Wasn't old enough to ever have any contact with him in person (in a way, glad I wasn't, you should never meet your heroes). But I have made a pilgrimage to West Virginia to see his grave. I want to an "elite" college by the Jews' standards, but I learned more from his 308 broadcasts than from 4 years at uni.
also, he's not not trying to "sell you" anything. Even when he was alive, the most he try to "sell you" was suggesting you could buy a book from the company that sponsored his program, but only if your local library didn't have it, and he'd also always mention barnesandnoble.com first.
He lived the life he preached, working 18 hour days and living in a trailer, despite having access to at least a million dollars (which he used to buy a "resistance music" company.) If you are interested in the controversy over how he might have obtained the money, the book "Fame of a Dead Man's Deeds" is available for free on solargeneral.com It's by a Professor of Education at the University of Vermont, who was converted to White Nationalism just from spending 3 weeks with Dr. Pierce to write his book.
He died in July of 2002, but he predicted the WTC attack years before it happened, the Arab Spring and the fall of the Egyptian government, the 2nd war with Iraq (which he realized Israel needed) as early as 1996. And bear in mind, this was when the internet was tiny and it was all 14.4 or 18.8 connections at most. Forget David Duke and his shit, he's a carnival barker who not only ripped off Pierce but, as far as I know never even gave him credit in any of his shitty books. I'll leave the link to pierce's 308 audio broadcasts here. IF you find them boring this way, lots of talented video editors spend thousands of hours putting his broadcasts to video, photos, and other effects at a time when it was much more time-consuming than it is now.
RIP Dr. Pierce. Seems unfair that a demonic Jew like Kissinger is still alive to spread his poison, and you died in your mid-60s just before YT made your dream of "being able to reach the lemmings without opening a TV network" a reality.
(If I'm meant to be "breaking links" to keep opsec better, before you start wearing and calling me a shill, please tell me what to do when posting links and why, because I'd like to understand. Dr. Pierce is the Grandfather of every "paleoright" movement since before Buchanan. He single handedly sued the Us sec. of Defense to try to prevent any arms deliveries to the Jews during their 'Yom Kippour War" (which was illegal at the time since they needed congressional approval. If any big name conservatives had joined the movement, even a delay of a few weeks would have seen the Jews driven into the sea and a major cancer off our back. So many great stories. Highly recommend the book, and visiting his grave if you ever pass near West Virginia.
The edge lords and LARPers will never understand how amazing it was that a man who had worked at Los Alamos and the NASA-affiliated Jet Propulsion Laboratory gave up a tenured position teaching graduate physics at Oregon to go live in a trailer alone and write and speak to what, at the time, was a very small audience and could only bring penury, isolation, mockery, and danger. But that is exactly the life he picked. He was a once-in-a-generaton hero.
Here is an example of a Dr. Pierce audio broadcast set to video clips. Really talented men– mostly Scandinavians like Ares and others– devoted a lot of time to this sort of thing. A LOT. And no mention of Dr. Pierce is complete without mentioning "the Turner Diaries."
Personally, for me, it's not contest: you should listen to the TD audio rather than read just to hear Dr. Pierce do the negro and Jew voices, which will leave you doubled over with laughter. They are available on YT as well. If you live in a nation where the Jews have made listening to/reading such things a though crime and you genuine want help getting around it, obviously don't say specific nation but write something below and I'll tryy to give you few steps for how to get around it (and no, it doesn't matter if the secret police see the "steps" I will give you, there's still fuck all they can do.
Jaxon Bell
fuck, forgot to add it in. If you an't see it where you are, install proxy flow on chrome or firefox. I know, 2 geniuses will now come along and tell me why firefox is shit. IF you know better (pale moon, etc..) please feel free to give instructions:
Ethan James
I like this speech.
But The guy is wrong in a way.
Sebastian Wright
how so? curious why you think so. If you are relatively new to him, I can understand you thinking so. When i was a newbie and I first heard him, I thought he was a lunatic. the more I researched what he said, the more i realized he was 100% right about everything.
Nathan Hernandez
Middle class Whites will just keep running away until they live in the following, those who're unable to do so will live in ghettos like whites do in South Africa.
Referencing what he says here, if anything, the BLM bullshit shows he was 100% correct here. Particularly "People who will not fight will ultimately be eaten by those who will." If, one time, Whites had crushed the niggers when they were pulling truckers out and beating them with bricks during the South Central La riots, it would have stopped.
And if the Jewish media whined about it, they could have been taught a lesson. Inb4 "muh constitution." To quote Dr. Pierce from "The Turner Diaries: "Don't they realize that the Jews have taken over the country, fair and square, according to the Constitution?"
His one major blindspot was dying before thing like jewtube and video blogging. I wonder if the Jews would let him on, although the N.A. (before it went to shit after his death) had a staff attorney who would have fought them.
In case you are wondering, the FBI would have loved to jail him on any number of trumped up charges, the the piece of filth, "alleged" pedo Morris Dees tried to sue hum down via barritry numerous times. Why could the FBI never get to him?
He had followers not only among paleo-right intellectuals, but also men like McVeigh, Bobby Matthews, even active duty Navy Seals. If the ATF tried locking him up on bullshit charges, i think they realized there was a decent charge some form of civil unrest would break out.
when i was 13 or 14 and visiting my first GF in Michigan, I recall her uncle with his shortwave radio on I think it was Saturday Morn around 10am, waiting for the new Dr. Pierce broadcast. He had a shitload of followers, ver devoted followers. And this scared the shit out of ZOG and the Clintonistás.
Robert Thompson
Still not getting you user. His point (he went back to it in a broadcast when he as close to death) was more specific tot he USA than most of his broadcasts were. What was he saying? In the 1970s, when the Jews began with their "busing negroes into White schools" and the rest, rather than fight back and take a stand, those Whites who has accumulated enough money simply put their heads down and move away from the problem, leaving poor Whites to face it.
Thus, poor Whites in the US were the ones getting jumped by niggers in the bathrooms of "integrated" schools, while the middle class/upper middle class" were able to get out of the busing areas and felt like they dodged a bullet. In reality, all they did was postpone the inevitable.
now it's 25 years later, and the niggers are now taking THEIR children's places at elite unis through AA and even taking THEIR jobs as they got their MBA or JD through AA. And now the chickens have come home to roost, and their is nothing the White middle.upper middle class can do, when back in the 70s they COULD have taken a stand, but didn't want to risk their comfort. That's his point. I'll find you another broadcast on this near his death where he addresses it specifically.
Leo Campbell
He also predicted we would wipe off the jews in the next big conflict due to the Internet being a medium to expose them and if we watch the trend of the last 100 years it is pretty accurate . Ford : "We need to talk about the International Jews" Hitler : "Okay, seriously they need to get out NOW!" Pierce : ==GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW==
Jeremiah Murphy
the niggers werent asking for much in the 1950s, if the local states in the south actually took care of the issue, it would have never been the federal issue it became in the 1960's
Josiah Phillips
I'm going through the archives as well. I forget which broadcast it was, but what was that thing Pierce said about how to eat da pussy? Just joking, man.
Pierce is a legend. It's amazing how he's railing against Soros in the mid-90's. I often wonder what he'd have to say about the things that have happened in the last 5 years or so.
I also recommend listening to The Turner Diaries audio-book. It's read by the man himself and he even does hilarious negro accents and everything.
Benjamin Lee
(1/2) Found it. The broadcast is called "What Is Moral?" and Dr, Piece addresses a lot of the points I believe you are trying to get at. Will only post part of it here, since I know that even here, a "long reading" is like kryptonite to most people. But, believe me the ENTIRE THING IS WORTH READING:
"The key, I believe, is social rather than religious or moral. The concern, I believe, is not about whether a cause is "just" or not, whatever that means, but whether it is socially acceptable or not: that is, socially acceptable in the peer group to which the person belongs who claims to be concerned about the justness of my cause. To tell the truth, I don't believe that I have changed or moderated or "softened" my message during the past year. I always have tried to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, and I don't hold back from stating unpleasant facts or conclusions any more today than I did a year ago.
I do try to avoid being unnecessarily offensive. I don't ordinarily use the word "nigger" in talking about racial matters, for example, because it makes so many people flinch, and I can be completely clear in what I want to say without using that word. But that is no more true today than it was five years ago. I've always tried to avoid being unnecessarily offensive.
I think that what has changed is not my message but the social environment. I believe that the social environment of most of the writers and professors and others who talk about my broadcasts but won't talk with me has shifted enough during the past couple of years so that hard facts about race and the Jews are a little more acceptable than before. I think that reality is not quite as déclassé as it was a year or two ago. You know, I believe that I know these people about as well as anyone. I never was very fashion-conscious myself, even before I began saying unfashionable things. I never worried much about whether I was wearing the latest style in cufflinks or neckties, and occasionally my socks wouldn't match. I probably would have been classified as a "nerd" by most fashion-conscious people today. But I was a university professor, and I generally behaved in a socially approved manner. I could even figure out which fork to use for the salad in most cases, and I didn't slurp my soup or wipe my greasy fingers on my shirt or the tablecloth.
If there was a difference between me and most of my peers, I think it was this: they took the conventions and taboos by which we lived a little more seriously than I did. I think that I appreciate these things more now than I did then. Now I understand that conventions and good manners and politeness and gentlemanly behavior are important in a structured, well functioning society. But they are not the most important things. Honesty and facing reality without evasion are more important than politeness.
In the early 1960s, we all saw the society in which we lived coming unraveled. We all could look ahead and see that very bad things were likely to be encountered just down the road if present trends continued. But it was not entirely acceptable to talk frankly about these things. That is, it made many of my peers uncomfortable to talk frankly about where racial integration was taking America. It made them even more uncomfortable to talk about the Jewish role in the dangerous policies being pursued by the government. I think that social conditioning was more important than Christianity or any other ethical considerations in imposing these constraints.
We didn't feel personally threatened by Blacks, and the people who were personally threatened were the White manual workers at the bottom of the White social ladder, who reacted to the threat in ways that seemed very vulgar and uncouth to us. To us, Blacks were still the underdogs, and it seemed uncharitable to most of my peers for Whites to attack Blacks for wanting to better their positions. The media-generated image of sweaty, unshaven Ku Klux Klansmen and other rednecks screaming insults at peacefully marching Black demonstrators was an unpleasant one that made us squirm. We certainly didn't want to put ourselves in the same boat with the Ku Kluxers and other working-class Whites who were behaving in such an ungentlemanly manner.
Daniel Murphy
(2/2) I not only understood the feeling of my peers back in the 1960s; I shared it. Standing on a street corner and screaming insults at Blacks or shouting "White power!" while shaking one's fist or giving a Roman salute was not only rude and impolite, it was low class. I believe that was what made us most uncomfortable. Despite all of the pretensions to democracy and egalitarianism, America was and still is a very class-conscious society. And that is not necessarily a bad thing. I think that in a well-ordered society it is reasonable to expect the more privileged and influential members of the society to have a stricter and more refined code of behavior and to hold themselves apart from those with less-strict codes. And in the early 1960s America still had a reasonably well-ordered society." "What Is Moral?" by Dr. W.L. Pierce
archive.is/YZcNr https: //vnnforum.com/showthread.php?t=116666 (ALSO WILL INCLUDE THE AUDIO OF THE BROADCAST FROM JEWTUBE)
Julian Lopez
HE was also talking about Joseph Kony in 1998, before any of the "fashionable" Jews had ever heard of him. Pierce read an AP dispatch describing Kony stopping a funeral procession of about 90 people, forcing them to boil the corpse in sorghum and then eat it, and then killing everyone involved. this was ~15-17 years before the average lemming had ever heard of Joseph Kony. There are literally scores of examples like this.
Bentley Ortiz
Luther is interesting. Listened to a quite a few podcasts from him. I listened to him after someone claimed he was a stooge or something.
After that I listened to Spencer's program just to compare.
Spencer seems intellectually in a different place. Spencer likes philosophy more, discussing ideas, and the intellectual side of being right wing. Luther seemed like he was always about brass tax important issues (like rape stats, crime, etc). Luther had a phenomenal understanding of where Jewish power was and how it came to be.
