Steven Universe’ gave a perfect guide to talking to your Trump supporting family this Thanksgiving
They are not even pretending Steven universe isn't propaganda anymore.. How do we combat leftists Propaganda cartoons? Also if anyone gonna ask. Girls converting too Islam is a thing in the SU fandom.
SJW propaganda in children cartoons
Who the fuck watches cackling cunts watch a bad childrens cartoon?
Do leftists even realise what islam is about? Do these faggots just convert to it because "muh diversity"?
they probably don't know what they're getting into and they just want to be a special snowflake like everyone else
let them make a pact with devil, they're only hurting themselves
I watched the episode (I like the show, even with all the blatant propaganda and agenda-pushing at times).
The guy is some long-lost cousin of Steven's dad who vyes for "times long gone" and thinks the gem entourage is hippies and wants them to "go back to where you came from" and "off his property" and so on. He's angry and hates them all, and then this is explained that because he's a non-married adventurer vagabond and was the only one trying to keep family values and the family together (his sister becomes lesbian and moves away etc.) he became angry. And then years of angriness, pettiness and conservativism/traditionalism is washed away in about five minutes and he likes them all.
I for one think this is great, because the progressives might really start thinking this is what happens in reality.
Why should we OP? The "people" who actually watch that garbage are irredeemable sub-human trash that should given a one way ticket to the gas chambers and nothing more.
They're the NEET 400 lb neckbeards with dozens of piss bottles who fap 7+ times per day but at the other end of the spectrum, pointless to try to change their degenerate ways, forced labor might force them to evolve to a human level but I sincerely doubt they're worth the effort.
Do actual children watch this shit, or is it just immature hipsters?
From what I remember when the horsefucker fandom exploded back in the day, the show went from little girl oriented to catering to 20+ year olds with fursonas, albeit indirectly.
Apparently the creator got depressed by it too but the money just kept on rolling in.
Mix of both.
Yes and know. Most actual Kids watch Teen Titans go. Only hipsters and adults watch SU seriously
the problem is that the propaganda is also aimed at young, vulnerable children.
Burn all libshit propaganda, make them extinct off the planet.
I'll let you know that this thing has one of the fastest generals on Holla Forums of both 4chan and Holla Forums.
Why contain it? Let steven universe be a gold star to easily identify those who need to be killed.
This guy has it.
With anime.
This, remember kek played a bigger role in this election than some faggot sjw cartoon.
It seen that only hipsters seen to be it main viewership giving that it going to be cancel soon. It seen kids are more interested in a retarded wacky series than a discussion about some whiny fat ass pussy discovering his try genders.
Obligatory link to "Steven Rapeyverse, Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love to Fuse"
tl;dr it was made by a literal Jew who wanted to "mess with the semiotics of gender"
I know!
yeah, just gotta keep on with the anime, my dude. Women will give you extra blowjobs for muh redpeeled cartoons too.
Now please respond with a smug anime girl. If there actually are girls that like anime, Im sure I wouldnt be able to stand them.
Love how the soft-looking beardless guys turn into broad-jawed bearded trannies
wtf kind of stupid language are they speaking? I can't even make out the accent with them pretend singing constantly. Are they swedish?
These legbeards are completely useless. All these cows do is watch tv, drink pop and snack.
Sage for not contributing at all.
That's what makes it funnier. Trannies are delusional as hell.
Where's that from?
Why did western dragon ball lesbian fan fiction become so big?
I've watched an episode here and there and it's garbage in every single way, from the "story" to art style to animation.
God-tier taste user.
You're an idiot or a kike promoting subversion. These are cartoons for CHILDREN. Just because there's an annoyingly loud "fandom" of faggots online doesn't mean that the primary audience for these shows, by a very large margin, is INNOCENT CHILDREN WHO JUST WATCHING CARTOONS
There are adult men on this very board who watch cartoons solely because they come from Japan.
So that's why one of my "anarchist" cuck friends would always desperately demand I watch this cartoon before he gave up and blocked me.
That's probably a $5,000 couch, legit jelly.
You guys are not even watching the real show. That shit is some SJW edit of the true redpilled Steven Jewiniverse. It was a 3 part miniseries but ponyfuckers became obsessed with it and edited the show into over 100 episodes.
Only watch the original Jewniverse.
I remember at the gym a kid was more interested in watching fox news than su while on the trendmill. I assume the only reason kids even watch it is because it is placed in between the cartoons they actually like.
You fucked up
While the brony fandom is unbelievably degenerate, it's not fair to lump My Little Pony in with Steven Universe.
One is a degenerate psy-op, the other is a wholesome family show, and an unbelievably white one at that. The only way you can get away with making a cartoon as blatantly white as MLP these days, is to depict all the white people metaphorically as animals.
I know. The non-anime girl smug pic was relevant.
didn't MLP had an straight forward anti-marxist episode with the pony who wanted to replace everyone's cootie marks with politically correct one
Deal with it
I was thinking the same thing, I think they just did that to make it clear the bottom ones are men, because if you put girls hair on the top ones they'd look like females.
The Brony fandom is cancer and I wouldn't want a ponyfucker near my kids, but you are right that the show is pretty good in terms of things to show your kids. Steven Universe, both the show and the fandom, is completely degenerate and needs to be destroyed
Relvant, worth the half hour
Anime is ok.
But MLP is cancer.
Its the fandom thats cancer, its perfectly fine for kids.
90 percent sure that's from Gintama
started to work in animated media recently, and people in there cucked as fuck: hipsters, vegans, shrill feminists, lgbtasdfghjk, cucks, white guiltees. etc etc. I'm surrounded by them and the animation schools have a hand in radicalizing them.
Most of these people were pretty moderate at the beginning of the school year, then come in second year and technicolor skrillex hairdoos, nose rings, and vegan diets galore.
Sad user story time:
Went to a conference and got the chance to meet one of my biggest inspirations in animated media. He always seemed red-pilled on interviews. When I got the chance to join a conversation with him after the event he turned out to be a sensitive vegan, refugees welcome, type who couldn't help drunkenly blurting after how much he hated Amelie for being a white France fantasy and toasting for the fall of the patriarchy…Talk about a broken pedestal
Why are there adults who watch horse cartoons that are marketed toward 6year olds?
It's really sad how the public perception of something so innocent and wholesome was completely twisted because of the autism and degeneracy of the fanbase.
Vid related.
the fuck is wrong with these people
It's well written and has seasoned animation industry people behind it like Rob Renzetti (I don't know if he is still working on it tho). I think it's a decent and harmless show that a parent can enjoy watching with their kids and not get too annoyed. My nephews watch it, and even their parents prefer MLP over the Nick and Disney live-action kidcoms.
The fandom and some of their antics can be pretty cringy tho.
Adults or even teens watching mlp are unbelievably degenerate, or possibly stunted developmentally due to how poz'd society is, but there's absolutely nothing wrong with a little kid watching it.
Jewniverse on the other hand is pure poison, the concentrated essence of thousands of marxist college classes all strained into one ugly series.
Why would you show that garbage to your kid when you have 50 years worth of content that is far less degenerate to show them?
Sure why not, if I knew what said content is, user
We need to make anime mainstream, specially we should start making normal to kids to watch kid's anime like Doraemon and shit. At least animes like that show them good values.
That Steven Universe episode didn't have a villain, although the subject of the episode is a "sad and angry strawman conservative". Keep in mind that a character doesn't have to be evil or deliberately working against the protagonists to be considered a villain to SJWs, they just have to remotely resemble a right wing person. I doubt that SJWs would be as kind(though this is a stretch since they acted as kindly as your average west coast city dweller socialite would) as the characters in the show were to their family members during thanksgiving, especially their conservative relatives.
