Literally BLACKED: The TV Show.
Marvel's Cloak & Dagger
I'll watch some of it but I barely keep up with most TV shows these days
Then why the fuck does the trailer have them making out?
I know someone says it every time Marvel releases/announces something new, but I think we're finally at the point in time when Marvel shit is going to start failing. Iron Fist was the first time I saw something from the MCU and thought it was just plain bad, and this isn't looking much better than one of the CW show. I think they're so used to just printing money, their quality control is going out the window.
I think he's talking about this 1:04
At 1:05, they're not making out and that's not Cloak.
Looks like an average teen tv drama, but with a couple of super powers shoved in the middle.
Looks like another generic Freeform show?
Also, Cloak & Dagger? Who even gives a fuck about Cloak & Dagger nowadays? I'd expect freakin' Carnage to get a TV series before them.
Make that like a 10 episode mini-series and I would watch the fuck out of it. I couldn't see Carnage holding up a long term series.
[Autistic screeching]
Kinda like Carnage in the comics as well. He can't hold up his own series for long. If they gave him a show, you know for a fact it's gonna be heavily pozzed.
No, what you would do is make tv show about some Agents of Shield or some other normalfag team hunting down Venom. After two season, or whenever ratings began dropping, you would have it revealed that the entire time (or just most of it) they've been hunting Venom, he's been hunting or running from Carnage. Then you rebrand the show as "Carnage," or as "Venom versus Carnage" if you anti-hero him up.
Isn't Cloak supposed to be a little kid?
It doesn't look terrible, but I know better. Superhero TV shows are always shitty, and no show about a black guy and a white girl in the current year is gonna be anything less than pozzed.
They're supposed to be both young adults.
In this day and age they would fuck it up.
But we'd get Katie porn either way!
At least they're trying to push one of their black characters into the main stream instead of turning another big name into a nigger for "muh divesrity".
Oh good. A tv show about superpowered teenagers because that shit hasn't been done before.
They were part of the "War on Drugs" social comic bullshit propaganda by Marvel, and frankly, they really aren't relevant for years now, they keep going back and forth from being the best of friends, brother-sister, or being lovers.
They haven't been relevant since they were part of Spider-Man's C-cast back in the 80s. Speaking of Spider-Man's C-cast, why haven't they done anything with Prowler? He's black and had some actual potential as a character.
After the 90s, well they just vanished, just like those Kung Fu and Blaxploitation characters with Iron Fist, Luke Cage, and Shang Chi till they got revamped in the early 2000s, and Prowler did get revamped, several times, think last year he had a mini-series and I can't remember, but I felt nothing but disgust reading it.
Wait when were Iron Fist and Luke Cage gone? It couldn't have been for more than like 3 years right? As for Shang Chi, did he ever come back? Has he had anything on par with that stuff Gene Day drew way back when?
IIRC they joined the X-Men some years ago. They were retconned being actually mutants instead of being subject of drug alterations, possibly because that gives a bad message about drugs giving kids superpowers, but they were background characters last time I checked.
They hinted at them being mutants whose powers were activated by drugs way back in like their second appearance, and then eventually they went to live with the X-Men after some shit or some event happened. I'm pretty sure they ended up saying they weren't actually mutants shortly after that though, for some weird reason. Oh also they got their powers from the same shit that gave Mr. Negative and Spot their powers.
They got their last issues during 1986, they were revived sporadically during the 1990s, till finally they got their modern version during the 2000s by you know who with the New Avengers.
They weren't that popular anymore, then they got several mini-series time and time again looking for that revival, and it still haven't happened, but this is pretty smart, everyone loves to talk about social issues, especially Liberal cities that never seem to solve them, plus young adult angst.
Dagger was hinted to be a mutant, but then Mr Negative confirmed she wasn't one in a blood test at the start of an annual. Not sure why they only gave her a blood test after however many years, but whatever.
Cloak has his powers stem from some dark realm shit, and was given his powers by some character whose name escapes me. Starts with D' or something like that.
D'Spayre who was created by Dweller-in-Darkness, always a mouthful with these names.
I prefer DC as they don't give people as many strange names. They just change a suffix like Batman to Batwoman/girl/mite etc.
Also, I don't really care for teams, which is all I really see pushed for Marvel. A team of supers is stupid for a low-mid level threat.
Sage for off-topic.
Well, more Avengers, New Warriors, New X-Men, and the Defenders, and frankly, we gotta reach the point of over saturation of capeshit.
The bubble will take some time to burst with movies… My best guess is with Avengers Infinity War. After that movie, the original superheroes will get retired and we will focus on a brand-new generation of superheroes like Captain Marvel and Black Panther.
