They're banning cash in sweden

If Sweden becomes the world’s first cashless society, could the UK be next?

As contactless payments are on the rise, the use of cash in Sweden is declining and it is on the brink of becoming the world's first country to use digital only money. But will the UK follow?

but wait!!

People are hiding cash in their microwaves as Sweden gets closer to being the first cashless society with negative interest rates

It almost looks like a comic parody — throngs of happy people gathered to celebrate an ordinary, everyday through-the-wall cash machine.

But, in fact, this this is no ordinary, everyday ATM, because its location is Sweden, where the government has wholeheartedly embraced the concept of a cashless society.

And specifically, this cash dispenser resides in Skoghall, where folks have lacked ATM access ever since the village's last ATM was removed six months ago, according to a report by the U.K.'s Daily Star.

To mark the installation of its shiny new Bankomat, Skoghall residents — including, apparently, a TV news crew — came out by the score, musicians played, and a man on a rooftop showered the crowd with candy.

All in all, it's a awfully lively celebration for a form of payment that's supposed to be dead.

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Fuck off with your clickbait title.

Forgot to sage you unfathomable faggot. Have one on the house.

Less than a week after India’s surprise move to scrap its highest denomination cash notes, another front in the War on Cash has intensified down under in Australia.

Yesterday, banking giant UBS proposed that eliminating Australia’s $100 and $50 bills would be “good for the economy and good for the banks.”

(How convenient that a bank would propose something that’s good for banks!)

This isn’t the first time that the financial establishment has pushed for a cashless society in Australia (or anywhere else).

In September 2015, Australian bank Westpac published its “Cash Free Report”, suggesting that the country would become cashless by 2022.

In July 2016, Australian payments firm Tyro published an enormously self-serving blog post touting the benefits of a cashless society and saying, “it’s only a matter of time.”

Most notably, two days ago, Citibank (yes, THAT Citibank) announced that it was going cashless at some of its Australian branches.

The media and political establishments have chimed in as well.

In February of this year, the Sydney Morning Herald released a series of articles, some of which were written by officials from Australia’s Department of the Treasury, suggesting that eliminating cash will “save billions”, and that “moving to a cashless society is the next step for the Australian dollar”.

This is how it works.

The government, media, banks, and even academia have formed a single, unified chorus to push this idea out to consumers that “cashless” is good for everyone.

And it’s happening across the planet, from Australia to India to Europe to North America.

They’re partially right.

Going cashless probably will save a lot of money; paper currency is costly to transport in large quantities due to the need for security.

It’s also accurate to suggest that going cashless will be “good for the banks.”

As UBS pointed out yesterday, “de-monetizing” Australia’s $50 and $100 bills would force anyone holding those notes to deposit them back in the banking system.

Bank deposits would rise as a result, and consequently, so would bank profits.

Governments would benefit from a cashless society because all savings would be in the banking system, and they have full regulatory control over the banks.

This means that your politicians would have more control over your savings and fewer obstacles to impose capital controls or engage in Civil Asset Forfeiture.

Even policy wonk academics would have a rare opportunity to take their lousy theories and PhD dissertations for a test drive.

Everyone benefits from a cashless society… except for you.

For individuals, cash still has plenty of important advantages.

Cash is one of the few remaining options for financial privacy that doesn’t create a permanent record of every purchase or transaction you make.

It’s also an easy way to reduce your exposure to risks in the broader financial system.

Think about it– the banking system is full of institutions that never miss an opportunity to demonstrate they cannot be trusted with our money.

Hardly a month goes by without some major banking scandal; they’re caught colluding on exchange rates, manipulating interest rates, fraudulently establishing fake accounts without customer consent (and then charging us fees on top of that).

It’s disgraceful.

In addition, bank safety is far from certain.

In many banking systems across the world (especially in Europe right now), banks have precariously low levels of capital and are already suffering the effects of negative interest rates.

Even in the United States, banks routinely employ very clever accounting tricks to conceal their true financial condition.

There’s also the fact that, the moment you make a deposit at a bank, it’s no longer your money. It becomes the bank’s money.

And they can do with it as they please, whether it’s freezing you out of your account or making idiotic investments with minimal reserve requirements.

You have no say in the matter.


s a bank depositor, you’re nothing more than an unsecured creditor of a financial institution which may or may not allow you to withdraw your own savings.

If you don’t believe me, take a trip down to your bank and ask to withdraw $25,000. See how quickly they treat you like a criminal terrorist.