The sheer audacity that people have on insisting on discussing politics during Thanksgiving is thicker than the stuffing they ate. While it may sound like it'd be easier for us to avoid politics with family and friends during such a time(since our preferred candidate won), there's a difference between being a smug winner who decides to stop for one special day, and a sore loser who doubles down their doubling down because of said special day. What's even thicker than their audacity are their heads, because they wanted to use a fictional show as a guide and source of inspiration to discuss politics. I could understand if it were a very political show, like Legend of Galactic Heroes, but Steven Universe is nothing more than "Fat kid saves the day because of his emotions". This show is by all means the exact opposite of Megas XLR, a simple, straightforward fun action comedy that channeled its testosterone for a successful two seasons. If you liked Megas, this should mean a bad thing for you. If you disliked Megas, this should still mean a bad thing for you.
I don't agree with adults watching animated shows being atomatically degenerate. But having said animated content drive all your life choices and not see past it is what can be pretty degenerative.
Not just animated series. There's young adult novels like Harry Potter, Twilight, or soap operas, tv series, celebrity fandoms,
animal welfare etc that bring the cringiest behavior out of people.
you could go ask Holla Forums
just keep in mind though that the board is filled with pedos, but despite that you can still get some worthwhile recommendations
I'm not talking about animation in general, animation is just a medium. After all, books have produced great works of art but also trash like all those young adult series. I'm talking specifically mlp, a kid's show that shouldn't offer anything to someone over the age of 10, unless they're stunted enough to actually be impacted by the morals of a preschool targeting show, or sexualize the characters.
But it's not degenerate at all.
I agree that you have to be something of a man-child to unironically enjoy it, but it is completely harmless on its own.
With our own simplistic South Park tier series. I've been shilling this for a long time, but can never get anyone interested.
Also, it needs dedication and I think we'd have to go through shekel-collecting Alt-Right channels like TRS in order to sustain it. because god knows we aren't the types
That show had so much potential in the beginning, its such a shame how it turns out that the creator always planned on slowly turning it into a SJW propaganda shit fest
This already exists.
Let's fix that, shall we?
I stopped reading the last link after the greedy jew showed up
It's a breach in the right direction, but it lacks proper stylization. If you want to brainwash en masse, you need to create a consistent and comfortable world (which Murdoch lacks - see SP, Simpsons…) and fill it with certain amount of jokes per minute to keep attention.
It would be a big project, requiring several people though.
What the fuck did Mindy Kahling do to her face, anyway? She was no beauty but at least she didn't look like an extra from Star Trek.
(Left Unchecked Due To Autism)
Responsible parents monitor what their children watch and what they teach them. If a faggot wants to let the Electric Jew raise their fucking kids, let 'em.
Gas yourself, you fucking homo. Nobody gives a shit.
A thought occurs. What if a group produced a series of cartoon shorts to be aired on Sam Hyde's show like the Simpsons shorts on The Tracey Ullman Show, back in the day?
wtf I love Jewish propaganda indoctrinating children now
I gave it a look once upon a time and it all screamed Tumblr. It just got more blatant is all.
I mean the very early episodes before they started going full "the gems are lesbians"
It's a shame that almost all animes are shit.
I didn't notice that.
Is she lighter now lel ?
Low T detected. Fix your diet and hit the gym.
I'm talking about when it was new, user.
I didn't get tumblr vibes from it in the beginning
That's really weird, but then my radar's pretty sensitive.
No it didn't. "Potential" implies that it ever had a chance to be good. That was never going to happen.
Are you kidding? It was socjus feminist cancer from day one. Holla Forums had a theory that Rebecca Sugar and "her" brother were both trans who swapped identities in order to live as the other gender. After looking at a pic of them together, you can see what they mean.
Why are all characters in this show ugly as fuck?
I'll give it credit in ripping off anime fight scenes with higher FPS. Granted the higher FPS comes with disgusting art design.
Anime has its feminist shit, but none of it is this fucking overt and obvious, except Magical Girl Utena IIRC.
That's an interesting thought for exposure but I think internet could carry it just right.
Better question: Why are all characters in this show ugly as fuck yet still have endless amounts of rule 34?
Who was it?
Who am I to argue with Heavenly Dubs?
What does this have to do with SJWism?
What does this have to do with SJWism?
Certainly we need to cooperate as much as we can with our people and Sam is number 1 there. I'm already busy making a website for these meta-activities for chan population to properly organize.
Fucking Holla Forums.
Good grief that's garbage and ham fisted, it's like a Holla Forums flavored Simpsons. The animation also makes my eyes bleed.
SJW don't do universe building, or understand lore properly. All they care about is making a setting and show as progressive as possible. Also nice side-stepping of everything else.
steven universe is shit
stay tuned till the last 4 minutes if you want some inspirational Hitler
All you liberals do. That's why you let the government take care of you instead of taking responsibility for yourself.
Go to >>>/sugen/ and make that statement. I dare you. You will witness the biggest spergout you've ever seen on a chan. If you do it, post a link to the thread so the rest of us can enjoy it.
It's a very shitty lore and a very gay universe, but it's there.
No, this is just how almost all american cartoons are, they follow this sitcom format. You sounds like a weeabo who see things where they don't exist.
Why do you have that photo, user?
You're a bit of a daft cunt, aren't you?
Kill yourself
And does ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY NOTHING to change the characters and interactions. The characters continue to be retarded pieces of shit who are massive hypocrites. Their actions don't have any fucking consequences what so ever since any damages done is magic'd away via the power of lesbianism.
Vegetarianism, maybe. But veganism is just gay. No reason to not eat eggs or drink milk of you can get it from animals that are treated well. And there is nothing more aryan than lactase persistence.
No. Anime is twice as degenerate. They viewers could end up becoming weebcucks. We need vegetables!
You tell me
for that you need a solid ideology, which the altright lacks. altright exists as an antithesis and resistance to progressivism. most altright thinkers have little outside of criticizing the left or neolibs/neocons and piggybacking off of conservatives like donald trump.
most ideologies are focused on creating a utopia. because we are bashing su in this thread i will use it as an example. steven universe's beach city is the progressivist utopia in which all are included without judgement and have equal opportunity to contribute to the wellbeing of the community. steven is the ubermensch of the progressive ideology, he stands on his own but is always willing to learn from others and teach them in turn, and puts the communitys wellbeing before his own.
if you wish to market the alt-right to the impressionable you must first strip it of its cultural baggage of associating with nazis, and then imagine what a town where everyone is alt-right is like and who the perfect alt-right person is.
Unless you're literally getting them from your back yard, that's bullshit.
The creator is a kike for fuck's sake, it was never good and never will. Stop trying to defend this marxist propaganda already.
Yeah, you're right. My initial thought was to set it in a parallel world of today with extrapolations on current trajectory, but after reading that I remembered that all indoctrination animations exist in universe exactly like (or very close) to the ideal. This wouldn't be the case, unless the world was a caste system or something like that.
I don't mean regular vegetarians, whom I have respect for.
I'm talking about the trendy, annoying self-righteous overtly sensitive vegans who are triggered by animal products and expect everyone who change their lifestyle to please them, and call meat eaters "carnist scum" or "corpse-eaters"
as for humor one must discern what an average audience would find funny and what those who share the ideology find funny. in murdoch murdoch for example ideological humor is the main focus. as such the humor consists of mocking those they perceive as hypocrites and show exaggerated visions of the consequences of said hypocrisy. steven universe is another example of ideological humor in that it tries to appeal to the ideas of acceptance and tolerance by making the traits of a character and the relationships between characters the focal point of the shows humor.
That a tranny right?
Where this from? Even the japs are getting sick of trannies?
