Why do people like this cuckold again?
Paul Joseph Watson officially declares war on the alt-right
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Faggot deserves the rope.
watson's a fag?
All of the (((Alt-Right))) and TRS are, seriously
Hi Sinead
What does this cuck think Western Values are?
Also, alt-right is not Holla Forums
I don't even know who that is
Remember user, faggotry is a mental illness, they have a skewed view of reality
All of them.
Why do we continue to give this faggy numale any attention. He's a worthless piece of shit
PJW, Milo, Gavin McInnes and Cernokike all deserve the rope.
Fugging civic nationalists amirite.
At least i still have the constitution amirite.
please don't kill me by taking back your history, life, and future, aryan supergoyim. it would be extremely painful.
Jerry Taysachs should be on that image.
pol is not alt right OP
please fuck off
What kind of Persian are we talking about here?
What a faggot, fucks sake
I remember holding a presentation about Glubb's years ago, funny to see the pozzed classroom and even the teacher impressed by the accuracy of his words. He's the real deal
To them western culture can apply to anyone. Heck, Gavin McInnes said he would be fine with a europe full of 100% brown people as long as they had western values.
Not the white kind
Even if we were to pretend that race was just the color of your skin (it's not obviously) white, pink, or golden skin is objectively better looking than brown skin. Saying you'd be okay with your country getting browned is shameful and a sign of shit taste.
Did you just cherry pick the most unappealing pictures of them? Or do they seriously normally look like that? I wouldn't trust them with anything.
The latter.
I could never watch his videos because his voice was annoying as fuck.
Absolutely disgusting.
Image didn't go through.
Holy shit, Cernovich looks like a Ron Perlman troglodyte.
Normies respect intellectuals that cater to their sense of hope. Hope for things like peace, equality, love, etc.
When force is called for normies don't get it. They'll accept an academic allegory, but not the force of someone else's will. Its an ego thing.
Western civilisation is a shit meme created in the 20th century. It needs to be killed with fire.
(((western values))) basically means tolerance and apathy right now
Civic nationalists deserve the rope.
And what if all those people were removed?
Man, my natural instinct around that nu glasses faggot was right from the getgo. I fucking knew that this fagget was a cuck, nu male and I abandoned any notion of him having value from early on. And it looks like it payed off. Feels good to have natural, mental systems that allow me to avoid these toxic parasites.
Then there would be slightly less faggots on the Alt-Right.
Who cares?
Western Values is what happens when you step on the magical American dirt.
I wonder if this faggot even knows who Lindbergh was
Why if leafy narrating WW2 history?
remember how PJW wanted to make that shitty new right. and they had a subreddit going trying to cuck r/the_donald into swapping over? Remember how I warned PJW and the rest of them that if they want war with us you got it? If he wants to keep it up, we already have most of his dox.
He likes to go by another name, onedeaddj not fully confirmed
For fucks sake. The whole Alt-Right is started by kikes in order to fuck people that fell for it over. How did you not understand this OP? Yuri fucking warned you.
Not how it works faggot.
I never knew kikes could bring so much joy into the world. Oh well, time to off myself I guess.
Knew he was a subverting jewish faggot from day one.
The only good he does is give good information when it comes to SJW's and liberals.
Someone kill him.
Every PR cuck that thinks that giving a roman salute in that event was a bad idea (even if they were Jew plants) should watch this video. NEVER BACK DOWN.
There's literally nothing gay about TRS.
Are you sure she's Persian? She has the face of a chimpanzee. I didn't know they had chimps in Iran.
Leftists are still going to claim that you're racist like they've done with cuckservatives.
Probably a crypto-streetshitter.
At a glance she looked kind of attractive but the more and more I stare the uglier she fucking gets. Holy shit I cannot believe how fucking man-like and chimp-like her face is. It's unbelievable.
She must suck his fucking soul out through his dick because I don't know how a goblin like that could keep a man around.
The problem these controlled opposition idiots have is that they are easily replaced. We already saw with Milo, you slip up once and you barely get mentioned anymore. People want the real unfiltered news, if you are proven to be a traitor we will just move on to something else.
So here's a question for you Holla Forums: I know a few cock smokers in real life. Is it better for a faggot to be a bog-standard lefty faggot, or a TRS faggot? Given that TRS are a bunch of flaming faggots, should I direct faggots I know there? Would it improve them overall, or is it not worth doing?
Top Kek he really is a fucking numale cuck.
You reek of subversive, and the only thing you should be directing faggots to do is stop being faggots or die.
You should direct all faggots to the bog
Is this for real? If so, Jesus fucking Christ. TRS has more fags and jews than even makes sense.
Just so we're clear, this is a news outlet that has Trump's ear. Regular guests like spook Picenik and former Trump operative Roger Stone are mouthpieces for Infowars. This statement is as good as coming from Trump himself.
Western values = postwar Jewish values
Know your enemy.
Doesn't that make most of chan users anti-white when masturbate to asian cartoons?
Prepare for TRS fags spamming this thread with:
This is why they all belong to the bog, as soon as you look through their faggotry they show their real colours
Trump went on Jonesteins show a single time, and fired Stone long before he had even been on Infowars. The supposed connection between the two camps is highly exaggerated.
He's half right.
We didn't vote in Trump because he was white. Yeah that was a big factor, but there were plenty of "white" guys running.
Hillary was white too.
We did vote for him on values.
White values.
Watson shows he's a cuck tred and true
I have to be subversive, I live neck-deep among these degenerates because I was a moron who thought computer science was a good idea. Now I have to live in a left coast city to find good work, and am forced to work with faggots and pajeets. If I weren't subversive, I'd be out of a job.
Holla Forums might not be alt-right but he's obviously attacking all who care about race in the video.
Yeah I definitely believe it lol
lmao, you fucked up royally son
He says there's no evidence of jews jewing, he has no credibility.
Literally who declares war on the alt-what?
Check the link, he removed it from his subreddit. I guess for "doxing".
Around Nu-Males…
Severe fails.
What a bigot Hitler was gay. He also shot up bull semen into his deformed genitals don't forget that part. ;^)
The only people who care about being known as the alt right are reddit and cuckchan.
Altright is for fags lol
It's bad. I've been thinking about quitting and going to welding school.
You don't, trust me. You can find a sysadmin job in most places in the country, your pay might take a cut but you'll also have lower cost of living.
I hope you're trolling and not actually retarded enough to believe jewish fantasy stories
These people are insane. I guess this also shows that all the TRS shills were conpletely lying about "open homos" being banned. I don't even get what their angle is, a homo-tranny supremacist state?
All of your "sources" are from shitskins, muh holy niggers tier Christians, and probable feds.
Why would I believe any of that shit?
is PJW really gay? Guy seems like a decent human being trying to make a quick buck off of crazies.
He was supposedly just trolling about being a faggot. Who knows really, regardless he's a civic nationalist cuck.
Holy crap user, I kek'd so hard I had a coughing fit. 10/10 would sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeet again
so who is this homosexual and why should i care?