Bottom line, conventional banking is not risk-free. And holding cash is one way to reduce that risk.

Cash essentially eliminates the middleman between you and your savings… at least, the portion of your savings that can be easily exchanged for goods and services in the economy.

Cash is a pitiful store of value over the long-term. Precious metals and other real assets are much better alternatives.

But we still can’t walk into Starbucks and pay for a cup of coffee with a quarter-ounce silver coin.

So until that day comes, cash remains an asset that you’ll want to hold.

Just make sure you don’t go overboard. The War on Cash is very real. So if you have more than a couple of months worth of living expenses, you’re taking on unnecessary risk.

Also, keep the denominations low.

So if you’re in the US, don’t keep a mountain of $100 bills in your safe. Keep 10s, 20s, and 50s.

If you’re in Europe, definitely avoid the 500 and 200 euro notes, opt for 20s and 50s.

Figure out how to format a thread and then come back you nigger cunt.

At this point I think that sharia will be better for Swedes then kulturmarxismus nightmare they engulfing.

So what would Holla Forums say are the best things to invest in if Cash is being threatened? gold & Silver? Bitcoin?

How do you diversify your wealth?

As a feminist would say, I am truly triggered.

Sweden is a fucking petry dish for NWO experiments.

I don't know.

I would think you guys sage on every post by now.

Oh I am Laughin.

A healthy mix of cash, gold, silver, bullets, and supplies to survive on. Expect the worst but also understand the worst may never happen in our lifetime. Silver and gold is not a money making investment the only way you'll make money is if you are actively panning for it.

Guns and ammo

inb4 10 year prison sentences for private sales using gold/silver. zog bout to have total control if they control the digital money. yall are fucked, good luck resisting when you cant even get supplies covertly because nobody wants the serve that 10 year sentence.

Do you live out in the country?

Why do you ask?

I'm curious if you have any infrastructure built for it such as solar/wind for a fridge/freezer..

Dutch guy here.
I can't even go to the atm and get more than 250 at a time… And the atm doesn't even have demoninations over 50…

Can't wait to get back on copper/silver/gold.

I don't believe that anyone would agree to this but then again this is (((Sweden))) we are talking about here.

If you're in Sweden, either lead or a Koran.

maybe sliders are more your style, dicklicker

Wouldn't getting rid of money be a good thing? Barter and trade cuts the (((middle man))) and banking systems wouldn't be viable any more. No more hidden jew taxes might seem like a good thing.

Assume you will have no electricity. For food only buy dry and canned goods. There was a

was a chart that was posted a month back explaining what to buy and when to rotate your goods.

Huemonkey here.
Limit here is 100 dollars, 300 with biometry for (((safety measures))).

This has been in the works for a long time. I remember listening to a Freakenomics podcast episode all about this months ago.

They're not getting rid of MONEY, they're getting rid of physical cash. Now everything will just be digital; you're sort of at the mercy now of the state.

How can that country have ever produced the vikings that all of Europe feared.

This. One of the horrors of a digital currency is that someone can always tell what you bought, and when and where you bought it. As someone who values privacy more than usual, I think I would go full Breivik at that point.

This is why you buy precious metals.

It didn't.
Norway and Denmark were vikings.

Der totale Staat

I just want old Sweden back. That is sad. Now all it would take to totally destroy Sweden is an EMP strike that would erase all financial records.

until it become illegal to own them. Even with a lot of gold you still need to survive the regime change (and pray to God the good guys win).


Sweden wanted to move to a cashless society because the globalists want to replace the Swedish people with street rats that don't work and can't read. There won't be enough Swedish people left in Sweden to even justify physical cash when the majority of your people are welfare dogs.

The people hiding cash in their microwaves need to just take that cash and leave Sweden before everything collapses and you can't sell your house.

Hear me out for a second

I don't think Swedes want to leave Sweden.

Not particularly. Everything you ever buy can be traced to what time and where you were when you bought it (I prefer privacy) and banks/governments could put a block on you accessing your money (which means you can't provide for yourself if shops don't accept physical cash).
I also just consider it a pain in the ass transferring money to someone, when I could just hand them over $20.

I wonder how long 50oz of silver will last once SHTF, assuming I have 6months worth of food and ammo already.
I'm getting increasingly nervous. 7 billion is too many humans, especially in places like the US, where they are hammering everyone to support an unproductive underclass.