Spencer seems to be on board with the Jewish question, but he doesn't seem to attack it head on like Luther. I think another clear difference is that Luther had a type of forceful masculine presence that made you want to smash everything down immediately. Spencer is less masculine, and his tactics are far more intellectual and long term. People also claim Spencer is gay, but the guy is a father. So I'm gonna disregard that.
Anyways, I imagine people will sperg for me having the audacity to compare the two to each other, but the final question I want to answer is, would Luther approve of a guy like Spencer gaining a following? I think he would. Spencer is Jew-wise, and faults aside, I can't imagine Luther being so petty because in his time, so few people were racially conscious, and even fewer were Jew-wise. I think Luther would have a kept a bit more perspective in mind than a lot of people here do.
Jordan Lopez
I left the whole thing you wrote, because people need to read it. You don't understand niggers user. I'd advise you to spend a few weeks learning about the recent history of South Africa. In short, the niggers (infected with a renewed hybrid vinous of communism) have been rioting for "free and decolonised education."
Sure you get the "free" part, but if you don't follow SA avidly, you might be wondering exactly what "decolonised" means. So are South Africans Whites and even the niggers themselves. Some of them are suggesting that all science departments need to go (I'm not kidding) since their chemistry & biology are based on a "White, colonised view of the world" (I can't emphasize enough, I AM NOT KIDDING.). So, how are they expressing their displeasure? Rioting, a form that combines sort of rioting/dancing at the same time known to White South Africans as "toy-toying." They also set fire to a law library, destroying several collections of priceless 400 year old + law books. Also, the ambassador from Sweden–there for a Nobel Lecture in Chemistry– got human shit thrown on her as theca's flung it on the stage and across anyone White in the audience, such that the lecture in question and just about all final exams had to be cancelled.
Lesson from all of this? Once the Jews get involved in propping up a negro communist attempt at "Revolution" (as the Rhodesians have learned, Portuguese in Angola, Belgians in the Congo) there is no "reasoning" with the kafs. You either crush it totally and ruthlessly or you are done.
South Africans already done for not managing to "get rid of" Zuma and Malema. I must say though, I think Malema may not be long for this world as he doesn't quite seem to "get" that he will be indulged only so long as he keeps his black hands off the Chosen Ones diamonds. Once he crosses that line, expect to see him in a mysterious car crash. In fact, screen cap this. Unless Malema does a very abrupt 180 on his calls to "nationalize the mines," he will not live another year. I'd bet you my house on that.
Dominic Ross
Great thread OP. Every single newfag needs to listen to at least a few hours of Dr. Pierce. At the very least, watch this:
Bumping with some more lessons.
Bentley Ross
Juan Roberts
This thread will be bumplocked too, wait and see.
Xavier Campbell
Quality thread OP. We need more of these here. Have a bump.
inb4 imkampfy bumplocks this thread
Jaxson Ramirez
user, Dr. Pierce never did a "podcast." He'd have had no clue what you are talking about. He died in 2002. You cannot compare Dr. Pierce and Dickie Spencer on any level. Dr Pierce was the real thing.
To even begin to understand him, I'd highly suggest "Fame of a Dead Man's Deeds," where a neutral Professor of Education from Vermont visited him for 3 weeks and was converted to White nationalism.
He had no successor, so all he built fell not only to shit, but into the hands of true scumbags trying to make a buck. But with all they've ruined, they can't ruin his 308 broadcasts, which are there for all. Nor can they ruin "The Turner Diaries."
This was a man who lived like a monk, never took a "vacation," used to shit an piss in an outhouse in west Virginia winters because he refused to waste any money on installing plumbing. And this isn't PR bullshit, you can read it in his biography and even in the works of his enemies.
Want to know how prescient he was? Here is a broast called "Bosch Bin Laden" from 1998, before any of the world had even heard on Bin Laden. There's another one (after Cave of the Patriarchs Massacre by the Jew Dr. Goldstein, which Israelis gave out candy to celebrate and buttons "Dr. Goldstein Cured Israel's Ills" where Dr. Pierce advised his listeners "if you work near any tall NYC buildings, especially anything approaching the size of the WTC, you might want to start wearing a hard heart to work."
People usually build up legends around frauds or those who don't deserve it. But I'd highly recommend making a schedule and listening to all his broadcasts, and you'll be fucking amazed at what the man predicted correctly.
Esp impressive are his prescient words on what would become "The Arab Spring" about 7 years after he died. (WELL, THE JEWS HAVE SHOAHED EVERY SINGLE WRITTEN AND VIDEO COPY OF "AS YE SOW…" I'L LEAVE A WRITTEN DESCRIPTION OF IT AND INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO LISTEN TO IT AND LET YOU DECIDE WHY IT WAS REMOVED:"Dr. Pierce talks more about multiculturalism. He also says that a new generation of young militant artists and intellectuals is making itself heard in the Middle East. They are opting out of the corrupt and shameful subservience that has been the rule for Middle Eastern Arabs (especially for those with the most wealth) for so long."
-It's #240 in the archive.org compilation of his videos, which is still up for now
-If you are a Dr. Pierce fan, this may be a very good time to save all his audio broadcasts and your favorites videos people put to words. If you aren't a Dr. Pierce fan, if you've never heard him, there's no way to overestimate his importance. For all the wannabes and idiots out there on jew tube now spewing shit for "clicks," -
-Dr. Pierce died in 2002 before anyone ever knew a nickel could ever be made from a "click." He has sons, but no one has tried to claim rights to his estate to make shekels.
-Dr. Pierce had a Bachelors in physics from Rice and his MA and Phd from University of Colorado. HE worked at both Los alamos and Cal Tech Jet Prop Laboratory. Had full tenure at Oregon State teaching graduate studies by 32.
-In a world with Jewtube, Jewggle, and goybook, Dr. Pierce gave up everything to work for a greater good and used an outhouse until the day he died in July of 2002. He was never worried about "clicks." He never begged for money to fix his house (trailer) from his N.A. Members.
I can't say enough about the man, but even his worst enemies (such as the ADL, who named him "Most Dangerous Man in America" 7 or 8 years in a row) never accused him of being a fraud or a conman or of being stupid. the man was a genius who gave up everything once he realized what the Jews were doing to US and European nations. Also, he never took "ski vacations" on hi users dime (e.g., David Duke). I doubt he even knew how to ski. He only went to Europe when he was invited to speak and whatever political party paid his (coach) airfare and hotel.
He was banned by the UK near the end of his life by Tony Blair's Jewish hone Secretary, Jack Straw. Hot shit. Wonder what the Jews would be in a Christian go too hand out ban for Jews from Israel…
Will stop posting now and hope others will add stuff.
Christopher Morales
thanks mate, you and the other guys who realize value of Dr. Pierce. Yeah, expect it to get bump locked, sometimes I wonder if the mod even knows or cares who Dr. pierce is.
Best way to "red pill" new fags? I get too autistic talking about him and go on (I mean, I went to his grave just to leave a pin for…an unnamed political candidate buried a few inches down in soil). If anyone can sum up all Dr. Pierce gave up, why he was so concerned that he have up a very comfy professor life he had earned where he already had tenure by 32, and then explains ideas, people may begin listening…
Luke Brooks
Don't sperg on the details.
Great post regardless. I would say he's in a league of his own. But if you compare everyone to him, then everyone is shit. I do need to dive into more if his material.
I still can't help but like Spencer's stuff, but I agree, Luther is better.
Thanks, for the effort post.
Cooper Davis
Niggers asking for anything is too much. Niggers should not exist. The resource sink that is a nigger could otherwise be a resource producing White. They do not feature in the reproduction cycle of Whites, they are not eaten by Whites, and the only ecological role they fill when left to their own devices is ours, except that they do it extremely poorly. When two species compete for the same resources, one will annihilate the other, except apparently when one of those species has a frontal lobe large enough to intellectualize pathological altruism.
Juan Roberts
Who is Spencer? this is about Dr. William Luther Pierce, read the first post.
Oliver Scott
We really should force all ppl of African decent back to Africa and resettle the few whites in Africa elsewhere. It's just better for both parties.
Henry Bennett
Somebody contemporary who has gained a following that I'm comparing to a past great man
Don't be such a fucking autist
Robert Nguyen
Adrian Morris
Connor Sullivan
I would have liked to see him alive today after the internet revolution, to see if he would change his mind about some of his predictions, and what new events he could infere today. Im still looking for someone like him who is still alive, for some deeper undersanding of the world today, sadly dont know anyone, if you know anyone let me know. You may be interested in reading Revilo P. Oliver, he was a pretty good ancient history scholar, but he was even older than Pierce and didnt have the same understanding of things, outside history matters. Pierce being a physics Phd, was impecable with details, always precise in his statments and the kind of person who is able to understand the true nature of things, his theism and societal order is worth studying. He would have had us colonizing other planets in no time, if we implemented his ways.
Brody Barnes
I would put Spencer and Pierce in different classes. One is a philosophical force and the other one of image and aesthetics. We're lucky to have Dickie, in spite of his flaws. He's rebranding the race realists in a way that's desperately needed. The landscape is one of a few beleaguered intellectuals surrounded by stereotypical obnoxious edge lords and overweight rednecks. This has to change if we are to gain traction, and we are.
Spencer has been invaluable in that effort. The face of race realists is shifting to smart, clean cut professionals who aren't afraid to speak truth
The videos that were made from his speeches are the best way to redpill someone open to ideas. That's what worked for me. No one is going to start out by just listening to his broadcasts.. those are more for upper level students like most people here. High quality videos grab the viewer's attention.
Benjamin Jones
Camden Cruz
I agree. I can respect this pov. There's way too much edge and idealism for what a racial realist media figure should look like. I think at this point, we might as well accept who we have and offer support to a guy, and people, with parallel goals.
Samuel Watson
Dr. Pierce is a goddamn legend. I sure hope everyone on Holla Forums has watched a few videos of his speeches on Jewtube, at the very least.
Asher Brooks
Zachary Hill
I've encounter newfaggots who haven't even heard of him.
Hudson Hall
Breaking links is only for rigging polls. Otherwise it's completely unnecessary and only retards who think 8ch is a secret break links that don't go to polls.
Christian Murphy
If every regular user here would listen to 2 Dr. Pierce broadcasts a day while shitposting, you'd be amazed how your worldview would change. Yes, the broadcasts are now dated, but the observations are timeless.
If you are a newfag and just can't get into listening to the audio right away, if mods will pin this thread I'll ad a few of the best WLP Yt videos each day. There were a group of about 6 of us who used to make them back during the deepest days of the neocon era.
Will start with this– what caused WW 2? (Buchanan later wrote a book which basically took this as its thesis)
Anthony Harris
Dr. WL Pierce- "History of Everything" (highly recommended)
Joshua Morgan
I wish I could do more in addition to getting people to listen. When the Jews began taking them down, a friend and I complied a complete transcript of all 308 of his broadcasts (I have as PDF, will upload if requested).
Completely changed my life so far as even getting me to change careers. Pierce has not a 2-bit hustler the way I (and others) view Duke. He worked at Los Alamos, NASA Jet Prop Laboratory, was the great, great, grandson of the Attorney General of the Confederacy (his face was on the $10 Confederate bill) and later governor of Alabama and Colonel in command of the 17th Alabama infantry.
I can't summarize ~150 hours of wisdom for you, but Ii can promise that if you invest the time in listening, you will emerge a better a better, more focused, and more determined person: (Is there anyone else here who has studied Dr. Pierce the way I have and would want to have a conversation on him? At this point (and I'm not trying to brag, can't exactly put this on a CV) I'm probably among the world's top expert's on Dr. Pierce's work. Managed to even obtain a bunch of his newsletters from a former member of the NA, which contains many writings never put on the net). I'll not post again unless we get a discussion going lest the mods will bump lock it. This is on the Kosher Krew's war on the Serbs, it's in 2 parts. will put part 1 in thumbnail and link tp art 2 in the thread. (MODS, PLEASE DON'T BUMP LOCK, THIS IS IMPORTANT, ESP/ WITH LOTS OF NEWFAGS COMING IN. THANKS)
Not to derail, but why the Duke hate? Whenever anyone brings up Duke in a negative light the reasons seem dubious, but you sound like you'd be able to explain it.
Luis Moore
Also, you know what you have to do, yes?
Luis Edwards
Duke is a huckster user. Granted, back in…whenever it was, he came within a few points of winning a senate seat, and the Jews threw a ton of shekels at a nigger candidate and he lost. So why the Duke hate?
