Lau, the organiser, is one of Germany's most controversial and best known Islamist preachers. He is currently on trial in a separate case on charges of backing "a terrorist group" fighting in Syria.
Lau, the organiser, is one of Germany's most controversial and best known Islamist preachers. He is currently on trial in a separate case on charges of backing "a terrorist group" fighting in Syria.
Other urls found in this thread:
No one?
Germany arrests people over Facebook posts and charges women with assault for using pepper spray to prevent rape.
The UK is not far behind, fucking caliphate tier.
No-one here is surprised by this when it's slowly becoming illegal to a white male who thinks for themselves and doesn't self censor.
Jewmany is a fucking joke
there is no law that prevents someone from putting on a safety west
thats why it is not illegal to wear an safety west with "sharia police" written on it
if they get violent they will be charged
There is a law against using the word police.
It implies that you have a certain authority, and can command others around under the guise of you representing the law.
With them not getting their ass handed to themselves, you can expect more scharia-"police" to pop up soon in mutiple cities across the country.
And then it'll be too fucking late to do something against them when they start to command actual germans to not hold hands or eat pork or whatever they want.
Remember the McDonalds shooter in Germany?
There was a a citizen who was throwing beer bottles from his balcony at the terrorist and the government went after the German just as hard as the Muslim.
Germany is a disgrace. Just glass the whole east continent for allowing this shit to go on
if there was such a law
police costumes would be illegal in germany
europeans are still in their comfort zone, weirdly shit isn't bad enough, yet
but don't expect the masses to rise up, it always starts small, maybe in a beer hall somewhere
And it is old news.
Once the Christmas massacres take place and the NYE slaughters we might get a proper response to these savages invading our lands.
That guy also threw some sick bantz at him.
I think those are also illegal in modern Germany.
The part that disgusts me the most is that people just take it when these rotten camel-fuckers come up to them telling them to stop having fun. I'd sock these cunts right in the gabber AT LEAST if they tried this with me
§ 132a StGB
It is illegal.
Might get an exception if you're a child, but otherwisse you face either a fine or straight up jail time. Depends on the judge.
are you referring to:
if so the sharia police "uniform" looks nothing like a police uniform
No German judge is going to issue a sentence more serious than a written apology and 100h community service at the local pool for a 'new german'.
Christmas shopping and Christmas services will be prime targets for kebabs. If the kebabs don`t commit a couple off Paris/Nice/Brussels/London/ThatOneInGermany/Madrid/ThatOntherOneInGermany attacks then I`ll be very surprised. Either our emergency services did some good or the kebabs are so sure of victory via the womb that they are laying low and just doing the raping instead of bombings ect.
judges are appointed by the politicians and cant judge alone and are in specific cases under heavy political pressure
there will probably be some protests and clashes between migrants and germans in the next weeks
the time around christmas and new year can be very emotional (thats why so many people kill themselves on christmas or new year)
A normie friend of mine is visiting Germoney this weekend. She's gone to Köln of all places. I told her to be careful and stay away from the shitskins. She thought I was joking. The poz is so strong in normalfags it's frightening.
If you knew anything about the German judicial system, you would know that each court case stands on its own and it isn't like in the USA where a verdict can establish a precedent. So if these fucktard do something shady or change their uniform, they can be dragged back into court anew.
This is a good thing. It's the same with you civic retards who want "hijab bans" and the like. You don't want the shitskins to "assimilate", you want them to leave. Being as obnoxious and cast out as possible accentuates the political trend in that direction.
you would go to prison for that behaviour
Funny, in America we call it harassment…and it's illegal.
It doesnt matter if its illegal here, if its a mudslime it gets a free pass.
When Sons of Odin did it, it was an outrage :^)
Germany is just fucking depressing at this point. What does it take to make modern Germans revolt? Anything?
They have their nationalist movements, sure, but they're cucked to the point of being useless. They're playing by the rules the kikes have imposed on them and as long as they do that they're getting nowhere.
Uncle Schlomo says "violence is bad when white people do it, goyim! You have to be civil! Only civil protest can change the world! Heh heh heh…" and German WNs say "ja". I need a fucking antacid just thinking about this shit.
These motherfuckers would be in prison in the US.