To tie it in with the overarching narrative frame of islamofascism. Standard SJW fare, sex is political etc.
Pretty sure the ovenmaster guy who made the imgur album is from the TRS forum. I think he actually made the Sinead remixes.
Having crafting skills is always benificial, I work at construction myself while studying. You always have work, and since our numbers are shrinking because everyone goes for a university degree and job these days, craftsman are already more sought after than uni fags. And there's always some good money there, especially if you start your own company
Whichever one of you faggots has an account on their forum should see how they reacted to those screenshots being leaked.
People trolling about being fags usually are actual fags. Would you troll about being a faggot?
CF is in fact, a giant fucking retard. But that doesn't mean the altright aren't fags either. All this proves is that negrophile christcucks and homophile altrighters are both subversives and why national socialism is the only answer.
Ok? Like that means anything to me? You act like claims made by Eurasian and shitskin nationalism groups mean jack shit. Wow, you are caught up in a tidal wave of shitskin asshurt fueling autistic inter-forum feuding. Congratulations lol.
Caught you red handed, kike.
Being a faggot is the only reason. It's "testing the waters".
I was adding to my original post, why do you think I quoted you too?
chill out
chill out
You were speaking as if you were addressing multiple people.
chill out
every time.
this place doesn`t allow me to delete/edit posts, thats why
I was, the multiple people lurking this thread.
That's why everything except NS is cucked and deserves the bog
my waifu
You probably can't even tell what I changed.
yank detected. I'm not sure you understand what nationalism is
Oh Jew.
That's his kikebook. He wouldn't have deleted it if he didn't have something to hide.
You retarded son? Not even close
I never noticed Cernocuck has suck small, beady eyes.
Looks like that Woll Smoth shit.
Surprised that's even legal in Germany
I have my own ethnic national identity and don't need to pretend to be a German
I don't expect it to be, but maybe that's why the swastika is hidden. It would definitely be in that case
Don't you have a feminine penis to suck?
well, what does his wife look like? as trannies go that one aint bad
i could see a guy that looks like that marrying the first girl he fucks and getting stuck with some awful whore. if i was him id do the same thing. what better way to get back at your wife than fucking a dude who looks better than her?
well you definitely proved your retardation there, fuck off cuck
Did you make Chernovich's nose even bigger?
Doesnt work like that. And it doesnt change the fact that you are posting shit from an autistic shitskin nationalist organization and Common "all white people are trannies tbh" Filth. We are back at square one and it seems like you are just a shill at this point.
Gorilla mindset.
6 Gorillion Mindset
I don't see any difference
Didn't you faggots get purged to your containment board. Think you forgot already.
That trap in the MAGA hat is a mega-qt. Def would give him the succ.
Gavin McInnes stuffed a buttplug in his ass "to combat homophobic Islamists". The guy is still a novelty and attention seeking cancerous hipster who pretends to be right-wing because he thinks it's edgy.
Get this hothead outta here
my sides have been shoahed
I hate faggots and would be happy if they all went into the bog. Not sure what I said that made you think otherwise.
I don't understand Confucianism either, I don't really care about foreign ideologies tbh
ok, but i'm sure there's better use for your autism.
to you.
if so, you don't care for diversity.
it does. don't put all your eggs in one basket.
pretty much.
You're a small guy
Fugg, Jack Donovan is really a fag.
No one here does OP, I mean he does work for infowars, a place that blames aliens and a new world order for the world being fucked up and won't name the (((real))) problem
National Socialism was invented by Hitler in Germany. Hitler was an Aryan. National Socialism united and perfected Germany under Hitler. Nationalism Socialism may very well be the most perfect system of rule known to man. You should care about your history and what it entails. Unless you aren't an Aryan in which case you can fuck right the hell off.
There is not a single "passing" tranny in the world. It's a pretty dead giveaway when they all look like misshapen, veiny armed, man jawed freaks. That's why they only take myspace angle pics. Pic related is "Blaire White"
National Socialism is the philosophy of nature.
Ironmarch only tweeted about it.
what the fuck is the contxt LOL
It's time to leave
ironmarch is a honeypot
Also isn't this the guy who fucked a tranny behind his wife's back? He gets the rope with the rest of them
Maybe they are, but that's irrelevant to the outing of the TRSodomite.
I've never heard that before, but it sounds true.
I wish I was good at music/audio so I could make a vaporwave remix of this song.
The most unappealing picture of anyone will usually be what they look like normally.
Ironmarch just existing triggers you faggots so hard you can't help but mention it when no one is talking about it.
So is it? How do I even know these claims are legitimate if they source from a shitskin honeypot? Why would I intentionally go along with the narrative of shitskins with Aspergers who throughout the election season told people not to vote?
Why would I go ahead and focus my energies inward toward a small group of probably 5-10k people instead of my nation's people? What kind of diversionary tactic bullshit is this?
Funny how I outed this huckster and conman last night in the "fake news" thread. He works for the Jews and was never on our side. We really need to run him out of the alternative media. He's worse than Jones in his philosemitism
And denial of Jewish power.
> sociology.as.nyu.edu
> External Affiliations: American Sociological Association, Eastern Sociological Association, Pacific Sociological Association, International Sociological Association, American Society of Criminology, Law and Society Association, International Association for the History of Crime and Criminal Justice, Sociologists' Lesbian and Gay Caucus, Committee on Lesbian and Gay History, Society of Lesbian and Gay Anthropologists, Gay and Lesbian Caucus of the Modern Language Association, Society for the Study of Homosexuality in the Middle Ages.
> courses.missouristate.edu
See also:
> temple.edu
get out, but first see:
Yes, the best way to get back at your bitch wife is to fuck a man. It's not gay if he has a feminine penis. R…right, bros?
Go back to trs, faggot.
#AccelerateWhiteGenocide right guys? B-based CF
Lel, I don't even go on IM but you do seem pretty triggered by them.
Christians and Jews, teaming up to destroy europe since forever
CommonFucktard and his whole behaviour just reek of Goon. Whether he's a infiltrator like the autists who co-ran r/niggers and coontown or he's just a genuine goony asshole remains to be seen.
How anybody could defend this subhuman is beyond me. Mods should ban his supporters on sight.
I did when I was younger and a lolberg.
What's the difference?
He's another contrarian.
Look at Chris Ray Gun IMMEDIATELY after the election "OH PEOPLE ARE RIGHT WING NOW? HAHA, DRUMPF" hell even Andy fucking Warski the slayer himself has turned coat because "muh nazis" when a week ago he was endorsing us. They're Contrarians, they're just riding the wave of being anti-establishment.
Why is the right filled with so many degenerates and Jews?
I think Holla Forums needs to create some form of Nationalist Anarchism so we don't have to deal with attention whore leaders.
That's a terrible font, user.
Why did people even like CF in the first place before finding out he was just some spic that like da white wimminz?
All his material is just black pill stuff even before he lost his shit because he was trolled. Nobody is going to wake up to that shit and want to give a fuck.
