Is the entire media commiting suicide

Are these people completely retarded or are they trying to destabilize the country? With them pushing the exact same narrative in Europe where they're still in control makes me think that they're retarded or acting in pure desperation? Are they trying to set a defensive narrative to try to handle the fallout of Pizzagate?

What the fuck are these idiots doing?

This age must come to an end.

Hasn't it already?

Yes. We stand at the precipice of a new epoch of man.

Desperately trying to hold onto power.

The only thing I could think of is that they're planning to flood all communications with pure disinformation to a point it saturates all media (MSM and alternative) to destroy all trust in everything. Then once that's achieved, they'll hijack the assets rated with highest trust and subvert them slowly back into a desired platform. High risk as it means temporarily surrendering their propaganda arm effectiveness while preparing to infect new hosts.

Alternatively, the possible nature of the "Fake news" narrative is to introduce thought terminating triggers, so when you cite those sources to normalfags, it shuts people out from listening. But that would be useless because that requires MSM trust to be extremely high to work.

Or it could be both but being implemented in two stages in that order, but they kind of already fucked up there.

They're pushing 'fake news' so they can freely censor the internet.

I think it is a consequence of the (((left's))) total dominance of the MSM industry. Everyone in the building from the company president to the intern in working in the mail room is a either a jew or a collaborator. There isn't a single person available to even suggest they do something different.

This was posted in an earlier thread; seems appropriate here.

But they can hardly subvert trusted sources when news and politics is about to be decentralized.

These people can't function outside of power structures.

The damage control is off the charts. The 'fake news' narrative was clearly dreamt up by a PR firm to divert the heat off of them. They actually think that by creating a bigger lie it will get them off the hook for all the other lies they've told. Fucking lugenpresse, what else do they know.

The Information Age is dead. We enter upon The Meme Age now.

Well that's going to be their problems and puts places like Holla Forums at an advantage for now. However it won't stop them from learning how to adapt memetic strategies to influence communities like this. They're going to have to reinvent themselves (and they will eventually) or risk losing it all. Wouldn't be surprised they're attempt to build their own private imageboard network to study such a new power structure.

Except that's literally impossible. You can't create an A.I or commission a study to get a true gut laugh. They'll basically be as effective as Holla Forums since both of their memetic deficits is that they lack souls.

We we're the first group in human history to weaponize the human soul.

Jews are good at manipulation but have no creative ability



In trying to drum up viewer hours, to sway people from paying attention alternative sources, the media machines do seem to me to burning their own house of cards down. Maybe they can take the 'alt-media' with them, but maybe not. It's a high-risk move, as you say, but it might pay off. Personally, I don't think they have a choice. It's all or nothing for them at this point.

They're really reacting like an industry when a newcomer is about to shake their dominance. They circle their wagons, salt the land and poison the wells and hope the newcomer dies out while they survive on moldy weetabix. in commercial industries, people do this by offering goods, tech and services at often below cost price to use up old stock to starve out the new and coming competition by reminding their market who is better. It only works for material markets

Kek has spoken.

Unless the ultimate goal is synthesis. To put it another way, they have to become more like us.

If they become more like us then they'll eventually be absorbed into us while we most likely would lose little if any ground.

I'd be their death.

You'd think that's what they'd do, but these places are literal echo chambers. Nobody who even hasn't memorized their entire narrative worldview is even allowed to make coffee.

Also how many of the very top have bought their own kool aid? Alex Soros is actually a nu-male manlet, he doesn't look like he's pretending.

Really, nobody who is into "fake news" outlets such as Holla Forums, dailystormer, counter currents, you know the rest, will be affected by this. The time to discredit fake news was 2015, before Trump intertwined himself with us. There's no chance of them destroying us now.

How the hell can you pretend to be a manlet?
The thing is jewish males tend to look like that picture naturally (ex woody Allen)I bet that pos is a child molester as well.

child molester of little boys

Bad posture.

Some of them range from deranged to retarded. Some of them hit both ends.


What they are trying to do is make it normal for males to look & act like jews thereby normalizing their low T disorder.