1. Intimidation charges (like the fucking mob or something)
2. Posing as a police officer (felony)
3. Harassment
Yeah. Good luck telling American white women that they can't go to the bar and get completely polluted whenever they want. Liberal Americans' crush on Islam ends precisely there.
petty misdemeanor
felony if given ban from premises
most legal interpretation leads precedent as any "marking" or "clothing" that can be construed as legal authority or legal protection in the duty of medical/emergencies
dressing up in a "sharia fire department" vest and demanding to know how many occupants are in a building is equally culpable
holy shit germany, what's next morning prayer in school?
Oh user…
So if white people organised "Christian patrols" they'd be racist xenophobes.
But this is somehow ok?
Not from the enforcement.
So Krautfags, are you going to implement your own brand of Sharia police to enforce cultural norms?
5 off.
What a shame.
Might as well try to take this get while I'm fucking around.
I think it's time for me to stop posting here.
That's why we have door-to-door missionaries, ammiright?
This is why its great. You guys just don't get it.
1. People stop being adulterous drunken fag
2. People ask real men for help to repel their oppressor
Their is literally no downside unless you are a cuck.
These sharia retards just patrol the immigrant ghettos and impress other less religious mudslimes. They have no influence on Germans, because Germans are pretty apathetic when it comes to religion in this day and age. The only reason this became a topic, was because they use the word "police" on their little orange vests.
They should be exterminated.
germans are already revolting
expect some major clashes between germans and migrants in the next weeks
What a coinkedinkle.
If I were german I'd return to a church, gather the uncucked church goers and enforce a christian style of shariah.
That would destroy this law precedent. Or turn Christianity against the government.
But you know, if Muslims are allowed the police themselves then legally Pagan Vikings should be allowed to police themselves too, right?
When are the weebs going to get their own police force?
The precedent is stupid, but can easily backfire.
Just try it and see.
Britain arrests people for making jokes about current events on Twitter, it banned self-defense years ago (being in possession of pepper spray will get you a custodial sentence) and it’s PM (a woman) praised Sharia as beneficial to Great Britain, Sharia Courts practice in the open, you can walk in one like you can a solicitors office in certain parts of the UK.
Hey friends, say have I told you this very modern german bedtimestory yet?
The winter becomes unbearable, the wolf hungers to leave the cave. But the hunters will strike him down before he'll even be able to unite with the rest of his pack. So he is forced to stay inside, witnessing what the goats are doing to the sheep the sheep he once vowed to his pack-leader to protect many many moons ago. But they hunted down the pack-leader and the pigs lied to the sheep, telling them that he wanted to maul them all and had already mauled many of the pigs. Now the sheep are scared of the wolf, so scared they would rather go extinct than let the wolves furfill their oath they made to the pack-leader they once served and protect them from any harm.
The hunters are watching the wolves making sure everything is in order, even dressing up like them sharing the caves and go hunt together. The wolfs are ready and willing to hunt the traiterous sheep and especially the goats but they are outnumbered, outgunned and kept in line under mother-sheep, her circle of pigs and her hunters watching the wolves.
So the hunters kept the wolves under control until they all died out and the sheeps died to make room for the goats.
And when they died, the goats lived happily ever after…
But who knows? Maybe if the hunters would be distracted for a while, for example with the goats actually starting to attack the sheep, so that some wolves could escape the cave and reunite the pack and start hunting down the goats, a lot of defiant sheep would perhaps join the wolves, maybe even some hunters, they all suffer greatly from the goats and are harbouring grudges against mothersheep.
But fortunately that will never happen.
Right. ?
I think you may be lost >>>/islam/
Assuming that's nigger music, we honestly should start doing that here.
The law only applies to whites in this case so it's blatant (((hypocrisy))) from the cucked German Marxists. Again, why shouldn't we form our Police Squads here in America though?
No "arcade" gives out money. Clearly they must mean casinos but I am glad that they paint the moslems in a bad light by making Holla Forums think they're coming after gaymin, which if they are is retarded. Still, why don't we make a white version of that Police Squad here in America?
You Germans need to go low-fi
get a large group of men and have them make super soaker flame throwers and nail bombs
go into no go zones at 3 in morning and get them while they sleep.
Your government won't protect you so just kill them already.
Honestly, it's not even FBI to encourage Germans to overthrow their govt, especially when their govt openly talks about wiping out the natives and let arabs openly slaughter the native population, like in France, and then lies about it (Bataclan Torture).
It's inevitable and necessary. Remeber when the French killed their leaders just because they were throwing too many dinner parties and forgot what it was like to do actual work? Europe is long overdue for another one of those, except on an even larger scale for even larger crimes.