In your example, sweden would fall to the jews and muslims. Then the swedes, who allowed that to happen, would somehow come back and reconquer Sweden. U 'avin a giggle, m8?

goddammit sweden, you're so fucking cuckolded i cant even believe it.

Meant to add this in my post. Also I meant to mention that in the Freakonomics episode where they talk about this, one the experts they interview was arguing that this transition was good because it cuts into illegal/black market sales since those are mostly cash based - which I believe is completely true, but it seems more like a nice scapegoat to trick the layperson into giving up a little more freedom in the name of safety.

Its just getting really fucking clear that the global economic problems are entering the next level. If they remove $100 & $50 notes here in strayla I will assume shit is terminal and we are in the end game with under 12 months until collapse.

Time to start prepping and go /out/ innawoods and living like an Omish person in the woods, mind as well before banks take your house anyway.

buy tesla and m$ stock


The black market will find other ways to get what they want, be it through proxies, trades, precious metals or possibly another nations currency.
Another point to make is that if you lose your bankcard, you're screwed until you get a replacement. Your friend can't lend you $50 for food or fuel until your new card comes, because no one would accept physical currency.

Just buy gold. With gold you can buy weapons at the blackmarket to defend your gold.

Maybe not the best Idea but the second Sweden become a extreme minority the Muslims will just kill the rest of them anyway.
Plan b. All Swedish men create supersoaker flamethrowers aka homemade flamethrowers and then just walk into large gatherings of Muslims praying on their towels and bathe them as they pray. Throw pigs blood on the doors and windows of the mosque when they come outside to see what is going on bathe them in the fire.

in SHTF silver is useless
that's only like $800 in current terms anyway… so not that long.

here's the thing..
you need food, water, and shelter to survie.
you need to have a place to live, grow your own food - a place with clean water and good sun (for solar power). You need the basics, tools, and building materials (for maintenance, etc) to keep you going in a SHTF. People are your enemy.

precious metals are ok for an economic paradigm shift… which i think is more likely.
squirrrel away some precious metals for savings. you are probably going to have to live in the constraints of the (((capital controls)))

Bullets and chemicals as well as dry food and medical supplies are the actual, factual, objective, measurable, empirical things of worth and value. Money is a fucking joke. Paper with make up.

Hope at least half of you shitters have your own bags ready and your own remote locations marked on the map, and that you also visit these places and stay at them for a few days a few times a year. I study computers at the university but I am a certified electronic technician, I also learned how to make my own simple locks and keys on my own for my own use, and now I read medical books when I find the time.
There is absolutely no reason to think that city life is natural or sustainable. Every day, you depend on a thousand people. Every day. Thousand people. That you dont even know. And cant possibly depend on.

kek, autismal ranting is fun but I guess I am done now


My principle problem is that i don't own a house, I rent. My job is probably safe right up until the last second of the last hour because its productive and involved with food distribution.
But that doesn't mean supply chains won't break down and ill be redundant due to physical chaos.
In that case I need to survive until some kind of system re-emerges that I can find work in. I can live of the land and my supplies but I need to be able to pay rent in an environment that has a non-functioning or ultra corrupt banking system.
I feel like silver might be the best option.

This. You know how stupid the average person is; imagine that trying to feed itself. Whoever has food will be rich (and therefore, better be armed.)

Get a few 5gal buckets with lids and pack them full of dried rice and beans, with some tuna and spam in the middle. Learn how to cook rice and beans too, or you yourself could starve from stupidity. Silver might be nice to have, but you can't eat it. You would be better served spending that money on storable food because it's universally valuable.

I think you're underestimating the extent to which Swedes are just lying down and dying as their country is overrun.

I'm not a rich man. I'm not ready to start packing rice seriously just yet because it will be potentially hundreds of dollars wasted. I feel like now is the time to get the trickier stuff done. Silver, guns & ammo, antibiotics and moving away from the cities. (I'm over a hundred miles from a city now, tehe!)
The economic problems will have to be server before I put food as my no1 priority. If Australia starts removing 100 & 50s I'm fucking starting serious food hoarding.

Junk silver a best for that; each coin contains a small but significant amount of silver suitable for trading for food, butane lighters, etc yet is still small and complex enough to be accepted as legitimate without an assay. Moreso than a 1 oz. bar of silver/gold/palladium, anyway.