There is no narrative anymore, there is no goal. What you're witnessing is the final flailings of a system that's hit an insurmountable obstacle: themselves. With GG the idea was to deflect the argument to ideological battles that they could "win", but this time they don't have that choice. Any way they deflect comes back to the source. With pizzapong showing that the DNC, the media, the White House, academia, and human trafficking are all connected on an unprecedented level, and having their ideology laid bare and spat upon by Trump, there's no scapegoats left. They tried to attack the people, and it failed, just like it failed in GG. (Turns out your readership doesn't like being insulted, fancy that?) So now they're trying to cannibalize themselves, pushing the blame to "fake" news; it's not OUR media that's biased, no it's THIS media. An interesting strategy; it's a, I'll give you this now, but in the future things will stabilize kinda deal. And it targets alternative outlets that were competitors to the primary sources anyways, killing two birds with one stone. To them it's win/win on most fronts, but the problem is once you start to devalue the merit of one news source, the next logical question people will have is, well why do I trust you to begin with? And wait a minute, why should I trust you to tell me not to trust them?

This really all goes to show that when confronted the opposition is weak and shit at planning. No forethought, not even the beginnings of a plan if Trump was to win. They believed their power was infinite, and when swept under the rug like the rubbish they are, they have ZERO response besides "…muh… muh fake news tho…. racists!" Pathetic. Praise kek.

Shit I think you may actually be right.

This explains everything… the cuck narrative, the importing of low IQ shitskin ideologues, the sexual corruption of white woman, normalisation of homosexuality and pedophilia.

All semitic traits and if they can corrupt white people to be more disgusting, they don't seem as bad in comparison

Wouldn't it be easier to just lift? Like the goyim do?

The Jews will still win.

They will censor alternative news from Google results, Facebook, Reddit and Twitter feeds.
They will zero rate Jewish websites so only Jewish propaganda is fast on the internet.
They will pass hate speech laws so not believing Jewish propaganda will be a crime.

All these things are currently underway.

Perhaps, but truth finds a way. Omnia vincit veritas. Even a tiny seed can blossom. After everything witnessed the Jews have no stable power anymore. Their empires are at an end.

Which will all lead to the same outcome, a eventual breakdown of their system. It's already starting. More censorship will only accelerate it.

merge this thread into

not flooding.

The worst part of the holocaust for them was having to do some actual work for once.

Besides, that won't end their predilection for small boys or inability to be creative.


I'm watching embed related right now. It's driving me nuts. Can hardly even sit straight for it, have to keep taking breaks. These god damn shit stains have ALWAYS been a coven of lying communists.

They all need to hang.

BBC was doing a Castro piece yesterday. Funny how the reporter was making it sounds like Castro was some brave and brilliant leader, but then an interview with a Cuban had him shitting all over the guy, saying he was happy Castro is dead.

I wonder why the unbiased and politically neutral BBC was framing Castro, a communist, in a good light? (((Why))) I wonder?

This "fake news" thing isn't even new. Remember Dianne Feinstein's attempt to do away with bloggers' use of journalism shield laws in 2012. Chuck Schumer tried again in 2013. I think the idea is to do away with old news media - print and TV - and move everything online where the flow of information can be controlled with paywalls and subscription fees, and facts can be revised and edited as needed to suit a set of circumstances.

A good source of information is Heat Street.

Reminder not to pay the licence fee

Yeah okay faggot

BBC tv license goons have no right to enter your home UNLESS you give them permission. NEVER give them your NAME or sign any paperwork. Tell them, no thanx & shut the door. Done.

Let it happen.

The age of television is fading, and a new age of smug anime girls has dawned. The media was a realm where only one voice was heard from a single side; now its crops have withered in the grounds that were once full of nutrients. They must adventure into the realms of the internet. The realms where everyone will be more than happy to correct a mistake or something you said that was bullshit. These native users shed hostile remarks at your failures from not an instigation of heart or value, but from their own self feeding smug; it is a system of control only the user does on their own will -something the media will never understand. They spend their lives living off sheep, and now they must somehow live off wolves.

They are hiliariously stupid. It reminded me of idiocracy movie.


they already committed suicide by throwing everything they had at Trump

now that that didn't work, they have 2 months to spread fud before Trump shuts them down

How can you trust national opinion polls when the white population has been diluted with blacks and muslims? :^)

Except we will make those assets fully peer-to-peer and imageboards so nothing can be hijacked. Game over.