You sound like the sensitive one.
You're definitely seeing things where they don't exist.
What's funny is that japs do fags and trannies far better then the westerners as to them all of it is just a funny joke, not a lifestyle or a statement.
not gonna say the name, because this guy has made very nice content that traditionalists I know enjoy. But I can give you some hints.
Not American
Films are academy award nominated
I also don't want to speak too badly, he is a guy who has one step in the right direction, just not when things get political. This person (and many others I know) would probably be more red-pilled if the animation industry wasn't full of liberal ideas 24/7
They die fast at least.
Hey, don't misunderstand me. I'm not defending it. I'm just telling you that it's there.
Did you even read my post?
Oh, how I envy them.
It depends on what anime and manga you read plus watch. For example FMA Brotherhood and the Manga FMA despite being mainstream as fuck promote strong family values as well as love for one's nation. It also rebels against internationalist manipulation of foreign countries in the least subtle of ways. All while valuing friendship between North East Asians and Europeans, despite clearly focusing on European Culture plus its might above all.
There's also Pumpkin Scissors whose focus is SOLELY focused on European culture and the kikery plaguing it. Of course I'm speaking about the currently translated material. As more things become translated this might be subject to change. Pumpkin Scissors so far has one problem and that is its deuteragonist. She is a very capable female soldier, granted in the material translated so far she has only stolen the lime light once.
Also to be fair she herself never brings up "muh feminism", or "muh boys drool girls rule" every spunky female protag or deuteragonist from the east or west spouts. But the space for subversion is there. To counterbalance these I notice that the author sometimes tries to get her act more feminine, or wish she was, out of her own free will.
Sometimes I also notice that she's having a major problem with trying to balance her career, with her love for her underling who's the Protag. Whether this becomes feminist shit or not is yet to be seen from the translated material, so if you're able to read Jap I'd appreciate it if you could tell me so I can drop it like it's hot.
It was always a shitty parody of magical girl animes, I don't understand how anyone here could watch it
youre on the right track but must consider that a caste system will appear too alien for an audience of normies to understand. as well it requires too much explanation for what should be a funny cartoon.
a cartoon setting should be novel to an extent and explainable in a short sentence:
"its a city where everyone is a sea animal" (bikini bottom)
"it could be anywhere in america and anything can happen" (springfield or south park)
"its a place where everyone is different and they all love eachother for it" (beach city)
im not exactly sure how you would explain a theoretical alt-right-town would work though…
"Corpse eater" doesn't trigger me, I just find the insult edgy and ironic.
When you think about it, eating animals alive is more cruel, and fucked up. The insult is ironic, the live beings we eat are actually plants most of the time and science shows plants know and feel when they are being eaten.
I actually buy free-range eggs and local products as much as possible, even when it's a bit more costly. There are other ways to boycott industry processed foods than going vegetarian or vegan. Even pol-favorite, nazi germany was looking for humane methods to kill animals rather than banning omnivore diets for all.
nope, but a Miyazaki fan
Is he French?
Hitler wasn't a vegetarian because he wanted to be. I'm sure if he didn't constantly have stomach problems, he'd be eating jew steaks every night.
Vegans are on par with jews to be honest
bavarian sausage is the greatest thing on earth, even hitler couldn't resist it
I wish there was a deconstructive subversion of Mahou Shitjou. Something that goes beyond what Madoka did and has a Mahou Shounen in it that just fucks shit up badly while putting bitches in their place. I'm sick and tired of media from both east and west having women be "competent" in combat centric roles.
Fine, most entertainment shit is fantasy, but we even have "hard" scifi and stuff that's not supposed to be entirely fictional employ "muh competent womyn soldier who don't need no man" maymay. Honestly getting sick and tired of this shit, god damn I now wish Red Eyes along with the Cat Shit One universe had more material translated. Finally some military comic universes that don't bow down to the gynocentric bullshittery of "all womyn can be competent you sexist shitlord!" Plus Red Eyes has a soft spot due to the fact that it has power armor in it that actually does its job. Cat Shit One has a softspot due to how operative operators operating operatively it was in its depiction of Vietnam Era Spec Ops tactics plus mission dossiers.
He didn't even say Adolf was a vegetarian. He and the NSDAP were environmentalists and pro animal-rights, even if they weren't all vegetarians. Most animal-rights law in Germany today was written by the NSDAP.
Take away the money
All of them do it for their sheckels, With trump in power it will be easier to remove their support from the government
but there must be people we can contact to make it faster
Is he the guy who did Secret of Kells?
On the contrary, I think if you would use humanoid animals (like pepe, spurdo, greedy reptilians) with different (exaggerated) skillsets and perks you could well justify a caste system, so long as it is obvious that it is necessary. You could make a plot out of a destruction of a caste system with all it's absurdities (dumb breed trying to be intellectual etc.).
you are good at this
Jesus Christ, you're a retard. What do you think we feed animals to keep them alive long enough for the slaughter?
The male chicks are still ground up or gassed. Free-range means nothing, it's a way to make consumers feel good about themselves without actually changing their lifestyle.
An extended chapter of our talk was devoted by the Fuehrer to the vegetarian question. He believes more than ever that meat eating is wrong. Of course he knows that during the war we cannot completely upset our food system. After the war, however, he intends to tackle this problem also.” – Joseph Goebbels
Stop pretending to be informed when you clearly aren't.
Literally a Jewish lie that you've held onto because you don't want to feel guilty about eating meat. It is heavily documented that Hitler became an Ethical Vegetarian in his later years.
Don't forget Jagerschnitzel.
Looney Tunes. The really old shit, especially the stuff from around the 40s.
Reminder that Revolutionary Girl Utena inspired SU.
letting something like the stronk womyn trait is the most assburger/kc tier thing one can do
*bother you
By not letting your kids watch them. It's really not hard to, you know, turn off the TV. If you don't have kids, then don't worry about it. Propaganda cartoons have always existed and aren't going away; but you have the option to watch, or not watch, them.
a liberal's moral compass is based on contrarionism.
Defending blatant feminist propaganda about gender based equality is the most cucked thing you can do.
fuck off, Utena was great, SU just take thing from different animes to go "see? thats a reference only anime fans will get, we are so quirky"
they even had a Sanic on an episode
Why? Its more fucking bullshit propaganda that undermines western society
Sure it is, if you like the subversion of gender roles and lesbian interracial carpet munching.
I know. The comment about the reich made me remember Hitler's bowel-troubles. My bad for not making that clearer.
I've only been redpilled for a few years, now. Why the hell would I have hung onto that as the sole reason for chowing down on steak and other delicious parts of dead animals?
Of course, because a world-leader revealing a weakness is a bad thing, but turning it into a positive makes him look stronger.
I honestly don't get you veggies. I can understand why you don't want to eat meat, but I'll never understand why you all become vegan-evangelists.
Did they make fun of autistic people? That sounds like it might be funny.
so in other words a boy's club cartoon?
There is a history in Japan around the Miko shrine maidens and performing rituals to seal an clease evil. Nuns just prayed. Vestal virgins kept a flame going. Druids were all men. Witches were sinister. It is a cultural thing.
Try writing some stories that are the inversion of the basic Star Wars formula:
You've got this corrupt, decaying, decadent Republic in charge. At its highest leaders it expresses a faux diversity with tokens who are selected based on obedience not merit, and this is only done to pacify the variety of planets in the republic.
The Republic's domination of intergalactic commerce has its cronies force themselves into colonies on the hero's homeworld, where their new businesses immediately start fucking shit up. Putting native companies out of business. Get the natives addicted to spacejunkfood and spacedrugs. Start designating streets for shitting.