It might even burst sooner with Justice League in this very year since everytime Warner makes a cinematic bomb, it hurts everyone since it becomes harder to get investors to finance their movies. This also applies to Marvel too for some reason as it becomes harder to secure funding after every DCEU property bombed. In worst case scenario, only the DCEU gets canned and in the best case, they drag the MCU with it (which is unlikely).
As far as tv shows are concerned, Marvel has a harder time on anything not Netflix exclusive. Agents of SHIELD is on life support and may not last very long.
Only thing truly good on there was Daredevil S1, then S2 took a nosedive halfway through in overall quality with Elektra shit.
Luke Cage took too long to get good, Iron Fist never got good and Jessica Jones was dead before it even came out, yet they still want a S2 for all 3 of them.
Should of stuck with Daredevil for another season and backdoored Punisher into his own instead series of introducing new characters completely then having Claire appear in them all.
Probably because Miles is basically Prowler from Ultimate universe who donned Spider-Man's identity. Since he now resides in 616, some people would consider prowler redundant, unlike having at least two characters with the same powers and identity. Besides, making black character an antagonist would be racist according to current year Marvel.
That sounds about right. GotG was probably a test run, and ended up being almost as successful as Avengers. Both Wizard World and C2E2 ad posters featured GotG right next to Batman, Supes, Iron Man and Spider-Man. Problem is, besides Moon Knight and Runaways, Marvel doesn't have anything decent left that could be turned into franchise that could stand on its own. Another issue is that both of those would force Marvel to abandon their moviemaking formula to be done right.
Either company could've been successful if they just put their time into one medium or the other. Either make tv shows or make movies. Both ways will just stretch themselves thin. Especially when their budgets are gonna get lower and lower because the audience is leaving. I hope it happens though. I hope they both crash and burn.
They pretty much would just make the Conway Carnage series. That had a team full of diversity.
Regardless of any of their show's qualities, they have been considered successful enough in viewing than anything else Luke Cage and Jessica Jones have been praised for how progressive it was and even though Iron Fist got the worst beating of any MCU property, they did claim it was the second most successful Netflix exclusive show next to Daredevil IIRC - then again I don't know how Netflix measures its success to justify the existence of more sequels. Compare that with Agents of SHIELD that not even the inclusion of Ghost Rider succeeded in making the ratings go up. Agent Carter failed to find an audience even though they were committed to give that show a proper closure, they just gave up and have no intent in doing so. Stuff on television just doesn't work.
Luke Cage I thoroughly liked. It was S2 of Daredevil that was mostly 'eh' with me
For shame OP, what a fucking lazy faggot.
Iron Fist is the only BAD thing Marvel's put on Netflix. DD S1 is obviously the best, but S2, while narratively a mess, was still a pretty great watch. It just felt more like a networks show than a Netflix ones. Luke Cage was simliar to DDS2 in that you didn't know where it was going in the middle of the season, but it had a strong beginning and end. And while Jessica Jones was a show I did not fucking like, it was well-made and had effort put into it. The only bad thing about the show was the cast playing competitive idiot ball when it came to Kilgrave, but that was really supposed to be showing a character flaw of Jessica's but they didn't really hammer that point.
They could do a Power Pack animated movie. Power Pack has an origin story that's a story arc in itself and would be easy to make a movie on.
Louis CK the Cuck King approves this show
I just realized we could have a chance for a Power Pack animated movie. I think they're doing an animated movieverse with that Miles movie, isnt it in the same universe as Big Hero 6?
If so all we gotta do is subtlety push Power Pack into the spotlight and hopefully they get the hint.
I prefer television for things like comic adaptions, only because you can fit more story/characters into 23 44-minute episodes than you can into a 2 hour film, spending about the same amount of money for either.
Especially for superheroes: 70+ years of stories, characterisations, enemies, allies etc, and it gets condensed down to 2 hours of time skips.
I don't think you guys will ever get the Power Pack film.
Marvel is surely aware of all the porn being made around it, so making something animated would only stoke the fire, and they don't need/want their child characters being drawn naked constantly, especially in the artstyle they use for a film.
Explain Big Hero 6 then? Is it because Disney doesn't care?
What does that make Jessica Jones?
The Holla Forumsyp level in this thread is disgusting.
Sounds like 4cuck Holla Forums is the place for you. Get lost.
Honestly I think this song would be more fitting for the show. Vid related.
Feminist Fantasy: The show
Does that include the secret desire to be submissive to a dominant man?
Jessica actually ends up being dominant over Luke plenty in their sex scenes
I think he was talking about the Purple Man raping her.