He used to host a show with "Don Black," the co-founder of Stormfront. Unlike people on here, I don't see anything really wrong with SF, bunch of older people like to socialize around traditionally White things, fine. But fucking duke is supposedly ALWAYS (I had an account for 6 or 7 months, banned for using word "nigger" a few times, never went back) begging for shekels. Shekels to rebuild his house that was "damaged in katrina," shekels to reprint his shitty book (which he then charges for and makes money for himself). Now, with all this begging, you'd think he must be really down and out, right? Well, except for the fact that a few years ago pictures emerged of Duke skiing in Switzerland with Don Black's faggot son Derrick (Don black's wife is also duke's ex-wife, to make shit even more twisted).
Now user, compare this to Dr. Pierce, who lived in a trailer and used an outhouse in the West VA winters until his mid 60s when he died. And as you can read in "fame of a dead Man's deeds," it wasn't an act. Pierce did have money where he could have built a decent house for himself or at least gotten plumbing. He refused. He'd only put donations toward the alliance and his message.
Finally, a great example, this campaign. Back in..I forget what year it was, Pierce supported Buchanan. However, knowing that his name and "endorsement" would be PR poison, he but out a simple audio broadcast "Why They Hate Buchanan" where he summarized why he thought Buchanan was a better choice. Again, compare to Duke, fucking desperate to attack his name to Trump in any way possible. If you read the book "Fame of a Dead Man's Deeds" about the way he lived and listen to some of his broadcasts, then compare it to Duke, you'll understand user.
Evan Wood
No, please tell me. Scan them and upload? I will next weekend if the mid will agree to stick them for a while and then they can go into "archive" where people who wanted to read would have access.
also have a very rare copay of GL Rockwell cartoon "How Odd of God to Choose the Rats" which I got from Liberty Bell publications right before they went out of business. I'll take time to dig it out and scan it (the cartoon is both funny as fuck and true from the early 1960s) so long as I can be confident it won't even up disappearing,
Carson Foster
OP I am disappoint. Dr. Pierce's version of Cosmotheism is his most important contribution by several orders of magnitude. Existing religions are better than atheism because at least they sustain civilization; –atheism outright destroys is (daily reminder that most atheists are liberals). The point is that some religion that elevates Mankind is clearly preferable to others that merely sustain it (sustain it for the Jews to suck the life force out of it that is; if you don't get it in this life you'll get it in the next goy, meanwhile let me take care of your monetary system for you…). Judaism is the most successful religion for a reason; –it deals with the real world (scamming goys out of their shekels) instead of fairy tales (muh heaven, muh sins, oy ve–I mean pray for the salvation of your soul goy). It's best to fantasize about Space Travel (EM Drive), the Large Hardon Collider (so cash), Thorium Reactors, and shit like that, rather than Jesus. youtube.com/watch?v=lcLJv4FEB5o (Omniphi's Our Cause, great video) narrg.com/2016/08/williams-attacks-our-cause/ (very saddening chimpout) Cosmotheism is kind of like the Imperial Truth. It is also compatible with the Imperial Creed, which is super cool. The Emperor Protects. These "religions" benefit the human being because they offer all the goodness stemming from the full utilization of the brain's religious centers with none of the poz (completely retarded ideas like forbidding usury for your people but using the services of Jewish money-changers is not a sin goy!! also give me some shekels to excuse these arbitrary sins (sale of Indulgences)). warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Imperial_Truthwarhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Imperial_Creed The Emperor Himself declared that Mankind would never be free to progress and advance to its destined position as the pre-eminent intelligent species in the Milky Way Galaxy until "the last stone from the last church was cast down onto the last priest". The Imperial Truth (what the Astartes still hold as true) upholds the light of reason and science above all, and the only proscription it has is that men must never develop artificially intelligent machines (Skynet, and if souls exist we will end up becoming like the Necrons if we shed all our biology). Even Techpriests only replace at most half their brain with a cogitator (their right hemisphere) because they are afraid they might lose their souls if they go full machine / mind upload. After the Eldar done goofed and created Slaanesh (Demockery, Jews, Hedonism), it is now Mankind's turn to find a place in the sun and come to dominance in the Milky Way. Mankind is more deserving of such a position than other species (oy vey). Also Cosmotheism's idea of "ever-higher states of consciousness" is compatible with the fact that the Emperor was the most powerful human psyker to have ever lived. tl;dr if you are somehow still blackpilled after the Trumpening and in need of true hope (not obamahope), watch Our Cause, read wh40k.wikia and Lexicanum, and then LARP as the Imperium of Man (Space Marine, Techpriest, whatever). Then realize that Trump really IS the God Emperor of Mankind, and look at the stars.
Oliver Stewart
If you are interested in Dr. Pierce and South Africa, he did about 10 broadcasts total on ZA and Rhodesia(sim), which really are must-listens. As you might imagine, he predicted that Mugabe and the other niggers would expel all Whites, and then as a result their economy would collapse (I think their peak inflation rate was 752 billion?)
You also won't be surprised, Dr. Pierce predicted the nigger would come begging Whitey (the US for money). Or, to use his words: "Yes, a new generation of very earnest pledge girls, and long haired freaks will have another cause: demanding the US give loans to the AIDs wasted blacks of Zimbabwe. And, eat-assured, they will be demonstrating just as self-righteousy for this as they were for a boycott against South Africa or to stop oil shipments from going to Rhodesia, for you name it. '
You know, I used to want to kill people like this. Go back and get all the old lists of names for everyone who had every participated in a boycott against South Africa, or helped raise money to arm the communist Zanu-PF communist negroes in Rhodesia. Just make then dig an enormously burial bit and then machine un all of them into it. They have done so much damage in this world, and then walked away without the least regard fir what the;vw done, that he only proper way dealing with them seemed to me to just do away with them all.
I don't feel that way anymore, however, as I have gained a better understanding of the "lemming" phenomenon. It would be useless to hold the people morally accountable for such actions because they have no concept of morality, THEY HAVE NO SOULS.."
I recited that from memory, sure I was off in some places. If you want to hear Dr. Pierce's entirebroadcastx on this see "Horror in Rhodesia" and the broadcasts around them. He also gets into the case of one particular Jew who was secretly funding Mugabe's terrorists for 30 years while living among RhodesianWhites and pretending to be one, even going to funerals of children of her "friends" killed by terrorists where he had helped buy the weapons, knowing that eventually the Whites would be forced out at firesafe prices and he could buy all the land he wanted.
Wyatt Flores
Kayden Evans
Not the user you replied to, but anything you scan can and definitely will be archived on /pdfs/, Archive.org, and I'll personally e-mail everything to a few other WN literature archives I'm aware of.
Also, if you have any other Liberty Bell material you can scan, that would be much appreciated. I know they did a lot of limited run reprints of super rare material - I have one of anti-jew book from the early 1930s that I still have to scan.
Michael Peterson
oh, one last one– POSTVILLE, IOWA. I don't think any story illustrates Dr. Pierce's uncanny powers of prognostication than what ended up happening in Postville, Iowa when the bankrupt meat-rovessing plant was bought by a family of Orthodox Jews, who fluted literally every law on the books ( dumping slaughter waste into the local lake used for swimming and boating may have been the biggest one).
the story didn't end until 2008– about a decade after Dr. Pierce first brought it up– with hundreds of heavily armed SWAT team officers descending on the plant to take away the 270+ illegal Mexicans and South Americans.
Back in 1998 (keep in mind, the internet was…essentially like the deep web today, really no one used it save for weird, niche things), Dr. Pierce noticed a small article on these Jews moving into Iowa and..I believe it was the NY Times then tooo celebrating this "spread of diversity."
Dr. Pierce titled his pro cast "MURDERING IOWA." If you read nothing else in this thread and want to see just how uncanny this man's foresight was, read the NY times article from may of 2008 and listen to his broadcast from..I think 2000, I'll link it.
An even better example of this than Storm Lake is the small town of Postville, in northeastern Iowa. Postville is undergoing an even more traumatic racial and cultural transformation than Storm Lake. A decade ago Postville was an all-White, all-Christian farming community of 1,000 souls, most of German and Norwegian ancestry. Then Aaron Rubashkin, a Hasidic Jew who owns a kosher meat market for supplying his fellow Hasids in New York City, opened a kosher slaughterhouse in Postville. He had bought Postville's bankrupt meat-packing plant from its Gentile owners and converted it to kosher use, because he could get his meat slaughtered much more cheaply in Postville than in New York, even when the cost of shipping the meat from Iowa to New York was included. Today he and his son Shalom run the slaughterhouse, which employs 300 workers, nearly all of them non-Whites recruited by Aaron and Shalom outside Iowa and brought to Postville specifically to work in the slaughterhouse. They also brought more than 30 Ultra-Orthodox rabbis and their families to town. The rabbis do the actual slaughtering of the animals according to Jewish ritual, a shockingly inhumane procedure, which has been outlawed in many jurisdictions.
The White people of Postville feel overwhelmed. Their town has been stolen from them. Ten years ago everyone they met on the sidewalk or in the local pizza parlor was a neighbor, someone they had gone to school with, someone they shared values and traditions with. Now they see Orthodox Jews wearing black hats and prayer shawls and talking to each other in Hebrew. They see Mexicans and Nigerians and Vietnamese lounging against the lampposts and jabbering at one another in other strange languages. They see their schools, which used to be entirely White, swamped with dusky aliens.
But it is the Jews who are the most difficult for the people of Postville to accept. The Jews are all from New York City. They are loud and pushy. They are fast-talking hustlers. They are arrogant. They make no effort to adapt themselves to the ways of Postville. Instead they demand that Postville adapt itself to them. They even ignore the local laws with contempt. The Rubashkins dump the waste from their kosher slaughterhouse into the local river, polluting it so badly that it no longer is suitable for fishing or swimming or boating. Postville imposed a $2 million fine on the Rubashkins, who simply refuse to pay and keep on polluting, knowing that the governor and the media are on their side.
And unfortunately, some of the White people of Postville are on their side too. The City Council members, for example. And the people at the local newspaper. The newspaper hired a Jewess to write a regular column. When there was a vacancy on the City Council, the council members appointed a Jew to the council, saying that it would be good for the local economy. When local citizens circulated a petition protesting the appointment, they were accused of anti-Semitism by the newspaper. That intimidated most of the White citizens into silence, but not 81-year-old Dorothy Radloff. She said that she didn't want a Jew on the City Council. She went further, saying what many other Whites in Postville were feeling but were afraid to say: We're just afraid if they get one in, then pretty soon the whole council will be Jewish, and they're going to run the town. They're working to take the town over and push the rest of us out. But with the support of the newspaper and the other council members and the mayor, the Jew, Aaron Goldsmith, won a special election two months ago. There's something about politicians and journalists. And the gullibility and blind tolerance of our people for getting kicked in the teeth and not fighting back seem to know no limits. Perhaps if the White citizens of Postville, Iowa, had known a little more about the Hasidic Jews who are taking over their town and flooding it with non-Whites, besides the fact that they are pushy and arrogant, the election to the City Council might have turned out differently.
Liam Peterson
Thanks, indeed begging for shekels and emerging in the Swiss Alps with them is despicable. I understood that Duke was using Trump to get his name out there, but I thought Trump could handle it and the media was already screaming "xenophobicracistbigot" at the top of its lungs and it hardly mattered. GLR also had to act out for attention. And comparing anyone to Dr. Pierce will have them coming up short in some way.
We don't even know if the mods here aren't kikes or controlled opposition, they have been bumplocking high effort threads like this constantly. But it wouldn't be effort wasted, you could give them a permanent home in /pdfs/ or /polarchive/ for example.
Justin Taylor
(2/2) "Murdering Iowa" by Dr. Pierce. About 9 years after this broadcasts, Federal Marshals descended on this Jew slaughterhouse to arrest them for, what the state attorney called, "One of the most egergious abuses of law he had ever seen)
"The Rubashkins and the other Jews associated with the kosher slaughterhouse all are members of the Ultra-Orthodox Lubavitcher sect. The Lubavitchers are those strange-looking Jews one sees in New York wearing long, black coats and black hats, with sideburns down to their shoulders. The late leader of the sect, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, was worshipped like a divinity by his followers, including the Rubashkins and all of the other Jews they brought to Postville.