Though I wonder if taking bank notes to a bank or credit union and asking them to exchange it for half dollars still works.

lol user I don't know where you live that rice is that expensive, but here in the U.S. it's insanely cheap. That's why I suggest it, because I'm poor too. You can get a pound of rice and a pound of beans for $2. Each bucket is around $50 and it's gotta be we) over a months worth of food for one person

That's why processed lead is one of the precious metals you should buy. Anyway, in times of anarchy, gold and promises of more gold get you a small military unit. Maybe make you a warlord.

Sweden AND india

They can always kill you and take the gold. And there's no better way to paint a target on your back post-SHTF than to buy food/supplies with precious metals.

I'm poor too user (even though I work). Picking up some rice and beans towards the very end; when they start confiscating cash by declaring some notes invalid shouldn't be too hard.

I was fucking right.

IIRC modern half dollars don't actually contain any silver.

Is there any sort of review or auditing process for the issuance of currency?

Would that even be necessary? Can't they just arbitrarily declare x amount of cash notes to be fair with no justification and issue a recall?

Yeah, it's only worth doing if you happen to get some 1960s era silver-containing half dollars that weren't taken out of circulation (they still have their face $.50 value, even today)

how long can you expect rice and beans to last considering they are stored in air tight containers?

I think during SHTF you want to stay as low key as possible. I will be walking around in hobo clothes in a small town with everything valuable; Food, ammo & guns and supplies, hidden very well. I will probably bury the stuff I dont plan on using for a few months in case looters do take what I keep out in the open.
The most important thing is to relocate if you still live in a large city as like others have said, you are dependent on others for fucking everything.
I got out years ago now. Anyone still in San Francisco or LA has a death wish in my opinion. They will be in chaos when the EBT systems shut down.

That's why I said a small unit, not an army - I'm talking about people you know and can trust, like your white redpilled neighbours. (If you live around niggers or cucks, you're unlikely to survive anyway.)
I remember the memoirs of a guy from Bosnia after Yugoslavia got democracy'd. Gold was quickly traded for valuable shit and nobody tried to fuck you over and the lead made sure nobody tried to fuck you over.

They just did it in India and are making noise about it in western countries. My guess is its an easy way for the banks to bump up deposits. The rubbish about criminals and efficiency is bullshit. They would never dream of doing something like that in a gun economy.

Yeah I remember that. Spirits and hard liquor could buy a man anything. I know why too, even in a SHTF situation there is a percentage of men that will do anything to get their booze on.
Some people just want to drink above all else.

That guy's memoirs pop up in every prepare thread - it's a must read.
Basically from how I take it, in terms of preparedness, you want your guns, ammo, meds, long lasting food, TP, lighters ect stored up before looking at precious metals.
Metals have their use after a depression or during a currency turmoil.

Polite sage for getting a bit off topic.

It also has to do with the total information society.


Australia is too. Australia is the big test before they go live with the patch in the US.

I got a couple of those in my inheritance from my grandmother. At least the metals in ordinary currency can be melted down to make into bullets. Save those pennies, folks.


Pizza is disgusting, everyone who likes it is an obese faggot.

Quite a while, sense they are dehydrated. I have never seen or heard of dried rice or beans going bad, so no idea. I rotate mine out once in a while though, because I eat rice and beans anyway.

Cheap, relatively healthy, plenty of varieties, and endless recipe options

If you keep them dry and hermetically sealed, they have an (effectively) infinite shelf life. Same with pasta. Now, eating only rice, beans and noodles will wreck your digestive system eventually, so you need to have some canned or dried veggies to go along with them, along with some meat.

If this trend takes off, bitcoin will become incredibly popular as a store of value. And therefore explode in price. Buy some, now.

Fucking dank.

You spelled Worst Korea wrong.
It's pretty fucking mind blowing how powerful are these people and what they can do with whole countries.

Pic related would be ok with me.

they just have to destroy societies that used to function don`t they


The mark already exists. A smart phone in your hand, or very soon, some shit like Google glass on your head.


Kill yourself kike.


Pedokikes breathe air too, you better stop doing that Chaim. Kill yourself kike.

Pizza is one of the most unhealthiest foods you can eat, it is the Food Jew. I'm not trying to derail the thread, I honestly wonder why OP would post with pictures of the utter shit that is Pizza.

dude i eat pizza at least once a week and im disgusted even by that loli shit.

Never heard of the place tbh. Must be a very small village or something. We didn't have an ATM were i lived either and it has been that way for atleast 25 years. You take out cash in nearby bigger village or in a supermarket.