And the religion of the hero's homeworld is ruled by the Republic to be in conflict with its "Intergalactic Values" and thereby marginalized, all its traditions and rituals effectively banned from public display so as to not offend the crony merchant colonizers.
Merchants start molesting native children on the street, acting confused when called on it because it is normal on their planet, then there's a scene where they admit in private they knew what they were doing wrong. But they call up their bros at the Republic HQ and the Republic HQ dispatches some "Security Drones" to the hero's home planet to warn the natives to stop oppressing the merchants for having different beliefs. Republic also starts blasting propaganda telling the natives how their lives must be so much more awesome now that they have spacedrugs spaceburgers and have rid themselves of old superstitions and have adopted the "Intergalactic Values" and whatever, all the natives really miserable but terrified to speak up. There's eventually some altercation between security drones ends up killing/comatizing the qtpiegf the hero has known his whole life, maybe they had some prior argument and she is growing increasingly brainwashed and tried to defend the Republic soon before the drone kills her.
Hero mans up, hits gym, hits library gets his research on. Learns about the glorious history of his people and planet. Uncovers ancient symbol that emblazoned the banners of the battlegods who led his people to triumph over invading alien forces in the past.
Hero gets his messiah on, starts fishing up men. Does memetic counterpropaganda. Catches merchants red handed doing corrupt shit, exposes them to the whole world, breaks the brainwashing and the fear, Republic tries to give some bullshit coverup, that gets exposed, tries an even bigger bullshit coverup, gets exposed to.
Republic in full panic mode but still arrogant sends a small fleet to crush the native's resistance under the cover of 'defending the merchant rights of the merchants'. Underestimates natives, native unite and crush the small fleet. Hero now the leader of a renewed people gives the Republic a warning: "GTFO and leave us alone and we can live in peace. Our planet shall always remain our own, and we will not have it changed by you for your benefit and for our destruction. But attack us again and we'll get antiquated on dat ass. Our people have known the spacewars but set aside our ways of war in the name of peace, you have changed that. Do not provoke us again."
First episode ends with Republic still underestimating hero, sends 2 small fleets to squash them this time. Meanwhile on hero planet, natives are unearthing ancient weapons and repurposing Republican fleet tech. After credits scene is merchants getting bootyblasted right into outerspace.
Episode 2 they start building empire.
Don't fall for it. He's trying to trick you into watching it.
Men dressing as women for shits and giggles has been around for a while
for SU Steven in drag was more of a identity/empowerment thing or whatever
SJW humor is just references, they have no creativity
Mm hmm.
You're claiming that they're not similar despite Utena having lesbian romances and fusions?
He's actually pretty left leaning if you've listened to his interviews.
Kill yourself.
If I may seriously ask, do they honestly try to make everything they draw so fucking ugly or is it just a natural extension of the ugliness inside every SJW?
conditioning plus lack of talent equals consistent garbage.
CalArts is to blame.
The parent's don't realize that it's bad for their kids you retard. They're told by the jewish society that these are good thing. They don't realize it's propaganda.
You're either a kike skill or an underage 4chan person who has no concept of what it's like to be a parent, have kids, or want better for your society.
Leftists really love sonic for some unknown reason
Post The one.
It's just the nature of the industry. Most of them can draw better than that, but they choose simplistic styles so that they can be easily drawn and revised by others.
No, just pointing out that there's a viking story in which Thor disguises himself in drag to save Freyja who was kidnapped, and he can't act womanly to hide his identity and instead eats three oxes at the banquet.
The story was meant to be funny. I'm not defending transexualism.
Neither Bugs or Thor were transexual, just the characters dressing in drag was meant as comedic not identy politics stuff like SU, that's what I meant jeez
That's because you've incorrectly assumed that veganism is a diet, it's not. It is a philosophical viewpoint that has existed since Pythagoras, and most likely long before him as well.
I know that the majority of human beings will never go vegan, or even go vegetarian. They're too complacent. Still, I feel it necessary to defend veganism when it is criticized. Lumping an honorable philosophy in with pink haired dykes and hipsters annoys me. Veganism is not a left-wing thing, it has nothing to do with liberalism. The left has tried to co-opt animal rights and animal welfare (traditionally white view points), I hope that Holla Forums realizes this. You don't have to like me, or like vegans, but you need to recognize that we're here to stay.
theyre all a little autistic
no, they love sonic memes because it allows them to blend in and pretend to be normal people. they hate the actual games.
Funny, because Sonic hates fags.
yes, this is the official sonic twitter handle
I've heard this referenced before, I'm looking it uo now but what is this Calarts?
I see you're a fan of 2hu, 2hu is very gynocentric, so it comes to no surprise that you have a gynocentric view of Japanese spiritualism because of it.
Not anymore, Sonic is a shitlord extraordinaire now.
its an art school that a lot of the most recent crop of animators went to
Shrine maidens are the best.
they like him because he represents that "edgy cool wisecracking asshole" trait that was popular in the 90s because they all were "uncool" in school
I should have been able to pick that up from the name alone. Remember when art schools taught proper technique and respect for beauty? No? Me neither
A big part of leftist philosophy is about going against your nature, to "stick it to the man", or something. Switching genders, going against our biological instinct to be racist, abolishing hierarchy even though that's how humans tend to end up anyway, etc.
Veganism is just an expression of leftism.
We are omnivores, it is in our nature. If you don't like it you can always kill yourself.
It's humor you autist. A dude dressing up as a girl is funny precisely because the audience knows it's a dude.
Rebecca sugar was not from Calarts tho, she is from SVU in New York
Vegetarian may as well be synonymous with weak faggot, your kind is useless to us.
So then, your only exposure to Jap spiritualism is the portions of it that are fetishized, am I correct in assuming this?
To be fair, you're white, and on a very pro nationalism imageboard, so you really have no obligation to see deeper into Jap culture than just a superficial glance.
I have no idea what you mean by that.
Yes, except you guys are ALSO more likely than a lot of people to dogpile on a Christian with similar motivations of not wanting you to go to Hell, so you'll pardon me if I find that hypocritical.
Pic semi-related. It's not CalArts, but it's close enough for my needs. CalArts isn't about producing quality work; it's about making sure that today's and tomorrow's animators get a thorough grounding in cultural marxism. Then they'll get hired by the cultural marxists that run the various animation studios. It's the animators' version of Skull & Bones.
I thought that was ben garrison peeking in the pic, damn misleading thumbnails I should get some sleep
Here you go, post it on whatever board you want and just sit back.
pretty much
We don't need to eat meat. You've been duped. Also, we're not even actually omnivores. You don't have uricase, you'll get gout- real biological omnivores don't get gout. You synthesize your own cholesterol, you'll get atherosclerosis- real omnivores will not, no matter how much lard they eat. Your bile is too weak to break-up crystallized cholesterol, you get gall stones- true omnivores do not. Your intestine is too long to eliminate meat before it ferments- you get constipated from eating meat and cheese- you require fibre to pass waste properly- real omnivores don't. You can't regulate your blood-lipid levels nearly as well as any true omnivore- eating a fatty meal will slow your blood-flow and make your erythrocytes stick together- this doesn't happen to real omnivores.
I'm not going to get into a long argument with you, because you're literally repeating talking points I've heard thousands of times. At this point I don't even care about people like you, you're brainwashed.
What the fuck are you talking about, have you ever heard of Seventh Day Adventists?
Fuck, yes. How could I have forgotten? The fucking chode who "accidentally" wrecked the original Cowboy Bebop sketch to show her "original art." That made me even angrier than the Ecce Homo vandalism, which I hadn't thought was possible. At least with EH, it was just a senile old bird instead of a vicious cunt who was jealous of a real artist.