Fuck off ahmed
This pretty much means anything right wing is banned because it's "scary" but anything mudslime is a-okay because le tolerant religion of peace
The downside is that Moslems have no place in Europe.
If Europe tries to uncuck itself, Israel will cry to the US so it drops boots to stop the evil gnatzees from revolting against the kikes' will. The US, as a good puppet will drop boots because while the uncucked ones won't do shit, ZOGbots will. That's the current reality.
This is a poor excuse and wouldn't work in American courts atleast, maybe in Germany. The case that code you posted referenced to was someone posing as a lawyer, and obtained money from the police acting as representation on behalf of someone else. Lawyers =/= police because police are emergency services. It goes on to say that you may dress as an 'official' but may not perform services. These people are posing as police. It should not matter they do not 'look' like police, they are wearing uniforms with the word police on it. This gives off an authoritative presence, and if challenging a police officer's lawful order is illegal in Germany (which I'm sure it is) then these as Sholes shouldn't wear the worday police. If I were a germanbro I'd run up to one of these assholes and solicit a service from them, forcing them to break the law. Even asking them for help might get them in trouble.
I can't imagine how pozzed the German courts system is compared to the American
But what about RWDS militias?
leftypol here, now before we start the shitposting, isn't this the same kind of degenracy you guys are against?
I was going to ask you a question, but that would mean you’d reply, so just go ahead and drown yourself in semen.
come on, we always debate you guys when you post there, now answer me
We’re against genocide for disagreeing with us (unlike you and dune coons) and we’re against raping children (unlike you and dune coons).
Drown yourself in semen.
but I am not a dune coon?
By them enforcing it there exists an implicit notion that they are the authority. The fact that this sets a precedent for what they do being allowed (even more so than it already is) is the core issue.
These "good enforcements" are not their only actions. Their other actions are the conquest of the west and enforcing views which actually do differ from "ours". In addition to that, it seems in part hypocritcal considering it is those of "their kind" who commit brutal murders and rapes. In the end, in my eyes, the core issue, is the precedent this sets, i.e. they have more power than the original citizens.
You're a leftist. Your mind is shit. This is why your memes are shit.
Tainted well
Reading comprehension of a prenatal downy
No, some of us are personally against smoking and/or drinking but we don't hold it against people unless its habitual. Drinking Beer is a European tradition.
try being over 18 kid
I understand with that point, but isn't it basically the same you guys are doing? I mean they are both againts whatever they don't like and label it as degeneracy
In many cases yes, but we need our own sharia police. It's wrong in itself to subjegate yourself to their rule package so it's a non-starter.
give it a try, just don't shitpost
False. The judicial system is not impartial, i.e. it is not blind. In particular, the precedent, in its truest sense, states that "muslims will be allowed to enforce their belief system". The key point is that it's specific towards muslims. There will be no judicial precedent for the right, and if it were to attempt to rise it would be shut down.
In case you mean precedent in the eyes of the people, then that is irrelevant, for the people are too cucked to do anything in the first place. You need a population capable of killing/going berserk in the first place. That is, your camal must be able to have its back broken for putting straw on it to matter.
Good to know you'd submit to Isalm.
calling it a spook is a good critique 2bh
i mean islam is a spook, as its the spook that is controlling these people to want to take over europe, they put the spook before their ego
Thats not the point
Then you could sue the government for cash which you could then use for propaganda efforts
Do you even kike?
Correct. We could argue what is true degeneracy and rights and what not, however, I will admit I am not capable of having a deep discussion on that subject without preparation. Therefore, I think it's easier to just state:
Yes, suppose we are doing the same thing. Then, just as much, we both seek survival. Hence, it is natural for us to wish to go against them and survive as opposed to them, for their conquest means our end.
Thats not the point, what comes with that is
While Islam got it right on some points of degeneracy, Islam is still a cancer that is a threat to civilization. By allowing Islam to flex its muscle, the German court is validating it. This is bad.
It's basically, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." but we KNOW they're going to stab us in the back if we give them a chance.
Are we talking about the same leftypol?
Does the phrase "do you even kike" mean, "do you even kike" or "do you even, kike?". If it's the latter, I'll tell you I am not. If it is the prior, I guess someone could sue and obtain money, however, I'm just trying to state that the governments/people in power don't exactly play fair. See Hillary's death count list, see the leaked e-mails, the propoganda Europeans got of Trump, etc.