Sounds like some shilling going. There are serious interests-groups wanting to ban cash. However, it will probably never happen, society in Sweden will break down before they can manage to pull that off.

What is the point of this? Honestly sometimes I think you people are fucking retarded.


Did you know those filthy pedos also drink water? Let me tell you, I'll never touch the liquid kike ever again!

It makes sense if you're a globalist oligarch working for the banks who wants to control everyone.

Ok retard think for maybe ten seconds.

George Orwell was right that humans will submit themselves fully to the government, he just didn't realize it would all be for gibsmedat.

Pizza isn't comparable to water as water is healthy. Everyone who enjoys pizza is overweight.

You take control of the nation while the people fight among each other.
The shitskins are here just to swing the NWO in control.
They might as well exterminate them all when they get the Global marxist ZOG going.

There actually are many "good" reasons from their point of view. I'm not gonna spoonfeed you more than a lead though:
debt for example. if you know anything about how the world currently works…you should know there are constraints on the creation of money.
Other than basic hygiene, IQ, education,etc. what do sandniggers not have? That's right, debts.
Can you guess why that's useful to (((them)))?
Hint: why do governments keep telling us shitskins are good for the economy? because they're doctors n shiet?

Does morality bother you, Luigi?

A nation on welfare is useless. Any fucking way you look at it.

I'm assuming you're talking about the shitskins, in which case, this starts making huge amounts of sense. Because replacing a working population entirely with welfare shitskins is pointless.

Debt? On goblins who consider interest on loans haram?

Because the numbers look good in their ledger. And they can't see past a ledger.

Das rite. Haven't noticed the shitgillion businesses sprouting everywhere? How do you think they start those up - with their savings?? (((they))) are more than happy to provide them with credit.

And don't group everything up, (((they))) don't, the attack is on many "fronts", at times seemingly unrelated.

Come on. The people responsible for this all are evil filth, but they certainly aren't stupid.


I recently lost my bankcard and it took 4-5 days to receive a new one. I always have cash at home so it wasn't a big deal but imagine the trouble if you need to put gas in your car to go to work or go buy food and you lose you bankcard.

>hurr durr I don't understand ci

Only retards enjoy pizza, it's literal slave food, designed to be easily mass-produced. It tastes like shit, makes your mouth as dry as a desert, and is designed not to be filling in the slightest so you stay hungry even after you eat a whole fucking pizza.

Idk what pizza youve been eating, mate, but that's not at all how it is for me.

Oh, one more thing. Why the fuck would you eat something you know is unhealthy? Even in moderation?

Oh wait, yeah I do. Dont eat the shitty store bought frozen pizzas. Get some real pizza from an actual (non fast-food) place. All frozen shit is awful shit, it aint just pizza.
And yeah, people who eat the foods from the frozen section are paying way too much for way too little in substance and quality. I'll agree that they're pretty fuckin retarded.

Define unhealthy. Cheese, bread, tomato sauce, and various toppings are not themselves unhealthy, so the sum of the ingredients is only unhealthy in that its a large amount of calories.

Ah, so one of those lumps of cheese on oiled bread that a Greasy Italian guy thinks is the best food ever made?

This is an enjoyable ruse cruise you have me on, lad.

You add them all together and you have a deathly cocktail for your body. Plenty of cholesterol, more than enough carbohydrates, but very little of anything else. Combining many food groups together is absolutely unhealthy, and unless you make it yourself, you'll never know how unhealthy it is. Anything that "tastes good" is shit for you.

Shit logic. Learn to cook.
Glad you're wrong about that. Bacon and eggs with jam on toast and a cold glass of milk in the morning is amazing.
Yeah, dont eat it every fucking night. Moderation is key.
I take it you never enjoy a good beer or whiskey, either? You wanna talk about deadly cocktails, plenty of people live to 90 with a lifetime of recreational drinking. The key is to not be a fucking retard about how much you consume.

Not what I meant. Things like lasagna, pizza, stews, and other "meals" that are really just a random assortment of shit mixed together.
Why poison yourself in the first place?

Because you're talking about something you have no fucking clue about, apparently.
All food is. If you actually knew something about cooking, you'd understand that some shit just doesn't go together and some go together very well.
Protip: get out of your basement. There's a world out there.

Don't post Asuka, you'll trigger my dick muscles.

On topic, will bitcoin be the next phase of this experiment? Or is this just cashless fiat exercises?