That sounds like an oxymoron
Yep, Holla Forums are even bigger speshul snowflakes than the Altistic Right.
I'm assuming the "gay scene" is a prank he's playing on his friends in the photo. He married a chink girl.
Common Filth is nothing more than a fucking porn distributor; you can package the porn you distribute within a frame of faux moral outrage, but it doesn't make you any less of a filth merchant.
Holla Forums IS Holla Forums, NOTHING ELSE
that frog sound
Don't let the door hit you on your way out faggot
Faggots have been marrying women for millenia.
Leftypol leave
I think he means "anudda shoah."
He used to just shit on faggots and degenerates and his radio show used to be pretty comfy. His videos weren't really le blackpill until he started worshipping that one pastor nigger zionist.
Alibi marriage, they do it all the time
He was peddled here nonstop a year ago and I only had to watch one of his videos before realizing how useless he is. At this point in west the degeneracy is so apparent you accomplish nothing by pointing it out with a sarcastic twist unless you're trying to foster defeatism.
Exactly. A nation's (or group thereof's) values are the principle product of its people, and are uniquely intrinsic to them. To those idiots who espouse the universality of Western values, I ask which non-white country they can comfortably say are practising them? And why shouldn't they be, for is not the Western world the best blueprint to a successful society?
Homosexuality hasn't been a widespread part of European culture for around 2000 years.
It's such bullshit, because what they mean by "western culture" is post-65 cultural Marxist garbage. Pre-65 and pre-45 western civilization was very race conscious.
Careful guys. We got a Nu-Right Alpha male here.
Holla Forums has always been alt national socialist
Agreed. I mean, maybe CF started out as a somewhat normal person who was really trying to expose something, I don't know his history, but you can't immerse yourself in filth like that for months and years without it profoundly fucking up your headspace.
Holla Forums is not alt-right.
Holla Forums is always right.
It wasn't even a part of ancient culture, maybe a phenomenon at the end of it's cycle like it is today. It's all faggot disinfo
He also claims irony while acting sincere and throws bitch fits when other people do the same. ("White girls fugg dogs amirite xDD" "Everyone who worships Kek is a heathen or apostate who deserves the worst").
I'd agree with this if it meant we could throw cripplebabies off of cliffs like the Spartans did
No, actually I'm bitching about Holla Forums for the whole getting it's panties in a wad at every other white nationalist group and individual out there. When people here were counter-signalling David Duke defending the Andrew Jackson statue, it kinda chapped my ass and I've been pissy towards Holla Forums ever since.
Not really until the First Exodus did the NatSocs finally seize dominance, over on 4cuck it was a terrible cacophany of anarcho-faggots and lolbergs.
The fucks going on in this image?
It was the second, actually.
The first one was mostly Holla Forums users, then a few months later Holla Forums came.
Only about general trends, it was totally wrong with the whole shemitah prediction, don't even try to front.
People liked him?
Gas them all.
This. He's a socially inept retard and will do a variety of stupid shit (AKA sperging out and making white girls fuck dogs bumper stickers) just so him and his personality cult can show those "le silly white nationalists." Then claim he's on some sort of moral high ground because he found fags fucking each other who happened to be white so that means "im automatically right ::^^))." Don't forget once read from the Qu'ran on his podcast.
I didn't mean to imply that, I meant if we're to embrace ancient culture then we should embrace infanticide of cripples.
It had a lot, yes, but it was mostly Holla Forums users.
Ask HW on Twitter if you didn't believe me.
I was a Holla Forums and Holla Forums user, I came over the day moot banned GaymerGayte discussion, that was what late August/early September of '14. I was getting sick of 4chan anyway and was looking for an exit hatch; I can't even look at 4/pol/ catalog anymore, it's painful.
Most people decried that as obvious bullshit, and jewish mysticism. It was only really prevalent because the mods pinned it for weeks.
Not defending the faggot but do you expect me to take you seriously with a literal "friend of a friend" tier source?
HW has done so much drugs and fucked so many ladybois that his memory is shit at this point in time. I don't need to rely on anyone else's memory since I was actually here. You don't get to claim that first exodus Holla Forumsacks were not actual Holla Forumsacks just because you were a bit late.
We don't have food limitations, so we really don't need to infanticide cripples, though we should at least pre-emptively abort the mental cripples.
Until I checked the comment you were responding to, I thought you were talking about PJW. And I agreed with every word you said.
Fuck, here. I can prove it.
Holla Forums used to be #5 on the boards page, Holla Forums was #1.
Man I miss first wave Holla Forums, it was a fucking paradise. No shills, no faggots, just quality posting.
As far as I can tell, we are the mainstream national socialists. Who is, if not us?
To be fair, though, I wouldn't put it past Jew bankers and financiers to buy into and execute retarded mystical numerology money magic on the global economy, and an economic collapse is due to us because the global economy is built on a foundation of quicksand.
But it did hurt our record and our street cred.
You can tell he doesn't go outside much from the fact he thinks the sort of degeneracy he spends all day looking at is commonplace
Board ranks show composition of the site, not composition of the board itself. Also Holla Forums was top two as far as boards go before Holla Forums harbor happened.
The cognitive dissonance here is fucking astounding
Checking those dub 380s
Nigger, it was all Holla Forumsermin LARPing as Holla Forumsaks. Pure shit.
I remember this too tho, that's why I was surprised that Holla Forums was the top board suddenly, we were usually second place. I think it was mostly because many pollacks went on Holla Forums as well, which boosted the unique ID's of Holla Forums
Oh shut up, nigger. You were wrong, deal with it.
Why are you surprised, he literally lists it on his kikebook
This is a complete lie. For the first few months after the gamergay exodus 8/pol/ was great, although it did slowly start sliding into shitposting trash right up until the 2nd exodus.
Spartans were cucks. Read Plutarch's Parrellel Lives, he talks about it in the chapter about Lycurgus.
tl;dr: The Spartans considered cuckery to be eugenic.
wrong it was awesome because it had less users, second wave was still okay but it went downhill since then. Usually the more people post the shittier a board becomes
8/pol/ was great until that April Fool's day when fucking Holla Forums invaded and the queer ass mods at the time went along with it. Quality has been declining since then.
No retard, I wasn't wrong in the slightest. Your original claim was that the board was not majority natsoc until the 2nd exodus, not that Holla Forums had more users. The second has no bearing on the first.
The Alt-Right is cancerous. They also overestimate how much impact they had on Trump's victory. It took a large collective effort to 'normalize' Trump in the eyes of conservatives. This wasn't done by backing down and running the GamerGate-style campaign that these pseudo-intellectuals are promoting. "Don't Heil gaiz! We can name the Jew without being compared to the Nazis." Are they shills or genuinely retarded?
Redpill New Right. Gas the Alt-Right.
bullshit, we had redpill threads every fucking day, what full redpilled me was USS Liberty, if we didn't have those redpill threads I'd just be another walking talking npc
we're just Right
I have to agree with Paul. Richie Rich put out another video yesterday called "Alt right forever" and he's still defending "Roman" salute.