Rabbi Schneerson was a real Old Testament Jew, a Talmud Jew, who preached to his followers the unadulterated doctrines of the Talmud, including the doctrine of Jewish superiority and the doctrine that the Jews are the chosen people of God, ordained to rule all the other nations of the world and own all their possessions. His sermons have been published, although you're not likely to find them in the New York Times or any other place where Gentiles might read them. But I'll read you a selection from one of them, just to give you the flavor. Rabbi Schneerson preached: The body of a Jewish person is of a totally different quality from the body of a member of any other nation of the world…. The Jewish body looks as if in substance it were similar to the bodies of non-Jews, but … the bodies only seem to be similar in material substance, outward look, and superficial quality. The difference of the inner quality, however, is so great that the bodies should be considered as completely different species. This is the reason why the Talmud states that there is an halachic difference in attitude about the bodies of non-Jews…. Their bodies are in vain … An even greater difference exists in regard to the soul. Two contrary types of soul exist. A non-Jewish soul comes from three satanic spheres, while the Jewish soul comes from holiness. Well, Rabbi Schneerson had much more to say in his preaching to his followers about the satanic nature of Gentiles and the holy nature of Jews, but perhaps you've gotten the general idea from what I've just read. The general idea is that Jewish superiority has been bestowed on them by their deity. The Jews are so superior to us that they are justified in doing to us whatever they want. They are entitled to deceive us and plunder us and take all our possessions from us, and it is a transgression against their deity for us to attempt to protect ourselves. That's what the Hasids believe. That's what the Rubashkins and all the other Jews in Postville believe. It's too bad that there was no one to tell the White citizens of Postville what the Jews really think about them before they elected one of the Jews to their City Council.
Perhaps Dorothy Radloff had some inkling of the truth when she told her fellow citizens. "They're working to take the town over and push the rest of us out." Indeed. Unfortunately, too many of her fellow citizens failed to heed her warning. They listened instead to their Christian preachers and their local politicians and their newspaper. They have for all practical purposes lost their town. They are too confused and demoralized and disunited to put up an effective opposition to the Jews. And if they really started to clean up their town and take it back, Mr. Bush would send in the FBI to stop them. They would be arrested and charged with "hate crimes." At this point we might ask: Why are the Jews and their allies doing it? Why are they hell bent on destroying White areas like Iowa? Why aren't they satisfied with what they have done to California and to the big cities of the East? Why do they want to make the whole country look like New Jersey and New York? Why do they deliberately destroy all-White communities such as Storm Lake and Postville?" I'll read you a few words written by Professor Earl Raab of Brandeis University's Institute for Jewish Advocacy:
The Census Bureau has just reported that about half of the American population will soon be non-white or non-European. And they will all be American citizens. We have tipped beyond the point where a Nazi-Aryan party will be able to prevail in this country."We have been nourishing the American climate of opposition to ethnic bigotry for about half a century. That climate has not yet been perfected, but the heterogeneous nature of our population tends to make it irreversible….
Carter Jones
Jeremiah Torres
"3/3) In plain language, Professor Raab is boasting that he and his fellow Jews have changed the immigration laws – and prevented the government from enforcing what immigration laws we still have – in order to make the American population more heterogeneous, or, to use the more familiar term, more diverse. Their goal is to make Whites a minority in their own country so that the Whites can never combine against the Jews and regain control of their own destiny. You can read more of Professor Raab's sinister scheming in a book that is available from my sponsor, National Vanguard Books. That book is Alien Nation, by Peter Brimelow. Professor Raab and his fellow Jews aim not only at eliminating the White majority in the country as a whole, but also at polluting and corrupting every White area inside the country, so there will be no one capable of organizing an effective opposition to the Jews. They will be the only racially conscious group still able to wield power. What the Jews have done to Postville and are busy doing to the rest of Iowa is just one step in their grand scheme for implementing a Final Solution to the Gentile problem. This Final Solution is not being implemented with concentration camps and gas chambers, but with bought politicians, with corrupt preachers, and above all with television and other mass media. It is being implemented by flooding the country – and every White area inside the country – with non-Whites and by encouraging miscegenation. It is being implemented through programs aimed at increasing diversity. It is being implemented by deceiving and brainwashing White people to collaborate in their own destruction. The hour for our people is late indeed – but it's still not too late. It's still not too late to fight back"
Jaxon Watson
thank mate, will definitely do it by next weekend, maybe this week if I have time. Most of the Dr. Pierce Bulletins not mine, will have to borrow from a friend. But the GLW stuff (the real jewel is "How Odd of God to Choose the Rats," I can't believe not a single copy on the net), I have saved. That cartoon is a bit faded, hoping that an user with a decent computer and photoshop can go over it and make it a but more legible. But I will def. scan all I have.)
Owen Baker
To someone who likes the scientific truth of atheism, but the asceticism, purpose, and hope of Christianity, Cosmotheism seems to be the answer. Also panentheism is always nice in religion.
Landon Fisher
TBH, I never got into Cosmotheism. In all honesty, I think Dr. Pierce mostly did it for tax purposes (which was fine with me, as Trump says, anyone who pays a cent more than they need to ZOG is insane).
I wonder what Dr. Pierce would sat about Christianity now, now that the Jews have essentially restored it and–esp in Europe– we have our people facing a Muslim invasion and NOTHING, absolutely nothing, to unify them in any way. And with a liberation theology jesuit cuckold in the Vatican.
Dr. Pierce grew up in an American South where, as a scientist, found the Church and some of the Baptist positions he was taught as a child genuinely suffocating. The "Religious Right" was still alive and well during his time.
Now that it no longer is, not sure how he'd feel. A book I'd highly recommend is the late journalist Oriana Fallaci called "The Rage and the Pride" followed 3 years later by "The Force of Reason." She, BTW, got a very rude awakening to The Jewish Question when French Jews (!!!) tried to drag her away from Chemotherapy to stand trial under EU Human Rights Law for essentially "being mean to Muslims."
Fallaci was an atheist/agonistic, but one line from her book I always found interesting: "If one of these precious little Mohammedan darlings should dare to do any damage to any of our artistic treasures then I, myself, will become a Holy Warrior for the Catholic faith."
When the shitskins finally do manage to damage/destroy…Michelangelo's "David," the Sistine Chapel, Pieta, whatever, the reaction among the European public will be. I know, they've already killed over 200 in a year, but when they begin going for our art, wonder if public outcry will be enough to lead to riots and/or deportations.
Jason Martin
DESTROYED it. Sorry, up for too long to get something in before a deadline, now drank too much fucking coffee that I can't sleep.
David Wilson
That's what I've wondered: When will the Sistine Chapel and the Louvre be threatened? And will the Eurosphere defend or fold?
Adam Ramirez
Thanks, looking forward to it.
There was a GLR thread on here a year or so ago where a few anons were trying to track it down. Best anybody could find was a decade old SF thread, with images that had long since expired, where somebody had apparently taken low-quality pictures of the comic with a shitty cell phone camera.
Kevin Price
that will be moment of truth user. I did an MA in Medieval/Renn Studies (was on scholarship and went on to do something useful, so wasn't;t really a waste). Anyway, the stained-glass windows in Notre Dame are probably second only to Chartes in terms if their importance. If those shitskins had managed to detonate that bomb of gas cylinders near Notre Dame back in Sept., they'd have been done (they were disassembled and buried during WW 2 to save them).
We already saw with they did to Palmyra, and it makes me sick I didn't have shekels to go see while it was still relatively safe. As I'm sure you know, Syria was simply taken over by the illiterate warlord animals, all the Roman and Greek and Byzantine stuff..all the animals can do is destroy.
No mistake, i hate the Jews far more than (((Isis))) or any Wahabbis, but their "Blue Mosque" only got built due to Byzantine engineers with a Sword at their back,
Jace Wood
I've read Fame of a Dead Man's Deeds which was excellent. If you could provide the transcripts of his broadcasts that'd be great. (I seem to retain more when reading than when listening)
Julian Ross
I'll get the PDF of my backup drive. If you could tell me best way to upload a PDF here that mods prefer, would appreciate. Actually not "new" here, just have never uploaded a pdf here.
Michael Murphy
I don't have much experience with that either. You could upload to 8ch.net/pdfs/ perhaps?
Ethan Allen
He's a fag enabler. I wouldn't listen to a word he says since he is probably an infiltrator trying to subvert a huge part of the nationalist movement.
But now im derailing the thread. We're talking about Dr. Pierce.
Nolan Cruz
I'll figure it out. Guy who owned Liberty Bell before it closed was a pisser. When I bought the rockwell phablets and one volume of "the international jew," I had no CC go my ex-GF let me use her CC, gave her the cash, and gave my address for shipping.
So, Liberty Bell guy mistakenly sends package to billing address, where most ex's step-mother (who was a Jewess) opened the package to see those phamplets and "The International Jew: The World's foremost Problem Vol. 1" I complained to the guy and he was cool about it, he gave me 3 free books but ex's bitch stepmother would never be in same room with me again.
Anyway, really want to preserve that Rockwell cartoon for posterity, but again I think it might even be from the original late 1960s run bc the quality is not great. Hoping for an user who is a fan of GLW with photoshop who can fix it up in some areas where it's faded.
Angel Kelly
White fags are better than Jewish pedos. I'm fine with fags as long as 1) They don't flaunt it ala pride parades 2) They don't try to normalize it and realize it's a perverse fetish that must be contained and condemned 3) They never touch little boys (or girls for carpet munchers) 4) They don't advocate for getting married 5) They don't try to pass legislation by force and/or bullying ala Christians forced to bake wedding cakes for fag weddings (this is an extension of both 2 and 4)
Jacob Diaz
thanks, didn't know Linder read it, listened to some of him reading "Camp of the Saints," though he goes off topic and tables far too much for my taste.
curious, has anyone here heard the rumors that linder works with the FEDs? After that fucking idiot glenn miller went off and shit 3 or 4 people (zero Jews) heard he was given an ultimatum, and that if you visit his site not behind Tor or a good VPN, ZOG will start watching you.
Don't understand the guy at all. Seems smart, went to a good college (Pomona) and then he put on that asinine rally in support of Channon christian/Chris Newsom (a couple out a date, kidnapped by niggers, tortured, and both raped, you should look it up if you've never heard of it…AND, after trials were finished, had to be DONE OVER since fucking KIKE JUDGE was on his own gear…all the niggers got sentences reduced due to the fucking kike judge being lite up on xanax and percs).
But if you watch Linder at the rally in TN screaming "nigger" over and over, not sure how much he helped the cause.
I have the Dr. pierce PDF of all 308+ ADVs, it's about 1,900 pages. If someone tells me how to upload so that it's easier for people to download, can do it now.
Levi Scott
(I can do it whenever, doesn't;t have to be right away but like to get it up so it's around the net should I drop dead at any point soon. Also, would be best if at least 2-3 anons confirm that whatever solution is best since we seem to have some bitter, vicious, lefty pol scum around lately seething that they had no energy and no interest in their bullshit (am NOT suggesting any poster in this thread is that, just think this is important enough it should be double checked before going up since Dr. Pierce is timeless).
Caleb Watson
OK mates, put it up on the pdf thing an user above recommended. Seems to be working. Once you scan it or check it or whatever you do, please try to get it around, as far as I know it's only existing copy on the net. best lads,
I should add the disclaimer on the above– about ~10-15 from the audio list on archives.com are missing, however about 12 EXTRA ADV not included in the archive are included in the PDF.
Christ, to think how cheap memory is now and people, even niggers and africa can record videos of useless shit, never mind a few hours of audio but so it goes. I imagine they were taped over in the early-mid 90s since memory/tape was just too expensive. Anyway, at some point I intend to go through the list and see what's missing. from the PDF. If written copies not already available, will transcribe myself. ''
But, for now, from all I can find it's by far best such document available on the net. If you'd like to volunteer to help transcribe anything you notice missing, please feel free, just say do in thread and I'll go over it and add to master copy. thanks.
Ryder Walker
you have no idea how fucking disheartening it is to have just spent 2 hours hunting down transcripts of the broadcasts of the greatest White Nationalist of the 2nd half of the 20th century only to run into a fucking brainless asshole like you.