(He has no class, sad!) Its not hard, I was learning the skill when I was poor, cause I only had to leave the house to buy more.
You have a very depressing mentality there. I genuinely hope there is happiness in your life, because this conversation leads me to believe you lead a sad and banal existence. If not, maybe one day another person will come along and show you what joy you've been denying yourself.

No food goes together healthily. Everything should be plain, easily measured, bland, and filling. Neither terrible, nor "delicious". You shouldn't feel the need to eat more until your next meal.
A world of gluttons, perverts, liars, thieves, cheats and sneaks. Even things like food are corrupted by Jews. They have us eating like peasants of the past with their pottage, but do so under the guise of this shit being "delicious" or "better than simple bread and meat". We're living in the age of water filtration systems, alcohol ought to be a thing of the past.

I'll stop posting, I'd rather this thread stay on topic.

I doubt that they want the goyim on bitcoin (as if normalfags could figure out how to use it anyways), I don't think bitcoin will last much longer anyways.

Cryptocurrency is a fucking nightmare for them. It kills their fiat printing ability.

They are prepared for its takeover though. The (((rich))) families have already bought substantial amounts of Bitcoin while simultaneously trying to sink it (see the Blocksize controversy).

Fortunately, another will rise in its place. As traditional fiat gets more and more fucked up (and normies start to realize it), crypto will gain more and more traction.

As is, it actually isn't too difficult to use. Just dangerous as if your device is compromised, so is your wallet. Most people have no idea how to create cold-wallets, so multisig banks will be needed for normies.

But when there are hundreds of crypto currencies floating around, how will people be able to actively determine how much each is worth or be able to trust any? Any of the crypto currencies that get too big are likely going to get (((shut down))). It'll be like bartering with chicken and straw and clay in ancient times.

The only way they'll get that shit passed down here is if Liberal and Labour votes together and that'll fuck them both hard in the next election

This is a problem. And it ties in with Media Marketing.

Some Cryptos are utter shit purely because they bring nothing new to the table or are technically unfeasible (from a decentralized/secure point of view). (((They))) will likely try to push one of their own that are of this variety.

For this reason, it's important to push adoptance of the good cryptos now.

If Bitcoin fails (I think it will eventually), there is:
- Litecoin (very much like Bitcoin)
- Monero (very anonymous)
- Dash (anonymous, albeit to a lesser degree than Monero, but has some other features. I'm a little skeptical of this one.)
- Ethereum (I'm very skeptical of this one)

In all likelihood, they will all take off to some degree and then they will be traded as currencies are traded now. There are services ( that already allow you to trade between them at market-determined conversion rates and decentralized alternatives (Bitsquare, I think it's called) that are in development.

Basically, their worth will probably be based on a) utility and b) anonymity. Bitcoin has the monopoly on utility, but I don't think this will be the case in future when payment services allow you to transparently purchase and convert according to market rates (something like integrated with bitpay).

666, the Mark of the Beast is already here. Every barcode in the world has a 6 at the beginning, a 6 in the middle and a 6 at the end.

The intelligence services already have free reign over money flows. They could track everything you do.

Do you want the state to know what you spend your money on? Do you want them to build up patterns of what you do and who you interact with?

Imagine a radical "weird twitter" anti-white left wing coming to power and taking over this apparatus. Now take two scenarios where they know you are a far right or libertarian dissident. In the first scenario, they know from tracking your cash that you leave your house every Friday to get pizza. Now they have an ambush plan, should they need to lock you up in the gulag. In the second scenario, they pinpoint local gunshops that act as core hubs for the distribution of ammo, guns, and firearm-related materiel. They found this through network analysis of flows of cash. Taking out a core middle-man would severely restrict something that could hinder them.


supplies but if you're burger having your money half in bitcoin instead of all in the bank

Coinbase lets you use up to 1k dollars worth of bitcoin with the shift card

You are retarded and have no clue how the economy works.

I don't know what it's like in other countries, but in Australia purchases of gold bullion get registered with the government. So, I'm assuming they could also just make up an excuse and seize it if they wanted to.

and in india
and soon taxes will be mandatory on anything you buy

unless its a seed to destabilize surrounding countries

A nation on welfare is not useless at all, it's an ideal nation economically.

Government prints money, gives it to the masses, masses consume the goods the corporations produce, corporations pour money back to the government. A perfect, ever-growing system. The growth is always as big as the welfare.

With the modern automation there must only be 10% producers and 90% consumers.

There will be a caste system - the banking-corporate caste, the government caste servicing the corporations and everyone else being bred like cattle for money and loans.