I am not defending the fact that spooked islamists are shit-tier, I completly agree, what makes me thinks is how easy it is for the right-wing and for islam to decide to impose their own rules just because they don't agree with their ideology
I mean suppose you don't want muzzies in europe, shouldnt the right wing then start fighting back but intead by proving that it was european liberal values what made europe what it is, over just engaging in the same reationary shit?
I mean liberal values on the sense of the french revolution and so on, not evil SJWs
Those filthy degenerates and their lack of head covering. I am with you brother insahallah.
You can tell them to bug off and if they don't you can call the cops.
True but they're perfectly OK with giving away other peoples' tax money
Eh that list isn't completely accurate, look at the causes of death. Yes three of them are little to (((coincidental))), namely Seth Rich, Vince Foster, and that one other guy thats name escapes me.
Nobody watches the news anymore
Europe is not liberal, the "modern liberal values" of nearly every country in Europe have a Jewish origin. Three countries in WEU are still constitutional monarchies for christs sake.
if there is one thing euorpe got right was precisely those two
Renaissance was not liberal
OY FUCKING VEY you think the French Revolution wasn't Jewish lmao
Yes. Why do you think the RWDS meme came about in the first place?
The problem is that if we start fighting back, we'll be facing the combined might of ZOG. Nobody here should be scared of mudshits or antifa, what I personally fear is the response I'll get from the feds if I decide to push their shit in. I'd imagine the situation is similar in Europe.
The right wing isn't defending "liberal European values". We're simply defending the right of our people to exist in our own homelands. Some here even believe that those values are what lead to this shit happening, so the majority of the left are on kill lists as well. You need to lurk more.
but on that logic, christianity as a whole is jewish
thats my point, why would you enact in the same idiotic behaviour if you want to claim the moral highground
and isn't that the problem? isn't that what is scaring people from your movement?
that sounds incredibly similar to a lot of philoshophers during the renaissance and the enlightment eras, which were liberating movememnts
I'm having some issues with your statement in regards to interpretation. Are you saying the right should fight back? You then say "but in(s)tead by proving" and "over just engaging in the same". Are you saying to fight back in a different form as opposed to reactionary?
To answer one part of the question: should they fight back? Yes. The issue is that modern complacency, brought about by technology, the destruction of local communities and some bond such as ethnic identity has made it so that all, if they do feel like reacting, are trapped in a feeling of "I'm only me". Of course, they come on here and find others, however, organizing things in the real world becomes difficult. You do have some groups which manage to do it (National Action I guess), however, that's a group which is named. What is needed is that feeling you get when you know all your neighbors agree with you and you can decide to do something together. The type of thing that goes on in Hassidic communities (which were able to mantain their identity) so much so that they block vote. When that feeling that you have your community backing you exists, you will feel capable of voicing you thoughts without hesitation and taking action wont feel like a big leap.
Again, however, due to the things I've listed above, few are willing to do things. Sure, a refugee camp is burned here, there, theres some posters here, a group there, but there doesn't exist a strong "force" throught the communities that have the feeling that "we can win, we should do something". That is why people still go through politicials because they feel as if the must stick to the confines of society. That's all well and good, for now. After all, there is a (hopefully) wave of nationalism being spurred through Europe as a consequence of Trump and change could occur. However, when loss seems apparant, there must be that feeling that one must take action.
As things are, people are like animals who stare into the eyes of the beast who has them in their sights as opposed to fighting back with all their might to survive.
meant to link
I mean there is a hidden reason below the "jewish" reason of migrants, we can agree that europe has really low birth rates and cappies need that surplus labour
I mean if that is really the problem, low birth rates, shouldn't then the alt-right look like a hippie commune? where people just want to have sex? should't Holla Forums be full of meet-up threads and hook-up threads?
I mean why even bother burning a tent when you you know instead have sex with a white woman inside the tent, of course this is symbolic but you get my point
the alt-right movement, taken to it's logical conclusion, should be about free sex for fun, as:
a) that will bring birthrates up
b) if the white race is doomed, they spent their last days fucking a lot while not giving a shit about the rest, every trying to procreate
the french revolution has a lot more to do with roberspierre than napoleon tbh
What behavior? Protecting my people/culture/nation/race from naked aggression by mudshits/kikes? I have the high ground because I'm not condoning child rape, dressing women in drapes, and general barbarism like these mudshits are.
No. On the contrary, the right is gaining power and more people everyday. Just a few years ago, Brexit and Trump would've been unthinkable. Look where we are now.