Like to toil (since doing it for free) under illusion I'm doing this for intelligent, informed people who care and know history of this philsophy. God, people with your fucking Mexican-level IQ are depressing as shit.
Luis Ramirez
Pierce was one of the most important people in revitalising and furthering the cause of nationalism in the USA if not the west, at the time. But since you seem to know so much about him, could you answer this. What was his stance on National Socialism and lincoln rockwell? From what I know of him he was a supporter, if a National Socialist himself, but I don't know for sure if he ever called himself one.
Thanks for all the links and info OP, more people need to listen to what he had to say.
Connor Stewart
Just ignore the plebs and D&C shills, friend. They are nothing. You are doing great work here.
I've updated the archive for you. Will check back later to do it again.
Very good thread my dude. Pierce balanced MUH RESPECTUBBILITEH MUH PR with cold, pure 100% serious hardcore ideology. He dressed well, had a large donating base of the middle class while also including working class boots on the ground like skinheads. This is why modern WNs like Spencer are so cancerous, they don't have any ideology and are cowardly pathetic appeasers. William would tell you what the problem was - Jews, he'd tell you what he was - a Nationalist - if you ask people like Spencer who the problem is, they'll give you a long winded verbal essay about obscure euphemisms and then bail out with smoke bombs. If you ask him what he is, he'll fumble about nervously and use retarded words like 'Identitarian'.
Cooper Collins
Ryan Johnson
Then you don't belong here. It does not matter if they never act on their perversion, they are still sick. Stop tolerating degeneracy just to gain more supporters, it is weak.
White fags are traitors to their race. No matter how much they want to gas jews.
"If I had but one bullet and were faced by both an enemy and a traitor, I would let the traitor have it" is one of Corneliu Codreanus best quotes, you fag enablers need to realise that tolerating traitors and degenerates will only make the race weaker.
Lucas Sanders
Nice digits, shit redtext.
Very good topic OP, reminds me of Holla Forums around second exodus. I look forward to reading it further after my other duties.
Angel Rodriguez
yep, this is Dr. WLP introducing Rockwell's Brown University speech, where he spends about 10 minutes talking about what he was like, what they agreed and disagreed on, etc….
Dr Pierce on homosexuals: "One of these days I'll have to do a broadcast on the homosexual brotherhood, the homosexual mafia – and on the phenomenon of homosexuality. If homosexuals were merely men confused about their sexuality, such a broadcast wouldn't be worthwhile. But there is, unfortunately, much more to it. Homosexuals are profoundly abnormal people, and their abnormality, their sickness affects much more than their preference in sexual partners. They have an abnormal way of looking at the world, an abnormal way of thinking, in which sexual sadism and other things which are abhorrent to normal people become attractive. They really aren't just like normal people except for their sexual orientation. People who believe that homosexuals ought to be allowed to be scout leaders or school teachers need to be worked over with an oak table leg and then sentenced to 20 years of hard labor in order to straighten out their thinking. Well, we'll talk about that another time. We have some other things to talk about today."
Grayson Rivera
been listening to Dr. Piece since 2010, love him, he is the pure, unadulterated red pill. there was no game behind him, man was a legend.
Jaxon Reyes
No Pierce-thread would be complete without the quote from 6.21-6.51 in vid related. It might be the greatest quote by any Jew-wise person: Pure, unbridled, ancient Aryan rage - the result of a lifetime of being redpilled .
Xavier Peterson
kek, agree that is a classic, I use that a lot ("leering, greasy, hook nosed kike). Did you see the one, I think I have it on here, where Dr. Pierce says "If the Russian people are ever fully awakened to what the Jews are still doing to them, they will rise up and kill every jew in Russia…EVERY JEW…and they will be fully justified in doing so."
Let me see if I have the video up in this thread, Jewtube takes it down as soon as anyone puts it up. If it's not on jew tube, I'll make a webbed and put it up.
Jayden Richardson
FOUND IT! Save this one mate, the jews remove it as fast as it gets put up. Best part starts at ~435, but trust me, WATCH ENTIRE THING AND DOWNLOAD!!!
Evan Robinson
serious fags, if you are reading this, view and save above video asap (I use en.savefrom.net ….if it's a known datamining thing, please let me know, but seems to be working OK. I can DL videos from JT and then make them into Webms.)
Anyway, watch and save this video if you can before the Jews pull it, you won't regret it.
Sebastian Stewart
Thanks for the replay.
Adam Ross
This is from (((SPLC))), so won't bother linking, but the story is true:
"In August 2002, while an active duty SEAL but not yet stationed in Baghdad, Buschbacher attended the National Alliance's invitation-only "leadership conference" at the neo-Nazi group's West Virginia compound. The conference was held just weeks after the death of National Alliance founder William Pierce, author of The Turner Diaries, the fantasy novel about revolution and race war that inspired Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh. Pierce also wrote the seminal pamphlet, "What is the National Alliance?" It was in that tract that Pierce explained that a National Alliance member in the military "[u]ses his daily interactions with career personnel to select exceptional individuals who are receptive, and he then gives them the opportunity to serve their race while carrying out their military functions."
Juan Nelson
Jason Clark
You're not understanding this tweet.
It's poorly worded, but he's trying to say that the last identity whites are fighting for is just homosexuality. He's using that as a bar to show how low white identity has become
Connor Hernandez
we should really begin a mass campaign to spread Dr. William Pierce's videos to all mediums, 4chan, Reddit, social media, etc.
too bad the thread would probably be anchored and the OP receive a temp ban, in light of the "Evalion" treatment.
Lucas Harris
replay? was it already linked somewhere else in the thread? The guy asked for a summary of Dr. Pierce's views as re: Rockwell. I should have added that no, Dr. Pierce did not consider himself a "Nazi" and abhorred the use of uniforms and things to tie his movement to the Third Reich.
He had no problem with people who..collected memorabilia, were seriously interested in the history of the 3rd reich, etc… but he believed that an American White Nationalist movement had absolutely no place for the swasi arm bands or the theatrical "Heir Hitlers," which is hoe dickie Spencer lost all his credibility within a span of minutes.
He also lays out near the start of "The Turner Diaries" his disdain for people who take "historical fetishism" into real life, and recently explained that the road ahead could not be a retracing of some past part of our history, whether in Europe or the US Civil War. US White Nationalists needed to carve out its own path, which he hoped to achieve by first enlisting an elite cadre of supporters. This stood in direct contract to Rockwell, who would take any sort of directionless White (and as a result, ended up with many Jews and degenerates, ad ultimately led to his death) since he believed that a large enough number of such people, disciplined and tightly organized, could form a "revolutionary army."
source: Rockwell's books "This Time the World," "White Power." "Fame of a Dead Man's Deeds" by Professor Robert Griffin. also, research done independently on Cmdr. Rockwell's kids (he would not be happy. One of his daughters married a Japanese male, which has led to the weird spectre of a creature who looks sort of like Rockwell, but much shorter and with slanted eyes. His sons…one is an overweight businessman in Asia.
But Rockwell's Icelandic wife (niece of the Us Ambassador) did not spend a long time mourning him. She doesn't look outwardly beautiful, but Thora have had something. She ended up married an Icelandic banker she started working for as a secretary (poor Rockwell missed out on his pension when the Jews threw him out of navy 4 or 5 months before his pension…he took a job as a baggage handler at the Airport in Reykjavik to try to earn enough to be able to see hos kids, but the fix was in. Thora had another son with the Icelandic banker who calls himself "Thor" and is Iceland's first billionaire, which shows you girls will always sell you out for money. Thora's banker husband also did a few years in jail in Iceland for fraud.
While I was investigating this on goybook a few years ago (under a fake account through a VPN obviously), I got a "friendly" note from someone calming to be a rep. of Thora's family "asking" me to stop digging into his their private life. private life.
I told them to fuck off, but after that they made al their goybook shit private. I MAY have pictures of Rockwell's kids and jap grandson somewhere if anyone is really interested. None of Rockwell's daughter's turned out to be its.
Jordan Powell
sorry, the spelling and other shit in this post is half-assed, I'm writing it when I'm meant to be working, but to have people here interested in Dr. Pierce here is a rarity. If you need me to clarify anything as a result of my half-assed writing, please ask. To answer likely questions in advance: A. No, I'm not retarded. Yes, under normal circumstances I have a fairly good command of the English language. B. Is it wise to be typing this out on a "tablet" on my own connection when I'm meant to be working for my Jew overlord? I guess that's debatable. As I read over the post, yes, some of the grammar and spelling is bad, but wanted to strike while fire is hot and have people interested in Dr. Pierce. Unless you are a Holla Forums troll, I presume you will realize that anything that came out garbled since I'm trying to keep the tablet under my desk, my ask and I will clear it up. Thanks. I know several people who got to meet and spend a decent about of time with Dr. Pierce, and I'm assured I'd have been disappointed. He was very much a loner, who like to take his morning hike, go into work, go home for dinner with his wife around 5, and then work until 10.
His legacy was his work, he had few close friends and wasn't very "charismatic" in terms of the way we'd think of a "leader" of a movement (i.e., shaking hands and kissing babies). He did not suffer fools lightly and was happiest alone.
Jaxon Howard
One last line, then will shut up before Mods bump lock (if they haven't already). There's one broadcast where Dr. Pierce is talking about an article by a former (((SPLC))) worker who wrote an article in "Playboy" suggesting that Dr. Pierce, anti-abotionists, Christian fundamentalists, and jihadis were all on the internet "talking to one another."
to quote Dr. Pierce: "these Jews are so so paranoid we have them seeing conspiracies were there are none – YET."
that one line made me laugh for 5 minutes straight first time I heard it.
Michael Mitchell
Bump. One of best threads in a while.
Brayden Diaz
I think I remember your account on facefuck bud. You had like a whole think of Rockwwell's family tree and all his kids by Thora, the wife he met while stationed in Iceland. Guess it could have been someone else but how many people devote that much time to putting together Rockwell's family tree of his kids by Thora?
This has been like an old-school thread we used to have. Fun to read. Thanks again.
P.s- I''m fluent in Icelandic, so if you are doing research and find something and need it translated… not sure if 2 bumps in a row count for anything but this thread deserves it. Nice work.
Eli Martinez
Robert Jones
Thanks friend. It was about 3-4 years ago, after reading Rockwell's books I decided to try to track down their kids since I figured between Rockwell and Thora, they must be attractive. Just the opposite. And man, did Thora turn out to be a cunt. She married him knowing exactly what he was doing, fuck she even helped him organize a lot of his stuff, including "The Hate Bus." Not like she married him and THEN he got into WNism. He told her "I'm going to be either a great man or a bum," and, according to his book, she'd say "even if we end up living on a banana boat, I'd still want to stay with you."
All rich girls say such things, until their parents fucking cut them off. She came from a prominent Icelandic family, her uncle was the ambassador to the US and another uncle or cousin was the head of the Icelandic Church. As I said above, the ZOG there him out of the navy 4 months before his pension. This was the naval aviator who coordinated the air attack on Guam and also fought in Korea, he could easily have become a commercial pilot. He ended up trying to work as a baggage handler just to get to see his kids.
Also, if you are Icelandic I'm sure you know, sje gave him the ultimate cucking by giving Rockwell's kids the surname of their crooked banker stepfather (who gave all the shekels to his only biological son with Thora anyway). why a cunt.
Going to look for pictures of a young Thora Rockwell, but given the EU's new laws allowing shit to be removed from google search results and the shekels that family has (esp. for Iceland), doubt any photos from that time will be left: (only one, the one from his book that was printed in the US. Does anyone here find here that hot that some really rick banker was fighting Rockwell for her?)
Luke Howard
I understand your meaning of course. Not sure other's will. Iceland is the only western nation as far as I know where children take as their surname their father's first name and then -son or -dottir. So Rockwell's son's should have been called "Georgeson" and his daughter "Georgedottir." So she loaves them the stepfather's name? What a cunt.
Jack Wilson
Yes. And if I recall correctly, she did it before he even died. Also, the maker was her third husband. I'be heard that most couples in Iceland no longer even bother marrying, and according the rockwell even in the 1960s the sexual…milieu there was far different from the US.
Do you still live in Iceland user? If so, as someone who lives (or I presume has lived) there, do you see something in Thora I'm missing? She looks very plain and even unattractive to me.