It will be interesting to see how they will keep allowing durka and nigger crime when they have to go through a bank where that income is open for other people to see

Doesn't matter if they want it or not.
The majority is so fucking cucked that they'll let the goverment do whatever they want.
And this shit applies to the whole of the EU as well.
They've passsed a bill to ban the 500€ bill, a couple people protested against it, but most just gave it a pass becasue muh terorists boogyman.


Also they recently introduced a bunch of new paper notes and coins, why the fuck would they do that if they wanted to eradicate cash altogether?

This, seriously OP, I'm not reading this spaghetti.

They just want you to go cashless so you don't notice that a loaf of bread costs the equivalent of a wheelbarrow full of cash.

Australia internet is shit so how can they go cashless? I can't understand the logic in this.

How are the muslims going to pay for their child prostitutes then?

The same way they are now, with vodka and heroin.

Hellenic Banks Plan "Tax On Cash Withdrawals" To Combat Black Economy


" Greek banks have proposed a series of measures to combat tax evasion, strengthen the electronic transactions and limit the use of cash in the economy, and as reports, one of the measures proposed is a special tax on cash withdrawals. Bankers reportedly stress that cash money can easily and largely be channeled in the black economy. Therefore, a tax on cash withdrawals will drastically reduce cash transactions and by extension the black economy.

The bankers suggest that also credit and debit cards as wells as new technologies enabling cash-less transactions even for small amounts and mobile phones can be used for the purchase of a transport ticket or a newspaper at the kiosk. "

Living innawoods for a while is really the best way to prepare, not just for experience but to find out what you really need/want.
Get some gold and preferably hide it as in my opinion assuming the SHTF scenario doesn't last too long it could be useful to grant you wealth in the new society, if it goes on long then you have an emergency source of wealth. For day to day purchases though use silver and try to get through it quickly, it'd only make you a target and the longer it goes on the less valuable it'll become in comparison to tangible goods such as ammo, antibiotics, etc.

Also the crime prevention aspect is such bullshit from these kikes,if criminals deal in physical cash they'll just deal in drugs,kids, stolen goods, etc as they and many elites already fucking do. While it's obvious here this really needs to be pushed since quite a few seem quite happy to move to cashless systems based on the kikes nonsense.

Here's the bosnia thing for those that haven't seen or want it

we have ID's here you unfathomable faggot. go away and never come back.

uhm wat



Maybe you should take a second to think before you post you fucking unbelievably retarded fucking faggot retard and try to decipher the comments you responded to you fucking stupid piece of shit.

Imagine yourself in an economy where the cost of living and taxes are so high you rely on the government giving you a welfare rebate in order to survive. The government then controls you, and has most of your money, most of the time, exactly what they wanted in the first place.

all electronic transactions in Australia go through the Internet, in some places the Internet is very low bandwidth and low reliability making anyone relying on Internet at real risk of failure.

Maybe you're just buying shit pizza from dominos like a pic related.

All bread is bad for you, it's mostly just junk carbs and gluten which plays havoc on your immune system and causes inflammation. Not only that but Monsanto have fucked with most of the crops so much that you are literally eating pesticide.


Back to the_donald, faggot.

I'm more and more convinced bitcoin will stick around, maybe 50% that it could be the permanent currency of humanity.
Every time it looks live taking a dive from shitty management the community unify at the last second to save the currency; weather it be using more mining pools or even a hard fork. They seem to eventually upgrade just in time to save the currency.
Still, until hardware wallets are part of mobile phones I dont see it becoming mainstream, its just too insecure at the normie end.

First it's cards only, then it's microchip under your skin for your account/ID/home key etc.

These insane faggots pushing this (or whomever whispering into their ears) have read all dystopian science fiction and use them as a guide, not a warning.

They've fallen for le cyberpunk meme.
I like to ask people what they think of technology- how far is too far. Almost everyone is just taken aback.
Is it so much to ask to consciously shape our future?

The shilling is real

Here's a tip. Eat one meal a day.

What is any fucking parasite ever. Just because we have treated tap water now doesn't mean we always did.

This is communism 2.0

What? Also it's called a glass of fucking water.


This faggy "health" bullshit really pisses me the fuck off. I'm 31 and have been lifting weights for 17 years at this point. This bullshit about food conspiracies is just ridiculous. You faggots scream "soda is poison" like hysterical liberals. He's a thought have one fucking soda. Have one cigarette, not a pack. Have one bowl of ice cream.

