Welp it will be shit.
Directors for Captain Marvel Movie Confirmed
Did you actually hope for a modern Marvel movie not to be trash?
Not really; I just hoped they wouldn't keep going with this SJW routine.
Especially looking at the male directors tweets, total cuck limp pussy wrist liberal, not a surprise
Having two directors is always a good idea!
I miss her old outfit.
To be fair, the Russos and Peyton Reed were literally-whos given they mostly directed rom-coms prior to their respective MCU debuts. That said, the filmography of these two isn't inspiring either, so it can go either way.
No, user, there is only one way it can go, just like the rest of their films.
At this point, the director on it means nothing. They just have to follow the same script and shittery as the other films, and some sweatshop slaves change the name of the hero and villain to whatever the film calls for.
There was one supposed to be coming up with the Rock as Black Adam. I hear it got pushed back though.
I think it might be in jeopardy because of the shitfest that was Dawn of Capeshit
…Who the fuck are these people and why the fuck would you let them direct something like this?!
Maybe they're trying to have it fail on purpose like Disney sometimes does with projects they don't want to actually succeed.
Who directs the film is irrelevant, Disney/Marvel determine the tone, content, look and casting of the films, directing for a Marvel film is equivalent to directing a television show.
I can't imagine any reason for Disney to want a MCU movie to fail. As long as they're not SHIT, they'll keep printing money forever. To jeapordize that would be the biggest cockup ever
Shot composition, pacing, editing, line-reads.. These are all things the director controls. When you see some awful dialog delivered terribly, it's because the director didn't do their job and say "y'know what? we should do that again."
Directors also have the opportunity to change the script, redo lines, or implement some ad-libbed scenes where they see fit. The studio may demand that they do X, Y, and Z to fulfill their contract, but it's the little details that a director controls, and if the director is ass, or has little to no talent for the genre or type of story being told, then it drags the whole movie down.
I heard they now want it to be a solo Black Adam film.
I don't see anything good coming from this.
You're thinking of an ordinary film where the director in the very least controls the film as it's being filmed. That's not the case here. Here the producers decide most of the stuff you mentioned. I know for sure that they control the editing because Mickey Rourke complained that they cut most of his performance out of Iron Man 2. The TV show comparison is apt, on a TV show different episodes might have different directors (in fact some TV shows have been directed by some famous film directors) but it's the producers who generally stand on set and make sure that the episode is in the very least consistent with all the other episodes of the TV show.