Which ones? Note that I'm talking about a racial struggle against foreign races, not "class" struggles. "Our people" refers to race, not class.
Single-parent homes breed criminals, promiscuity breeds disease.
come on, we always ban you guys when you post there, now answer me
AHA, but the question is is your behaviour really defending it? if your struggle againts "degenracy" looks as retarded as the shariah law, is it really defending it? or is it merely reacting?
I think we can agree that a succesful social movement starts with an action, not with a reaction
of course, but is that deep enough?
Trump got less votes than Romney and Brits have always hated the Union, those are just two examples, while most of europe is still neoliberal as fuck
thats not necessarily what the renaissance and the enlightment are about, you should read authors from those eras
my point is, again, taken to it's logical conclusion, the alt-right should be like a hippie commune where people have lots of sex and have 8-9 kids each
both my mom and my dad were born in a 9 and an 11 kid household and all of my aunts came out fine
Assimilation means LEAVING YOUR OLD CULTURE AND CUSTOMS OUT, you faggot!
That's the supposed reason for this they give us. The reason I believe this is going on is because (((they))) have a vested interest in the destruction of European peoples. As far their motivations for this goal, Holla Forums has a wide range of opinions. Some believe the Talmud is what drives these kikes, others believe its purely economic (a global mixed race without culture or nation makes a great consumer base), while some are /x/-tier. The people at the top are so fucking shadowy about this that nobody knows for sure.
Disastrous. Look at the past 50 years, where the fags in charge been promoting that shit constantly. Birth-rates still dropped. A more effective measure would be to:
1)Ban contraception
2)Tax breaks/assistance for having more children
3)Free, non-kiked daycare and childcare
Basically, follow NatSoc germany's plan, with some improvements.
The problem of low fertility is extremely complex. There are almost daily threads on Holla Forums about it. Most believe feminism (taking women out of the home) was the cause. It makes sense because the kikes needed more workers to drive down wages and put money in the hands of the primary consumers in society (women). This makes impossible for a single man to support his family, so the woman has to work. This leads to bad outcomes for the kids, and less time for procreation.
Firstly, a declining population isn't necessarily a bad thing. Even if we all turned degenerate tomorrow, the governments wouldn't be changed and policies leading to our displacement wouldn't stop. The issue is relative population, first and foremost.
Second, capitalists being a drag isn't even something many of us disagree with. Being against foreign people imposing a religious doctrine despite their willingness to break it is in no way similar to being in opposition to trends that degenerate the society and people within. See, degenerate is a term for people who degenerate a healthy nation. Hence, muds are degenerate in the same sense as race mixers, yolos, whores, and Jews.
I do not get what you mean by "below". Are you stating there is another group who desires it, that the jews want it, or something else?
I will first state that the alt-right doesn't exist in a certain sense. Think of it this way, an idea begins, a group partakes in it (imageboard people). Someone sees a way to fame/power through this idea, he labels it. The alt-right. New people do not know the origins of the idea, so they move this "alt-right" named movement since it's easier to join something named than some unnamed concept. This new named form of the idea grows as the dominant form and eventually currupts itself to being its own form. To all, since it is named, it seems like the origin or "true" version, yet it is not. I just had to clear that up.
Yes, it technically should look like a hippie commune except there is an added premise that most people here hold that would lead to a contradiction to that. More precisely: The goal is to procreate a specific type of person. Without other premises, that is simple, form a group of said type, have sex. However, most here hold the added premise of restraining one's self to a moral high ground. I would say this is necessary for a preserving a society, but for a crisis situation I'm unsure. Personally I could never forsake my morals without feeling defiled.
In addition to these, even with these communes, one would need women who have not defiled themselves in the first place. Even beyond a "moral highground" by correlation one finds that those who are permiscuous tend to not be good at being lifelong partners. In order to produce "healthy" children, this is necessary almost surely (i.e., yes there are exceptional children, but a society is not defined by exceptions). In addition to this, one would need a woman who has not defiled herself with men of another group, lest the DNA of the other individual have a possibility of entering your kid. Now, I do not know much about this subject, however, I believe there was a study regarding insemination which could alter a womans' DNA. Thus, one would need a nonpermiscuous woman and, even if you take a lax notion of "nonpermiscious" (I.e. all her relationships were long ones/true ones) they would still have to be with people who match your genetics for the most part (hard to do).