Want to check your weight? How about you do some fucking pushups and eat less? "But it's not filling", I hear you say whether truthful or not. Put what you want on a plate and eat that, then eat nothing else. If you are still hungry, tough shit, wait a day for the next meal.

I have eaten one meal a day since I was 13, this is not fucking difficult. Eat what you need and then stop. Fuck you pussies, it is not the fault of the butcher if you eat to much. You are obviously getting the calories you need so eat fucking less.

Actually the "cholesterol, charbohydrates, ect" rhetoric seems to be bullshit. It really depends on what diet works for you as most heart disease is genetic. If you have a propensity toward a disorder you will likely contract it. One reason we see an apparent increase in rates of disease is because we detect diseases more easily so the recorded instances increase while the actual rate may not.

Yeah so when I eat a steak, potatoes, and beans and it all ends up in my stomach it is bad for me. Fuck off faggot.


Don't you get it? They want to breed out whites so they can rule a bunch of retards. Niggers gobbled up communism in Africa, then later begged whites to come back when they had enough of being ruled by jews.

Having tried and failed to impose communism on whites, they have figured out that race mixing and replacing the population is a covert way to create the ultimate slave-goy to make their talmudic dreams a reality.

Every white baby born pushes that reality away a little, so put down the anime, find a white woman and have lots of white kids right now.

Do it.

Why the fuck can't they just do it in London and Stockholm first?

truly my bitcoin are going to increase in value, I love sweden

two sides of the same coin.


Hey dumbass, things have different calorific values.

if you eat ice cream for every meal, even if it isn't much of it you will get fat. you need to eat healthy.

the amount you eat is important too, but what you eat in general is important.

Coca cola and most processed shit generally belongs in the trash, but in moderation it is okay.

Brush after EVERY meal if you can especially after carby/sugary meals or your teeth will erode to holes which require fillings.

I don't see virtual currency has the bad thing.
To me, the bad thing is currency that the state or a private entity is able to know where the currency went. If for some magical reason, the bank was able to know 24h/7 where my paper money went, I'd stop using it a start exchanging apple for nails instead of using currency. As long has the bitcoin is decentralized, I'm fine with it.

I can understand that it feels absurb of using non-physical currency for exchanging actual currency, buit if we're were able to give value to paper to the point it's comparable to gold(considering the paper doesn't represent any gold but debt), I believe it's pointless debate to defend the use of paper money that isn't tracable over virtual money that isn't tracable.

sorry for shit english btw.

The different between Bitcoin and digital money issued by the state is that Bitcoin is decentralized (no one has complete control over it) and digital money issued by the state is completely controlled by the state.

Do something the state doesn't like? Boom, you're banned from the system and your digital state bux are seized. With Bitcoin that's not possible.

kek no

If this shit isn't definitive proof that Sweden is the Jew's plaything, their experimental guinea pig, then I don't know what is.

Violence is the only currency of value outside of your tribe.


You faggots have to read the fine print. This is an article the Jews would call a "trial ballon" to see how the lemmings react. It's not even really going on in Sweden. What it says if you read closely? "By some estimates…(NB- SO, ALREADY WRITE IT OFF AS 95% BULLSHIT) only in in 5 transactions in Sweden is conducted in cash… WTF does that mean? IF you have a debit and a bank that doesn't jew you for debit purchases, lots of people even use debit card to but a fucking pack of gum.

IT's complete shit, even by "Independent" standards. It only mentions Sweden in a total of 2 articles, and one article cites "..some estimates." WTF does that? IT could be the faggot writer's 2 guys in their basement smoking pot and giving "estimate."

Have said before here, will say again: The Jews are involved in much, much too much illegal shit (organ sales, White slavery, and so on..) for it to ever happen anytime in our lifetimes.

Which I addressed, stop eating so much. Also I brushed my teeth constantly as a kid and didn't get sugar and my teeth still suck, because Anglo.

Not quite true. The body primarily works on a calorie-in calorie-out basis. If you eat 2,000 calories of ice-cream every day, but use 5,000 calories worth of energy, you're going to lose weight - some of it will come in the form of muscle loss from lack of protein, but also in the form of fat loss (fat is basically stored energy that the body keeps in case the energy from food is not available).
Technically, you can have a pretty damn shitty diet and still be losing fat. The part where it becomes unhealthy is the lack of nutrients, vitamins proteins and an excess of sugar.

Polite sage because completely off topic.