I can eat nothing but meat and cheese for a week and don't get constipated. Granted I do get gas though, but never do I suffer of constipation. Then again I'm always properly hydrated and try to work out at least 4 hours a week.
Which isn't much, but for someone who's a STEM major who's shit at math, it's a feat I can find the time for it.
Have you heard of the Bible?
Look up what the word meat used to mean.
Can confirm. I work in the industry and see the numbers and breakdowns. Kids aren't watching it.
Fuck off vegan hippie faggot. Vegans are usually also supportive of race mixing, so just shut your face and fuck off to reddit.
Ah yes, Pokemon, the show that taught me how to appreciate American cuisine's variety and diversity. Never in my life had I seen hamburgers so enticing and mouth watering in animated format.
Got two definitions, chief.
If you've got another one, produce it. But in the mean time, you're focusing on the wrong part of the passage.
>Every moving thing that liveth
In other words, the definition of meat doesn't matter in the slightest. What matters is we're omnivores, not herbivores. Our biology and physical adaptations show this to be true. If you choose not to eat meat, that's fine, but you're basically like bisexuals who choose not to fuck men calling themselves straight. You are an omnivore who just opts for a salad and if you were put into a survival situation where the only thing to eat was squirrel, you'd be skinning them with your teeth and eating them raw.
That picture isn't being fully truthful. We aren't the only type of ape who eats meat. Chimps for instance eat it, although much less than we do (which makes sense since they don't cook).
We can't eat meat llike a lion, that much is true, but we can process meat. If it's cooked first, we can process a lot of meat with no problem. Try the same with a deer or some other herbivore and see how well it works (it doesn't).
this basically, not just Calarts but european animation schools too. The one I went was good at teaching us basic anatomy drawing skills, but on the first year we also had to write an essay about gender, minorities, and representation in animation etc.
Also if you wanted to pitch a film project with a message that wasn't left leaning they would dismiss it as "having no message" even though pointless weird arthouse stuff without message would get picked up.
At the same time people would talk about the importance of being "openminded" all the time. Yet the few redpilled folks there knew better than share their views.
Our digestive systems are the same as carnivore. If anything you don't need plants
Monkeys and chimps have been known to steal and eat human babies.
I work in the industry, and the SJW issue is getting much worse. They are taking over like a cancer.
Unless something is done to stop it, they will spread into supervisor positions, and lock everyone out. 10 years ago, people didn't talk about politics, just try gin to be funny and do goo d scenes. Now it's all about being "work" and all that shit.
I have been successful in the industry, but my next studio, I am going to do research, and join one that has a minimum SJW presence. It's sickening. Breeding mediocrity.
Goebbels is smiling upon this post. Star wars really doesn't even have that great of a story, characters, or dialogue, but Lucas followed the Hero's Journey formula exactly. This user has a pretty solid summary
Time to start your own production company with whatever redpillers you can find, user.
They sound stupid more than anything
And yes user, no one on my team knows what I believe. I only browse the chans at work on my phone, and don't lead on to anything, and have no political opinions. I have seen people fired for not fitting the mold.
Cant find the actual clip but here
user, those are clearly donuts.
can confirm as well
the kids I know can't stand Adventure Time, Clarence, and SU. My young cousins love Samurai Jack, Voltron, Avatar the Last Airbender, and Gurren Lagann, all on Netflix instead of regular tv. From what I can gather, kids seem to be more into well-made fun action epics.
Good luck, user, but the truth will out, eventually.
This is a problem with the bigger studios along with the feeder schools sending more girls into the industry.
Don't get me wrong. I have worked with some amazing talents both male and female, but the SJW types work like cancer. One gets in the door of a department, and within a few years, they start some shit, and put pressure to get people fired, and take over. Then they hire ONLY SJW-types to replace.
The Studio heads don't understand how this is happening, and don't really give a shit. They don't care about team hires.
Phuk. Wrong loaf.
Well, the way I see it, until SJW story departments start failing miserably at the box office, it's only going to get worse.
Pay attention to how shows and films turn out in 2 years or so. You will start to see the problems start cropping up.
Threw is no friction for things to change, and the bubble gets tighter.
Sorry, I was thinking about good ol' Nintendo and their America first attitude!
Checked for Hitler Dubs.
The original Teen Titans was what I used to watch when I was like, 11 or 12. Maybe I was just a fucking retard back then, but I never noticed any overt degeneracy. I mean, they were about as diverse as you could fucking get, with CyberNigger, Literal Orange-skinned Alien girl, the green bastard, depressed goth satan's daughter girl, and then Robin. I'm not sure they ever pushed social justice nonsense though. Fuck. I might have to go and rewatch some episodes now just to see.
Idiot, we evolved to use fire and tools to make meat more tender, that's why we lost the big monkey teeth of our ancestors.
You liberals are too stupid to realise that humans are only animals in the biological sense.
KYS hippie.
Feminism and Social Justice: ruining things normal people like for over 50 years
I can't imagine the (((studio heads))) are blind to it.
The problem is the norms never understand this shit and boycott it. "Oh look! A new Disney film to take our daughter to!" is all they'll ever see.
They're almost entirely white, but I always figured Twilight Sparkle was a Jap (no bronmo; my daughter was way into MLP back in the day).
Yay fellow rare red-pilled animation person! I never regret the career path I chose, but the amout of liberals is always debilitating at times.
Thankfully we are not alone. There red-pilled animation folks but so help me are they hard to come across. The repressive atmosphere is to blame, hope the pendulum starts swinging the other side with time.
Blow me.
I see some positive signs in the culture at large, but in the industry, I still worry.
But again, iff these cunts start losing tons of money for the studio, then you will see dramatic changes. And even the SJW-types with shut the fuck up and just do their jobs.
As you know, in animation, we have no room for fuckups or the lazy. It's brutal if you can't do the job. The problem with SJW teams is that they protect their own.
Isn't this from that anime where it's an all-girl game developing studio?
Pozz pill was mainly via the following;
Niggerborg trying to equate racism with cyborgphobia.
Starfire's evil sister who was a very vicious tyrant in their homeworld.
Jinx being in love with Niggerborg, which was a thinly veiled attempt at trying to tell the audience that "bad" girls just need love and understanding. So be a good cuck, try to heal a random harpy whore, disregard all of the bad stuff she did in the past!
Beastboy, I'm not too sure about him, he's just a mutant and his relationship with Raven is just teased. Even Robin had a greater chance at shagging Raven than Beastboy ever did.
Now in regards to Raven, her arc is pretty straight forward with very little pozz. However if you over analyze it you might think it as an allegory against Patriarchy or some shit.
So how do you folks deal with outsourcing to Korea and the fact that you guys on average don't get payed a 30k salary and have to live off of, on average, a 20k salary? Like seriously it's a very tough and thankless job once you think about it.
Oh forgot to say that Beast Boy did come close to shagging Tera, but she died a very tragic and awful death. IIRC she was never revived.
Stevens Jewniverse and MLP are both leftist shit that shouldn't be on Holla Forums
Living in Osaka here and it's true. If a tumblrite ever came here we'd all point, laugh and then ignore. then kill ourselves
You have to be insane to be in animation. Especially with the global talent pool.
But if you have top tier talent, you will be fine.
I work in story departments, and they pay well, and residuals are good. So no complaints.
Time to start prepping and go /out/ innawoods and living like an Omish person in the woods, mind as well before banks take your house anyway.
wrong thread whoops
The problem with MLP is the same as any show marketed towards little girls; Being that it constantly shits on the male sex and constantly elevates the feminine into the status of godhood. There are a few parts here and there with anti SJW sentiments and the like, but at the end of the day it's still very subversive even towards its intended audience.