The media's Sampson option

If they try and become like us they will realize why they resorted to insults and shaming in the first place.

Maybe. The Washington Post is definitely committing journalistic suicide with their latest 'Fake News' article quoting an anonymous group that blames popular news websites like the Drudge Report for the success of 'russian propaganda' in the US

Since only 30%(down from 55% in 1999 and it's only inflated by dumbshit democrats who have 50% confidence, Republicans trust is at 14%) of the population trusted the media back in September I honestly wonder what it is now.

Are they holding off on polling that out of sheer embarrassment?

It seems as though "fake news" is an attempt at creating a sort of lightning rod for the public consciousness, to try and misdirect all the anger everyone's feeling at being lied to all the time.

That is, trust in the media is at an all-time low, and everyone generally knows not to trust anything they read or see on TV even if they don't know specific lies offhand. By introducing the concept of "fake news" and claiming that "oh, it's all these LIARS on the INTERNET who aren't REAL journalists - but you can always trust CNN!" they're attempting to regain control of the normalfags who aren't paying close attention.

It's probably too little too late, though. The damage to the MSM's credibility has been so great, it's gotten to the point that Americans are LESS likely to believe someone if they're told they're an "expert" in whatever they're discussing.

I wonder if Scott Adams has said anything on the subject?

They simply haven't been prepared, and are lashing out in desperation. Their (((masters))) hadn't expected this level of fightback from the white man, because they assumed they had thoroughly programmed him to their preferences and convenience (white guilt/nationalism is racist/all cultures are equal/gender is a social construct etc.,etc.).

As has always happened throughout history, the kikes get ahead of themselves, and assume the systems that allow them to manipulate their victims are not merely constructs upheld by the will of the very people (((they))) exploit.

The kikes' ability and willingness to hide in plain sight is their greatest strength, but when they accrue enough power, they somewhat lose interest in maintaining the deceit, because they think they've won. This arrogance is their downfall.

or preparing for the fema death camps.

not till january

its actually to make the biggest threat to their race, white people, become weaker

I think part of the media problem is that they genuinely believe their own shit. they never get exposed to alternate points of view

censoring other news sites from search results could be considered a violation of the anti-trust laws

I'm frankly a little bit curious if this was all intended to happen. Killing off the freedom of the press while actually enjoying it, when back then some had integrity and would never want to see them vanish like we have now. idk, the press is not to bad unless alt media gets the throne of attention.


why not both?

It's in transition.

We need to purge pedos worldwide first.
We need trump to lay precedent.

>alternatively - in germany the allowance of "sharia law" due to religious freedom is dangerous precedent exploitable by Christians and even pagans or follows of the true faith that is pic related.

Why am I not surprised?



Also most of those Jews are chairdwellers, they do not go out and work with the people they are trying to manipulate and they themselves get lied to.
Take the (((doctors))) for example, people learn that if they lie about some symptoms and if Dr. Goldstein is too busy trying to make more shekels they will get the prescriptions they want, but end-result, people also lied to them.

When talking about millions of people, those CEO's do not talk to people like Trump for example. They keep pushing their changes and agendas into the people they only (((study))) with really biased polls. After a couple of generations people are doing the same things they did to jew them, so when shit hits the fan and societies come to what we are experiencing right now crumbling their whole system down.
And because they were too fucking deep in their own asses, they do not comprehend the "sudden" change on peoples world-views. People always had those doubts, they just needed a little proof that those doubts were right. That is why Holla Forums is always right.

They only follow a theoretical model on societies and on human beings, they only follow numbers and words but they forget something really important. People are not only numbers and words, they hold a fundamental principle inside them. Evolution. People will adapt, learn and evolve into their environment.
Humanity will succeed

They only follow profits and gaining leverage.

GG is a good case study of what they're trying to do.

If you look back at it pretty much all you'll see is the mainstream narrative. Only the people involved really know the truth. Any normie who hears about it now and looks into it will see their side of the story and not what really happened. To some extent there are real accounts, but they wont show up in kikepedia or top 5 results of jewgle search.

The reason they (mostly) succeeded was that they were able to effectively silence the truth. GG was a small number of people with no money or ability to really present their side. However with GG the narrative cracked. There were plenty of jewtube videos of what really happened and some non-poz sources like Breitbart and knowyourmeme. The internet allowed anyone with a interest in finding truth to find it, but too few people were interested for it to really matter in the long term.