Meanwhile woes is on the front page of newspapers in the UK, they are asking people to ID the Nazi, and woes has never ever been a Nazi larper and didn't give the "Roman" salute at NPI. He might even have to apply for asylum in the US where he is currently touring. Not one fucking word from Richard about his invited guest woes. Just smirking and saying what idiots the media are and the the movement will grow. Fuck the alt right, a Jew named Gottfried was Spencer's mentor and coined the term and his wife is a communist. youtube.com
We're not on the same fucking page here, I meant was that the first exodus consisted of mostly Holla Forums users for Holla Forums in general, not for Holla Forums. That's why I posted the old board list showing Holla Forums was ahead of Holla Forums.
That's about right.
We aren't even alt-kike, while pjw is a faggot who deserves the rope who gives a shit about labels?
I was a unenlightened goymergayter, shoot me
we also raided sjws and femshits on the daily, we don't have nearly enough fun as we used to
But, user! All we need to do is teach them about how great the constitution is and they're assimilate to our culture and it will be a utopia!
Daily reminder that the Jew fag ran off with over 100k that was donated to be given to white male college students.
Fair enough. I guess we could always pull the tried and true excuse:
They were going to attack but we foiled their plan by exposing it to the world! Holla Forums is so right, the bankers had to change their plan to make Holla Forums wrong.
Based Varg called him controlled opposition.
What we know about him so far:
- Paul J. Watson is closeted gay
- Paul J. Watson doesn't give a shit about the white race
- Paul J. Watson doesn't believe that the jews control the world
- Paul J. Watson demonize Hitler, just like any other blue-pilled person
- Paul J. Watson criticizes Islam but he doesn't show any other alternative to Islam (I believe he's an atheist)
The fuck?
I've been watching him for months and I was pretty sure he was alt-right…
The whole board was, that's why it was shit.
Wasn't varg gay as well? Or was that another white nationalist pagan I'm thinking of?
"New Right" is even more cancerous than "alt-right"
We also know that he was initially anti-Trump, and called him a Clinton plant. Once he (or his boss Alex) saw which way the wind was blowing, he changed his tune.
He thinks he can purge us? Lel.
We'll be around helping the right whether you want us or not.
It's time to push the window further and further right until the Republican candidates embrace the label and become Literally Hitler.
checked for truth I followed first exodus and pol was better than it had ever been
Yeah, it was during the First Exodus that I went from being a lolberg to a NatSoc because I realized libertarianism can't defend shit, and it was one of the Holohoax threads after we first came over that finally redpilled me on that and WWII.
Cernokike and Watson both dumped the alt-right label after the NPI conference when a few people threw up sieg heils.
Kek. I hope one of you twitter faggots sent that to him.
Moreover, he himself has always be shitting on muslims, just like alt-righters do.
meh, NS was in many aspects superior to Italian fascism. But it's okay I guess
That is a moronically pointless defense. Where did the German's get that salute? It wasn't Germanic, they got it from the Italian Fascists. And the Italian Fascists were using it as a deliberate allusion to Rome. The "Nazi salute is'' the "Roman salute".
This is the intellectual equivalent of "I'm not touching you!"
It convinces nobody. Anybody who knows anything about the salute knows it to be the same thing. Anybody who doesn't know about the salute will still think it is the Nazi salute. Their 'defense' is impotent and pointless.
pic related
He's right, but when Europe became Christian, homosexuality along with pedophilia became a sin.
Look, I ain't one to defend little Dickie Spencer, I think he's tarded, he says counter-productive things quite often, and I don't see the purpose of his whole conference-faggotry and little attempts at MUH RESPECTABILITY, but there is literally nothing wrong with the Roman or Bellamy salute, it's part of our heritage and traditions as Europeans and Americans. Anyone who wouldn't defend the salute doesn't belong on Holla Forums, but does fucking belong in an oven.
He'd dox himself by trying that, and would probably be denied asylum due to the nature of his complaint. If he's smart he'll just become an illegal immigrant in America. How hard could that actually be for somebody with UK accented english? Most Americans would never think anything of it, he could easily blend in.
There is literally nothing wrong with the Roman salute. But doing the Roman salute and pretending to not be a fascist, feigning outrage when people accuse you of doing the "Nazi salute" which is the Roman salute is moronic. What do they hope to achieve? They're acting like they have plausible deniability, but they don't.
she looks like this porn star
Even before it became Christian: the mainstream of Roman society was very anti-faggotry and very pro-family values, Germanics and Celts executed fags, and even in Greece where some strata of certain city-states tolerated faggotry it was still looked down upon by the masses.
You should probably watch the video instead of relying on hearsay. Spencer basically said it was a mistake for people to be seig heiling, his defense of it was to say that people were pumped up and acting brashly but that that happening didn't kill the "alt-right".
They're not fascists though, if they were actual fascists I wouldn't have as much of an issue with them. They're mostly lolbergs that have enough sense to realize that there are actual racial differences and the country will go to shit if shitskins are the majority.
Yeah, that's gay, too. Just embrace the fashy side, it's the logical endpoint of serious, brutally honest political thought, everything else is head-up-the-ass feel-good idealistic LARPing bullshit.
Those are some pretty fat udders
New Right is pretty bluepilled and has been taught to 'not back down' in the face of liberal poz. They could at some point become redpilled. That's where my efforts are focused atm. As far as I can tell, half of the Alt-Right is currently panicking over nothing. Their problem is not one of knowledge, but one of resolve. They're want to let a few salutes pussify their entire movement if it wasn't already pussified before by Holohoax believers.
Spencer seems to be the one of the few in their ranks that has responded reasonably. It's the rank and file that is shitting its pants.
If they're not fascists, then I have a problem with them saluting. Or at least with them calling it the Roman salute. Roman salute is for fascists, always has been. As burger libertarians they are welcome to the Bellamy salute.
We aren't lolbergs
It's our word now, we're taking it back.
Based Varg.
Most of the alt-right aren't shitting their pants, its the bandwagoners that bought into Milo/Cernovich representing the alt-right that are. New Right seems entirely too afraid of being called racist to do anything with, they seem like nothing other than cuckservatives 2.0 to me.
Yeah, I have the same issue, the people there basically did it just to be edgy as far as I can tell.
I don't care about the origin of the word, we've appropriated it and now it means something along the lines of fashionably fascist, or at least it does to me.
This is the alt-right's gamergate moment. They are about to feel the hand of the jew squeeze them and play them like the degenerate fiddle that they are. This is going to be fun.
so? Holla Forums is not alt-right
Yeah, that's how I think of it. An adjective to describe something having fascist aesthetics.
Holla Forums is just right, as in correct.
Their e-celebs will all be crushed to dust. What about their rank-and-file though? Will they recognize what is happening? Will they be taught the error of their ways?
They will be left fertile for the new wave.