Rockwell was killed only one or two years after Dr, Pierce began working on "National Socialist World" with him. Had Rockwell not been assassinated, I wonder what their collaboration would have looked like. Rockwell was a great artist, good photographer and good writer. Can only wonder…Imagine "turner diaries" illustrated by Rockwell?
Leo Butler
No, I thankt you for replaying to me. That's called a replay.
The way I rememberd it is, that he lost his credibility becease of his suppord for fags.
Thats a bit of a over simplification. Rockwell's method was divided into three phaces, the first was agitation, the second was movement building and the last was takeover. His marching in uniforms wasn't some uniform fetishism, but a well thought out tactic, which in turn was part of a broader strategy. And it is also not true that his movement was accepting of anyone, he would first discourige anyone applying and even when enrolled into the movement, the first period was mostly to test his character. The one who would eventualy murder Rockwell, for example, was earlier expeled from the movement for, speaking frankly, being a nutcase.
I can understand that you and Pierce would disagree with his methods, but I do want to defend Rockwell a bit, for I do agree with the methods he proposed.
It truly is a shame his genetic legacy has being ruined so.
That sounds really interessting, may I ask what you have?
Doesn't mater m80.
Thanks for the furhter info. And no, I'm not a Holla Forums troll, haha.
What a cunt, Rockwell deserved better. Also that is some curious info about Iceland, I have never heard about it before. Things like this only profe, that what these two men fought for, is needed now more than ever. It's sickening that our society is only getting more degenerate and that it has been for so long.
Jack Diaz
Very exciting. I came upon Dr. Pierce years ago. Smart man that shat in outhouses. Turner Diaries was akin to the Hardy Boys' franchise. Excruciating read intended for men that could not grow beards, sort of like Mein Kampf (makes no fucking sense if you are not familiar with the the history of post "great" war Germany.)
Eli Ortiz
That would be Donald ibn Fred in the way of the Mohammedans, Donald ben Fred in the way of the Levantines and in the Nordic way Donald Fredson.
Matthew Fisher
I'd like to note the Fred is Germanic for Peace.
Levi Murphy
check'd and confirmd
Lucas Smith
About…shit, I guess 4 or 5 years ago, I and a friend who read Icelandic decided to trade down Thora and his kids via goybook and a few Icelandic "society" magazines. It's just a picture of his daughter with Rockwell's half-hap grandson (that one might make Rockwell genuinely turn over in his grave the same as if she were dating a nigger, because as much as he regretted ever firing a shot at Germans in WW 2, he had no such regrets over killing jap.
For Rockwell's daughter, picture a chubby…IDK how she turned out as she did, and the half-hap grandson even worse.
Cant' recall if we found one or both of his real sons, but one was just a pudgy businessman sort who apparently has a job in the finance industry in Hong Kong and slicked back hair, and pudgy.
If you want to Thora's son with the banker, you can just jewggle "Iceland's first billionaire." And I read about him doing shady shit with importing booze from Russia (booze in Iceland is more expensive than fucking gold).
There are (were) I think 2 would-be leftist trolls in the thread, I just fucking filtered them, don't care. Their asses, I expect, are going to be sore for a good long time. They accomplished NOTHING even with sending all their shekels to the old "socialist" Jew (who has been around since the 1980s, but suddenly now decided it might be time to try to do something after 30+ years sitting on his ass there). He turned around and bought a sports car and a lake house and sold them right down the river to Clinton for it.
We spent nothing, just using sheer autism first managed to help with a hostile takeover of the Republican party, then the White House. And the leftists can't say we had no impact when fucking pepe is on Clinton's website as an enemy of the state.
Henry Powell
I'm familiar with Weimar Germany and have no idea what you mean. Unless you're trying to make a joke about the lice on the Western Front or the need not to grow a beard make sure the seal on your gas mask was airtight. But since you are talking about "post-war" Germany, that doesn't make sense either.
Noah Stewart
You should go back to India. Or Canada, whichever.
wow, I'm completely triggered. Is there a safe space around for me? A leering, greasy, hook-nosed kike troll who just got his commie ass destroyed so badly in the election soon he and his cohorts will be back in the closet insulting me. Totally triggered. You do know where are you are, right Hymie?
Blake Sanchez
thanks, appreciate it mate. Hopefully, someday when someone gets inspired to learn about Dr. Pierce, they will stumble upon the archive you made and eventually begin making videos to his broadcasts, just as a few of my my friends and I did 7-8 years ago and thus helped keep his legacy alive.
Dylan Price
lmao, who put a Jew, mongrel, or leftist could be be insulted by those posts? No one. I was 95% certain I knew what you were, but decided it would be more fun to ignore until you couldn't;t stand the lack if attention and just had to reveal yourself and the leftist vermin you are.
Be afraid. All that talk of your ilk of a "scorched earth" policy for Trump supporters? Keeping our names on lists, all the people beaten half to death with bricks? We haven't forgotten. And, come January 20th, through kikebairt we will have a direct form of input to Bannon who in turn will have the PRESIDENT'S ear. All that shit you promised for us? You only made one mistake Hymie. YOU LOST.
The Jüdenpresse thinks "Trump 2016" written in chalk is a "hate crime?" Just wait.
Christian Russell
Dickie has changed a lot since then. Although, he more than likly meant what said, he was getting real soft due to his kahzar milkers wife. Since the divorce he has been ramping back up again. It only goes to show that having a wife with strong political views can be a huge problem when they don't align with yours, your wife should never effect your decisions. Their options should match yours, and if they do not, they should be discarded. I don't filly trust him, as with any public WN figure, but he is no Vox Day.
Ryan Price
I guess this has already become a sort of de facto mix of Pierce and Rockwell, which is understandable since they worked together and Dr. Pierce really carried on Rockwell's work, but with a very different tone.
Sometimes I imagine what could have been if Dr. Pierce had Rockwell's speaking ability, fighting prowess and charisma combined with his own intelligence. Dr. Pierce could do great broadcasts in his own studio, but usually in a TV interview or before a crowd, he was like a deer caught in the headlights. I'm not trying to knock him (what's the latest negro term "throw shade?" I didn't know "shade" could be "thrown." Fucking wanted to barf on election night when I heard 2 different white reporterettes use the term), but just imagining.
Anyway, here is another great Rockwell speech from UCLA:
Sorry, who is "Vox Day?" I thought it was a some sort of failing net site? Jewggle seems to imply he (or she) is some sort of writer, but I've never heard of him. MY personal opinion os that a lot these "alt.rightous-gentile" types were frauds from the outset.
You know, I used to listen to a video blogger named Paul Ramsey who calls himself "Ramzpaul," who the SPLC got fired recently. I always imagined the guy was semi-retired and worked managing his own investments or something. Now he is reduced to begging for fucking money from his viewers.
He used to put on an act like "I don't give a fuck, I can what I want" which made me think the guy had Fuck You Money. But now that he has apparently had to sell his house, he's basically on his channel broiling for the SPLC to leave him alone, which is worse than if he had never started to begin with.
Did the guy not get the memo? I know he listen to Dr. Pierce, since he steals a lot of his titles from him. Did he think he alone had some sort of special protection from the Jews? Kek, and once his Romanian GF found out he was broke, she apparently left him. I just don't get…unless you have "fuck you money" or are willing to live as Dr. Pierce did, why even do that sort of thing in the first place? God, would love to see Trump have Sessions look into dissolving the ADL and SPLC, which is unlikely since he fucking worked with them.
Another reason why men like Dr. Pierce were 1 in a billion. He could legitimately say "up the chimney, Jewboys!" and stay on his land with his firearms and he was pretty much self-supporting.
Gavin Jackson
*Listening to this, am just starting to take in that in the 1960s a man like GLR could speak at a University (even a relatively liberal one like UCLA) and the audience was polite and even clapped. Today, even that queer jew fraud "Milo" or his squeaky little Jew buddy Ben Shapiro cannot even give a talk on a college that disagrees with SJWs without being shouted down or having the stage rushed by negroes. Imagine if negroes tried to rush the stage on GLR? He'd have knocked them unconscious.
This is why, we are truly entering a new and dangerous era. They say "every generation says the upcoming one will destroy the nation." These little fucks today won't even let a basic conservative speak, when in the 1960s they let a man like GLR or Dr. Pierce speak.
William Harris
If only niggers would learn too, it's certainly in their self interest. Haitians eat dirt pancakes now.
Elijah Hughes
Vox Day is some gamer gate faggot, that tried to make the WN transition, but despite being white as the driven show swears up and down he's "tri racial", and claims he is part of LA Raza. He's the type of guy to sniff his own farts. He thinks he is a genius but is a fair weather WN at best, a traitor at worst. Ram z Paul is even worse. He's terrified of the "14/88" label and speaks out against it often.
Peirce was a rare one, but we did have George Lincoln Rockwell in the 60s, so people of his type aren't impossibly rare. The 90s was almost a reset button on WN though, things got too prosperous, and people stopped becoming open to the message when the money was coming in, that came to an end in 2008, luckily, and due to the amount of truth the Internet has spread hopefully it won't happen again. I only wish that Rockwell and Peirce could have lived to see our resurgence. In some ways we don't live up to what they imagined, but considering how bad things were, they'd be surprised were came back at all. I just finished the Turner diaries and camp of Saints, and the view of the future from people in the 70s was dark to say the least. I think that the unrest and insurgencies of the 80s was the biggest reason for them to slow down and go back to slow boil in the 90s. They only turned up the dial now because they thought it was too late.
Easton Bailey
Thanks for filling me in on "Vox Day." I'm not too big on games, other than occasionally playing with nephew. But Christ, even I noticed as COD became more and more cucked. Finally even my 10 years old nephew had enough when they released..not sure if it was final one, but was a COD I played on his xbox with an option for a female player (!) and I think it was set in Korea and you could not even see they had gook eyes when you shot them. I noticed this and I know nothing about games, can imagine how pissed people who are actually big into games must be.
If you read "Turner Diaries," would highly recommend you listen to it on YT now. It's a lot funnier to hear Dr. Pierce do the negro and Jew voices. I have tried to listen to "Camp of the Saints" as read by Alex Linder, but the fucking guy just goes off topic too much for me. If Trump ends up not keeping many of his promises (namely The Wall), I think we'll see people as radical as Dr. Pierce and Rockwell emerge. I think we haven't had any like them emerge for so long now because even if the Jews can't put you in jail for your opinions, they can assure you basically starve. Dr. Pierce and Rockwell both gave up lucrative careers to stand up for their beliefs. In a society that is now so focused on material comforts…I think it would take a Weimar type crash and breadlines for true radicals to emerge (assuming Trump does not deliver, which I truly hope he will).
Also, on Rockwell, he was a highly decorated WW 2 and Korea veteran. He planned the military air assault on Guam himself. How many time do you hear him mention it? Some Philippina twat who lost her legs flying a blackhawk she almost certainly had no business flying won a SENATE SEAT (!!!) just by playing on peoples' sympathies. Again, to quote Dr. Pierce since Vietnam the military "has become nothing more than an equal opportunity employment decision, like a bus driver." There was no draft, no one was forced to join the Israeli Foreign Legion and help the Jews in making this nation a lot more vulnerable thanks to Obama's insane immigration policy in bringing into the US the very same people you are killing.
Who ran over and hacked 11 people today? A Somali immigrant (who claimed to be 18 but was probably about 30) let in under King Nigger in 2014. Why did he do it? To quote his goybook: "I am sick and tired of seeing my fellow Muslim brothers and sisters being killed and tortured EVERYWHERE,' it stated. 'I can't take it anymore. America! Stop interfering with other countries, especially Muslim Ummah (communities)… [if] you want us Muslims to stop carrying lone wolf attacks."
Once again, Dr. Pierce warned of the insanity of letting Muslims, esp. Somalis, into the nation numerous time as the US arms and shelters the Jews. At a time when most through Islamism was dead, Dr. Pierce predicted what was coming (see broadcast #240 "As ye sew….")
Josiah Bell
God forbid they actually fucking farm to stop themselves from starving. Why do we help places like this at all? It boggles my fucking mind, where else do they eating fucking dirt? How fucking dumb can an entire nation be?