Honestly I can't think of a single WESTERN show targeted at girls that doesn't suffer from the retarded "boy drool, girls rule" syndrome.
So all you do is camera work via story boarding. No actual animation then, that sucks massive dicks. This is why I never jumped the ship towards an animation degree or serious pursuit in animation.
And yet, still very appropriate.
Going to live in the woods is always relevant
I agree it's crazy, doesn't help that it's a small industry. Hence why sharing views is always risky.
Precisely, I just look at it as what it was like to live in East Germany during the Stazi. You just don't bring up politics with anyone.
After the election, I didn't say anything, though I was laughing my ass off in the shitter while watching liberal tears videos on my phone.
'Ey goon, where's your ten bucks?
E;R made a funny vid about this franchise. RIP in piss Steven-fandom. You may be forgotten.
Fuck this gay earth. The kike behind it will burn in hell and so should everyone who watches this shit unironically.
Found the gay.
I brought politics once, not even hardcore, just mentioned invading Russia just to "save the gays" would be disastrous. Never again…
That Trump election was glorious. It was fun seeing all this smug libs orldwide have a collective meltdown.
Fuck. Here. Just go here.
For this post, I'll instead embed the reaction of the Steven Universe fanbase to the above-linked video.
I don't entirely get the Gravity Falls one. I do consider it a decent show.
Amaterasu is the chief god(ess) in Japanese mythos, you fucking moron.
imagine what actual nationalist cartoons would be like
if only the japanese had invented ebin animes a decade earlier and spread them to germany
amaterasu is just the sun godess (one of many)
there are big regional differences in shinto
Make cartoons for boys again. Where the MC isn't afraid to throw a punch, where the bullies and villains are truly vile and repulsive (as they usually are in real life), where the teachers are often tired underpaid overworked bureaucrats who let the students run rabid on campus. Make things grounded, but at the same time have a sense of high adventure and understated heroism lying in the background. Want to inject real life issues?
Transvestites? Introduce a character with body dysphoria getting pushed into taking hormones by a well-meaning but hopelessly naive mom. Bullying? Have a friend of the MC follow the time old 'tell the teacher' moral, only for nothing to happen except for getting beaten near to death by the vengeful bully gang after school. Racism? Have the black students start targeting the white kids after a politician refuses to fund a "free shit" program. Moslem "children"? Have a creepy middle eastern man who clearly isn't a teenager yet a student, start harassing a girl the MC is sweet on.
All while teaching young men to stand up for themselves and to carve their own slice of life.
Ya, they totally need to make a show like that
Amaterasu is a woman chieftan amongst MANY male chieftans.
And all Emperors are descended from her. My point still stands in that men dominate (rightfully) western canon, but moe moe kyun anime makes logical sense. And why it is so popular now is that there has been complete abandonment of canonical western females with virture and beauty.
Any port in a storm.
Persona 4 had a character like this, actually. The franchise is all about Jungian psychology being scaled up into a literal "inner demons" conflict, with your Shadow being a tangible force that can corrupt or kill you.
Naoto's life ambition was to be a police officer, and the Japanese police force is extremely boys-clubby, in a way it isn't here. So she goes around pretending to be a male at all times, and the boss battle with her Shadow takes place in a dreamscape where she's bolted down to a Frankenstein-tier surgical table about to be forced by her own Shadow to go through reassignment surgery.
You save her by kicking the shit out of her delusion.
I'm pretty sure Amaterasu was both male and female, benevolent and antagonistic. Sort of a duality thing going on.
If I get constipated, I go and get a burger from A&W with a poutine and a large chocolate Milkshake. It clears me right out. I can't do milk products though. I drink coffee with no sugar and a good amount of heavy cream every morning, and within 10 minutes of taking that first sip, I have bad gas.
and susanoo gave the japanese people its culture and his sword is part of the imperial regalia of japan
izanagi and izanami created the world so they would theoretically be the supreme gods but they arent really worshipped anymore
You're cruising for a bruising tonight shylock.
orrrr maybe make a subversion of a lefty narrative.
Make a softy cuck character like Steven learn that he can't fix all problems by just being a hippie and needs to take action. Or undergo a adventure that will turn him into a badass instead.
Or take the usual lefty moral story and turn it on it's head. That group of characters claiming opression and hate crimes directed at them? They are creating hoaxes to get sympathy etc etc
Angry Birds kind of did that
Your post reminded me of that stupid fucking video from Extra Credits which went around claiming "Shadows are the true self, despite what the game said, so Naoto is trans and Kanji is a faggot".
How are people so retarded that they miss the simple fucking story?
Overthinking a simple subject.
Two more things:
That's good too. Maybe have the MC start out hanging around a Steven-ish type, then undergoing said Adventure that allows him to grow a backbone? All the while not!Steven, not!Dipper, and not!Lincoln are useless pieces of shit who need the MC to save their worthless lives.
Shinji Ikari?
My embed was already posted here.
That fucking happened? Jesus Christ.
I mean, your Shadow is still part of you. So yeah, I guess.
No Tsukiyomi and Amaterasu balance each other out. Granted the separation came from the fact that Tsukiyomi killed the food god for being a South Park tier degenerate. This is where Susanoo comes into play, he gives them male guidance in stead of their (deceased?) father. He's the one who actually gets shit done in Jap mythos, from slaying dragons, to exiling demons. Which is why as this user said the Japanese people worship his sword and his cultural teachings.
ugh so that one. Way to miss the point of the dilemma of those two characters…
if they were able to concede to truth then they wouldn't be leftists.
Its not even overthinking. The story makes it clear that shadows are a massive exaggeration and that the shadows are less "the true self" and more "what everyone else wants to believe" hence why that one guy's shadow was going around saying "Man, I just love throwing people and little girls into TVs so that they die" despite the fact that he actually thought he was saving them
You would have to either not play the game or completely ignore the story to think the shadows are the true self.
It happened and EC either made some posts on their website or on twitter when people told them that they were wrong that went like "I'm sorry you feel that way :)"
Apologies. I misread what you were saying.
I would say more on the "not everything can be solved by being too nice and turning the other cheek, there's a time for righteous anger too"
I haven't seen Eva in a long long time so I don't remember if Shinji developed thatw ay.
that PPG is a good example. But I was thinking of a less obvious example, more of a plot-twist reveal. X character who was suffering opression and we sympathized for turned out to be creating the hoaxes.
Oh, alright. I'm not read up on my Shinto. Thanks for elucidating.
I said Shinji Ikari, but maybe Simon the Digger is a better example. He's less pathetic to begin with, but turns his shit way further up past 11 than Ikari ever did. More importantly, he's never sorry for it.
I've only ever watched a single episode of EC, years and years ago, about nuclear war and Missile Command. I liked it at the time, but hearing the direction they've gone since then is facepalm-worthy.
I think it's nice they got Carl to voice Andy.
Angry Birds was kind of a subversion. The whole time we were expecting that the birds and the pigs would make peace, and nope. The birds destroyed their shit in righteous anger and went home, Which is why so many libs hated it and claimed it had "no message"
oh wait
those bastards
No way. They can't be telling boys that being straight is wrong.
Neither am I, I only learned about this shit because Nurutu got me interested as to where Kishimoto was drawing inspiration for his asspulls and lore. It's really frustrating that all the background fluff, politics and history is much more interesting than everything that happens in Shipuuden. Btw, to be fair to Amaterasu, she once punishes Susanoo who apparently for no reason threw a hissy fit and killed an innocent pony plus innocent human bystander servants of her.
Maybe the Jap myth writers felt they made her too childish? According to Kikeapedia, Susanoo and Amaterasu made up with each other after he killed an eight headed dragon with her help.