>another pointless anti-PJWatson thread
bog-standard lefty faggot because at least they're honest about their degeneracy. also the "to be white is to suck dick" and "le greeks/romans were all faggots" maymays sicken me far more than having to take a side road because of a bunch of pridefags have main street block so they can smack each other with dildos on a parade float.
So? Are you a fucking moron? Or is it your first day here?
Good point.
Last I heard she quit to become a real estate agent or something. Too bad really, I haven't found many comparably good racks. Even if she is Cuban.
Comment of the week.
Basically the same job tbqh.
Paul pls.
You can declare war on people that don't exist?
I'd expect her to be pretty succesful selling to male clients
I laughed, but giving a proprietary right of a word to them is shameful.
Nah, this is more a schism moment between the actual white nationalist rightists and the anti-SJW lolbergs, which was inevitable after the election. Maybe if Hillary had won there would have been external pressures keeping that coalition together, but with a Trump victory it's natural we'd split. I mean, I followed Paul Jewish Watson and Cernobitch on Twitter because they had some useful information and content during the election, but I stopped following them right after because I never cared for either one of them personally. I still follow that mtracey guy, though, formerly of Vice, he seems like he could be on the verge of taking a redpill or two and falling down the rabbit hole.
Spencer giving the roman salute was the best thing to happen to the "alt-right" since all of the people who latched onto it to subvert it and farm shekels used that "incident" as an excuse to jump ship and virtue signal
Fuck this brand-drama shit.
Fuck off e-celebs.
I mean, c'mon, we're human beans, we can't help but indulge in petty, catty gossip about our rivals, it's what social creatures do.
This is the best people like Sinaed can come up with. I used to like her until I realised the crazy meme wasn't a joke.
Why did you ever think it was just a meme when its a known fact that she's a flat earther? Please tell me you never bought into the flat earth bullshit.
Is Hispanic IIRC. He's also a leftist. He has to go back, but he can periodically visit for anti-SJW concerts.
Yeah, he never claimed to be anything other than a leftist bernout.
I think Spencer should be mercilessly bullied by us, but he is white and he does try really hard (and he fails really hard) so I guess I support his right to exist, though I wish he would fade into obscurity and be superseded by someone far better. Sinead and her crew of whackjobs, they're fucking antifa tier weirdoes, I would definitely sentence them to the oven or the rope, they're rather irredeemable.
Also, I'm totally going to piss off over half the thread, but I do like TRS podcasts, I don't care what you people say. Now, their forums, they could very well be gay as fuck, I don't know, I hate forum formats so would never go, but I find the podcast content to be quite entertaining.
I bought into Hollow Earth, but only because it has convoluted diagrams and I love those.
The full exchange makes it worse
Gavin? He's not close. He has a violent allergic reaction whenever he gets close.
At this point he's a middle-aged normalfag dad who still thinks he can be one of the hip young "alternative culture" teenagers. He doesn't realize that the people he remembers aren't like that anymore; they all moved on with their lives. The people who are teenagers today? He has no connection with them. He doesn't understand that, he thinks that everybody else stayed young and only he grew up.
Fantasy can be fun
I thought it was Holla Forums shitposting like when they claimed she was a mudshark or that her kid was black. I thought some of her weirdest videos were meta commentary on her persona. She's fucking nuts.
She reminds me of my mom.
I watch Alex Jones and I can see where this is headed. The alt-right figureheads see themselves as the prophets of Trump and they try to act like they represent him. They will be put in their place summarily by the flux of events, jewish influence and, most likely, state actors. Either that or they will be allowed to live and they will be paraded for daring to step out of the paradigm. Just like cuckchan. This is not going to end well for them.
Not even in ten beers time.
No, they're well aware that Trump's views and theirs aren't aligned just as everyone on Holla Forums who isn't a fool is aware of the same.
I think they are a lot less self-aware than Holla Forums. Not only with respect to this issue, but in general. Anonymity cuts through ego. Ego clouds your judgement of yourself; we see ourselves for what we truly are, but they only see their own self-image of themselves. They only see their egos.
Why the fuck does anyone put stock what this limey fuck thinks? This is the dipstick that called The Don a Hillary plant back when we had already been championing him for a while. PJW is a fair-weather cuck that only got on the Trump Train when Trump started winning. Some one else already linked the vid:
To quote:
Yes he was talking about Cuckianity values and how this wasn't the main goal of the alt-right. I hate fags as much as the next person but there are other groups for that. He's also directly apologised for the tweet. It was tweeted when the tea party was still a thing.
He's about the Greeks sadly.
No, not Gavin McInnes. Michael Tracey I think his name is.
It can be indeed, 4/x/ before the Holla Forums raids destroyed it was a very fun, creative place.
I keep tabs on all of these groups partly out of curiosity and partly to try to propagandize. All the typical alt-right figureheads have always said that Trump isn't part of "alt-right" and isn't a white nationalist.
Yes. Even were our views to go mainstream and we got our dream NatSoc government and Hitler 2.0 Fuhrer, I'd still be trolling online as an user or under a pseudonym, because only by detaching from identity and suppressing ego can you even begin to start approaching truth.
What groups are you talking about?
"alt-right", "alt-lite", "new right"
It died a slow death. Do you not remember Romney having to deal with them?
this tbh
My ears hurt
i do like me some skinwalker stories
That was long before late 2013, when Dicky tweeted that.
There's no excuses, at best he's a kosher fag-enabler, at worst he's a closeted fag himself.
He works for (((Info Wars))), where water filter and boner pill salesman worked with his team of cucks to tell all the people watching their shit ignore the jews and instead focus on interplanetary satanic KKK time traveling nazi voodoo doctors those are the fuckers responsible for everything Bob Doe next door could even be one of them goy buy my shit and remember 1776.
(((Milo))) is a complete subversive and all but flat out says it. He shit talks muds only because they throw fags off buildings but views muh wyt supremacists and nationalists as just as big a threat as ISIS if not even more so. One hour he's talking about how great the alt-right is the next hour he's ranting about the Holohoax and muh evil YT and how he was never alt-right and it was just a random ass word the (((media))) put on him for absolutely no reason. Not to mention how he'd always post pics of all the money he'd get from college students to speak at their schools and brag about it. He's a kike looking for attention and especially money. If the libshits were a little more popular and paid him more he'd switch in a fucking second.
Same with PJW, exact same with him. Adopts the title of alt right when it conveniences him and shits all over it when he starts getting called bad goy. Milo is a merchant looking for shekels and more bulls to fuck him in the ass, PJW is an actual subversive trying to redefine the alt right and make it as kosher and cuckservative as possible. He's a snake and a complete merchant
Late 2013 was long before late 2016.
I honestly don't see the problem with that if it's true. Most of these claims come down to nothing more than his voice and the way he dresses which only goes to show how fucked our culture is. Putting him in the same pic as alt-lite race mixing fucks like cernovich is retarded.
He gets a pass.
And? Dicky had a faggot teach autists how to be men at the last NPI, and this one featured at least one homosexual speakers. Unlike the existence of the tea party, nothing has changed with the Dickster.
