As a result, even relatively peaceful races have to act like that, preemptively (Mankind). It is sad, but such is life. Also the Tau are SJWs (Greater Good my ass, Ethereals control the other castes like how Jews control us).
As always, we must ask ourselves: What Would the God Emperor Do?
When the God Emperor created the Thunder Warriors, he did not strive to make his opponents equal. He also realized, in His Infinite Wisdom, that extreme Genetic Engineering was not even the right thing for everybody. Too many things can go wrong down the line, and then we end up becoming Tyranids. Eugenics is safe and works, which is why Jews hate it so much (when the goyim do it). The smartest Rabbis got to have the most mini-me/rchants, and dumb Jews were expelled from the shtetl. Their heads weren't filled with shit, so they could parse reality as it actually was, and adapt in beneficial ways (start banking dynasties, control media, become lawyers and doctors; –Jews hate manual labor).
Sound familiar?
If this were not a silly troll thread, it would be the thoughts of some individual who read (Democrats are the Real Racists, to the extreme). Note his usage of the word 'nobility' (i.e. being a cuck). The pope is so noble nowadays he can kiss rapefugee feet and still feel noble and empower his followers with feelings of love and tolerance!
Relevant embed.
If things continue as they are it will mean editing out survival instincts like in-group preference. The top-tier Marxists and crypto-Marxist (((ethicists))) have now realised this and are pushing for it as the final solution to the "racism" question. This will be first applied in the wealthy West where the ideology is entrenched, of course.
It would mean your children become trusting to the point of self-destruction and unable to defend themselves or their people. It would mean a social situation 10x worse than modern Sweden applied to continents.
GTFO Schlomo.