Thus, it is not so simple as just having sex. Now, should you find a woman who satisfies above, great. For many that itself is the difficult part. Once you find such a woman there is no need for a commune. Just marry (a personal choice of mine for the sake of the children seeing the bond between the parents as an eternal one) and procreate.
I would also say, beyond procreation, the threat must be taken care of at the same time if not first. For, I say with certainty, if I had a daughter or a son and he was molested or raped by one of them and should the government do nothing, I would make sure by some means (note: for the sake of plausable deniability, I'm not saying I'd do anything myself nor ask anyone else to) justice is done.
As an aside, if we just produce kids without a good a family, the are liable to not follow in ones footsteps, therefore, they will likely mix (due to social conditioning in schools and alike) and thus nullify our efforts.
What the absolute fuck is that even supposed to mean? People in politics and war react to things. Movements that are a reaction to some development are extremely common. The French Revolution was a reaction to starvation. Your precious little Marx was reacting to what he believed was an oppressive and unfair system.
Our only real interest is in expelling invaders. And don't think we're somehow exactly like them and want to engage in all the same behaviors. At the very least, we don't condone pedophilia or polygamy, you will get some variation on other issues, but comparing us to the Muslims is dishonest. What a fucking retard.
That means very little. Who voted and why is the more important piece. The important take away is that the white working class is turning away from the Left. Hence why there were surprises in formerly blue states, and the mainstream Left (those who you refer to as idpol) are in panic mode right now trying to figure out how to hold their rainbow coalition together.
That's not what drove them to vote for Brexit. Its not a coincidence that they left once the refugee crisis hit full tilt.
bullshit, thats how the 3rd world has high natality indexes
why tho, condoms are my fetish
yes, but again, that only affects the base, not the ideological superstructure, you guys want to raise the natality index AND remind people why you raised it
Now don't you think that the alt-right movement would be taken a lot more serius by politicians, if you stance were about what you just described, instead of lynching negroes?
in capitalism it is, less surplus labour, despite being a marxists term it exemplifies why the massive migration is needed
AHA, but maybe it would be easier to demand better daycare facilities and tax breaks for people with big families
JUST THINK about the power this would give to you, imagine if instead of pusting frogs shitting while wearing a nazi uniform, you demanded politicians and goverments for better daycare for babies and pregnant women
that would attract the normies to your movememnt like crazy
Marx's theory of surplus labour and reserve labour
that can be easily achieved, like thats not even an issue
besides, why are you againts "permiscuous" women, if anything, these women should be celebrated as they keep shitting more and more white kids, to say it vulgarly
a good family can be achieved by forcing politicians to create laws like this user said
and propaganda about babies being good and singlemothers having to be protected is in many many ways better than pepe the frog or that autist spencer hailing trump
I do something, I do it because of conviction, because it wills my ego, not because I got angry and feel like something needs to be done
yes, but did he simply reacted to it, got angry and decided to let his anger escape on other, or did he created the most accurate critique of capitalism in return?
but why are the invaders there?, lack of surplus labour
there is no left left 2bh, all the cool anarkiddies are going post-left nowadays
the problem with american elections is that there are only two parties, and none of it is a worker's party
They don't have many white children, they use birth control or abortion.
Single mothers are fucking terrible, that sort of thing shouldn't be encouraged.
I have great conviction that these people will turn my society into one that I do not want to live in. Seems like you're nitpicking, to me.
What are you trying to do, give us advice on how to be more effective?
Well, time to test the applicability of this law with some deutscher RWDS.
The third world is heavily subsidized by Western "aid". Its a population bubble. Take away that free money, and watch the mortality rate skyrocket.
You're implying people give a shit about that. The average person doesn't care about the ideological/philosophic reasons behind having kids. They just care about the local effects it has on them (money, quality of life, etc).
Are you somehow implying that politicians care about anything else other than where their next paycheck is coming from? Besides, it not about lynching niggers, its about lynching kikes.
but user, drop your spooks for a moment, if you truly decide to make the white race cause your cause, then you have to help single mothers, as they will bare white children
No, I just don't understand your movement, like its full of cognitive dissonance and retardation
If you just want to have more white kids, then you should drop all the nazi, fascist and useless spooks you have right now, and focus on increasing the birth rates, its the logical conclusion, hippie like communes who love to protect babies and the societies that nurture them, not wanting to lynch people at mid-day
all that nazi masturbatory fetishim is just your ego ideal, what you should strive for is your ideal ego, the ideology that suit your movement he most, not the one that makes it easily manipulated
even countries with imposed sanctions have high natality rates, like Venezuela is almost at 3
they don't because they live under an ideology that forces them not to take about that
okay so then why would you imply trump, brexist or le pen are helping the right?
well that doesn't really make you guys look like the baby lover people you want to be
I request that you speak, as best you can, in a format one would type in. In speaking, people tend to state "like" or "uhm" because they are incapable, at that time, to come up with what they wish to say. When typing, one has all the time in the world. Thus, there is no need to write it. In particular, it is less of an involuntary action because you type it.