I don't know about fag-enabler, I think he just can't articulate his thoughts clearly, but kosher, I mean he did try to hold up Herzl as a model for white nationalism when we have tons of actual white nationalists and non-Jew non-white nationalists that we could look to instead; I mean, I understand what he was trying to do there, but it was a stupid idea.
Woes is depressed and has been for a long time. He's at least entertained homosexual fantasies. But there is no such thing as a homosexual person.
So what is their opinion on being called the alt-right? I'm sure many of them browse either 8 or 4/pol/, or a Holla Forumsack might've told them that the label is going to be their undoing.
Yes, it's called homophilia, it's a fetish, not a "sexual orientation".
His face kinda reminds me of Curse of the Queerwolf tbh.
My mistake, I should have just called him a faggot.
Jesus fucking christ
We GOP nao. Alt-right is fine but it's better to insinuate ourselves into normie politics.
that's pretty good
pol forum post of the day
Do you mean normalfag politics? Only normalfags use the term normie.
He did live with two older fags for a while when he was young
Varg is not gay, he has a wife and 5-6 children, living a traditional life.
The fag white nationalist pagan you are thinking of is probably Jack Donovan.
makes more sense than flat earth, vid related
On the other hand, he's a sincere white nationalist and he's not doing faggot shit like Jack Donovan.
Spencer is controlled op, without a doubt
The "new right" doesn't care about being called racist, what they do care about is allowing Trump to be sullied by a bunch of larping nazi memes. I personally would like to see the west eventually resemble Japan in terms of racial/cultural integrity, but we're not even remotely close to that point and anyone who thinks the NPI crowd is going to make that happen letting fucking revleft jew pieces of shit throw up nazi salutes is absolutely insane.
We have a long road to travel before we get to the point where we can talk openly about preserving white identity and culture in a political context, pulling the NPI stunt, like it or not is basically pulling the plug on the whole enterprise. You don't telegraph your punches.
And what exactly are they going to do about that? Media will call Trump and his supporters nazi racist bigots if they have a cause, and if they don't they'll make it up.
The problem is that it is our weakness in the first place.
How did you make it through my filter?
Hollow moon is where it's at fam.
Yes goys stay in the shadows
The media were going to catch some of us evil Nazis doing Nazi things sooner or later. This event was good because it spooked the pro-fag, pro-diversity elements (the "new right.")
The "Alt-Right" label is clearly created to hijack the white nationalist movement in the same way Gamergate was co-opted with the "not your shield" hashtag and the Whole "it's actually about ethics" BS.
Remember that one?
Now with this shit i am sure that some jackass will come out as the "leader" or "spokeperson" of the "Alt-kike" giving initially the impression of being on our side, but soon starting with shit like:
The exact same way gamergate went to shit.
So it's fundamental to kill this faggotry before it lays eggs.
The "Nazi shit" is the only good thing he's ever done.
The best argument for a flat earth I've ever heard was
Second one was always true.
Had to look it up myself. I have very mixed feelings at this. Obviously I'm pissed off that he's being headhunted like this, but part of me is kind of proud of him. It's really weird seeing this guy I remember as just another ranting NEET, swigging coca-cola in his dressing gown, giving speeches in the US and now featured in mainstream print media (the mirror that is, the daily record isn't mainstream to my understanding).
What do you mean, the "about ethics" thing?
This thread went down hill fast.
The one about the Alt-Right being against homophobia.
who is this fucking idiot and why do we care about him, exactly?
Oh yes, that would totally sully him, why the media might start comparing him to Hitler or something!
Fuck off and take your cuck nationalism somewhere else.
You don't want to go into the center of the Hollow Moon, trust me.
Because you surely improved the thread with this ESSENTIAL contribution of yours.
What i am saying is that (((their))) co-opting tactics are Always the same.
That's why they are trying to include Holla Forums and White Nationalist as part of the Alt- kike, so that in (((their))) mind, we'll be subject to (((their))) rules.
It's important to undermine the label and distance our movement from it.
Its nobody's but your own fault if you dont know who people are and cant participate in a conversation about said people.
oh, pardon me, i didn't know it was that period of the month already
No, the fact that NPI blew their load like that means people now have a physical example to point to when they make those claims, before it was simply denial on the basis of a lack of evidence.
Trump had to disavow in the face of that move, anyone who thinks "we" are the same people who got Trump elected by majority are not living on planet earth. You will not convince the overwhelming majority of people who voted Trump to be cool with that, so it's a non-starter. Once more, this is not the time or the place for that stuff.
Haha, Woes you old faggot
Live whatever fantasy world you like, enjoy your political irrelevance.
why are you here smh
Only that's exactly the opposite of what (((they))) want.
When you have jews infiltrating your events and status signalling for you, it's impossible to make that argument.
Says who? The fucking left got the overwhelming majority to be ok with all manner of vile degeneracy, people are willing to accept anything if they're pushed and prodded enough.
Gamergate was never like the altrights ethnic nationalism. Also it was always clear from the beginning who would jump ship because they only piggybacked for money. You can go back to videos from 2008 and see Spencer has always be consistent in promoting an ethnostate. The new-right is the new gamergate.
tbh there's nothing productive to discuss on CF unless we find out who he is.
The alt-right is just a press-friendly name for many flavors of white nationalism and implicitly white nationalist politics. The name isn't important and fags bitching about semantics are a distraction from the goal of white men running white countries.
The Alt-Right was GamerGate before GamerGate was GamerGate.
It didn't spook them, it triggered an immune response. Furthermore you're rationalizing because you want to believe status signalling at present is a good idea (it's not). So you're glad that your interests are now further isolated? How do you expect to accomplish anything now if you're not getting other people to do all the heavy lifting for you? Don't you get that? Whatever fantasies you have in your head about an isolated minority coming into power in the present state of the U.S, I can promise you they'll be nothing more than fantasies.
Funny that we're the fastest growing "extremist" movements in the fucking world right now, gaining recruits and sympathizers for white nationalism and national socialism at rates faster than ISIS without having to chop of a single head. But, no, we're doomed to irrelevance because we've offended your faggy mores.
Our people have been tweeting Jews in ovens to Jews in media for over a year, there's no shortage of evidence that we really are antisemites.
Fuck the Alt "Right".
3rd pic made by actual CTR basement dweller lol.
No, what was triggered was a PR response by a group of shallow hangers-on who have nothing of substance, they merely peddle an image, people like Cernobitch and PJW especially. They're playing the PR game because they don't want their book sales and youtube views to take any hits, there are rubes to be fleeced of shekels.
You're going to have to provide some evidence for that. Proportionately speaking WNs are isolated, and the stunt NPI pulled just sealed the deal, instead of you guys keeping your mouths shut and letting the plebs do your heavy lifting, you've basically reversed the situation.
If you think there aren't going to be limits to that aforementioned "growth" your talking about, I would say you're not paying enough attention. You will never be the majority and will always depend upon other demographics to aid you, like it or not.