In terms of dates, hydra-slaying is pretty top-tier.
sounds like Jap lore suffers from multiple writer syndrome.
Watch Star vs. the Forces of Evil and then say that without twitching uncontrollably.
They're sister and brother user, that's incest, and lewd. She's also a married goddess to boot!
Same goes for any religious mythos out there. Is there a single legitimate religious mythos out there written by one man/woman? Scientology does not count, that's just a tax evasion cult.
Like that ever stopped any other pantheon.
You just reminded me of the time when Zeus went around fucking women in his animal forms. Did the Romans make that canon for Jupiter by any chance?
I think sadly men today relate to cucked male characters, it might have to do with the whole "we want mc we can relate too, the super badasses are too perfect to relate to" which is why having a character that starts being average but that seeks that primal masculinity and constantly fight for self-improvement is better than "it's okay to be a cuck so rather than try improving yourself, spend that energy in making society cater to you viewpoint" narrative these days.
no man period actually relates to those kind of characters. it has more to do with people trying way too hard to feel enlightened by some bullshit entertainment.
SA Goon detected,
Go back to >>>/somethingawful/
"And the 2025 CyberEmmy goes to… OP is a Faggot!"
I'm curious about cartoons in Russia. Is it infested with that cancer? Some user from Holla Forums talked about them once. Vid related.
One of their names was a real swedish Sara so I'd definitely say swedish.
Please let me join your production company when you make it. I'll do clean-up, coloring or sweep the floors if I have to.
Consumerism is cancer for anything artistic especially in these days of sexual deviancy. It makes me really sad. I seem to only be able to enjoy one or two anime a year.
same, I do animation :)
and it's always good to have red-pilled contacts
Anime is pretty fucking cancerous to be honest fam. Not as cancerous as western shit, but it has its ills. In fact your picture shows one of them, the classical tsundershit. While Asuka was a perfect example of why they're shit, with some shit eaters actually liking her disgusting damaged as unironically, sadly this shit trope is played straight in a bunch of anime.
Anime with these shits teaches men and women that a woman can be as fucking awful as she can possibly be, but it's a man's responsibility to accept what's essentially psychologically damaged goods. Like seriously very few tsundershits are actually good people. the vast majority are just feminist tier turbo cunts who belittle the MC and every male out there at every twist and turn.
Not once do they get their comeuppance, nor are they forced to at least look at the consequence of their actions., Not once do they stop being a cunt, not once do they ever learn how to behave. How anyone can like what's essentially 2d feminists is beyond me, but I can only imagine these men as cucks that look like Anthony Burch IRL.
Honestly the only tsundere I actually like is Chidori, because she actually helped Sousuke stop being a mentally damaged retard.
Anime has always been consumerist centered, just look at Gundam for an example. Originally the show was supposed to be super gritty and the Gundam was just going to be samurai shaped white power armor. However the heads at Sunrise and Bandai told Tomino to make it into a giant mech since that's way more marketable. He tried to fight it, but he gave in, next they told him it had to be colorful as fuck or it wouldn't sell for shit. Eventually he gave in…
The problem is just that the demographic has changed from little boys and girls, to manchildren who SERIOUSLY fall in love with 2d characters. I bet the Asuka fag there has her as his waifu like the massive dakimakura hugging faggot he is. Now granted in the late 70s-Early 90s anime had shitloads of AWESOME as fuck experimental animations. But that only happened due to Japan's economic bubble plus the expendable income it generated.
As soon as that popped, well I don't think I have to explain what happened.
I think we can all agree that tsundere is shit, yandere is best dere.
If only that were the case, but these cuckolds seriously love their STRONG WOMYN WHO DON'T NEED NO MAN trope too fucking much. Femdom was a mistake, men should have never been made the bottom bitch for harpies.
Currently in Russia, and have little cousins that watch the cartoons here. That little animal show is weird and hard to pin down what it's meant to be. But I did watch one episode where lines between boys and girls are clearly defined. I'll skip the bullshit, in the end of the episode boys play sports and with boy toys (cars and what not), and girls stick with dolls. So the kids here are still being taught proper gender roles. Now, I've also had the chance to watch a feature film, 3 Богатыря (Bogatyrs). It's based on old Russian (Slavic) folklore. So there is an element of history in it, thus teaching about national identity. And you'd be surprised that the cartoons have a decent amount of comedic violence and don't stray away from showing blood. The film itself touched on old school virtues of honour, courage (the real stuff, not the Bruce Jenner fuckery), loyalty, and love. I enjoyed it. You can call it propaganda since it's government sponsored, but it's helluva better than the smut they are pushing onto kids in NA.
That film looks cool as shit, but I haven't been able to find a good quality rip of it with subs.
I have a 10-year old niece. Can confirm. She's into TEEN TITANS GO most of all and also still likes MY LITTLE PONY: FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC and POKEMON but I've never heard her say a peep about STEVEN UNIVERSE.
(She may watch STEVEN UNIVERSE for all I know, but I've never seen evidence of this in terms of toys/merchandise she owns or drawings she makes, while she draws Starfire and Raven from TTG all the damn time as well as various ponies and Pokeymans.)
There should be an IQ requirement to post on this board. This thread isn't about "who watches shitty cartoons lol who cares it doesn't matter why bother" shilling, it's propaganda being broadcast directly to children with shit taste in television and physical adults who are mentally children because they're liberals and how to shut it down.
Off yourself.
As if that's any better. I remember the original Teen Titans, it tried to be anime too much with the retarded facial expressions and unfunny "humor", but was generally a serious superhero show. I saw a little bit of this "Go" variant because my niece was watching it, it's cancer. The heroes aren't heroes, they fuck around in an apartment instead and the whole fucking thing is ADHD-developing IQ draining bullshit. Fuck whoever greenlit that abomination and whoever came up with the idea in the first place.
Not going to work.
Nice joke.
Then why is it animated in Flash like it was made by talentless hacks?
To be cancer, sure, which it lived up to.
That has only happened since the western cartoon scene has become completely jewed. American cartoons used to have long-standing story arcs, none of this sitcom bullshit that was relegated to the comedy shows.
Kill yourself kike.
They're liberals, they have to (((virtue signal))) how good goyim they are.
Won't work, needs to not be degenerate.
Nothing was lost in those inferior women.
The battles we fight now are just as much about choosing the best as well as surviving the conflict as a race, made better by it.
I don't know about Russia but the stuff they are making seems okay. Which reminds me I need to watch Prince Vladimir
I've also been meaning to watch this one sometime, got any links to a decent rip with subs?
>not Holla Forums Is Always Right
To be fair Carl is fucking based tbh.
Sounds like some kind of Space Pinochet story. I love it.
The jewed, the liberal, the socjus, they are conditioned to love the ugly, the disgusting. You see it in furfags too, even if the fetishfagging isn't bad enough, they will especially in the modern age make their degenerate abomination exceedingly ugly.
So you're lactose intolerant and have a fucked up digestive system, and you claim all of humanity has the same problems as a result? Suckstart a shotgun.
Your false propaganda isn't going to work, jew.
Funnily enough, that's how Far Cry 3 ended up, despite the faggy endings (both are shit, either kill your white girlfriend, racemix with an island nigger, and die, or go back to being a pussy and cry about "living with becoming a monster") and the writer's intentions. Cuckifornia faggot becomes an ultimate action hero badass because his military brother is murdered and somebody has to do something to save everyone, while his cuckifornia friends just hide in a cave and whine after he saves them. As I recall his girlfriend even has a breakdown and more or less breaks up with him because Jason is going off to save someone instead if hiding in the cave hoping for a miracle.
Not at the moment sorry.
