Do leftists legitimately believe Trump will start mass killings of minorities?
Leftists : autism speaks
I don't think they've ever claimed he'd mass oven them all, but they do say he'd usher in a new era of racism. It's all hyperbole, an overreaction to their failure in the election.
What pisses me off is that they'd still be saying similar stuff if it was Ted Cruz in the white house with ordinary conservative politics. They will hate us regardless.
That is literally what leftists believe. A mix of that and mass deportation based on race. They also think Russian hackers on steroids rigged the election.
I wish he would tbh
Leftists always start believing their own propaganda at some point.
They do. They are stupid enough to believe the media. The ones who see our memes only grow more convinced.
Last week I had a relative breathlessly explaining to me how I was wrong, how Trump really would gas all the minorities. He was absolutely convinced of this because the media had told him, and memes he'd seen from trump supporters on twitter convinced him it was all real. They are mistaking our memeing of Trump as Hitler as evidence that all the 10s of millions of Trump supporters are evil Nazis.
My relative thought he was doing me a great favor by warning me of this. He had no idea that I've seen these memes, let alone support them. He thought this was secret chilling knowledge that he was sharing. It was hard not to laugh with glee. He looked shaken when I told him that I didn't take his allegations seriously.
lighter fluid and a lighter will take care of these bastards
Of course he won't start any mass killings
that's our job
I'm not a leftist, but I do believe that Trump will start mass incarcerations of brown people. I believe this because I am an optimist, and also because there are a lot of (((reputable sources))) that say the same.
I've been very hopeful, ever since election day when hordes of LGBTBBQWTFLOL people claimed that they were now in fear of their lives, but apparently TrumP has never said anything about faggots and they are just scared because they are idiots. Trump promised to deport six gorillion Mexicans, and yet he got more votes from Hispanics than from any other minority group, A Mexican American as twice as likely to vote for Trump than a dindu or a kike, or a faggot.
I just really really really hope that the leftist idiots are right, and we get taxpayer funded RWDS deputized by the federal government.
Yes, they do.
Here's to hoping he does
Where are they even getting these ideas?
More accurately, who's the jew that's pushing this stupid fearmongering?
A few years from now Trump will be widely known as a mass murdered who killed over 6 billion traps by personally carrying them to the top of the Trump Tower, raping them for a whole week, and throwing them to the their death. No bodies will ever be found, but that's because the tower is so tall they evaporate before hitting the ground. Everything in the US will be sold to pay reparations to the 10 billion trumpocaust survivors who escaped from 20 Trump Towers and made it to Israel.
With Kek's guidance this just might happen!
I pray that the liberals meme this into reality, maybe we can help.
thats a nice belief youve got there, would be a shame to see it come true.
I really fucking hope the deportation force becomes a thing. l want nothing more than to see spics dragged out of their infested neighborhoods and taken back to the third-world dump they came from.
I hang out in those circles and they legitimately do believe it, it's why they were scared shitless of Pence.
Holla Forums is a weird place…it's like these people know they're wrong but they just choose to ignore it.
People should be afraid of Trump though. He successfully took over one of the dominant political parties in the US, destroyed 2 major political families, Bush & Clinton, defeated every other candidate and forced them to bend to his will and became President of the United States. All this with only his personal bank account and very few connections in the political world, plus the things he said in the CURRENT YEAR.
His enemies should be afraid and so should everyone opposed to him.
Well, the media has been nonstop saying that he's literally worse than Hitler for over a year now, so it isn't surprising they believe he is much more extreme than he really is.
That is just lovely.
The world is just full of "enlightened" retards, it just so happens most of them lean left (which includes the centre these days).
I doubt they sit around watching the news. They heard it from each other. It's all peer pressure likely stemming from "professors" and their retarded parents.
No. But I do!
Lefties will cry and moan and I don't give a fuck, but they brainwash children. They take their 5 yo kids to these protests and tell them that the fucking president will destroy this country or whatever. It's fucking child abuse. FUCK
I cant wait for Trump to make America great again. I ain't no burger, but I like the Don very much and wish him all the best. I hope he will deport all the illegal bastards and that European countries will follow… is that possible though ? I was so happy when Trump officialy won, I don't want USA or any other country to become commuist shithole like my fatherland once was.
it was real in their minds
why do you think orban was the first euro politican to be invited by donald?
Leftists love to ignorce facts to convince themselves their ideological narrative is correct. It's the collectively upheld narcissism via elistist ideology that gives them this inflated self-reassurance.
They never listen, but resort to ridicule and character assassination. Debates with them are never about trying to establish what's likely to be true, but how right their ideology is and how morally superior they are for believing it. In order to do accomplish the former, you'd have to allow yourself to think freely. Someone who firmly believes in "wrongthink" won't be able to do this - ever.
This is why they attack your person based on what they learnt to be "wrongthink". Their judgements are based purely on that kind of pattern recognition.
It's effeminate, because it's based on what kind of projection you give off (desirable/undesirable) and thereby fits right into our zeitgeist.
Lucky trips confirm
It's because libtards cannot into logic, it's because they contradict themselves and it's all too easy to pick apart their arguments. Once one does, they cry out "muh media".
I will.
Yes and I for one will be disappointed if he does not deliver and go for a new high score to replace the Soviet Union.
Your post pleases Kek.
Oh, this he will with no doubt.
Just write this down: There will be record black incarceration rates during the Trump administration and that will be used in 4 years as proof that he is a "racist"