That's a nice rationalization, you can use the strawman term "PR" all you want, but in reality what that means is acting in favor of the advancement of your interests, which is basically swirling the drain now, thanks to Spencer.
No, that's the average Trump voter, the majority of them may be anti-left and pro nationalism, but they're not as far as you, and they never will be.
It triggered a conditioned response.
It's always a good idea. The problem we have in right-wing politics is that most of the right have been trained to react with disgust to the far right. The solution is to agitate the left into doing stupid things and call out the weak whyte cucks as groveling losers. Trolling works.
There's plenty of reason to be scared. Just don't let your fear become self-fulfilling.
Says the guy larping about Japan and how a fringe group will have any effect on Trump. Politics have shift and it our job to push that trend forwards.
We agreed to back Trump(which we still do) because we knew he'd not strongly condemn which he hasn't.
We if all his plans work the demographic change will continue. We cant come close to Japan's homogeneity without ethno nationalism.
This is why women in any movement is lame.
Sorry meant for
'ere ya go, buttercup!
You have to understand that the majority of Trump voters were not "triggered" by it, they saw it as a threat to maintaining voter superiority. The only people who were triggered by it were leftists.
Trolling your own side when you're in the minority and isolated does not work, you only isolate your own interests. If you honestly believe that the people on the right are simply "trained" to respond to you that way, you're literally no different than the SJWs who believe everything is a social construct. You'll eventually have to face facts that in a democratic system you must play the odds to your advantage and not skew them worse against you.
I don't follow what you're talking about in terms of fears, I'm not afraid of anything, the future is starting to look pretty good from here on out.
PR-oriented politics has been tried for more than long enough now for us to know it's killing us. People like you need the help of foulmouthed Nazis, not Cuckleyite Jew appeasers. Playing nice means your grandson has to learn Spanish to get a job.
There's nothing about the advancement of our white nationalist and national socialist interests that were harmed by a Roman salute at a boring NPI conference that was already labeled "Neo-Nazi" by the kikestream media.
Why not? We were the majority historically, only for this aberrant past 60 years have we not been the majority.
Why will they never be as far as us? In 1920s Germany, Hitler and the NSDAP were pretty much in the position we are in today in terms of scornful media coverage, and look how far they went.
You only think the way you do because you're thinking in a Whig/Marxist/progressive linear historical view where history and ideology only moves in one direction, ever leftward, and there's no going back. It's an erroneous view.
If you didn't see this "betrayal" coming then you must not have been around for GamerGoyim. Retarded PRfags will always ruin any attempt at mass redpilling, just be glad these idiots helped us achieve the stepping stone that is getting Trump elected.
Are you really that willfully ignorant?
Demographic shift, it's a totally different ballgame, different rules. You as with many others here are simply rationalizing. Trump is now going to be in power, and what needs to happen is a slow evolution from civic to ethno-nationalism.
You need the demographics back first before you can do this shit, because everything hangs in the balance and you don't seem to get that the majority of people who voted for Trump could drop him if they don't like how things go.
You have reinstitute these changes gradually.
Except they are not on our side and if we side with them the outcome will be the same. Did you miss the past 50 years of western politics?
As already said the future does not look good. Do think the millions on brown people will just stop having dozens of children. Even the left is in agreement that whites will become a minority.
We don't have time for anything "slow".
Trying to use NPI against any sort of right-wing ground swell , or against Trump, is laughable. See pic related to neutralize it immediately.
do you guys think these jews and fags were leftist plants from the beginning or did they change their views over time?
Yes, you understand that correctly.
It obviously does. The thing to remember, though, is that people with values opposed to our own are not really on our side. Trolling them reveals the already extant distinction to a wider audience.
People on the right are trained to respond in a leftist-approved framework. They go to the same schools as leftists.
doesn't follow :^)
Instead of worrying about how honest white nationalists might endanger your political maneuvers, attack the left. They're the ones trying to genocide your family and they're the ones who profit most from Republicans wringing their hands and cucking for the left whenever their vanguard does something "scary."
Really this.
You guys do realize they're just trying to come up with a name for whatever it is this conglomeration of pissed off young right-wingers? They can't ruin the "brand" if there is no brand to ruin. Just like priests performing exorcisms and witches performing conjuration, it is necessary to learn the name of the demon to take control of him. So they've cooked up this "alt-right" brand and are now trying to stamp it on everyone who voted for Trump who isn't a neocon or a milquetoast conservative. The idea is to guilt you into supporting candidates you don't actually want and to refrain from advocating for policies you believe in.
They aren't "leftists planets", they're jewish plants. This is a battle between jews and gentiles, not left and right.
Why is it all of you people resort to making unfalsifiable claims? Don't tell me how I'm thinking especially if you're not going to offer a practical assessment of how things presently are and how you're going to change things.
You have as much self awareness as your average leftist in terms of how they lost the election as you do in terms of how you're going to push the overton window further over.
As I said to the previous guy, demographics are the key problem, and if you spook the voters who provide fertile ground for ethno-nationalistic trends to grow, you will kill those chances.
If you believe some black swan event is going to get you what you want you are woefully mistake, even more so if you think you'd even be able to grab and hold on to any power in the aftermath of such an event given present demographics.
No shit. The majority of people have and will continue to be normalfags in any society, hell, most people are practically apolitical, they adapt to the prevailing cultural shift in society. Do you think the majority of people in Nazi Germany got behind the NSDAP or even understood all the intricacies involved? You have yet to learn PRfag
No, you have yet to learn that if you spook your tentative workhorses from advancing your interests that you're shit out of luck. Anything even hinting at right wing politics in the west is hanging by a fucking sliver and if we don't carefully cultivate the circumstances of it's growth it will die, and permanently.
We're not going to get the demographics in our favor ever unless something happens fast.
It's like going around in circles with you. The demographics will not change without ethno nationalism.
Trump at best will ban all imagratiaion to the US. Will that stop whites becoming minority? No.
Trump might also cut benefits. Will that stop whites minority? No.
Also this. Although, to be clear, that behavior proves to the journalists that we are antisemites. But any journalist who tries to in turn prove it to the general public will look like a limp noodle who complains about internet trolls. They'll write an article and include half a dozen tweets from us as proof, and people will think "this journalist is complaining about a couple of trolls, and trying to slander the entire Trump movement with it? Are you fucking kidding me?"
The journalists know we are what we are, but they have trouble proving it to the general public. Spencer and his friends goose-stepping around provides them with much better visual persuasion material. Much better than screenshots of tweets. It helps a lot that Spencer looks the part with that haircut despite the same haircut being VERY popular with many leftwing youth. Confirmation bias at work perhaps.
But the Spencer/NPI problem is very easy to neutralize. Just point out how many people attended, and then mock the person you are talking to for thinking that 300 people could be relevant.
Trolling your own side does not gain you more support, it isolates you, and threatens the advancement of right wing interests as a whole, period. Believing otherwise is the equivalent of trying to put out a fire with kerosene.