That film look gorgeous and their human charcters look like Gennady Novozhilov designs which is less generic than Disney's uncartoony humans from Pocahontas and Hunchback
The only cartoons that children should be watching are Moomin and Cheburashka.
Thats a fucking thumbnail, sorry.
My theory: in the Steven Universe timeline, Trump stepped up his presidential run to 1988 since the country was in such a shitty state with all the (((gems))) causing havoc. He became the 41st president rather than the 45th, winning in a landslide victory taking every state except Delmarva.
Vice-president Oprah Winfrey becomes the first black womyn president in 1996, but loses her second term to the first openly gay president Hillary Rodham in 2000. This explains both why the show is more progressive in regard to minorities, and why there is a massive hole in the middle of Russia.
So it IS true for horses, but somehow not for people goys?
Welllllll, if you mix with a person of the wrong race or even ethnicity, no matter how good each of your respective genes are disastrous results are VERY likely. Plus Horses aren't as social as we are, granted they have a VERY rudimentary concept of social hierarchy, but for the most part it doesn't matter too much. Specially when you're stuck in a farm if you really think about it.
He did say two racehorses. Obviously if you mix a racehorse and a donkey, or a racehorse and a draft horse, you can't expect the result to be a racehorse.
ayy what up i am that is fam
Same goes for racehorses, do you seriously think there's only ONE BREED of racehorses?
Of course not. On the other hand, breeding into an increasingly limited gene pool is how you wind up with mental illness and physical defects. Some outbreeding is necessary for a healthy population.
Which is where ethnicities and different races come into place. In animal husbandry that's where hardy, similar species or subspecies, or horses from another flock come into play. Again mixing it up can produce hybrid vigor, but it doesn't mean one should recklessly mix either.
I'm on Holla Forums I thought I didn't have to explain this here mang.
You don't, and I don't disagree with you. I'm saying that that hybrid vigor is a good thing, not that you should make zorses and mules.
Well no, Loki disguises him, and Thor is extremely opposed to the whole process. Also, it was to recover his hammer Mjolnir from the king of Jotunheim, Thrym, who stole it and demanded Freyja's hand in marriage for its return.
It's a story about Loki's wit and Thor's wrath, like most of their other bro adventures. Maybe you should actually read the Eddur sometime.
Here's the deal though, without proper parenting race mixed kiddos, and even ethnically mixed kiddos can grow up to feel alien. Even with proper parenting it's still not possible to completely shield them from social disconnect. Granted during the adult years it's not that bad, but during the formative years it is bad, kids are fucking cruel. Kids ask the questions adults don't want to due to social expectations and the like.
Which is why I see why some folks aren't open to the idea of mixing it up with let's say for example Japs. Now do you see why it's just not as simple as it is with horses? There's more risk and more things at line than just the kid's biological potential, but how well adapted he can become in society. Sure proper parenting can undo some of the damage, but whatever damage is done, is done.
Let's say different ethnicity now, the kids will get picked on for either being too brown/pale/getting sun burned too easy. There's also the issue that the offspring will favor the accent of one of their parents until he makes or adopts his own identity. There's also the problem that one of the parents WILL HAVE TO give up on their ethnic and cultural heritage so his/her child assimilate properly.
Unfortunately people are selfish fucking cunts, so we get kids who constantly bitch and cry about not living in his ethnic parent's country.
tl;dr (not really possible, but a I fucking tried)
If you're planning to mix it up, make sure that your partner or you yourself, are willing to give up on cultural heritage for the child's greater good. This of course goes DOUBLY SO if your kid is of a different race. Just because you're planning to do it with someone who's just of a different ethnicity it doesn't mean people won't notice. People will notice via accents, food preference, mannerisms, skin tone, and even facial structure. Granted if you live in the USA no one will give a shit due to how mongrelized the white ethnicities plus their cultures are here.
Proper, attentive parenting is very important. Even with the best genes, a child with inattentive or abusive parents has a high probability of coming out badly.
I admit, I am in the USA, which probably skews my perspective on the issue.
They're mentally unstable user.
Never forget that the European has been waging war on his ethnic brothers for centuries. Even now during these pozzed up times they pick each other apart. Whether it's via skin complexion, bone structure, you name it, it's not just accents and the like that make someone foreign easy to be singled out over there.
As an example, here in my university I once saw a Frenchie and an Englishman start shit with each other just by staring at each other. When they both learned of their Nationalities it was as if I was looking at a politically correct flavored /int/ shitposting IRL. And these are peoples who interbred with each other while killing each other over many centuries.
I of course poured fuel over the fire by saying that the French are a bunch of cucks who look like Africa. Because it was fun to just drop some unwanted redpills and see them argue about which country has the most cucks. Such a shame they didn't stay, I would have tried so hard to redpill them.
Enjoy your bumplock
Can't have people learning what propaganda is being pushed, right?
Such a shame, all sorts of interesting discussions were had ITT.
I haven't forgotten it. I feel there should be some effort to put those rivalries aside (for now). At least until we, collectively, are not in existential danger. Maybe it's due to my American frame of reference, but I feel like we're closer to allies than adversaries, and allies band together against a common threat.
It IS easy to spark that kind of argument, though. Worryingly easy. If only Europeans could be as easily roused against their enemies as their brothers.
user what the fuck do they do with chick paste?
From my American frame of reference the rivalry is much more friendly and less bitter than it has ever been in history. It's still a rivalry full of fracture points, and shit gets dodgier when it comes to the Eastern Europeans.
Never heard anything about it, how is that one poz'd? Looked like just generic lolsorandumb, empty digital babysitter, but not poison.
Not the vegetarian cuckold but I do know what they do with it.
Delicious as fuck chicken nuggets and tenders, why do you think the meat is so TENDER and soft?
He's saying this because the male Deuteragonist (IIRC) is a very awkward and shy Hispanic kid who fumbles about when it comes to his relationships with the MC and his crush. Up to the point where he awkwardly treats the MC like a "bro" and asks her for advice while struggling with the awkwardness of it all. It's not as bad as the cuckold from Gravity Falls who gets reprimanded and called a shitlord (not literally) for asking for a girl's phone number.
But it's definitely clear that the kid is just not a good fucking role model at all for young boys.
True, I suppose. Maybe I worry too much.
I still don't give a fuck, these things are delicious.
Steven universe is such fucking jew shit.
It makes every girl think she is gay and degenerate.
Choosing a suitable cartoon from current times is like deciding which part of the polluted river to drink from. You can convince yourself that it may be better than another but it will still cause sickness. There is still value to be found in old cartoons and other children's shows. The problem is how to raise your child(ren) properly without making them socially ostracized by default.
Yeah, sounds like Holla Forums to me!
Horsefuckers are obviously degenerate but the show is good for kids to watch compared to the other SJW propaganda that gets aired.
Of course cartoons from the MSM are loaded with a political agenda. Why do you think they're all shit compared to classic Tom & Jerry, when cartoons were just cartoons and not trying to brainwash people.
On it's own it's still shit, on it's own it's still your average STRONG FEMALE WHO DON'T NEED NO MAN bullshit, seen in nearly every girl's show ever. Worst of all is that this bullshit is starting to slowly infect shows for boys too. And in the worst case scenarios these shitty girl's shows try to pass themselves as being friendly to both genders while CLEARLY disparaging one gender (males) while uplifting the other (female).
I haven't watched much of the actual show, just been in a few threads discussing it. What about it pushes the strong female shit? I know the kingdom is a matriarchy, but other than that is it that blatant?
How do you think?
All the male leads are retarded, the non-retarded males are nothing more but backgrounds that occasionally m'lady at the powerful magic wielding women. It's typical female empowerment bullshit that has been plaguing western and even eastern cartoons to a certain extent.
See and stop being a fucking cuck.