Also, you state create a specific type of person is easy, I would claim how. You would have to find two people with good genetics and have them breed. This is doable if you are in power. You can construct a eugenics program. However, the issue is that "we" are not in power.
If you quoted permiscuous because I'm incapable of spelling it, I'm saddened. I only quoted your phrases in an attempt to emphasize, not critisize incorrect spelling.
I'll agree to you that propaganda about having kids is good. I do not understand the one about single mothers thought. I believe, statistics show that single mothers produce "not the best offspring" so to speak. Common symptoms being a whorish daughter or a weak willed son.
As for the ideas the other user thought of, yes, those could produce a good family, however, as stated, we are not in control. If one is in absolute control, fixing things is a non-issue. However, at present, we are not in complete control so we can't do what user suggested at the present time. Also, I'd argue that any child care wouldn't be good. Any child care usually leads to some child messed up. Even though parents can abuse their children, at least they have the maternal/paternal instinct as an added defense.
Also, when I say permiscuous women, I merely meant women who engage in sex a lot. Now, you say there would be producing more white children, however that has implicit assumptions: first, that they are only engaging in sex with those of similar genetics to my own, second, that they do not use condoms or birth control, and lastly, should they get pregnant, that they keep and raise the child.
I would also like to add that promiscuity on behalf of the female, even if those conditions are satisfied, makes no sense. Once a woman gets pregnant by a single man, she is out of commission for 9 months. The same man can then impregnate her again, and again, etc. So, promiscuity, i.e. having sex with various people, is unnecessary. For a man, it could work, however, having a father figure is necessary for being properly raised, so, unless the father can evenly distribute his time amongst his children, this would fail also.
Now, I might be assuming, but is your perfect world one where:
White people engage in hedonistic sex, producing child upon child. These children are then taken in, by the state, and then raised through a government "pathway" without dealing with a traditional family?
Supposing that works, wouldn't it be easily curruptable should the state become currupt?
I really wish more of Holla Forums was like this. I.e., paragraphs upon paragraphs of thought.
Also, I agree, such propaganda would be better. However, note that that "lol random" retarded propaganda serves the purpose of sticking in a persons mind. Generic have more kids propaganda seems less in tune with memetics and more so a classical form of propaganda such as the television. I would also state that the pepe stuff and alike was focusing more so on election based things. After all, if one does no gain power, any form of "winning" becomes difficult. For the Spencer thing, if I were you, I would not associate him with the actions of this board, for, again, he is the alt-right. Of course normal people will believe "we" are one in the same, however, because "we" are different, "we" cannot control his nor his groups actions.
It's not just about having more white children, it's about having exclusive control over a swath of land, an ethno-state. I want to live in a society that is white. Never mind the reason for that desire, we'll never come to an understanding in regards to that. We can want several things at once. In order to get the birth-rates up, the culture needs to be massively changed. This feminism and female careerism need to stop. They deflate birth-rates. You just seem to be spouting leftist nonsense and feeling nice and intellectually superior.
My english is incredibly shitty, ill give it a try
I am not saying that you should strive for a state taking care of all the babies, that just leaving them alone, I am saying that the movememnt is incredibly weird in the sense that they strive fro something you consider morally good, yet alienate yourselves from the rest of the population by masturabting to pepe frogs and so on, which in turns alienates the rest of the population from your original "moral" cause
no, never, what I am saying is that the movemment, if it wanted to achieve something, could focus in creating an environment where having a kid is easier, so that white people can have more kids, inteads of trying to look like neo-nazis
and how are you going to have your white ethno-state without white children, Mr sam "fucking traps is not gay" Hyde?
single mothers produce shit tier citizens.
What are you even arguing for at this point? Of course higher white birthrates are on the agenda. But I don't believe that the only way of achieving this is by pushing for more daycare and idolizing single mothers. We need intact families and we need mothers who will actually be mothers in the home.