People on the right aren't trained to do anything, they're rightfully appraising the level of threat their interests are under and utilize minimum-viable tactics in order to incrementalize their way into a better position, it's exactly what the left does.
You will never convince people of the whole "attack the left no matter what" strategy, because there are too many people who don't share your explicit values. Why do you people not understand this?
Just because you want something to happen doesn't mean it will, you go to war with the tools you have, and if you have to form a cavalry with a field of jumpy nags, you still have to make it work.
Conservative churches grow. Weak churches wither. Extremism pays.
couldn't deny those trips
It's missing Richard Spencer
You honestly think the people who voted in Trump will simply adjust to a society predicated on values they're not comfortable with when they have all the power and hold all the cards?
You actually believe this?
The scenario you're describing will only happen if you fly under the radar long enough that these people don't pay attention to the demographic shift happening around them otherwise they can and will burn everything down by voting in another string of Obamas.
If people don't like the values they reject them
What have you fucking learned, if at all from this previous election? That's exactly what happened, those who manipulated every aspect of culture right down to the news media were soundly rejected. A minority of cultural manipulators were rejected by the majority of people.
It hasn't and doesn't, Trump won because he appealed to the everyman who was tired of the left aggressively pushing further and further to the extreme.
So the entire Alt-Right turned out to be a homosexual and race mixer infiltration? I fucking told you mods. And you banned me for it like 10 times
The only way to stop the demographic shift is to reawaken the nationalist and fascist spirit that lays dormant in most whites. PR tap-dancing games ain't gonna cut it.
The mods are not actually on our side you know.
They are not on our fucking yet side. That's fucking point.
Good we want another obama if the fucking sheep still don't get it after Trump. Nothing short of ethnic policies will change those demographics.
The problem is when you spend 16 straight months saying a man is "LITERALLY HITLER" and about to start World War III, and that all his supporters are racist monsters, you really cannot go any further. When Trump engages in an actual scandal or faces an actual crises (and let's be honest, that is basically inevitable), or if a group of his supporters does something terrible, and the media comes crying, no one will listen. It will have zero impact on his ability to administer government.
Basically, the media bet the farm on this election, doubled down, and lost hard. I'm going to wager most of the major networks will be laying off staff and shuttering doors before 2020.
he's certainly on some crazy oaths my dude
nice numbers by the way
Good thing we don't actually do that, then.
They are trained in the same institutions by the same (leftist) people as leftists.
False, their perception of what the threat is is wrong (thanks, Jews) and their perception of the level of threat the opprobrium of leftist media sources can bring against them is inflated by said media sources. The goal of the left in this fight is for the normal people to become despondent or to turn on the far right. Don't forget who the real enemies are (hint: not us).
There is no connection between my exact values and the fact that the right is fucked forever if they insist on doing literally nothing effective against the left.
And what do you do with nags? You whip them until they run where you want them to.
I told you fuckers to stop accepting sodomites, kikes and attention whores into your movement. You're a white nationalist or you're not. Once we have a homeland we can argue about the petty details.
Fuck TRS - long live Iron March.
top kek hylic
If voters aren't spooked by With Open Gates, Rotherham and the rest of mounting rape gang cases, the Cologne sexual assaults, the jihad underway in Sweden, France, Germany, Britain and elsewhere but they are spooked by a Roman salute into voting against their racial interests out of phony historical guilt, then fuck the voters, I hope they're all raped by shitskins.
The fuck does TRS have to do with any of this?
Well, we're not trolling our own side, anyone who would get their panties in a wad over a harmless Bellamy salute at the milquetoast NPI conference is an enemy or an obstacle.
That only works if they have the demographics for it. Even if Trump does a great job, he could easily be the last white Republican nominee for President.
You're wrong, faggot. The salute affair scared the cuck squad into divorcing themselves from the alt-right.
Fuck off sodomite kike.
Checked and good point
I have called out the alt-kike since some shills tried forcing the meme and have never been b&, maybe you're just one of the autistic redtext spammers
You're conveniently ignoring several factors in order to try to make that an appropriate argument. I already told i don't think the majority of people won't be WN that includes Trump voters but they will and can adapt to a society that is pro white so long the cultural norms from the top give room for this. There have been surveys taken throughout the decades on things such the general American's idea on say race-mixing and you have numbers as high as 70 and up saying they were against it of, course this was back when most institutions were still segregated and the culture was a lot different than it was today where that same survey response has drastically changed in favor of race-mixing.
Doubtful since they will begin to notice the positive effects of not being up to the ears with shitskins and pozz
A majority of people? Come on now, you know that's a lie
I (like many warned you about the Alt-right meme). AND all these gay guys are using the "esoteric" meme term over and over. I fucking told you guys that this new /fringe/ influx pushing esoterics is crypto-butt magic.
I told you to go Stoic. I told you to avoid the esoteric Hermetic Freemason larping. I told you that turning the chaos God Pepe/kek into an idol and keeping him as a force of nature was leading to "mystery school" faggotry. I fucking told you to embrace the Overman and cultural virtue-ism. It's all coming together now.
Infowars cancer =
E-Celeb cancer =
Alt-Right cancer =
Esoteric/fringe/Hermetic cancer =
It all makes sense now. I fucking told you. OK, now I feel better.
we're gonna roll your cuckshed into the bog loser
this post gave me cancer
Can someone explain this to me, I don't understand the motives behind it.
What is with the need to prefix things in front of the word "right"?
Is it a tactic to ensure that people don't go fully right-wing, but stay floating somewhere in-between instead?
This exact same tranny narrative got thrown at Sam Hyde. It was spammed everywhere, and still is.
Guys. We're going to need a bigger oven.
to distinguish from Paul Ryan
Who made this? I want to murder them.
Who is this nigger again?
Cologne is what tipped me over.
at this point the left is running scared and routed. let's go for the jugular.
the MSM making a list of outlets that have been embarrassing them is too hilarious.
This is the most spot-on description of him ever.
"Western values" is a racist concept - it rejects nigger insanity and oriental nonsense.
To reject "Globalism" is to reject race-mixing, which is also a racist concept.
Watson is fighting a losing battle - racism is an inevitable law of nature.
This "liberal values" concept is where degeneracy is okay as long as you believe in low taxes.
probably Holla Forums
It's important to remember that disagreeing with e-celebs makes you an SJW.
I wonder whose the man in his marriage?
If racist means speaking the truth about race and wanting improvement, stability, strength, and growth for your people, then we should all be racist.
Fuck this weakling cuck.
All my jej
Well, it isn't wrong.
I mean fucking look at yourselves sharing self-made military badges for a "meme war," listening to Triarii like it's actual music, worshiping a cartoon frog, and praising Dylan Roof for murdering innocent churchgoers, just to name a few of the more cringe-inducing shit I see here. Of course, the most recent hilarity has been the "NO, *WE* WUZ KANGZ" white Egyptians meme which I only hope grows and continues to make you stormfags look as ridiculous as you are. You ARE the SJWs of the right and you will continue to look absolutely pathetic because of it.
There are no white sand niggers kill yourself.