Fake News Uncovered

Holla Forumsfag here. Remember the website that had a list of all the "fake news" sites? Guess who owns it.


Do a traceroute, use Open Visual Trace Route, or go to a site like check-host.net. Paste in the web address (www.propornot.com)

The IP address range is to
It's located in Mountain View, California.

This may be a stretch, but remember the secretive startup founded by Eric Schmidt, called The Groundwork, that popped up mid-election cycle? When contacted by reporters, all they said was that they were dedicated to helping Hillary Clinton in any way possible (web.archive.org/web/20151009162159/http://qz.com/520652/groundwork-eric-schmidt-startup-working-for-hillary-clinton-campaign/).

An archive of The Groundwork's site when it first came up: web.archive.org/web/20141218105927/http://thegroundwork.com/
According to The Internet Wayback Machine, the domain was available for purchase on January 7, 2014. It appears to have been taken around November 16 of that year, and the strange webpage was visible by December 18, 2014.

It maintained its simple appearance until sometime between November 10 of this year (2016) and November 26, 2016. It has now taken a completely different look, and is filled with vague language about an API for improving Internet presence (archive link: web.archive.org/web/20161127004552/https://thegroundwork.com/).

Erich Schmidt is jewing everyone with a "grassroots truth-seeking" blog. How the fuck else can you explain how quickly it got traction?

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck the kikes

Google is pozzed and leftist as fuck. I wouldn't be surprised

I'm suprised they and facebook did not stack the election for Hillary, they could have done so with demographic messaging on facebook and other platforms.

Thank you for this.

Related: it looks like they are doing something similar to echoes here, though I don't think it has quite the same effect.


Not even surprised. Bump for visibility.

holy shit I didn't get why they were using the the "Y"s. That's really sad and a little cringy, they definitely tried to piggyback off the (((echos))). What's so odd about the content on that website is how adamant they are about the Russians behind everything.

Also, to clarify a bit about The Groundwork and PropOrNot:
The Groundwork was a weird website that had only an odd illuminati-like symbol in the middle.
PropOrNot showed up in the same timeframe as when The Groundwork's entire website became innocent and normie-looking.

not a good start

We would need some kind of confirmation. I don't think what you did is enough.

It's simple: Washington Post + Associated Press. Hundreds of newspapers and websites just reprint AP articles without even reading them.

Apparently the man who wrote the story for WP refuses to comment but it was promoted by his superiors so I guess they knew what they thought they were doing but it backfired because hundreds of articles and blog posts are now laughing at them. When you're using an anonymous source that calls the Drudge Report a russian propaganda website based on a Media Matters blog post you're shooting yourself in both feet.

I'm letting you know I don't just fart about computers, I know what I'm talking about.

That is the confirmation. When you want to make a website, you have to register it and provide your contact information. A "whois" lookup returns that contact information.

And what I'm implying is that they got a "lead" from Google or The Groundwork. Remember, Schmidt has an incesuous realtionship with the White House and Obama, and. Assange has written an in-depth article about how close he is to US politics.

my theory is that it's either Soros or David Brock (or both)

Oy vey shut it down.

Yes, they've got to be in with Schmidt. This is the result of the "group meeting" with Soros and Dem party heads after the defeat.

On a side note, wasn't this "fake news" thing started by some teacher somewhere? I recall she had a list on her university website for some social ed class. It blew up temporarily, I'll bet it was the inspiration that started this thing.

All degeneracy leads to San Francisco.

You know more about that than me but you could still be someone who jumps to conclusions.

It's possible but it could also be David Brock and CTR or the clowns at ShareBlue. Think about it: between Google or The Groundwork VS Correct The Record / Media Matters or another group linked to David Brock, who is the most likely to do something sloppy and easily discredited like PropOrNot?

Not sure if JIDF or retard.

That forced meme doesn't seem all that bad anymore.

How do you know that is is not only hosted or cached by google?


Have a bump, wouldn't be much of a surprise honestly.

A traceroute + whois usually filters out any load balancers. Google does provide their own website hosting platform, blogger.com, but this website is not on it. Instead, it appears to be running on its own servers, and uses templates taken from other sites which they attribute at the bottom (themexpose.com and gooyaabitemplates.com).

Don't forget who else is in that area. Actually, they share Moffett Field with Google


Someone should send some Cheese Pizza to his home.
Does anyone have a some good web sites for Cheese Pizzas?


the same google whose motto is "don't be evil"? i never would have guessed

computer programmers; others believe that the programmers
are merely the pawns, and the computers themselves have
taken over. Either way, they are rich and powerful, and they
are probably watching you right now. The Network knows
everything, and it knows it first.

the googles = the network

I'll probably post this on halfchan later, much as I hate doing it. It's got more potential for visibility.

Daily reminder that Eric Schmidt was the chairman until this year of the New American Foundation, a Soros and Rothschild backed NGO, with connections to Hillary & Podesta and the pizza gang.

Any meme that is popular with the altright or Holla Forums is going to be attempted to be co-opted by opposing factions that want to use the memes for their own purposes.

It makes sense in a way to try and do their own version of echos, since the reason is similarish for what it's meant to do, which is to point out how the source is questionable/biased for some reason.

Problem with their use though, is most people that are liberal have no idea what some of these sites are nor why they'd be biased even if you're trying to tell them everything is a Russian conspiracy.

Now that they have announced their plans on the internet, its time to fuck with their algorithims on sites they support. And if one of your accounts gets flagged with Y's, start shitposting comments translated to Russian. Demoralize these fucking kikes.

Газ жидов расовую войну прямо сейчас


He's provbably from that liberal pseudo-intellectual hugbox slashdot
I mean just look at the comments here:
Place is filled to the brim with fedora lords, so it's no surprise if one turd strays from the shitter on occasion


But really, you could tell it was all going downhill when it became acceptable to even talk about using Windows on a PC you own.

I just tried to post as anonymous coward on there and you can't even say niggers anymore. How the fuck is the GNAA supposed to get the first post anymore??

Bump to expose propornot

Also what the fuck is going on if propornot calls out Drudge, WaPo acts like the shills they are and promotes propornot, and Drudge keeps linking WaPo after that? Because Drudge has been running a WaPo link as his main headline for a day now.

Psyops I tell you

The divisions aren't where they appear to be (based off of politics) and we're all being manipulated

I remember seeing something yesterday about how propornot was lying about their "allies". Most of them dont even know what propornot is.

Whatever the truth, propornot is 100% intended to manipulate people.

Google essentially did. They tailored search engine algorithms to be favorable towards clinton and skew results both negative and favorable.


This shit is so fucking hilarous, these fuckers will never learn, these motherfuckers will never grasp the true potential of magic, you can't simply steal a spell, just like you can't simply steal a meme.
Also it's incredible how the kikes are barely able to keep up with basement neets positive fun based magic against their blood, fear and pain based magic, those fuckers have casted millennium long spells just to take control of the world, while losing such control in the blink of an eye.
This is a great teaching my friends, fear, pain and panic are sources of power of magnitude weaker than pure will, humor, and fun. Any practicer must learn from these times and reshape his rituals.

Learn how to read. I'm saying PropOrNot is just too sloppy and their list too easily debunked to be something professional created and operated in collaboration with Google / Eric Schmidt or The Groundwork. Hosted by Google, yes, but created by Google? nah.

it looks like their first idea was to make a blog on Blogspot:


This might be one of their operators.

the shadow government is using GW to push it's narrative and control people.
Holy fuck

There are so many things wrong with this one sentence

The election is over CTR. Go out into the sunshine for a few minutes.