Trump is different because so many people were interested and he had the power to make news. They couldn't drown him out. If you look back 10 years from now you'll think he was literally Hitler, but when you look at objective sources like jobs and crime numbers he'll have been effective.

They'll win the long game. Only their accounts of what happened will remain. Same as it is with literal Hitler.

That is if they arent destroyed in the short term.

Some folks only have (1) thing to say, then they move on instead of sperging up an entire thread trying to "get the last word".

Banzai charge.
Their handlers know that they are finished so they are killing them in a spectacular finish.
but don't get your hopes up.
ALL those shekels, that were intended for MSM media are going into the alternative internet media.

Mark my words, the will try to subvert and coopt these too.
E-celebs are just a wonky start.
Soon we'll see astroturfing levels that we didn't even know are possible.
Prepare for complete confusion of information from the internet and even Holla Forums.
Labeling it "fake news" is just a start.

Holla Forums will have to be working extra shifts to go through the shit.

They may have actually fucked up, collectively, they're way too exposed to survive currently and probably know so.

You should brace yourself for an eventful 2017.

Disinformation* Age

Each generation gets/has to write its own history of events deemed detrimental to said generations own development. Hitler has been rewritten at least two times already and will be rewritten again and again. Untill he has finally been around for so long that he will take his place with other half-mythical movers of history. With Genghis Khan, Temur Lenk and the likes. When that happens, so much time will have passed that most emotion surounding him will be gone. All historical figures get to that point eventually. That is when you achieve the largest level of objectivity. When the emotion is gone. Whether fond or terrified.

GG is likely to be rewritten within the next presidental cycle. That will be a battle, but a battle which can be won. The whole SJW paradigme is crumbling. Let their crimes be told!

I would wager that this will be their main angle. They have already devoted immense resources toward achieving this in the rest of the West, and they have the entry-point of hate speech as the legal framework to start it seriously there.

They might also ride a new wave of CP hysteria to help push it through completely.

The US is a harder beast to tackle because of our deeply-seated value of the freedom of spoech, but that has never stopped them from constantly attacking it. We need to be especially vigilant here, and Eurobros need to be working toward instituting the freedom of speech in legislation and rolling back existing speech laws.

When I first heard "fake news" I thought it was a concept being pushed against the MSM. I can't believe they thought this was a good idea. I have never seen a term that is so begging to be turned against the originator.

The media has already committed suicide. This is just gas escaping from the corpse.

And that's when I show them CNN's fake Gulf War broadcast, Larry King telling Bill Clinton off-air that Ted Turner would "serve you," and the wonderful recent occurrence of a camera man pretending to be an angry anti-Trump protestor.

US is not the entire world, o massive one.

Burger here what the fuck is TV Licensing? You paid for the TV you also have to pay for a license to have the TV? Like a Automatic Weapons license?

What an absolute cartel, my country may be cucked but at least we don't have the Jews outright intimidating us to try and force us to pay to be propagandised.

This is why Obama turned over ICANN to the UN. The US has free speech protections. The "international community" doesn't.

King Nigger doesn't care that he committed treason by giving away what is literally the greatest IP asset this nation ever had. He only cares about sticking it to whitey.

We're going to need an alternate DNS system pretty soon. I had high hopes for Namecoin but it was designed as a vehicle for speculation first, and as a DNS alternative second.

More like a drivers license: easy to get (by paying) and the govt assumes everyone has/needs one. For now, at least.

Alternate DNS has been around as long as the WWW.


So it would be similar to someone showing up at my doorstep asking if my state issued ID is up to date?
If so that is fucking retarded. Why not just put up a sign stating that they should fuck off?



OpenNIC looks like our best bet right now.
Holla Forums got .chan accepted as a new TLD last year.
With developing technologies like ZeroNet and IPFS/IPNS getting better by the month the future is looking really good toward working at a fully decentralized wild-west-anything-goes kind of web. In a few years I'd bet some distributed chan will become Holla Forums's successor mainly because it's so much cheaper to host when y


There is literally nothing wrong with drugs in moderation and with sufficient knowledge.

straight edge fags gtfo


They can already freely censor the internet. ICANN went through.