You can shit out 20 kids. If only 5 make it to adulthood, the natality rates don't paint an accurate picture of what's going on. Venezuela also isn't a good example because it had oil money. Wait for newer data to show up after the oil market crashed.
The signs aren't looking too good for them.
They don't because there is no reason for them to care about it. What good does it do some random person to know about the philosophies of reproduction? What tangible benefit does it bring to that one particular person? Why should we spend time and resources trying to get them to care about that?
Because the help shift the window of acceptable dialog to our position. Building a wall, imposing tariffs on foreign goods, and speaking out against a Syrian intervention weren't on the agenda two years ago. Pretty soon, we'll be getting to the point to where we are able to openly talk about race, demographic trends, eugenics, jewish influence, etc.
I love only the babies I help make. Kikes and their golems belong in an oven.
I said it isn't necessarily a bad thing to have declining fertility. I don't give a shit about capitalism, I care for my people. Second, your unwillingness to talk race or concede points shows how you are uninterested in having a real argument.
Here is the thing, those are two things working in tandum: these "right" or nationalistic viewpoints and imageboard culture. That's the thing with regards to this board.
Yes, there probably are better things then dealing with pepe and etc. However, that is the hubris of imageboard culture. At least something does come out of it however, i.e. some form of propaganda i.e. memetics. It's quite funny when the news states that a frog is anti-semetic or alike and, although it seems trivial, to a normal person watching the news they would likely question why something so innoculous (hopefully used that word correctly) is considered "evil".
In my eyes most of this memetics stuff has been meant to counter standard propaganda and, effectively, discredit the 4th estate. Since that job is done (for the most part), I agree that actions are more important now. Hopefully the fact that people are putting up posters in "normal people" places shows that we are, slowly but surely, getting to the point where people feel like they can take action and do precisly what you say.
In effect, I guess you're saying that the movement should better highlight the core concepts that it holds and I cannot deny that. Again though, I think that is just the result of fusing a "politically incorrect notions" and "image board culture".
The thing that makes me so angry is here we have a nation that is so eager to kill itself over a Jewish lie.. The Holocaust did not happen but is should have.
Don't forget that memes like Pepe and Moonman are making impressions on the youth. Its one of the reasons the kikes are so angry about that shit. They don't have as much control over what kids are exposed to anymore like they used to.
Ironic that a subjective thinker would speak in such absolute terms. Why operate under the pretension that human nature is under some easily understandable man made concept?
Sorry, wrong window. The above is still me.
Lesson for commies: Human beings are not interchangeable cogs.
If you were German you'd know that you'll find the church empty safe for a hand full of pensioneers. It's nothing like in burgerland and never was. There was never a "muh Jesus Christ" attitude here after the middle ages and that shit was forced on us in the first place. Christianity was never more than politics in Germany.
Ignorant bullshit. What is the Reformation, what is the 30 Years War, what is the Kulturkampf, what is the prominent role of Evangelism in the anit-communist movement? Get a grip, you sound like an uneducated moron. You're right, though, that hedonism, materialism, degeneration and subverted religion runs rampant in Krautstan right now.
Yeah, beating, occupying, confiscating, reeducating, disarming and emasculating the Germans in WW2 was great.
You could have just posed the title without any content. People here expect this of Germany. If you said there was an uprising over it then this thread would fill up fast and you would need to remake it in a matter of minutes.
Nice numbers. I fail to see how what I said is supposedly wrong, though. It's all just politics and has very little to do with spirituality. The church is only driven by self-interest and that interest is lording over people. People don't go to church anymore because they remember the class system that was still in place in practice up until the late 60s.
The church here isn't your friend and never was your friend.
pls Holla Forums, pls.
perhaps someone with a really bad case of seasonal depression will snap and do something about kebab. perhaps that will be the kindling to send the fire sky-high.
Women are attracted to islam precisely because it oppresses them. They have been begging white men to do it for years. The concept white men will be thrown in jail for it doesn't cross their mind. 150 years later and it is amazing how much the anti-suffragists got right. Exponentially increasing government spending, degeneration of morals, destruction of the family and commonality of bastard children. They got it all fucking right. And we didn't listen. This is the future we chose.
In the UK they arrest fathers that are trying to rescue their doughters from being raped by pakis
I'd say that they are far ahead
Daily reminder that Muslims are a tool of oppression, division for your J*w overlords. There's a reason for all of this. And a solution. It's not easy though. But necessary nonetheless.