Adrian Turner
It isn't so much that people aren't radical, we're just in an entirely different climate than the ones they faced. I would bet we have people just as radical as they were, but they are just holding their cards close to their chest. The Internet has provided an interesting Avenue of approach that the WNs of the past could only dream of. The most hardcore are just pushing to get as many people on our side before shit hits the fan. Even if Trump falls through, his presidency bides us valuable time to shore up support. Every white man who realizes the truth is one less enemy we have to face. Every white man who even gets a small dose of of the red pill is someone who will stay neutral.
They did a pretty good job of memory holeing Rockwell, I wasn't even aware there was an American nazi party until well after I started learning things. I feel like he could have been a legitimate political figure had he not been assassinated. People were desperate for change in the 70s and 80s. Who knows what our world have looked like if Rockwell had lived to the modern day.
One of the things I noticed with Turner diaries, and with a lot of WN literature from the 70s, is the overestimation of the role of blacks. From their point of view it made a ton of sense, however we know now that they can only really even be used as a inaccurate cudgel against whites. Spics and moslems have taken their place as the primary useful idiots. Though they were aware of them, I don't think they realized the full potential of spics to destroy and colonize large swaths of America. Spics are also just smart enough to take part in the plans of the jews, where as blacks are more like a natural disaster that they can let loose. Another thing that is a running concept in a lot of those stories is the idea that all these nonwhites would work together Ala camp of Saints, but we know the opposite to be true. Blacks spics and moslems can all be manipulated against each other, because as much as we hate them, they hate one another. I've become convinced that jews dont plan to start a communist revolution like in the past, but instead want white countries to just fall apart, wherein they will rule over the ashes.
Asher Roberts
This is..tenuous at best. Most prominent example? South Africa. Indians and niggers hate one another traditionally, yet look who (poorly) runs South Africa. The niggers would rather have any non-White charge, even Indians, so long as it;s not White. To an extent, same in the USA. What was the "Obama Coalition?" Essentially everyone against White males.
There are some slight differences, such as "the Obama Coalition" included homosexual Whites, whereas in South Africa a queer White would never be welcomed into one ANC. In South Africa, Cape Coloureds are not part of the ANC coalition, they lean mote toward the DA simply because the see themselves as better than niggers.
Dr. Pierce explores this idea in a broadcast called "The Chinese Invasion." Listen to it if you're interested in his thoughts,
this is good, thanks user. But just so people who are really interested know, there are a lot more than this. Hard to keep track of since jewggle removes, will pop up on vimeo, then back on Jewggle.
(don't take it wrong, I appreciate you taking the time and making the additions and sure everyone else does too, but for people try to collect all of them, that's only…maybe about 1/3 or 1/4.
Alexander Williams
another vey good one, "The history of everything" whih uses clips from the series "The Tudors:"
Does anyone know…does this site have a place where we can save videos? I have a suspicion that the Jews are going to use all the nonsense about "fake news" to purge Jewtube.
If there is..how much per year would it cost me to buy a site big enough where al Dr. ELP videos could be kept?
Luis Gonzalez
Cosmotheist reporting in.
Jonathan Brown
Its really amazing that him and Sargon have the exact same delusion.
Matthew Jenkins
This is an interesting 30 min video on Dr. Pierce called "Dr. No." A friend paid $30 for the tape and $12 shipping to have it sent to Europe and then put it up on Jewtube.
Jacob King
(fuck, didn't take in first try. Here it is):
David Ortiz
This a dr. Pierce video production called "America is a Changing Country." He began naming it when he was diagnosed with cancer to leave some sort of video testament. Ironically, since he died 3 years before Jew tube, he could never have known how many people would spend hour upon hour editing his broadcasts:
Jason Morris
I have to say Dr. Pierce died before I ever knew who he was. I have only watched a few of his videos made by the people that OP describes. What impressed me about him is that he was a physicist I believe and developed all of his views from a purely logical and methodical manner. Much in the same way Charles Butz who was a EE professor yet wrote "Did 6 million really die?". Good old math and science will always be our friends anons because once you master them you can figure out things for yourself and not have to rely on being told what to think.
Oliver Price
nah mate, Ernst Zündel wrote "Did 6 million really die?" Butz (who, as you say, was an EE Professor at Northwestern) wrote "The Hoax of the 20th Century."
Hudson Mitchell
should also mention, Butz was a Jew (if the name didn't give it away). In many ways, he's considered "The Father of Revisionism."
Nolan Rivera
No, it was written by Richard Verrall under the pen name "Richard Harwood". Zundel publishing it though, which was the basis for his 1985 and 1988 trials.
Arthur Butz is a goy.
Liam White
Cannot say I'm sure on Butz, but Zundel, in interviews, has claimed HE wrote it. I forget which one it is (could be the harretz journalist) where they ask him if he has any plans to write more books, and he holds up "Did 6 million really die?" and says that it's about as long a book as he thinks he has in him, and that he doesn't think he could write anything longer.
Could Zundel have made some sort of arrangement with a Canadian citizen to have him take credit during his 2005 trial in Germany, hoping the Jews would give him less time? Certainly possible.
If anyone wants to know just how the US government terrorizes people, read about Zundel's arrest. They claim that his lawyer never sent in his notification of marriage to a US citizen, which would then allow him to stay in the US in his home in Pigeon Forge TN.
So they had the US Marshals (a close second to ATF in terms of criminals with badges) arrest him with mp5s to his face, all camoed out, the entire thing. At 5am in the morning, when it was still dark.
This man had been arrested before in Canada and done jailtime (for thought crimes), so for him to be so scared out of wits that he didn't demand to see his lawyer and fuckingsigned something that let the JEws put him on a private plane to Germany 30 mins later….imagine just how afraid the Jews were of this guy and how madly they wanted him shut up?
The plane alone must have cost ~$250,00. And now he's free, but if he ever is caught using the internet for anything, he goes back to jail. Fucking sick kikes.
Samuel Foster
You are correct I am sorry I got them mixed up when I was typing my post. I love it when Holla Forums corrects itself. Also I did not know that he was a jew as well ty user for correcting my record. Also Butz wrote that way before anyone else was very active and b4 the webs as well so his book was really obscure to the point you had to know it existed to be able to find it and read it.
Dylan Peterson
Pierce called Trump a Shabbos Goy
Joseph Stewart
The report on his "false news" trial was published under the same title, that's probably what he held up.
Ignore the following if you want to just listen for yourself. This is merely a direct quote of WLP from the broadcast:
One of the most interesting recommendations in the Forward article is that the Jews themselves should stay in the background in their campaign against Buchanan and should use Gentile "front" men as their tools against Buchanan: men such as Republican candidate George Bush, Jr., New York real estate developer Donald Trump, and Arizona Republican Senator John McCain.
Interested in Dr. Pierce's thoughts on a certain subject? Gaddafi? Osama Bin Laden? Da j00z?
I'm not passing my fag genes on by reproducing with women, which is something fags in serious denial or "converted" homos who "pray the gay away" end up doing. I will not raise children as I think that's a job for stable hetero couples. You would not guess from my appearance, voice, hobbies, etc that I am gay. You would definitely guess from my views that I am a white nationalist and an anti-semite.
If you don't want me stringing up miscegenators and actual race traitors on the day of the rope, then that's really just your loss.
Adam Torres
Thanks, man. Even though Trump couldn't hold a candle to Saint Pierce there's something so satisfying about hearing him say Trump's name.
Dominic Price
Fag genes aren't a thing
Ryder White
Let that be a lesson to all you anons who want to give up.
Same thing happened to Nietzsche is a way
Nathan Miller
Yeah you sound like a fag alright, with that womanly passive aggresiveness.
Levi Peterson
Have a sister? Of of the potential fag genes makes men fags and woman have more babies.
Jace Murphy
When will this meme of based (insert non kosher by far right standards group of "people" here) die already?
Landon Foster
Hey, fellow Piercebro, good thread.
You're right about cosmotheism being excellent, but connecting it to 40k and LARPing isn't going to be helpful for anyone.
It wasn't just for taxes. Listen to his broadcasts about what's wrong with hymn-singers and you'll see what he would have said about contemporary Christianity. The problem isn't suffocating, the problem is universal otherworldly salvation coupled with a drive to forgive everyone. Pierce wanted to see non-whites exterminated entirely, and that's not possible under Christianity. Frankly, most of what we need to do to secure a future for our children is repugnant to Christianity. Our war is just, but not the sort of thing the just war doctrine is intended to cover.
Sebastian Anderson
bump for pierce, one of the best racial thinkers in history.
Joshua Watson
Since you are a faggot, your life is of no value and it will all be over after your lifespan without kids. There is absolutely no reason not to assassinate Soros, Alefantis, Laura Silsby, Lawrence King, etc. Only use for fags is as martyrs or possibly slaves and medical guinea pigs.
Connor Cox
He's in the best possible class of faggot imaginable. He can earn his life by helping us genocide the priority targets.
Daniel Moore
Oldfag here. I shook his hand once. Tall guy. Big hands. Great thread OP.
Noah Myers
If so, he should totally invest the time to alter his internet habits and "convert" to islam first and claim his actions were justified by the oppression of the Palestinians. If you're going to bowlcut, be tactical about it.
Sebastian Wood
Used to be a guy on VNN who lived on "the land" with him. There's also Kevin Alfred Strom,he might still be on Goybook. Strom made the massive mistake of marrying a massive, massive cunt who framed him for cp.
I didn't believe it at first wither, but the guy made a site where he documents how his wife was having an affair with the ATF agent who ultimately arrested him. Also, those bastards (from local sheriff right up to the FBI) had been looking to arrest Pierce for years. They never did, because I think they realized they may have set off something they could not control.
Anyway, if you have a goybook and want to hear stories about him, look for Kevin Alfred Strom. Have no idea if that guy or VNN is even around anymore, was last on there 8 or 9 years ago.
Juan Wright
I'd highly recommend you listen to all his broadcasts. Also, for those who don't understand Southern accents, his accent is more "Southern Aristocrat" than anything else. You have to have lived in the South for a time before you'll get the difference between Southern low class Whites, Appalachian twang, and the "plantation aristocrat" accent.
Interesting to me that he approaches every broadcast like a psychics lecture. Apparently, his students (the good ones willing to work) loved him, while the failures and losers bitched that he "graded too hard."
If you know anything about physics– esp in the 1960s– to have worked at Los Alamos and the Jet Prop laboratory and have tenure teaching grad physics by 32 is amazing. As he describes it (see intro to Rockwell's speech at Brown), he saw only a few seconds of his speech on TV as Jews Jew bottles and stones at him and right them decided he wanted to work with him.
Much like character in "Turner Diaries," he supported himself by doing contract work for electronics firms in the northeast while working with Rockwell on "national socialist world."
The user above is right, I should learn more about Cosmotheism. I have always assumed it was a way for him to keep from paying ZOG taxes, and that was fine with me.
I listen to at least 4or 5 of his broadcasts every day, and yes I can repeat many by heart now. For me, his broadcasts are almost like reading the bible for Christians. And to think, supposedly between 250-300 of his broadcasts were taped over and lost (!!!) simply for lack of memory space. What a fucking shame. If possible, would always recommend listening to his broadcasts rather than reading because he knew how to…he was a great professor for a reason, he knew how to get a student's attention and keep it and how to animate his voice.
Nathaniel Reyes
If you want user, this weekend will find where Zündel claims to have written "did 6 million really die?" in a few different interviews and make webms of the clip. Butz as a Jew, that was always a rumor (and cited as how he managed to keep his job) but I never heard that from his own mouth. Zündell claiming credit for writing "Did 6 million..," I've heard from his own mouth at least 3-4 times.
There could be 50 reasons why he'd later change his story once he realized the fucking Jews were really trying to get him back to Germany to do jail time, maybe he had a Canadian citizen come forward and take credit, no idea.
I'd really love to know more about how they arrested Zündel in TN and got him to sign something giving them "permission" to send him to Germany unless they threatened him or his wife or kids.
He had been through the legal system in Canada, spent a lot of time in jail, he'd never, ever sign anything without a lawyer unless they terrified him or outright forged his name. What I put it by them? Fucking Abe Foxman got Clinton to pardon March Rich, the Jew who singlehandedly sucked hundreds of billions out of Russia for his fellow Jews. Also, same FBI/ATF that pulled off Waco and Ruby Ridge.
We won't know until he's dead and his story is smuggled into the US or posted on the net once they can no longer get to him.