Gas yourself and anyone else who believes this shitty train of thought.

I don't think Ashkenazi jews have much genetic potential to gain muscle. Sephardim do, the darker more arab-looking jews.

You do understand the Germans used methamphetamine as a pep pill during WWII right?

Yes, and it is beautiful.

Trump is calling back the zogbot military to deal with ((civil unrest)) you astroturfers,all you have to do is take over the government with the help of right-wing parties,its clear as day now.

Ignore it,he's probably a confused christicuck who thinks nazis were crazy crusading bible-thumpers and satan personaly plants all the weedon the soil and later sells it to druglords for the blood of virgin children.There is no saving guys likethat.

Media is a tool. An asset in a propaganda war. They're just using it up.

Don't worry, next one will come, they have enough money to push everything they want. 50x breibarts, 1000s of shills on non-controlled sites, 100s of censors on controlled ones.

They also lost WWII.

I don't think so.


Seriously, goys, why aren't you faggots memeing this?

Thats…. actually a possible Sampson Option for them at this point.
Didn't consider that one.

Could also suit western governments to flood all lines with disinformation, similar to Russian domestic disinformation. Perhaps there is method to the whole "fake news" push madness? Maybe the goal is to drown the information revolution in an ocean of disinfo.

They'd probably just ignore it, but you don't have to answer them at all anyway.

Faggots keep talking like the election of Trump was some kind of final victory over the kikes. It was one battle faggots. Kikes still control the corporate media; the FED i.e. the money supply; the largest commercial banks; Hollywood; the largest commercial enterprizes (in particular IT); most major think-tanks; and the State Department.

They still control the Overton Window of public discourse, despite minor inroads being made (which they're now cracking down on).

Faggots are deluded if they think the USA is once again a 'free country'. 'Muricans continue to be mind slaves, including those who think the God Emperor can roll back two centuries of subversion and infiltration in four years, and including those who think he even wants to.

If you want to end kike rule, you have to remove the tools of kike rule. First and foremost, you have to outlaw usury and take back control of the money supply. Anyone who tries that will be dead before they sign the orders.

I'll tell you wtf these 'idiots' are doing OP. They're exercising their absolute power over you, just like they told you they would in their fucking protocols. This is what happens when people abandon anti-Talmudism for Talmudic atheism and its concept of 'liberal democracy'. But faggots be too fond of internet pr0n and other degenerency. Faggots be making no $ from usury themselves, but want the right to make $ from it and, worse, think that usury is fundamental to capitalism.

For the last time, faggots, there is no victory to be had at the ballot box. No master ever gave up his slaves in the face of a popular vote.

When you kikes had your Bolshevik revolution back there in 1917, one of the first things you did was outlaw Orthodoxy before sending 60m 'Christicucks' to their deaths.

Who needs Satan personally when he has millions of kike servants ready to do his bidding?

No he won't, they don't get to control the narrative in the current or in retrospect anymore.

The Narrative belongs to us now.


hippieliberal cuckchristians deserve gulag, fight for your rights, or perish

They did you fucking moron. They kicked the kike out and now they're fighting to prevent the kike plans for Greater Kike-real. It's only a few years since they either locked up or kicked out the leading members of the Khazarian mafia.

Yes faggot. Even after 80 years of kike persecution, those Russian 'Christicucks' were able to rise up and eject the kikes. And we shouldn't be surprised. These same 'Christicucks' had the good sense to keep the kikes in a massive open air prison while Western whites gave up their religion of anti-Talmudism (also known as Christianity) and pledged full allegiance to kike bankers.

All Muricans should be fucking ashamed of ourselves. We're the ones who haven't fought for our rights. We're the ones who're completely cucked and who want to let faggots use little girls bathrooms. We're the ones who watch kike tv, kikewood movies, play kike videogames. Where the fuck do you find hippies in Russ?

Stop being a faggot Schlomo, or don't, but go to one of those AIDS roulette parties or something.

Good job faggot for suggesting more subverted cesspool. Kill yourself

That still wouldn't stop independent journalists and bloggers from getting a story. In fact it would only cause more distrust of the MSM assumingt they're going that route. Regardless, we must make sure that trust in the MSM sources remains low by reporting what they don't.