The allies of the Jews make sure to snap their fingers to show support, since clapping is apparently too triggering.
Pro-Israel students walk out of BDS event at UC Davis
Good Lord, my whole state is so cucked. CSU with chalk "hug spaces" all over on 11/9/2116, teachers canceling classes all over, now UC students don't want to trigger each other with a normal ass round of applause. Every day I am more glad that we're getting Trump, these liberal "educated minds" are pic related.
Why is it that muslims and jews fight out their differences in the US? What has the US to do with any of this? Deport the jews to Israel, deport the muslims to whatever shit country they came from. Why do we get bothered by this shit?
Also why are they snapping?
this is nothing new for my alma mater
A Swastika was magically painted on the Jewish Fraternity while I was attending…..I think to create a false sense of hostility towards the Jewish community
So cringy, what betas
You mean deport the muslims to Palestine and the jews to whatever shit country they came from
That would be anti semitic user.
Don't you know the US has been a Jewish nation since 1913?
Do these pro-Israel individuals support open borders for the west?
I have no skin in the game, other than the hate for the hypocrites.
So.. they showed up to a boycott israel event just to leave it? Cool beans.
Pro-israel always means open borders for europe.
What's the context?
bds? the fuck?
Young people make me fucking cringe… i made myself cringe when I was a 20 year old college student.. the idea that you fucking matter or you understand anything in the world. You don't know shit and you DO NOT matter. It's borderline teenybopper shit.
tfw we're called Amerisnaps now
*pauses for clicks*
This generation is so autistic they need to click their fingers when they cant get to a computer or a screen to tap that.
The future is 99% communism, start building forest homes now and take a dozen wives, it's the only way to ensure survival of mankind, these idiots are going to go into massive underground cities, give each other barcodes and worship at the altar of machine.
Why not create real hostility?
You make it sound like they're capable of building advanced civilizations. Kill yourself, Kike.
This video is old as fuck. I think I posted this two years ago.
can't we just nuke that area so no one can have it. all of this shit will go away.
I agree. Muslims and Jews are basically the same. Middle East fanatical tribal victimhood shit bags. Muslims are more ignorant and physically violent and Kikes are more powerful, manipulative, and degrading.
I fucking hate them both, we should just sell them both weapons and encourage endless war.
I hate kikes about twice as much as I hate Muslims and I really hate Muslims
Jazz thing originally wasn't it? I remember an old joke about a jazz club getting complaints from their neighbours about applause at night, so the beatniks started low energy finger clicks instead.
Give the context for fuck's sake. Not everyone attends your stupid university.
Boycotts Divestment Sanctions.
Am I supposed to know what's going on in this video?
Kek jewmerica indeed.
I think it's weirdly the other way around in Palestine. They still openly worship pic related and I believe he's now free.
This country really needs to kill itself already. I honestly thinks its too late for America.
You guys know how we fix America? You know how we make it useful? Here's what you do.
Make America a containment zone where no one can get out. Then, start paradropping every nigger, shitskin, mongrel, faggot and race traitor into the country. Watch itself completely tear itself apart and become the biggest 3rd world country the world has ever seen. Use it as a lesson to show kids what multiculturalism and niggers do to a society.
You guys know what to do.
MEME it.
Except that already happened two times. Both times the whites cam out on top. I hope this happens again at least. Most of the guns are in white hands.
You fucking moron. Whites wouldn't be in the country expect for race traitors. Didn't mommy teach you to read?
Even if it didn't happen, (please do, praise kek XD) we can at least make a movie about it.
This is college in 2016
Actually you said nothing of the sort. You don't seem to be familiar with the board.
What the fuck is a "BDS event"?
The only place on campus where primarily a lot of white kids can get together and talk about how the Jews are scheming and lying to all of us and are covering up genocide.
Got a couple of them to vote for Trump as well.
Some event to inform the populace to boycott Israeli made products over Israel's mistreatment of Palestinians.