Robert Price
Do we have any big Zündel fans here possibly who know inside info on what supposedly happened? Zündel can't say or write a word because as part of his release condition, not allowed to use the net.
Whenever people wonder why Jews are hated the way they are– if the Jew's story about the holyco$t is 100% airtight, why would they go so far as to get the US and germany to spend tens of millions putting this man on trial in Canada, flying him from the US, then another trial and jail in Germany.
For any reasonably person, doesn't that set too alarm bells that they really are hiding something?
Jose Mitchell
This is very odd, user. Now even kikeapedia is claiming it was the man you say, but now that guy is denying it. Anyway, all oldfags here know how much faith to put in kikeapedia (see video).
Eli Butler
another weird thing- Frank Weltner, the man behind "Jewwatch" (which used to be the first hit you'd get on jewggle when you searched "jews" before they changed the algorithm) is also citing him as the author. Weltner has an M.A. in Library Sciences, and is usually very detail-oriented. I suspect there was some arrangement where he had a Canadian friend (who already had Canadian citizenship) take credit for writing it once he realized what a big deal the kikes intended to make out of it:
The material below comes from Chapter Nine of the book, "Did Six Million Really Die?", by Ernst Zundel.
As an historical note, Mr. Zundel has been hounded by Pro-Zionist nations and their police forces for decades, spending years in prisons in Canada and Germany for thought crimes or for what he believes to be true.
Yet, Mr. Zundel has never recanted his words, preferred to remain in prison for his honest opinions, and continued to fight for his right to study and write history books on World War Two based upon his findings and beliefs.
Adrian Moore
Is there any other WLP material other than the 308 broadcasts, Dr. No documentary, the 60 minutes interview, and those other couple interviews and public speeches that are on jewtube?
Thomas Flores
Maybe we should consider some sort of William Pierce study group/group listening for those interested?
Just a random idea, but maybe, say "last digits of my post number" = we all watch that broadcast, and have a discussion about it?
Yeah nah? Are there enough people to make something like that interesting?
Christian Miller
Pics with an aesthetic like your pics related always make me feel like they were made by a full-blown schizophrenic (although the message is perfectly understandable and normal otherwise).
Hunter Torres
they're by same guy, David Dees. He was a pretty successful commercial artist, these sorts of pictures have probably cost him millions of shekels and he may well be a schizo. Look at his site.
Does anyone have an active goybook and can message Strom (if he still has one) and ask if he knows where the missing broadcasts and if he'd be able to "find them" if we raised money (I'd put in $250 myself if he has them and will put on net)?
Pierce left no will, which always pissed off Strom (maybe rightfully so, although he ended up getting really fucked over by his wife). It ended up with exactly the type that Dr. Pierce hated inheriting "the land" and after selling shit for a few years (and the names of anyone who ordered anything to the SPLC and ADL), they went under.
Adam Rogers
If Pierce did one really, really irresponsible thing, it was knowing he had about 4 months left and not burning all his records if he decided he couldn't trust anyone. When those fuckers took over, they sold all the names and addresses (some in nations like Germany and Norway, where membership in the Alliance was illegal) right to ADL/SPLC and then to ZOG and people in Europe ended up getting arrested.
I ended up on a ZOG list, which basically means whenever I order anything from overseas (even tea from UK), ZOG will take the trouble to open it and put their "Sept of Homeland Security" yellow tape on it just to let me know they are watching me. Fuck 'em. and I was 16 when I ordered a few books and stockers and did it with a postal money order.
Which is a warning, even on here, use a good VPN or Tor because you never know who dies and where the data ends up. I don't care if ZOG wants to waste shekels opening my mail (actually I do, but even when I had a lawyer send a letter demanding info, they said "the Patriot Act" gives them authority and no explanation would be given), but people in Europe can get in real trouble.
James Jackson
I was under the impression that his death was incredibly sudden? His last broadcast was July 20, 2002. He died in July 23, 2002.
Never in any of his broadcasts do I recall him sounding ill, nor did he ever mention any illness and especially not cancer.
I was, and still am, under the impression that it was a Mossad assassination and "cancer" was chosen as the cause of death just to cover it up.
thanks, didn't know he had this. can't hurt to ask him.
Henry Russell
No, he knew, at least according to Strom, he knew. You can tell..I think first broadcast he made knowing he was dying was called "The beginning of the end" and his final one, when he knew he was about to go was "How It All Fits."
Strom has an essay on it…somewhere, forget (might be on his new site) where he complains that he knew he was dying for that long and still never wrote a will.
Ethan Sullivan
thanks, bout halfway through. Pierce left.
top jej, too bad about the 20 minute commercials. no doubt that's why Pierce just left.
Liam Ramirez
Dr. Pierce was the ONE person who I credit to redpilling me. When I was 13 or 14, I stumbled upon some of his speeches on Youube purely by accident in the sidebar. I clicked them out of curiosity. It was like being hit in the face with a brick. I suddenly saw the world totally differently. I began to look around at the world and notice that everything had happened to our race, and was happening exactly as Dr. Pierce said it would. When Dr. Pierce pointed out the Jews and what they had done to our countries, I began to notice that all the people pushing non-white immigration and degeneracy were Jews. They had always been there, but I had never seen them until Dr. Pierce pointed them out to me. It was like he took a blindfold off my face. I found him before I found anyone else, so in a sense i've always been very far-right. I didn't start with civic nationalism like some other people did. I was sort of apolitical my entire life, but then got enraged at what is happening to our race, now i'm far right and on Holla Forums. lol
Gabriel Flores
I kind of like this idea actually. Anyone interested, say what would be a good time for you, and then we can pick the broadcast. I'd suggest "As ye sow.." simply because he predicts bin laden and the Arab Spring in that one.
There another where he predicts bin laden even more specifically, and speculate that he is "Getting his teams into place getting them armed, and waiting for the Jews to give him an excuse."
If we have any real interested (even if it's just 4 of us) could be fun just to bullshit here. The broadcasts are only about 22 -24 mins, so could listen to one quickly.
What about tomm night at 9pm est? Or is there some big thing on electronic synagogue I'm not aware of? I gave up goybook years ago because I gelt like I was actively allowing a Jew to steal all my personal info, but I do miss being able to have conversations like that.
Nicholas Roberts
I just came here to pay my respects to dr. Pierce. I enjoyed what he did a lot and I felt really broken once I heard he died and that National Alliance went to shit without him. We really need more people like him.
Lucas Harris
It's strange because when he was doing his broadcasts in studio, he;d be so animated and his voice so strong..maybe he just had a good mic. God, if had had lived another…2.5 years or so, we'd have had him live on goybook, and he'd have had his dream of "being able to reach the lemmings and compete with the Jews" without needing $25 billion fora TV station. God damn, if only technology had moved bit faster.
Wyatt Edwards
Curious, do you recall what video you first saw user? Granted, our target audience was not 14 year olds (although we were only 15 or 16 at the time) but the idea was that if we could put his voice to current footage…and BTW, if you have computer editing skills and you are in high school or college and your schedule is easy, you are needed!
Those of us who used to do them have jobs and families now. Have been waiting for the "next generation" to take over (for christ's sake, many of you LEARNED video editing in high school! We were just teaching ourselves.) If you have the desire and a few hours, why not give it try? Pick an audio you like, pick any theme you like (one guy did a great one with clips from "the tudors") and help. Now, more than ever, esp with French subtitles, we need such things!
Everyone who respects Dr. Pierce should read this. It completely changed my viewpoint on him.
Carson Parker
I'm in my late 20s now. I may make another channel and upload some of Dr. Pierce's speeches to YouTube. I like seeing them totally unedited.
Ryder Brooks
then..why not just listen from archives.org? A lot easier to listen to a lot at once before falling asleep that way and they are in chronological order.
Lucas Baker
opinion discarded. She was literally a former nude model/escort who never even MET Dr. Pierce. And her husband was a real piece of trash covered in tattoos and piercings, exactly the type of filth Dr. Pierce hated.
The woman never met him, she was a fucking call girl. So, yeah, think I'll take the opinions of those who actually knew and lived with him over some whore. He was married 3 times, 2 x to women from Eastern Europe he met in a magazine for former college professors looking for companionship. That's in his biography.
Whoever you are, and whatever your motive Chaim, yeah, sorry, wrong crowd.
Nathan Richardson
Erich is a scumbag who sold Dr. Pierce's gun collection immediately after his death and looted the NA to make himself rich. He is a scumbag.
Lincoln Richardson
This is laughable, save for the fact that this piece of filth and his call-girl ex-wife (both covered in tattoos) took a thriving business and organization and managed to spend all the money within 2 years or so and bankrupt it.
And the twat has the nerve to blame Dr. Pierce, who can't defend himself since he's dead? Look at the way he lived his life, his character, and his accomplishments. Then look at the tattoo covered, meth-head call girl. Whose do you think I'd believe?
You must be a real desperate kike.
Cameron Long
This. "Scumbag" doesn't even do it justice. Also sold the names of all Dr. Pierce's customers and Alliance members to the SPLC and Feds. That guy they used in the false flag on Joe Cucks to try to swing Brexit? Wouldn't you know, the SPLC just "happened" to have their hands on a receipt supposedly from the guy's purchase there in the 90s.
Motherfucker literally sold out all the info kept there to the Jews at SPLC. Dr. Pierce not giving Strom control of the Alliance after his death was a big mistake. Look how it ended up, ruined by trash.
Eli Bailey
I never heard more slander and less proof in my entire life.
Logan Torres
why am I not surprised?
Jordan Morgan
Sweetie–this is you, right? Yankee Jim wasn't crazy. His only mistake was not "making a trip" to visit a certain someone before he blew his own brains out, you cunt.
I've heard worse slander about Dr. Pierce. According to an interview with Evalion (I know) that fat "ex-skinhead" who was harassing her is claiming he visited Pierce on his death bed and that he told them he didn't believe any of it and did it all for the money,
Parker Walker
The National Alliance isn't dead. With your help, we can make a real difference.
You moron. The odds of a fag child are incredibly low unless you fagg it up, like you will you bumblaster.
Grayson Sanchez
I like him but the fact of the matter is him, David Duke, Jared Taylor, and all these others with doctorates and other shit tried the intellectual approach to win others to their cause and failed. That's because if you want to win you need to utilise things like The Rules for Radicals like the left does or Holla Forums does now.
Never, ever PR cuck. Instead, bash their face in and laugh at them.
Tyler Martinez
He fucked a Nigger?
Wtf I hate Duke now.
Gavin Stewart
You don't know a damn thing about the man and have never heard of "The Order," have you? Nor I presue have you ever heard any of his broadcasts, where he'd say thing like (when talking about the Jews and the White slave trade) …"we'll get it stopped, even if e have to do it tim mcveigh's way! I hope it doesn't come to that….but we WILL ger these Jews off our our back."
Ethan Ortiz
When Pierce was young I think he used to brawl with commies.
Dominic Ortiz
Everytime I get depressed about the state of the world, I listen to Dr Pierce. The solace comes from "at least someone knew". He's up there with Enoch Powell in that everything he predicted came through.
And that's only so far.
By 2040 we will be living in The Turner Diaries.
Jacob Baker
I hope so
Jason Jackson
That's not 165 user, it's not included in his audio broadcasts. Makes me so angry that a few years of broadcasts were just lost the way.
Elijah Fisher
This is the exact moment he says "Donald Trump". Replicate what I have done in the screenshot to hear it. Of course, start from a little earlier (may as well listen to the entire broadcast) for it to have context.
was wondering about that too. did the other user ever report back if he contacted Strom? I know there are (or were) other Dr. Pierce broadcasts from early 90s, then I think he had to take a break to let all the heat from Oklahoma City die down (the FEDs at one point wanted him either to indict or as a witness, since McVeigh called the alliance hotline the night before supposedly).
I know there are some in writing but never as good as actually hearing his voice when he does them.
Christopher Davis
these threads always trigger the leftist assholes, because he left an amazing body of material, had amazing credentials (they can't use their usual "muh white trash" memes) about him. He never sold out, never worked with the FEDs even when his ass was dangerously close to real trouble.
If Clinton has won, purging his stuff would have been one of their first goals.
Brayden Robinson
Except that 'Karl Benyamine' is actually Jewish!
Elijah Butler
I'm only 1/3 through the archive and have more redpill than I've ever had