Thomas Sankara sounds like a really based dude. What do you fellows think?

Thomas Sankara sounds like a really based dude. What do you fellows think?

Anyone have any interesting reads/videos about his revolutionary work.?

Other urls found in this thread:

The only reason he is remembered positively is because he was murdered before he could seriously do anything. He also thought that anarchists were a bigger enemy than the colonizers.


he was right tho

there's this:

do you think that, given the chance, he would be remembered today as yet "another brutal african evil communist warlord"?

some of the sympathizers today on here actually talk shit against gaddafi

both are based and i have higher respect towards their work than what anarkiddies come up with


Why is the part where he shouts "Anarcho-syndicalists" and the crowd replies "Down with them!" missing from this?

It was implied when he shouts "puppet regimes."

Epic, simply epic.

he didn't accomplish anything

he was just a professional quote maker

He was an ultra nationalist black neonazi. Then again, most communists are nazis in disguise.

You aren't even trying are you

Please, make children. Leftypol needs that offspring to destroy this board in pointless sectarianism.

Larp harder.

Have you ever been to sub-saharan Africa? If you think anarchy is a good idea there, you are beyond saving.

One of the few left authoritarian leaders I'd ever like.

Really? I heard many poverished Africans look up to him as a savior and how he would always be remembered as "Africa's Che Guevara"

Yeah guys, he didn't do a damn thing, just a quote machine.

if you think anarchy is a good idea anywhere, you are beyond saving

Are we being raided rn?